F4F | Coronavirus Con Men


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I'm your servant in Jesus Christ and this is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the
Word of God. Well in the midst of the throes of the global pandemic that is the coronavirus, we're all sheltering in place, it's important to note that that the charismatic movement, the
NAR, the prosperity preachers have proven themselves to be the false prophets, false teachers, and powerless people that they really are.
They only pretend to have power and they have none. Their decrees and declarations, the things that they are saying and doing are as useful and as effective as the prophets of Baal on the top of Mount Carmel.
You know I might even just take a look at that. Yeah, let's throw in a little
Bible teaching up at the front end of this thing because this is like one of my least favorite types of episodes of Fighting for the
Faith. Let's see here, I've got to get my Accordance software up and running and let me get that into its proper window and yeah, let's see here, let me open up my desktop, throw that up, and yeah,
I didn't even plan on this ahead of time, but I thought, you know what, I was really bemoaning the fact that I didn't have any
Bible teaching associated with this episode of Fighting for the Faith. It kind of galls me, you know, because this is just the kind of lunacy that I hate to cover without being able to give some biblical teaching.
So let's do this, 1 Kings chapter 18. You guys remember the prophets of Baal?
Yeah, kind of an important group. In fact, what I'm gonna do here is
I'm going to link down below to my sermon from this past Sunday where I cover idolatry.
Idolatry is a wicked thing nowadays, absolutely wicked, and unlike the idolaters of the past, idolaters of the past were hardy fellows.
I mean, they would have to do a lot of work in order to create their own gods. Like, number one, you got to create a backstory.
You know, a backstory usually involves a creation account, some kind of explanation of, you know, of natural phenomenon and things like that.
You kind of come up with a name for your deity or deities, you know, and then a list of rules and regulations you're supposed to keep, and what do you do if your deity is upset with you and stuff like that?
You know, how do you assuage the wrath of your deity? What does your deity provide you with?
And all this kind of stuff. And then you got to go out and you got to be a good worker in, like, stone or wood or stuff like that and create images of your deity that you bow down to them.
Yeah, that's called idolatry. But the idolaters of today, they are completely, and I mean just completely lazy.
The idolaters of today, what they do is they just hijack the
God of the Bible and they teach doctrines that are contrary to Scripture.
So they invent, you know, so the God they believe in, well, they believe in Jesus. The God they believe in is the
God of the Bible. But when you start paying attention to the details, their deity sounds nothing like the
God of the Bible at all. Their Jesus is a different Jesus. Their spirit is a different spirit.
And so the idea here is that they are deceitful workmen masquerading as apostles of Jesus Christ.
See, now I've done it. I've, like, derailed myself here. We're going stream of consciousness on this episode of Fighting for the
Faith. Have you heard of the so -called super apostles? Yeah. Rosemarie, what are you doing?
I know, just work with me here. I was excited about being able to get some Bible teaching in.
This is what keeps me sane is being able to actually teach something positive from the Scriptures. Second Corinthians chapter 11, the
Apostle Paul talking about the so -called super apostles. This is not a term where, oh wow, there's a thing called super apostles?
I can actually do that? I can become a super apostle? No, no. So back in the day before there was television, before books and things like that were very popular, what would you do on a
Friday night for entertainment? You know, you would listen to somebody who was skilled in oration, and they can go on and on.
It's a form of thespianism, you know. They were good actors, good at delivering lectures and speeches and stuff like that.
And there were a group of guys who came into the Christian Church who are skilled in oration, and they could command the highest dollar amount that you could possibly imagine for the time.
And they mistreated people, and they'd say, yeah, well Paul, he's an apostle. Me? I'm a super apostle.
And these guys, you know, well, it was terrible. So the Apostle Paul, writing to the church in Corinth, had to straighten him out a little bit.
He went pretty hard after these super apostles, and noted that there's a big difference between real apostles and so -called super apostles, and that super apostles, their fate is hell.
Yeah, no joke. So here's what the Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 11, then we'll go to the Prophets of All, because it's just galling to me to have to report on coronavirus conmen and not be able to give some, you know, some kind of biblical teaching in the midst of all of this chaos.
So 2 Corinthians 11, I wish you would bear with me a little foolishness. The Apostle Paul is gonna be foolish here to point out the foolishness of the church at Corinth in listening to these so -called super apostles.
So do bear with me, for I feel a divine jealousy for you since I betrothed you to one husband to present you as a pure virgin to Christ.
But I'm afraid that as the serpent deceived Eve by his cunning, your thoughts will be led astray from a sincere and pure devotion to Christ.
So, I mean, this is a concern of the highest magnitude. The same deceit that the devil engaged in to deceive
Eve, now he's deceiving these people at the church at Corinth. And he says, if someone comes and proclaims to you another
Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or if you received a different spirit than the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one that you accepted, you put up with it readily enough.
Now he's not commending them for this, he's condemning them for this. Because there isn't a different Jesus, there isn't a different spirit, and there isn't a different gospel.
Different Jesus can't save you. So we're dealing with a category known as idolatry. And so think of it this way.
Mormons claim to be Christians. They are the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -day Saints, right? They say they believe in Jesus.
And so you say, okay, so you believe Jesus is God the Son, second person of the Holy Trinity. No, I believe that Jesus is the spirit brother of Lucifer, one of the first born of Father God and named
Elohim. Really? Okay, so tell me about Elohim. He's been
God from eternity, right? You know, he's the only true God. Well, no, Elohim is...he
was once a man, and he became a God by obeying his God. Really?
What's that doctrine called? We call it the law of eternal progression. As man is,
God once was. As God is, man can become. Really? You believe that you can become a
God? Yeah, and that our God became a God by being obedient to his God. Yeah, okay, so we're believing in a different God here, although they use biblical language in terms like Elohim, Yahweh, Jesus, Satan.
What they mean by those words, totally different definitions altogether. This is called idolatry.
All right, so the Apostle Paul, noting that the so -called super apostles, they teach a different Jesus, different spirit, different gospel.
And so he says, so if someone comes and proclaims to you another Jesus than the one we proclaimed, or you receive a different spirit from the one you received, or if you accept a different gospel from the one you accepted, you put up with it readily enough.
Indeed, I consider that I am not in the least inferior to these super apostles. Even if I am unskilled in speaking,
I'm not in knowledge. Indeed, in every way we've made this plain to you in all things. Or did I commit a sin?
Now, a little bit of a note here. So one of the things the super apostles were saying about Paul is they're saying, oh, that Paul, you know, he's an inferior apostle.
I mean, because he doesn't even charge you for when he comes and ministers to you.
We charge a lot of money, which shows you how important we are. Paul, he always preaches for free, which should tell you something.
I mean, he's really inferior. The reason why he preaches for free is because he's not skilled at public oration.
That was literally their rhetoric. So he says, or did I commit a sin in humbling myself so that you might be exalted because I preached
God's gospel to you free of charge? And so you'll note that the super apostles were condemning
Paul for preaching the gospel for free, whereas they charge a lot of money. So he says, listen, I robbed other churches by accepting support from them in order to serve you, and when
I was with you and was in need, I didn't burden anyone. For the brothers who came from Macedonia supplied my needs, so I refrained and will refrain from burdening you in any way.
As the truth of Christ is in me, this boast of mine will not be silenced in the regions of Achaia.
And why? Because I do not love you? Well, God knows I do. And what I am doing, I will continue to do in order to undermine the claim of those who would like to claim that in their boasted mission they work on the same terms we do.
For such men are false apostles. Yep. They are deceitful workmen.
They disguise themselves as apostles of Christ, and no wonder even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.
So it is no surprise if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness.
Their end will correspond to their deeds. So note the danger within as a Christian is false teachers, false prophets, false apostles, the workers of the devil who masquerade as servants of Jesus, because the devil himself disguises himself as an angel of light.
So that's the idea here. So it's still idolatry no matter how you slice it, but it's an idolatry where they use the same terms but mean something completely different.
Okay, that's the danger here. They've invented their own deity, their own God, their own theology, while using the same words as the
Bible. Yeah, it's a scary form of idolatry. So consider then the prophets of Baal at Mount Carmel, and we will go there.
Here it is, 1 Kings 18. Interesting account. So after many days the word of Yahweh came to Elijah in the third year saying, go show yourself to Ahab.
There'd been a drought in Israel for three years, because as the narrative went of those who believed in Baal, Baal was the one who's supposed to bring the rain, okay, which then made your crops grow and stuff.
And so he's the one who brought the rain. Well, Yahweh decided to have a showdown with Baal and told the prophet
Elijah, you go ahead and let Ahab know it's not gonna rain until you say so. You know, in other words, we're gonna prove that Baal is utterly powerless.
And so he says that and skedaddles and disappears for three years. And now there's a severe famine in the land of Israel as a result of this.
And now God has told Elijah to go present himself to Ahab so they can have the final showdown, if you would.
The final showdown! Anyway, I need some like metal music playing in the background.
But anyway, so Elijah went and showed himself to Ahab. Now the famine was severe in Samaria. Ahab called
Obadiah, who was over the household. Obadiah feared Yahweh greatly, and when Jezebel cut off the prophets of Yahweh, Obadiah took a hundred prophets and hid them by fifties in a cave, fed them with bread and water.
Ahab said to Obadiah, go through the land and to all the springs of water and all the valleys, perhaps we may find grass and save the horses and mules alive and not lose some of the animals.
So they divided the land between them to pass through it. Ahab went in one direction by himself.
Obadiah went in another direction by himself. And as Obadiah was on the way, behold,
Elijah met him, and Obadiah recognized him and fell on his face and says, is it you, my lord
Elijah? Now I'm not gonna read the whole part here, but Elijah basically says, it's me.
Obadiah is worried that he's gonna disappear, and he tells him to have everybody meet him at Mount Carmel.
And so Obadiah went to meet Ahab and told him. Ahab went to meet Elijah. So when
Ahab saw Elijah, there they are at Mount Carmel, and Ahab sees Elijah and says, is it you, you trouble of Israel?
Yeah, it's not Elijah who's the trouble of Israel, it's Ahab and his wife Jezebel. Anyway, so he answered,
I've not troubled Israel, but you and your father's house have, because you have abandoned the commandments of Yahweh and you followed the
Baals. Now therefore send and gather all of Israel to meet at Mount Carmel and the 450 prophets of Baal and the 400 prophets of who eat at Jezebel's table.
So Ahab went to all the people of Israel, gathered the prophets together at Mount Carmel.
Elijah came near to all the people and said, how long will you go limping between two different opinions?
If Yahweh is God, follow him. If Baal, then follow him. And the people did not answer him a word.
Then Elijah said to the people, I, even I, only am left a prophet of Yahweh, but Baal's prophets are 450 men.
Let two bowls be given to us, let them choose one bowl for themselves, cut it in pieces, lay it on the wood, put no fire on it.
I will prepare the other bowl, lay on it the wood, and put no fire on it. And you call upon the name of your
God, I'll call upon the name of Yahweh, and the God who answers by fire, he is
God. So the people answered, it is well spoken. So then Elijah said to the prophets of Baal, choose for yourself one bowl, prepare it first, for you are many.
Call upon the name of your God, but put no fire to it. And they took the bowl that was given them, and they prepared it, and called upon the name of Baal from morning until noon, saying, oh
Baal, answer us. But there was no voice, no one answered.
They limped around the altar that they had made, and at noon Elijah mocked them, saying, cry louder, he is a
God. Maybe he's musing, or maybe he's taking a dump in the toilet, in the latrine.
Yeah, that's what relieving himself means. Or maybe he's on a journey, or perhaps he's asleep and must be awakened.
So they cried aloud, and cut themselves after their custom with swords and lances, until the blood gushed out upon them.
And as midday passed, they raved on the time of the offering, of the oblation.
There was no voice, no one answered, no one paid attention.
Now I'm going to note here, this is a great story. And as we know how this goes, Elijah, when he prays, the fire falls.
Prophets of Baal are slaughtered then, after this account. And so, you know, it's just a fantastic thing.
But all of that's to kind of come to this point. So we've already looked at 2nd Corinthians 11 about the so -called super apostles, false apostles, false prophets, false teachers, who teach a different spirit, different Jesus, different gospel.
And that they are servants of the devil, who masquerades as an angel of light. They masquerade as true apostles when they're not.
But you'll note the prophets of Baal, who were engaging in idolatry, they, let's just put it this way, they, well, they were powerless.
They had no ability whatsoever, no ability whatsoever to call down fire from heaven.
Their God didn't answer them. And I'm going to basically say, we're seeing the same phenomenon now with the so -called prosperity preachers, the decree and declare, the name it and claim it, the blab it and grab it group.
All of their so -called ability to operate in miracles and signs and wonders is kaput.
I mean, Sean Bowles last week had a, had two prophecy conferences canceled, postponed due to unforeseen circumstances.
That's kind of awkward, don't you think? Yeah, so we'll take another look at some of the the con men of the of the charismatic movement and and note that they seem to be completely powerless.
So we'll start with the king of the powerless. Yeah, Ken Copeland. He's utterly powerless.
He's like one of the prophets of all. Put your hand on that television set. This is disgusting, man.
I'm pretty sure he slathered himself up there and in oil from the
Dalton tractor supply company. Yes, hallelujah. Thank you,
Jesus. Thank you, Lord Jesus. He received your healing.
Yes. So how many people after this, according to the CDC, receive their healing from God and Ken Copeland by touching their hand to their computer monitors and television screens?
I mean, this is just creepy beyond all reason. Now, say it,
I take it. I take it. I have it. Notice they're not praying to God.
Please heal me. They're just, I take it. I have it.
They're not praying. This isn't prayer. It's mine. It's mine. I thank you and praise you for it.
Yes. And I forgive if I have ought against any. I forgive. And I praise you that I'm well and whole.
I praise you that I'm well and whole. According to the Word of God, I'm healed.
Yes. And I consider not my own body. Yes. I consider not symptoms in my body.
I consider not symptoms, but only that which God has promised. Only that what the
Word has said. They're not praying. And I would note the pandemic is getting worse.
It's gotten significantly worse since he did that. And by his stripes,
I was healed. And by his stripes, I am healed now. I'm not the sick trying to get healed.
I'm the healed and the devil's trying to give me the flu Yeah, false doctrine right there
Yeah, anybody sick with the coronavirus is actually sick. That's right. Or whatever else kind of thing.
He's trying. Yeah Heal and well
Get that thing out of my face. Yes in the sweet name of Jesus Tell me that man's not demon -possessed he looks demon -possessed to me
Yeah, okay. Yeah while we're out talking about him, by the way, this will show you what this guy is really about So Kenneth Copeland, what if you lose your job?
What if you're not able to work and you're not making a paycheck because you've because of the corona virus
Well, whatever you do Don't stop giving money to him this corona virus is is faith in its ability to hurt your kill you the the fear of What are we gonna do?
I'm getting laid off at work Hey Your job is not your source if it is you're in trouble
Jesus is your source Whatever you do right now, don't you stop tithing?
Yeah, I mean he's got You know jet fuel to buy and stuff, you know because he never flies, you know
Traditional airlines. He owns a couple of private jets. Whatever you do. Don't stop tithing Uh -huh, by the way
In the New Covenant New Testament, there is no command to tie. That's an old covenant command and If you pay attention to the details of the tithe in the
Old Covenant the Mosaic Covenant It wouldn't have allowed any
Levites to buy private jets or to jet around the ancient world Even if there were jets at the time
Yeah, bringing the tithe to the temple in Jerusalem You got to consume 90 % of it, you know only a portion of it went to support the
Levites The rest of it was a big family meal. It was like Thanksgiving.
Mm -hmm Yeah, that's in the Old Testament as well New Covenant there there is no command, you know You give what you've set aside in your heart.
It's between you and God. God loves a cheerful giver He doesn't want you to give under compulsion see 1st
Corinthians 9 for details But he said whatever you do, don't you stop tithing?
Don't you stop sowing offerings? Yeah, don't you stop stop sowing offerings, you know to him
Yeah Coronavirus con man indeed. All right now we're gonna go back in time 29 days ago
From the time I am recording this episode of fighting for the faith. We have this video of Rodney Howard Brown You know from his periscope account.
He did a periscope and Let me hit the play button and then I got a fast forward to the correct part and it's about five minutes in so I'm gonna back up to maybe like, you know, 452 and he's regaling us with stories about his
You know, he had done like seven, you know 17 cities seven countries in 20 days of travel and as he was wrapping up he went to Singapore and And so 29 days ago.
He does this periscope session and listen to what he said It's just utterly fascinating and get up for the next week run
We went on to Singapore. We land in the middle of of course this corona virus nightmare
Everywhere you went people measuring your temperature. They got like a temperature gun on your forehead and You couldn't if wind in restaurant hotels, whatever they'd measure anybody's temperature
They have these scanners shows the infrared body temperature heat
Mm -hmm. And of course if anybody knows me, you know my sense of humor, of course, I walk in I go, you know,
I have a fever and then they check my temperature again, but You know
I'll just say this about the corona obviously this thing has hit
Iran apparently Italy Yeah, no, so 29 days ago 29 days ago
There was maybe just a couple of cases in the United States just a few
Very very few and so it really hadn't hit here in the States yet thousands of people
Quarantined in it and quarantined in Italy. Yeah, so we've been praying that this thing is cursed and it's at a level
So you've been praying that it's cursed Again scriptures clear.
God is the one who sends pestilences and I'll just say this year if you remember the time of the
Zika virus Zika which our County in Tampa Hillsborough County was declared a
Zika virus emergency and I remember that time that already ordered 250 ,000 hazmat suits for the city of Dallas alone
And we just stood and declared we curse that thing You curse the
Zika virus That's his claim. He cursed the Zika virus in the name of Jesus and Zika disappeared.
Ah Just up and disappeared All right. Well, what about the corona virus?
We are doing the same thing with the corona virus we do. Oh, yeah So they curse the corona virus 29 days ago
How's that working out Oh Answer us answer us ball
Uh -huh. Yeah, you're decreeing and declaring doesn't seem to be very effective You know do not need it on these shores and obviously somebody said well, what about the rick?
Oh, we don't need it on these shores So he's gonna protect the United States by cursing the corona virus of the world.
Look we I mean, I can't be responsible for every City or whatever, but I can over America and over Florida.
I we you have a right every person so he cursed the corona virus and said that he he can't be responsible for the rest of the world, but You know the
United States in Florida for sure. Yeah, you know, I'm gonna back that up because I mean this is mind -boggling mind -boggling that anybody takes this man seriously after this because 29 days ago he said he cursed the corona virus and that it wouldn't come to the shores of the
United States or Florida and in the midst of saying that he said that he's not responsible for the other parts of the world and He said that he's the one responsible for getting rid of the
Zika virus back when that thing was a thing So we've been praying that this thing is cursed and it's at a level and I'll just say this year
If you remember the time of the Zika virus Zika Which our
County in in Tampa Hillsborough County was declared a Zika virus emergency and I remember that time that already ordered 250 ,000 hazmat suits for the city of Dallas alone and We just stood and declared we cursed that thing in the name of Jesus and Zika disappeared
Mm -hmm. Yeah, it disappeared. Huh? We are doing the same thing with the corona virus We do not need it on these shores and obviously somebody said well, what about the rest of the world?
Look, we I mean, I can't be responsible for every City or whatever, but I can over America and over Florida I we you have a right every person with authority needs to stand up Every person with authority needs to stand up.
We have a right man How's that working out for you see the the issue here is not that Christianity is false the issue here is that this man is a
Purveyor of a false form of Christianity. He's a false prophet. He's a false Apostle.
He's a false teacher He is one of the deceivers who masquerades Along with the devil as the good guy when he's not and he's an idolater of the highest rank his belief system as a whole his so -called signs and wonders the whole thing is flim -flam and Pray and take authority over the enemy and over the enemy's plans and so without me going into many of the the thought patterns out there about this virus and What has been planned behind it really to shut whole nations down We we curse it let every plan of the enemy backfire
So 29 days ago. He he cursed that coronavirus Very effective curse that was there, you know, but notice the you know
What he didn't do was humbly ask God to have mercy on us Mm -hmm.
Yeah, and and then we got Chris Vallotton and let me let me make this a little bit bigger
Since we're not dealing with YouTube videos here Chris Vallotton From a few weeks ago, and we'll just listen to the theology here again
Coronavirus con men seems to be our theme powerful word And I I just want to encourage you because it feels like you know this this coronavirus.
It's it's real Of course, you know, I want to as I it is It really is I just want to reiterate like, you know
I don't want to be like the Christian who doesn't believe in germs and we infect everybody It's like no. No, we need to be
You mean like at Kenneth Copeland's? Church, right? They had an outbreak of measles there.
Yeah vigilant We need to listen to what our leaders in government are asking us to do as much as we can
But we need to also be as vigilant about killing the virus as we are
As vigilant as we are about destroying this virus How does one?
And show vigilance in quote -unquote Destroying the corona virus.
We have to be about destroying the fear because okay, so we got to destroy the fear, too Okay, even though the virus is real
Even though there there is a there's a threat to that virus and there's a small very small percentage of people
What is the threat to the viral that that will catch it very much smaller that will actually have serious complications
But there's a large amount of people that are just terrified and I'd say right now that the economy is more shut down out of the terror out of the fear of what might happen and This is two weeks ago by the now that the reality of what is happening and I want to remind you in fact
We're gonna release a blog this afternoon that that fear is a great storyteller
You know fear is false evidence appearing real and of course there are real evidence that that this virus is
Fear is false evidence appearing real. Where'd you get that definition?
It's not a biblical definition This is a real virus, but it's not what happens to us But the stories that we make up about what we fear will happen to us that actually creates so much anxiety in us
And I just want to I just want to say to you like Turn off That's a weird nervous laugh
Really weird kind of creepy weird Let's say turn off the news or if you're gonna turn it on, you know turn it on, you know once a day
Okay, so is there any new? You know progress is there anything else or my government wants me to do and then ditch the news and start meditating on the
Lord What does the Lord say about this? What does the Lord want me to do? And just stay out of fear
You know wash your hands take precautions, but put on the full armor of God now.
I find it weird here Chris Vallotton is one of the teaching pastors at Bethel and remember
Bill Johnson has said I refuse to create a theology that allows for sickness
Here's Chris Vallotton Saying to us be sure to wash your hands
Why aren't you telling them to? You know operate in signs and wonders and stuff.
Why are you telling them to wash their hands? And what don't leave the house without your armor on you
You don't want to go out there naked Yeah, I Know if I went outside my house naked they'd arrest me and rightfully so I mean it would be an act of terrorism
Against my my neighbor and and my biggest concern is that when people live by faith
That they often attract by faith. We end up sick because I believe
I'm gonna get sick You know, it doesn't work that way.
So if you have the corona virus, it's because you believed you were gonna get it No biblical text says that either and so this is a dangerous theology because if you come down with a corona virus
This theology says it's your fault because you believed you were gonna get sick Apparently your faith can create results one way or another.
This is a natural phenomenon spread in the actual physical world
Okay, and let me finish with this last idea fear is faith in the wrong kingdom
I Can't be afraid without fear if a little child says I'm gonna beat you up I don't get afraid and the reason why
I don't get afraid is I don't believe him, but it you know is some big mugger You know wants to beat me up or my wife
Wants to beat me up You know, I believe they can So the only reason
I I have anxiety is because I actually believe them And what I'm getting at is this you can move mountains with faith, but you can also call a mohill and You can create a mountain out of a mohill and then wonder why your valley is so low
So you can create a mountain out of mohill and then wonder why your valley is so low
Ain't no mountain high enough Let's do this. Let's take precautions Let's encourage our neighbors
Let's make sure that we we do what our what our leaders are asking us to do But most importantly let us let's not catch this virus by faith
Let's don't catch it by faith. And what's gonna happen when the people of Bethel?
By faith say they're not gonna get the corona virus and people at Bethel get the corona virus
This is gonna devastate them Because this is not what the Bible teaches
Become this is becoming faith in your faith rather than calling out to God and asking him to deliver you
People who say not on my watch not in my house Not in my children
Not in my city and let's just begin to speak against this virus and let's use our faith to move this virus out
Speak against this virus and move this virus with your words and stuff. This is two weeks ago
How effective has this been? Let's say this you we can send it to Mars because we we know we don't think there's any
Martians here so We can send the corona virus to Mars Really No, I don't think so.
Let me back this up. What is this theology? This isn't Christianity. This is a different religion masquerading as Christianity by faith
Let's become people who say not on my watch not in my house
Not in my children not in my city and let's just begin to speak against this virus and let's use our faith to move this virus out of Let's say this you we can send it to Mars because we we know we don't think there's any
Martians here So we can send it to Mars No, we can't
Where are you getting this? Why don't we just all together send this thing to Mars? wherever we're out of the out of the universe and let's let's just begin to believe
God and let's fast a 40 -day fast of Negativity and fear and let's feast on chocolate
This is the fast. I love we will fast fear and we will eat chocolate. What I Yeah, I don't know it's these these men are conmen this isn't
Christianity this is a different religion This is idolatry And like I said, I'm going to post a link down below to my sermon from this past Sunday on the gospel of John chapter 9 and and talk about Idolatry, I think
I'll also post a link to the Sunday school lesson that I also teached on Sunday Teached taught on Sunday that that builds on that by the way.
Have you read John 10 10 the thief comes to kill? Steal and destroy but I've come that you might have life and have it abundantly
Who's the thief there? false teachers, by the way, it's not the devil and I proved that exegetically in the in the
In the Sunday school lesson from this past weekend Yeah, these guys are about as effective as the prophets of all they're decreeing and declaring
I mean Chris Vallotton said to send that thing to Mars man with your words and Stand on your faith and say not on my watch, but rather than calling out to God They are utterly deceiving people.
These are coronavirus conmen and the pandemic is showing that their religion is Powerless Because it's not biblical
Christianity their claims to be able to operate in signs and wonders Well are proven to be utter well rubbish
Because they've never been able to operate in signs and wonders their manifestations of the Spirit are not from the
Holy Spirit These are people who have been conning shucking and jiving and bamboozling
People and now their chickens have come home to roost thanks to the corona virus so if you found this helpful all the information on how you can share this video is down below in the description and Want to thank you for your continued support of fighting for the faith because we can't do what we're doing here
Without your support and you are in our prayers and keep us in your prayers as well as we're all writing this out and call
Upon God to have mercy on us and to to deliver us from the corona virus and to send this
Pestilence away by his mighty power by his mercy and grace in the name of Jesus until next time may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious Death on the cross for all of your sins