TikToker: “Jesus Was A Black Trans Female!”

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So today
I decided to take yet another stroll through progressive Christian TikTok. And I found one of the stupidest videos
I've ever had the displeasure of watching. And if you object to my use of the word stupid there, go ahead and read
Galatians 5 .12, where Paul tells false teachers in the Galatian church to emasculate themselves.
For those of you who haven't realized it, Paul is telling these false teachers that they should go ahead and cut something off that usually wouldn't be cut off, if you catch my drift.
The point is, there's nothing wrong with properly using harsh language in a biblical way. Jesus did it.
Paul did it. And so I will gladly join in their tradition and boldly say here that the video you're about to watch is a great example of the stupidity that we see in the progressive
Christian worldview. And with all of that being said, I'm sure that you're very excited to see this video. So here it is.
So we're going to review the separate sections of this video here and do two things. First, I'm going to show you where this nonsense comes from.
And second, I'm going to show you how plain, simple, old -fashioned biblical wisdom tears it all to shreds.
And in order to do that, we need to play the first section of the video again. So watch this. I believe that Jesus is black.
I believe that Jesus is a trans female. I believe that Jesus is neurodivergent, that Jesus is bisexual, and that Jesus is non -binary.
Because above all else, I believe that Christ is alive and actively identifies with the of people who just want to be heard.
Well, just in case you needed me to clarify this, folks, I'll do it. I can't believe I even have to say this because it's historical fact.
Biblically speaking, Jesus was a first century Middle Eastern man who also happened to be a carpenter and a rabbi.
That is what the Bible says, and people who are real Christians actually believe that. But this progressive imposter says that Jesus was a black, trans female, neurodivergent, whatever that means, bisexual, blah, blah, blah.
I'm surprised he didn't also include the fact that he was a drug -addicted octopus riding a unicycle.
I mean, I'm honestly astounded that so much nonsense could come out of one person's mouth all at once.
What a disgusting and blasphemous comment. The secular world truly has no respect for the things of the
Lord, and you can see that perfectly in this video. Proverbs 8, 13 says, quote, the fear of the
Lord is hatred of evil, pride and arrogance, and the way of evil and perverted speech
I hate. And if this isn't an example of high -handed, prideful, and perverted speech, I really don't know what is.
The fact is, ladies and gentlemen, there's a simple reason that this man thinks of Jesus as a black, trans female, etc.,
and that's because those are the highest qualities that he can think of. For real Christians, the highest qualities we can think of come from Scripture.
Galatians 5, 22 says, quote, but the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self -control, end quote.
To real Christians, we see that Jesus perfectly exemplifies these biblical qualities with his holy and upright character.
And therefore, we worship Christ as God incarnate for his righteousness, his holiness, and his power.
That's what real Christians do. But these deconstructing, progressive Christian fools, like the one you just saw in the video, well they have an entirely different set of qualities that are the highest they can think of.
To them, if you're a part of an oppressed class, and the more oppressed the better, that is the bravest and most beautiful thing that a person could possibly do.
So the best qualities a person could possibly have are being black, transgender, bisexual, female, disabled, etc.
And if you want to make the case that Jesus was the best person ever, well then he must have the best qualities ever. So whoever has this worldview has to take these qualities and apply them to Jesus.
And therefore, in the mind of this deranged blasphemer, Jesus becomes a black, trans female.
That's how we end up here. You see what I'm saying, folks? They see him as this feminized, limp -wristed
Jesus that they've concocted for themselves as nothing more than a manifestation of their own idolatry.
They love to see Jesus washing the disciples' feet, for instance. But they usually hate to see him in John chapter 2 when he attacks the money changers in the temple.
John 2 .15 says, and making a whip of cords, he, Jesus, drove them all out of the temple, with the sheep and the oxen, and he poured out the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables.
If this is what Jesus would have done to people buying and selling in his temple court, imagine what he would have done to a pride parade.
Nine times out of ten, if a liberal or progressive Christian even quotes this passage, it's because they're connecting it to some sort of political protest that they happen to support.
And in doing so, they separate the passage from its original context, and they make an idolatrous picture of Jesus where he's rioting at a
Black Lives Matter protest, which he most certainly would not have been. Again, the point I want you to see here is that progressive
Christians hijack the character of Jesus, and they want to make a new Jesus in their own political image.
It's completely obvious. Let's keep watching this video here. I believe that Jesus lives inside the cries for freedom of people as well as in the condemnation of those who would wish to stop it.
I believe that Jesus always has and always will be more present in the picket lines and protests on Friday nights than in the pews on Sunday morning.
Now he says that Jesus is more present in the picket lines and protests on Friday nights than in the pews on Sunday morning.
I guess if you go to the Thursday night protests, well, then you're just plum out of luck, because apparently Jesus only shows up on Friday.
But of course, that's all beside the point. He's basically saying that Jesus stands up for oppressed people, and therefore he's more present at political protests than he is in the church.
First of all, how on earth are you going to call yourself any type of Christian and say that Christ is more present at a
BLM riot, for instance, than in his actual body? Has this man ever seen a
Bible before? Romans 12 .4 says, For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ.
The church is one with Christ, as you are one with your own body. Christ is the church's head.
So to suggest that Christ is not present in his own church body is absolutely asinine.
And to suggest that he's more present somewhere else, well, that's just complete garbage. But again, we see the same pattern.
For the Christian, the real Christian, that is, we feel a great sense of purpose and unity being a part of Christ's body.
But for someone who idolizes political protests over and above Christ himself, well, they feel more purpose and unity at a protest than in the church.
Because for all intents and purposes, that is their church, for that is where they go to worship. And there, they do not worship
God, no, they worship the oppressed class. The worldview of this man is many things, but it is certainly not
Christian. In fact, it's patently anti -Christian. Let's watch the next clip, though, because it's very important.
Watch this. And so, if you are someone who has been made to feel hated or alone for any reason,
I hope that you can hear me today when I say that you are divine. Notice how he says that if you're someone who has been made to feel hated or alone, then you are divine.
Pay close attention, ladies and gentlemen, because he's showing you his cards here. I've been saying this whole video that this person is worshiping the idol of oppressed minorities, and that's what he does say at the end.
Finally, he admits it. He says, if you're an oppressed minority, you are divine. You hear that? He's telling you who his
God is, and it's not the God of Scripture. Notice also that he doesn't just come out and say this at the beginning of the video, that he worships man and not
God. No, progressive Christians and idolaters rarely are honest about their beliefs. But the video starts out with him simply talking about Jesus, and it ends with him talking about people who feel left out.
And what are those people who feel left out called? They're called divine. In effect, they're called
God. Now I know some of you are going to say, but Colin, we're all a little bit divine inside because God made us in his image, so technically he's kind of right.
And to that I would say, no, that's not what that means at all. When the Bible says in Genesis 127 that we are made in God's image, it is not saying that we are divine.
Rather, it is saying that to some degree or another we reflect the image of what is truly divine.
That's a big difference. The moon reflects the sun, and that by definition means that its light is coming from somewhere else.
In the same way, we are capable of reflecting God's image, but that does not mean that we are by nature divine.
Only God is. So in conclusion, here is a passage in Romans that perfectly summarizes what's happening in the
TikTok that you just watched. Romans 125 says that there are those who quote, exchange the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the creator, end quote.
And that is what you just watched. Progressive Christians like this man and many others do not worship
God. They worship oppressed people, and they say that they believe in the God of the Bible as a smokescreen or a reason that distracts you from what their true idol is.
At some point, they always end up showing you who they truly are. For instance, when they say stupid things like Jesus was a black trans woman.
These people are not our brothers because they have not been adopted by our father. As Jesus says in John 8 44, these people are of their father, the devil, and they breathe out lies because that's their father's family business.
So stay away from people who would encourage you to become a progressive Christian or deconstruct your faith.
They are spineless, weak -willed cowards who do not stand for the truth of God's word. Rather, they pervert
God's word and deceive people. They need to repent and believe the gospel, and then they will truly be saved.
Then they can truly be called children of God. Until then, they're fakes. And pray for this blasphemous
TikToker that he would repent and turn to the truth of God's word. Thank you so much for watching.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.