Overview of the Book of Nahum

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The overview of the week for this Sunday is the book of Nahum. The book of Nahum was written in the 7th century
BC. His name means consolation or the comfort of God and the theme of his prophecy is the doom of the city of Nineveh.
Some people have considered Nahum to be the sequel of the book of Jonah because if you remember the prophet
Jonah preached that God was going to overthrow this great city of Nineveh but the people repented at Jonah's preaching so that that judgment was really just delayed.
Eventually the people went back to their old ways in the city which was the capital of the
Assyrian Empire. It was destroyed in 612 BC and that is what
Nahum is prophesying. Okay so the book begins with these words in chapter 1 the burden against Nineveh.
The book of the vision of Nahum the Elkishite. God is jealous.
The Lord avenges. The Lord avenges and is furious. The Lord will take vengeance on his adversaries and he reserves wrath for his enemies.
The Lord is slow to anger and great in power and he will not at all acquit the wicked.
So the Assyrians the thing to know about them is they were very very cruel like no other
Empire the world had ever seen up until that point. So the prophet
Nahum speaks about their judgment with great passion perhaps more than any other prophet in the scripture.
In verse 6 he speaks of God's indignation and fierce anger and many commentators have seen this prophecy as being applicable to really all nations that are violent and that oppress and how
God will not allow that to continue forever. Praise God. So in conclusion this dark prophecy is eased by the promise that God is on the side of the oppressed.
God is on the side of those who would humble themselves before him as we read in verse 7 of chapter 1.
The Lord is good a stronghold in the day of trouble and he knows those who trust in him.