Ezekiel Part 6


Sunday school from October 8th, 2023


Ezekiel Part 7

Ezekiel Part 7

We're gonna pray and then we're gonna get into our text again Lord Jesus as we open your word
We ask the Holy Spirit to help us to rightly understand what you were revealed revealed there so that we may believe
Correctly in sound doctrine and also through the power of the Holy Spirit Bear fruit in keeping with repentance in our life with love towards others.
We ask in Jesus name. Amen All right. We've been working our way through the book of Ezekiel last week
I did a little bit of an excursus that began the previous week where we looked at the curses clauses of the
Mosaic Covenant in the book of Deuteronomy and all of that was to basically note that God here in Ezekiel 5 in him threatening of Punishments and judgment against Jerusalem is in fact invoking the same curses clauses from Deuteronomy that you know that were written just specifically for that purpose and We also noted then when you put the curses clauses back into the historical context and the fact that Israel had lost its own ability to be its own nation yet again just before really the the the incarnation of Christ that invoked one of the the clauses of the
Mosaic Covenant's curses Related to the the nation from far away like an eagle who would swoop down a nation who would not
Spare young or old and things like this so when the New Testament opens a proper understanding is that the the
Israel had yet again Sinned against God and God had then put them under the control of a different nation to punish them for their idolatry but in this particular case, it wasn't the idolatry of Worship of me of Molech or of all or a
Shira instead. It was the idolatry of the counterfeit Chameleon like religion of the
Pharisees, which is not Biblical Judaism and so it follows that pattern that we see not only in Deuteronomy In 28 with the invoking of the curse clauses of the
Mosaic Covenant it also follows the same pattern of the book of Judges that they sinned
God sold them into slavery to a different nation and then God sends a Savior so you'll note that that pattern then is in play with the birth of Christ because Christ is the
Savior The one who God sends to redeem Israel in this particular case though Genetic Israel only a remnant are going to believe in Christ as the
Messiah and then the rest have their hearts hardened for their unbelief and then
God eventually executes the final curse clauses of the Mosaic Covenant and Scrapes them out of the land of Israel Legitimately just brings them completely out altogether, which is exactly what he threatened to do
I think I should probably look at those last bits of the curse clauses of Deuteronomy just so that we're we're 100 % clear as to what our context here is
As we're getting to this portion of Ezekiel 5 So again
Deuteronomy 28 36 Yahweh will bring it you and your king whom you set over you
To a nation that neither, you know, your fathers have known this is taking place at the time of Ezekiel This is the the
Babylonian captivity and there you shall serve other gods of wood and stone And you should become a whore a proverb a byword among all the peoples where Yahweh will lead you away
You shall carry much seed into the field and shall gather in little the locusts shall consume it
You shall plant vineyards and dress them But you shall neither drink of the wine nor gather the grapes for the worm shall eat them
You shall have all of trees throughout all your territory But you shall not anoint yourself with the oil for your olive shall drop off You shall father sons and daughters, but they shall not be yours for they shall go into captivity
The cricket shall possess all your trees and the fruit of your ground the sojourner who is among you
Shall rise higher and higher above you and you shall come down lower and lower He shall lend to you and you shall not lend to him he shall be the head and you shall be the tail all these curses shall come upon you and pursue you and Overtake you until you are destroyed because you did not obey the voice of Yahweh your
God To keep his commandments and his statutes that he commanded you They shall be a sign and a wonder against you and your offspring
Forever a little bit of a note here when you look at the cross references to first Corinthians 14 where The gift of tongues is most explained in all of Scripture There's no other passage of Scripture then at first Corinthians 14 that explains tongues in its proper use
We learned from the cross references there that Paul is invoking that in the book of Isaiah the gift of tongues was one of these signs also that was a sign and wonder against unbelieving
Israel and This is why it says in first Corinthians 14 that tongues are not a sign for believers but for unbelievers and Specifically unbelieving
Jews the whole purpose of tongues was basically through the Prophet Isaiah God had said to unbelieving stiff -necked
Israel that that that he was going to have the gospel spoken to them by people of Strange tongues and even then they would not believe and so that was the actual purpose of tongues.
It was a negative sign against unbelieving Jews that of that God was going to basically judge them for their unbelief and So, you know that if that's the purpose of tongues and it is it was never really intended to be a gift for the edifying of the church instead of sign against unbelievers that You can see why the
Apostle Paul says that if you somebody speaks in a tongue in church They're one or at the most, you know
Two or three at the most and they're one at a time and somebody has to interpret Otherwise, there's no point of tongue speaking because nobody's being edified and its primary purpose to begin with was the purpose of God Having it as a sign of judgment because of all the nations and all the peoples and races on planet
Earth Back in the ancient world the Jews were the only ones who would have rightly understood where languages came from in the first place and I do know that this
Is kind of a fascinating thing and that is is that scientists today who believe in evolutionary theory?
They're at a loss to explain why we have language at all or how it came to be that we have
Literally in human history all of these different languages basically coming coming into fruition
Full bloom all at the same time in human history. It's kind of a fascinating thing They don't have any explanation for it at all and you read your
Bible and go Well, I know where language came from God was upset because human beings were being disobedient so they wouldn't they wouldn't scatter so God forced them to scatter by making it impossible for them to Understand each other, right?
We know where this all came from but back in the day the Jews would have been the only ones with the correct information on that and so when you see an
Undoing of the of God's punishment of top of the Tower of Babel Then you know, the
Jews would see that as a sign and indeed it was but Isaiah 28 gives us that so here
You're gonna note that the difficulties that they are going through that are threatened in the Mosaic Covenant These then are a sign in a wonder against you and your offspring forever
Because you did not serve Yahweh your God with joyfulness and gladness of heart Because the abundance of all things therefore you shall serve your enemies
Whom Yahweh will send against you in hunger and in thirst and nakedness and lacking everything
And he will put a yoke of iron on your neck until he has destroyed you and I would note this
Have you noticed throughout human history? The Jews have just never seemed to get a break It's kind of an interesting thing and a lot of Americans do not actually know this fact about European history
That until the mid -1800s Jews were actually separated from from European society
They lived in ghettos and they were not permitted to participate in government and so there was actual reforms that took place in the middle part of the 1800s which then permitted
Jews to actually participate fully in society in Europe And so the best way to think about it
If you go back in American history to our segregation laws that we had prior to the civil rights movement that the way we treated
African Americans was the way that Europeans for centuries and I mean long long time
How they how they kept themselves separated from the Jews. It's a fascinating study when you actually look at the history behind that.
Yes That's not biblical
Okay Yeah, so you're gonna note that God God makes it clear that all of the difficulties that they go through It's not because the devil said they're the ones that are the
Messiah is coming through No, all the difficult said they went they were going through because they're stiff -necked refusal to obey
God's commands and so that's the reason why they They had all these troubles and I hate to say this
But in the nation of Israel and you look in the history in the scripture You kind of have both blessing and curses when you look at the the history of the kings of Israel Some were bad and some were good
Right and you'll note that in each case where the king was following Following the footsteps of his father
David and that he did what was right in the eyes of Yahweh That even if they experienced hardship
God always would like miraculously come through to rescue them but when they went full whole hog into idolatry all of that protection was gone and and the hardships that came upon them were for the purpose of demonstrating the temporal consequences of sin and You'll note that we actually have a biblical text that even spells that out for us in the
New Testament I think it's 2nd Corinthians 5, but I may be wrong. Hey, this is maybe three. Hang on I Yeah, hang on a second
Let me find this text to home I Hate the fact that my photographic memory is now getting faded
It is a terrible thing getting old. It is just awful Hang on a second here.
I'm gonna find this Hang on a second here example,
I know what I'm looking for example I'm looking for the word example and I'm looking for it in the epistles
And I'm gonna find it. Here we go. First Corinthians 10 Okay, so man one core 10 watch what this says
I do not want you to be unaware brothers that our fathers were all
Under the cloud now fascinating thing that Paul's writing here because who's he which church is he writing to?
Church Corinth. Okay, which is a church that is ethnically mixed
Okay of Jews and Gentiles, how do we know this because in the same letter we learned that the rich people are
Poor people from having the Lord's Supper So, you know So you got a mix you got Jews and Gentiles both in this thing and yet Paul speaking to all
Christians It says that you are I do not want you to be unaware that our fathers So as Christians we look in the
Old Testament and that history then this is the history of our fathers Even if it's not genetically our history
It is our history in the faith. Our fathers were all under the cloud all passed through the sea all were baptized into Moses That's right the
Red Sea crossing is a type in shadow of baptism and In the cloud and in the sea and all ate the same spiritual food all drank from the same spiritual rock
For they drank from the spiritual rock that followed them and the rock was Christ and I would note we all eat spiritual food
We had some today and we all drink from the same spiritual drink and we drink from the rock.
That's Christ, right? Nevertheless with most of them God was not pleased for they were overthrown in the wilderness
Now these things took place as examples for us that we might not desire evil as they did
Do not be Idolaters as some of them were as it is written the people sat up to eat and drink and rose up to play that was
The very first burning man, by the way We must not indulge in sexual immorality as some of them did and twenty three thousand fell in a single day we must not put
Christ to the test as some of them did and were destroyed by serpents nor grumble as some of them did
And were destroyed by the destroyer. Why did I not use this verse on my kids when they were younger? Anyway, now these things happen to them as an example
But they were written down for our instruction on whom the end of the ages has come Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall
No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man God is faithful and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability
But with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape that you may be able to endure So you'll note
Corrie the question that you asked then, you know You've been told in previous churches that the reason why? Hardship came upon them is because the devil was trying to punish them because he knew the
Messiah was coming through them That's a nice story, but it's not a narrative that's found in Scripture so the the
Jews stand then as an example of both blessing and curses of those who are blessed by faith and then the obedience that follows faith as Opposed to those who are cursed because they're unbelief and the disobedience that follows unbelief notice
I'm not talking about obedience and Disobedience in like stark naked terms.
This is how Nazarene's talk you do the right things God will bless you blog not okay without faith
It's impossible to please God and so we always talk about the obedience that comes from faith that is the natural fruit of faith as opposed to just talking about raw obedience and then
Disobedience is the direct fruit of unbelief Does that make sense? And so the children of Israel stand then as an example to us and note then
That's to us Christians Yeah, I would think that Andy Stanley might want to pay attention to this
Especially on the track that he's not been on lately He's been all over the news for all the wrong reasons this past like week and a half
Yeah, he's putting on a conference that basically is gay affirming, you know, and no one's shocked by the you know, by the move but surprise surprise
The Gomer pile Yeah, I haven't heard that guy in forever Okay, boy that takes bit take me back but all that being said let's come back then to the text that we were looking at And this hang on a second,
I mean I'm in Ezekiel, let me go back to Deuteronomy Okay, so Yahweh will bring a nation against you from far away from the end of the earth swooping down like the
Eagle This is the promise of the Roman Empire coming and taking over The the the nation of Israel a nation whose language you do not understand a little bit of a note here
If you remember one of Israel's and I mean Jacob the guy whose name was changed
Israel one of his prophecies regarding The Messiah would be that that the scepter would not leave
Israel until the Messiah comes Okay fascinating to note this that even after the
Babylonian captivity That the Jews although they were a puppet state of the of the birds and the
Medes and the Persians They still had the self -governance and then even under Alexander the
Great and after his empire broke into four parts they still had some self -governance and and then
Even in the early part of the Roman occupation they did but when Herod takes over Herod the
Tetrarch Herod isn't a Jew. He's an Ed you mean and So he's the first King or governor of Israel that isn't
Jewish and The church fathers saw that as a fulfillment of the prophecy given by Israel.
I think it was it What is it 48 50 some somewhere in there like 50 51 where where he?
Legitimately says that the scepter would not leave until the until the Messiah and that that's the
Roseboro paraphrase of the text But it's in the book of Genesis and so the fulfillment of it is said an ed you mean is now over Israel and They they don't have any self -governance at all at this point and and they're totally under the rule
And of course what's funny about? Herod the Great is that he didn't want people to know that he wasn't a
Jew It's a fascinating bit. He kind of tried to keep that under wraps, but he was not a
Jew He was an edge of me and something completely different But the church father saw that as a fulfillment of the prophecy given by Israel.
So coming back. Yes Yeah, we're talking about Herod the Great the guy who killed his own family members and the one who wanted to put
Jesus to death That guy completely looney tunes Okay, and he died of intestinal worms.
So it's a horrifying death to just absolutely awful. All right I don't want to know about that Okay, thanks, thanks for not sharing, okay
Continuing a hard -faced nation who shall not respect the older that our show mercy to the young It shall eat the offspring of your cattle the fruit of your ground until you are destroyed
It also shall not leave you grain wine or oil The increase of your herds or the young of your flock until they have caused you to perish
They shall besiege you in all of your towns until your high and fortified walls in which you trusted come down throughout all your land they
Shall besiege you in all of your towns throughout your land, which Yahweh your God has given you and You shall eat the fruit of your womb.
This is the most horrifying bit of all of this so this is fulfilled in the
Roman siege of Jerusalem and if you've read Josephus or if you have read
Eusebius that his Ecclesiastical history he quotes extensively from Josephus is
Jewish Wars to the point where it's so Horrifying, but if you want to do the historical research, there are several accounts of what legitimately happened
During the siege and it's horrifying. They're the best way I can put it absolutely horrifying details of Women eating their infants kind of stuff.
That's how bad this is. And so note that's also a sign Against them.
This is Mosaic Covenant kind of stuff and so you shall eat the fruit of your womb the flesh of your sons and daughters whom
Yahweh your God has given you in the Siege and in the duress with which your enemies shall distress you the man who is the most tender and refined among you will begrudge food to his brother the wife he embraces and to to the last of the children whom he has left so that he will not give to any of them any of the flesh of His children whom he is eating
Because he has nothing left else left in the siege and in the distress with which your enemy shall distress you in your towns the most tender and refined woman among you who would not venture to set the sole of her foot on the ground because she is
So delicate and tender will begrudge to her husband she embraces to her son and to her daughter her afterbirth that comes out from between her feet and Her children whom she bears because lacking everything she will eat them secretly in the siege and in the distress with which your enemy shall distress you in your towns and the these are the accounts that you find in Josephus as Jewish wars and in the
Ecclesiastical history important to note that the ancient church Documented the fulfillment of Deuteronomy 18 and saw it not only as a fulfillment of Deuteronomy 18 but also of Jesus's Olivet discourse in Matthew 24 when he is
Talking about the siege of Jerusalem and he says alas for women who are pregnant in those days
That's an invocation of this portion of Scripture and Christ is lamenting
What is coming because of their unbelief and their obstinance? So he says if you are not careful to do all the words of this law that you that are written in this book
That you may fear hit this glorious and awesome name Yahweh your God then Yahweh will bring on you and your offspring extraordinary afflictions afflictions severe and lasting and sicknesses grievous and Lasting and he will bring upon you again all the diseases of Egypt of which you were afraid and they shall cling to you
You ever been out among briars and stuff like this and you come out you got all these birds like stuck in your socks and It's annoying to get that stuff out.
That's kind of the picture here The diseases of Egypt will stick to you like that Every sickness also in every affliction that is not recorded in the book of the law of this law
Yahweh will bring upon you until you are destroyed Whereas you were as numerous as the stars of heaven you shall be left few in number
Because you did not obey the voice of Yahweh your God It's not because Satan was trying to destroy the
Messiah It's because they didn't obey and as Yahweh took the light in doing you good and multiplying you
So Yahweh will take the light in bringing ruin upon you and destroying you and you shall be plucked off the land that you are entering to take possession of it and Yahweh will scatter you among all the peoples from one end of the earth to the other and there you shall serve other gods of Wood and stone which neither you nor your fathers have known and among these nations you shall find no
Respite and there shall be no resting place for the soul of your foot
But Yahweh will give you there a trembling heart and failing eyes and a languishing soul.
Let me ask you this Is there any place on planet earth? Where the descendants of Abraham today have any respite?
Not even in Israel That's you know, if you don't believe me just look at the news today and you'll see what
I'm talking about I mean, it's absolutely fascinating to me that God has a hundred -percent fulfilled this and Continues to fill it fulfill it, you know if you've ever been to Israel and I haven't but I've seen a lot of photographs and video coming out of Israel that Here in the
United States certain states are considered to be a little bit kind of crazy if they allow people to open carry firearms in Israel that's standard practice and It's not just open carry of pistols.
They were talking open carry of ar -15s and You know really high powered weapons and stuff like this
It is not uncommon to see somebody going to pray at the wailing wall while slinging in an ar -15 behind their back
That's common practice. Why because no one's leaving them alone
Why? It's a fulfillment of this So the thing is is that you can legitimately say that the history that we've seen play out
Not only before our lives but now during our lives. It's still a fulfillment of this passage
Why these people are in abject? Rebellion still against God and have not relented of their idolatry and their hatred for Christ Okay We continue by no respite there shall be no resting place for the soul of your foot
But Yahweh will give you there a trembling heart failing eyes languishing soul. Your life shall hang in doubt before you night and day
You shall be in dread and have no assurance of life In the morning you shall say if only it were evening and at evening you should say if only it were morning because of the dread that your heart shall feel and The sights that your eyes shall see in Yahweh will bring you back in ships to Egypt a journey that I promised that you should
Never make again and there you shall offer yourselves for sale to your enemies as male and female slaves
But there will be no buyer Now you listen today's dispensational guys and they'll basically say we can't oppose
The nation of Israel and I'm not saying to oppose them. They're one of our allies I've been a good ally at that But I would note here.
Have you noticed the trouble that they continue to go through wherever they are and now, you know, why?
it's because God keeps his word and Their troubles
Legitimately stand as a sign not only against their unbelief But as a sign to us that God means what he says
I can't think of another group of human beings on planet earth who have been more troubled more persecuted
More trodden underfoot than the Jews and of course Christians that's but that's that's it's not a nation
Okay as an identifiable people group and all of this is in fulfillment of Deuteronomy 28
Don't sit there and tell me that the Jews today in Israel. They're the blessed of God.
They're not they are opposing Christ to this day and And continuing to persist in the religion that the
Pharisees invented Okay.
Now, hang on a second here I'm gonna check questions because I know that some of the stuff I'm saying it's just gonna it's gonna be well
I have never seen this before. I know okay. Okay, I get it Okay, our homemade kefir a substitute for heaven.
You can agree and don't think about that. Okay, it's great Yeah We take for granted that we that we ever get well from a cold or gross stuff from seed and actually grows and produces or anything that is a success or even has
Have rest God is in charge of every bit of everything. Bless the Lord. Oh my soul exactly
Jodi. That's the thing and So when you know your Bible you have a way of interpreting certain aspects of even current events
But you're gonna note You know, I am I am loathing this week the reason
I am loathing this week is because the Expectation is is that I'm going to get on to my youtube channel and talk about how the war in Israel is a sign of Christ's imminent return
I'm not only am I not gonna do that. I'm not gonna even address it in a long -form video I'll do it in a short and say this has nothing to do with the return of Christ This has everything to do with Deuteronomy 28 read the passage and you'll get it.
No, it's not It is not gonna go over. Well Yeah Yeah Cancel cancel cancel, you know,
I can just see it okay, I'm gonna really upset a bunch of people basically just say read Deuteronomy 28 the last half of it and Interpret what's happening there and the entire history of what's happened to you know, genetic
Israel, you know in over the past two millennia And now you understand what's going on.
This is not a sign of Christ's imminent return is a sign of God's judgment It's a fulfillment of his very words that you will never have any rest or even assurance of your own life that's the right interpretation of what's going on here and I defy anybody to Pat quote a passage to the contrary because there are none and Again, what has happened to them is so insanely
Extraordinary that it stands out in human history it legitimately does
Now I am NOT saying that if you show kindness to people who are Jews, it's that somehow wrong
No, in fact as Christians we must We must treat them with kindness love with mercy with respect
And pray for them, right? But pray primarily that God would grant them repentance the same way
He's granted us repentance because are you any better than anybody? No, I'm not right
So all of that is like again bonus material, but kind of cogent in what we're studying here
So you're gonna note then in Ezekiel 5 and let me back up into the context again because you know, it's
It's Important to keep the context so I sometimes reread the same text over and over again
Ezekiel 5 1 you Oh Son of man take a sharp sword use it as a Barber's razor pass it over your head and your beard then take balances for weighing and divide the hair a third part
You shall burn in the fire in the midst of the city when the days of the siege are completed a third part
You shall take and strike with the sword all around the city and a third part of it you shall scatter to the wind and I will unsheathe the sword after them and you shall take from these a
Small number and bind them in the skirts of the robe of your robe and these again
You shall take some and cast them into the midst of the fire Burn them in the fire from there a fire will come out into all of the house of Israel.
So thus says the Lord Yahweh This is Jerusalem I've set her in the center of the nations with countries all around her and She has rebelled against my rules by doing wickedness
More than the nation's and against my statutes more than the countries all around her for they have rejected
My rules and have not walked in my statutes Therefore thus says the
Lord Yahweh because you are more turbulent than the nations that are all around you and have not
Walked in my statutes or obeyed my rules and have not even acted according to the rules of the nations that are all around you
Therefore thus says the Lord Yahweh behold, I even I am against you and I will execute judgments in your midst in the sight of the nations and Because of all your abominations
I will do with you what I have never yet done and the like of which I will never do again
Therefore fathers shall eat their sons in your midst and sons shall eat their fathers
I will execute judgments on you and any of you who survive I will scatter to all the winds
That finds its fulfillment not in the lifetime of Ezekiel, but after Christ's death burial resurrection and ascension
Okay Therefore as I live declares the Lord Yahweh Surely because you have defiled my sanctuary with all of your detestable things and with all of your abominations therefore
I will withdraw my eye my eye will not spare and I will have no pity a third part of you shall die of pestilence and be consumed with famine in your midst a third part shall fall by the sword all
Around you and a third part. I will scatter to all the winds with an unsheathed
And we'll unsheathe the sword after them. So no, not only does he scatter them, but he's chasing him with an unsheathed sword thus shall my anger spend itself and I will vent my fury upon them and Satisfy myself and they shall know that I am
Yahweh that I have spoken in my jealousy when I spend my fury upon them Moreover, I will make you a desolation and an object of reproach among the nations all around you and in the sight of all who pass by future tents here spoken to Jews in exile,
I Will make you a desolation an object of reproach among the nations
Tell me this hasn't been fulfilled and continues to be fulfilled for the last 2 ,000 years all the way up to today
Right, you shall be a reproach and a taunt a warning a horror to the nations all around you when
I execute Judgments on you in anger and in fury with furious rebukes. I am
Yahweh I have spoken when I send against you the deadly arrows of famine arrows for destruction
Which I will send to destroy you and when I bring more and more famine upon you and break your supply of bread
I will send famine and wild beasts against you and they will rob you of your children Pestilence and blood shall pass through you and I will bring the sword upon you.
I am Yahweh. I have spoken Wolf right you sit there and go.
Ah, that's how to explain history They are an object lesson for us to teach us to Say, oh
I repent and I want to do God's Commandments That's the point.
They are a living object lesson. God has made them that Horrifying to consider yet.
I cannot come up with that a Biblical text that says anything to the contrary It's the only bit that makes sense of what happened to them and what continues to happen to them to this day
Why do so many people hate these people? Why are they so mistreated?
right Ezekiel 6 Judgment against idolatry the word of Yahweh came to me son of man set your face toward the mountains of Israel and prophesy against them and Say you mountains of Israel here the word of the
Lord Yahweh Thus says the Lord Yahweh to the mountains and the hills to the ravines and to the valleys
I would note that if God were having me prophesy here. There's nothing to prophesy to I Prophesy to the empty flatness
Right. I just had to put that in there. Yeah, you know,
I recently made a short trip to Canada to pick some people up from the airport and bring them back and you know what the bat the vast flatness it goes straight
North all the way up into Canada and it just keeps on you know There's like nothing to look at all the way up to Winnipeg.
It's like what is going on out here, you know What was that?
Mm -hmm I'm aware. We are by the way, Grand Forks as coldest city in all of the
United States looks lower 48 Okay No, we do
Grand Forks holds it you look it up and and there's all in In Alaska, there's only a couple of cities that are more cold than we are
So so when you're feeling the bitterness of February and down in your bones and in your sinuses and stuff like this
Note that we also stand as an example of God's judgment And if you misbehave
God will send you to American Siberia the way he did Roseboro so I Just had to throw that in there all right, so he's having him prophesy to the mountains to the valleys and so here so Behold, I even
I will bring a sword upon you. I will destroy your high places your altars
Shall become desolate your incense altars shall be broken. I will cast down your slain before your idols
I will lay the dead bodies of the people of Israel before their idols. I will scatter your bones around your altars
Terrifying when you think about the reason why he's prophesying against these mountains is because on every single little one of these hills and mountains
They set up high places to these false deities All right now they just make mega churches, but that's a different story, okay
Let's see, I will lay the dead bodies of the people of Israel before their idols I will scatter your bones around your altars when wherever you dwell the cities shall be waste and the high places
Ruined so that your altars will be waste and ruined your idols broken and destroyed your incense altars cut down Your works wiped out and the slain shall fall in your midst and you shall know that I am
Yahweh Kind of like too late. Wait, this hall is destruction. That means that God Yahweh is
God right and you're dead Okay. Now, let me check questions real quick before I get too far here.
God's Covenant with Israel is forever and unchangeable, I would note here
Jacob in Malawi, so the Mosaic Covenant is
Is no longer in play Okay And so the there is there is nobody who is keeping the
Mosaic Covenant today So the people who are genetic descendants of Abraham who are living in the nation of Israel They're not under any covenant with God at all
At least you know, at least not the Mosaic Covenant and maybe you can invoke the Abrahamic Covenant to some degree
But here's the issue. They don't have the same faith as Abraham So they're actually out of covenant and as a result of it are not under his blessing
And they they stand in defiance of the truth. So the church then is
Israel and that's really the whole point of Romans chapters 9 10 and 11 is that True Israel are those who have the same faith as Abraham and then we we
European Gentiles and Jacob in Malawi. You're you're an African Gentile you you you are not descended from Abraham Genetically, neither am
I? But we are grafted into Israel by faith in Christ.
So we are counted as children of the promise Because of our faith and in fact
I can give you a text that kind of bears this out more succinctly if we go to like Galatians 4
Let me see if I can find the actual passage here we go So it's a Galatians 4 tell me you who desire to be under the law the
Mosaic Covenant Do you not listen to the law it is written that Abraham had two sons one by the slave and one by the free
But the son of the slave was born according to the flesh while the son of the free woman was born through promise
Now this may be interpreted Allegorically, these women are two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai bearing children for slavery and that's the irony here
I want you to just think of what Paul's saying and like notice how he's Absolutely inverting certain categories when
Israel got to Mount Sinai were they in slavery? No, they had just been set free from slavery and yet Paul says that The Mount Sinai is the place where people are born for slavery
Because the law doesn't actually set us free the law condemns us So she is
Hagar that Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia She corresponds to the present Jerusalem for she is in slavery with her children
But the Jerusalem above is free so note here is
Earthly Jerusalem a place of freedom No The it's the heavenly
Jerusalem. That is the place of freedom. The Jerusalem above is free She is our mother for it is written rejoice
Oh barren one who does not bear break forth and cry aloud you who are not in labor For the children of the desolate one will be more than those of the one who has a husband
Now you brothers like Isaac are children of promise note Galatians 428 you you
Gentile Europeans you Gentile Africans you Gentile Gentiles, right?
Y 'all are children of the promise just like Isaac Isaac wasn't born
Naturally because his mom couldn't bear because she was well past the age she was pruning up like a raisin and had gone through menopause long before that and And now she's bearing a child, right?
That's because God Promised that would be the case in the same way. We are all children of the promise, too
But what's the promise that we would be descendants of Abraham by faith?
Okay So just as at the same time he was born according to the flesh Pursuit persecuted him was born according to the
Spirit So also it is now but what does the scripture say cast out the slave woman and her son?
For the son of the slave woman shall not inherit with the son of the free woman So brothers we are not children of the slave but of the free woman
It is for freedom that Christ has set us free So the idea then is is that a right understanding of what takes place in Genesis regarding?
Ishmael and Isaac and Hagar and Sarah that Proper theological interpretation isn't given in the
Old Testament. It's given in the New and If you read and you sit there and go well, it's the genetic descendants of Abraham that are the blessed ones.
I Would remind you it was the genetic descendants of Abraham who were worshiping Baal and who were the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel who were opposing
Elijah and It was the descendants of Abraham who were the ones killing the prophets right
DNA has nothing its faith Period so that that's the point.
Okay So aren't we the church Israel now, so Jody, here's the thing. The church doesn't replace
Israel Okay, and here's the reason why Christ says I am the vine you are the branches
Jesus is Israel squished down to one human being we are grafted into Christ which means we are grafted into Israel.
So here's the idea We Gentiles are a bunch of wild olive branches that have been grafted in a grafted into the cultivated vine of Israel So the church never replaces
Israel Instead the church is grafted into Israel Okay, so if you've ever heard somebody say the church replaces
Israel no, that's not how this works again read Romans 9 10 11 You'll see we are grafted into Israel.
We Gentiles are branches that have been put in So there's only if you were to kind of think of it through all of human history then there's only one tree of note and that's the olive tree of Israel and We were born outside of that tree and grafted into it
Okay, so mazel tov All right,
I have to go If I go any longer, I'm gonna be late. So we'll have to end here. All right.