The Significance of Psalm 25 to Me

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Jon recites Psalm 25 and explains it’s significance to him. 1To You, O LORD, I lift up my soul. 2O my God, in You I trust, Do not let me be ashamed; Do not let my enemies exult over me. 3Indeed, none of those who wait for You will be ashamed; Those who deal treacherously without cause will be ashamed. 4Make me know Your ways, O LORD; Teach me Your paths. 5Lead me in Your truth and teach me, For You are the God of my salvation; For You I wait all the day. 6Remember, O LORD, Your compassion and Your lovingkindnesses, For they have been from of old. 7Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions; According to Your lovingkindness remember me, For Your goodness’ sake, O LORD. 8Good and upright is the LORD; Therefore He instructs sinners in the way. 9He leads the humble in justice, And He teaches the humble His way. 10All the paths of the LORD are lovingkindness and truth To those who keep His covenant and His testimonies. 11For Your name’s sake, O LORD, Pardon my iniquity, for it is great. 12Who is the man who fears the LORD? He will instruct him in the way he should choose. 13His soul will abide in prosperity, And his descendants will inherit the land. 14The secret of the LORD is for those who fear Him, And He will make them know His covenant. 15My eyes are continually toward the LORD, For He will pluck my feet out of the net. 16Turn to me and be gracious to me, For I am lonely and afflicted. 17The troubles of my heart are enlarged; Bring me out of my distresses. 18Look upon my affliction and my trouble, And forgive all my sins. 19Look upon my enemies, for they are many, And they hate me with violent hatred. 20Guard my soul and deliver me; Do not let me be ashamed, for I take refuge in You. 21Let integrity and uprightness preserve me, For I wait for You. 22Redeem Israel, O God, Out of all his troubles.


Hey everyone, I want to read a Psalm for you. This is Psalms chapter 25. It says this
To you O Lord I lift up my soul. Oh My god in you
I trust Do not let me be ashamed Do not let my enemies exalt over me
Indeed, none of those who wait for you will be ashamed Those who deal treacherously without cause will be ashamed
Make me know your ways. Oh Lord. Teach me your paths Lead me in your truth and teach me
For you are the God of my salvation For you I wait all the day
Remember O Lord your compassion and your loving -kindness for they have been from of old Do not remember the sins of my youth or my transgressions
According to your loving -kindness remember me For your goodness sake O Lord Good and upright is the
Lord therefore he instructs sinners in the way He leads the humble in justice and he teaches the humble his way
For all the paths of the Lord are loving -kindness and truth to those who keep his covenant and his testimonies
For your name's sake O Lord. Pardon my iniquity for it is great Who is the man who fears the
Lord? He will instruct him in the way he should choose His soul will abide in prosperity and his descendants will inherit the land
The secret of the Lord is for those who fear him and he will make them know his covenant
My eyes are continually toward the Lord for he will pluck my feet out of the net Turn to me and be gracious to me for I am lonely and afflicted
The troubles of my heart are enlarged Bring me out of my distress Look upon my affliction in my trouble and forgive all my sins
Look upon my enemies for they are many and they hate me with a violent hatred Guard my soul and deliver me
Do not let me be ashamed for I take refuge in you Let integrity and uprightness preserve me
For I wait for you Redeem Israel O Lord out of all his troubles.
That's one of my favorite Psalms And one of the things that I like about it is it's very focused on direction not perfection
About three times. I'm trying to remember now in the in the whole Psalm David acknowledges his sin and His need for God to forgive him and yet at the same time there's a distinction he makes between his enemies and the righteous man, which he is and And For me, this is encouraging because I know my own sin.
I know that I'm far from perfect I mean some people just say well,
I'm not perfect. Everyone says that I guess but I'm saying something more than that It's far from it. I know that about my own heart and yet there's still a longing there for the
Lord. There's still There's still a difference between Who I am as a redeemed person and someone who's not redeemed who hasn't been born again and That Psalm is so encouraging because It at least twice it
Teaches us that we need to wait on the Lord that the Lord will vindicate that the Lord will make things right that those who wait on the
Lord will be blessed and just because you're not seeing that right now in your life just because You're surrounded by troubles
Doesn't mean that it's gonna be that way forever or that the Lord Doesn't have and I'm not talking in a
Joel Osteen type of way here Just so everyone knows it could be a spiritual blessing and it doesn't have to be material
But it doesn't mean that the Lord isn't going to bless you. In fact, he has You are in his inner inner circle his this his secret he gives to you something that he withholds from others and At the end of the psalm it says let integrity and An uprightness or it says rather do not let me be ashamed for I take refuge in you let integrity and uprightness preserve me for I wait for you and So someone who's a sinner can say this let integrity and uprightness preserve me
Lord Keep me going in the same direction of following you of having integrity.
This was a passage that a friend of mine Few years ago was memorizing before he passed away
And it stuck with me. I I've obviously read it before there's even songs. This is put to music, but I returned to this psalm probably more than any other passage of scripture since that time and So anyway,