A HUGE Change To The Channel!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking need to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. In today's video, I want to give you three major updates that will seriously change how this channel is going to operate from here on out.
For well over a year, we've been receiving donations to support this channel's work and research through Patreon.
But it has recently come to my attention that Patreon is actively removing the accounts of people who agree with certain
Christian values and promote them. Recently, for instance, the Bible -thumping Wingnut channel was removed entirely from Patreon.
Reportedly, this happened without any warning and without any appeal. They had well over 1 ,000 patrons supporting their work at the time.
That's a ton of support, and it takes years and years to build. I can attest to that as a content creator myself.
What were they cancelled for? What were their years of hard work ripped away in an instant for?
What did they do that was so terrible to deserve this? Well, they were cancelled because they believe and promote the values given to us in the
Bible. And those hateful biblical views were apparently contrary to what Patreon wants on their platform.
So considering the fact that the main goal of this channel is to spread biblical truth, I think it's only a matter of time until Patreon does the exact same thing to us and our supporters.
That's a serious problem, and we don't like it. So effective immediately, I will no longer be asking for new donations via Patreon.
From now on, we will be asking to receive your generous support through Cornerstone Payment Systems. The link to my page there is in the description below.
This is an independent, Christian -owned and operated company which I'm happy to support. They're a solid company who's assured me that they will not discriminate against this channel for having biblical views, no matter how unpopular those views get.
I want to say thank you to all of my current patrons and ask you to please move over to the new platform if you can.
Again, link in description. I recently posted a message to you all telling you how to do that on Patreon.
And if you're not a patron, please hit the link in the description, head over there, and make a first -time donation. We'd be happy to have you.
Again, it's only a matter of time until Patreon cancels us completely. And I think the same thing goes for every other outspoken
Christian on any platform, at least those who are unashamed about God's Word and God's truth.
And if you decide to donate to our work and research here any monthly amount, and it all goes a very long way, you will get your name in the end credits of all of our videos as a thank you for your generous support.
These donations will help us to spread more truth, do more research, and make more videos. The support starts at just $5 a month, which comes out to just 17 cents per day.
This isn't a prosperity gospel money -making Ponzi scheme, I assure you. We just want to serve you and make great content.
And your support makes that possible. So please, consider donating if you will. It's the only way we can make as many videos as we do every week because of the generosity of people like you.
Now, as a second order of business, there's another huge change to the channel that you must be made aware of.
Some of you may have noticed that the look of the channel has changed. And I assure you, that was perfectly intentional.
We have not been hacked. You see, when I first started this whole YouTube thing, the goal was to help as many people as possible to think as biblically as possible about as many things as possible.
That has not changed. When I first started this channel, the goal was also to help people leave movements and leave teachers who are spreading falsehood and turn to the biblical truth of the matter by God's grace.
This has not changed one bit either. That's still our goal. But with that said, my conscience has been bothered about something lately.
I'm worried that this channel, as it has grown, has appeared more and more to other people on the outside as if it's something along the lines of the
Colin Miller show. And that's not how I want this to look at all. In fact, that's the opposite of what we're trying to accomplish.
That's never been what this channel is about. My goal is not to glorify my name or make my name known to more people.
Rather, I want to highlight the truth of God's Word and make that known to as many people as I can.
This is why I've changed virtually all the branding of the channel. The title of the channel will no longer be
Colin Miller. Eventually, it will just be Fight for Truth, because that's what the channel is about, standing up for biblical truth by God's grace.
The channel banner will not have a picture of me or my name in it, and the channel's logo will no longer be a picture of my face.
Instead, the logo you should see on your screen now will be FT, which stands for Fight for Truth.
But why all this change? Well, because again, I want the emphasis to be on truth, not on me, not on any particular person besides Christ.
And this is just one small way we can make that more of a reality. And by the way, this is not something
I expect all other Christian YouTube channels to do. Nor am I suggesting that any channel who does not do this is being self -centered.
Not at all. This is just a conscience issue for me personally. I simply don't want so much of the focus to be on myself, because again, it's never been about me.
It's always been about the truth, and that's the way it should be moving forward. And I don't want any of that to be lost in translation or lost in the branding of the channel.
So at first, in order to prevent any confusion that might cause people to unsubscribe from the channel, thinking that something's gone terribly wrong, the title will not immediately change to Fight for Truth.
That may confuse people. Rather, the channel will be Fight for Truth -Colin Miller.
And my intention is to remove the Colin Miller part in the coming weeks during this transition. The third change to the channel that we have is that we've created a
Rumble account. Rumble is a YouTube alternative where we will be posting all of our videos as well.
Unfortunately, biblical views are consistently being silenced and censored by the video platform you're watching this on, if you catch my drift.
And I think that will continue into the future, because biblical beliefs are getting more and more offensive in an ever -increasingly unbiblical culture day by day.
Therefore, it's important that you follow our Rumble channel, just in case YouTube ever begins to remove Christians.
My Rumble channel will be linked in the description. Be sure to subscribe over there as well. It only takes about two seconds, and it makes sure that we can keep fighting for truth together over there if things go south on this platform.
So again, the three updates are these. One, our donations will now be received on Cornerstone payment systems to prevent
Patreon and companies like them from canceling us and all of our supporters whenever they want. Please see the link in the description to donate and get a thank you shout out in the end credits.
And second, we're changing the branding of the channel to better reflect the focus and put it on truth rather than on any singular person.
And third, please hit the link in the description to follow our Rumble channel so that we can have a place to regroup if and when
YouTube becomes no longer an option. I know that a lot of this is new. I know it's maybe not what you've been used to on this channel, but with time and patience, the fight for truth will be as strong as it's ever been.
The content is going to stay the exact same way, and we won't be making any less of it either. In fact, with your generous support, we hope to be making even more of it.
So bear with me and stick it out so that we can fight for truth together well into the future by God's grace, according to His will.
And please, pray for all of us that we would all continue to believe and promote the truth of God's Word together.
By the way, another change to the channel is that I'm doing a new outro at the end of the videos. Here it goes.
Thank you so much for watching that video. Please give us a like and subscribe so you don't miss any content.
Also, don't forget to subscribe to our Rumble channel as well, just in case YouTube ever takes us down. The link is in the description.
Here at Fight for Truth, all of our content is completely free because we want everyone to have access to it.
And it stays completely free because of our generous supporters. So before you go, take a look at this list here.
These are the wonderful people who make this channel possible with their monthly support. Today's highlighted channel supporter is
Eddie R. Thank you very much, Eddie. If you also want to help, if you want to become part of the solution today, please consider supporting our work here with a small monthly donation.
The support starts at just $5 a month, which comes out to just $0 .17 a day. Again, every little bit helps us immensely here on the channel.
I hope you'll consider joining the Truth Army today. And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open.