Amazing Facts



Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry coming to you from Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
No Compromise Radio is a program dedicated to the ongoing proclamation of Jesus Christ based on the theme of Galatians 2, verse 5, where the
Apostle Paul said, But we did not yield in subjection to them for even an hour, so that the truth of the gospel would remain with you.
In short, if you like smooth, watered -down words to make you simply feel good, this show isn't for you.
By purpose, we are first biblical, but we can also be controversial. Stay tuned for the next 25 minutes as we're called by the divine trumpet to summon the troops for the honor and glory of her
King. Here's our host, Pastor Mike Abendroth. Welcome to No Compromise Radio, a ministry.
Mike Abendroth here, and as we had some technical difficulties last week, we did not have
Steve Cooley and his ministry here at the mic. So welcome to the mic ministry, open mic ministry with Steve Cooley.
Thank you. It's good to be on the mic with you, Mike. We've got a brand new sound system here, and I'm hoping,
Steve, I'm looking for it right now, I'm trying to find a button that increases our theological orthodoxy.
I think it's on the right side. I now have the capability to lower the volume of Pastor Steve when he doesn't even notice it.
So I might want to do one of those kind of fake moves, the Nate Archibald fake pass, and then
I'm going to turn you down if I don't like your answer. Nate Archibald retired in what decade? I mean, nobody knows who
Nate Archibald is. He was a Boston Celtic for a while, sadly. There's hope for him anyway.
I actually got to meet Nate Archibald when I was a ball boy for the Kansas City -Omaha Kings. Yeah.
Kansas City, Omaha. I mean, you are a dedicated - Follower of fashion. Yeah. NBA fan if you know that there was once a
Kansas City -Omaha franchise, you know. Well, now we are technically preaching our teaching on the radio in 2011.
It's a new year. It is a new year. And I wanted to just start off the new year with an amazing
Bible fact. Really? Yes. Like, in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, that kind of amazing
Bible fact? Well, no. Something close. There's Bible answers, four o 'clock on this station,
WVNE, Saturdays at four o 'clock. And they're also known as AmazingFacts .org,
Bible answers with Doug Batchelor. And I wanted to just tell you an amazing fact about them. Okay. Give me an amazing fact about AmazingFacts .org.
This will amaze you. I'm prepared to be amazed. Here comes a drum roll. They are
Seventh -day Adventists. No. They are Seventh -day Adventists. Say it ain't so. You know what
I have to say is, I mean, that is really amazing. It's like the amazing race has kept this as the amazing fact.
We ... was there Amazing People or something? Wasn't that a show? That's incredible. Oprah's Amazing People?
No, I don't know about that. You know what? Before you get into how you uncovered all that and everything, years ago
I had somebody ask me some Bible questions and I said, do you have a Seventh -day Adventist study Bible? And he goes, no.
And we were in a different relationship then because he was an inmate and I was an officer. And so I said, well, let me see it.
And I went through that whole Bible and finally, way in the back, I found a little note that said it was a Seventh -day Adventist study
Bible. So it was kind of like the undercover study Bible. Steve, why is that? I think it's because Seventh -day
Adventists are trying to trick and dupe mainstream evangelicals because if they came right out and said, hey, we're
Seventh -day Adventists, Ellen G. White was a prophet from God, I think maybe some evangelicals would reel from that.
So I think they've got a motive for their madness. Yeah. I mean, they're staying undercover so that there's no obvious ...
I mean, they're not running around wearing Seventh -day Adventist uniforms. Let's put it that way. Would that be made of some kind of special tofu kind of leaf or something?
I did find on the site, amazingfacts .org, and here's what we want to do in No Compromise Radio. We want you to know what you're getting into.
And if you'd like to listen to certain shows, you can listen to whatever you want. Obviously, it's a free country, but I just thought it was amazing that they would not tell you on their website that they're
Seventh -day Adventist, except tuck down in the positions for future employment.
It does say that if you'd like to get a job in Amazing Bible Facts, you have to be a member of the
Seventh -day Adventist church. We discovered that. And so, Steve, coming from the background of Mormonism and penitentiaries,
I don't think those are related, but tell me a little bit about the Mormon's view of Michael the archangel and Jesus.
And what's the relationship between the two? Well, they would say the Mormon view of Michael the archangel.
Well, I don't really know what the Mormon view of ... I know what the Jehovah Witness view of Michael the archangel is.
Oh, okay. Give me that. I think maybe I was off. Let me turn that button up for theological acumen. Confusing your cults here.
Well, the Jehovah Witnesses believe that Michael the archangel is Christ, one and the same, that Jesus is a created being, and that he's called
Michael the archangel. Well, how about this? WVNA listeners, we have an amazing fact for you.
Here's the amazing fact. On the amazingfacts .org website, does scripture say that Michael and Jesus are one and the same?
Any guesses? I'm going to say that they answer yes. I believe that this angel
Michael is one of the ways that Jesus appeared to people, especially in the Old Testament. And so, if you'd like to follow
Seventh -day Adventism, you're allowed to do that. I don't think your Thanksgivings will be as good or your steak dinners won't be as good.
Wasn't that a good steak dinner a couple nights ago? Yes, it was. I actually saw Pastor Steve's steak, and there was some red in there, and some kind of juice, some kind of ajus, or some kind of blood,
I think that actually was. Yeah, well, I was prepping myself for this show. Even then, that's the kind of dedication
I pour into it week after week. How about this on amazingbiblefacts .org? Did Jesus die when
Adam and Eve sinned? I'm sorry. That was a question. Would you read that again?
Because it doesn't even make sense. Well, I can't blame Amazing Facts for that kind of dumb question, but here's
Pastor Doug's answer. No. When the Bible tells us that Jesus is the second Adam, what that's simply saying, and Paul addressed this quite a bit in Romans, I believe, as well as other places, we are infected with sin by virtue of Adam's decision.
Will you go along with that so far? Yeah. So far, I like that. Yeah, I like that. It's more than just seminal sin.
It is federal, but that's part of it. I'll take it. Adam, who was born with no natural propensity to sin, chose to disobey
God, and sin then contaminated the whole race. Yeah. I'm with you.
That's straight out of Romans 5 there. Here is an amazing fact. Doug, Pastor Doug, Amazing Bible Facts.
In the same way, Jesus, who was born with the fallen tendencies of the human family...
I won't even read the rest because it doesn't matter. Was Jesus born with fallen tendencies of the human family?
No, absolutely not. Well, what was he trying to say? Let's give him the benefit of the doubt. What would he be trying to say there if he was
Orthodox, if he wasn't a Seventh -day Adventist? You know, born with sinful tendencies?
No. Was he tempted as we are?
Well, yeah, but I don't even get that. Please explain. What was Pastor Doug going for?
Well, I can't read his mind, but I would never say in print on the website. I might mistakenly say it somehow.
But when you're talking about Jesus, the eternal God, when he cloaked himself with humanity, that humanity was weak, that humanity was frail, that humanity was human, but there was nothing sinful about that humanity because the
Holy Spirit of God hovered over Mary's womb and made sure that the egg that she produced was not going to have any sinful tendencies.
He was not going to have his sin, his DNA damaged by sin or anything like that.
His sin, I said, which was wrong. Good thing we can edit this with that button over there. We don't talk about sin when we talk about Jesus, except Jesus being the sin bearer.
He was without sin, and so I would never say he was born with a sinful tendency. I would say he was born in the likeness of sinful mankind, and that gives me the way out to protect
Christ's righteousness. Yeah, and we would certainly say that Jesus developed and grew in various ways, you know.
So we just had Christmas and the whole idea, no crying he makes. Well, that's a dubious proposition.
If your baby doesn't cry, there's probably something wrong with that baby. That's right. They would be looking at that baby trying to figure out what was wrong with him if he wasn't crying.
All right. Here's one other question on Amazing Bible Facts, Steve, that I think you will find quite quirky.
Well, I find it amazing, though. It's amazing. What's another word for amazing? Some synonym for amazing?
Well, I'll tell you what. Ted Williams hitting 400. That's amazing. Okay. I've got a new name for the show,
DMAZING Bible Facts. DMAZING. That is absolutely
DMAZING. Yeah. So far, I've been DMAZED. If you're going to be in the labyrinth, the maze of Seventh -day
Adventism, we suggest you listen to a couple of shows we did on that. So you would come out of the maze. You would be from the maze.
You would be DMAZED. Yeah. I think you can get in trouble for hazing. You can probably get in trouble for DMAZING. I think we're about to descend into the myriad of mazery.
A caller. My question is concerning when one is saved, is it possible to, I mean, when you get out of fellowship with God, to lose your salvation and actually lose it?
Wow. Is it possible to lose your salvation? Well, I suppose that depends on your view of God and man.
Sin. Sin. Hell. Christ. Trinity. His promises. Remember, listeners on No Compromise Radio, when it comes to salvation, make sure you talk about the
God -centered view of salvation first. Of course, we repent and believe and all that.
There is a conversion that is a human side of salvation. But primarily, and with initiation from God, we need to think about what
He has done. So if Jesus saves, I wonder if Jesus could lose a Christian. No.
In fact, what does he say? No one is able to snatch them out of the Father's hand.
No one's able to snatch them out of my hand. They might jump out. Yeah. And all that the Father has given me will come to me, and I will lose nothing.
Then we cross -reference John 10 with Romans 8 and say, you know, no created being can lose their salvation.
So you ask the person, are you a created being? So here's what they said.
By the way, all works -oriented systems for salvation believe in a loss of salvation because if you don't do the works, continue the works, abide in the works, increase the works, then what happens to what you've done?
You lose it. If you can gain it, you can lose it. And so here's what Pastor Doug said, demazingly.
He said, wait a minute. If anyone says you are saved by grace alone, let him be accursed.
Is that what he said? Well, I wish he would say something like that. And you can hear the hymn in the horn here.
Now I don't want someone to think that once you're saved, you're lost and saved, lost and saved day after day.
God doesn't work that way. It's every week. What do you think the next word is? But there you go.
But at the same time, we're reading amazing Bible facts. Doug, I think his last name is
Bachelor, on their website. Pastor Doug's all you need. Yeah, yeah, that's right. But at the same time, the
Bible is very clear that we are always free to choose another master if we want. God doesn't handcuff us to heaven once we accept
Jesus. Hmm. Now, see, the terms are kind of derogatory enough where you'll say, yeah, yeah, he wouldn't force us and he wouldn't make us do such and such.
And we're not handcuffed, are we? No. But I mean, if you are saved, if you've experienced the forgiveness of sin, the newness of life, if your desires have been transformed from sinful desires to godly desires, once you put your hand to the plow, you don't look back.
You don't. Why would you choose another master? You wouldn't. The answer is, once you have a new nature, you would not choose another master.
Yeah, but Steve, I knew that person that I used to go to school with and seminary with and he started off that way, but he didn't end up so hot.
Oh, well, it sounds like the parable of the soils. You know, it sounds like the troubles of the world or whatever, you know, that they never were saved.
They went out from us because they never were of us. If you begin to believe, and Jesus says, if you believe in me, you'll have eternal life.
I wonder when that eternal starts. Hmm. Probably from the moment of belief, that would be my guess.
Who will bring a charge against God's elect? God is the one who justifies. Who is the one who condemns?
Christ Jesus is he who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.
So who will separate us from the love of Christ? And so Jesus is praying for his bride.
He's died for the bride and now he's praying for the bride and he's praying that all those that he's saved will finish well and make it to heaven, among other things.
But I guess maybe he doesn't get his prayers answered. The whole idea is absurd beyond being unbiblical, which makes it absurd, by the way.
But the idea that somehow God's will, and if the father elected from before the foundation of the world, which he did, to save some people, and Jesus Christ died for those people, which he did, and these are all ifs that are guaranteed, and the
Holy Spirit seals those people for the day of redemption, which he does, then how can they be lost?
You know, man's free will overrules the Trinity. Yeah, but God don't make no junk. It is absolutely true.
You know, Steve and I were talking last night over email, and I was thinking about Horatius Bonar when he said, did faith die in the cross for your sins?
And I thought, did free will die in the cross for your sins? Did faith elect you in eternity past? Did free will elect you?
Not at all. The problem with all these works righteousness, Pelagian, semi -Pelagian,
Arminian religions, you know, theologies, is that somehow man has a part in salvation, and if man has a part in getting it, then man can have a part in losing it.
At least they're consistent. I'll give them that. Yeah, and in some way, man is able to wrest himself out of God's hand, and it does make sense if you were able to put yourself in God's hand in the first place.
If you were able to place yourself in his favor, then you're able to remove yourself from God's favor.
And neither one is biblical or true. Well, instead of using biblical doctrine to understand this, he uses—Pastor
Doug uses two people who were close to God and then left God, and so therefore in his context he means they were saved and then they were lost.
The first is King Saul, and the second was Judas. If I were going to pick some people who were saved and then got lost, maybe
I'd pick those, but I can't even think—I don't think you can prove Saul nor Judas was saved to begin with.
Yeah, I really don't think you can prove Judas. I mean, there is no indication. You know,
I once had somebody tell me in the car that he thought Judas was saved. Was that a police car? No.
No, he was in the backseat. What? Was he handcuffed? No. To heaven?
There we go. See, it's all related. Handcuffed to heaven. The hound of heaven or the detective of heaven.
But he said, he said, I believe that Judas is in heaven, and I said, well, why would that be?
And he said, because God used him. You know, God used Pharaoh. God used— Donkey.
Yeah, that kind of thinking can get you in all kinds of trouble, and the fact that he's listed as a disciple does not mean that he was a believer.
There's no evidence that Judas ever believed. Here it says, Judas was one of the twelve, Doug said.
He had the hands of Jesus laid on his head. I kind of missed that spot there. Maybe that was some kind of special anointing.
He was anointed. He was sent out preaching, but he clung to a sin of covetousness, and he grieved away the
Holy Spirit and took his own life. Now, there are a few true statements there, but we have no indication that Judas was regenerate.
Jesus said it would have been better for him to never have been born. Can you imagine the Son of God saying that?
That is pretty damning, and we know he died in his sins. He was sorry, but not because he sinned against a holy
God, and I firmly believe that Judas was A, not saved, and B, we know for sure he's in hell.
Lots of people we don't know. Is Hitler in hell? Is Stalin in hell? You might want them to be there. We won't know until glory, but for sure we know
Judas is. Well, and you know, if you're going to make a statement— Sorry, they don't believe in hell. What are we going to do with that?
Well, there you go. He couldn't be there. But if Pastor Doug is going to say that he's someone who was saved and then lost his salvation,
I think the first hurdle is to prove that Judas was saved. True. And then we go to Hebrews 6, and if that interpretation is correct, then it is impossible to ever get it back.
So the first time you lose it, you can never get it back. What kind of hope does that give? I actually kind of like hope.
I don't know about you, Steve, but you know, in my mind, hope actually floats. And I enjoy hope, and we need hope in the
Christian life. And you know, with all seriousness, we need that. So what kind of hope would it be?
Salvation? It depends on you. And once you get it, if you do something wrong, commit some kind of mortal sin, you are out.
Then everybody's out. Well, I mean, think about this. You can either rest in the finished work of Jesus Christ, or you can not rest in your perpetual need to keep working, to keep your salvation, to maintain it.
I don't think that's a good way. There's no comfort in that. No compromise, listeners. This is one more reason that you need to study the doctrines of grace, study biblical theology of salvation, what
Jesus taught, what Paul taught, what Peter taught, what the Reformation affirmed in the writings of the
Bible. Because when you're taught these things, you can sniff out false theologies very quickly because they all have a higher view of man than what he should have, and a lower view of God than what he should have.
You have to do that, because otherwise you would eventually come to Christianity.
You know, if you just say, God is sovereign, I'm a sinner, I cannot possibly ingratiate myself to God.
If you get rid of that, well then you've just eliminated all the religions of works.
Don't you think it's more amazing, Steve, to use the theme amazing, more amazing that the triune
God would decide to send his Son, the triune God, the
Son would be cloaking himself with humanity and dying on our behalf. We deserved hell, but he died for us anyway, gave us his righteousness, gives us the promise of heaven, the
Holy Spirit. That's a lot more amazing to me than I tried to do some good, God said, okay, now you exercise your free will, and I can now work in your life, and let's get there together.
Which one's more amazing? Well, I have to tell you that it would be 100 % amazing if I thought that I could somehow get myself in good with God and then keep it.
I mean, what would that say? That every day I would have to go, okay, today I'm not going to sin because I can't lose my salvation.
I probably then have the sin of worry. How could you sleep? How could you ever go to sleep just thinking, okay, if I wake up,
I could be in hell? That is absolutely demazing to me. It's demoralizing to me is what it is.
How about this? We're talking, Mike and Steve here on No Compromise Radio after a short sabbatical.
It's 2011. Welcome to this radio ministry. We hope you are provoked. Always biblical, always provocative, always in that order.
We're talking about amazing Bible facts that promotes itself as an evangelical show when it's quite far from it.
They are Seventh -day Adventists. By the way, if amazing means unbelievable, then, you know, okay.
Yeah, yeah. That's exactly right. And here someone asked the question about the Sabbath. And so Pastor Doug said this, well, since you asked,
I'll answer you. I used to go to church on Sunday and I asked the same question. One time
I was shocked to find out that Sunday worship is not grounded in scripture, but it's all firmly rooted in tradition.
Several hundred years after Christ, Christians in Rome began to try to reach the pagans by accommodating them.
Then he says the pagans on the first day of the week, they had the venerable day of the sun, S -U -N. That's where Sunday gets its name.
Don't go to work on moon day though, because that might be really bad. Jews were being persecuted for Sabbath keeping, et cetera, et cetera.
Was this tradition? What's going on with the Sabbath? What do we know about the Sabbath? Is it something that the
Roman Christians did 300 years later? When did Sunday become very important for Christians? Wasn't that in the book of Acts?
We would agree at No Compromise Radio Ministry that the Bible doesn't say, thou shall worship on Sunday.
But you see in the New Testament, Jesus, true or false, rose on Sunday. Jesus, true or false, ascended on Sunday.
The disciples, true or false, got together and broke bread and preached and had fellowship on Sunday.
The Lord's Day is talked about in the Gospel of John, the Revelation of John.
And so you see this pattern of worship on Sunday. And so if you want it to be a tradition, it is the apostolic tradition, which
I think I'll go for, by the way. Yeah, they were getting together on the first day of the week. That's what, you know, first day of the week would be
Sunday, you know. So yeah, it's not controversial unless you belong to a
Seventh -day Adventist church. Pastor Doug, Jesus rose on the first day of the week. Let's make that the new
Christian Sabbath, say the Sunday worshipers. And then Doug said, and it was done by man, but not the
Bible. Are the apostles our Jesus? Now it was done by the apostles. The apostles worshiped on Sunday.
You can worship God every day of the week as far as I'm concerned, but when the saints get together, see 1 Corinthians 16.
That's when they gave, I guess they got together, Steve, on Saturday, hid some money underneath the pew seats.
And then on Sunday they found them. That is amazing. Yeah. Yeah. Like those, like some of these churches that have their little giveaways, you know, everybody look under your seat.
If you have an envelope, you get to keep whatever's in the envelope. $100. Woohoo. I'm glad I came to church.
And a prayer J -Biz book. Friends, when you make these kinds of issues that Mosaic law gave for the
Israelites and forced the church to do them, you're going to have problems. We have bigger problems with Seventh -day
Adventism, but of course this is where they hang their hat, their proverbial hat. Steve, we've got about 50 seconds.
Do you have anything else to say? No, I have nothing else to say. That is amazing.
That is absolutely amazing. Here's what I would say in every single situation.
Here's what you need to do when you're going to a website, when you're deciding who to listen to on the radio, whatever.
You need to look at them and say, do they follow the Scripture alone? Sola Scriptura.
And yes, Scripture is alone the way that we should work things out, and this whole idea of Jesus being
Archangel Michael and all that, this is all just foolish speculation not grounded in the
Bible. This is No Compromise Radio Ministry. You can write us at info at nocompromiseradio .com. Amazingly enough,
Amazing Bible Facts is Seventh -day Adventist. Amazing. That is amazing.
No Compromise Radio with Pastor Mike Abendroth is a production of Bethlehem Bible Church in West Boylston.
Bethlehem Bible Church is a Bible -teaching church firmly committed to unleashing the life -transforming power of God's Word through verse -by -verse exposition of the sacred text.
Please come and join us. Our service times are Sunday morning at 1015 and in the evening at 6. We're right on Route 110 in West Boylston.
You can check us out online at bbchurch .org or by phone at 508 -835 -3400.
The thoughts and opinions expressed on No Compromise Radio do not necessarily reflect those of WVNE, its staff or management.