Discernment and Judge Not with Todd Friel of Wretch TV/Radio


Andrew Rappaport and Todd Friel discuss discernment and judging others. Todd provides more rules for discernment. Register for the Sanctification through Suffering https://strivingforeternity.org/conference-on-suffering Rapp Report 0050 This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources strivingforeternity.org Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community: ChristianPodcastCommunity.org Support Striving for Eternity at http://StrivingForEternity.org/donate Please review...


Discernment that is one of the things many people say they're very good at but sometimes the people doing discernment
Need to have a little bit of discernment a lot of people say we should not judge
And yet the scriptures seem to say that we should how do we tackle these type of topics?
That is what we're going to discuss today with a special guest on the rap report Welcome to the rap report with Andrew rap report.
We provide biblical interpretations and applications This is a ministry of striving for eternity and the
Christian podcast community for more content or to request a speaker for your church Go to striving for eternity dot org
All right. Well, welcome to another edition of the rap report and I will give a warning up front I have interviewed our special guests before and I know that it can go anywhere
I never know where conversations may go with him, but Before I get there let me tell you about something that we're doing at for our monthly supporters and that is that if you go out to our patreon page if you happen to decide that you want to help support us at Striving for eternity and the
Christian podcast community. This is what we are doing for our Supporters and what we're doing is that if you choose to donate as little as two
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we will add a third book, which is the book on the origin of kinds and if you want to give a
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And either way you give whether through PayPal or patreon will give you those books for supporting us in This ministry and we thank you ahead of time for that and now on to our special guest
He is none other than Todd frill of wretched radio He is recently the winner of the top
Christian podcast award from the Christian podcast community Which were a part of and so we welcome to the to the airwaves
Todd frill. Welcome Huh? I'm Exhausted the celebrating we've been doing around here
You got a cake But we got a logo from you that's something
I want to see you with a cake celebrating that's what I Know cake, but thank you for the honor
Well, you you recently well, maybe now not so recently because you've written some other books since then you wrote a book called judge not and You subtitled it how a lack of discernment led to drunken pastors peanut butter armpits
And the fall of a nation You you in your ministry you've often shown the issue that The church has some responsibility for the culture for the fact that we're not
We're not rightly doing what the church should be doing and what often comes up is the question of you know
Should we even be judging? I think the title of your book and all that would announce later that we're gonna be giving away five signed copies that Todd You know had provided for us
But it says judge not with the not crossed out Mmm, should we judge is really my first question for you
Well, according to Matthew 7 15, we are to be aware of false prophets. How can we do that if we don't judge?
Romans 16 17 mark those which cause division contrary to what you have learned.
How can we mark them if we don't do any? Judging Jude 3 contend earnestly for the faith in other words judge the bad
Discern the good be a Berean who searches the scriptures Jesus said
People tend to quote Matthew 7 judge not lest ye be judged But they forget John 7 which teaches us to judge with a righteous judgment
So you've got two verses in contradistinction it appears Matthew 7 don't judge
John 7 saying Judge so which is it and the answer is we judge rightly with the right attitude
And we don't judge sensoriously with an attitude Nitpicking being a fruit counter for people.
It's all Jesus commanded. Matthew 7 is all about heart Not whether or not we should be judging because if Jesus was actually claiming in Matthew 7 don't judge ever
That is fraught with problems number one Jesus was making a judgment call when he said don't judge
But then that's a good thing to do so he'd be breaking his command if it were intended to mean don't judge anything ever second
Jesus in the same passage not only that tells tells us to judge People but he judges some people to be dogs and swine
That's pretty judgmental Jesus tells us to judge with Righteous judgment if Jesus had contradicted himself
Well, then we've got ourselves a problem with the Bible all saints We will judge the world first Corinthians 6 2
Jesus was kind of judgmental when he called some Pharisees sons of hell blind guides
Hypocrites whitewashed tombs and finally Andrew not judging is just bonkers. I mean if Jesus command were just a blanket
Christians never judge then you're not gonna know what to order a chick -fil -a because you can't judge anything
When I'm on the street you and I both do open -air evangelism when I'm on the street people say you shouldn't judge For effect what
I always say is I think it's perfectly okay to judge I'm married and I just give silence for them to try to figure out what
I'm talking about And then I say I judge many women inappropriate for me to marry and one that I said was appropriate for me to marry
That's a judgment call. Of course it is we make a million of them every day what socks you're gonna put on so Jesus Wasn't commanding us to never judge or discern.
It would be contradicting a plethora of Bible verses He's just telling us to do it with the right attitude
And I think this is helpful Andrew because look I can be guilty of this We all can when it comes to discernment
We tend to think that our amassed theological knowledge makes us smarter better You know,
I can creep into our thinking but when we remember that if we know Anything about anything?
It's only because God has revealed it to us and that should keep us humble and that is what
Jesus is after when he says judge not Yeah, and you brought up the passage in John 7 which people don't realize that's actually
Jesus Commanding us to judge that judge there in Greek is an imperative So when people say you shouldn't judge and they don't want to go to Matthew 7
Here's John 7 were commanded by Jesus to judge and and you're right at Matthew 7
He now is judging right after that. So he'd be contradicting himself well, this is you know, a lot of this falls underneath the umbrella of just lack of theological training and hermeneutics in the flock
That they don't understand that scripture interprets scripture You don't just take one verse on a subject and say that's everything that we need to know
You'll study all the verses so you can put together as a systematic theology
So when somebody says something like what Jesus said that we shouldn't judge anybody, you know, it's just revealing
They don't have much knowledge of the Bible Well hermeneutics, I think you agree as you have a new version of Herman who out
Hermeneutics is so needed in the church today It's it's crucial
Look the Bible There's a reason that the Bible was written the way that it was two of them at least number one
It would be impractical to have a rule book to cover every situation in every
Christians life who ever lived I mean how thick with that that would fill the whole universe because of all the scenarios and decisions
So it doesn't give us a rule book second of all if it did so if the Bible were just like this
Andrew you were wrong in that fight with your wife repent Okay, reading those types of things page after page after page would be tedious and boring
So God gives us this exciting book that is filled with poetry heroism
Historical narrative apocalyptic literature gospel biographies epistles to churches
Proverbs and with that come some challenges Paul said that we need to be a
Workman that was his instruction to Timothy be a workman. We don't let go and let
God lead us in the interpretation We ask him for wisdom We ask him for his help, but we are commanded go to work on this and cut the word rightly
So there are some skills that need to be acquired in order to do that with a book that I don't like saying it's complex and confounding because the perspicuity of scripture a child can get it, but we should have some tools that help us to practice the art and science of interpreting scripture
That's right and and for folks that you know, listen persecute perspicuity means clarity
Which is what he went on to describe and it is it's clear But whenever we do discernment
What we commonly hear is you shouldn't name names So let me ask it first this way
When is it appropriate for us? To name names of other
Christians or people that profess to be Christians You know, it's that's a great question because quite honestly, you've got two extreme ditches on this
Most evangelicals are allergic to naming names. That is just the biggest taboo you you can go on Christian radio and say something like There's this up.
There's this teacher who's not teaching Truth he wears a white
Nehru jacket Supposedly heals people has really wonky hair that makes
Donald Trump actually go. Wow That's some bad hair and he flies around the world in a private jet and he lives in the
Ritz -Carlton in Los Angeles because he's bilking people out of money and his name rhymes with gin
Well, that's okay But don't ever name his name so there's that's one side of the equation the other extreme is
Naming everybody's name about everything. So there are some rules that need to be applied
To determining when we name names and as you rightly said in your introduction
Andrew I see a lot of discernment ministries that never pause and take the time to say
What are the rules of discernment before I turn on my microphone or write my blog?
What are the rules? How do I apply them to this situation? And and that was the reason that I wanted to have you on because as I look at different discernment ministries
And you you are involved in discernment ministries you are probably I would say the expert at that decision -making
You train people and so many people don't realize that because there's a lot of times on your show You will say and if there's anyone listening, it doesn't listen to wretched.
What is wrong with you? I mean look folks you may not need to listen to wretched radio to get to heaven, but why take the chance?
Hey, I stole that from Erwin Lutzer, so That's funny.
You know, he retired and that's kind of a bummer Yeah, he was he was I got to sit under his teaching every year when he'd come to Jersey I miss it
He was driving I think I had a rental car with serious satellite radio and when I wasn't listening to the
Elvis channel I turn on the preaching and I caught a service of theirs and I was I didn't know who it was and I was listening
And it's like hey, this guy's good. Well, it was Erwin Lutzer You know, the thing is this on wretched you're constantly saying to people
Something will happen. We don't know the details But you you're teaching people how to think through things and you're always telling people
We shouldn't name the name because the details could be could be wrong what we've got so far
You always wait until things are confirmed That's why I wanted to have you on because I think you're one of the experts basically, you and Justin Peters are the two that I would say are the the best when it comes to discernment ministries and you're doing this on a regular basis and Teaching people even if they're not picking up on it when we we should and shouldn't name names
But I don't I haven't heard you actually Explain what's your thinking process on that? How do you go through and say?
Okay, what's the line? We're not gonna go over this line because there always seems to be a stop a point where you stop yourself
Because you don't want to go over a certain line So, when do you how do you judge when to name a name when not to name a name?
Big big question But there are definitely rules and I don't think any of us can claim perfection on applying them because these situations they're complex
Location how public it is who the person is what the teaching is So it's complex, but those are the very things that we need to stop and think about So we start with some basic knowledge
Should I ever name a name and the answer to that is a clear yes Paul called out
Phygellus, Hermogenes, Hymenaeus, Phyletus, Heretics.
Paul did it and the Bible names names constantly it names the names of bad Kings it named
Satan it uses Names, but not nilly -willy for no purpose.
So what are the rules to this? Well, it starts with who are we talking about here?
Let's say that I hear something that John MacArthur said that maybe sounds a little wonky.
I am going to be Extremely cautious about how I approach this subject giving that man who has certainly earned it the benefit of the doubt
Now if you tell me Benny Hinn said something wonky. Well, it doesn't Like no surprise and I can name his name because he just fits into the heretic camp
Now there are people of different shades between John MacArthur and Benny Hinn. Who are we talking about here?
Second, what is the issue? Is it a cardinal doctrine an essential of the faith or a secondary or tertiary doctrine?
I need to think about that Third thing that I need to think about where are we at in the process?
Has this been adjudicated? You know, we we get these cases online I just I just saw that a megachurch in Texas has some ministry youth minister
Who is being charged with a sexual crime with some kid at the church camp?
Okay. Do I know if that guy's guilty? No Do I know if he's in I don't know what he is because I don't know the case
Furthermore another consideration is is this my business? I mean really do
I have any business involved in a local church matter and activity? For the people who do blogging or they do a radio program
The question that needs to be asked and answered is by talking about this and disseminating this news
Am I making things better or worse? Do people really need to hear about a preacher in Paducah who is suddenly starts claiming to speak in tongues?
No, they don't. I mean, no now let's just say somebody National that a story breaks on them if the story is widely
Disseminated and it's you've got to use some some sort of metrics for that But if it's widely disseminated then you can talk about it.
But if it's not don't spread this story Furthermore, let's just say that I conclude.
Yeah, everybody knows about this. Everybody's talking about this That doesn't mean you have to talk about it.
Ask yourself the question. Can I contribute something helpful to this? Because if you're just gonna do nothing, but yeah, how's about that guy?
And what he did I should have known and I saw his sermon once you know I saw that guy at a conference and later, you know,
I don't think he treats his wife very well You are not helping anything. The goal of discernment isn't just a hack at somebody
It is to be loving the false teacher by pointing out to them their error It is to be loving toward the truth
God's Word and it is to be loving toward the sheep that they don't get devoured by this wolf So if you're not able to do that Then you have no business talking about it and the last rule that I would say which really is the first rule to all of This Andrew and this goes back to John 7 versus Matthew 7 if I've got an attitude toward this teacher and An axe to grind my heart isn't
Primarily consumed with a passion for the truth Defending God's Word the soul of the false teacher and the care of the sheep
Then I get turn off your mic put down your keyboard and stop until your heart is right
So that you judge with a righteous judgment. Those are the basic rules Those are some excellent excellent
Rules and advice for folks that I I think it'd be good for most of us who would do podcasting
Most of us who blog who do sometimes and not all of us do it all the time There are some ministries that that's they just focus on that But even for those of us who focus more on teaching but once in a while get into to that To think through those rules before we go out naming names
Well, look this this this is an easy business and it requires that you maybe don't get to talk about the fresh news story today you might need to take some time to work through these things think through these things and Remember another rule of discernment is where is this?
Where is it at this particular story or issue? Where is it in the process that I just read about it on Christian Post?
The accusation for the for the the perverted youth worker in Texas Okay, is that all the information that I need to know?
Where's is has he been arrested now? is the court gonna take a look at this to see if this is true because I Don't want to jump to judgment on this and we need to remember that these stories happen in Time and Andrew this now is where it gets trickiest when it comes to discernment
This is this is hands -down the most difficult aspect of being a wise discerner
It's recognizing that some stories require unfolding
Let me let me let me give an example of that you hear about a famous preacher
Who's who's being accused of saying something and for whatever reason your response is?
Man, I kind of always knew it about that guy or yeah, that doesn't surprise me totally Hold on a second
We consider somebody who is orthodox in profession to be a brother. That is our starting place
We should hope for unity as much as we do for correct discernment So I want to be asking myself the question this guy
Where where we where are we really at in the process? Okay, he said something I don't like I've rendered a verdict that he's guilty
Now let's just say you you think he's guilty a month ago and it turns out four weeks later
Then you were right You should have waited until that fourth week to know that you're right
Because these we've got to let some of these stories play out a little bit
Recognizing that somebody that we give a thumbs up to because our starting place Is there a brother that can change and that doesn't make you a rotten discerner?
That makes you a mature Christian so remember and different Christians are gonna have different takes on this
That just because you think that the person really is guilty of some sort of high crime
Until you know that assume the best which means until there's something definitive
We can have cautious fellowship wise and prudent fellowship depending on the issue
Because we assume and we hope for the best that this person is Misunderstood got bonked in the head of the anesthesia from the dentist office hasn't worn out
Something is there's got to be a reason for this. I hope for the best and I always try to give the benefit of the doubt to a
Brother until it is definitive. All right, so something that most people don't want to talk about is that same scenario?
You someone went out and said something what if they're wrong? What should be the response of the person that does discernment does something publicly and says something wrong about somebody?
Well, it should be the exception rather than the rule. That's for sure. I mean we can all biff it
There's no question about it. But if you're wrong, it's probably Because you've jumped the gun
Andrew if I could Let me let me give an example of that last point
I was trying to make because it's it's a complex issue When we judge and understanding that there's a process and until it's really clear.
The person is a heretic We don't judge them as such right now one of the big debated issues is the social justice issue and here's here's what we've seen is that some people signed the
Dallas theological statement other people did not and Some people therefore would say that everybody who didn't sign it that that's just heresy
All right. Here's a question is Social justice a different understanding on that.
Is that a cardinal doctrine? Second of all have we realized that different people in the social justice camp?
That they have got shades of understanding. I have seen people throw perfectly fine
Theologians underneath the bus Because they have a differing opinion on social justice and we don't even know for sure where that person stands
We need clarity and look I there are guys that are being judged. I think Prematurely guys like Al Mohler is being prejudged here.
We need more information We don't know where look if Al Mohler comes out and goes Muhahaha, I've been deceiving you all along.
I'm a Marxist communist. Well, okay, then We've got something to judge but until then look at the man look at his history look at the issue and Remember that these things need to play out in time before we judge and that goes from Mark Dever It goes for David Platt Now there are some people in the social justice that are making it pretty clear that they have got some major Theological issues judge those but sometimes we need to wait for good brothers
For all of the truth to be revealed before we render a verdict Okay, so so say
I rendered a verdict and my verdict was incorrect. I went out and I went public with it.
Yeah What should I do now that now that it's shown that I was incorrect about what should be the response of the the person doing
Discernment that is wrong. How should they now correct it? Would you like to know what
I'm doing right now Andrew? Sure, I'm practicing self -control
Because I remember the first time I heard this analogy and I went whoo. That's profound and then the 17th time
It's like oh stop it with this illustration. So I'm trying not to use this illustration, but I'm gonna
This is this is the woman who is spreading gossip about somebody in the church
Because she thinks she has the gift of discernment which to a lot of people means I just got a feeling about this and they practice
No rules She's spreading gossip specifically about the pastor
So the pastor calls her in and it confronts her with it
Pointing out her error Then he takes her up the bell tower with a pillow and he cuts open the pillow the feather pillow
And he scatters the feathers to the wind and he said that's what your lies about me have done
You can't get those you can't round up those feathers again You have started a forest fire and it can't be put out.
That's how destructive bad discernment and gossip is So I think we need to start up I read by remembering that that wow if we say things wrong about somebody
You better work as hard as you can to collect those feathers and put out that fire
You need to probably spend more time cleaning up the mess that you made then you did actually creating it
We're talking about somebody's reputation We're talking about a ministry that somebody has been trying to build
We got to do our best to clean that up and it's not just that hey look It looks like I got a couple of details wrong here
But moving back on to the story about Donald Trump or whatever it is, that's not enough.
It should be as public squared as the actual Accusation was yeah,
I agree with that and I tried to illustrate what you said with your illustration there with my kids So I did a thing with him one night
I gave him each a tube of toothpaste and I I said we're gonna have some fun You have 30 seconds to get all the toothpaste out of the tube and they both did it in less than 30 seconds
My son being real smart. He went and got a knife. Just put it on the end and just ran it along the table
Got it out real quick a little bit all over the table. And then I basically said, okay You got you have three minutes to get it back in now worked
Wonderfully for my daughter because she kept trying to stuff it in at the same end It came out. My son looked at it for a couple seconds thought about it went.
How did they get it in the first place? Ah, so he went grabbed a pack of a pair of scissors snips off the back end and start shoving
Yeah That's a problem when you have an intelligent son, right? He just thinks outside the box
But the the point is still there is that you can't get it all back in and but what did he do?
He did everything he could to try to get as much of it back in and I would agree with you that we should do it if it's if we do some public, however, we sin, or You know say something wrong.
I think at the same level it needed like when I do something I say something and I'm wrong
Even if I like say I'm gossiping say say you and I have a conversation I gossip to you and I find out that I'm wrong about who the person
I gossip with my Standard way of doing it will be to go back to you Even though I could like to save face not even raise it to you that I was wrong
But if someone comes to me and corrects me now, I got to go to you because I sits on to you I shouldn't have gossiped in the first place, but That that's
I kind of hold to us having that view You know and how long did it take your son and daughter to try to get the toothpaste?
Unsuccessfully back in far longer than it takes to squish it out so The analogy works beautifully
Yeah, well I had to change it because I thought that after three minutes They wouldn't get much of it in my daughter didn't get as much in my son
Didn't get it all in so I at least changed the analogy to say that you know Once your words go out he couldn't get them all back even though he tried and it took a lot longer than that's right
That's right. You know, here's here's maybe this is false underneath the category of discernment tip
Sometimes let's say I've seen this with discernment ministries they disagree with somebody who has a reputation that is pristine and So they now suddenly they have some sort of a disagreement and how many times have we heard this?
Let me begin the program by telling you how much I appreciate Dr. John MacArthur. He's been a faithful.
I have benefited so much from him He's been preaching the by opening up a seminary and he's got the
Masters Academy International the commentaries he's just been a wonder but Recently, he said hold the phone
Henrietta And then it's a disagreement about this or that I'm gonna assume it's obviously a secondary tertiary issue
Here's another option if you're in discernment ministry If you think that a high profile guy and remember
We really publicly should only be talking about the national high -profile stuff and not finding the bad sermon from the past or in Wyoming or wherever We want we want to be discerning the big stuff
So instead of going on and saying I really love John MacArthur and then taking out the machetes to hack him to pieces
How's about just teaching on the subject? You don't need to mention his name. You don't need to go to war against a brother
You don't need to besmirch him in any way shape or form Because we want to honor our brothers and sisters
Well, however long they've been in ministry And so let's just say it's a disagreement on something that John said in a particular sermon
Then you can just begin your radio program by saying hey, I want to talk to you today about this issue
This is how I see things you lay out your case. That's why I think this issue is important.
So Stay tuned for our next segment That is still teaching without bludgeoning our brothers who who shouldn't be bludgeoned
So in other words teach on the subject teach on that teach the lesson We shouldn't have the the need or that great desire to have to name the name
Because I do think there's an element where we want to name that name because it raises us up by lowering them
Which is the issue? Well, that's that's that's a hard issue that we all have to what that's that's what you know
That's what sarcasm does it brings somebody down so we can feel better That's what
Jesus is after in John 7 judge with righteous judgment Take that beam out of your eye you work on your heart first and you can be a discernment ministry that teaches without always using names
Especially with faithful high -profile brothers, I Okay, let me let me just give an example
Andrew I'm going back to the social justice thing a very high -profile social justice person
It talks about the role of the Christian and the church in government
Okay, and I just I disagree with it. Do I need to say?
Today this guy said this and while I respect him
Let me just tell you where he's got this wrong. I don't need to do that I can just turn on the microphone and say hey everybody
We're gonna talk about a tricky subject and there can be good Christians on all kinds of sides of this issue
Let's talk about the role of the Christian in government and then teach your thing You can still teach without dragging everybody through the mud that is
If more discernment ministries would just practice that Wow, it would clean up a lot of messes yeah would and I think
I Think that a lot of what we end up seeing is people trying to build a ministry off of trashing other
Believers, I think you know, here's the sad thing man. There's an audience for that Andrew Oh Click clickbait works.
I mean it will I mean you you can say things and it's like well I just got to know that gossip and The reality is is because it works in the world the question the
Christian should ask is should we be doing it? John Calvin said a dog barks when his master is attacked
I would be a coward if I saw that God's truth is attacked and yet would remain silent it's kind of sad these days that dogs understand what we don't and a
Note to pastors This is a very strong word from Jesus in John 10 11 through 13
That if you're not willing to protect the sheep from the wolves You're an interloper
Now does that mean he needs to talk about every single thing that's out there an evangelical
Christianity? No, it doesn't but if he is so gun -shy about pointing out really bad
Dangerous teaching Jesus said you're not really a true shepherd. So the answer to the your question should we be doing this is yeah absolutely
So we talked about a lot of this really does come down to her hermeneutics And so I want to give it some plugs here because you have a new version of the
Herman who is out Which is a great DVD set. I encourage everyone to go to wretched right now Okay, not if you're driving
But remember to do it later but go to wretched org go and get the
Herman who DVD series and I'm gonna Play a commercial from our guest actually about another product or another offering that we have at striving fraternity to help with hermeneutics
The good news is striving for eternity would love to come to your church to spend two days with your folks
Teaching them biblical hermeneutics, that's right The art and science of interpreting scripture the bad news is somebody attending might be really upset to discover
Jeremiah 29 11 should not be their life first to learn more go to striving for eternity
Or to host a Bible interpretation made easy seminar in your area
I want to let you know about a special conference that you can attend with Justin Peters and pastor
Frank Mullis as the keynote speakers. The conference is the sanctification through Suffering conference.
That's right. The very thing. Most people don't want to talk about their suffering Most people struggle alone because well, they have depression or anxiety and the reality is they don't want anyone to know about it
But you don't have to suffer alone We have a conference designed to helping you
Understand how God can use your suffering for your sanctification or maybe that you can help others as They struggle with the issue of suffering.
Would you consider joining this conference? We'll have Justin Peters and Frank Mullis as I mentioned
We'll also have two breakout sessions by pastor Joe Suazo and for the ladies only
Colleen sharp from theology gals will be giving a Breakout session now, this is going to be held on March 15th and 16th at Chinese American Bible Church in Freehold New Jersey, it is $40 to attend but do not worry if you cannot afford it
There is a link for you If you cannot afford it or want to pay a different price if you want to pay the $40 or donate more
We are charging $40 to get the speakers out We're not looking to make money off this all the money goes to the speakers
But what we are trying to do is know that there's some who cannot afford to attend and yet they need the help
Some people have gone to striving for eternity org slash donate to just donate for this conference
You can do that If you want to participate and join we're asking you give that you can get all of the details at striving for eternity org slash conference dash on Dash suffering
So go search for the sanctification through suffering conference Make sure that you join us
March 15th and 16th in Freehold, New Jersey Because there are so many people that suffer and struggle alone and yet God can use your suffering or the suffering of others for the sanctification process and you by attending this conference can help others in their sanctification
Ding -dong Jehovah's Witnesses ding -dong Mormons Christian, are you ready to defend the faith when false religions ring your doorbell?
Do you know what your Muslim and Jewish friends believe you will if you get Andrew Rappaport's book
What do they believe when we witness to people we need to present the truth But it is very wise to know what they believe and you will get
Andrew Rappaport's book at what do they believe? Calm. All right, sir. So Todd that commercial with the knock -knock has been played so often
I know someone interviewed you at G3 on for the council podcast
And they started with the knock -knock because they heard it so much thinking you hear it so much And you thought he was talking about door -to -door evangelism
Could could we do something right now that is that that might make this eminently practical sure
We've been talking about bloggers or Podcasters who are so -called discernment ministries.
Let's talk about discernment in our local church Because we are able and we should look we're to rebuke and exhort and encourage one another or to teach one another
So so there's discernment that goes on in every Christians life. You don't have to have a blog
You're discerning in your church And there are some people in the local church that do it just as poorly as some of these national discernment ministries
So when do we judge things? These are slightly different rules
Then then the other these are additional rules. So this is a scenario
I included a bunch of these in that aforementioned book judge not Matilda is A Christian who is growing in holiness week after week you see her she volunteers in the nursery
She attends two Bible studies one Sunday. You pull into the parking lot of the church You overhear
Matilda speaking to her seven -year -old son rather sharply Do you? judge
Matilda and Bring it to her attention and I believe the answer is no
You don't why? It's a one -off at this point.
I remember these things happen in time. But at this moment, that's a one -off It's against her nature and who of us as a parent hasn't had a sharp word that they would wish they hadn't uttered to their
Child, so I don't need to judge Matilda now Let's say it's
Monday. I'm driving to work I pull up next to Matilda's van and I can't hear but I can see that she's just yelling at her son
It's Tuesday You call Matilda to ask her for her grandmother's pound cake recipe and before Matilda puts the phone to her mouth you hear a scream
Shut up Mommy's on the phone you brats Now it's
Wednesday at church You watch Matilda fiercely grabbed her son's arm as she rips him out of the pew to take him back to the church and to the back of the church to have a special chat now
Should you judge Matilda and I think the answer is yes, because you've seen now a pattern of sin
So I can judge Matilda and the question is how do I approach her?
Do I approach it like a sharply tongue discernment ministry? So let me just tell you about Ephesians 6 for you're not to anger your children and what you're doing is really sin
No, I don't Matilda is a sister so I can pull Matilda aside take her out to lunch and say sister
I have been seeing you grow in so many ways You've been such a great student of the
Bible I can see areas of your life Wow God is bearing fruit That's why I was kind of surprised to see
Several instances of you being pretty sharp with with your children. Are you okay?
Is everything all right? Can I help you? now that is a demonstration of the of the judging with righteous judgment taking the beam out of my own eye and Lovingly approach another brother or sister because you see a pattern of sin and not just a one -off goof
Yeah, because and I think a lot of times the pattern is what I mean That's what we're fruit judgers as someone once said and and you're going to see that after the pattern
Let me ask you this Because you you do even in your book judge not even in the the subtitle
It makes it clear that you see the churches in the role. You have this throughout the book What is the relationship between Being discerning naming names and the purity of the church.
Well, uh -huh Everything remember Jude 3 we are to contend earnestly
The church and God's Word should be held in such high esteem. That's one of our motivators to discern rightly now
I don't want to discern wrongly because what am I doing then then I'm besmirching the word and the reputation of the church but because I have such a high view of the word the church and God himself,
I Want to judge with righteous judgment because God cares about the church
God cares about the defense of his word In fact, I would say this to people who don't like the idea of judging anyone or anything to to let a person speak blasphemously on behalf of God I think
Could be esteemed the greatest sin a man can commit By saying I speak for God and then speaking wrongly.
You're like an Old Testament prophet who gets it wrong Why did God want them stoned because that person was representing
God and speaking? Falsehoods, so when I see a teacher on one of these prosperity channels who's you know, just steeped in this nonsense, ah
They're being blasphemous they are committing the greatest crime in the universe and if nothing else
I should care about their soul and Point it out and even name names in going back to naming names
Andrew there's a kindness in naming names to two different groups of people the false teacher and To the
Christian the pastor the teacher who is trying to be faithful When he hears somebody on some discernment program say okay, so there's this pastor and he said something like this
And this is what I think about it Whoa, whoa, whoa Are you talking about me?
Tell me please. I want to know because if I'm doing something wrong I want to repent of that it is a kindness to name names to the false teacher and to the true teachers in defense of the of the character of the church in God's Word Recognizing that false teaching is the highest crime a man can commit
Okay, so do you do you see the church having some responsibility in you know?
What you call the theological train wrecks and the you know, the the wonky
Evangelical movements is the is the church responsible for some of the craziness that we've seen because they lack discernment
Well want to be careful with that because To make a statement. I think about my own church
Bible based church faithful preaching down the street, you know, you've got The cuckoo house where they're you know
Swinging on the chandeliers and using motorcycles to jump over the pastor's head is my church responsible for that I I don't think so but when we
Don't preach to the sheep and warn them about such things That's where I think the church's primary responsibility is in Teaching guarding the flock and not dealing with every wonky church that's in town
So then we see a responsibility though with the discernment and the church
What role do you see the holiness of God playing in discernment? Well, I As soon as you ask that question three words come to mind for me and that is central interpretive motif
Every Christian should have one and I'm not saying that one is righter than the other
I think it is but I'm not gonna you know slander somebody because they don't agree me about the central thing
What is the what is the big thing about God? What is the big thing about how this universe is operating?
What's the point of all of this? So now I'm gonna come up with a list of attributes of God What's that?
What's what's the big thing here? All right. He's loving. He's kind. He's generous
He is mercy. He is righteously indignant Indignant he's all of those things.
So what's what's the big thing? And I think the answer to that question What is the central interpretive motif when
I think about God the answer is the threefold Holy Holy Holy That's that's
God is holy and his word is a reflection of him So when somebody mangles his word, they're mangling
God and they're marring his holiness So I want to see things the way that God sees them and that a besmirching of his word is a besmirching of his character
That is holy. Holy. Holy and I want to jump in and speak out and again
I will say this Andrew it is a kindness to the false teacher to do so and call them to repentance
It is a love of the false teacher It's a love of the sheep and it's love for the word and it's a love for God's holiness
So yeah, it does play a big part of this. Yeah, I think when your view is God's holiness you're going to have a different perspective because I think what happens in a lot of churches is
People want to just take the easy route out. They they root out. They don't want to they don't want to Make things worse create more of a problem.
So you think if they ignore a problem It'll it'll just go away And what you see is you have a sinning person in the church more often than not when no one confronts them
They continue in it. I always argue you you are not doing them any spiritually good by not bringing the issue to them because when you bring it to them if they're
Christian if they have the Holy Spirit and dwelling them they should repent of that But if they've gotten away with it time and time again, and then you bring it
They end up feeling like who are you to to judge me? Which ends up bringing up the next thing when we talk about holiness so often
I get and I'm sure you do too when people Will argue well, who are you to judge me?
How about you you're coming to me, but you're not perfect. And so do we have to be perfectly holy to be able to judge others?
Yeah, that's that's that's uh, you know, it seems powerful on the surface. I think it's called kind of an emotional tactic
I could say back to that person. Okay, do you parent perfectly? Therefore you shouldn't have children.
That's nonsensical Of course, we don't do everything perfectly And if we're doing it with an attitude of humiliness humility with an esteem for God's holiness
We shouldn't be coming across as smug know -it -alls. And so when somebody says something like that I see
We need an arbiter. We need a referee. Okay fair enough. I want to make sure
I'm doing this, right? Let's open up our Bibles. Let's see what God says about judging and figure this out together because we are commanded
Multiple times that's where we started this program Andrew. We're commanded to be right
Judgers, so let's let the Bible be the arbiter Recognizing that we are flawed.
We don't do this perfectly Let's help one another in this effort, but to say that we shouldn't judge because we don't nail it a hundred percent of the time
That that's that's just a contradict what the Bible clearly teaches I agree
So after I want to play a commercial after that I want to play a game with you one that makes it easy on you, but i'm sure you're going to love
I'm sitting here with bated breath Looking for strategies that will help you engage in meaningful conversations with members of the mormon church
Well, if so, take a look at sharing the good news with mormons a new book produced by harvest house publishers and edited by mormonism research ministries eric johnson and sean mcdowell
Sharing the good news with mormons includes 24 helpful essays from two dozen christian apologists scholars and pastors
Pick up your copy at the utah lighthouse bookstore or order directly from mrm .org
And you can also get that at striving for eternity .org in our bookstore. I am one of the 24
Authors of that which was a privilege to be part of it. My chapter in there is open air evangelism
And I did make a distinction between that and open air preaching But if you want to get that it's a good book
Even if you say well, I don't talk to mormons It's a good book Even if you just enjoy evangelism because you have 24 different tactics that people use to outreach to mormons
Many of them apply to reaching to anyone atheist or anyone else. So you get some good ideas from that nice thing is each chapter is about six pages long you can read any chapter in any order because I didn't get it access to any of the other chapters until I got the book
But todd, I want to play a game with you. And I know I know that you listen to the rap report every week, right?
Oh, are you kidding? I list actually every day Andrew Well, we do we actually do have a two minute daily, uh, which is only two minutes to the same broadcast seven times
So it's sort of like most of the songs we sing in church You know, here's here yeah, exactly the same the same sentence frankly this
I have to confess. I don't know that I listen to any radio or podcasts
Not because I don't like them or you or think that they're bad I just don't have time to do that.
I would love to do that, but I just can't yeah, I I if if I would Sleep normal hours.
I probably wouldn't be able to but Being that I don't sleep. Uh, I I have that advantage.
So I want to play game There's there's benefits to being a night owl, I guess or whatever
There's a name for people who can't sleep Well, it's insomnia and insomnia is different than like I just don't require a lot of sleep
I I get my wife actually made me promise that I would sleep every night When we got married and so I try to sleep at least three hours a night
She's been concerned and wants me to move it up. So i've been trying to work up to getting more sleep I just go to sleep when i'm tired wake up.
So I typically go to bed somewhere around two Three in the morning and I wake up at seven Wow, let me let me share this in an effort to run out the clock
So we don't have to play this surprise game of yours I rate comfort When we were you know, we were
I think we were in new york city We were out in the streets and it was like a really long day And and and we're like, okay, are we ready?
Are we done witnessing to people because it's like it's like shooting fish in a barrel in new york city They're just paintings everywhere that you can talk to and ray said winston churchill
I'm, sorry, what? I need to do a winston churchill I just sit in a chair like winston churchill did and I put my car keys in my hands
And then I fall asleep and then when my hand Lets go it drops the keys to the floor waking me up And it might just be a moment or two of sleep, but it resets my brain
So that I can get back at it And I was like, that's ridiculous ray
And then I tried it it works dude, have you ever just like a minute or two nap to reset your brain it's amazing
Yeah, there's actually a podcast I listen to called curiosity. It's they do a lot of it's a secular podcast they seriously believe in evolution because it but they actually did a show on on mini sleeps, but uh,
But I know you want to avoid the game. It's one where I have all the pressure so Okay, i'm going to introduce the game
It's time now to start the Spiritual transition game
All right, todd So here's how we play this game You are going to give me something whatever comes to your mind and that could be scary and I have to live
Unedited transition from whatever you give me to the gospel. My reason we play this game is because Most people are more willing to share the gospel when it gets into spiritual discussion and yet It's how do you do that transition?
Can we talk about? Football and get to the gospel and I argue you can My pastor taught us to do this as leaders in the church
We used to have to do this every week as he'd give us an object We'd have to transition either to a spiritual conversation or to the gospel
Because we can make gospel conversations. We have to wait for the lord to open the opportunity I believe with training and practice we can make every conversation into a gospel conversation
So that's why we play this game to encourage people that you too can make any conversation a gospel conversation and so We end up having people give me hard things to do that with and i'm sure todd will
So todd, give me anything that you're thinking anything that may be in your your office or or around you and I have to try
To transition to the gospel my dog charlie who's 14 years old Pretty much on his last leg is curled up in a ball sleeping soundly at my feet in my office
That's a peaceful thought right I mean When as dog lovers and clearly you're on the proper side of this you're not a cat lover.
You're a dog lover. So that's good It's like just upset at the audience but the reality is that that's a peaceful thought we we have
A dog sitting there quietly just curled up It looks peaceful and yet as you said, it's your dog charlie's on its last legs and even though at the moment
Charlie may look very peaceful and look like everything is at rest You know that there's things going on inside due to aging and failing of the body that's causing him to though He looks restful on the outside inside He's on his last leg
You know, we as human beings we do this a lot we we put a face out for others to think that everything is good and peaceful and Facebook everybody is great.
They're doing wonderful on facebook. They always present themselves as being great but inward They're struggling they're suffering and the reality is there's a cause of that suffering that what brought suffering about was the fact that Adam and eve our federal head rebelled against god and in that rebellion they
Brought sin into the world and that's why we suffer But god made a way of escape even though we break his law and we suffer consequences of sin god himself
Fully god fully man. Jesus christ came to earth and died on a cross to be a payment of sin that we could be set free
So that's how I would go from your dog charlie to the gospel So i've got this
Marble bookend that my brother gave to me after his trip to mexico
I'd have to see the marble bookend now It's it's shaped like a horse's head
Um, i'm trying to picture that see todd didn't want to play a game now he wants to go for more No, no,
I want to go for blood on this deal I've got a question for you though andrew
Yeah, and we're in a conversation with somebody. I I I fully Appreciate and endorse the idea of hey, listen to what people are saying
You don't wait need to wait for the door to open just listen and just walk through it But are there times when some things are said where it's like my segue to get from the natural to the
Supernatural from the physical to the spiritual realm would be so preposterous That I should just wait for them to say something else
Yeah, when i'm on the street, I usually continue going I had I was in san francisco My wife and I were talking
I started the conversation with a woman She had purple hair and the way I started it was not to you know
You have your book out what time is purple that people are giving away that someone else can get it wretched but she had purple hair and I just I started said
I go what is it you do that As a living that you can have that color hair.
It looks great You know and that immediately it starts on that. She's putting out there She wanted to talk about she was she's an artist does graphic arts well,
I started a couple different ways to figure out how am I going to transition and I thought
I just got to a point of how I can transition to the gospel after Three or four what I felt were failed attempts and all of a sudden a guy walks up and that was the guy
She was waiting for at the train station and so my opportunity was then shot, uh, so I thought and We start talking with him and you know
He's just like so what are you doing in town because I already said I was from jersey And I said well i'm here because i'm speaking at a christian conference.
Uh, we're talking about evangelism And so let me so I just transitioned at that point. I said, so let me ask you. What do you think about jesus christ?
so all of my attempts Failed but doing more of what I I did played this game with ray comfort
I forget what I gave him his object lesson, but but you know, you're you're marble horsehead
You know, he would just go speaking of marble horseheads You know, do you consider yourself to be a good person?
You know what? Only way you can do that. We can get away with that Yeah, but you know what though andrew look
I again I love the idea of being a good listener and naturally moving it into the realm of the spiritual
Love that but there's also we need to remember that if we don't have that perfect opportunity to do so There you can first of all
You can just bring it up out of the blue. Most people aren't going to stop and say hey, wait a second You didn't have an appropriate segue there
And you can also use events in the news. Hey, so and so died boy. I'll tell you that's tragic, isn't it?
What do you think happens to somebody after they die? Boom? You're there. It's almost easter
So it looks like there's some easter lilies in that store. What do you think about do you believe in easter?
What do you think easter is? Christmas is a great time Thanksgiving what are you thankful for and to whom do you give thanks?
Okay, and and andrew this is my confession I don't care how sweet my segue is sometimes they're good.
Sometimes they're clunkers Either way, I still have this apprehension inside of me.
It's like uh, here here we go I think that's the most difficult part of the conversation is simply moving it
From one realm into the other once you get into the realm of evangelism
That's a piece of cake And that's why that's why we try to play this game Each week or as many times we can we actually have a whole youtube videos of us doing it with folks because of that fact
People feel comfortable when it gets spiritual when it's on spiritual topics something we know and understand and so so let me uh,
Ask some questions of you. I want to be able to give you some time to talk about wretched as well But if you could go back in time
To before you started in ministry and gave yourself some advice What would that advice be to the young todd friel, uh to clarify because it's an important question
Are you talking about prior to my conversion? Well as a believer prior to ministry prior to ministry uh, well, um,
I would suggest uh, number one make sure you're actually saved, uh, because when
When I was studying to be a pastor, I wasn't So I think that probably is a good place to start if i'm going to go into ministry, let's make sure that i'm saved um second of all boy, i'll tell you what
I what I wish I had Grasped then and it's it was nothing but immaturity you know the added
The attitude that i've got this all figured out I should be the one who is telling everybody what to do because I certainly know everything
Watch your pride Get just jump behind somebody who's more mature and watch them and study them and grow
And then because you'll you don't want to have to take back a lot of stuff that you said as a as an immature person
So if you get if you get saved don't rush into ministry Give it some time work with your elders in your church to see if you have the qualifications
And then andrew i'm i'm not sure that this is going to be specifically to your point, but I was recently asked to write a letter
To a fellow who's who's being commissioned into ministry. He's going to become a pastor So I had to think okay.
What advice would I give to this soon -to -be elder? and I chose first timothy 3 8 which says deacons
Likewise be dignified Okay. So first of all, it's addressing deacons, but it says likewise
So the assumption is this also applies to elders be Dignified that is an aspect that I think if a young person can grab that and focus on that Wow, will that propel you ahead light years of your peers
And send you to places and into ministry opportunities. You never even dreamt of this doesn't mean you walk around with an ascot around your neck
With your nose up in the air undignified, no, it means you comport yourself like a godly man
Okay Let's just say so I can follow my rules of discernment. There's a guy on home and garden tv.
Do you ever watch it andrew? No Okay So you're a bad husband. So i'm watching the hgtv with the missus
And there's a show on it's a husband and wife And it's it's one of those, you know, we they get the house and they fix it up like every other show on the
On that network. Well, this guy Is just a clown. He just and I mean like a doofus just bad jokes
Acting immaturely doing things his wife is like quit acting like a child
That's my advice To somebody who's aspiring to ministry stop acting like a child
Model dignified be earnest be zealous in your studies be faithful to the word
Don't you know, it's it's at some point in life. You got to stop wearing a jersey with another man's name on your back
I'm, not saying you need to wear a tuxedo But dress like a man walk like a man act like a man carry yourself like a dignified godly man
And I fear andrew most pastors overlook that in an effort to try to be likable cool and attractive
And I think it has the reverse effect as we've seen the statistics Pastors when it comes to trust in the eyes of the american public.
They're right above another profession that begins with p Prostitutes, that's how people esteem it be dignified
So that when your sheep are in trouble They will call you
I find it hard to believe that somebody who receives a stage four cancer diagnosis is going to go
You know, I got to call pastor skinny jeans. He's got whipped cream tricks They don't call that guy.
They want the dignified earnest sober -minded man. So play the man and be dignified
So if you could change one thing in the evangelical church What do you think would be the most important thing to change what would you want to see changed in evangelicalism
Stephen furtick because of what he represents He he represents a broad swath of problems.
He represents the prosperity gospel He he represents the attractional model of church.
He represents increasing tinges of new apostolic reformation teaching
I would say what I would like to change Is all of these pastors who are showmen?
I would have them get out of the business and find a new way to make a living but stop besmirching the word of god with your shenanigans and your
Tomfoolery, we don't need gimmicks. We don't need gizmos. We don't need entertainment The gospel doesn't need your help nor does jesus christ
So if you don't take this earnestly and seriously and act in a dignified manner, it's time for you to go
We could wipe out all of those Pretend pastors that would make a pretty big difference in the evangelical church.
It would shrink it a lot, too Yeah, it would well, listen folks. We're going to be giving away five copies signed copies of todd friel's book judge not
Now the way we're going to do this is if you share this episode whether it be on twitter or facebook wherever put hashtag rap report that's wrapped with two p's hashtag rap report
And share this episode we will pick five winners that we will send to you
A copy a signed copy of todd's book. But with that i'm going to also ask you guys to help me out with something
Because some of you know the battle that i've had with justin peters when justin peters wanted to give me a set of dvds
Well, I wasn't going to do that I was going to pay for the dvds and many of you saw The the fun battle we had at shepherd's conference and you can go to justin.
I win .com I think it's dot com not dot org justin. I win .com and you can actually see
You can see me choking justin peters out and then you can see justin peters choking me out both of them are very funny
There's actually a video explaining the backdrop, but here's the thing Todd friel
Needs the same treatment so it is time for a hashtag just uh instead of justin.
I win I want all of you to donate go to wretched .org There's a donate button now
They don't let you put a thing in there like justin does where you could put hashtag todd We win that's we're going to call this one hashtag todd.
We win I want every one of you to help me pay for these books by donating to this great
Ministry wretched so I want everybody to go out be a gospel partner.
Don't just give a one -time donation I want all of you to go to the donate page And do that if you want to share you could share it and say hashtag todd
We win and put that in there's a reason it's not todd I win at todd we win because I have some other plans to up this game on todd
We want to get a ton of donations to wretched I want all of you guys to help me with this because him just giving us five books for us to give away to you guys
No, we we want to bless him more than he blesses us. So i'm begging all of you to go to wretched .org
Hit the donate button do not hit the one -time offering Hit the gospel partner one hit the one where you can donate month after month because well basically
They have bills month after month. So hit the one that says reoccurring donation
So you could be a gospel partner and then if you want to get the bragging rights over todd make sure you could you could hashtag and say todd we win
So he knows the books have been paid for Because we you know, he's just not letting me he purposely didn't have a booth at g3 so that I couldn't you know
I was looking for you. Todd what I told al I was going to do Was use my revert.
I was going to use reverse thieving techniques. I was going to try to slip the money in your pocket You know, well, i'll give you a hug, but I couldn't find you anywhere
I had the money the whole time just waiting for the time when I would see you I was gonna slip it in your pocket and then email you later and say hey, you got some money in your pocket
Okay two responses to you mister First that's mr.
Mr. Mr. To you. All right, mr. Mr. Mr. Mr. Rappaport You have much
For which you need to repent Number two, thank you. That's very kind.
It's that's that's it's it's very kind. It's just You're you're a sound ministry
So to give you five books that ain't nothing and for all of us to give you At wretched for the great work that's going on there
Uh, I like I said earlier, I do not know a better discernment ministry than wretched and I I don't
I and I think everybody should be listening to the podcast I think everyone should be watching on the on tv if they have access to it.
Everyone should go to the website And where you can get access to all of that because now it's it's all available
And so everyone should be doing that because we there's plenty of ways to learn how to not do discernment playing people doing it wrong
There's few doing it, right? Todd is doing it, right And that is why
I say you should be donating to them. You should be supporting them You should be watching and listening to what they're producing
That's very kind. Andrew. Thank you Well, thank you. Todd. Thank you so much for coming on. I I it is a great privilege just to learn from you
I I love the the six points that you gave us Uh when it comes to discerning, you know
Who who are we talking about? What is the topic? Is it a secondary issue? Has it been?
Like clarified yet. Is it hasn't been adjudicated yet? Is it my business? Uh, how's it how widespread is the issue?
And is my heart in the right place? I mean those are six great things We should ask ourselves before we post something on facebook before we write a blog before we do
Some what we might want to call discernment because sometimes it's really just gossip. So thanks for coming on Todd a privilege very important subject.
Thank you for tackling it. Andrew Anything that you want to share with folks about what's going on at wretched? Yeah, we'd like to give you up to 20 copies of our new evangelistic booklet.
What time is purple? We want to help and aid you in your desire to evangelize
Andrew, I think you can concur to get just to get started if you've been kind of gun shy about evangelism
Having good gospel literature and just handing it to somebody and saying hey, have you read this yet?
That look that's that's getting started And we'd like to help you to evangelize people by sending you up to 20 copies of what time is purple
It's a great evangelistic booklet. It's really nice So that you can give it away and if you happen to have a big outreach
I just received an email some good brothers, you know, David Grantham in Louisiana We sent these to them on a pallet they took just today they handed out 5 ,800 copies
Of what time is purple? So you got a big outreach particularly to a campus You go to wretched .org
slash purple you let us know about it and we will hook you up because we'd like to help you evangelize
That is such a blessing todd I I hope people will do that, you know, look 20 that's monday through friday giving one book away a day for the whole month
Which means they got to start buying more to give away next month and and the thing is is why should you become a gospel partner with wretched because You help them to do what he just said you help them to give away
Materials so you can share the gospel and others can share the gospel Yeah, our goal for this andrew is uh, we want to give away 1 million copies of this booklet
Uh, it's it's it's a beauty I mean the the graphics the colors there's graphics and illustrations on the inside It's like 42 pages long very readable
The kids on university campuses devour them They love these booklets and we'd like to give away a million of them
So if you'd like to be the hands and feet of this initiative just go to wretched .org
slash purple And we will get them to you lickety split So you're trying to get tom hammond on the uh on the new york times bestseller list by No, we have hired some new york agency to do that Like it's been done before Yeah, that's never been done before.
Uh, yeah Anyone needs that your mark driscoll's coming out with a new training manual on how to do it in the new york times bestseller
You know what? I just saw guess who opened up and he reopened or opened up his new church in well
It's anderson villa, south carolina. Do you know who i'm talking about? I'm guessing mark driscoll, but perry noble is back.
Oh, really? Yeah, well that wasn't very long No, he's been fully restored now
It was never qualified. How can you re -qualify him? He never had it in the first place
Just did not match the biblical qualifications for an elder. Here's some good news though My understanding is since he left new spring church
It's actually improved quite a bit and it's it's moving in a in a better direction
Dabo sweeney of clemson. You goes there the football coach And so my understanding is that it is
At least a church that is recovering from its former senior pastor and is moving in a good direction
Yeah, you know I met someone as I was traveling who started to attend there They didn't win before and they said that the church has been moving in a really good direction the folks who are there now really more solid
Yeah for sure is from what they were saying and uh, that's a good thing Yep. No, we we should we should rejoice in that and you know that that's kind of an interesting note perhaps to end on andrew
Sometimes we can discern good things And not always the bad That's very true
Well, thank you very much. Todd for coming on sir This podcast is part of the striving for eternity ministry for more content or to request a speaker or seminar to your church