Highlight: Answering Objections to Louisiana Bill


This is a highlight of our premiere webcast Apologia Radio. We go live on Thursday’s. Tune in to comment and interact. I’m this highlight we have Bradley Pierce to answer objections that were brought during the committee hearing of HB 813. Be sure to like, share, and comment on this video. You can get more at http://apologiastudios.com : You can partner with us by signing up for All Access. When you do you make everything we do possible and you also get our TV show, After Show, and Apologia Academy, etc. You can also sign up for a free acount to recieve access to Bahnsen U. We are re-mastering all the audio and video from the Greg L. Bahnsen PH.D catalogue of resources. This is a seminary education at the highest level for free. #ApologiaStudios Follow us on social media here: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ApologiaStudios/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/apologiastudios/?hl=en


so I wanted to get Bradley on specifically to talk about the fallacious and laughable arguments against the bill that those few pro -choice ladies got on after you guys in and brought up and I mean
I was just I literally was like this is the best thing I mean it was clearly they're just trying to you know create this false narrative against this bill which was a bunch of nonsense yeah so um it's awful and I want to get
I want to get Joy's take at some point too I know I've been asking Brian a lot of questions um so Bradley can you quickly um explain what was said by those women and why it's just a complete farce and why that's what they said was absolutely false yeah well where do
I begin I mean there's so many things that they were saying that uh that would just out of left field um
I mean you know one I mean as far as just total falses they were telling you they're saying that the bill you know could uh subject mothers to prosecution even for miscarriage which is absolutely not true right
I mean we already have homicide laws um that apply to people who are born and they're people who die every day and people die at home and people are not prosecuted just because you know an accident happens where people die of natural death and that's going to be the same thing under this bill right
I mean natural death accidents none of that is outlawed by this bill whatsoever so that was one of the most glaring yeah of mistakes for making yeah there was a mistake yeah there was a few things man but I mean in all honesty these are things we have to be prepared to deal with oh yeah because this is the mounting narrative that's going to be built up against what all that we're trying to do yeah things like you know prosecution for miscarriage you know the separation of church and state uh you know the supremacy clause of the constitution the fact that you know federal law trump state law so you can't do what you're doing at the state level all of these fallacious things that we hear all the time we just have to be prepared to deal with them because they're coming the opposition knows or seemingly knows where this is headed yeah and that it has momentum and traction and so the narrative is going to come and these objections are coming we got to be prepared to deal with it yeah especially even next week as we're waiting to hear when the bill's gonna be on the on the floor there uh expect more of those arguments
I think the other big thing was that I forgot about that one actually Bradley I'm glad you brought that up the other big one was the
IVF and I think if I remember correctly the lady that even brought it up that I was like at first I was like is she pro -life like when she first she was talking about how blessed she was thought that at first to have a child through IVF you know and she mentioned her partner so she probably was a lesbian but um at first I was like is what what is happening right now and then she she uses that to like then say that this bill is going to not allow for for in for IVF and stuff and um and so anyways yeah if you if you can speak to that Bradley because I think that was an important point as well yeah and absolutely the bill would not outlaw or prohibit
IVF it would just require for IVF doctors to change their procedures right to only create as many embryos as they're going to implant and so IVF can continue it just means that they have to change their procedures you know they don't get to just you know pick the best lives and then just discard the rest or donate them to science or stick them in a freezer no they they have to implant them and they have to you know you know they can't just treat them like their property or like their garbage anymore yeah um they have to they have to um treat them ethically so IVF can still continue and people can still do that they just have to change the way the procedure and it has to be more um more protective of these lives yeah that's really important now
Bradley um another thing that people are saying is that this bill prescribes the death penalty for the mother so are you saying that you just want to execute women with this bill that get abortions is that what you're saying absolutely not
I mean the bill I mean the bill doesn't even mention death penalty right the bill is simply about uh making the same laws that apply to born people like you and me also apply to people before they're born and you know whatever what what are the penalties in the state right now for homicide well then yeah those would be the available penalties for homicide of a person before they're born but as far as what those penalties end up being you know that's not really up to the bill it's not really up to the legislature that's for juries to decide cases on a case -by -case basis we already have a justice system that we trust to handle that and to be fair and to consider all you know be sympathetic and be and consider all those different factors and and that that would the same justice system that we trust to protect born people would be the same one that we trust to protect these people before they're born so big it's so big because this this is the main thing just to sum it up here just to kind of hammer it home this bill doesn't establish penalties that's not the purpose of it the purpose of it is to remove the discriminatory exceptions yes that allow for the murder homicide of a pre -born child and in particular at the hands of their mother because right now we have this protected class of people in all of these states there is legal immunity for a mother to murder her child because she has complete protection to do so yes because of these exceptions that discriminate against babies in the womb and so what this does is say no exceptions no partiality the child in the womb receives the same protections as everybody else just like a mother that would kill her born child yes amen um well can i add one more thing to that yeah go i just mean more specifically i mean what it could look what it could look like would be you know prosecutors can prosecute there they can charge you know everything you know the maximum where they can pick some lesser charge they can pick anything from you know capital felony down to a class