Demonology (Part 2)


Are all demons unclean? Do demons cause addictions and syndromes? What do you do if you encounter a demon? 


The Priority of Preaching - Part 3

Welcome to uncompromised radio ministry, and it's my cave and rock Welcome. I declare that you will live as a healer.
You are sensitive to the needs of those around you You will lift the fallen restore the broken and encourage the discouraged
You are full of compassion and kindness. You won't just look for a miracle You will become someone's miracle by showing
God's favor and mercy everywhere you go I Have no
That is affirmation number 18 I heard There's a cube for Joyce Meyer as well
But I don't have that nor will I buy it. I'm waiting for one of you If you said
I'll give you your name I'll state your name social security number and I'll play it a few times on the front of that did just says
Joel. I thought it was a Bible chapter or something It's like Hosea Joel Amos Mike Who's a
Jonah? I worked a little bit more this morning on the book
Cancer is not your shepherd He 31 day guide to suffering. I Think 16 maybe 17 chapters.
I wrote unlike Gospel assurance. I only wrote the intro
Not one chapter So, I hope it'll help It all was kind of spurred on by the show
I did a few weeks ago you have cancer and sitting around with Taking pills going to the doctor's offices in some ways life.
I Don't want to say revolving around cancer like cancer cancer ocentric But just have to deal with it a lot
I thought I just need to pour out my mind and my heart on the page and send it out. I Honestly know
I'm not the best writer Not a best paperback writer as they say but that's okay
Somebody said did you read? Don't waste your cancer by Piper before you wrote it.
I said to my wife. I purposely didn't read that I mean, I read that ten years ago, maybe 20 15 when
I first got cancer, I thought it was pretty good, but I didn't want it to influence what I would say so if there's a
Confluence Congruence and Overlapping I know plagiarism here
Maybe it was still stuck in my mind from 10 years ago. My cave and Roth no compromise radio
What are we supposed to say on podcasts? Give us five stars Pat me on the back and send money
To Jesus. Here's my address. I think we're up to 11 patreon supporters. I'm very thankful for that We don't have a lot of cost here
But we do have some I have a friend and he's on radio and the one station in Los Angeles that he's on Kqla one station one ping and one ping only
I Want to say it's five hundred fifty thousand to be on that station Daily for 30 minutes
Monday to Friday Monday through Friday We're on Belize for nothing
Anchorage Alaska for nothing and Powell, Wyoming for nothing Ain't that something?
Jesus is the gospel as Sinclair Ferguson has reminded us via John Owen That We do not want to separate
Jesus and what he's done because the person who does Accomplish salvation is the
Lord Jesus and so totus Christus. We want to have the whole Christ all of Christ and what
I love about the gospel of Jesus according to Luke is that a
Lot of it most of it Is not showing you his substitutionary death.
Oh It might show suffering right his life of suffering. It might show him Obedience to the law right earning our salvation.
So there's that obviously But you just get to see how he acts and you get to see his heart toward those that are broken and wounded for those who are
Self -righteous for those that are needy you just get to see how he acts and so the great spotlight is on the
Lord Jesus and for all of us as Christians, we read the Gospels with admiration and Thanksgiving and Out of all the saviors in the world and shepherds in the world.
Aren't we glad Jesus is our Shepherd and so we get to see Christ and we get to know him better in these
Gospels and there's a certain brilliance That is on display When you watch the
Lord Jesus last time I talked about Jesus over demons power over demons authority over demons and in Luke 4 31 and following that's important because in Luke the first miracle written in the gospel of Luke Although not the first miracle ever done, but the first one in Luke is for a purpose and I think the purpose is
If Jesus is powerful over demons that he's powerful over everything else and you can trust him
I mean, who is it that can cast out demons with the word? Who's the one that can? Suppress demonic forces it has to be the
Lord Jesus and if it's True and it is then you should be very confident in other areas of your life because if Jesus can take care of those problems and powerful enough to take care of that then he could certainly take care of sickness or disease or Whatever else ails the
Christian in other words You can trust him and you don't have to be afraid of the future of your life of your church of your health
Because Jesus is powerful And you can trust him.
I talked a little bit about Demons and Questions we have about demons today, and I'm not sure how much
I said because how can I remember it was just yesterday I Of course demons still exist
Yet, I think I did talk about this There was extraordinary demon activity
While the Son of Man was on earth accomplishing redemption accomplishing righteousness
Accomplishing what his father sent him to do if you take a look at the Bible and you look for cases of demonic oppression possession casting out a demons controlling people
If you look at that, you're going to find it not very many cases Outside of Jesus in the
Gospels. You will see the Philippians servant girl in Acts 16 you'll see the sons of Sceva in Acts 19 and And Where else would you find that?
I don't think you're gonna find it anywhere else in the New Testament I think you're going to have deceiving spirits in the mouths of Ahab's prophets in first Kings 22 and Saul having demon issues in first Samuel 16 so the question is why so much demon activity while Jesus is on earth well
Satan knows what's going on Satan would like to Make Jesus Impotent, of course
Satan could not get Jesus to sin, although he tempted him many times including the three that are written about in the wilderness temptings and He doesn't want the
Lord Jesus to do what he's supposed to do Submersion said the best evidence of God's presence is the devil's growl
And I think that's very Apropos because that's what's happening here in the Gospels Jesus is ruling and reigning and Okay ruling and reigning in this as in terms of sovereignty, right?
He's the one Who is there and Satan's going to do everything he can to stop it all the powers of hell unleashed
I Also talked about last time where do demons spend most their time today and the answer is not possessing people
Inhabiting people throwing people into the fire like we see in Scripture But promoting false doctrines and those false doctrines those doctrines of demons
Paul said in first Timothy chapter 4 are Forbidding marriage and advocating that you should abstain from certain foods
And so basically what God meant for good Satan means for evil
He thinks it's evil. In other words, if you are to receive these created by God for good things
And not to reject them first Timothy 4 4 and receive them with gratitude Satan doesn't want you to see marriage as exalted as it is and Food as appropriate as it is because they're sanctified by the means of Word of God and prayer
You think well, I don't really need to know some of this stuff first Timothy 4 6 And pointing out these things to the brethren.
You will be a good servant of Jesus Christ constantly nourished nourished on the words of faith and of sound doctrine which you have been following and then we looked at how demons take care of Promote other things like idolatry and ambition and Just a general waging war against God Ephesians 6
Question 3 what authority do Christians have today over demons? I think this is where we left off in the charismatic world the
Pentecostal world the four -square world the Even in the name -and -claim it world a lot of miracles tongues healings and casting out demons, so Christians Authority over demons is question and I just want you to know that you're not
Jesus you're not an apostle and You have no authority to cast out demons
Anywhere, did you know every time the demons were dealt with in the book of Acts? They were dealt with by apostles that had seen the risen
Lord commissioned by Jesus himself And when that happens the
Apostles dealing with demons that's to of course help the person that was demon -possessed but also to authenticate
These Apostles are sent by God and therefore you should recognize them as such and recognize that what they say is also from God Confirmation right now.
We know that you're surely a man of God the widow at Zarephath said to Elijah Did you know we have nothing in the
Bible that teaches us how we should deal with demons I Mean, don't you think that would be probably found in 1st
Timothy or 2nd Timothy or Titus? Don't you think that would be good for pastors to know how can
I be equipped? For everything pertaining to life and godliness. How can
I be equipped? For things pertaining to training in righteousness 2nd
Peter chapter 2 chapter 1 and 2nd Timothy chapter 3 How can
I do that when I'm not told how to take care of demons that argument of silence is a loud loud argument
We have no authority given by Christ to cast out anything let alone
Demons and where would you cast them? Anyway, that'd be another good question Your question for speaking of questions
Should Christians practice exorcisms today? Well, I think question three answered that the answer is no
But that doesn't seem to stop anyone now, does it? I've read on the internet
After calling each demon or group of demons out take a deep breath and blow out through your mouth
Demons can come out through tears air passages like your mouth if you cough yawn Have your nose running they come out through the skins are no visible signs at all
No one knows all the answers, but I do know when you blow out it helps dislodge demons
If you go to church history origin You call the name of Jesus and you call the name of the martyrs to get rid of the demons in Hellenistic exorcisms you would
Extract the demon from the nose of the person with a ring Some rabbis use torch lights and amulets and hell broths fumigations
There are some exorcism prayers In case animals are inflicted
Afflicted by demons and if you've got an ox or a horse or donkey, there's certain things that you can say
Probably the most popular Exorcists these days so called exorcists are the
Roman Catholics And if you have permission from your bishop and you're mature and you're a virtuous person
You can cast out demons It says on the internet for the
Roman rite of exorcism The possessed should hold a crucifix in his hands or have it in front of him whenever available
Wherever available the relics of the Saints can be placed on his chest or on his head The Holy Eucharist should not be placed on the head or anywhere on the body of the possessed
There's danger that it will be treated ear Reverently the exorcist should perform and read the exorcism with command authority great faith humility and fervor and When he sees that the possessing spirit is being tortured mightily.
He should multiply all these efforts at pressuring it Whenever he sees some part of the oppressed person's body moving or pierced or some swelling appearing
Let him make the sign of the cross and sprinkle. Holy Vassar holy water
Latin what's the word for water? I think Greek. It's Nero, right? Right Vassar in German agua in Spanish What is it?
I think Greek is Nero. Yeah, I think that's right. I think that's right. I don't know what it is I've already forgotten what it is
In Hebrew, but I'm sure someone will tell me So does that sound right
I don't think that sounds right at all, how do we know they're just making it up We're not told in the New Testament.
We see Jesus do it and he is authority and he does it with a word But we don't know what to do
I mean, what would Jesus do is not the best question to figure out what to do.
It says Jesus tells them to be quiet and come out of him
Right be silent and come out of him. That's all Jesus said No Latin no rights. No this no that Be silent and come out of him
There's a litany of the Saints rite of exorcism Roman Catholic Church Summoning of the evil spirit.
Here's what you're to say Unclean spirit whoever you are and all your companions who possess the servant of God By the mysteries of the incarnation the sufferings and death the resurrection and ascension of our
Lord Jesus Christ By the sending of the Holy Spirit and by the coming of our
Lord into last judgment. I command you Tell me with some sign your name the day and hour of your damnation
Obey me in everything. Although I am an unworthy servant of God Do no damage to this creature or to my assistants or to any of their goods.
I Exercise you most unclean spirit invading enemy all spirits every one of you in the name of our
Lord Jesus Christ Be uprooted and expelled from this creature He who commands you as he who ordered you to be thrown down from the highest heaven into the depths of hell
Here therefore in fear Satan enemy of the faith enemy of the human race source of death robber of life
Twister of justice root of all evil warp of all vices seducer of men traitor of nations insider of jealousy
Originator of greed cause of discord creator of agony Why do you stay and resist when you know that Christ our
Lord has destroyed your plan? Fear him who was prefigured in Isaac and Joseph in the paschal lamb who was crucified as a man and who rose from the dead
Now that's a mouthful And you know what most of its true
Right most of its true But we're not called to talk to demons we're not called to exercise
Demons, we're not told to do any of that. It's not in the Bible. So you have to make it up Which leads me to the next question number five
What should you do if you ever meet a demon -possessed person? I? Frankly don't know how you're going to know if they're demon -possessed or not.
Do I think they exist? Yes Do I think you're going to know
Maybe I've heard stories of well -respected Pastors that see people with supernatural strength and talking a different voice and know things that they're not supposed to know
Those are simply anecdotal. I I don't know of those I hear of them.
That's all But the good news is if you meet someone Who's demon -possessed if you preach the gospel to them and it is the
Lord's pleasure to save them through preaching Then the demons go right the demons go because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world
You would then become the temple of the Living God the temple of the Holy Spirit You would be sealed for the day of redemption
You would be sealed by the Holy Spirit of promise You would be protected from the evil one
That's what would happen and so I'm just listening to the things in the background here somebody's somebody's cleaning or something
That's all I need in my office for today on Saturday by myself, but the cleaners happen to be here So what do you do?
What I would not do is rebuke Satan. I would not cast him out to a city that you don't like I Would not say the
Lord rebuke you Jude 10 says but these men revile the things that they do not understand and the things which they know by instinct like Unreasoning animals by these things they are destroyed 2nd
Peter 2 10 and 11, especially those who indulge the flesh in its corrupt desire and despise authority daring self -will
They do not tremble when they revile angelic majesties Whereas angels who are greater in might and power do not bring a reviling judgment against them before the
Lord Sounds like I don't want to do with those false prophets are doing Last question number six can
Christians be demon -possessed today? Well, I just answered it in some of my answer in the last question if a believer is indwell by God and they are if a believers body is the temple of the
Holy Spirit and it is if the believer is the temple of the Living God and it is if the believers are owned by the
Spirit of God For the day of the Redemption and they are if believers are sealed in him with the
Holy Spirit of promise and they are if They are God's own possession Ephesians 114 and they are if Jesus has prayed for them
That keep them from the evil one and he has then we don't have to worry about it
We cannot be possessed and so we're thankful for that I think the reason why the question even comes up not really much in my circles these days because This is kind of old hat this is something we learned a long time ago and we don't run around casting out demons but there's certain kind of Christian psychology and Certain people like in the old days
Neil Anderson bondage breaker that would basically say Christians can't be possessed, but maybe they will be oppressed and they would have some kind of victim mentality when
These strong demons are after them He said back in the day
Neil Anderson that 85 % of Christians have demon problems Well, that's a pretty high percentage and I guess
I have demon problems I just don't know what that is and Therefore I have to ask the question.
Well, what would a problem? What would a demon problem be for a Christian? Well, he says on the bondage breaker page 179 and 180 anything bad
Which you cannot stop doing or anything good, which you cannot make yourself do could be an area of demonic control
What if you do make provision provision for the flesh by giving Satan an opportunity in your life through sin?
Do we have blanket immunity from Satan's invasion? No, that protection is conditional on our responsible participation in God's plan for our protection
That is really wrong. That just should strike you as Arminian Arminian.
Watch out watch out for people that talk like this many so -called Deliverance ministries delivering people from Satan and demons
Because they are lusting on murdering or they're homosexual or they're fornicators or whatever these deliverance ministries
Seem to shift the blame from the person doing the sins to the demons
Allegedly inhabiting the person or oppressing the person it's interesting because It says the deeds the flesh in Galatians 5 are immorality impurity sensuality idolatry sorcery enmities strife jealousy outburst of anger disputes dissensions factions envying drunkenness carousing and things like these
Those are the deeds of the flesh. Those aren't deeds of demons Those are not deeds
Of demons and so what do we do as Christians? We know the devil our adversary prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour
But we are to resist him first Peter 5 Verses 8 and 9 firm in your faith knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world
What's the point? The point is if you have sin in your life, I don't want you to somehow blame a demon
I don't think if you listen to show you actually would do that you blame yourself. You read
Psalm 51 And you say with David We're thankful for that song by the way, and we say with David Everything from against you and you only have
I sinned and done What is evil in your sight to create in me a clean heart? Oh God and renew a steadfast spirit in me
You're going to be just father as you chase in me and I'll accept whatever Just help me to sing afterward all those things that are in those
Psalms. Please blot out my transgressions according to your mercy That's how we deal with our sin
We confess it and run from it and repent from it and we want to obey God and live honorably and righteously
In this wicked age, but we're not going to blame our sin on anything else and even for me lately with the medicine
I'm taking from cancer I'm not really as happy as I normally am and excited and enthusiastic and joyful But when that attitude turns into sin
And I'm sure sometimes it does I'm not to blame demons pastor
Mike has the demon of Predepression I Don't have depression
I don't have anything close to it. But that's I've just feel like oh plus it's Gray out.
It's cold. It's windy. Oh, yes. I'm taking vitamin D with k2 Please stop emailing me a
Lot of people think they want to give me medical advice via email keto for cancer Don't have sugar
Take this supplement take that I just say, you know what people love me when they do that. That's about it
Anyway, my name is Mike Avendroth. There's no compromise radio ministry When it comes to the
Lord, it says in 1st Corinthians in Romans chapter 16 the
God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you