I Know My Redeemer Lives

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So this morning will be an abbreviated message in the sense of time, but I pray that it will be one that will Be used to God to help us to understand why we're here this morning So before we go into the word, let's just ask god's blessing return father.
We do.
Thank you for this day.
We do.
Thank you for For who you are for what you've done And for what you shall do that you are the great god over heaven and earth Lord, we ask that you would just take a few minutes with us in our time together that you would Come holy spirit open our hearts open our minds that we might see you more and more for who you are the lord of glory and that jesus would be exalted in In our words and in our thoughts and in our worship And in our lives in his name.
Amen So as we gather this morning It has already been said but We we gather to worship this morning.
We gather to to celebrate and I thought about that idea of celebration and what celebration really means what it means to celebrate and so um, I went to webster's dictionary just to see how they uh define celebration and one of the ways in which they define celebration is to Observe a notable occasion with festivities Observe a notable occasion with festivities You think of how we in our country celebrate different Uh days of the year.
We remember certain what we call holidays remember the fourth of july how That's the day when we gather together to celebrate with festivities our independence our becoming a sovereign country our our being a Uh individual nation and we use celebration and festivities And if you think about it on that day, we don't just gather together on the fourth of july to uh to question whether or not uh The fourth of july is a reality the independence of of our country is a reality.
Uh, we don't gather on that day to uh Consider whether it's fact or fiction or a fairy tale or a myth we don't we don't gather on that day to argue whether it's it's true and We gather to celebrate to Celebrate with thanksgiving celebrate again with this thought of festivities.
And so as we gather this morning the same is true We gather to celebrate the resurrection of jesus from the dead Amen And we're not here to defend its truth.
I'm not here to stand before you to defend its its truthfulness I'm not here to argue whether it's real or A fairy tale i'm not here to discuss whether it's a myth story or any such thing The resurrection of jesus christ is the most settled fact In all of creation there is nothing that you and I should Consider as being something to quarrel over to argue we have So much witness to the fact of the resurrection of christ We have the record of god's word of those who were eyewitnesses of those who Even as was read this morning of those who went to the grave that That morning and and the stone was rolled away from the tomb.
So we have eyewitnesses Who recorded that truth for us we have? We have even the record of angelic beings who bear witness to the fact that the tomb was empty And so again I say to you, uh, I pray that we may not come here to To consider whether that is true or not that we have all the testimony That we need and and the greatest testimony of it all this morning my friends is the spirit of god That lives within us.
He bears witness with us that jesus has risen no matter what the world says no matter what the world considers as uh, true or or just uh a fairy tale we have that testimony and that witness and it settles all questions Doesn't it? I pray it does I pray by the spirit of god that uh, That you and I are here this morning because we're settled in that truth That when we say jesus is risen Then we also say amen It's true, isn't it? He has risen He has ascended.
He is seated on his throne.
He is the ruler of the universe He will come again.
He will gather us to himself This is the witness of the spirit within us and you and I Should consider that as such a great privilege as I always say and I will continue to say because i'm amazed by it Behold what manner of love the father has given unto us that we should be called the children of god You think of what so many today are doing right now Whether they're sleeping eating their breakfast hunting easter eggs eating chocolate marshmallows Going fishing.
It doesn't matter.
We are here today to say amen It's true He has risen And we are those that will follow him And as you think about that day as brother keith read When they went to the grave And they saw that the tomb had been uh The sword of tomb was empty and the stone had been rolled away the reality is it's true because No one took that body that day that morning Even as some thought that if they hadn't sent a guardian to watch over the tomb that the body would be stolen To help perpetuate the lie of jesus That's not what took place that morning he arose and he arose as they say to you because He is the lord of glory Friends I hope we are here to celebrate the king of kings the god man The only begotten of the father the one who is co-equal co-eternal the one by him Whom all things exist That he is the one that we come to celebrate with festivities with song with prayer with the preaching of the word with fellowship That you and I have gathered together this morning may all the world know That jesus is risen there is that Uh saying that was using brother matt Uh as he walked in this morning said it to me and brother keith There was a saying that went back and forth and it was jesus is risen and then people would say He is risen indeed and then they would say it again jesus is risen He is risen indeed And so I I am so thankful Not only that we can gather together But that we can gather together and celebrate a risen savior A risen glorified Everlasting eternal loving savior And What I want to do this morning is I want to consider just for a moment someone else who Celebrated what we sit here today to celebrate And this person lived a long time ago friends long before the cross millennium Possibly before anyone.
Um Before any other book was written I'm going to ask you to turn to the book of job if you have the bibles If not, you can just listen And i'll ask you to turn to job chapter 19 Because I want to look just for a moment at someone Who although he lived millennium ago He had the very same thoughts in his mind and in his heart as you and I Have this morning If you're in job chapter 19, let me just well, let me set the setting for you How many of us have heard of joe Has anyone never heard of joe troubles all his Uh mistreatment Mist of all his issues Job says in chapter 19 verse 23.
Oh that my words were written Oh that they were inscribed in a book That they were engraved on a rock With an iron pen and lead forever For I know That my redeemer lives and he shall stand at last on the earth And after my skin is destroyed this I know that in my flesh I shall see god Whom I shall see for myself And my eyes shall behold And not another how my heart Within me This is one of the most amazing statements to me in all the word of god that this man who lived As I say thousands of years before the resurrection of our lord.
Jesus christ that he had this same conviction That he understood the truth that you and I hear to celebrate if you look at those words Oh that my words were written.
Oh that they were inscribed in a book that they were engraved on a rock With an iron pen and lead forever that this was something that was was so real to joe If nothing else he wanted this to be recorded and so I believe that's why he says that they were engraved on a rock With an iron pen something that would never be removed A a reality in his life that would live on long after him And that it would be remembered about him More than anything else He wants these words to be remembered And he wants those to be caught What he knows to be true for himself and there it is right in verse 25.
I know That my redeemer lives Does not say I hope Does not say I think does not say i'm pretty sure He says I Know my redeemer lives He knows it in every way possible he knows it intellectually In his mind, he knows it emotionally in his soul.
He knows it with every fiber of his being That his redeemer lives I hope that's where we are today I hope you know gone beyond the shadow of any doubt of your redeemer who lives That you know it in every part of your being regardless of your Place in life at this point regardless of your situation regardless whether you're on the mountain or in the valley Whether you're you're healthy or you're sick whether you're strong or weak rich or poor that you and I would know today That our redeemer lives He says I know that my redeemer lives and that word redeemer.
There's an interesting word.
It's in the original.
It's the word gael And that word was the word that was used for the kinsman redeemer for the one who would come in job's defense and as you Follow through in the scriptures concerning this kinsman redeemer this gael He would be the one if If he died the man died his kinsman redeemer would come and raise up seed For him this kinsman redeemer would come if he was If he lost his land and he would be the one who would have the right to buy the land back as his kin If he was killed this kinsman redeemer would be the one who would come And take vengeance on the one who killed him That when job says that my redeemer lives What he's really saying is I have one Who is close to me? And ultimately closer than a brother.
He's my kinsman redeemer.
He is my defense He is the one who shall take care of all my needs And I pray that's why we're here again this morning.
We celebrate not only a redeemer not only my redeemer Your redeemer but a redeemer who truly redeems Redeemer who truly redeems You know, it's really amazing I mean All these words to me are so amazing And as he says oh that they were written Oh that they were inscribed on a on a in a book that they were engraved on a rock With an iron pen and led forever look at verse 25.
I know my redeemer lives and And he shall stand at last on the earth thousands of years before Now there are several ways I suppose that we could consider What he's saying when he says that he shall stand at last on the earth Could it be that he had in mind the incarnation? Of jesus coming in the form of a man Could it be that he's speaking about that time when when christ came among us and Tabernacled among us and took on flesh and blood and and and beheld Uh kept back from sight his glory Could it be that's what he means when he says he shall stand on the earth Or could it be the resurrection? Could it be that joe by the spirit of god? down Through time could see by faith that that this one this jesus this kinsman redeemer Would rise from the grave That the grave as was said and as we continue to listen my friends the grave could not hold jesus It could not keep him He's beyond he conquered death He conquered the grave He paid the debt That was owed even of joe Could it be that when he says That he shall stand at last on the earth that he has in mind the resurrection Well, let me ask you to consider could it be that he sees by the eye of faith That jesus will stand at last on that great and final day On that day of the great judgment My friends I assure you as we sit here this morning with all my heart with all my soul and I pray for yours That you would agree with me that this same jesus will come again This risen savior will stand on that last day and every knee will bow Every tongue will confess And we shall be those who shall stand in that day and even as we sang now But a handful in that day there will be myriads Myriads from every nation and tribe and kindred and tongue And we shall sing the new song The song of the redeemed in the same language.
Can you almost imagine the echoes? That will reverberate through the new heavens and the new earth On that day Well, I ask myself which one of those Is the right way to look at it And as of right now i'm good with all three I'm good with all three that job knew that his redeemer would come Job knew that his redeemer would would live He knew that his redeemer would take his place.
He knew by the spirit of god somehow in some way that this suffering Servant that he would be crucified very And rise again That he would come And stand at last on the earth even as we have that testimony those eyewitnesses Of those above 500 who saw him after he arose from the grave How great is our god? That he gives us this testimony this witness That it is not just as I said not a fairy tale And it's not a hope so It's an anchor for our souls My friends It's it's an anchor the resurrection of jesus christ assures us And look what job says and to me It just gets better and better He says this I know why redeemer lives and then look at verse 26 And after my skin is destroyed this I know that in my flesh I shall see god That job not only knew that the redeemer would come and job not only knew what the redeemer would accomplish but job knew That because christ rose from the dead because that kinsman redeemer would stand That he himself would stand in flesh Flesh You and I are here this morning to celebrate not only what has taken place But I pray we're here to celebrate what will take place That you and I will rise Body and soul and whether you're a dichotomous trichotomous or a hippopotamus That which we are body and soul body soul and spirit visible and invisible shall be united again By power The same power that rose jesus from the dead and job knew it for himself.
Do you know it for yourself this morning? Do you know that your redeemer lives I can stand here forever and tell you my redeemer lives Because I know it in the depth of my heart and i've seen it manifested in the lives of so many But do you know that your redeemer lives is he your kinsman redeemer Did he take your place on calvary's cross? Will you rise again in that day To see him in all his beauty in all his glory He knew it I know my redeemer lives he shall stand.
These are these are words of assurance.
This this was an anchor to his soul After my skin is destroyed this I know that in my flesh I shall see god with whom I shall see for myself And my eyes shall behold and not another hell my heart burns within me I thought of Paul I thought of what paul said in In second timothy, you remember what paul said? Let me read it to you.
He says for this reason I suffer these things Nevertheless, I am not ashamed for I know Whom I've believed in and I am Persuaded that he is able to keep that which i've committed to him Unto that day.
Amen That there is thousands of years between these two and yet they had the same conviction They had the same anchor they had the same reality in their lives listen the resurrection of christ Is is a fact? It's a fact that no one can take away And they did this and they confessed this by faith You know that you and I are here this morning.
We're not here by blind faith We're not here this morning by blind faith friends we're here because we know it's true We know it We're persuaded of it.
It it moves us.
I pray it moves us That no matter where we are no matter where we will be And none of us know what tomorrow will bring but praise god We know our redeemer lives and we don't know what tomorrow will bring but we know who will bring tomorrow My redeemer lives and I shall see him in that day It is a is it celebration of faith That jesus came that jesus suffered That jesus as we heard friday night Mistreated and lied but never forget He was delivered by the determinate counsel and poor knowledge of god Even though they by wicked hands crucified the lord of glory god for witness and as Jesus said I lay down my life of myself.
I have power to lay it down I have power to take it again.
So the spirit bears witness for the spirit of god raised christ from the dead That you and I are here today as a response in faith to celebrate That this one who came and died that he is You know, there's a there's a saying that some people say jesus was one of three things Either he was a liar He was a lunatic Or he was the lord of glory And I assure you today Jesus was not a liar Jesus was not a lunatic And jesus is the lord of glory That you and I Can rest assured what he said listen to what he said I am the first I am the last The living one I was dead and behold Now I am alive forever and ever and I hold the keys of death And hades I am the resurrection and the life That you and I are here to celebrate Not only his rising from the dead but the reality of the truth that he is our captain He is the captain of our salvation He is our great high priest He is our greater brother He is our lord and master He is our savior In that sense.
He is our husband And he died to purchase us for himself and that he not only died to purchase Ourselves to purchase us, but he rose to ensure And that when he ascended what does paul say? He said we sit where in heavenly places in christ jesus And one day friends our bodies will rise And we shall be with him forevermore In a new heavens and a new earth in a resurrected heaven and earth and not Tainted by sin not tainted by evil Not so much that even a liar would enter into it that you and I are here to celebrate that coming again Of the lord jesus never separate the incarnation from the resurrection and the ascension from the coming again don't allow yourself to think of it as Just This happened this place and at this time and that It's all the purpose of god that you and I would be raised up in that day I say to you if you do not believe the gospel this morning if you do not believe that you are a sinner If you do not believe that because of your sin you are under the judgment of god If you do not believe that god will judge you Then I say to you my friends repent and believe the gospel repent and believe that this one Said come unto me All you that are heavy laden And I will give you rest Isn't it great that our resurrected savior gives us rest? Rest from the Warfare of sin rest rest from the dominion of of the evil one Rest in so many ways in this life I read an article yesterday.
I'll close but I read an article yesterday and was from a columnist in the new york times I don't know if any of you saw it And his column was was titled this let's kill god And he went on and spewed out about how god needs to be killed because god is evil And god is brutal And god is malicious and he just went on and on and on how we need to rid ourselves of god I've been thinking about it since I read it and I so want to talk to that man I want to ask him number one.
How are you going to do that my friend? How are you going to rid yourself of the of the creator? How are you going to rid yourself of the god and not only that? Do you not see god's goodness My friend, do you not see that he is? Good only good always good Then he went on of course to spew out about how people are innocent and god takes Pleasure and punishing innocent people and and and I want to talk to him about the reality.