The Kingdom of God: The Nature of the Kingdom by Dr Gordon Fee, Lesson 1a


Covenant Reformed Baptist Church Sunday School The Kingdom of God: The Nature of the Kingdom by Dr Gordon Fee, Lesson 1a


There were several years ago now when I was teaching at Wheaton College in Illinois That I was teaching a class in the life and teaching of Jesus it was a semester course had a lot of hours to it and We had spent several of those early hours in the course on the
Gospels themselves the nature of the Gospels and How they function and that kind of thing before we move to the ministry of Jesus himself
And right about that point in the term when we got to the ministry of Jesus who
Jesus is and what he's all about I Handed out three by five cards blank cards to all of the students in that class and And I asked them to put on that card in a word or in a phrase of not more than three words what they felt would
Absolutely capture the essence of the teaching and ministry of Jesus that is
Everything else fits in what word or phrase
Would you use? That is absolutely essential to Jesus without which you would miss him
The Latins had a word for it the sine qua non Which roughly translated into English is that without which you ain't got none of?
Okay, the sine qua non the absolutely essential thing in the teaching of Jesus 40 students in the class
I Only had three of them give me the right answer The largest single answer was love 1970 year after Kent State in our country the year after the
What I'd call the college revolution had Had peaked at Kent State We were starting a new era, but it wasn't it was an era that still thought in terms of make love not war and Here were college students who had been born and raised in an evangelical home most of them have been to Sunday school all their lives and When I asked them, what is the absolutely essential word to capture the teaching and ministry of Jesus?
Majority of the game you love you know how many times Jesus speaks about love In the first three
Gospels accepting the Gospel of John you know how many?
to It's all Love God your neighbors yourself and love your enemies
That's it. That is the full extent of Jesus teaching on love in the synoptic Gospels I had some give me forgiveness, and that's not too bad
I Even had one student give me justification by faith I Came to the conclusion and here was one college student
Who had all his or her life read Jesus through Pauline eyes?
Justification by faith can you imagine Only three gave me the correct answer which is the kingdom of God Then I asked myself well, how could they have known it?
Here they were most of them from middle or upper middle -class
American homes young people who were raised in a republic whose idea of kingdom is belongs to either ancient history or some
European countries whose Understanding of Jesus had been so thoroughly watered down during their years in the church
That all they knew was that he patted the children on the head and talked about love and forgiveness and told nice stories
How could they possibly know? That the absolutely essential thing in the teaching of Jesus Was the kingdom of God and especially
When they do read the Gospels Jesus would come across to them in A way that was so radically foreign to their understanding of what a king ought to be like that it simply would have dissolved in their in Their thinking that Jesus should have been all about the kingdom of God Well, let me begin our series by insisting to you that This is the essential thing
That if one misses this You miss Jesus altogether. Oh That doesn't mean you won't know a saying here and an idea here
But if you miss the kingdom of God and what that means You will absolutely miss
Jesus of Nazareth. That is the essential thing Now the evidence of that is thoroughgoing in the
New Testament in the Gospels themselves Let us note first of all
The the summaries that our gospel writers give us of the ministry of Jesus The one that we're going to use as our peg on which to hang our various Thinking ideas in terms of coming to grips with this idea is the one found in Mark chapter 1 verses 1415
Mark says now after Jesus. I'm sorry after John was arrested Jesus came into Galilee preaching the gospel of God Perhaps means something like the good news that comes from God saying
The time is fulfilled the kingdom of God is at hand repent and Believe the good news
Now mark you understand is not suggesting that all
Jesus did was came from Jordan into Galilee and went from synagogue to synagogue and Simply repeated himself over and over again
The time is fulfilled. The kingdom of God is at hand repent and believe the good news The time is fulfilled.
The kingdom of God is at hand repent believe the good news This is
Mark's summary of the ministry and teaching of Jesus Mark is saying in this little word if you were to take the whole of Jesus teaching and The entirety of his ministry and put it in a capsule form.
This is it This is what Jesus was all about He came into the synagogues in Galilee proclaiming this one single message
The time is fulfilled The kingdom of God is at hand repent and believe the good news and as we will see it is clear that the central item is the
Central one that is the second item is the main point The time is fulfilled what time the time for the kingdom of God to be at hand and it is because the kingdom of God It's at hand that we must repent and we must believe the good news
What good news the good news that the kingdom of God is at hand? Everything has to do with the fact the kingdom of God is at hand and for Mark that is the summary of his whole ministry
Everything hinges on that Now the same thing is true in the other Gospels Notice that Matthew in two different places summarizes the teaching of Jesus or summarizes the ministry of Jesus before he gives us some extensive teaching or Ministry.
In fact, this is this is what he's doing in both of these texts. One of them is in chapter 4 verse 23
This is Matthew's summary now Jesus Matthew says as he went about all
Galilee Teaching in their synagogues and he went about all
Galilee teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom and Healing every disease and every infirmity among the people
The same kind of summary begins a long section It comes at the end of chapter 9
It's the next long section of teaching ministry of Jesus In fact if these had been done correctly, this would be the beginning of chapter 10
But it ends up in our division of verses and chapters as verse as chapter 9 verse 35
Jesus went about all the cities and villages Teaching in their synagogues and preaching the gospel of the kingdom
Now you understand that whenever the gospel writers? Summarize Jesus ministry they do so in terms of the kingdom of God Now the same thing is also true in terms of Jesus on instructions
Remember on two different occasions Jesus sends out disciples ahead of him To sort of announce his coming as heralds along the way
One occasion it's the sending out of 12 Matthew 10 verses 5 and following after telling them where to go and where not to go
And in the process of telling them what to do and other things he only tells them to say one thing and Announce as you go
I Know the English translation say preach, but that word preach The Greek verb keruso, which is the noun kerux, which means to herald to to announce
It's like they were going into the town. You know The kingdom of God is at hand
It's the great announcement Well, that sounds crazy, but that's what the word means.
It's the great proclamation Okay, so my trumpet isn't any good, but you understand what
I'm trying to get at You understand that's the only thing he told them to say
He didn't tell them to go in and talk about the good news of sins forgiven justification by faith
All he told them to do was to announce the kingdom of God Is at hand
The same thing is true when Jesus sends out 72 other disciples Since 72 is almost certainly the correct original text in Luke's gospel chapter 10
The same kind of context go your way carry no personal bag, etc, etc he tells them finally down in verse 9 heal the sick in whatever city you come and Say to them the kingdom of God has come
Present upon you and you notice how in most of these texts there's a
Conjunction of healing the sick casting out demons and the announcement that the kingdom of God has come present
But that's the proclamation now when you stop to think of your own understanding and hearing and remembering of Jesus You remember that this is always on his lips
When you seek first things first, what do you seek? The kingdom and its righteousness
It's what his parables are all about It's like a pearl of infinite value for which one will sell everything else in order to obtain it's
Jesus speaks of the keys of the kingdom the mystery of the kingdom everything about his ministry has to do with the urgency of the kingdom the kingdom of God is the crucial thing now having said that Let me be quick to add that probably there is nothing that is so thoroughly misunderstood in The teaching of Jesus than that particular word in fact it is
It is probably because we understand it so poorly that we do nothing with it at all and we tend to have
Jesus or to reform Jesus into Pauline terms and think of Jesus as as coming with Proclamations that are have their key for example as forgiveness or love and that's not to suggest that love and forgiveness are not there
All I'm trying to suggest is that you've got to understand that in the context of Jesus Announcement that the kingdom of God is at hand now
In the time that we have in these evenings. We're going to try to come to grips with what that might mean
And since we can't go through the 14 hours of lecture that I give in my life of Jesus class
We'll try to bring that down into some kind of What I call we'll try to hit the main points and find some pegs to peg some key ideas on For me the most convenient way to do that is to go to Mark's gospel and listen carefully to that little summary
Or mark announces that the kingdom that the time is fulfilled The kingdom of God is at hand repent and believe the good news
Now let us begin with that first word the time is fulfilled The moment you hear language like that you have to understand that you're dealing with a broad
Biblical concept that can be put into the categories of promise and fulfillment
There has been promise and there is now fulfillment and the category promise and fulfillment is essentially a category that belongs to eschatology
Eschatology simply means having to do with the time of the end That the promise has to do with the end in fact.
That's the Greek word eschaton Which translated into English means and capital and the end
Everything is looking forward to the end and the kingdom of God Belongs to the category of a time that is being fulfilled now
What that also means therefore is that whatever else the kingdom of God means?
It is in some way related to Jewish end -time expectations
Or if I can put that in terms that we are more used to in We must understand the kingdom of God in terms of Jewish messianic hopes
You understand the Messiah Doesn't belong to the middle of history. He belongs to the end of history
The Messiah is coming at the end from their expectations They were not looking for the Messiah to come and then for there to be a future after him
Messiah was coming to bring an end to history Start a new age But that's an age that belongs no longer within history.
It belongs in a new category the new age So they're looking for the Messiah to come at the end
Now that's the kind of category in which that terminology must be fitted now for us to understand that therefore we have to go out go back to the
Old Testament just a bit and Try a little to understand the nature of this hope by the time
Jesus comes on the scene And what I'm interested here now is not in a full -scale understanding of the
Old Testament Hope so much as I am to give us a quick overview of that Old Testament hope so that we can come to the point that John the
Baptist steps on the scene and announces the nearness of the coming of God's rule now
The place to begin I suppose is at the beginning, but let's let's begin more in the middle with David The reason for beginning with David is that everything finally focuses on David The reason for that is a very simple one
David ruled during the time of Israel's greatest glory and Besides that he was a kind of model for Israel in its life
As to a person who was truly given to God Despite his sins.
He is still the man who was Given to God. He was
God's King God's King par excellence And because he was that After David and Solomon you remember decline set in and Very soon after the time of Solomon There grew up in Israel a hope for the future we don't know how elaborate it was or anything else except that there was a hope for the future and that hope took shape in terms of David and his rule in fact
In fact the Davidic kingdom of the past was now projected to the future and idealized
David became the ideal King David's reign became the ideal time and so the future was a future
Hope that God would do the David thing again in their midst And they had good reason for that hope they had been promised a great deal more than they were now experiencing as king after king
Didn't obey God and as they went into civil war and spent a 200 300 year period of nothing
But civil war and clashes between north and south There grew up in Israel this concern that God should restore the fortunes of David in the future
And it's simply a hope for the future. Now the prophets came along and Took up this hope and gave it a word the title they gave this future hope is the day of Yahweh The day of the
Lord, but they did an interesting thing to the concept of the day of the
Lord what the prophets announced is that the day of the Lord was first of all going to be a day of judgment and Not only was it going to be a day of judgment upon Israel's enemies
But it was also going to be a day of judgment upon Israel itself The reason it was going to be a day of judgment upon Israel is because Israel who were
God's people were refusing to act like God's people Instead of pleading the cause of the oppressed the widow and the orphan they were oppressing the poor the widow and the orphan instead of And the reason they were to to plead the cause of the poor and the oppressed is precisely because God was that way
He revealed himself all through the law as the God who himself would take care of the oppressed the disenfranchised the
The alien the widow the orphan those people who are helpless on their own and need somebody else to plead their cause
God said I will do it and therefore you must do it And Israel had been called to that and instead of doing that they ripped the poor off They built their houses and then grabbed the houses of their poor neighbors
Examples of which can be found in a variety of ways including Ahab taking Naboth's vineyard, which was simply
That was the last straw you remember that finally brought God's judgment upon Naboth I mean upon upon Ahab because he oppressed this poor man by Stealing his vineyard from him and besides the oppression of the poor they were also full of idolatries of every kind and They were also and these go together deeply involved in all kinds of sexual immorality might do an interesting thing sometime if you were to go through the prophetic oracles and then the prophetic oracles the majority of them there is usually an
Announcement either of salvation or judgment and in the announcement of salvation or judgment there is usually given a reason for it
If you were to go through and take some colored pencils sometime just take a copy of your scriptures and Color the various kinds of sins
That become the reasons for God's judgment in the prophetic oracles. You'd be surprised at How different it would it really is from the way you and I tend to think it is
The leading cause is and I've not done this in terms of its totality So I'm making some projections on the basis of a few places.
I've gone, but the leading sin is idolatry But very close to it is the oppression of the poor
That's the biggie and Then very close to that is sexual immorality and sexual immorality is almost always very closely tied to a to idolatry
So you find for example in the in in Amos such passages This is where I need notes then
I could have it in front of me But such pats it passages is this one in Amos 2 for three transgressions of Israel and for four
I will not revoke the punishment because they sell the righteous for silver and the needy for a pair of shoes they trample the head of the poor into the dust of the earth and turn aside the way of the afflicted a
Man and his father go to the same maiden and my holy name is profaned
They laid down beside every altar upon garments taken in pledge
Now that last one brings all three of them together. They lay down on every altar
That means they commit adultery at every altar and they do it on garments taken in pledge and those garments are the pledges
They've taken from the poor that the law clearly said they were to return before sundown because it was the only thing the poor had to wear and instead they're using those garments to do hanky -panky at the altar of God and This now is the announcement of God's judgment upon Israel now all through the prophets
You understand the predominant motif of the prophets is judgment Precisely because it is
God's day. It is also going to be a day of salvation But it is going to be a day of salvation for that righteous remnant who were doing his will
Who were obeying the law? now in the process of this announcement, of course of judgment and Salvation the character of the judgment was going to be justice above everything else
Precisely because it was going to be God's day His justice was finally going to take place among the people of God and so the time or God's day would be characterized as a reign of righteousness and justice
Now you understand of course that it happened suddenly one day in their history But none of them really believed although the prophets announced it over and over again judgment came
And it came in the form of the Babylonian captivity Then after 50 70 years and captivity
They were restored to the land and it was in that restoration that a great number of them
Began to think in terms. Well, we've experienced the judgment of God this must now be the counterpart the salvation of God and They look to that restoration to be the great fulfillment of the promises of hope of God's salvation of the time of justice and righteousness they were looking for the desert to blossom like a rose and For the highway to be made through the straight that through the through the mountain places a straight path for their feet to walk on That as you well know your
Old Testament history the restoration Instead of being the great day of the
Lord of salvation turned out to be one of the colossal disappointments in Israel's history
Instead of all the nation's flowing up to Jerusalem Most of the Jews didn't even come home
Instead of it being a time of righteousness a time in which everything would do better They had to work all the harder to make things happen around Jerusalem and in the process great
Disappointment and gloom settled into Israel so much so that the picture that you find in the book of Malachi simply
Elaborates in some details the the enormity of the despair that had finally settled in on Israel during this period skip another couple hundred years a
Time in which Israel is now no longer an independent state But has simply become a pawn between the warring states gone from one to another to another to another without independent existence and All the time remembering what the
Old Testament prophets had told them about their own destiny and it is into this kind of a picture in the intertestamental period that a group of writers come along whom we know as the
Apocalyptists and it is among the apocalyptists that the hope for the future is kept alive
It is still the prophetic hope The hope that God will finally act in their future and their behalf
But now in the apocalyptists the hope takes some decidedly new forms in terms of language
And this is absolutely crucial to understanding Jesus John the Baptist the essential character of the apocalyptic expression of the hope for the future is
That they had given up on God doing anything within history all the way through the
Old Testament for the most part at least and Especially in the essential matter in the prophets the hope for the future is still a hope that is within history
That is they're looking for God to step on the scene and restore the fortunes of David in an historical sense
God's gonna put a new David on the throne and that David is going to rule in righteousness
Like the magnificent Psalm Psalm 2 and Psalm 72 it reflect that understanding of a
Future King who is going to rule in righteousness and care for the orphans and do the things that God's righteous
King would be expected to do The apocalyptists had given up on history
They had been down for so long that they were no longer looking for something to happen within the ordinary framework of history