We're Going to Make It! - And Comments on Tim Keller

AD Robles iconAD Robles



Well, welcome back to the channel. You may be surprised to see me But I'm back
That's right. You know on Saturday I got a second ban from YouTube I got it this time.
It was a two -week ban Because of some content that allegedly broke the terms and service conditions.
I I have no idea exactly what happened Well, I'm not banned anymore. I pressed the appeal button, which
I didn't think actually worked I just assumed that that was just there just for just for like just to look good
You know, I assumed it was one of those things where you you press the appeal and they say hey, you know We investigated ourselves and we found out that we were right all along.
That's what I just assumed But anyway, I appealed it and I didn't really put any details as to why I appealed but it turns out they looked at the video
Again, I'm not gonna tell you which video it is because I don't want anyone to know But they looked at the video again it turned out it did not break the terms of service so here
I got my ban lifted Anyway, I wanted to do this video today. This will be a quick video.
Yeah, you know what? I always say that maybe it won't be who knows But I had a great weekend a good long holiday weekend.
I hope you had a good long holiday weekend as well I had some visitors in town my mother from West Virginia Came to visit my sister came to visit and her little daughter and she's just so adorable
She's the same age as one of my sons and we just had a great old time, you know Just hanging out reminiscing talking, you know playing we went to the batting cages
I was just drilling, you know base hits off the fast pitch and all that kind of thing
I got my sister to try the fast pitch which which in this cage the fast pitch is like 75 something like that and I've got my sister to go into the 75 cage, which
I applaud her for trying but it was really funny. I I tried to get my mother to go into the fast pitch, but she was not having it.
No way Anyway, my son had a little league game guys, we're gonna make it
I'm just gonna tell you that right now We are we're definitely gonna make it. I'll tell you about my son in just a moment
But you know after the trip was over on Tuesday I drove my mother and sister to the airport in Windsor Windsor Locks, Connecticut and I grew up in Windsor, Connecticut, which is right next door
And so after I dropped them off I said, you know what? Let me just let me just go to my where I grew up and just you know See the sights, you know that kind of thing and it was a you know,
Tuesday morning, you know Right around the time when the bus picks kids up I even saw the old bus that I used to take to school and all that kind of stuff
I saw my house and you know, everything looks pretty much the same as it did 30 years ago but a
Little smaller. That's one thing that I've noticed that every time I go back to a place that I remember from as a kid
It's always smaller than it I remember it, but it basically looks the same and the smells were the same
I could smell the nice spring air and and just the the flowers blooming and stuff like that Some of these houses like I guess they haven't changed their sighting in 30 years because the colors of the houses are exactly the same
It's just really really crazy. I even went to the old park that I used to play in and I even you know
Threw my fishing rod in the water a little bit. I didn't catch anything I don't know if there's really any fish in this pond anymore, but that was fun
I also went to the Little League field where I played Little League. I'll never forget My team won the little not not the
Little League World Series But just like the World Series in our town and it was on One of my hits that we won and I was facing against my best friend who was pitching for the other team
I was on the Mets. He was on the Red Sox and You know, he was pitching and I got a little dribbler like it basically was a bunt
But because it was the last inning and I had a guy on third base and in literally you just run pretty much no matter
What he was running and my my my friend tried to throw me out at first He couldn't because he couldn't get to the ball in time and then the run scored
He should have she should have thrown it home to stop the run from scoring But we won the Little League World Series that day.
That was what a fool man That was a great time of my childhood Wonderful guys though. We're gonna make it
We're gonna make it I went to town hall and town hall and look Connecticut is a terrible state very liberal very
Progressive, you know super gay probably. I don't really know. I don't follow Connecticut politics, but I have to assume it's super gay, but the town hall was all done up for Memorial Day because Memorial Day was the day before and There's just all of the traditional sort of you know banners and American flags and stuff like that Not a single pride flag to be seen and I'm sure there's pride flags there today
Don't get me wrong But it almost feels like almost feels like a rebellion to fly the
American flag I've never been one to have a whole lot of national pride. I really haven't that's not how
I Really grew up or anything like that. I liked America, but it was never that big a deal for me but I gotta say
I've kind of had a renewed sense of nationality in the last couple of years and They look put it this way
We the gays can't have America and global homo can't have America it is just that simple and I believe that we have a great future ahead of us.
We're gonna make it guys We really are and this is the thing I think that a lot of Solid believers live in the
United States. I think that there's a lot of true Christians in the United States I think a lot of people want to Want to say that oh, there's really not that many faithful Christians and you know, they want to they want to say that but but I Think there's a lot of faithful Christians.
I think a lot of us have been Really beaten down over time and depressed
Put into a state of submission and they're just waiting to be reawakened. I think they're just waiting for a small vocal insistent confident minority
To really start making some moves and I think that there's a huge awakening coming. I really do we're gonna make it guys
It's just that simple man When I went to Town Hall Windsor Town Hall and I saw how it was and I saw you know
I even just going back to the like the Little League field and stuff like that The Little League field was fairly well kept and I'm just thinking like man over 30 years
Think about all that's happened since I was in the batter's box in Little League in Windsor, Connecticut I was in the batter's box 30 years has passed so much craziness has happened so many opportunities for for people to be blackpilled to such a degree that they don't even bring their kids to Little League anymore and Yet life goes on and people and there's still probably a lot of believe one thing
I've noticed in my town anyway in the league that my kids are in there's a ton of Christians a
Ton of Christians every time I go to a game. There's Christians on our team. There's Christians on the other team
I recognize them because you know, we're in small communities up here so I recognize them for my church and from other churches and it's just there's a lot of Christians and These kids are there and they're just having the time of their lives
And I know that these parents a lot of them are raising their kids in the fear and admonition of the Lord They're raising them to be warriors and that's the thing guys
I think we're gonna win and I think that we're guaranteed to win, you know, God has vouchsafed our journey I think there's a lot of reasons for optimism
I think that you see, you know Sort of a global homo and the gays and and all the woke stuff that has the seeds of its own destruction inside of it
But but the thing is you can't just rest on your laurels though Like it's not gonna destroy itself and not be replaced by something horrible
It's gonna destroy itself, but you still have to act and I think you know One thing that reminded me of that this weekend was there was this kid and my in my in my son's
Little League game he's on the opposing team and My heart just went out to this kid because he reminded me of my son
From last year because my front son from last year played t -ball and t -ball, you know, that's very low -key
But I was practicing, you know, you know him hitting pitched balls last year as well
And he was very scared of the ball terrified and this kid man My heart went out to him because every pitch it didn't matter if it was close to him
It didn't matter if it was far away from him. It didn't matter if it was short or long or high or low He was diving out of the batter's box this kid was
Deathly afraid of this ball. He never swung. He never did anything He would just dive as soon as the ball would left the pitchers hand.
He would dive out of the batter's box He was terrified and no matter what anyone said to him. He was still do it
No matter how much encouragement he got he would still do it. He reminded me of my son But you see him with my son, you know, we we worked on that.
I didn't let him get away with that I couldn't let him just say okay. Well, I guess he's not gonna play baseball. Like I didn't do that We just kept at it.
We kept at it. We kept at it And I'm sure there was a lot of frustration on his part. I know there was some on my side, you know
Of course, I try to internalize I don't want him to see that I'm frustrated But it's like it's like man, what do I have to say to this kid to make him not be afraid of this ball?
We figured it out eventually and now you know, like he actually got his very first hit off of a kid yesterday or this weekend
He went two for two He had this really great hit off a kid which pitchy hitting off of a kid instead of the the coaches
It's totally different because when a coach pitches you have a pretty general idea It's it's most likely gonna be a hittable ball strike
But with the kid you have to sometimes be ready to dodge the ball because you never know where that ball is gonna go
He'll go behind you for all you know, cuz kids are a little wild, but he hung in there In fact the first pitch he had to get out of the way and he dove out of the way and I was like, oh no
This is good. This is gonna affect him because I'm thinking of my son from last year but then He got right back in the batter's box and he drilled a hit on the third base side
That's very next hit and he was just so excited. I was just so excited very proud of the guy
You know, we're we're working on things like courage and confidence. And of course, we're working on all the normal stuff, too
You know, he's learning his mathematics. He's learning about the world. He's learning about the Lord But we're really working on courage.
We're really working on confidence and it's just so It's so awesome to see it and I've got all the faith in the world all the confidence in the
Lord That he's going to use my children very powerfully for the kingdom of God and they're gonna have confidence
And the thing is there's so many black pills out there that you can take and a lot of people are gonna be taking black pills
During pride month and the thing is pride month is nonsense, right? We all get it. We all get it Here's what you need to avoid you need to avoid feeling beaten down because that's what they're hoping for They're hoping that they're gonna do their debauched parade.
They're hoping that they're gonna every company's gonna put their stupid pride rainbow flag up They're hoping that there's gonna be so much
Pride stuff going on that you are just going to feel like it's inevitable that global homo is gonna win
It's actually inevitable that global homo is going to fall. It's just that simple.
It is just that simple and there's a resurgence of Pushback against the gay agenda that's happening right now.
People are willing to just say hey, you know what? We should actually suppress this debauchery.
We should suppress this degeneracy and I don't care what you call me We should do it by the force of law
People are recognizing this people are admitting this even a lot of non You know people people that you wouldn't expect are saying, you know, maybe
I don't agree with you You're a kind of a wacky theonomist. Maybe I don't agree with exactly how far you would go with this
But there's got to be something done here and I'm off. I'm all for it guys. We are going to make it
It's just that simple and the more people that realize that they can just Say these things that they've thought in their head for a long time that we need to suppress this debauchery this degeneracy
There's grooming. We need to suppress this with the force of law people. A lot of people have thought this More people are getting comfortable saying it and that is a very good thing.
No matter what James Lindsay says So guys, we're gonna make it guys don't ever get blackpilled refuse to take that black pill refuse
That's all you got to do. Here's the new meme It's free It's so free out here when you just simply refuse to take the black pill the joy of the
Lord is your strength I'm actually preaching on that passage this coming Sunday at my church. So prayers for me for that.
I Wanted to end this video though With a quick kind of thing that was almost gonna say statement, but I don't want to make it that serious
About Tim Keller, you know because I've seen a lot of hand -wringing about Tim Keller and people are saying how could you deny his amazing?
Legacy, he was a man who rose above the political and nature of our climate and he wasn't left.
He wasn't right he was just Christian and That's obviously nonsense now,
I've got a complicated feeling about Tim Keller's passing because on the one hand I Know his legacy at least right now is primarily a negative one
His legacy is one of limp -wristed Christianity his legacy is one of a very compromised version of Christianity at least socially and publicly his legacy
You know, unfortunately can be can be You know shown with one picture and that is the three gay ballet dancers
During a worship service doing a gay ballet dance now I really I actually I recognize someone told me that one of those guys has has since regretted what he did there
He's totally based now. That's what I heard. I don't know if that's true or not, but That's his legacy, you know gay ballerina men in In church during church and the thing is
Tim Keller, you know He you sit down and probably talk to him one -on -one and he probably has a lot of correct beliefs and eat a lot of correct teachings you get him in public and He gets mealy -mouthed.
He gets wishy -washy and there's so many examples of this where there's even one example where you know
Someone asks him a question about is Jesus the only way and which is should you should knock that out of the park?
And he gets the right answer sort of but he kind of just talks in this
Roundabout kind of a way and and it's just like what are you doing, man? And and what he's doing is he's trying to appeal
To the liberal world is what he's trying to do. He's trying to appeal to the liberal world that his church
Was was was founded in in New York City. That's what he's trying to do. And so because of that he ends up Softening out some of the rougher edges of scripture, you know
He ends up dulling the sharpness of the two -edged sword of the Word of God and that's what his legacy is all about He's done tremendous damage to a lot of people and you can see it in his disciples in the in his sycophants and his zealots the people that I've learned so much from him and they've grew up and they want to be like him and and they're ten times
As bad as he was And that's you know, you you can understand that that's the fruit of his ministry it's it's not it's mixed at best
Tim Keller was controversial with a mixed legacy at best and actually
I think right now his legacy is Primarily negative. That's what I think now I say right now because Obviously, I've you know, we've got to have a longer time horizon, right?
Because I think there's a lot of people that That Tim Keller sort of influenced and you know came to faith, you know
Maybe through Tim Keller's teaching and stuff like that that I think are going to wake up from this liberal limp -wristed
Sort of effeminate stupor and they're gonna be based and they're gonna be Powerful warriors for the kingdom of God.
I believe that with all my heart because quite frankly, I'm one of those people It's just that I woke up really early, you know
I've told this story many times but his book the prodigal God while not a book that I would recommend to most people today
It was a good book in general for my stage in life and it kind of woke me up from my stupor
And so I came back to faith, you know through in large part through that book and I even attended
Tim Keller's church for a while I left it but you know, there were some helpful things about it no question about it and I think
I think that there's a lot of people that owe Tim Keller a eternal weight of gratitude when it comes to stuff like that because He was very effective in his time.
I saw someone privately Say that he was the pinnacle of evangelical
Evangelicalism in neutral world when things weren't so so bad and there weren't as many black pills, you know
Handed out like candy everywhere. He was he was the pinnacle of evangelicalism I don't know if I would agree with the pinnacle of evangelicalism but I can understand why someone would say he was really good for neutral world, but the problem is now we're in negative world and Not only is he?
Completely worthless in negative world in my opinion, but he's actually bad for us in negative world
He's actually he actually harms us He's the kind of guy that runs to the New York Times or the Atlantic to rip
Christians along with the pagans in negative world He's the one they're saying, you know what pagans you're right.
The quotes Christians are awful in negative world Tim Keller, I think and I don't
I don't pretend to know the mind of God, but Tim Keller was on a very very bad track
When he passed away Some people when they see someone pass away when they're on a track like that Think that God was mercifully taking him out
So that he did not end up where that track was leading to some people say that about rush duty
I remember talking. I believe this was the one time I talked to JD Hall Actually, I spoke with JD Hall on the phone one time in my entire life, and it was a great conversation and He told me that at one point that he believed that RJ rush duty, which is one of my favorite theologians
Well, I don't even know. I guess he's a theologian. Yeah, why not? He told me that he believes that God took rush duty out so that he wouldn't become a
Judaizer If I'm in JD if you listen to this I don't know. I don't even know if you watch this kind of content anymore
But if you do and I am not quite quoting you, right? I'm sorry, but I don't mean I'm not doing it intentionally That's what
I heard that that they took rush duty out early so that he wouldn't become a full Judaizer I don't know if I agree with that or not
But but I think that's possible that God can take people out that are his so that they don't apostatize
I think that Tim Keller I'm being totally straightforward with you. I think he was on that track I think he was on that track
Tim Keller Mixed legacy at best. I think it was a negative legacy at least in this in to 2023.
It's a negative legacy We'll see what happens in time Grateful for his book because it helped me out
But but overall in in in in recent times, it's just his his limp -wristed version of Christianity Not only is it worthless in this time, but it's doing more harm than it's doing good
It's hurting a lot of people. It's ruining people. In fact, it's ruining people that are you know
Put out content about his death and they tell you exactly how it was ruining them
Even though they don't see it that way because they're liberals, right? Comforting liberals doesn't do anyone any good and that's what
Tim Keller did a lot of So there's my there's my statement on Keller guys.
We I'm serious. We're gonna make it We are going to make it guys and so because we're going to make it because this is going to be a successful Mission that should give you all the more energy to fight for the lord to engage the battle for the lord
He has vouchsafed our journey guys. He is on our side. There are more that are with us
Than are with them. Remember that every time you see a thousand gay pride flags in your town center
Remember he who is with us Is greater than he who's in the world. There is no question
About that god bless you all. I love you guys. Take care. I'm glad to be back on youtube
By the way, my days on youtube are numbered. There's just no question about it I've finally after like three or four years have gotten the attention of the eye of sauron
And so I think my channel is uh days are numbered. Uh, so follow me on gab.
Follow me on rumble. I might Definitely follow me on twitter. I might start uploading videos to twitter. We'll see