Was THE FLOOD Global or Local? TGC Member Advocates We Compromise 2 Improve Witness & Bring Unity

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Gavin Ortlund of The Gospel Coalition (founded by Tim Keller) argues for a localized flood in order to improve the Church's witness before the world and to help bring unity within the body of Christ. Article Link: https://disntr.com/2024/01/15/refutin...


Hello, in this video we're going to be discussing the flood of Noah. Was it a worldwide flood or was it only a localized flood?
Now I know most of you are probably thinking, obviously the flood was worldwide because if it only affected a small region in the
Middle East, then why did God tell Noah to build an ark? He had plenty of time to just move out of the region.
Also why take two of every animal? The whole purpose was to keep the species alive.
But if the flood was only localized, I mean the whole thing seems pointless. Besides, the
Bible literally says in the book of Genesis that the water covered the entire earth.
Genesis 7 .19 says, and the waters prevailed exceedingly on the earth, and all the high hills under the whole heaven were covered.
I mean, that's pretty clear. Also, 2 Peter 3 .6 says the world that then existed perished being flooded with water.
So according to the apostle Peter, what was destroyed? A small region in the
Middle East covering a few hundred miles? Maybe. No. Peter says, the Bible says it's the whole world.
So why would anyone believe otherwise? Well, enter Gavin Ortland of the
Gospel Coalition. He seems to think that since so many people out there reject the story of Noah's Ark, Ortland who is a pretty well -known
Bible teacher, he seems to think that if the church will just compromise on this one issue, it will help out with our witness and it will help bring unity within the church.
First of all, denying the Bible never brings unity. It only brings disunity.
Second, compromising this one issue, even if it did help in some areas, which it won't, once you compromise on this subject, people will be right back, you know, with some other thing they don't like, some other thing they disagree with.
So once they see you compromise on this, if a man will compromise on this, he'll compromise on something else.
And that's what the TGC or the Gospel Coalition crowd has done.
So who is TGC? And technically Ortland didn't say this while speaking for TGC, but it really is symptomatic of the whole organization.
The Gospel Coalition, this is really what they're all about. The world is here.
The Bible is here. So let's try to find some middle ground. Let's compromise and try to make the world happy.
And that way that will improve our witness and maybe unbelievers will like us.
I mean, that seems to be, that's my assessment of it. But they compromise on all sorts of things.
Tim Keller, who is the founder of the Gospel Coalition, he and J .D.
Greer, they both said that the church should compromise on evolution.
The church should allow evolution. Now they'll say it's theistic evolution. They'll say that it should be allowed that Christians can believe in evolution, that they'll just believe that God used the process of evolution.
No, evolution is an atheistic idea. Evolution is a denial of the book of Genesis.
As soon as you start denying the flood, that it was worldwide, and you start accepting evolution, my friends, you are on a road to apostasy.
Those two men I just mentioned, J .D. Greer and Tim Keller, who are good friends, they worked together.
They also compromised on the homosexual issue. I mean, of course they did. Tim Keller said that it is quote unquote misleading to call homosexuality a sin.
Listen. It takes some responsibility of being a member of the Christian church for the oppression of homosexuality.
Are committing homosexual acts a sin against God? What do you mean by sin?
Committing homosexual acts will get you to go to hell? No. It's very misleading actually to say, even to say homosexuality is a sin.
Okay. And if that wasn't bad enough, in a sermon from Romans chapter one, J .D.
Greer, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention, here is what he concluded in his sermon from Romans one.
Listen. Stand up and be among the fiercest advocates for the preservation of the dignity and the rights of LGBT people.
Jesus representing churches will be known as the friends of the
LGBTQ community. Okay. So I don't know how you can preach through Romans chapter one and come to the conclusion that Christians should be the strongest supporters of gay rights.
I mean, no Romans one teaches the exact opposite, but what is this? This is liberal
Christianity. That's kind of crept in and found a home within broader evangelical
Christianity. They take what the Bible says and then they take mainstream culture, whatever mainstream culture and unbelievers, the things they don't like, the things they don't complain about.
Well, let's compromise here. Let's compromise here. Let's compromise here. That's what they're doing.
Uh, I came across this story while reading an article from the dissenter. Here is what it says, uh, the dissenter.
So this is d i s n t r .com. The headline reads refuting the call for unity in compromise, the importance of upholding the biblical truth of the flood narrative.
I'm not going to read the whole article. We'll just read the first few paragraphs. It says pursuing or excuse me, perusing.
That's not a word I use very often. Uh, the author of the article, he said, while I was perusing social media this morning,
I ran across the following tweet by Gavin Ortland, squishy doctrine and false teaching seem to be universal these days, you know, no pun intended because of the universal flood as opposed to a localized flood.
So false teaching seems to be universal within the entire pedigree of the
Ortland men. So he goes on to talk about his father, who is a staunch supporter of Beth Moore and his brother who wrote a book, uh, where basically he depicted
Jesus as having no wrath at all. Uh, Gavin Ortland posted this tweet, or I guess
Twitter is now called X. So I don't know what you call the posts anyways.
I'm going to call it a tweet. Here's what he said. Gavin Ortland wrote, did the flood of Noah really cover the entire planet?
Here I argue that the biblical story can be reasonably read, describing only a local event.
My sincere belief, Ortland said, is that the church's witness in unity is better served by allowing for that view.
See, he wants people to believe in a local flood, not a worldwide flood. Why? Because that's what the
Bible teaches. No, because the world and unbelievers, they don't believe in the flood narrative.
The article continues to entertain the notion that the biblical account of Noah's flood was merely a local affair is not simply to tiptoe around a theological pothole.
It is to undermine the very foundation of scripture.
And that's really the bottom line. If you deny the story of the flood, you are denying the
Bible. So I'm just going to give you a few more reasons on top of the ones
I've already given of why we need to believe and teach the worldwide flood of Noah.
Number one, this localized flood nonsense, it contradicts the clear passages that say it was a worldwide flood.
So number one, it is a, I believe, it's not just a compromise of the word of God. I mean, that's a best case scenario.
You're compromising God's word. But worst case scenario, what I believe, I believe it's a denial of God's word.
Number two, both Jesus and Peter, Jesus in Matthew 24,
Peter and second Peter chapter three, they both use the flood as a picture of God's judgment in the end of days.
So if the flood was localized and that's kind of the picture of what they're using for the end times, well, does that mean
Jesus's second advent is also a localized event? See, that doesn't work.
And then number three, the covenant that God made with Noah was for all the earth.
Remember the rainbow? Yeah, that was for the whole world, not just for a small region. Genesis nine, eight through 13 says, then
God spoke to Noah and to his sons with him saying, and as for me, behold,
I established my covenant with you and with your descendants after you and with every living creature that is with you, the birds, the cattle and every beast of the earth with you of all that go out of the ark, every beast of the earth.
Thus I established my covenant with you. Never again shall all flesh be cut off by the waters of the flood.
Notice that all flesh, not just some all never again, the Lord says never again shall there be a flood to destroy the earth, not just that area, but the earth.
Verse 12, and God said, this is the sign of the covenant, which I make between me and you and every living creature that is with you for perpetual generations.
I set my rainbow in the cloud and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between me and the earth.
Okay. So it's the whole world that's involved in the flood. Therefore it's the whole world that's involved in the covenant.
If it's only a localized flood, then maybe the covenant is only for a small group of people.
No, that's not what the Bible teaches. And besides, um, nearly every culture on earth, every ancient cults culture has some sort of flood story.
So clearly it's a worldwide event. So in conclusion, my advice, stick to the
Bible, stick to a literal interpretation of God's word, read the Bible. If you do that, you're never going to go astray.
But if you read the gospel coalition, start following the teachings of these men who work for TGC, I've documented their compromise.
If you do that, they are bringing people, TGC is bringing people in a liberal direction, liberal as in unbelieving, because if a person doesn't believe in the worldwide flood, why wouldn't they believe it?
Because it seems impossible. Well, guess what? If you have a man dying on a cross and rising from the dead, that's pretty impossible too, right?
Except that with God, all things are possible. Thanks for listening.