Christ is King, Yes, Yes He is!


After a quick update on our travel issues/situation, we started to comment on the “Christ is King” controversy, digging down a bit into the theology and context of the statement and what it means. We also looked at some folks claiming “replacement theology” (it’s fulfillment theology, but they don’t want to view it fairly) is actually heretical. Then we played a few clips from the Provisionist Playground and provided correction. Again, if you would like to help get me to Louisiana for the upcoming debates, and help with the Road Trip DL set up in the new unit, the travel fund pull down menu can be found by clicking here. Thank you!


Well greetings and welcome to the vine line here we are back in the regular studio man that shot is so wide you see everything you see the
ATEM sitting over here and all that stuff but Rich moves stuff around now and so the camera used to be there and I don't know
Who who knows everything everything changes? So now that the earphones are in and it's anyway
I Can fix everything once we get back in the van and are doing our road trip
DLs. Let me before we get to Yeah, but you know,
I mean this was this didn't used to be in in there The used to be used to be much tighter than you are now.
So oh, well, that's life. Oh I was about to say
Was that from the last time I was here two months ago? No, thankfully it wasn't
It was from last week, which is fine, it's a bit in the refrigerator. We're good We're not gonna die yet.
Anyway Before we get to Christ is King and some other stuff we will be getting to all of that kind of stuff it is necessary very necessary For me to talk to because this is how we do this.
You don't you don't get newsletters from us We don't do bulk mailings anymore We We don't we don't get your phone number and then text message you oh my goodness
I am so I had to buy I am paying money out of my pocket
For a program that's working perfectly that Keeps spam out of my text messages out of my text messages and Let me tell you some all
I had to do is put in the word Trump and they all stopped just like that it's
I See them on my desktop They're still they're still there and you can go stop cease desist.
I'm going to come after you all with a machete It doesn't matter They will say you've been unsubscribed and then they'll text you tomorrow because they know there's somebody there.
That's That's just how it works Anyways, why did why would why did
I even start talking about that? We don't do any of that to you. We do not Bother you in that way so the only way for us to communicate with our supporters is through the dividing line and I know lots of lots of people watch and listen.
I thank you so much for doing that. I was just today emailing with a couple up in Southern Colorado that I tell you we got we got hooked up and They have a
RV park up there at about I looked it up on Google Earth 6 ,950 feet above sea level
Which is exactly where I need to be As I go up there You know this summer
You know, it's great to have friends out there Someone who texts both you and I rich if you know who that would be
Just texted me It's just so great You know, I have never said a single negative word about this man's dress because he thinks he just dresses impeccably anyways
But I could tell you other things about him, but he texts me he says I think I actually prefer the
Coogee sweater to That That's a big insult,
I'm not sure which I'm not sure how to take that but I you know That's what you get when you have friends
And I don't have any of them. But anyways Now see, okay, this is how we talk to our supporters let me let me tell you
I was saying I'm gonna be heading up to Colorado as I normally do it during the summer
We're gonna be I'm talking right now with a Reformed Baptist Church in Colorado Springs To do like a
Friday, Saturday, Sunday a conference situation I actually think I know what the date is
But I need to throw that at them and then that's gonna figure out where everything else is what goes before it what goes after?
It when I leave all the rest of that stuff is depend upon that Because I just want to be a blessing to this church because Stuff I can't really go into right now, but I sort of feel like I need to be so anyhow,
I Was talking with the folks up in Southern Colorado and they listened to the vying line They knew what was going on with our fifth wheel with the roof and all the rest that kind of stuff
So, where are we right now? Big red is ours We have not
Yet Rich and I haven't done our workouts yet What our workouts?
Well You probably didn't check the shipping thing. Did you? on the hitch
To see if it's gonna be sitting somewhere at my house Are you sure are you checked?
Okay. Well, I just saw the UPS guy at some point over the next number of days Rich and I will be
Lifting very very heavy thick metal stuff into the back of the end of the bed of the truck and installing a fifth wheel hitch that will pull a 25 ,000 pound weight that's its max and I'm sorry.
I'm sorry We're not putting 25 ,000 pounds on it, but I'm gonna tell you something there
There are many highway departments that design bridges to try to imitate 25 ,000 pounds as you as you doing this number getting in and off and the new pin box might help with a lot of that but anyway that's how we communicate with folks and so we have we have the unit and Look took a bath on the trade -in.
We took a bath in the trade -in I mean it's sitting there with half its roof torn off and a
Lot of people said you should you should sue the manufacturer and you know what? We probably have we'd probably have a good case
But we don't have the time for that We've got a lot coming up We've got this trip to Louisiana Coming back through Oklahoma.
I'll be doing May 1st and 2nd. I'll be in Pryor at Grace Life Church I'll be doing a mini conference on the atonement two sessions on the atonement of Tremendous topic to be involved in and so those of you in that area mark those dates down The weekend before that is the two debates of Jimmy Akin and the seminar on Roman Catholicism reaching out loved
Roman Catholics in Livingston, Louisiana so we have that trip coming up and then this fall there's all sorts of stuff that We're gonna be doing in Texas and places like that so we don't we don't have a staff and we don't have
Lawsuits are not our thing and so what ended up happening is and I am very very thankful for this the
RV place where we purchased this is also where we get repairs done on our on our RVs and they worked with us and I Really believe in God's providence, you know, we go walking over to their lot where they're selling fifth wheels and Here's this unit that as far as we can tell has hardly been anywhere
I have the rather strong feeling that It was because it's it's in Sun City If you know anything about Sun City Sun City has been described as God's waiting room and I think what happened with this the only thing that makes real sense to me is
Grandma and Grandpa Retired to Sun City. I had always wanted to cruise the country in a beautiful fifth wheel and They bought it and before they did anything with it.
Somebody died. Somebody got diseased something It's that in a covered storage place and was eventually
Distributed to this This lot and it was there less than a week before we
Walk into it and go Because it just the stoves never been used the ovens never been used the microwaves never been used it's just Um It just hadn't been used and so it's like brand new and it was everything we were looking for especially especially quality
We we've come to understand you you do Get what you pay for and if you want if you go super cheap
You're gonna get super cheap quality and if you're gonna drag super cheap stuff over the interstates
Especially in New Mexico and Louisiana and some places in Missouri It doesn't handle that real well
So I'm really excited rich was showing me some stuff and we were talking about stuff. I'm really excited about this next trip
It's gonna be a real experience for me, but I'm excited because a lot of stuff that we were having problems with I don't think we're gonna have problems with anymore and We're gonna have plenty of room for a studio plenty of room for the to do the dividing line
And I'll actually have a bed to sleep in so should we get sick again Like we did the last trip.
I might might be able to handle it a little bit better Than propping myself up at the kitchen table with pillows like I did before so There we go
So if you want to see us out there Doing these debates and going to the places that we're going
Then There's a travel fund link at a omen org go to the donate page travel fund
We need your help to sort of get back to get make up the loss on the on the last unit and Then obviously there are things we're having to do rich, and I are installing a new hitch that hitch
What 12 something? 1 ,500 range okay 1 ,500 bucks
The old hitch we had what was not rated for for this larger unit and so you know 1 ,500 bucks for that We put bags on the truck which will which increase its carrying
Comfort shall we say airbags? Which it's sort of like putting extra leaves?
That's that's mainly what the difference between a 2 ,500 3 ,500 4 ,500 is is how many leaves in it?
So you know if you got a 4 ,500 that thing is not fun to drive down the road if you're not pulling anything
It's just It's just you know that's just the way it is and So those were almost 900 installed
So yeah, there's other costs that are that are going along We tires you know there's there's things like that to go along with it, so But if you're enjoying what we're doing out there
And you're seeing that it's good to go to local churches and being do that kind of stuff We could use your help you could use your help in catching up with that and in paying for these other things travel fund at aomin .org
And I'm personally really looking forward to that first road trip
DL I can still see some things we're gonna be able to do down the road, but It's gonna be
We're still brainstorming stuff as to exactly where to put things, but there's so much room back there that We're gonna the nice thing is
I can stand up and not hit my head in the roof Because that in we were right in the front, and I realized on this
I realized yesterday as I was leaving Just how much taller this thing is it's only it's only five inches technically taller
But the reality is the actual structure, I'd say is a full foot taller Than the than the other one was so there's it's it's it's cool.
It's wonderful. It's great. I'm excited Don't forget the Jimmy Akin debates Go to aomin .org
front page click on that if you're in the Louisiana area or Actually really
East, Texas, Louisiana down south there You might want to Make it over to Livingston for the the debates on solo scriptura
I'm wondering I think I saw that there is a new encyclical coming out on human dignity
Which means it's going to be primarily written by Tucho Fernandez, and so I'm wondering if that's going to end up being
Interesting element of what might be the background for the souls for tour debate and then the debate on how does a person have peace with God Obviously that raises all the issues of the finished work of Christ justification imputed righteousness.
Who is the blessed man? All of that can show up in that in that debate
We're looking forward to that and I really hope it's helpful to folks Daniel chapter 7
Verse 13 says I kept looking in the night visions And behold with the clouds of heaven one like a son of man was coming
And he came out to the ancient of days and was presented before him and to him was given dominion Glory and a kingdom that all the people's nations and men of every language might serve him
His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which will not pass away and his kingdom is one which will not be destroyed
Now if you listen to the last skillet album You've heard those before right before the shredding
Guitar solo in the song Dominion you have John Repeating those very same words and you know
Hopefully, you know that in Mark chapter 14 when when the high priest
Demands of Jesus who are you? What Jesus does is he conflates he puts together?
Psalm 110 1 and Daniel 7 in his own self -identification
And the immediate response of the high priest is to tear his clothes and say you've heard the blasphemy
What further need is there of witnesses? So there isn't any question
That Daniel chapter 7 is presenting to us this son of man and That he is a divine figure he is he's given dominion glory and a kingdom all the people's nations and men of every language might serve him and that particular term in the
Greek septuagint is translated as Latreau the highest form of worship is given to Christ His dominion is an everlasting dominion, which will not pass away and his kingdom is one which will not be destroyed now
These are this is divine language Being used of this one like the Son of Man who is presented before the
Ancient of Days now Your eschatology may
Indicate to you that these are Events Yet future and for some people that's the case.
I Believe this is what we see immediately after the resurrection of Christ So you put together the
Ascension? with this and you you have Jesus's entrance into his
Exalted enthroned Position at the right hand of the
Father Having accomplished everything that the triune
God in Their eternal counsels had determined to do and so that means
Christ has dominion And it will never pass away.
He has glory. He has a kingdom and all the people's nations and men of every language are to Latroux him serve him worship him bow before him.
This is the highest form of Worship and it's given to Christ now ironically we've obviously talked about Daniel chapter 7 many many times of I Remember last last summer when
I was in Denver. I preached on this text and and related texts at a church there in in Denver and So No one tweeted about it no one no one started a controversy about it and here we are in our modern day and Last week
Did it was it even did it start before the weekend even has it even been a week yet? I I don't even
I can't even keep track of this stuff. I really really can't and to be honest with you
A Part of me goes Will this controversy?
Even be remembered a year from now or will people will you mention it and somebody goes?
Really? Yeah, I sort of vaguely remember that and well there have been 47 big controversies since then that does seem to be how things go and Honestly when you think about it
This next election how many people will even remember what was done to them in 2020 and 2021 and 2022
How how many people will even? Think about that type of thing our our collective memory is
Incredibly incredibly short and that's a problem but You've seen the controversy mate.
Well, maybe you haven't I Don't know but a a controversy exploded Where basically what was being said was that if you say
Christ is King well, let's put it this way the the fairest way to put this is that there are people who are saying that certain people when they say
Christ is King are using that as some type of Anti -semitic slur now
I have seen People online
Saying things About Jews in some type of as if there is
Just a Prototypical Jew that they're all the same In these people's minds.
There's all the same They they've all got bad motives and they're all taking over the world and they all control everything and banking and everything else and media and all that kind of stuff and There's no there
I've seen people they don't make any distinction between Secular Jews and Religious Jews and any of that stuff.
It's just it's just really weird and I have seen Statements being made by people call themselves
Christians that just make me go What is going on? I haven't seen a lot of it.
I don't go looking for it but I've certainly seen it happening and if someone is
Promoting all sorts of weird conspiracy theories and political ideas and things like that While seeking to attack
Jewish people because they're Jewish people and if they use the term
Christ is King as some kind of a I Don't I don't know how that could be interpreted as an anti -jewish trope or something like that, but If it could be abused in that way
Then the responsibility is on the people that are using it It's on their motivations their theology
I even mentioned in a tweet this morning and Ben Zeisselhoff went after sort of went after me about it and I had to explain the rest of what
I said, but I Think it was about a year to a year and a half ago I was standing in the front foyer of the church that we rent at Apologia and I don't remember how
I Think someone came and got me and said that someone was looking for one of the pastors or something Okay, so I go back there and here's an older man.
It's older than me and He's dead in there and he he you know, he says, you know just love all the stuff that you all do and your your zeal and and stuff like that, but I The Lord wants me to tell you
What the one thing you're missing, okay now I am a cessationist so And And I remember very clearly
Don Frye saying as soon as anybody says to me The Lord wants me to tell you something my immediate response is do not let the door hit you on the way out
Because yeah, we ain't no you know, the Lord didn't tell you to come here and tell us anything.
So Yeah So it took me ten minutes to get this guy
To finally get around. I had to push him. I had to like well, okay Appreciate all the nice things.
But what are you supposed to be telling us? Well, you just y 'all just don't seem to understand the centrality of the
Jews In what's going on and basically his idea was everything that we say is bad in the world that we're addressing is actually due to the
Jews and I'm just sort of like and I think
I said in my tweet. I rolled my eyes and suggested that he exit the building and I did
Because I'm not I'm not interested in so there are The one -off weirdos out there, but I I don't see it as some big huge thing um
But they're they're out there. They don't tend to get along with each other too. Well, but they're out there. So If someone's abusing the kingship of Christ, it reminds me of dr.
Sabin in 1999 we were debating the doctrine of the Trinity and After the opening statements,
I think it I think there may have been two sets of rebuttals I don't remember exactly now and we don't really have a full recording or at least
I don't think we do We have it just the audio. Yeah, the videos sort of get messed up He made the argument that Trinitarians had killed
Unitarians in the past and therefore that proves that Trinitarianism is of the devil and can't be true and things like that.
So the abuse of something is sufficient to Make that something untrue
People make the arguments against the Bible that way and well We didn't we didn't get into it.
But And we were gonna have a discussion. I was gonna mention it with Tobias and Peter when they were on the program, don't forget to catch
Tobias's sermon at Apologia. I linked it again this morning He just blew our people away and When it was done
I got up to introduce the Lord's Supper and I said to the people first of all, they they applauded at the end of the sermon and Then I got up there and said
I looked at Tobias that they never applauded me everybody laughed and then
I said Sarah Bales, I think you need to realize that was only the second time he has ever preached a sermon in English and The people were blown away they immediately
I thought they were gonna give him a standing ovation at that point because they they were just really challenged and thought it was it was tremendous, but He and I had talked about Maybe discussing what had happened on the four -person dialogue discussion panel
About Discernment cessationism Justin Peters Michael Brown that that thing.
I listened to it on the drive back on the last trip and The issue of Luther and I have had some back -and -forth the fact
I can see Michael Brown's tweet to me right now DM tweet on the side of my screen here.
I Told him I said sometime over the next couple weeks. I'm gonna need to talk about this And he sent me a section from a book that he's written and It demonstrated
That because I had sent him the link to the presentation I made on the two
Luthers on Reformation Day October 31st 1550 on October 31st 1570 on October 31st 2017 and So he sent me a section from book and the section
Demonstrated that he is aware of the Evolution that took place in Luther's views the
Jews and he quotes the same section from 1523 that I did What he doesn't do is, you know,
I'm giving more of a church historian perspective on this He doesn't really talk about what prompted the change in Luther from the 15 15 18 through 15 24
Luther and the post 1525 Luther and My theory on that what
I presented in that in that section Is that the peasants revolt?
Was it was the rise of anarchy it was Luther's tremendous fear of being accused of destroying
Christendom and unleashing anarchy on Europe that led to his turning against the peasants who he had at first been sympathetic toward and Supporting the princes and their destruction of Up to a hundred thousand peasants once they became violent once they became violent.
He turned against them lost all of southern Germany and The much more curmudgeonly
Luther Comes the four after 1525. He's not there before them and So we are gonna have a discussion about well
Because in the conversation, you know, Michael Brown said well How can you refer to and I forget was it
Benny Hinn or was it Kenneth Copeland? I don't see a whole lot of difference between the two to be honest with you
Copeland seems a little bit worse to me Doctrinally But basically his argument was why would you call them false teachers?
if you're not could call Luther a false teacher because he has all these quotes and there were quotes that were used by the
Nazis and and things like that and In the book you got to give
Michael credit. I'm assuming he was quoting from his own book I didn't see the reference, but I think it was from his own book He did specifically say
That many of Luther's contemporaries rejected what he said about the Jews later on in life
I sat in the Cathedral in Eisleben Where he had delivered his last sermons.
He had already had one heart attack. He died shortly thereafter and Some of those sermons had
Really bad stuff in them as far as the Jews were concerned. He had done that book the last two years of his life
Against the Jews and So Michael pointed out that many of his contemporaries rejected what he was saying
But what he what he didn't deal with was Johan Eck Luther's longtime arch rival
Eck saw the problem Luther was going to be long before anybody else did but politics kept
The papacy from moving quickly against Luther and from executing Luther we would say in God's providence
But Eck wrote a much worse book than Luther much longer filled with more lies
Eck's work unfortunately represented where Rome was at that time and Luther's book and Eck's book did represent medieval
Catholic perspectives on the Jews Luther's earlier work
Jesus Christ was a Jew prior to 1525 was radically outside of that of that tradition and So you the the fact is you have to interpret
Luther in the context He was in and my statement would be He is
Luther is writing in a sacral context in Europe at the beginning of the
Reformation and Copeland and Hinn are not in a sacral context
Luther is not trying to get rich Luther's Luther is doing what he's doing at the risk of his life
Copeland and Hinn are Doing nothing at the risk of their life They fly around in private jets.
They're making millions and millions of dollars. They boast about these things and their theology is
Absolutely horrifically destructive you might say yes, but Luther said this about the
Jews or Luther said this about the Peasants and that led to all these people dying
All those people were dying Because of a political perspective not a theological perspective it was sacralism
It was the confusion of the realms of church and state it was goes all the way back
It really has its beginnings and nothing happens just boom everything changes but the beginnings are found in at Nicaea with Constantine and then big huge jump with the
Donatus controversy in Augustine in North Africa a Not well right around a century later.
Not not fully when it first starts, but and It develops over time and it's it's sacralism that resulted in those things not theological positions of false doctrine or anything like that there is
There is a depth to understanding Luther that you do not need to have to understand
Copeland or Hinn Okay, I just saw a video a few days ago of And it was recorded a few days ago of him doing his
Hinn thing You know knocking people over with his Armani suit and all the rest of I'm sorry
That that's not what Christians do. That's not what the Spirit of God is involved in and I still think when that reporter caught
Copeland and He had had he just landed Was getting into a big old
SUV. Was that was that was sort of because it looked like it was in a hangar And he's a big big pilot guy and that reporter catches him and starts hitting him with some real tough questions and It's like He totally loses it and it gets this demonic look on his face and then tries to recover
Um, but you could just see that this guy is all about him
This guy is is not going to this guy is not going to risk his life in front of Charles For the issue of the gospel at all.
He's not going to ever lose his private jets or anything else that's not where Luther is and So I think there was a fundamental confusion of political
Sacralism of the day that doesn't exist today with the just wildly false doctrines
Where there's where there's no reason There's there's there's no governmental authority forcing
Copeland and him to do these things at all. It's purely abuse of Christ's sheep and It's it's money money money money power the whole nine yards
So Things that Luther said were used by the Nazis but they weren't in the they weren't in the context of Luther's entire life and Very often were taken out of the context and used anyways
So you can do that kind of thing you can You can take truth statements that Christ is
King and you can put them in a completely different context but the reality is
That many of us over the past number of years Have thought about the phrase
Christ is King in a way that we've never thought about it before. I Don't ever remember
In my upbringing in General Association regular
Baptist Independent fundamentals Baptist culture there was little evident there was little emphasis
On the kingship of Christ and any emphasis that was there was completely spiritual
Jesus is king of your life, you know Let Jesus be on the throne of your life because he's king and it had to do with you know, be obedient to What we'd like to well be obedient to what our church teaches.
It was we didn't really didn't think about Christ's law or anything like that That that we didn't there wasn't an emphasis to have that kind of consistency.
Okay? But it was all spiritualized and I think one of the reasons this particular conversation is happening right now is many many more people are now starting to think of Christ as King as having actual relevance to the church's proclamation to the culture
So, you know I You know, I have a sign on my truck
I've told this before that scrolls And I have to keep reminding myself is there because I'll have people drive by Pointing and I'm sitting going what what what and I go?
Oh, okay. Yeah yeah, but I had a guy in a commercial vehicle drive by with with Peter and Tobias when
I was taking him someplace and he's Gesticulating and pointing and stuff like that and it took me a second to realize he's going.
Yeah. Love the sign. That's great, you know and The sign says it's
Christ or chaos and personally I'm tired of the chaos You know, you got to keep it short
You know if it's gonna take 15 seconds to scroll by most people are only gonna catch part of it
Never never know what you're saying. So it's got to be short and pithy. But anyway A lot of more people a lot more people are thinking about you know, what does this really mean?
What does it mean that Christ is Lord? What does it mean that he is enthroned? What does it mean? He is King What does it mean that kings and judges are to kiss the
Sun lest he be angry and they perish in the way what? Is that just to be spiritualized or is the insanity that we are seeing around us?
due to the fact that Even our laws had had a
Christian content to them in the past that is now not just being abandoned but repudiated
There's a differentiation you can abandon something But to repudiate something is to go the other direction embrace the opposite of those things and that's what's happening in our culture and we we just wonder at the stupidity of what is taking place and the self -destructiveness of And I really believe it is very much a spiritual issue and so we just People are thinking about these things in a way that we have not thought about these things before so it's odd then we hear
Christ if I say Christ is King first of all, what I'm what I'm saying is The the king of all the earth came through the people of Israel There were prophecies of his birth
Yes, he was a Jewish man But to be truly
Jewish now is to embrace your Messiah and so this then has been connected with I Some days are really interesting.
Um, was it day for yesterday? Was it Monday? Or was it was
Saturday? I forget what it was. I Responded to Jenna Ellis Trump's former attorney who obviously they're not really friendly anymore and I had met her at in Washington DC No, not at the not at the
January 6th stuff. I wasn't there not even close And We had actually done a
Q &A section with the lot of squires And She had said a few interesting things during that Q &A that made me go hmm
But it had gone pretty well and Then it was very shortly thereafter that that there was a big spat between her and G3 if I recall it was about churches closing for the
Super Bowl When that what it was about I think it was anyway she posts this whole thing about replacement theology and Calling it heresy and So pretty much all
Amillennialists and post -millennialists are being chucked into the same heretical pile
I guess and So all I did it was very nice. There was no
All I said was, you know, I I think you want to sort of rethink what you're saying about This stuff.
It's it's not really accurate Obviously our position is not that something has replaced
Israel It it is fulfillment it is what was prophesied
The union of the the the fact that the body of Christ will be made up of Jews and Gentiles This is the whole argument that's happening in the early church
Against the Judaizers who are trying to say no you have to become You have to go into the Old Covenant before you get in the
New Covenant and all the rest of stuff There's a lot to it But to just simply go
Heretical right, you know, it's just It's silly, but it's all over the place on the internet.
It's just it's everywhere and So I just wrote one little tweet and said
I'd really rethink your use of the term heresy and heretical it's just Wow Did I Did I step on a landmine on that one
Wow, not only did did she respond rather negatively but lots and lots of other people did too
It's she even she even made a comment at one point that all
I do in my debates is appeal to authority Like I did against Layton flowers, and this is someone who's called called
John MacArthur her pastor Does she think that grace community is a is friendly to provisionalism
I I don't know. I I I don't know
So it's just there's just so much stuff flying around on on the internet that you just don't even know where stuff's coming from look,
I Think one of the most important things we can be doing right now in the church is to be thinking
We confess Jesus Christ is Lord and you know The Lordship controversy and all the rest of this kind of stuff, but even that was primarily addressed within the context of a
Spiritualized we're only talking about Lordship in in your life Certainly doesn't have any real impact outside the church and outside the spiritual aspect of your life and stuff like that We really need to be dealing with what it means to say
That Christ is King King of Kings. Is that just a nut that just rhyme well in the songs or Does that actually have some kind of of?
Application to it that's That's something to me. And so it Strikes me as odd that there'd all of a sudden be this controversy that would cause you to be hesitant
To say Christ is King Look, if if you know that you are desirous of seeing the gospel to go to all peoples
Including the Jewish people Then Say Christ is
King without hesitation and say it to everybody without hesitation There's there's no reason to even give
Consideration to anything less than that. It's biblical it is Taught throughout scripture and you can't get away from it.
You can't get away from it. So don't don't hesitate A couple other things here
I saw Someone else posted this because he's blocked me and I've blocked him
But I saw a Quote I have it up here
From Warren McGrew Muslims it's God's will for us to marry and be intimate with children
Calvinist agreed and there's a it's it's a quote on another tweet to Muslims discuss why the age of consent doesn't exist in Islam and Obviously He sits around he spends most of his time sitting around trying to come up with the most outrageous things
He can possibly say So we can do the Mott and Bailey thing Because and there's a there's a guy on Twitter even today called the curious
Kairos Who is obviously rabidly anti -reformed as well?
and the whole thing is Well, if you're a determinist not
If God is eternal God has all knowledge. God has a decree. They want to use philosophical terminology to try to again
Flatten out biblical revelation. They don't believe all scripture They claim to but they when you press them on things you discover they don't they don't believe all they will not allow
Scripture to be bigger than their categories bigger than their philosophies lots of people like them and so the
I the idea is well If Muslims Are intimate with children so this is the whole
Aisha thing and and and the whole Age of marriage and young brides in Muslim lands and all the rest of that And if you are a
Calvinist then you believe this is part of God's decree and therefore Calvinists are fine with this.
And again, I've lost all I've lost all respect for these people
Because they know they're lying about us. They're they're lying about this. They know that there is a vast category difference
They know that you know, this is the same Theological buffoon
Who was the one who said Calvinist parents are perfectly fine with the children
Going to hell as long as they get theirs as long as the Calvinist parents get into heaven, you know, that's cool.
Okay, so There are people that are so imbalanced and so lacking in integrity
That they know That we Pray for our children
They know that we seek to instruct them in the ways of the Lord We know that we pray that they know that we pray that God will be merciful to our children and that we would much rather Trust God's mercy than trust them children and their rebel in their rebellious nature in regards to their salvation and so they they know we we do everything that we can to be used of God But their whole issue is they also know that that we would say and whatever
God does is right That's the part. They don't believe that they don't have a
God where they can say whatever God does is right They don't believe in any of that. So There you go.
There's the issue. That's there's the problem But they will ignore all of that and create these
Absurd You know Muslims it's God's will for us to marry me into with children
Calvinists agreed People say that they have zero theological integrity.
There is no reason to even engage these people you just you just lock them and and just let them scream into the void because there there's no reason to even try there really isn't and One of the people that has had that particular individual on his program more than once.
I Had not heard this till just before the program. So We will have to have the sound up here.
I Had seen this there were two quotes The wise disciple on Twitter Real nice fella he had me on the program.
I think on the trip before last and we talked about debating because he was a debate coach debate teacher and I've done a few debates and so we just Talked about debate and what's important and things like that.
And so he did a review of Not of my debate with Layton Flowers, but the cross -ex so it's about an hour long the cross -ex is 40 minutes
So there's only about 20 minutes commentary and I had even tweeted back to him and said hey I got a bone to pick with you because he had at one point
Identified one of the questions I asked Layton as a bad question. I thought it was the best question because it was the question that Layton answered by saying well if that's the case then your position would be right and That then became the foundation of my entire closing statement
Because I then demonstrated. Well, I was right Layton hasn't even tried to get into the into the ring on the real issues here
You can't do it. That's why and so You know, so I but in a friendly way
I was I wasn't angry with him or something like that I was like, why did you say that was a bad question? I'd really like to know why is it because it would have could have opened up other opportunities
It would have taken this away from where I was trying to go or you know, look he's the debate coach And so I want to know why he's thinking the things that he's thinking
Well, he didn't have a whole lot to say positively he did have some positive things to say
There is there was one point. He said, you know Layton's trying to get his stride here He's getting doing a little bit better at this point
But most of what he said was criticism of what where Layton flowers was going a couple times
He said I think James could have gotten here more quickly. He should have said this either thing But this is wasn't overly positive toward Layton anyway so Layton flowers does soteriology 101 all the time now.
He doesn't have his regular job anymore. And so I've told a number of people
Google has to has had to put numerous new servers online Just simply to host all this stuff that's going to be coming from Layton flowers and So there were two there were two things we have the
Audio up ready to go. Okay, so let's let's listen to these two.
I I think they're different Maybe they end up being the same but I think they're different. Let's start with this one.
I Have every right to question my opponent on the justice of what Jesus is supposedly teaching if I can demonstrate that what
Jesus is teaching Is demonstrably unjust based upon what the scripture teaches and based upon what intuitively we all know to be true
Then I have every right to point that out because what does it do it establishes? That's probably not what Jesus is teaching right if I can show this teaching is unjust
Therefore Jesus is not teaching it that is well within the confines of the debate Okay, so again
Till his dying day Layton's going to continue to say that he actually debated Romans 9 when he didn't until his dying day
He's gonna say it's perfectly fine in a debate on John 644 To try to drag it off into a discussion of infants
When it wasn't the top of the debate it would require Extended presentations to make any sense of it, but he doesn't care that doesn't matter
He doesn't he doesn't understand debate doesn't want to understand debate. It's it's and he was being criticized
About that in the video. And so those were his but notice his intuition Not what
G is actually taught his idea is He can't break the connection between the drawing of the
Father and The teaching by God which results in people hearing and learning That's all a divine thing and as he admitted in the cross -examination
If those are divine actions of God's power then Calvinism is true. He can't deny that he can't attack that He can't get into the text to do that.
He hasn't gotten any of his Greek scholars to be able to do that either and so This is his big thing now
I was perfectly right to bring up any topic any topic under the
Sun to make my point and my point is that I'm going to prove that Calvinism is a bunch of big meanie heads and That's what
I was doing in Romans 9, that's what I'm doing now In John 6 and it and that's what
I'm just gonna keep doing every day. The rest of my life is Get up and the first words out of my mouth is
Calvinists are meanie heads and then I'm gonna go from there. So there but but Our intuition then becomes the framework for the interpretation of Jesus words in John 6
It's not the text that gives rise to the doctrine It's other stuff that well it just can't be that because that would mean this and and then we have to assume he's right about that and about that and about that and Eventually what the text actually says becomes completely irrelevant but then we have this one and this was also a clip from him and Here he accuses me of lying and I just said that these guys lie about us their misrepresentations
They're you know, we agree with the Muslims about young marriages and all this kind.
I mean, that's just It's too dumb to have to respond to it. But actually it's not dumb
It's evil because it's purposeful and the people doing it are not dumb. So it's evil but the other thing was
During the debate and I mentioned this briefly, you know, he wanted me to equate
Drawing with regeneration and I said, well, I think we should we're in John 6
Let's let John 6 define what the drawing is because I want to go back to what does the text say the text is?
Identifying drawing as being taught by God That involves and everyone who is taught by God hears and learns
Okay, so that's That's my whole point. I Made it my opening
Lest he go to John 6 45 and turn the text upside down, which is exactly what he did I knew it was gonna do so.
I want to go to back to that. But as I said, I Don't limit drawing to just Regeneration it involves regeneration.
It's a part of the drawing But he wants to he always wants to take terms from systematic theology and Make them absolute so the order of Saludis every text is about the order of Saludis well, guess what every text isn't about the order of Saludis and The order of Saludis is not just a the order of order of salvation order of Saludis We've talked about it many many times over the years
But it is a logical order not a temporal order and It is not meant to be taken in some kind of wooden fashion where you just can put it down like a cookie cutter over every text of scripture so You know, it's it's like how confused most non reformed people are when they talk about being saved
What's involved in being saved? Well, there's a lot of stuff involved in being saved That's why we can say we have been saved you have to like get out of here at a certain time
Okay, you're just looking at the clock I was just one so we can say we have been saved and we can say we are being saved and we will be saved because saved talks about being resurrected to spiritual life and adoption and forgiveness and sanctification and Glorification and Union with Christ and there's just there's just so much and People will just talk about well,
I just want to know about how I'm saved But the New Testament doesn't let you just stay stay with I'm saved.
There's much more to it than that and so a lot of people get confused about that type of thing and so my point obviously was
Drawing involves of necessity Being drawn to spiritual life because the one who's drawn does what comes to Christ?
What is coming to Christ coming to Christ is looking to Christ believing in Christ All these things and so yes regeneration is a part of it
But it's not all of it and there are aspects in Scripture revealed to us
Remember this the provisionists that don't care about aspects squish it all down Make it fit in our teeny tiny little two -dimensional thing and we're good.
That's what provisionalism I how many times have I said for how many years have I been saying the same thing?
There's nothing new about this. I've been saying this from the start. That's what they do with the knowledge of God That's what we do with the doctrine of God.
They don't they have such a shallow man -centered doctrine of God They can't get into God's decree and God's knowledge and God's providence.
It's just it's not even a part of where they're going So To limit to equate drawing with regeneration leaves elements of what drawing is out and So that's what
I said in the debate is he kept he kept trying to make that shallow. It's a equal sign
You said that in a book. Yes. I have said in books that Being drawn involves regeneration, but I've never said and that's the only thing it is in fact,
I specifically made other statements and connected it to other things that God does in Bring about the salvation of his like people
Layton is a horrific reader horrific reader of other people's materials so Here's here's here's a clip here.
Oh Turretin fan just posted something. I wonder if are you watching the channel is
Turretin fan No, okay. All right. Here's Sound up. Here we go.
I Don't know if flowers is trying to like what's his strategy like go? My strategy is to hold my opponent accountable for his words when he lies on stage saying that he doesn't believe something that I've read him
Saying that I've heard him with my own ears because my heat when I hear and I listen
I do it actively I don't do it passively like I guess apparently Calvinists do and so I listen to my opponents and I really believe what they tell me when they say that regeneration involves drawing revolves regeneration involves regeneration
Yeah, that's what I said involves. It's not Equative to it's not the exact identical same thing.
That's all I was saying. There's more to it But when you say it involves regenerate, that was what
I said, so I'm lying No, I'm not lying at all It's just I mean
He is so confused theologically That I really think here is an example of an individual whose education was not up to par and he was pushed into doing something and Defending something and now he's so devoted to it that there's there's no going back to get the foundations to be able to have any kind of nuance or hear nuance or accurately grasp things or anything, but he's losing it and It's it's sad to watch the sad to see but but he's losing it.
Let me look at this. What did So this was just posted.
It's the same screen screen capture So watch
LF so this is one of the things I that I played for you just now Was from L -E -L -L -E
Watch LF admit he uses his own intuition to judge what Jesus can and can't be teaching
Soteriology says this is Soteriology 101 says this is false. I said we can look at one what the scripture teaches and two what we intuitively know to be true
IE it's unjust to judge a man for something for which he has no control of it's the
Calvinist burden to establish that we shouldn't trust that intuition and Provide oh, that's not that link doesn't work
Hmm, that's interesting. He's just he's just doing a screen cap, but the show more doesn't work, but he's he's specifically
Turgeon fans pointing out that we intuitively know to be true L was right in what she was saying that that is what he said
He specifically talked about Intuitively, it's unjust to judge a man for something for which he has no control of Um, I'm not willing to do it maybe some of you out there that just love
Running repeatedly into brick walls with your face and There are a few people like that Maybe you'll do it
But wouldn't you love to see a provisionist? Try to deal with Romans 5
I don't think they can I I I just they literally
I I cannot see how their theology Could provide a consistent foundation for the imputation of the righteousness of Christ Because the imputed righteousness of Christ means we are being held accountable for That which we did not do
So The the law of God says love the Lord your God while your heart soul mind and strength
None of us have done that 24 7 for our entire lives,
I Don't think anybody does it perfectly for 24 let alone 7 So, how are we going to get into the presence of a holy
God? We have to have a positive righteousness the righteousness of Christ that takes away
The punishment of our sin But also provides to us the fulfillment of the positive commands of God's law
Jesus loves the Father perfectly His righteousness becomes our righteousness, which means we are being held accountable for that which we did not do in Jesus Christ and That's the very basis of our peace with God I don't know how provisionism can say that Because he said it's unjust to judge a man for something which he has no control of I had no control over what
Jesus did And neither did you? So what you gonna do?
Well Arminianism has never developed a Well modern
Arminian well Arminianism after Arminius had enough reformed theology in him to try to hold on to some things
But it didn't take long for his disciples to abandon all that because they couldn't provide a meaningful foundation
So how does provisionism? Talk about those in Adam and those in Christ In Adam death in Christ life
But I wasn't there when Adam sinned and I wasn't there when Jesus died so it seems from the provisionist perspective
I got nothing to do with any of that and The Bible says yeah, that's not how
God works That's not how God works but these guys want to say well he needs to because We set standard
We it needs to make sense to us So we can't have any of this The elect unite with Christ stuff.
That's yeah. Mm -hmm can't go there So there's there there's here. Yeah, that's interesting
Okay last thing here Excuse me last thing is
J. Lincoln Duncan Okay Sort of the most powerful fellow in the
PCA head of all the RTS seminaries Huge influence
He's on a Program and had the term nuance in it room for nuance
I think the webcast hour -long about 52 minutes, I think it was anyway and Made a lot of Really strange comments
I mean It's just like was he in a really major hurry was he not thinking about what he was saying was he thinking no one was
Ever gonna listen to this How on earth? Can you literally sit there and say
That now that Roe v. Wade was overturned now all of a sudden the abolitionist movement has begun after Roe v.
Wade was overturned Obviously if you'd like to hear more about that go to apology radio because Guys who have spent over a decade promoting abolition
Um Yeah, some of you may remember years ago The abolitionists would show up outside of churches where I was
I was teaching to protest me Because that movement at that time was anti church
Was against the local church, you know who you know the single person in my opinion that had the most to do with turning that around and Helping abolitionism to gain a
Solid biblical basis In in loving the church and being a part of the church was
Jeff Durbin Jeff Durbin Invested himself in doing that Jeff invest hasn't so invested himself
That Sunday night after church. We went to dinner normally don't do that But we had Tobias and Peter and so we go to dinner and I'm I'm looking across the table and Here's candy his wife sitting next to candy is
Augustine she has one of the twin babies and Jeff and my wife took turns holding the other twin, baby so there are
Three little teeny tiny well two teeny tiny infants and I think Augustine is like three something now three or four and They've adopted these children as a part of the abortion abolition movement
They felt we need to be able to do this. They have grandchildren. They are grandparents
One of their daughters just got married a few weeks ago she was sitting over here and Jeff's beard is
Turning white at a rapid pace. I'm serious You look at Jeff you look at videos of Jeff preaching six months ago.
He didn't have gray in his beard He has an inch of it now coming up from the bottom He is
Doing feedings at 2 30 in the morning with babies That they have adopted
As a part of the abolition movement, and they've been doing this
For years and They were telling people to ignore Roe v. Wade for years.
How on earth? Does dr. Duncan sit there and say well all sudden we got the abolition movement in there
You know, these people have been working all these years. They just say What how could someone be that ignorant of?
What's been going I don't understand that that part just left me going Was it did he not get enough sleep that night?
Well, I'm trying to figure out something because it doesn't make a lick of sense Not a lick of sense
But then he goes off after The quote -unquote
Moscow mood they didn't name names and that that's one of the things you've got to give to Doug Wilson and Chocolate Knox and All the cross -politic guys
Say what you will Say what I don't like when they talk about this talk about that fine.
Obviously, I've had disagreements with them Say what you will
They will name names and if they name names and the person they name
Wants to talk with them about it. They will talk with them about it. They will not sit there and Name names and then
All all you know, okay, we're talking within their They're saying these people are within the faith.
And so I'm not talking about heretic. Sometimes there's some guy on on Twitter I've Blocked him, but he's a he's a full -blown
Ancient Gnostic Okay. I mean he is a Gnostic he believes That the father
Jesus is not Yahweh. He is a Martianite type Gnostic from 160
AD okay enemy of the faith not he's not in the faith and He just he
I have to debate him and ours and stuff. I'm like you have three followers. You're desperate
You you just want you just want exposure nothing more ain't gonna touch you with a 10 -foot pole
What we're talking about within the faith these guys are willing to say hey, dr. Duncan We're all in this together
We consider you a fellow Christian How about we get together and hash this out won't touch with 10 -foot pole
So what he says and I have the transcript here. I think he's talking about Kevin de
Young and So let me just read from the transcript here. I think that's a good warning to send right now
I think there are some people in our culture today who are saying that this is the model of faithfulness lob grenades
And I think it's really good for guys like Kevin who himself Kevin's got backbone Kevin is willing to speak into things that he knows are going to get people upset about he's down for the fight
He's down for it, but that doesn't mean that you are the most faithful when you are lobbying the most grenades indiscriminately in every direction and Then he says now again, he's not identifying who but he was talking about the
Moscow mood and When you are doing click baity stuff on you know, it's one thing to LARP Faithfulness live -action roleplay.
I've had to look that thing up in the past It's one thing to live -action roleplay faithfulness and courage on social media.
It's another thing to do it in real life You've got a lot of live -action role -playing going on in the social media world from guys acting like they're tough
This is what he said, but put them in a room and you'd have them in a fetal position in three seconds
It's not good for that voice to influence our young folks We are gonna have to cultivate backbone.
We're also gonna have to cultivate a love for the world that hates us Now may
I suggest That if you're gonna talk about people Who?
Have been willing to take major risks who have been willing to get arrested during kovat
To say get them in a room with you and you'd have them in a fetal position in three seconds
But then you won't You won't talk to them. You won't go into that room. I Mean if you could get him in a fetal position in three seconds, you're so sharp.
You're so he's got such a stronger position Don't say that if you're not gonna do it if you're not willing to do it doesn't make a lick of sense
Just just just don't do it, you know when when
I you know when we had the last no thing last year about the
Farley fellow it was on the chocolate knock saying the Baptists are Have something to do with Transgenderism this still one of the wildest things ever said
What happened I talked about on the dividing line and then what happened they had me on cross politic
So you can say what you want about these guys They're not getting in any fetal position when you walk in the room.
Dr. Duncan that ain't gonna happen and You if you want
LARPing You were LARPing You LARPed that one To say that they would be in the fetal position
Or the Doug Wilson would be in the fetal position in three seconds after you walked in the room That's called live -action role -playing
But it's not real and Why is one of the leading voices of the
PCA saying that kind of thing? I don't know There could be a context outside of this that we don't know there could be a context that he knows this guy or I don't know.
I Don't know. It doesn't make a lick of sense to me the comment about Roe v. Wade and abolitionism was just so laughably wrong.
You just go I Don't get this. There's got to be something to explain this. I don't know what it was.
I don't know what it was But there you go. There you go Okay, so that's what
I've got for today one last Mention here toward the end of the program
We're not doing a we don't have a special fundraiser I don't know of anyone donating
Bibles or knives Though we'd accept them but Lots of costs right now to make the switch over So that we can continue doing the dividing line on the road and again, my intention was later this year in the other unit to arrange a debate live on the road
In the RV and I still want to be able to do that now when you get set up first Rich has got little ideas and I've got little ideas.
And yeah, but do we want to put that there? What are we gonna plug into you know, there's There's there's things to be worked out in this next trip.
Hopefully will give us an opportunity of going. Yeah, it didn't work too Well, let's try it this way, you know that type of thing, but we still
I still very much want to try to do that Later in the year and and I just want to mention to folks
When you see me on other webcasts, you may notice something Most of the time anymore.
I'm in the RV. That's the easiest way for me to do it. I get where I'm going I get set up The the the stuff's right there.
I'm gonna be maybe doing a dividing line. So let's do a program afterwards I do a lot I get to do a lot more than I even do here
In the unit that's that's and and I think this unit's gonna allow us to to be able to do that kind of thing so Keep that in mind travel fund at a omen org need your need your support and We'll see you later this week at some point in time.