Greg Thompson, Duke Kwon and How I'm About to Get Paid!

AD Robles iconAD Robles




I'm just singing some Super Mario Odyssey music. Oh man, I'll tell you what, I was talking to Matt Williams last night.
These past few weeks have just been so brutal from a business perspective. I said it on the channel before, so don't feel sorry for me, it happens.
I had like three epic months in a row, so it's all going to even out in the end.
But man, after three epic months in a row, I was feeling like, man, I'm an expert. I'm a total expert at this business.
I'm going to make a million dollars. And then you hit three weeks in a row of just failure, and it humbles you quick.
So it's been rough. And so something else happened this morning, and I'm just like, when is this going to end?
And then I go upstairs, and my son gives me a card. He wrote me a card out of the blue. And it's one of the funniest cards
I've ever seen. That's why I'm thinking about Mario. So first of all, it says, To Dad. And if you open it up, that is a chain shop from Mario.
You might remember it from Mario 64, the Bow Wows. And on the other side, that's another
Bow Wow. I don't know if you can read this, but it has another Bow Wow.
And it says, Hope you have an eating day. Because the bow, the chain chomps eat.
Hope you have an eating day. Nothing like your sons or your kids to help you through tough times, man.
Wow. Anyway, but yeah, so this is the thing about my business.
It's like sometimes things are going really well, sometimes things are going really bad. But you've always got a few irons in the fire.
So there's other things, smaller deals that are doing OK. And then, but the big deals, the big deals, the big money makers, whoo, it's just brutal.
It's just brutal. So we're just going to power through. We're going to keep charging forward. And this made me feel really good.
Hope you have an eating day. I don't know what that's supposed to mean, but I'm going to eat today, that's for sure.
Anyway, I wanted to just do a quick kind of live response video to Duke Quan. Duke Quan is just a man.
He's a pastor. He's technically a pastor in a Presbyterian church. But boy, he is one of the most, he's one of the most craziest people in the woke church movement by far.
Oh, before we get into this, let me just say this. I also got the cover to my book.
We've decided what the cover to the book is going to look. And let me just say this. If you've seen the cover to Woke Church by Eric Mason, you're going to love this cover.
That's right. I think Eric Mason's going to love this cover. You know, I think he's going to find a lot to like about the cover of my book.
The author of Woke Church, Eric Mason, is going to really like the cover to my book.
That's all I'll say right now. I was talking to a person who will not be named. He's a known figure.
And I trust his opinion on design and like aesthetics. And I said, hey, which cover would you choose?
And he picked a certain cover. He actually picked the one that I like the best too. And then he said, but between you and me,
AD, you know, he said, if it was me, I would just put a big picture of Rachel Denhollander on it and call it a day.
I was like, man, that's funny. But she's a lawyer. So, you know, she'd sue me. Definitely she'd sue me. Anyway, let's get into Duke Quan as we go into the weekend.
I hope you have a great weekend. I'm hoping to have a good weekend too. And I'm hoping come Monday to start a brand new chapter in AD's life of success at business instead of failure.
But anyway, let's let's talk about this. This is Duke Quan. Yikes. I think we don't do anything with any other issue or any other kind of need, except race related needs.
OK, I actually think there is demonstrable generosity and quickness to care for wounds and and without asking this question of personal culpability.
But when it comes to racial wounds, thefts, robberies, we get kind of bent out of shape.
And I think I wonder what the difference is there, Duke. I mean, you know, yeah, I see somebody bleeding on the floor and he's hurt and he's like, oh, my leg.
And I'm like, oh, I want to help him. I mean, I don't it doesn't matter if it was my fault or not. You're bleeding on the floor.
Right. And I wonder what the difference between that and hey, you, you owe me money. And it's like, well, what do you mean, sir?
I don't owe you money. Well, you owe me money because you're white. Like I'm not giving you money because I'm white. Like, are you crazy?
Like I would. Is there a difference there, Duke? I mean, I don't know. Like on one hand, there's a man suffering and he's bleeding and dying.
And on the other hand, there's a guy pointing to my face like this, saying, you evil white person, give me cash.
I don't know. I mean, it strikes me as it might be slightly different, which is probably why you get the slightly different response,
Duke. But let's see what the crazy side of this debate says about this. We respond collectively, respond differently to this issue than we do others.
And in our context, differently than we would in other contexts. There's no question about that, because hey, white man, white guy.
Hey, hey, don't talk to me that way. Don't talk to me that way. That's it. That's an aggression. I'm a Latino.
I'm Latinx. I'm like, you can't talk to me that way. I can handle
Thanksgiving turkeys. And it doesn't and it doesn't require any any sort of like movement of renunciation on my part.
I think the what I sense in this conversation, what I sense in this conversation, white guy, because you got to let the
Latinx speak first to know your role. White guy, what I sense is that there's a key difference there as well.
When you're handing out Thanksgiving turkey. Why did he say Thanksgiving? Is that is that like a dialect? He said,
I can hand out Thanksgiving turkeys. That's kind of a weird thing to say. I don't know. Must be white thing. I don't know.
But when I'm handing out Thanksgiving turkeys, it's just out of generosity, out of love. It's just like, hey, you don't have any food.
Let me give you some food, because that's actually what Christ said. If you don't have food or I'm sorry, if you do have food, share it with someone who doesn't.
That's actually what a Christian ought to be doing, because that's what Christ told us to do. The Christian follows
Christ's commands. And Christ is very simple. If you have food and that includes Thanksgiving turkeys and you can share those
Thanksgiving turkeys with someone who doesn't have a Thanksgiving turkey, and it's like, OK, simple, easy. But you see, those people are aren't like simultaneously saying, dude, you evil white man, you bigot.
You enslaved me and my ancestors and you hate me. And I don't even know you, but I know you're evil because you're white.
Now, give me a Thanksgiving turkey. You owe me reparation turkey. It's a slight difference.
Slight difference, white man. Now, now, now that I've said my piece. I'll allow you to speak to me.
It happens about lower your voice when you speak to me. It's a need for exoneration. Yeah, I mean, it's like an exonerative.
It's an exonerative impulse. Like, yeah, you know, it's like if if somebody accuses you of something and you didn't do it, like if it like like like like you don't have to exonerate yourself, you just just admit that you did it.
It's like this is so insane. It's like like you have a need to exonerate yourself. Yeah, because you're accusing me of something
I didn't do. It's not like you're just bleeding on the floor. It's not like you just don't have food. And I'm I'm expected to share it with you because I do have food like Christ commanded.
It's like you're saying you did something to me that I didn't do to you. So, yeah,
I'm trying to exonerate myself. Somebody tells me that I stole $100 from them and I didn't steal $100 from them.
I'm going to say, hey, wait, dude, I didn't steal $100 from you. That's not like that's not evil.
Yeah, I'm trying to exonerate myself. I didn't do it. You know what I mean? Like, what is that?
What is like the goal here just to accept any claim against you? Like, that's not how it works.
I just don't understand. Like, this is such a basic difference. But these two crazy people are over here like it's just exoneration.
I mean, I just don't know. By the way, I didn't like the tone he took with me. I'm pretty I don't know who this guy is.
Is Thompson something? I don't know. He strikes me as kind of racist because I didn't like the tone he just took with me.
Wait, we do believe in Jesus, right? Where we are. Our life is in him and all that we have is found in him.
And I don't need to be exonerated from anything. What I need to do is respond to the world as I find it with love.
All right, Greg, let's let's try this out. Let's try this out. If anyone wants to tag Greg, go right ahead and tag him.
I don't care. I usually I say don't do that. But let's try out this theory, Greg. OK, because you wouldn't want to like be like exonerating yourself.
Like, right. Like, seriously, like you're in Christ, right? Like you believe in Jesus. Like, right. So, OK, Greg, dude, you owe me ten thousand dollars.
You owe me ten thousand dollars. Remember, I'm Latinx. I'm Latinx. I've got Africans in my ancestry.
You owe me ten thousand dollars, Greg. Now, like you're like in Christ, right? Like so you don't like have to exonerate yourself, right?
So I'll give you my email address and you can PayPal me ten thousand dollars. If you don't, then you're just as bad as these people that you're criticizing.
Because I said so. I'm Latinx. You know what I mean? I'm Latinx. So let's try out this theory,
Greg. Or is it just good for everybody else, but not for you? Let's try it out. I mean, go ahead and tag him if you know him and see if he
PayPal's me ten thousand dollars. It's you can you can PayPal me at 80 at 80
Robles dot com. PayPal me ten thousand dollars. It'll be easy. It'll be so easy if you just do it.
I think that that part of the particular version to having grown up conversations around this particular issue is because we can intuitively sense that our own standing is at stake.
Yeah, yeah, Greg, your own standing is at stake. You evil bigot. Now, if you don't give me ten thousand dollars that you owe me, that's tantamount to saying that you can't even have an adult conversation about it.
So like so like 80 Robles 80 at 80 Robles dot com. My PayPal stands ready.
And if you can't get it to there, maybe we can work some other arrangement out. I've got cash app. I've got I could I'll even take
Bitcoin. I'll send you my Bitcoin wallet and you can send me ten thousand dollars worth of Bitcoin. What is that like?
Point zero zero zero zero one Bitcoin at this point. I don't know. I don't know how many Bitcoins, not that many. But yeah, let's see.
Because because you'd like to have an adult conversation about this. Right. Right. Gee, Thompson. So like like let's do it because like you're like in Christ, right?
Right. Right. That's right. And it's right for Duke, too. So, well, I guess Duke doesn't owe me money.
I mean, he's he's he's he's another form of minority. So I guess, you know what? I'll make it easier on you,
Thompson. You give Duke half of the money. You give him five K and then you give me five K because like you don't want to like exonerate yourself.
Right. Like you owe me. Let's lay down this bottom line, too. There's no person in America that in one way or another, directly or indirectly, is not a beneficiary of white supremacist theft.
Right. There it is. There's there's the big one.
There is not there is no person in America that in one way or another, directly or indirectly, is not a beneficiary of white supremacist theft.
Excuse me a minute. Not that not bad.
Now, I think I have to assume he meant no white person in America, because if he actually meant no person in America, that would probably even everything out.
And they wouldn't get to complain about things because I guess all blacks and Latinx and Asians and, you know, whatever.
They've all benefited from white supremacist theft. So I have to assume he meant no white person.
But maybe he didn't because this is all psychotic anyway. So maybe he didn't mean that. I don't know.
This is all made up, obviously. So I'm trying to decipher a fake language here, you know. But but that's a pretty wild statement.
He could never he could never prove it. Obviously, it's not biblical in any way. Like if you notice, like the
Bible, it's so simplistic. Like the book that I wrote, it's almost like I almost felt embarrassed sometimes, like because the things
I'm putting forward, I know I have a way of organizing it that people find helpful. And I'm not calling you stupid or anything like that.
So I know that I've got a skill in doing that. But like it's it almost seems too simple.
Like sometimes I think to myself, you must be missing something. But I'm not. It's like God's commands are simple.
That's the whole point. He says it. My burden is easy. My yoke is light. It's simple. It's a very simple thing.
I can easily tell you what kind of what charity looks like. Right. I can easily tell you don't need these complicated, you know, algorithms to figure this out.
It's easy. Ready? If you have food, share it with someone who doesn't. If you have clothing, share it with someone who doesn't.
There it is. That's it. But Duke Quan over here is trying to do a complex formula how there's no person in America, whether indirectly or directly, has not benefited from white supremacist theft.
And what is what? What do all these words mean? Well, he doesn't really know. It's just a vicious rhetoric to him. And it's just insane.
This is a fantasy. I'm trying to interpret fantasy world here, and it's impossible to do. So it's like it's crazy what he's saying.
So does he mean no white person in America? I think that's what he means. But maybe he just means no person because he's doing complex algorithms in his head that make no sense.
So who knows what he's saying? It's the very nature. It's the very nature of things.
And it's the very history that we continue to live in. The legacy of this is just the nature of things.
It's like it's just white supremacist theft. It's just like the nature of things. This guy's funny. If you ever watch this guy preach like I would suggest it.
Watch Duke Quan preach, especially if he's talking about social justice. It's really funny. Watch him preach.
And then right after you watch him preach, watch the James. What's his name?
The Jamestown guy. Watch that guy preach. What was the guy's name? The one who was the cult leader that everyone drank the
Kool -Aid. The Jamestown guy, like Jonestown, Jonestown. Bob Jones, Jim Jones, something
Jones, Jonestown. Watch this guy preach and then watch the Jonestown guy preach. They sound identical.
Anyway, that's all I have for you today. I hope you have a great weekend. I'm going to have a great weekend, I think. We'll see.
God willing, I'll have a great weekend. And I hope you enjoyed this. I'm not going to finish. There's only a few seconds left, but it's just nonsense anyway.