Women Pastors and Pastors as the Chief Experience Officer | Rapp Report Weekly 0019 | Striving for Eternity


Andrew addresses some things that are concerning things said on some podcasts about a woman claiming that they were a pastor because they were being obedient to God. Also that a former pastor's claim that a pastor is the chief experience officer of the church. He also mentions some good podcasts. Podcasts mentioned: Growth Project Radio Theology Gals The Freed Thinker Podcast...


All right this week we got a lot of things to talk about because we're gonna wrap up a whole bunch of things that we have Been seeing online and in different podcasts in different places
And we're gonna address a whole lot of issues on today's podcast Because we're gonna try to wrap up a whole bunch of things that have been smaller issues not enough for a full podcast
We're gonna get into whether well is a woman being obedient by being a pastor is the pastor really a
CEO all Kinds of crazy nonsense going out there on the internet, and we're gonna deal with it right here
Welcome to the rap report with Andrew rap report where we provide biblical interpretations and applications
This is a ministry of striving for eternity and a Christian podcast community For more content or to request a speaker for your church go to striving for eternity org
Alrighty I am your host Andrew rap report. I am the executive director of striving for eternity ministries
We are a discipling ministry We produce things like this podcast the rap report
And we are very grateful that you listen every week you can listen to our daily episodes only two minutes long
Yes, we can do a two -minute podcast and give you tons of content in just two minutes so a nice thing about that It's daily.
It's quick And you can get a lot of good teaching right out of the way first thing in the morning if you want
But we want to give some shoutouts and also address some issues that we've been seeing online and other podcasts and Things are just well some things need to be addressed because well
Maybe no one else is doing it and we are grateful for those who are listening
I do I should give because I don't think that I gave a shout out to Scott from theology driven
Scott Hunt who was the winner of the preachers Bible giveaway that we had
I think on Theology answers they call him Scott too hot But I don't know why
I'm not gonna go there to try to figure that one out. That's a podcast by the way they
Drive around supposedly I have not seen video Evidence that they're actually in a car when they are doing that I think that I can perfectly make sounds of being inside a car right from the
Comforts of my own home. I've done that on previous podcasts, but you know, we're waiting for them to hear this when they're driving
They have such ADD that that may actually happen one of these times but but there it's a great podcast theology driven work we are glad that Scott was able to get his new preachers
Bible he did a unboxing and We're glad for that. So Congratulations, Scott.
We'll probably be doing another giveaway in another couple months and We look forward to seeing who may win then but I wanted to address some different things in this podcast this week that I've been seeing online some things
I think need to be addressed should be dealt with and I Think that one of the things
I listen to a podcast a gentleman. I don't even remember the podcast. Sorry Probably a good thing because this is gonna be one of those more negative ones.
He was interviewing two women that were making a basically a pitch for for feminism, they they're very much involved in women's rights and and Things dealing with women and there are a lot of female podcasts out there a lot of good female podcasters
We're gonna mention some later on but the reality is There this interview had two women and one of the things was that one of the women made this statement
I don't have the audio clip, but she basically was saying that she had been a pastor previously and now she works for some company and The argument she said was as she's giving her testimony was that she was a pastor because she was being obedient to God Well, I hate to disagree with someone in their testimony, but you know what
I've Was recently in Manti, Utah where I speak to many Mormons and they all have a testimony, too
So just because someone has a testimony doesn't mean it's true She said that she was a pastor because she was being obedient to God Really what does
Scripture say? well this is what first Timothy chapter 2 says when Paul is writing this and he says
I This is verse 12. I do not permit a woman to teach or have or exercise authority over a man rather she is to remain quiet for Adam was formed first and then
Eve and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became the transgressor and So what you see in those couple of verses is that what she was doing was not obedience to God What she was doing is called sin yeah, that's right,
I just said it a woman who takes the role of a pastor is not being obedient because Scripture says she should not be teaching or having authority over a man.
Wait a minute Andrew Wait a minute. There's someone saying that's just that's just Paul Really?
What's Paul's argument? Whenever we took a look at Scripture, please do not read into it
What you wish it would say but read what it actually says look at the argument Paul makes he has two reasons
Why he says he does not permit this and by the way, if you say this is just Paul's words
This is Paul in a letter when if you take our class that we have at striving fraternity on a class on biblical
Hermeneutics how to interpret the Bible we have 20 lessons. You could take those classes on a YouTube channel for free
That's how we make our money by the way So we offer those for free you will know that the very first thing
I say to do whenever Interpreting a passage scripture is what type of genre or literature is it we look at this literature and we see it is
Instructional this is not a narrative. This is not giving something where someone's just giving thoughts of historical accounts
This is Paul giving instruction by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit He says
I do not permit a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man rather She is to remain quiet for or because here's the purpose clause because Adam was formed first Does that sound cultural does that sound like it's the
Roman culture not at all? This is Paul making an argument from the creation order
So the very first thing you see here is that by the creation order? This is why a woman should not teach or have it exercise authority over a man because Adam was formed first.
That's creation So the first argument he makes is the creation order. The second is the sin order.
He says And Adam was not deceived but the woman was deceived and became the transgressor so what you see in scripture is two reasons why a woman should not teach and have exercise authority over a man and it is
Because of the creation order and the sin order order both of them going back to Adam and Eve Not the culture.
This has nothing to do with the Roman culture because he's going back to the culture of Adam and Eve Really? He was 4 ,000 years removed from them 2 ,000 from us
He might be closer in culture to us just saying also when you look in both first Timothy and Titus when they give the
Instructions for who should be a pastor. You don't see anything related to females
It is all related to the male gender now when it comes to Deacons This is where I would differ from some
I do think that there is a Ability in the scriptures to read this as when it's having
Deacons where it says Deacons wives I think it's the women and so I would see it roles of a
Deacon when they are acting in a servant role That you can have male and female Deacons and the scripture allows for that, but it doesn't allow for female pastors
Anywhere. Oh, but wait, but wait Andrew. What are you gonna say about Deborah? Well go and read judges
Deborah warned Barack that this was a problem that he was to be the leader and that her acting that role was a judgment on him, so she was basically saying yeah, this is not the right role that I should be fulfilling and She recognized that he was the proper leader
So this is the reality when you take the arguments that people say well, what about Priscilla and Aquila?
Show me where she is the authority over The man or teaching in a place of teaching it just mentions both them together
It doesn't define which roles they have so, you know when you hear women that say well I'm just being a pastor because I'm being obedient to God.
No. No, you're not You're in sin. I hate to be the bearer of bad news
But if I truly love you if I truly care for you Is that not what
I should be telling you the truth of God's Word? Look, this isn't my word There are plenty of females that are probably better Instructors of God's Word than I am.
I don't doubt that one bit But the reality I don't get to set the rules
God has established this headship of male leadership when it comes to teaching of God's Word and I don't get to choose
What type of commands God gives that I like and which ones I don't I accept all of them or I'm in sin
That's the same for this woman I feel bad for because she really felt and believes probably that she's being obedient to Christ in a role.
That was actually disobedience and This is the thing that we end up seeing we see this over and over again people who who want to believe things that are in Scripture that just are not in Scripture and We are gonna have to tell the truth to people
You know, there's a conference gonna be coming on I don't actually know maybe maybe I've already happened to read you a revoice conference where they want to try to make a voice for gay
Christians No, here's a simple question I have if you want to make a voice for gay Christians Why don't you have a voice for the rapist
Christians? I mean, there's people who claim to be Christians and they may rape women How about the serial murderer
Christian? How about the that gossiping Christian? I mean, why do we sit there and say that there's one sin that we got to find a way to make them more?
acceptable in the church should people who have a Lust for people of the same sex be comfortable in church
Yeah, just like that someone who has a lust for some of the opposite sex They should recognize that that lusting is a sinful behavior a sinful temptation a sinful thought they need to repent of that and they need to avoid that and They can still be
Christian, but I don't make excuses For people who are going to go out there and say well, you know
I'm a I'm a gay Christian if you're gonna identify yourself as a gay
Christian then I'm gonna question what you really what your real motive is.
Is it really that you're a Christian? Or is it that you want to force?
your lifestyle upon other Christians to make them accept what you
Maybe want to believe is natural or to accept that this is the way you were born and therefore it should be something
We should all understand You know what? The serial murderer can argue that he was born that way the rapist can argue he was born that way that does not justify
What he does and it does not justify the thinking that goes on within our minds Just because a heterosexual person lusts after people of the opposite sex
It doesn't justify it and they definitely should not identify themselves That way as a
Christian in other words, someone shouldn't come into a church and say well, I'm an adulterous Christian I've committed adultery in the past, but I'm trying not to anymore, but I want you to accept me as an adulterous
Christian. I Wouldn't accept that either. I'm just gonna be consistent You're either a Christian or you're not and if you are identifying yourself as something other than Christ Then you have to wonder what is your real motive and what is the real thing you is your ultimate authority and what you're
Submitting to see as a Christian. We are like Christ. That's the goal.
We're little Christians That's what the word meant. We knew they were first called Christians it was because it was actually an insult by the way, maybe you don't realize that just look at these people
They're little Christ. They want to be like Jesus. They're little Christ's and The Christians took that on as a pageant.
Yes, that's exactly right. We want to be like Christ. We're a little Christ I like that name.
That's what we are. You know, sometimes we use different names to identify ourselves Some people say they're believers.
Some people say they're evangelical We're trying to find good labels, but understanding what
Christian meant. I like that label. We are little Christ We want to be made more and more in the image of Christ Not in a sin and Christ not an adulterous
Christian not a gay Christian not a lying Christian I don't care what sin you put in front of it we are either
Christian and want to be more like Christ or we don't if we want to be identified by some sinful behavior or Sinful thinking that we have and still say we're
Christian. I Just don't think that we're really Christian just saying so with that we want to deal with some other issues that we've seen online
I want to play a quick commercial and then I want to get to some Well, actually,
I'm gonna get this on that people actually say some nice things about me, which is kind of crazy Ding dong
Jehovah's Witnesses ding dong Mormons Christian. Are you ready to defend the faith when false religions ring your doorbell?
Do you know what your Muslim and Jewish friends believe you will if you get
Andrew Rappaport's book? What do they believe when we witness to people we need to present the truth
But it is very wise to know what they believe and you will get Andrew Rappaport's book at what do they believe?
calm Can you answer the following questions for your children or for the person to whom you are witnessing?
Number one is the New Testament reliable to can you explain the Trinity to me three?
How is Jesus both God and man and a slew of other questions? You will be able to answer if you get
Andrew Rappaport's new book. What do we believe it will help you a ton?
I get your copy at what do we believe book calm? What do we believe book calm? You know, we shouldn't be all negative here, but addressing things that podcasters say in a bad way
Let's say some positive. There was actually a podcast I listened to recently and I listened to a lot of podcasts, especially those that are part of the
Christian podcast community I have a commitment that I will listen to at least one but I try to listen to really three episodes of everybody who podcasts in the
Christian podcast community on Facebook that group is open to any Christian podcasters or people that are looking to podcast
What we do is we want to help Podcasters, it's kind of like well, what did
Jesus say go and make? Disciples, that's right. And we're seeking to make disciples in many different ways.
That's driving fraternity. One of which is In podcasting we want to take what we have learned in podcasting and help others to produce really good quality
Christian podcasts Why? Well because there's a lot of bad podcasts out there not just in content, but sometimes in quality
Sometimes because people don't know what to do and the reality is we got a whole world of Atheists and false religions that they got some really good high quality junk and we want to produce good quality
Truth to counteract it so people have a truth to go to and so we seek to help folks out
I try to listen to all of those podcasts that are in there and Every once in a while I hear things like well this after they actually played one of our commercials
We're back with more growth project radio We are live on Facebook.
If you haven't visited our Facebook pages at growth project us You can watch us live every
Tuesday night. I'm Robert Houghton and with me is dr. Danny Purvis Dave You hear that the new commercial?
That was great. Yes, and you're out before he's uh, you know, I listened to his podcast great podcast
He has a two -minute podcast. So he's kind of beating out your five -minute one. Yeah, but really what can you get done in two minutes?
Honestly, he does a great job in two minutes. He's a he's an apologist anybody's interested in apologetics.
Oh, yeah He's doing a great series. Yeah, I definitely it guys really using him
Yeah, absolutely striving for eternity is the website visit him there and you can find all the information there as well as his book
Oh, what do we believe is a great book? Yes again, another another person who who has seen the the
You know how vapid we are in our in our theology and wants to do it and make it accessible
Yes, it does a very very good job of doing that and we look I'm a theology wonk
I could talk about this stuff and use the languages and all that other kind of stuff all day long None of that matters if nobody cares and nobody understands it, right?
So being able to present this stuff So that we stop being a mile wide and an inch deep and actually have some depth of what we believe and why it's true
Not why we believe it, but why it's true. I'm all for that and he does a great job what's crazy to me is I've been listening to him and Particularly Matt slick with karm for many years.
Yes Well, it's slick as crap a rapper porn and and to now be connecting with him a little yeah. Yeah, it's very cool
Yeah, you know, I don't know if it's weird to get starstruck over Hey, whatever, but it's it.
You know what? It's the reality is though It is it is it is attractive When you engage somebody with the truth in such a way that they'll look at it and say, oh, you know again
I've never really thought of it that way before and he's very good. It's a great podcast I'll put a link in the description of this video and the podcast that way you guys can go subscribe.
It's worth I mean every I listen to like I listen to them every morning Sometimes they get behind and it takes 10 minutes to catch up on a couple days worth of them
So yeah, it's definitely worth look. All right, and so we thank those guys over at growth project radio
That's cool. I appreciate that This is the goal that we try to have. I mean you can get a real thick systematic theology and Learn all the big words, but the reality is a lot people that's like, oh, that's overwhelming.
That's why I wrote Why do what do we believe? Because I want something that's accessible to everybody.
It's great for for Sunday schools It's just great for you know people who aren't readers
We have a gentleman in my church and he actually said that my book what do we believe is the first book
He thinks he read cover to cover. That's not a comic book now this is a guy who he's a young kid and I Sorry, I'm at that age where people in their 20s is a kid to me.
I'm sorry, but the reality is, you know He's not a reader. That's just not what he does and he was learning things
We're discussing it and I was amazed in how much he has gotten out of that book and That to me is the greatest praise
Because here's someone that doesn't study who doesn't read and understood it and that's a thrill to me
I thank the guys over at the growth project radio. They got a good podcast
I'll drop a link in our show notes for them and I appreciate what they're what they're saying about the podcast
Yes, we can get a lot done in two minutes guys just saying we just stretch it out over the whole week and You know, but we've been dealing with different topics on our dailies and I try to give you some that's quick So you get just a quick?
instruction, but then we put it together usually give you a whole week's worth so they they have some theme for the week and You know those guys over there are
Really doing well in Giving some good content. And so I appreciate that not just that they give a shout out here, but I do
I do want to promote others and In light of that we have a special Announcement for you here that you're gonna hear some exclusive stuff right now
Well, okay, we have something special for you folks, maybe you've listened to the past rap reports
This is gonna be a familiar voice. It's also gonna be a familiar voice if you listen to a certain podcast
But we have with someone who I've had the privilege having on Before on earlier podcast
Dwayne Atkinson from the bar podcast Dwayne. How you doing, man? I'm doing great, sir
How are you doing? Well, and you have some new things happening at the bar actually can't say podcast it's actually networking and for folks who
Folks who know about This podcast. We're part of the Christian podcast community, which means as Christians We want to take all the the claim and credit for ourselves and not ever competition with everybody
No, no. No, no, we're not doing that here We're a community and we promote not only our podcasts but other podcasts and even more so We want to promote a network.
That's not us. That's crazy Christians promoting other Christians. This is insane Dwayne. I know man precedent or whatever that big word is
You've been trying to hang out with Matt select too much with these big words just hey keep it simple
I gotta keep it simple man. Hey, you know, I'm a simple guy man, but Matt made you make you want to stretch it out a little bit
He loves big words. So tell us so you got the bar podcast which is for biblical and reformed
It's one of my favorite podcasts You actually have more than just your podcast, right?
You you guys got just thinking The bar podcast you got bars, which okay.
That's the only one I don't listen to The content it has nothing. It has great content.
It's just my brain I I can't process when there's the music going on behind it like I get it.
I just can't Speed okay. Yeah Now you got a new one.
Yeah, man. Tell us what's happening at the bar podcast or bar network Yes, sir. So I mean just kind of to give you people a back story the bar podcast
You know, it's a group of friends. We've been friends on the Internet for years and we started a podcast and everybody in my on my team and you know kind of been
Internet friends for years and everybody have their own gifts and talents And so I wanted a way to Give them a platform as well because they all have you know voices and we connected with you know
Adair Harrison who's a prolific writer and Virgil Walker who's a great guy and in Terrence Barlow so I was able to use the bar podcast to kind of set kind of blaze the trail and When I once I had the trail blaze and had a little following man we brought on just thinking with Daryl and Virgil and bars biblical and foreign spitters with Terrence Barlow and People on my team that actually got some podcasts coming.
So for the ladies we have she who believes which is on the way
So that's that's kind of exclusive. I'm putting that out here on the rap report But the recent ad that and just talking about is passed through discussions this is very exciting for the bar podcast network just because John and and those guys
We we weren't they weren't a part of the original fold I'll say that the people that were originally in the network people
I lay with people. I knew pretty well John Came to me. Mr John Hawkins with a passive discussion came and we kind of went back and forth in the inbox and And you know, we don't just let anybody on the bar man.
I sick my whole team on them So everybody that friend request them check them out. Look at all the pictures.
Listen all the pie, you know read everything You know, I sent my whole team to investigate and you got a big team.
So that's a yeah exactly man I had a lot of eyes on them. So we did that man for actually probably about a month and a half
And and everybody kind of reported back with the you know, Jennifer sisters that that they you know, they were solid they like what they saw and and just this week or last week we were able to add them to the network and we're super excited because they bring
Everybody know the bar is built come reform. It's not black and reform, even though I am black, but my man
Hawkins man with the passive discussion These are Caucasian brothers that you know want to come in line with us, which you know to me
It don't it's not a big deal, but I've heard it a few times like, you know It's a big deal that brothers can come together like that.
Like, you know, I I don't see that but Definitely excited about that. Thank God for the big deal.
It should not We're all forgiven by Christ, right exactly saying exactly no,
I'm with you Andrew. I'm with you, man I agree, but just because it was brought up man I just thought I'll you know paint the picture since we are on radio, but this is grateful for those guys and they are already
Impacting the network coming up with great ideas Just for collaborations and things like that so God is good man, and I'm just excited to be able to Be a part of it and kind of be a visionary for it, man
And I thank you for the opportunity to tell your listeners about what we got going on at the bar podcast network
Yeah, I mean look those guys I've been listening to them. I was thrilled to hear that they were coming over with you
Just thinking I mean man, they're killing it. Daryl Virgil. Oh, yes They are killing it.
If if folks have not been listening to just thinking I mean You got
I mean you need to be listening to that one just to see what I'm there on the cutting edge of issues within Christianity.
Mm -hmm and It's one of those podcasts. I encourage people look you want to listen to just think and make sure you got a
Bible handy And you are quick with turning pages They are gonna rattle off scripture read scripture everything with them is right from Scripture Yes, and I you know,
I don't know whether Daryl and Virgil are doing all that prep ahead It sounds like they're rattling it off just from memory.
Sometimes they're amazing man. I just just to kind of piggyback on that Daryl he puts in the work the legwork on like content and topics and Notes, you know, they go they don't have like a script but they he do really do his research he do his research on events and notes and and I'm excited about that man because they bring a current event side to Podcasting man because something that I try to stay away from at the bar
I try to be more general and more, you know resource and you know Just kind of a I call it a bar with an appetizer man
But just thinking is like the daily news like they come with the current event and they bring you hardcore scripture and those guys
They they they I'm in the inbox with a man. They're shooting scriptures back and forth shooting articles back and forth
I mean, it's it's hard work. You know, I let them do all that hard work on the content side I handle all the technology side to make sure they sound good well,
I'll tell you son that the the couple of episodes that they've done and I refer to it on one of my recent rap reports just the what they're doing on the social justice issues.
Oh, yeah You know and and you know, I had him on on the rap report and and he was saying how you know being a black
Person who would be saying this stuff. It's like Dylan's. Oh, you're an uncle Tom.
You're not really black like, excuse me I wait, let me check my skin color. Yep You know, what is this about?
Right. Is it about the the color of skin or or is it about a political agenda?
Well, I think we see what it's really about right, but I mean there they just lay it down with so much scripture that I Don't see how any
Christian Could disagree with them when when they get done you'd be surprised
I'm sure but it's like they they lay out the scripture and it's like just rapid -fire.
Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Boom. Okay Okay, I submit Yeah, and they're so quick with it too,
I mean it is they pack it in now your podcast you do a lot of interviews You've interviewed some top -notch guys
Except for me, but other people I Was gonna play
I love the one quote from you when you interviewed me You were like, yeah, I just thought you're some guy from next to you taking care of Great but I mean you do some great interviews with great people and and I the thing
I love about your podcast specifically is You you bring out in people like things that other interviewers don't do exactly and it's the thing
I mean, you know folks who haven't listened you you let people introduce themselves
You let people, you know share what anything of encouragement you get them answering three bar questions
You find out well for most people what type of music they listen to except for me I just I knew that was coming.
I looked at my phone. I'm like, there's not one song Music Amazing grace or something brother good grief
I know I just listened to the bar podcast, you know over and over again Folks listen if you're not listening to these different bar podcast just thinking pastors discussion that me the go to and Do you have you have the one website with them all?
Because I know different blogs. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, so that's something we're working on But if you go to the bar podcast calm, you'll definitely be able to find links to Everybody that's on the network.
We have a network tab and you'll be able to find you know, the bar is already there just thinking is there and then
Pastor discussion is also there in the bar network tab, and we're waiting to see the rap report coming soon
We can't afford you guys Hey brother, it is always great getting together with you even for a short segment but I where we at struggling for you are thrilled to see what you guys are doing over on the bar network and we're here to support you in any way we can and we look forward to seeing what you guys are gonna do because I mean you
Are just you guys are just laying it down and really bringing some real issues that I think every one of those podcasts are
Content filled and Everyone should be listening to all of them Like I said,
I just have problems with one because I'm just messed up in the head And I mean, but the content that they provide
I have listened to several of them content is great. It's just I Is some it's something wrong with me?
I admit it, but then again, I don't listen to music either So, you know, hey, I was gonna say you have a disadvantage because you don't listen to music
So let's do the podcast with music behind it would definitely mess with you a little bit. So Especially when you listen
I listen to the way my brain is wired I listen to podcasts at triple speed because it helps me to concentrate more if I slow it down my mind starts to wander and I only have participate in a podcast and if I really want to concentrate really want to listen what they're saying
I actually speed it up It's just a weird way that I have met a couple other individuals that are similar that way
It's just my brain is constantly going and so for me I speed it up so I can concentrate more and so the music gets
When you speed that up try it sometimes speed it up You already got me curious. I'm like, okay,
I gotta listen to it My wife can't my wife can't she's just like what
I'm playing a podcast like what is that it's like Mucks oh, yeah, but dude, you know when
I hear you speaking now, you sound so slow You know, yeah, that's that's that country man that down south man
So you hear me make me sound like I'm from Boston or somewhere. No, I listen to your podcast You sound like your jersey man, exactly, you know, you talking real quick and getting it, you know laying it down really quick No, no slow stuff.
Nice leg late. Let's lay back and have some sweet tea stuff. No, no, no, no But I understand
I understand Hey So anything else you want to you want to update our listeners with anything any ways we could support you other than subscribing
Which huh? Yeah, no, the subscribing is the biggest thing man You know our heart at the bar podcast network is we just want to see
God glorified and we want to see his people equipped so Definitely subscribe to the podcast leave us comments reviews.
All of those things are beautiful And we definitely appreciate it and just be on the lookout for some more shows coming from the bar podcast network
Like I mentioned she who believes and we in the works with another brother as part of our camp releasing a podcast so I'm just grateful man for the opportunity and just as you guys continue to keep us in prayer and Go to the part bar podcast comm and get their stuff.
They got hats t -shirts all kinds of of stuff Cool when I all
I know is when I go to g3 they they blanket the place just saying Is that just thinking hmm?
Well, thanks for being on here, thanks brother for all you're doing and all that you're doing for the kingdom of God Amen.
Thank you All right. So that was an update on what's happening on the bar podcast and you know, they were mentioning a women's podcast
I will give a shout out to a couple other for Podcast blogs for women, you know
I we've been noticing that we've been getting some traffic from a blog site called the narrow -minded woman and Every Friday they put their favorites out and they have been putting our dailies out all the time every week
And but I didn't notice when you go under resources You know recommended resources.
You don't see the rap reporter striving fraternity. Just saying Christy, you know, hey, come on You're posting the podcast each week.
Why not put us in recommended resources? But uh, but yeah, that's it. That's a resource for women, but I cannot go without mentioning one of I think one of the best female podcasts out there that I know of and that is theology gals and they are
Two Presbyterian women. Well, actually, I guess three now because one just gave birth and so they have another
Presbyterian filling in What is it? They can't they can't have like a good Baptist woman out there
I mean really, you know, there are good Baptist women that love to study theology But they gotta only go with the the
Presbyterians. What's up with that? But some of you may know of theology gals. We did a previous episode with Colleen Sharp from Theology gals she and I did a podcast together and we plan to do another one
Because well, she's a Presbyterian and I'm a Baptist we're probably gonna be doing it sometime soon we're gonna talk about the
Sabbath Should you honor it or not? What is the
Sabbath the Christians have to do a Sabbath? These are some of the things we'll probably end up dealing but you know They they got over at the bar podcast and mentioning a new podcast for women and this is the thing with it
You know for a long time we have seen where the idea that women can't study
Theology because they aren't to be teachers and pastors exercise authority we dealt with that earlier today and Yet what we end up seeing is that there's many women who want to study theology who want to study these things out
To know God better to know him more to know his word more and there are many
Podcasts and resources by women and for women now the theology gals has a
Facebook group. That is for women only How do I know well, I tried getting in once accidentally
I just saw that Facebook recommended the group I said yeah join and they blocked me
No men allowed But I'm sure there's plenty of men who try to get in there sneaky guys
They are but but no, it's for women and it is a place for women to be able to discuss their
Differences in theology and different things that are theological nature. So I want to give a shout out to theology gals
They just had a friend of mine on on their most recent podcast Tyler Villa who was dealing with presuppositional apologetics.
I love that brother He has a podcast called freed thinker I guess
I'm just giving a shout out today on all these different podcasts The ones I'm mentioning are the ones I like and the ones
I don't well Let's get to that right after this commercial. We'll deal with one more podcast where some bad things were said really bad
The good news is striving for eternity would love to come to your church to spend two days with your folks
Teaching them biblical hermeneutics. That's right the art and science of interpreting
Scripture The bad news is somebody attending might be really upset to discover Jeremiah 29 11 should not be their life first to learn more
Go to striving for eternity dot org to host a Bible interpretation made easy seminar in your area
Looking for strategies that will help you engage in meaningful conversations with members of the Mormon Church Well, if so take a look at sharing the good news with Mormons a new book produced by Harvest House publishers and edited by Mormonism Research Ministries Eric Johnson and Sean McDowell sharing the good news with Mormons includes 24 helpful essays from two dozen
Christian apologists scholars and Pastors pick up your copy at the Utah Lighthouse bookstore or order directly from MRM org you can also get that book at striving for eternity dot org and and just to give you an idea some of the different authors and Chapters that are in there.
We have Mark Middleberg Sean McDowell Matt slick Brett Conkle Robert Bowman J.
J. Warner Wallace Cory Miller Bill McKeever Michael Wilder Myself.
Okay. That was the chapter. You don't want to read but Carl Carl Wimner we have
David Geisler Lynn Wilder Wilder, if you know if you're familiar with Mormonism, you know some of these names
And all of these different authors on all these different approaches of how to evangelize Mormons you go.
Well, gee I don't really witness to Mormons. Why should I get that book? Well, because a lot of the book doesn't deal just with Mormonism But it deals with ways to share the gospel.
My chapter is on open -air evangelism that could be used anywhere Sean McDowell dealt dealt with the sharing the reason for God Matt slick deals with the reliability of Scripture Jim Wallace deals with the you know, how do we investigate things?
and so all these things will help in your evangelism even if you're not Evangelizing strictly to Mormons and the
Knights thing about it is you can read any one chapter completely separate from the others In fact, all the authors didn't get a chance to read the other authors until our chapters were submitted
So there's not like oh we got to read this chapter then that chapter all the chapters about six pages long quick To be able to read one chapter.
So that's the nice thing about it. So we want to deal with Another podcast I heard
I'm gonna play an episode something from that I heard on a podcast and I want to deal with what was said because this is just Well, really really bad on the guests part.
And so this is what was said We're talking about a pastor and you went from pastor to CEO Not to take too much more of your time, but tell me is the pastor a
CEO The pastor is a CEO because he's the chief experience officer
Every Sunday that he stands in front of his congregation. He is he is the experience of God on earth for that church and if they do not see the manifest the power of God and and and Seeing that pastor worship seeing that pastor being the out front person
Then they have no one to follow. He's the chief experience officer of Introducing people to the power of God and then we as the parishioners are the the shareholders
We're the shareholders. We're the individuals who will continue to invest in that experience because it's real
All right, and so let's deal with that because boy was there a lot said that it was wrong the
CEO the chief experience Officer really is that the role that we see in Scripture for the pastor is the pastor supposed to be?
Experiencing the church for other people. Is that his role? I don't think so.
That's not what I see in Scripture He doesn't experience on behalf of others. He doesn't act in the role of Christ as mediator.
He doesn't act like a high priest his job is to be a shepherd is to care for the people his job is to teach the people and The job of the pastor in fact there's many pastors who do not or not the person standing by in a pulpit every week many churches have pastors that are shepherding people and they are not dealing with the
You know presenting an experience for people notice what this gentleman said
And there's a lot of things I see that are problematic with this and I'm addressing this only because not to not to give this
Person a hard time. He probably means well, let's take that for granted He means well, he wants to encourage people and it could be
I don't know what church he's from what type of background But I'm gonna guess that maybe he's from a more charismatic type of background where experience is more important Where their worship is gonna be more focused on Experience that's not gonna be how
I'm gonna approach worship as far as looking for an experience I'm gonna be looking to be in awe of who
God is. That's what worship actually is is being in awe of God but this gentleman is
And his name is Simon, I'll just leave it at that but Simon is is trying to say that the the pastor stands up before a congregation and Experiences God for them and because he does that they then keep it going
They can see how to experience God through him. You know what I Was a Christian for two years before I met another
Christian. I experienced God, you know how through his Word that's right in his word.
I Experienced God I didn't need a pastor. I didn't go to church for the first six years of my Christian life.
I Was a Christian For folks who don't know my background. I grew up Jewish I was not too ready to tell folks that I was a
Christian when I first became a Christian Especially not my parents and folks who know my background when my parents did find out that I was a
Christian two years later They actually were casket shopping to bury it to bury an empty casket and I would be dead to them and I knew it would be something that's serious
There was something that happened in our family's life that prevented that and I'm very grateful for that To still have relations with my family you could pray for that But I do have better opportunities in the last few years than I've had any time before that But I I love my family love the fact that I can still have relations with them.
But that aside I had Be the ability to experience
God not through the pastor of a church but through God and his word and prayer
That's where every Christian a Christian should not have some sort of lifeline to their pastor
That's almost Roman Catholic in a sense where you have to be connected to the church and the priest
That you'd call father as a mediator that gets you closer to God That's not the way it works in Christianity, that's not what the
Bible says and you know what I'm sorry to say it but the Ultimate experience the ultimate thing for a
Christian is not an experience. We do not seek an experience We seek Christ.
Remember what I said about being a little Christian We want to be made more and more in the image of Christ of God. That should be our goal and that's the thing that I think is is misunderstood by Probably well -meaning individuals like this gentleman he probably means well and the problem is is that what he's saying is awful unbiblical is
It's the pastor's job is to shepherd and to teach Not to experience
God on behalf of the parishioners. They're not the the stakeholders or you know
They are to be taught and Understand God's Word, you know, in fact one of the things when I when
I preach I Might have a very simple goal You know when
I'm there at a pulpit Proclaiming God's Word. I want to provide for people an understanding of God's Word I want them to have an understanding of what
God's Word actually means so 10 20 years down the road They may have forgotten completely about me the sermon everything about it, but they come to the text and they go
Oh, I know what this means. I remember someone told me this is about this or this is the background. This is the culture
This is the grammar of it. This is what this text means. That's the goal.
It's not to give great applications or illustrations so people would be Dazzled with your amazing ability to connect a bunch of scripture verses together and blow people away
With the way that you can tie scripture that probably has no connection whatsoever with one another
Tie them all together to get people to go Wow pastor. You're so cool No, I'd rather them understand the meaning of the text because that's what's really important Is that they know what the text means because you know what you and I we don't matter that much
I know we think very highly of ourselves, but we should be proclaiming Christ. He's who matters
That's the importance not you and I it's all about Christ and that's what we should be focused on You know in light of that I want to talk about where I was this past week this last weekend
I was at California with living waters maybe some of you have heard of that with Ministry that was started by Ray Comfort and they had a
TV show with Ray Comfort and Kirk Cameron and they have their ambassadors Academy son they do each year where they take people out into California train
This year was over about a hundred and ten people train them to evangelize and we take them out onto the streets and Do handing out tracks do one -on -ones do open -air preaching.
I have the privilege of leading a team had a great team Dr. Anthony Silvestro striving fraternity was with me two of us had a team
We brought our teams together and we went out and had a great time Give you two quick stories
That I encountered well, there was the time that Jehovah Witnesses called the police on me yet They didn't like someone that actually knew what they believed
How dare I and I just stood near them and kind of proclaimed what they were Wrong about because Jesus is actually
God and so they didn't like that. So, um, they wouldn't answer my questions I was like, but aren't you here to answer questions?
Yeah. Okay, but that aside I had a case where I really fumbled I mean I had to two main
Muslims there were four all together, but two main guys They were really just they were given one of our guys a little bit of a difficult time
Because he didn't understand Islam so much and that's a importance of getting a book like what do they believe? So you understand
Islam and what they believe but these guys were just either they really didn't understand Islam or they were really lying to me about Islam, which is
Acceptable in Islam you can do what's called taqiyyah You can lie to protect the faith and I think they were kind of doing that and they were saying some things
I ended up saying look doesn't your Quran teach that we believe Mary is God and they said no it doesn't and so I had
To look up the verse I give him the verse they all start talking in Arabic because I suddenly realized it does say that Yeah, that's right.
The Quran teaches that we believe Mary is God Why was that problem because I was telling them if if it says that Mary is
God then guess what? It's not from God because that's an error And so they realized they were in a problem if the
Quran actually teaches Mary is God and we don't believe that Then the Quran could not have been written by God So they started talking really quick and they just quickly said you got to talk to our imam
Hey imam when you get when you get that email address, please send me an email. I'd love to talk to you
I actually didn't do well in that conversation So I thought the guys who were with with me and listening thought
I did well Yeah, I didn't think so. The other guy I talked to is a Catholic and his name is
Jose I asked you to pray for Jose because Jose sent me an email and He is willing to get together and Discuss things over dinner.
And so I'm gonna have a friend of mine. That's out in, California Take him to dinner on me and share the gospel with him.
But there's one thing in the email He sent me that's very concerning and I want to share this with you in this email
Jose said now keep in mind that Jose is believing in the Catholic Church because he had a he had a vision in the clouds where he saw
God the Father Jesus Christ and Mary and he believes the Catholic Church is true because of that vision now one of the things how do you know what
Jesus looks? like in Mary and and Jesus and and the father because you know We don't have photos and furthermore the
Bible is quite clear that no one has seen the father at any time So if you've seen the father either you're lying or God's lying, which one?
I'm gonna say that God's not a liar as Titus 1 2 says but but Jose said this he said
Mary the mother of Jesus is our Teacher and the one who put as close to Jesus The same for the
Saints we talked to them to recite their advice or support Like you do when you have good brothers now, here's the thing
Mary May have been the mother of Jesus. She is not our teacher
You know, we addressed this at the beginning a woman is not going to be a teacher over men now over children
Yes, but not over men And so the reality is what we end up seeing here is this this poor gentleman is believing in Catholic doctrine that Mary We have to go to Mary to get to Jesus.
That's what the Catholic Church teaches that we need Mary to be a mediator because Jesus has to always honor father or mother and therefore always must honor
Mary Well, why doesn't he have to honor? Joseph, I mean, that's his father, right? You know, the reality is they try to say
Mary is ever virgin They try to say she was sinless now the argument they make for why she was sinless is because they say for her to give birth to a sinless being like Jesus Christ then she had to be sinless
Well follow that logic through if that's true Then mother's then Mary's mother had to be sinless to give birth to Mary and so on and so on all the way back to Eve therefore you'd have to say
Everyone sinless you see if you're gonna say that there's an immaculate conception Don't say it started with Mary say it started with the one that's virgin -born
That didn't have any influence of his human father Which is where we see the federal headship come through in Romans 5 12 and following When we see that we see that Adam passed on sin.
We have our sin nature through our father and so be praying for Jose It I hope that he and my friend
Eddie get to get together for dinner and Eddie being a former Roman Catholic will be knowledgeable on this and be able to share with him and be able to talk with him and So be praying for him
That was a great experience being able to be with the guys at Living Waters being with the guys on my team at the
Ambassadors Academy a shout out to them some great great guys Every one of them. I loved every one of them all of them
Just great humble guys all of them Just got up and only one guy on the entire team had ever done any open -air preaching before and all of them
Just felt that you know what we feel like we can stand up We can proclaim God's Word in the open air and each one of them had done that we we didn't try to push them but we were trying to encourage it trying to encourage them to do what whatever it would take to get all of us out of our comfort zone and so we're very glad to see how how they had
Really had a major impact in their life So I want to deal with a favorite section or segment of our show after this commercial
Striving for Eternity is a Christ -centered ministry focused on equipping people for eternity And they provide speakers and seminars that come to your church with expertise in theology hermeneutics world religions creation science evangelism presuppositional apologetics church history and expertise and sexual abuse in the church for details on their seminars and to request a speaker for your
Church go to striving for eternity org striving to make today an eternal day for the glory of God Now it's time for name that fallacy
That's right This is the time where we give you a fallacy that you may hear on the streets or other places and we are going to name that fallacy there is a fallacy that we often see that people will argue when it comes to things like Evolution versus creation and what you hear people say is that well all of the scientists or any scientist of Reputation all believes that evolution is true
Okay, so when a person makes an argument like that, is that a good argument?
Well, actually, no, it's not it is a logical fallacy called argumentum ad
Populum, this is an argument of population. Now. This is an argument where you see a
Fallacious argument that concludes that whatever the preposition is in this case
Evolution is true that it must be true because many or most people believe in it
And if most people believe in it, therefore it must be true. Is that logical?
Well, you know whenever I get an argument like that, you know what? I always go to have you ever heard of a thing called the
Holocaust. That's right in Germany Most people felt it was acceptable to accept the
Aryan race as superior to all others and therefore Jews and blacks and gypsies can all be killed 11 million of them
In fact 6 million Jews 5 million blacks gypsies handicapped because this
Aryan super race Believed they were the majority and because everyone believed it therefore.
Yep. We should accept it Is that a valid argument? No, it is not
We should not accept arguments like that when they are logical fallacies and that is the thing
So we that is today's a logical fallacy. We were Thanks to Tony mentioning speakers.
I want to give a shout out to some of the speaking events We have coming up September 14th to the 16th is the equip
NorCal That will be at in Redwood City, California Grace Bible Church, that will be dr.
Anthony's Vestro myself and Mark Spence from Living Waters will be speaking there on apologetics there will be in Washington State Carnation Washington September 21st to 23rd.
What do we believe seminar and That is Gonna be you can look that up.
I should give the shout outs then you can go for grace Bible Church Go to grace Bible online org to get the information about the equip conference
You can go to for Washington conference on what do we believe go to? SVB I Can't pronounce the name of the town that that church is in but s is in Sam.
I'll just do that Valley Bible So SV Bible is what it actually is
SV Bible church is their website and they'll have some stuff on that seminar and the
South Jersey Apologetics conference is going to be September 28th to 29th in Mount Laurel evangelical free church, that's
Mlefc .org And that's in Mount Laurel Mount Laurel Evangelical free church. I've been the privileged to be the keynote speaker there for three years
This will be the third year. I should say actually I was a keynote speaker last year I should put it that way and I will be this year and So there that's gonna focus on more on evangelism.
We're gonna have an ambassadors evangelism seminar in Idaho and again, what's with these churches with these towns?
I can't pronounce but Kutina Community Church, that's pastor
Jim Osmond out there. I get to hang out with a lot of good friends out there Specifically and especially my good friend
Justin Peters. He goes to church there But it's the website for that is I'm gonna spell this out because I know
I can't pronounce it but it's k -o -o -t en a I church org and There's a link they have there on the run their website about the conference
We'll actually have all this information in our newsletter coming out soon. So you can go to our newsletter and check that out
Sign up for our newsletter on the website striving for eternity dot o -r -g so those are some events if you want to come out here different ones different people from striving fraternity be speaking and We appreciate that.
So the website to go for for the rap report or any of the other podcasts that are part of the
Christian podcast community is to go to Christian podcast community org and the
Christian podcast community is Something you can listen to It is a we have a bunch of different podcasts out there and Right now well right now there's just two of them as of today
We have the rap report and we have the other one is
Theology answers, but we do have a couple more coming Theology gals
I mentioned them earlier They're gonna be coming to be part of our community and another one that's gonna be coming soon is
Justin Peters So if you if you do subscribe to podcasts and you subscribe to just the rap report you're gonna hear just the rap report, but if you subscribe to the rap report and Maybe the
Christian podcast community Really if you if you subscribe to the Christian podcast community, you're gonna get all of them
The way we're trying to do it is that if you want to get all of them You can listen to just subscribe to just one the
Christian podcast community and you'll get all of them and there's gonna be many more If you want to get the individual ones you get to do that So whichever way you want, we make it available to you.
So that is this week's podcast It was kind of I know this is more of just Trying to wrap up a bunch of things rap.
I guess the rap report wrap up. Yeah, no pun intended Sorry about that But we want to wrap up a bunch of things that we had seen on Line and different podcasts of things that people were saying then
I felt needed to be addressed there's Real concern that I have for folks who don't
Really think through things biblically and don't want to handle the Word of God accurately and because of that they they jump into different things of trying to reach out and say things that really needs to be kind of toned back and rethought about and Yeah, they they need to be
Considering some of the things they're saying and seeing if it's biblical and unfortunately not enough people do that But we here at the rap report want to encourage people to do that.
And that's why we do it So thanks for listening. Make sure you're subscribed. Make sure you do us a favor
Share this podcast with others as many as you possibly can Because the more people listen to it the more people subscribe to it the better it is
We encourage you to write a review for us on iTunes the link is in the show notes it does absolutely nothing as many podcasters say write us a review because it's gonna help us to be higher in the rankings of iTunes no, it does not
It doesn't really but boy, does it encourage us? You know, I I went to the Ambassadors Academy as I mentioned and You know, it was just great to have person after person that came up to me said hey man
I take your classes at the striving fraternity Academy or I'm listening to the rap report. I love the teaching you have
Why is that an encouragement because you know what I'm sitting here behind a microphone. I don't see another person right now
It's just me and a microphone when I do the striving fraternity Academy. It's me in a video camera
I can't even see the moderator who moderates the chat and sends me messages So the reality is it can get kind of well not really depressing but it you really don't know the impact that The ministry has and so when you guys write reviews
It is a great encouragement to all of us at striving fraternity to know that we're we are
Making impact in your life that encourage us to keep doing this work that we're trying to do
Because a lot of what we're doing is online and a lot of it We don't get to see the fruits But we look forward to the day in heaven where we're gonna meet all of you and we're gonna
Know that because of the the hard work that we're putting in that you're receiving some fruit for it from it
And so that's the the thing we really look forward to but if you want mind -rendering review, hey, that's great you can always email us if you have questions or suggestions for topics or Anything even if you don't like something we say hey, let's talk about it.
Maybe you got a good point You can email us at info at striving for eternity org
That's info at striving for eternity dot org and until next week or if you listen to the daily, that'll be tomorrow
Remember to go and strive to make today an eternal day for God's glory This podcast is part of the striving fraternity ministry for more content or to request a speaker or seminar to your church