Offering Incense to Caesar: Are You Ready?


Covered a bunch of topics today on the program—a few announcements about the upcoming debates in Salt Lake City and in Australia started us off. Then we looked at some comments from Bassam Zawadi regarding the view of some Christian apologists of the Bible and the resurrection. Also looked through Romans 8:31 -34 in response to Dr. David Allen’s assertion that there are no texts in Scripture that connect atonement and election. But most of my time was focused upon the controversy that came up when Drew Brees recorded a completely innocuous little video about bringing your Bible to school. Well, it was posted by Focus on the Family, and since Focus hasn’t been willing to bow the knee to the LGBTQ deity, well, Drew must pay. Talked about persecution in the early church, different types of apostasy, and how each Christian today must decide when Caesar is demanding we bow the knee in areas where we simply cannot today. Visit the store at

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Well greetings welcome to The Dividing Line, my name is James White got a lot to get to today Don't know even where to start
Suppose it would be good to make sure you know what's going on in just a couple of weeks I've heard people are actually to be traveling to attend everything we've got going on up in Salt Lake City, so Make sure everybody knows what's going on on Thursday, let me get this thing back down to its right size there on Let's see, this would be
Thursday October 3rd And If you if you find the
Orthodox Presbyterian Church page Jason Walsh up in Salt Lake, you'll be able to get all this stuff.
But on the 3rd is when Jeff Durbin and I are doing the debate on atheism with two atheists from the
Utah Atheists on The fourth is my dialogue. What is truth with Alma Allred?
fifth is general conference in the morning and Then in the evening, we just announced this at Christ Presbyterian Church, which is 8630
West Magna Main Street It's on the west side of Salt Lake City out there toward where all the the mines are
I'm going to be doing a debate with Lee Baker. The New Testament has been deceptive, has the
New Testament been Deceptively changed and is untrustworthy. So if you remember last week,
I think it was exactly a week ago today is When I went through the 15 points that Lee Baker had had posted and I went nope.
No, this is true. And here's why and So Jason Walsh came up with the idea.
Hey, what do you think? And and so I said nah, I'd never do that.
Well, he built so That is on Saturday evening and Sunday morning Sunday school and Sunday morning service.
I'll be preaching. So this is not a Vacation by any stretch of the imagination wouldn't have been one way or the other
But this is gonna be a crazy crazy time and then I fly back on Sunday and Tuesday head for Australia so one day in between it's
Gonna be absolutely insane. We're gonna Abdullah Cunda and I are going to be doing debate in Australia on Thursday the 17th,
I think in Sydney Finally found a
Muslim who would be willing to debate the Apostle Paul a true follower of Jesus or an innovator
Because obviously from any Islamic perspective you You have to take that perspective.
You can't what do you what are you gonna do? What do you say? The author of the
Quran clearly knows nothing of the New Testament knows nothing of Paul's writings and Contradicts those writings fundamentally all the
New Testament writings, but especially the Pauline letters are the real obvious ones So anyway, so yeah,
I think I get back From Let's see
Why won't this scroll I don't know why I won't scroll There we go.
I guess have to use the touchpad for some reason. Um, let me see.
I think I get back two days before ref con Reform con and so yeah, and that's looks like it'll be
The one Right at two weeks prior to leaving for London So I've said once this trip starts the end of September I'm gonna wake up the next day and it's gonna be
Christmas. So that's just sort of how this is going to go So that will be on Saturday October 5th, it will be the debate with with Lee Baker.
So for those of you all excited about that. I'm I'm excited to be able to provide answers to Bad arguments, but that's they are they're just bad arguments they're not based upon any serious interaction with meaningful
Christian scholarship as far as the textual history of the Bible or theology or any of those things so We will do the best that we can do and hope that the
Lord blesses from that That point so there is that Real quickly
I saw some of you have been seeing the tweets from the
Wheaton professor Esau Macaulay and This one started things a question that I can't stop asking if all translation is interpretation stop.
It's not All translation involves interpretation but putting an equal sign there
Which is what is is is the foundation of this problem? That's that's not true but if all translation is interpretation and interpretation is influenced by social location stop
Interpretation can be and to an extent maybe but not all
Interpretation is interpreted by social location. So we've got two problems already. This is your standard critical theory style of approach
What does it mean that most of our English Bibles were translated with very few black or other
Christians of color or women involved So here's your intersectionality coming in and here's your critical theory coming in Wheaton's infected but almost there you can you can pretty much put on two hands a number of Christian Colleges and universities today that are not in fact deeply influenced by critical theory and intersectionality
Everything goes along with it today But but here you have it very plainly at at Wheaton.
I Responded to this I did not get any responses to my knowledge to what
I what I wrote but It has no more impact
Upon the translation of the Bible than the fact that there were no women involved in writing the Bible either
So who cares The fact is there were no pasty white
Europeans involved in writing the Bible either and So all of this identity politics standpoint epistemology is foolishness foolishness foolishness
It needs to be seen for what it is Christians need to stop playing footsie with this just because just because they want to be seen to be why is the world
There's no difference between this the foolishness of this and Darwinian Evolutionary theory and a lot of you have given into that too.
So hey, you know Christians just want to be just want to be loved by everybody and There's there's lots of people that are willing to buy into this foolishness, but it is that it's just simply foolishness
What does it mean the most of our English Bible was translated with very few black or other Christians of color women involved absolutely positively nothing absolutely positively nothing and Then he had a later tweet where he was asking, you know, what should what should
Bible? What should future Bible translation committees look like and how should they strive for?
Inclusivity and all the rest this type of stuff and my response was they should first of all We don't need any English translations period.
We've got all that we could possibly need The major translations that are still functional and worthwhile have still have functioning translation committees and Those translation committees should be well stocked by people who are experts in translating the foreign languages into English Doesn't matter what the grandpa or the great -grandpa was doesn't matter what their gender is.
It's irrelevant completely totally 1000 % Irrelevant and I'm not gonna play the game of trying to oh, hey, by the way, did did we get the teleprompter working is you know, because You know cuz
I cuz I can only I can only say what I'm told to say so I'm just want to make sure that that is this is this old stuff that we're doing here or you know, cuz
Yeah, put that microphone down dude. You get get I already got us in enough trouble I Sorry, but We didn't get our notes today man, yeah, we did
I didn't get the show notes So I don't know what to talk about. I'm I have no original thoughts of my home Yeah, anyway, so anyhow, yeah those were they they've got
Esau Macaulay at Ed Wheaton and It's it's sad
Next I Am gonna get to the Drew Brees stuff. Don't worry. I I'm just getting the other stuff that I had thrown into the
You know rush talks about his pile and So I have I have a couple things fact.
I didn't fire up. I suppose I should Wow I'll probably fire this up and go. Oh, that's what I was gonna talk about.
But I do I do a couple things I do I do
Yeah, okay, it's funny first first thing up was another thing from Esau Macaulay Same same fellow but I use
Evernote, so when I'm reading stuff online, I can just pop it into into Evernote and and and there it is and Then I I do screenshots and throw them in the
Dropbox and that's what I'm looking at now are screenshots from Facebook and stuff like that And that's basically
I don't have As much as some people would like to pretend that they are
I don't have people writing stuff up for me. I don't have people doing show notes Rich doesn't know rich does his thing and he just comes in and finds out what
I'm gonna talk about When I start talking about it It's me myself and I and yeah
There's a couple folks on Twitter and Facebook that will drop links that are that are interesting and useful and stuff like that, but That's about all there is to it.
I'm sure I'd have a wider Range of things like, you know, I am gonna tie in what?
dr. Moeller is talking about this morning with the Whole issue of homosexuality and drag queens and Kids as drag queens and the the insanity of our of our society or the evil insanity of our society
And so there's stuff like that. But no, we don't have any teleprompters and anyone who thinks
That they are writing my stuff for me. They're delusional But we've known that for a while now anyway
But Sam's a wadi is a Muslim apologist I debated him once I'd like to see if that we could do that again, or if not debate we could have some dialogues.
I Mentioned last last time I mentioned something from the psalm was just last week and I said, you know, it's it's weird
I'll be sitting there reading the psalm stuff and When it comes to a lot of things
It's it's just like when I read Patrick Madrid stuff Where we we see the same problems and we're stunned by the same stupidity taking place in society and then when you get to the solution all sudden
The the the paths depart because he's a Muslim and I'm a Christian or Patrick Madrid's a
Roman Catholic and I'm not and Reject that as a fundamentally flawed system of religion, but but it is interesting to Helpful to understand how other people think and to interact with them along those lines.
So Sometime last week the psalm got on a roll when it came to I don't know if he was watching some stuff in preparation for Something on the subject the resurrection or crucifixion or whatever it might be
But this one especially caught my attention. And so let me read it to you When Christian apologists like Michael Lycona debate the alleged wait a minute
There is a this one came first in my reading. I want to start with the one that came first the reading I'm not sure if it's the same
Yeah, no this one actually came first chronologically back up Today, I listened to Christian apologist
Michael Lycona say quote. I don't like reading the Old Testament and And I wrote to him and I got the link and That's exactly
What he said? I you know, I wanted to know what the what the context of that of that was and That was exactly what he had said and so because I was like, you know, what's
There could be a lot of things that Would raise that kind of assertion or thing like that, but oh, man,
I gotta remember to wonder if there's a way I can mark that and because there's a I saw something else
I was going oh, I'm gonna talk about that and I'll just never remember with everything else that I've got here, but He did say that and He says, you know,
I I don't I don't like to write read the Old Testament And it's all within that same area of discussion of where we're talking about the issue of doubts and and his his argument that As long as the resurrection is true
Then everything else is you know, just simply goes along with it. So here's what he had said
Lycona said I have a lot of unanswered questions. There are things that bother me. They worry me I think one thing
I've learned I learned this from Gary Habermas a mentor of mine I would come to him and I'd say what about this and what about this and he'd say did
Jesus rise from the dead? Yeah, okay. Well, why is that bothering you? Yeah, but there's debate today among scholars who wrote
Matthew Did Matthew actually write the Gospel of Matthew? Well Mike did Jesus rise from the dead? Yeah, well if Matthew didn't write
Matthew would Christianity still be true if Jesus rose from the dead? Yeah Well, then why is it bothering you so much
Bart Ehrman? We've had five debates He would point out all these different contradictions and errors in the
Bible and I'd say well, I don't grant those to you Bart But look if Jesus rose from the dead Christianity is true, even if were to be the case that some things in the
Bible aren't and he agreed Well, what's the big deal then? That's the response that that's the response that has provoked for me
So yes, I have a lot of unanswered questions. Yes, there are some things in the Bible that troubled me Honestly, I don't like to read the
Old Testament But I've learned to put things into perspective if Jesus rose from the dead Christianity is true period
That helps we keep the main thing the main thing so I don't worry about a lot of those things anymore They don't really bother me nearly as much because it's all in perspective
Now I've studied the historical evidence resurrection of Jesus and I'm thoroughly convinced that happened So these other things just don't bother me.
Okay, we've all heard this. We've we've gone over this over and over again We've pointed out the incoherence of this position.
It is an incoherent position To on the one hand throw the
Old Testament out and then the other hand say Jesus rose from the dead But I can't tell you what that means
It's even though it was prophesied. That's all in the Old Testament. I don't like the Old Testament to to Shred the fabric of the faith in this way is incoherent and we have said this we have we have
Demonstrated it we've talked about it It's the same thing that comes up with of course with Andy Stanley and unhooking the
Old Testament and all the rest this kind of stuff So here is a Muslim He says today
I listen to Christian apologist Michael Icona say I don't like reading the Old Testament I've heard other Christian apologists saying things like that.
They find many parts the Old Testament to be disturbing. I mean seriously What kind of reverence for God's Word do you display when you speak like that?
Why on earth do you even believe in it if it if that's your attitude toward it? The way some Christian apologists speak about their
Bible makes you wonder why non -christians are supposed to think any better of their scriptures Yeah, where's the mic to drop?
When when the other side Gets it hears it and goes
Yeah, y 'all ain't y 'all aren't seeing this now Bassam knows that we've seen it and that we've pointed it out and he's aware of that but it is
Troubling that there are so many Christians That don't see it and this just close a blind eye to it or even agree.
Well, yeah It's a nice way to go. It's it helps to get around this that or the other thing doesn't help to get around anything
Why should Muslims come to accept well again Those folks are incrementalists they are you know
Let's let's get them to believe in the resurrection And then you can start working on the nature of God and you know, eventually we can get around to scripture
It may be many years down the road. I'm not sure how you supposed to all that other stuff without scripture It's all part of divine revelation
It makes no sense to me whatsoever. It doesn't make sense to a lot of other folks and that includes folks on the other side of Of the of the battle lines they see it and go.
What are you all talking about? That doesn't make any sense Then the other thing he said was when
Christian apologists like Michael Icona debate the alleged resurrection of Christ they prevent their opponents from advancing any theological and philosophical objections and Try to restrict the debate to the domain of history for them
Christ alleged resurrection is only a historical question. Okay Well, it is a historical question
But it is a historical question that is presented by the Christian scriptures in the midst of a tremendous amount of theology prophecy atonement
Redemption the kingdom All these things. It's not just a historical reality and I would say
That for example, I think the year after Bassam and I debated I think it was the year after maybe before I think is the year after we did a debate the same church on not not
Bassam and I but Sammy's authority and I did a debate on The crucifixion and Sammy turned it into a debate on the resurrection
He had to because I would suggest to Bassam the historical
Realm for the Muslim is extremely troubling because the Quran puts you with 40
Arabic words with no commentary from the Hadith puts you in a situation where You're having to defend the indefensible.
You really are But I get what you're saying is Is that These folks do turn it into an event
That has to be evaluated Differently than the Apostles evaluated it and proclaimed it
Because the Apostles proclaimed it This is what Moses and the Prophet said was going to happen
This demonstrates that Jesus truly was who he claimed to be. He is the one who's found his kingdom bow the knee
They didn't they never argued well, you know the greater probability of the preponderance of the evidence is
That it's more likely that Jesus rose from the dead. We're not saying that that means anything about who he was
That's a different issue and you're not gonna really get a look at you know, what the Gospels say and I get it
You know, I agree but It still
Doesn't excuse the Muslim Who will try to raise solely?
Theological objections to the resurrection and just not deal with the historical reality of the
Quran You're you're if you're going to criticize for example
If you're going to use argumentation against The New Testament against the
Synoptic Gospels, for example and do what Shabir always does and what
Yusuf always does and that is argue that there is this Evolutionary development from Mark to Matthew from Mark to Luke to Matthew, etc, etc
Then you've got to recognize that you are putting forth an entire corpus of words of Jesus in the
Quran That have zero zero historical
Pedigree to them before the Quran comes into existence and even if you put that in 632 you're still talking over half a millennium after the time of Jesus and so you're you're you're operating on two completely different planes
Even if you take later dates, not radically later dates, but later dates for the Gospels put them after AD 70 or something like that You're still dealing with first century documents versus Sixth and well seventh century documents
Even going with the Muslim understanding of when the Quran as a corpus comes into existence So Let's let's we've got it.
Those are some of the things that need to be discussed He goes on to say with all due respect to Laikon and others They simply have no right to do so history is not the only epistemic tool at our disposal here if a strong Theological argument could be leveled against the doctrine of resurrection.
Well, then it must be addressed History by Laikon is admission only serves to proffer speculative knowledge at best side note
We Muslims would be more nuanced when making such a claim Thus if one could offer a theological or philosophical argument which offers
Definitive knowledge then that should take epistemic precedence over speculative knowledge This is regardless of the epistemic tool used what truly counts at the end of the day is
Reliability the outputted knowledge itself hence a Muslim who has definitive philosophical and theological reasons for rejecting
Christianity as well within bounds of reason to dismiss from the get -go any speculative historical arguments advanced for Christ's alleged resurrection well,
I Doubt that Laikon would accept the idea of that.
All he's presenting is a speculative historical argument and I really wonder that you know for major portions major portions of the early
Islamic narrative Wouldn't you have speculative historical arguments for a large portion of it
I get what you're saying and I believe that the
Historical arguments and the prophetic argument and the theological argument all weave together to make one very very strong argument
For the resurrection of Jesus Christ the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and then the resurrection of Jesus Christ But you know, so I would
I would offer a different perspective, but I also understand that there is a correct recognition that when
Christians try to artificially limit the range So as to minimize the areas that they have to deal with that it's inappropriate
And I've again been saying that for a very very Very long time one more thing
Oh, oh, well, okay two more things During this
Conversation this reasonable faith apologetics panel Laikona said to because it was with William Lane Craig and Mark Middleburg Here's something like I said, hey
Bill I had an idea I'd like to run past you and see what you think Of course, there's no perfect illustration
But let's suppose that I video record the Super Bowl and I know the end result Now when I go back and I watch the
Super Bowl each of the players had complete free will and what they were doing in The coach. All right, let's punt it rather than going for the field goal for the
Falcons at the end Bill and I both live in the Atlanta area. So he knows what I'm talking about So I know what they're going to do
But they had total free will in the process to make that but I knew before I watched it on the
DVR I knew what they were going to do So just having foreknowledge of what they're going to do doesn't impact the fact they had free will now
Now we've all heard this one before this is nothing new This is not some groundbreaking concept
And Craig's response is I think that's right Mike knowledge isn't a causal factor in this
Is it both of them on a theological level just face -planted? I mean, that's the only way
I can put it This is face plantingly bad. Why because they just drew a direct parallel between God's knowledge and man's knowledge
They knew what was going to happen Because it happened in the past they had come into knowledge of what happened in the past and were then simply watching a
Recording of what happened in the past so you're gonna you're actually good parallel that with God so God comes to find out what men are going to do and that basically
God's interaction with history is like God watching the DVR of the
Atlanta Falcons in the Super Bowl Do you really want to go there? That's not even
Molinism, that's not that's not even that's not even the Molinist even Molina had a much higher view of God's sovereignty and His knowledge than is presented in that it was
I'm It's bad But you are stuck with a
God who created Now that and this is why
I the Craig should have said no not even close because there's a Molinist that that doesn't work Throw it out, but he didn't so there you go but God created and He creates all the possibilities of these things happening and all the evil and everything else
But then he comes to know what's going to happen just as you came to know what was going to happen in the
Super Bowl, even though the reality had already taken place and Then you reduce
History to Mankind simply doing what God already has for knowledge.
They're going to do But it's something God learned. There's no sovereignty there There's no reason whatsoever for God to be glorified
For any because there's no interaction See you could not interact as you're watching the
Super Bowl With what's going on the screen? You could not try to call the coach it's too late
You can't reach that guy's cell phone to tell him what's going to happen in the future You can't
God could not change anything history And the future is a fixed reality and it was not fixed by God's decree in any way shape or form and so You really want to make that a parallel That that's
Wow Really really really bad. No, that's not how
God knows future events Okay, one more before we go to the the
Drew Drew Brees stuff here Yesterday He was yesterday last night.
Maybe this morning. I don't know anyway We have a tweet from dr.
David Allen That Was linked to and some article yes,
Jesus did die for the sins of everyone limit atonement remains a doctrine in search of a text When when we when we finally have someone providing meaningful in -depth exegetical responses to all the texts
We've presented rather than just simply dodging them. Maybe we can take such claims seriously, but You can write hundreds of pages of Obfuscation but Not actual serious interaction and then the statement was made
There is no atonement text in Scripture stating that God intends to save only elect the elect there is no atonement text of Scripture saying that God wills only the salvation of the elect and so I rather cheekily
Responded by referring to a number of texts one, you know and of course
Immediately the anti -calvinists, you know come running onto the stage to wave their flags and and do things like that That's just their their thing.
But the the one I primarily focused upon was Romans chapter 8 once again
Because no matter how hard the best of this I'd try you you have to Find a way to get around what is being said in the golden chain and in the law court that follows after the golden chain
Sometimes we skip that sometimes we don't see that we should we need to recognize that it's there because it's vitally important Because after the golden chain redemption where God is the action actor
God is the one doing all of the actions himself Paul says in verse 31 of Romans 8 what then shall we say to these things if God is for us?
Who can be against us now? The us has already been defined but it's can be redefined in the context as well
The one who did not spare his own son but in behalf of us
Haman the same Haman that was in verse 31 If it so in verse 31 if God is who pair
Haman for us Tethkoth Haman who can be against us
If God did not spare his own son, but delivered him up who pair Haman same phrase found in verse 31 but delivered him up for us all and Notice that the pareidokon is paradidomi the same term
It's used in the Gospels of the and I think Hebrews as well of Jesus being given over And this is clearly by the way, this is clearly an atonement text in The context of the elect this fulfills everything that David Allen says isn't there.
It's right there right there and The day that David Allen is
Willing to debate this text full on Nothing but the
Greek text of Romans 8 28 through 38 is the day that I'm on a plane to Dallas to do it at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and He knows that Dr.
Allen if you really believe this let's do it Let's debate this. There's some other guys that like to debate in Dallas.
So Dallas is a is a target -rich environment as has been said in the military lingo
But delivered him over for us all that's substitutionary language, that's
Atonement language in the context of election language How shall he not together with him freely give
Karisatai From which we get Karis graciously gift freely give us tap on to all things
Who Will bring a charge Legal terminology will bring a charge against the elect of God.
It doesn't get any plainer than this Here you have election the elect of God the giving over of the
Sun. It's all right here Who will bring a charge against the elect of God, how about who will bring a charge against Anyone because Christ has died for everyone, right?
see Paul's operating on a completely different foundation than David Allen operates one David Allen's operating upon the foundation of the idea of Possibility and As Layton flowers puts it probability making things possible
Paul's not operating on that reality. That's not what the golden chain is about The golden chain puts everything in the past because it is in the past in the sense of Reality from God's perspective.
It's a part of his decree. It cannot be Destroyed it cannot be undone
God will accomplish his purpose. So who will bring a charge against the elect of God God is the one justifying
Who is the one condemning Christ Jesus the one who died rather who was raised who is also at the right hand of God who?
Also intercedes who pair hey moan, you can't split this stuff up You've got who pair hey moan up in 31 32.
Now here it is in 34. It's tying all of it together It's substitutionary. It's specific.
It's about the elect and it's about atonement. It's right there.
I What does the one who is at the right hand of the father do he intercedes who pair hey moan he is not interceding for every single human being and Michael Brown and I have discussed this
I've thrown this out to all these people. They don't have answers for that They want to stay focused.
Oh, but yeah, but over here in first John 2 to know Let's let's talk about what the high priest actually does when he's seated at the right hand of the father
What does that intercession mean man? They don't want to go there for love nor money Because if they have to say well, he's interceding for everyone
They know what that means and they know what the result of that will be so they want to go there They don't want to go there so dr.
Allen you keep throwing this stuff out there and People are gonna keep asking you.
Hey if you're really so confident The James White has demonstrated over the course of 170 so far
Moderated public debates that number is gonna go up a whole lot over the next couple of months Rather radically fast.
In fact, I was watching I Pulled up because sigh and I think his brother were
Chatting about now if we can just get Jeff Durbin to have the right view of baptism and My response was don't worry
I think Jeff and I have that covered and I went and I got the link to the debate with Bill Shishko and So I dropped that in there and sighs like, uh, you know
Cuz I was at apology on Sunday. He sat a few rows back behind me and Jeff hit out of the park.
It was it was great. But anyway, so I I happened to Turn on because I wanted to watch the opening with Chris where Chris What he's talking about What he's talking about Rich Jensen, yeah.
Yeah. What's this thing back here? I must be a kiddie pool. Yeah, right Yeah, they've got baptistry back there.
And but then he was introducing Rich Jensen And he said he said he was the the youngest
Nassau County Well, he was the youngest he's not now anymore the youngest
Nassau County Detective and then he said Something like and he was he was involved with the
Amityville horror murder case. He said not as a participant The camera happened to be on rich when he said it and he just about just fell out of his chair
I think you can see me too and It's just Anytime and and then of course a rich gets up he says he says
My job is to keep this debate going Not let it get stalled and hence in the pursuit of my job
One of my biggest jobs is to keep the microphone out of Chris Arnzen's hand Anyway, how'd
I get on to that? Oh the the the baptism the baptism thing But the point was went out when
Chris introduced me that was 2006 When Chris introduced me, he said
I had done more than 50 moderated public debates So in the past 13 years 120 is nearly that's like nine a year.
That's ridiculous as As Clementine said I was on FaceTime with Clementine over the weekend and she was asking me about What debates are and I told her and she said you've done too many
It's like okay, well, I guess I'll have to retire because Clementine said I'm done so anyways the point is dr.
Allen You cannot make the argument That this would not be a
Scholarly respectful controlled focused debate
Because it would be and everybody knows it would be and our argument is
You cannot stand toe -to -toe in the Greek text you sir wrote the numeric and commentary on the book of Hebrews So, you know some people will say well, you know, you've taught
Greek over the years I'm not going to do the Bible, but you have I don't see what the excuse can be here I really really don't we're both published authors.
We've both taught for years in seminary We both have credentials in Greek Why not?
Why not? Let's do it. Let's do it Okay, all right,
I'll close that one down there. There we go. So Boy Twitter is really quiet today
All right let's um Let's get to the important part Well, not that any of that was not important.
I'm not don't don't take me wrong there. I'm teaching a church history class tonight for apologia
We're going really slow That's just I'm gonna be a part of history before we get very far into history at the rate that we're going
But that's okay. It's sort of fun just to sit there for two hours and sort of slowly go through You know, we'll probably get to Ignatius this evening.
Maybe Won't get we may not even finish him up. I don't know. We'll see but one of the key issues to deal with when
You're looking at the early church, I Think one of the one of the greatest weaknesses of modern evangelicals is that they don't know the early church
We don't talk about the early church, and I do obviously But we're weird
And I'm You know Still relatively new to apology. I haven't been there a year yet.
It's coming up in a couple months But one of the things that I Immediately started doing is
Want to introduce people to some of those early writers and to get them used to the fact that they didn't look identical to us
They don't have to But we can still learn from them Even if their context was different than ours and their dress was different than ours and their liturgy was different than ours
The issue is what did they believe? What was what was the core of the faith? And what did they have especially in those first few centuries in comparison what we have and what
How much more consistent should we be given how much we have? then
What they strove for and they did strive for consistency, but didn't have nearly what you and I have anyway
Because we don't know the early church. We don't know how the early church responded to persecution and And There are a lot of parallels a lot of parallels
Between the worldview that is being embraced by our
Culture and The worldview of the Roman Empire the totalitarian state and Of course
Rome could never have even dreamed of the kind of totalitarianism That China is producing today could never have dreamed of it.
Even Orwell couldn't dream of The kind of technological advancement that unfortunately
We possess today which can be used for good and Can be used greatly for evil as it's being greatly used for evil in China today to enforce godless
Behavior and things like that so Rich I'm gonna put this up.
But what you need to do is you need to Zoom in on it and take the bottom stuff out if you can
I don't want this entire episode to get kicked by YouTube just because these people
Hate God and they would go after us on YouTube. No matter how fair use it was we'd have to fight it so try to zoom in on it and That way we can we can
Yeah, I'm just gonna start from right there and that There I'm gonna start from right there.
Yeah, just just even if it's a little goofy looking I got the video and I was gonna talk about the people that were talking about the video
Who are God hating well -known people, but they hate God But then
I realized you know, I don't want to go through the fight of We'd win eventually
Yeah, that looks good we'd win eventually But I still want to have to fight it.
So that's good. That's a good idea. I think on our part Anyway back to early church. The point is That we are facing
Without we face Technological aspects the early church didn't face but when it comes to the worldview the
Roman Empire Wanted to Help everyone to get along Let's all just get along They had to do that because they had subjugated so many different people groups
That their energy would be sapped if they were constantly having to use their major Resources to put down little mini rebellions here and rebellions there and so on so forth.
So let's all get along and so They offered bread and circuses they offered economic peace and prosperity which did last for literally hundreds of years the
Pax Romana Which I think was part of God's plan. Of course, that's when the gospel goes out and that's you know
People can travel and so on so forth anyway And The price of this
Was that you could still continue to worship your ancestral gods the gods of your peoples but you
You need to be inclusive Need to be inclusive these exclusive claims
That's what causes division. So we we don't want exclusivity. We want inclusivity see and so What you had to do eventually what was established in The Empire was that you needed to offer a pinch of incense upon an altar
It's just a little thing but it was done publicly and you take the incense and you throw it in the flames and You know incense does what incense does you could smell it?
and When you did that you were to say Kaiser Kourios Caesar is
Lord Kaiser Kourios Caesar is Lord Well the
Jews Had already worked out a deal in essence with Rome to where they didn't have to do that and at first as we see in the
New Testament the the Romans just viewed Christianity as a Jewish sect and It was about halfway through this first century that the
Romans started figuring out No the the Our household slaves are converting to this thing
So and they're not Jews so we can stop treating these Christians as Jews and so they don't have
And that's one of the reasons the Jews are so angry is that the Romans were thinking about taking away their privileges because of these whacked out
Christians and so They come to the conclusion that we can persecute the
Christians Because We don't really have an agreement with them. They're a they're a cult in of themselves.
They're followers of Crestus and So they have to offer the incense and the
Christians go we can't Because they've already said Jesus Kourios Jesus is
Lord That's exactly the the language that Paul uses when he writes the Corinthians No one's no one can say
Jesus Kourios except by the Holy Spirit down through all of church history
You could argue That Christians in every generation have had to face the question what in my day is
The Parallel the correlative to what the early church faced in Offering incense upon the altar
Because see they struggled with it. They struggled mightily with it. And in fact their
Early church writers would identify Three different groups the
Sacrificati The leave a lot to see and the
Trotters and They started in that That's how bad that was was in that in that row
Sacrificati were people who offered sacrifice so if you offered sacrifice to Caesar, you've just denied
Christ and The majority opinion of almost all Christian leaders was you do that You're gone.
That's the that's that's the same thing as when the Jews would go back to the temple and offer sacrifice in the Jewish Temple in their mind
The leave a lot of Chi were people who got the leave a loose the leave a loose was a document that said that you had offered sacrifice
But you could sort of under the table buy those so you could do commerce You could sell buy and sell
There's part of your documents, you know, give me your documents, you know that type of thing Without having actually done it and Then you had the
Trotters the Trotters were people who had given up the Christian scriptures but there were different levels of them too because there were people who
Realizing that Roman soldiers weren't necessarily the most educated people on the planet, especially at that point in Roman history maybe a few hundred years earlier they had been a little bit more but You could give them almost any literature and they're not going to know whether it was the scriptures or not they don't know what the content of the scriptures is and So they're different levels.
You may have given up the scriptures. You may have given up something. It looked like the scriptures But you were trying to tour if you gave the
Romans anything at all So these are different levels sacrifice top level leave a lot of Chi you're you're paying money to make it look like you've done the other ones so and then try to tours
Either did or did not give up the scriptures and So when you'd have persecution come through an area sometimes you would at last or five ten years and it stops frequently associated with particular
Roman Procurator or something in your area that didn't like Christians and the next one doesn't care and so it ebbs and flows
Of course from about 250 to 313. It's constant. But anyway When persecution ends then the church has deals
What do we do with people who come back and they want to be a part of the fellowship? But they did any one of these things And the church was torn apart
By how to deal with the issue of apostasy Would the church today even give it a second thought is the question we might have
Would any of these categories even have meaning for us today? What might some of them be?
How is? Caesar Demanding your offering of incense today.
Well, I think one illustration
Came out recently in the Drew Brees controversy Drew has a testimony of faith in Christ and He By the way is a fantastic quarterback.
No one can argue that one. I mean just his longevity in the league. I mean anybody who can you know, when you look at people who last as long as Roethlisberger and Drew Brees and you know, you know,
I know everybody hates Some of these guys because they're on the other team whatever it might be but man
I Don't I wouldn't last very long with 300 -pound lineman landing on top of me, you know, three or four times each weekend
You've got a You got it got to really be an expert rehab Basically, I mean
Tom Brady Yeah expert of rehab is is what these guys really are and who knows what they're gonna look like 30 years from now that's really one of the questions is coming up these days is
You make a lot of money in your first 30 years and then the next 30 years you live in pain and die Or an early death.
Is it really worth it? Some of the questions anyway, that's neither here nor there. Please Let's let do do not do not bury poor rich under the phone phone calls with arguments
You'll argue football. Okay. He's a Washington Redskins fan. Go at it now go at it
I mean, that's pretty easy to go at these days. That's all I can say anyway
What was I talking about so Moses is in the bull rushes no Drew Brees recorded an
Absolutely innocuous video I Mean for bring your
Bible to school week But there was a catch.
So let's look at what he said first. Okay, so here is Drew Brees and Here's his here's his video
Hey guys, Drew Brees here One of my favorite verses in the Bible is 2nd Corinthians 5 7 before we live by faith not by sight
So I want to encourage you to live out your faith on bring your Bible to school day and share
God's love with friends You're not alone Okay, I stopped it in time
So we won't have we the people that we're putting this up can't yell and scream
Wow, he quoted We walk by faith and not by sight
Bring your Bible to school Wow, what a horrible thing to do well that obviously wasn't what made it horrible
What made it horrible, of course was that it was for focus on the family and focus on the family is
A hate group and why is it a hate group? It's a hate group because it has biblical morality
It does not believe that the LGBTQ lifestyle is the epitome of morality it is it is what must be celebrated by any enlightened culture and That is what our culture demands today
Especially if you're gonna get paid the big bucks Throwing the pigskin around in the
NFL or Major League Baseball or the NBA or NHL or whatever else
All of the major sports are completely any major corporation is
Ab has it lives having to pay ransom Constantly to the
LGBTQ lobby they own it all you must celebrate us
We are the greatest thing that has ever happened to you They demand it and I can
I can go back in the archives about as far back as the archives go And I'm one person that has been saying for decades
Homosexuals do not want equal rights. They want uber rates. They want to force us to celebrate and There's one thing
Unquestionably Right and wish I wasn't
But right on the nose and have been long before Certain people even knew what a teleprompter was
Just mentioned that in passing. So anyway because of Who the video was for not not because of what was said not because of its meaning but because of the fact that this group
Does not bow to the God of Caesar Focus on the family will not offer the pinch of incense
Neither do we but if you don't offer the pinch of incense You cannot buy or sell
You need to have the Leibovitz The Leibovitz is a little rainbow flag today
That's a Leibovitz That's why When certain people like Joshua Harris leave the faith
What's he doing within a couple weeks of announcing? He's leaving the faith He's waving his
Leibovitz around He's got his what was it a rainbow doughnut rainbow doughnut and a little rainbow shirt
That's his that's his Leibovitz. He's saying I've Offered the pinch of incense to Caesar I'm with you now, and that's what's demanded of anyone in the
NFL NBA Major League Baseball NHL Soccer football is probably probably no whatever
That's what's going on outside the United States. I think next week I'm actually excited about this
I'm actually excited about this some people in our audience are going to faint here, but There is a huge Sporting event coming up next week now right now
The Vuelta a Espana is going on and that's exciting for me, but that's the last of the Grand Tours and Primoz Roglic is leading right now way to go
Pogacar is doing well. Anyways, that's not here there But at least in those sports, it's not quite as in cycling.
It really hasn't gotten that bad but The World Cup of Rugby is taking place in Japan starting next week
And I was just in South Africa, that's what everybody's talking about because the Springboks Are looking really good right now but Australia New Zealand and New Zealand The All Blacks who have dominated for a number of years, but Springboks have spanked them recently
So that's why it's gonna be interesting, but the All Blacks from New Zealand They even had jerseys made because their jerseys are black shocking the
All Blacks But When they would when you would stretch it one way or another
The fabric is such that it turns into a rainbow. Yeah, even even rugby which is
Not It's it's it's a really gendered sport. That's just all there is to it
I mean when you think of rugby you think of big sweaty guys running into other big sweaty guys and Unlike American football.
They ain't wearing pads Which is one of the reasons they don't get injured as often believe it or not.
Seriously, they don't But anyhow, that's the other here. No, the point is
Doesn't matter Anywhere you go. You've got a Where's your
Nibelius? Where where have you been to a pride march recently? Where's you where are your tweets?
See we talk we talk about virtue signaling identity signaling
That's the leave -a -loose This is there's nothing new here. You've offered the pinch of incense.
You've been given the leave -a -loose now you can buy and sell and trade So we have to start thinking as Christians when our jobs schools and culture
Says to us You need to virtue signal you need to wave your leave -a -loose around But first you have to offer the pinch of incense.
What does that involve? Now the danger is if I come to the conclusion
I can't do that then I need to This needs to be done within the church is sort of a sort of a church thing but What happened the early church was there were certain people?
who were martyred or who were beaten or who were imprisoned or who were disfigured and then when the persecution was stopped they'd come back in to the church and Divisions would take place because there were other people that felt they went too far
And so there are all sorts of I mean it was the single I mean
Gnosticism was the greatest external thing But internally it was how to deal with with persecution caused the most division
And so it's really easy for you to go. Well, I don't think you should do any of that stuff And I'm gonna stand firm.
Yeah, well once they're knocking on your door and dragging you off prison and Leaving your wife alone
Then we'll we'll see it's real easy to talk about how Brave, we're gonna be if you're sitting here and thinking anything other than Oh God only by your grace, then you're a fool
Because the only way that anyone ever survives is by God's grace, okay, just keep that in mind so there's never ever a basis
For boasting against somebody else, but unfortunately, that's frequently what ends up happening. So what happens to breeze?
Well drew breeze has to Just me a culpa himself out of existence
For having dared to do that now, what would I have liked to see him do
I would have liked to see him go Look at what I said. Is there something wrong with the verse and If you're gonna go after focus on the family then tell me but see he's already seen what's happened to the the guy down in Australia who got kicked out of football down there.
It's football or was it rugby forget which one it was Anyways, unfortunately, I think his name is Phil out or pull out one of the two, but he's unfortunately not an
Orthodox Christian He's not a Trinitarian But he's got a lawsuit going because he was kicked out
Because he quoted from the Bible about homosexuality And it would have been nice for someone to go hey what what did
I say that was wrong and What is wrong in affirming natural marriage so on so forth can't do that in the
NFL can't do that in the NFL I'm sorry Yeah soccer, okay, that's football
That's football. No, it's football Down there. It's football. We have a global audience son.
We need to we need to recognize that they We need to speak the language of the rest of the world so let's say that's
They don't call soccer down there, so let's let's let's Let's listen to what drew
Brees did and we can you can go full screen on this because there's nothing no one's gonna Well, I hope no one's gonna try to bunk us for this one.
But here's what what drew Brees had to say Hello, everyone. There's been a lot of negativity spread about me in the
LGBTQ community recently based upon a Article that someone wrote with a very negative headline that I think led people to believe that somehow
I was aligned with an organization that was anti LGBTQ and and so on and so forth.
I'd like to set the record straight I live by two very simple Christian fundamentals and that is
Love the Lord with all your heart mind and soul and love your neighbors yourself I think the first one is very self -explanatory
The second one love your neighbors yourself, what does that mean to me that means love all Respect all and accept all so that is actually how
I live my life That is what I try to do with my family with my teammates With people in my community with my friends all people no matter your race your color your religious preference your sexual orientation
Your political beliefs. It doesn't matter. So the fact that these rumors have been spread about me are completely untrue
What I did was I filmed a video recently That was encouraging kids to bring their
Bibles to school for national bring your Bible to school day To bring your
Bibles to school to be able to live out your faith with confidence And I even gave one of my favorite Bible verses it was as simple as that So I'm not sure why the negativity spread or why people tried to rope me into certain negativity
I do not support any groups that discriminate Or that have their own
Agendas that are trying to promote inequality Okay, so hopefully that has set the record straight and we can all move on because that's not what
I stand for Have a great day Okay, so we all know why?
He had to do that But we need to think about what was said from a
Christian perspective and we need to pray for Drew Brees If he's a true believer, then we pray that he will come to a deeper understanding of certain things
But let's let let's put it in a small box and let's let's listen to it again and Look at some of the some of the specifics
Hello everyone. There's been a lot of negativity spread about me in the LGBTQ community
Recently based upon a article that someone wrote with a very negative headline that I think led people to believe that Somehow I was aligned with an organization that okay if you looked
Because I did tweet this earlier if you looked at the comments to Drew Brees's tweet vile but fully expected
Basically many of the comments said focus on the family hate group you knew
The idea is you cannot have anything to do. These people are totalitarians
There is no freedom of association There is no place in this society from their perspective for anyone who has any views other than their own they are
Clothes -minded they are the very Picture of exclusivity bigots prejudice hatred and all in the service of inclusivity and love
It's just it that but we all know that we see that in what's going on in our society today
They they they live in an echo chamber. All they hear is one thing and Focus on the family since focus on the family is pro
Biblical family, then it cannot be pro -lgbtq Istr whatever and so Since it was posted by them or recorded by them or they have something to do with the promotion
I don't know what the association was But that's where it's coming from and that is not allowed in a totalitarian
Mental state which is what we're dealing with today. It was anti LGBTQ and and so on and so forth.
I'd like to set the record straight I live by two very simple Christian fundamentals. Okay, these are two good fundamentals
Well, let's talk about what they mean that is Love the Lord with all your heart mind and soul and love your neighbor as yourself.
I think the first one is very self -explanatory Yeah, not really
Is it really self -explanatory This is the key issue today because If you love the
Lord your God by our heart soul mind and strength Then you're going to love what he loves and hate what he hates not what the society tells you to and Here's where you have the problem of God's law and Here's where a lot of Christians and a lot of Christian churches
Have a fatal Blind spot and That is oh,
I love God but I Just will not accept the idea that his law
Reveals to us what is pleasing to him if you love somebody then you're going to want to love what they love
If you want to be pleasing in their sight, then you want to know what hurts them or what?
What is offensive to them what they love? If you don't know the things that your wife likes or doesn't like I mean my wife if she's gonna take me out to celebrate something if we're gonna go out for my birthday if we're gonna go out for My hundred and seventy -fifth debate or something like that to celebrate that she's not gonna take me to a
Chinese restaurant Because she knows I Detest Chinese food.
I detest all Asian food. It smells great. I just can't eat it. So If she takes me to such a place then
I'm gonna be like offended because I know that she already knows that Not that she's just ignorant of Who I am so we have this problem and that is
We've come up with this idea that we can love God, but we can then just ignore what he says he loves
He loves his law. His law represents who he is He loves justice, but his law defines what justice is we don't get to define that That's one of the problems we have today is relating the society defined justice rather than God's Word defining justice and so It's not self -explanatory
If we love God our heart soul mind and strength That means the entirety of our life is going to be under the lordship of Jesus Christ That means our worldview and what we do and do not approve
And what we do and do not celebrate or accept
Will be defined by God's law not by society That's where the real issue here is the second one.
Love your neighbors yourself. What does that mean to me? That means well first What did it mean to Jesus?
Not what it means to you What it means to you should reflect serious study of what it meant to Jesus You we don't get to change this stuff okay, and so if you love your neighbor as Yourself you do good to them in light of God's revelation of what good is
So the Good Samaritan showed God's love by taking care of the man's actual needs
Not what society would have said one way or the other so It's it's not so simple.
We don't get to define this we have to do this in light of God's law all
Respect all and accept all okay. Love all respect all accept all what does that mean?
What do you mean respect all? I do not respect thieves. I Do not respect drug abusers
I do not respect murderers. I do not respect pedophiles So, what do you mean by respect
I do not respect homosexuality I recognize a homosexual is made in the image of God and that's why
I will call them to repentance So that they can experience
God's best for their life. That's how you show love for them, but you do not accept That kind of thing this is this is
This is why the church has no impact any longer quite honestly is because We've accepted the world's definition of what acceptance is
Acceptance doesn't mean that I'm in in our culture. I'm not gonna go and and try to Stop people from doing bad things in that realm, but I'm gonna call them to repentance
So I cannot accept that what they're doing is good and see that's what Rome wanted everybody to do see when
Rome when Rome said acknowledge Caesar Say Caesar is
Lord They weren't saying you have to not accept your own gods
Just accept him along with so what our society is saying is
You need to accept the authority of what Caesar is saying is good You can still believe what you want to believe but Caesar gets to have the final word and you need to it's a syncretism
You know you can join your Jesusness To the society which means you keep your
Jesusness to yourself and You change the definition of loving someone from telling them the truth to acceptance
Which is silence? Let them go on in their rebellion That's that's basically
I Looked over at Twitter It's lost ice lost. I guess
I'm gonna be blocked by Kofi from now on but yeah, what can I say? So that is actually how I live my life.
That is what I try to do with my family I can guarantee you you do not do with your family what the society is demanding you do in regards to LGBTQ people
You love your wife and your children Too much to treat them the way the society is saying you need to accept what we say in these areas you too
I hope you're training up your children to know what's right. I Hope you're training up your children to recognize that the relationship with your wife is
Exclusively good in God's sight and that it's good for a man to love a woman but not to love another man
If you're not you're you're not how How can you walk through Matthew chapter 19 with your children as a
Christian? That's question. It's my teammates with people in my community with my friends all people no matter your race
Your color your religious preference your okay. It's not a religious preference. It's that's that's that's where the world comes in as well and says religious preference
That's a good pluralistic word that said again, that's that's how Caesar wants us to understand things
But it's not preference It's not like we are these autonomous gods who get to go.
I think I'll do this religion I'll do that religion and so on and so forth As a Christian, why do we why are we using language like this?
I And then the next one orientation sexual orientation Sexual orientation
Who defines that? The society has demanded. This is where the society goes.
It doesn't matter what your previous religion believes Caesar says you will believe this and the question for every
Christian in this audience You talk you did when you were at church yesterday, did you sing some songs about bowing the knee to Jesus?
About the Lordship of Jesus. What does that mean? What does that mean what does that mean right now with you at work
What does that mean right now if you're going to be going to work later in the day or? Tomorrow What's that going to mean when the society demands that your attitude line up with their expectations?
Especially when that means a denial of the Lordship of Jesus Christ Who said from the beginning male female father mother joined together children
When the world says you need to celebrate Two men three men five men.
What does it matter? You just celebrate that you can't celebrate that That's one of the sins
Jesus died for you don't celebrate the things that Jesus died for. Where do you draw the line?
Your political beliefs it doesn't matter So the fact that these rumors have been spread about me are completely untrue
What I did was I filmed a video recently That was encouraging kids to bring their
Bibles to school for national bring your Bible to school day To bring your
Bibles to school to be able to live out your faith with confidence And I even gave one of my favorite Bible by the way, that's one of the problems
I mean as innocuous as that video was The public school system is the holy of holies of the culture of death today.
They want your children They don't want the Bible in there. They don't want people reading the Bible That's gonna cause cognitive dissonance
So yeah, I mean you got to realize these people don't want the Bible in the public schools It was as simple as that So I'm not sure why the negativity spread or why people tried to rope me in to certain negativity
I do not support any groups that discriminate. Okay, what does it mean to discriminate? You you don't support any groups that discriminate
But you do want New Orleans fans You do realize what New Orleans fans are
They're a big group of discriminators because If there's no discrimination
Then they just cheer equally for every team So So, you know the the football stadium bleachers will all be one color and All the teams will run down the field congratulating each other all the time and It's not how it works.
I Discriminate against Asian food That's discrimination It is
I'm making a choice. That's all discrimination is We have we have so there are so many words today that we have decided to redefine
So we've we've come up with one meaning the new meaning but then we play on the old meaning so racism homophobia misogyny, they're all used constantly today to have one meaning and They play on the old meaning
That those are immoral things even though the new meaning has nothing to do with the old old meanings at all
And so when it comes to discrimination, it has a meaning But we've given it a new meaning.
It simply means to choose make choices and we all make choices and the
LGBTQI community Whatever that is Discriminates against any
Christian who holds to Jesus's teaching about marriage and sexuality The comments on his tweet show that they do so hatefully and with bigotry and evil
Just go read them I Couldn't even read them on the air. Well, I could because we're not technically on the air
Put anything on YouTube. But anyway, or they have their own agendas that are trying to promote inequality inequality
Well, that would be me because Again think through the worldview issues here because I don't think that brother breeze has
Do you want equality? for sinful Human destroying behaviors in our society.
Is that is that you want equality for that? So if we oppose pedophilia we oppose equality for pedophiles
So that's bad That's coming. Don't sit there and say you don't know it's coming. It's coming ten years from now
It's gonna be the same thing as transgenderism and homosexuality You know it You know it
So are you gonna be for equality then? We don't
Equality of outcome has always been stupid and it's especially stupid for a football player
You don't want equality of outcome You want your side to win? That's what the game is all about And quality of outcome is ridiculous equality of opportunity
Hey, everybody should have hey if you've got the skills great shouldn't matter what your what your race is if you've got the skills
But outcome You haven't lived that way Don't let the world force you to do it now
Okay, so hopefully that has set the record straight and we can all move on because that's not what
I stand for Yeah, well Uh, I couldn't live in the in the situation.
He's in no question about it. That would be beyond me
That's why I'm not a professional athlete. I never could be But we have to think through what we're saying and we can't simply parrot the language of the culture around us
So there you go Every one of us doesn't matter who you are doesn't matter what
I Suppose if you're a farmer out in the middle of nowhere rural as you can get
You might be able to sort of Push some of this stuff off But if you don't think that they aren't going to come for you, eventually they will
They will It's it's gonna happen and we can learn a lot from what the
Christians did in the past And the mistakes they made in the past if we study church history, so Anyway, all right.
There you go. We managed I think to get through all of it. That was That was a bunch of stuff
As a bunch of stuff went almost a full jumbo length So that'll keep some of you going who have long trips to do and things like that Please once again
If you have noticed the travel schedule this fall is ridiculously heavy literally days sometimes a week between major trips and So that travel fund is getting taxed not taxed, but you know what?
I mean the other words use of the word tax Greatly this fall to get me to the places.
I need to go we are Really looking forward to the debate that Michael Brown I could be doing in London That comes very shortly after getting back from Australia The debate that Abdullah Kunda and I are doing there the trip up to Salt Lake City Just going going going then
I'm going to st. Charles the first full weekend in I think it's first full weekend in December.
It's not the weekend right after Thanksgiving. It's the next one. It's seven eight nine somewhere on there We'll be in st.
Charles again as we have for this would be I think 18 years now
I just feel sorry for those folks, but they keep having me back. So hey, you know, whatever But so we've got a whole lot going on there and Don't forget
Bucket list bucket list trip our end of September into October of 2020
Israel see in those places, but Mars Hill Athens Ephesus It's gonna be incredible.
See the see the banner ad at a omen org for details on that Lord will and we'll see you
You could be in tomorrow Oh Can't Thursday no, maybe