You're Still Here

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Sunday school from October 23rd, 2016


So let us pray Lord Jesus as we open up your word and we begin to study the book of exodus
We pray Lord that you would help us to see how the book of exodus points to you points to you our
Passover lamb and to our Salvation from the dominion of the devil and the drowning of your foes in the waters of our baptism
We ask this all in Jesus name. Amen Today we're gonna do kind of a little bit of prep work
We're gonna be looking at the book of exodus. Now. We finished up the book of Genesis and we've been noting as we worked our way through the book of Genesis that We can see pictures of Jesus in type and shadow the pinnacle type and shadow person in the book of Genesis is
Joseph and Joseph really in type and shadow points us to Jesus as incarnation his death resurrection
Exaltation and salvation of the whole world with the changing of the books We're going to say the typology is going to get scrambled if you would it's kind of like a
Rubik's Cube It's gonna get scrambled again We're gonna put it back together and have a slightly different pattern this time, but it's still working from the same idea that well, all of this is pointing to Christ and Not that I've ever asked for directions.
I need to make that perfectly clear I understand that there's a clause in the man book that says that you're not allowed to actually stop and ask for directions
What was that? Yeah, so the idea here is is that I'm neither confirming nor denying that I've ever asked for directions
But when I've been to the mall I've noticed that there's a kiosk there at the mall and it has these funny words on it.
You are here Okay. Now I can neither confirm nor deny that I've ever looked at this kiosk but what
I find in the book of Exodus is this is that the story of the Exodus is the
You are here map of the Christian life. I want you to kind of think about that for a second as The story opens
We are following the story of the children of Israel now as a group. And now here's kind of the important thing is
Israel the Israel that's important to God is Israel the that's important to God those who are
Genetically descendants of Abraham or those who have the faith of Abraham the faith of Abraham Okay, when it says all of Israel will be saved is it talking about those who are genetically
Jewish or those Who have the faith of Abraham? Faith of Abraham.
So here's the idea and I'll kind of start with a bunny trail first because we're kind of laying some groundwork today in Dispensational churches if you're not familiar what dispensational ism is there's this belief that somehow
World history is chopped up into these Dispensations and that currently we're in the church
Dispensation and that when the rapture happens, it'll be a different dispensation And so what's weird is is depending on who you talk to about?
Dispensations they'll talk about potentially different ways in which people are saved during different dispensations
Which panic begs the question is where did they get this information from because I don't seem to have the in the
Bible I can't see it saying and thus change the dispensation Anything like that?
So dispensational ism foists on scripture something that isn't there if you would they think that they're reading it out
But it's not they're actually putting it over scripture. But here's the idea in dispensational circles
They have what I would consider Not an unbiblical but in the wrong emphasis when it comes to understanding the importance of Physical Israel Now I want to make sure that you understand what
I'm not saying I am NOT saying That we are Palestinians and that we want
Israel wiped up them off the map. That's not what I'm saying What I am saying is is that just because somebody is genetically
Jewish and now lives in the newly reinstituted nation -state of Israel Doesn't somehow give them some kind of a special status with God So what happens in dispensational circles is that people will emphatically state?
Maybe I should turn Facebook off Hang on a second here, that'll help.
Okay Yeah, that's my maybe I should do this. Hang on a second here.
Let's just put do not disturb on. There we go. Okay You never know if somebody might want to like take off my head theologically and roseboro you're a jerk, you know
That happens sometimes, you know, I know my thing. But anyway, what'll happen is going back to our thing here is
What'll happen is is that? They'll invoke from Scripture that the one who is against Israel has somehow cursed themselves
God curses those who are opposed to Israel which kind of begs the question which Israel are we talking about?
and so there's a lot of confusion going on and we as Christians must get this in our heads is that All of us who are
Gentiles any of you Norwegian here? You know, yeah, you Norwegians.
I hate to say this. You're not Jewish. I'm Pretty sure of this. I do not see any of the people that I know who are
Jewish saying UFDA Okay, or you betcha or anything like that? That being the case though, what is our status as?
Christians in the New Covenant and we have to start to kind of lay this all out because then we can see how the book of Exodus Becomes like the you are here and gives us a roadmap for the
Christian faith. We're gonna take a look I know there's a strange place to start. We're going to start in the book of Romans and we're gonna start at chapter 11
And we're gonna know what Paul says we'll review Hebrews 11 This will help us to kind of get the important things.
So Paul says in Romans 11. I asked then has God rejected his people By no means
I Myself am an Israelite a descendant of Abraham a member of the tribe of Benjamin God has not rejected his people whom he foreknew
Do you not know what scripture says of Elijah and watch how he's talking about his people how he appeals to God against Israel Lord, they've killed your prophets.
They have demolished your altars. I Alone am left and they seek my life
But what is God's reply to him? I have kept for myself 7 ,000 men who have not bowed the knee to but all
So to at the present time there is a remnant chosen by grace
But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works Otherwise grace would no longer be grace kind of setting the table here if you would and so you'll notice
Here this helps us so if let's say Hypothetically the current nation -state of Israel that they enact a policy that is
Contrary to just basic human rights and the United States of America Says to Israel that policy of yours is bad.
You need to rethink your policy We are not in agreement with you. Are we opposing Israel?
No, we're not are Opposing in Israel that if we disagree with that God is going to curse us
No All right, and this is where you've got to pay attention in Scripture because when
Scripture talks about Israel It talks about Israel in several different ways and you need to note in which way it's referring
The first way Israel is used is of a person Jacob has his name changed to Israel the one who struggles with God His descendants are the children of Israel.
They are physical genetic descendants but the physical genetic descendants are not the ones of note and We know this because one of this this is one of the passages and just think about this
When we read in the Old Testament in the book of second Kings the story of Elijah on Mount Carmel Did that take place in Rome or did it take place in the nation of Israel?
Nation took place in the nation. So it took place in the so -called promised land. I'm saying that on purpose
Among a people who are the chosen of God, but how many of them?
Had the same faith as Abraham the same faith as Israel according to this text
There was only several thousand who had not bent the knee to Baal and God had kept for himself a remnant
Does that make sense So when we're talking about Israel, are we talking about the person we talking about the nation -state and those who are genetically?
Descendants or are we talking about Israel who are those who trust in the
Messiah? Because the scripture talks about Israel in different ways and it's important to pay attention because the ones who are cursed of God for opposing
Israel are not cursed for opposing a nation -state and This makes perfect sense when you understand who was it that God sent to punish
Israel? for their Continued insistence and stiff -necked stubbornness to refuse to repent of their idolatry
God sent Nebuchadnezzar and Nebuchadnezzar not only did he oppose
Israel 90 % of everybody who was genetically
Jewish at that time lost their lives in that campaign Only a remnant 10 % of them survived the ordeal
Jerusalem itself was sacked the temple was destroyed the walls of Jerusalem were torn down Did God punish
Nebuchadnezzar for opposing Israel? No, Nebuchadnezzar dies in the faith
In fact, we've read this before there's a letter written to you from Nebuchadnezzar Have you read it in the book of Daniel?
It's actually addressed to you. You should read it So here's the idea is that there's some really bad ideas that somehow the nation -state of Israel Reestablished in 1948 is some kind of a sacred cow
It's not The nation -state of Israel for the most part is like every other nation on the earth comprised of mostly unbelievers with a remnant of those who trust in Christ with the forgiveness of their sins and It's not easy for those who are
Christians living in the nation -state of Israel to preach the gospel It's not so which
Israel are we talking about? So let's continue with this text What then
Israel failed to obtain what it was seeking the elect Obtained it the rest were hardened as it is written
God gave them a spirit of stupor eyes that would not see and ears that would not hear down to this very day
David says let their table become a snare and a trap a stumbling block and a
Retribution for them let their eyes be darkened so they cannot see and bend their backs forever
This is the description of the hardening of those who are genetically descended from Israel What did
God do in? the year 70 AD Through the hands of the
Romans He destroyed Jerusalem and he scraped and I mean this it was like God's hand took the temple and Scraped it off the temple mount the temple stands in a rock heap
Off to the side of the temple mount to this day Now I'm gonna make a note here
Due to this simple historical fact There is not a single person on planet earth who is capable of practicing biblical
Judaism not one person Does not the
Mosaic Covenant demand animal sacrifices at the temple There hasn't been true
Judaism on planet earth since then Which kind of begs the question is what are we
Christians? What are we exactly? Are we a departure from?
Judaism or are we exactly the same as well
Abraham and his faith? I kind of want you to think about these things So I asked did they stumble in order that they might fall well by no means
Rather through their trespass salvation has now come to the Gentiles So as to make
Israel jealous now if their trespass means riches for the world and if their failure means riches for the
Gentiles How much more will their inclusion mean now? I am speaking to you Gentiles That would be you
Norwegians in as much then as I am an apostle to the Norwegians knows what I did there, right?
I magnify my ministry in order somehow to make my fellow Jews jealous and thus save some of them for if their
Rejection means the reconciliation of the world What will their acceptance mean but life from the dead if the dough offered as first first fruits is holy
So is the so the whole lump is the whole lump and if the root is holy so are the branches, but if some of the branches were watch this broken off and You Norwegians although a wild olive shoot were grafted in I would say a very cold snowy olive shoot
You were grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing root of the olive tree
Do not be arrogant toward the branches if you are remember it is not you who supports the root
But the root that supports you Then you will say well branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in that is true
They were broken off for their unbelief, but you stand fast through faith So do not become proud do but fear for if God did not spare the natural branches
Neither will he spare you note then the kindness and the severity of God Severity towards those who fallen to God's kindness to you provided you continue in his kindness
Otherwise you two will be cut off and Even and even they if they do not continue in their unbelief will be grafted in for God has the power to graft them in again for if you were cut from what is by nature a wallet wild olive tree and Grafted contrary to nature into a cultivated olive tree
How much more will these the natural branches be grafted back into their own olive tree?
So lest you be wise in your own side I do not want you to be unaware of this mystery brothers a partial heart a partial hardening has come upon Israel until the fullness of the
Gentiles has come in and in this way all Israel will be saved as it is written.
The Deliverer will come from Zion He will banish ungodliness from Jacob and this will be my covenant with them when
I take away their sins That's kind of a lot to to take in all at once but kind of get this the gist of this and you notice that Paul here writing under the inspiration of the
Holy Spirit is talking about Israel in two ways genetic Israel and Those who are in the olive tree
Israel is a cultivated olive branch. We Gentiles have been grafted into Israel by God Those branches that persisted in unbelief.
They've been broken off. Are they part of Israel anymore? no in the same way that you know, a dozen roses is no longer part of The rosebush on which they grew so you when we talk about Israel the person
Those who are genetically descendants Those who are grafted into the olive tree
That's us. So in other words I'm looking at Israel right now
So Janet you can say I need Israel eat I'm an
Israelite Right. Yes, I say I need Israel eat Don would say I need Israeli.
Israel eat is the feminine masculine. It's Israeli Why No, no it keep they keep switching back and forth after his name has been changed
Right after his death he's he's going to cut you know But see even that's not even consistent.
I am the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob yeah, it's it's as if his name that his name that is changed takes on a different significance
It's not just for him only and I think I haven't been able to find what I would consider a
Good explanation for it. There's there's people who've noticed it and written on it, but I can't say that I I That anyone's settled it in my mind
So in this sense, this is what where we have to pay attention And it's it's a lot like how the word law is used in Scripture Sometimes law is referring to commandments.
Sometimes law is referring to the Torah Sometimes law is you know It's something totally different than even that so they got wide narrow and the word
Israel has a very narrow narrow narrow sense to on to one person it has a Slightly wider but still narrow sense referring to a group of people who are descended from that guy but then it has this broad term that is quite mysterious and it actually is referring to us and The church hasn't replaced
Israel the church has been grafted into it. You see the difference
Well, yeah, that's all kind of part of the stumbling block of it Let me give you a another historical example of this that that will take it out of the
Middle East context for a second Let's put it into Europe at the time of the Nazis I don't know if you remember this in history, but the
Nazis were not fond of the Jews in fact those who were genetically Jewish were scapegoated for all of the problems in Germany and Austria after After the
Treaty of Versailles and the the ending of World War one they were scapegoated for everything and part of this kind of philosophically goes back to and this is one of the you know ingredients in this is
The is the writings of Nietzsche. I don't know if you've ever read Nietzsche. It's quite awful
And what Nietzsche basically did he was kind of talking about why is it that we follow the moral law?
That was given to a group of people who were slaves and so the moral law the
Ten Commandments They Nietzsche hated them because he considered that slave morality
And so he came up with this clever way of describing things and he basically said, you know, why don't you know?
Why don't we follow the you know? Some kind of a moral law from a people who are healthy strong conquerors and he kind of told the parable of how
Wolves do not follow the moral law of sheep So when a wolf kills a sheep other wolves say that's the good job good on you
But if you're a sheep, you're thinking that's terrible wolves are bad. But if you're a wolf you think that's great
Okay lunch exactly so the idea here is is that he he likened morality as something that isn't isn't universal and Inapplicable across the board.
He basically said morality is actually connected to the community that you are a part of So if you're part of the
German community, well the Germanic community the Aryans we were strong Conquerors we were out that we are the ones who resisted the
Romans and we did all this stuff. Y 'all were German We're ah, so why would we want to embrace a slave morality of Jews is the way
Nietzsche argued And so what happens is is that as Nietzsche's ideas Infiltrate into Western European culture, especially in Germany where they're already got this propaganda where they're blaming all of their problems on the
Jews What impact then is this going to have on Christianity? Well the
There was a movement then in the in between years between World War one and World War two and the name of the movement was
Called the Deutsche Christian movement or the German Church Or you know, the you know, the
Deutsche Kirche Movement the the German Church movement and you know what they set about to do to remove all of the
Jewish elements of Christianity and a question is how do you do that?
Jesus was Jewish and so they literally They hated
Judaism so much and Jews so much they sought to create kind of an Aryan Christianity and Get rid of all of the
Jewish pieces of it the Old Testament was practically out certain parts of the liturgy
Disappeared you didn't talk about Jesus's Jewishness And so what this ends up doing is totally changing the
Christian faith altogether The Deutsche Christian the Deutsche Kirche movement, that's not
Christianity If there are any adherents of it today They're not they're not brothers and sisters in Christ their heretics and so the idea here is is that and we need to get this a large part of the world is
Extremely anti -semitic still to this day. I mean the whole Muslim world is
Extremely viscerally anti -semitic so We don't get to fall into that category in Christ.
There's neither Jew nor Greek slave nor free Christ has bled for the sins of everybody So we don't get to entertain racist thoughts of people in order.
We get to scapegoat by race This is evil It's wrong and When we see it
We need to stand against it and call it out for what it is. That's sin That's a breaking of several commandments and you stand up for them
But at the same time we also have to come to grips with Christianity comes to us directly through a
Jewish line and Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will sit on the throne of who
David How long? forever Now I have of the opinion just kind of doing some basic work with the tribes of humanity
That our depiction of Norwegian Jesus is a little little white
He's a little bit white. I think his hair was probably darker than that.
He probably had olive skin But I find it fascinating throughout Christianity around the world that there's always this tendency to portray
Jesus according to the tribes that we're from in Africa Jesus is often portrayed as an
African there I have artwork depicting Jesus with Christians in Asia where Jesus looks decidedly like well
He's Asian. Let me see. That's kind of the idea then if you think about it, is that he's one of us
He and that is right. He is one of us and We've got to get this
Jew or Greek it doesn't matter. We are all Human, we're all descendants of Adam and Eve.
So let's continue then Looking then at Romans that we're getting our basis So as regards to the gospel those who are genetically
Jewish who do not believe that Jesus is the Messiah They are enemies for your sake but as regard elections as as regard to election
They are loved for the sake of their forefathers For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable.
God is still holding out his hands To the Jews today telling them to repent and to believe in Christ for just as you were at one time
Disobedient to God you've now received mercy because of their disobedience So they too have now been disobedient in order that by the mercy shown to you
They may also now receive mercy for God has consigned all to disobedience that he might have mercy on all
Oh the depth of the riches and the wisdom and knowledge of God how unsearchable are his judgments how inscrutable his ways
For who has known the mind of the Lord or who has been his counselor or who has given a gift to him that he might?
Be repaid for from him and through him and to him are all things to him be glory forever and ever
Amen, so God still loves him still cares for them and it scripture it describes
God is continually holding out his hands as arms calling to a stubborn and a stiff -necked people
Calling them to do what? to repent to believe to be forgiven
Now this is another important note here. Then we've all heard of what's called
Orthodox Judaism you've heard of it now. I want to make something very clear in Christian circles when we think of Orthodoxy Okay, it can have one of two meanings
You're either talking about the Eastern Church like the Eastern Orthodox the Russian Orthodox. It's kind of like a denomination or you're talking about orthodoxy in the sense that you're you're discussing
Christians who actually are Orthodox in their doctrine in their theology. Does that make sense?
So when we talk about Orthodox Judaism, that's what it's called But I need to make
I kind of reiterate what I said there isn't a single person genetically Jewish who is capable of practicing biblical
Judaism So the question is where does Orthodox Judaism come from?
What is its theological predecessor Answer the religion of the
Pharisees where the hair were the Pharisees Heretics or were they true
Jews to truly Jewish in their religion, huh?
They were pretending to be Jewish Okay, but they were heretics Where in the
Old Testament is the office of Pharisee ever mentioned? Nowhere when we get to the end of the
Old Testament the book of Malachi or Malachi if you're Italian Okay, when you get to the book of Malachi and the book of Malachi closes the revelation of God in the
Old Testament And then there's a 400 year period where God does not speak when the Old Testament closes
How many times are the Pharisees mentioned? zero zero times so when the
New Testament Opens with the preaching of John the Baptist if you're if you're reading it from cover to cover and paying attention, right?
You've never heard of a single Pharisee if you're just reading the Bible cover to cover and you know that this is 400 year gap the the lights
Turn on this, you know And everything opens with the preaching of John the Baptist in the
Gospels and you hear of these Pharisees who are on the scene Your immediate question should be who are these guys?
Where did they come from? Where did they come from? The answer is they came up during the intertestamental period
After after the Jews come back from captivity in Babylon conquest of Alexander the
Great and the cultural frictions that were created by that and This is where it gets interesting
Daniel himself prophesies about Alexander the Great quite explicitly
He shows up and Jerusalem is not destroyed Alexander to the Great did not sack
Jerusalem. You know why? Read Josephus Josephus explains this the
Jewish high priest go out, you know to have a parlay With Alexander the Great and say we expected you.
Let me show where I'll show you what our prophet says here in the book of Daniel about you and Alexander the
Great thought well, this is best thing ever and he didn't sack Jerusalem. He didn't conquer it He didn't need to they basically bent the knee
They could see the handwriting on the wall that this guy was gonna conquer the whole world and he did I'm I'm not gonna place that bet on the
Vikings today. I'm just saying The Dodgers lost so at me in sports, you know, if that's my bookie
I'm just saying although I have to admit that it is kind of cool that the Cubs won You know, so it's like I was thinking if the
Dodgers had to lose losing to the Cubs in that manner I'm okay with this, you know, I've come I know yet again.
We he lost another NLCS. Anyway, that's a whole nother story my apologies Okay, so kind of coming in here where this is all prolegomena so in the intertestamental period
Israel now is no longer sovereign Israel is under the control of what's called the
Ptolemaic Empire because after after Alexander the Great Dies, and he dies really young what happens to the
Empire that he created it's cut up Cup into four pieces This is where we get the story of Cleopatra and all this kind of intriguing that going along with those lines
And this is before the Romans, but here's the thing They bring in Greek culture
Greek the Greek language Which is why coin a Greek becomes the language all over the all over the
Empire but with the Greek culture, they're bringing the pantheon of gods and and It was a real big cultural rub for the
Jews in that time and there was like there were there were battles and wars and fighting against in order fighting for their right to remain
Jewish and All this kind of stuff and in that turmoil in the midst of all of this the
Pharisees rise up they rise up and They come with this message
That God not only gave us the Torah. He gave us the oral Torah so they've got the secondary word from God and this tradition of the elders and That this is as binding if not more binding than the written
Torah Because this is and this is the way they kind of couched it The oral
Torah was given to us so that the Gentiles would never hear it So when the scene opens on the
Gospels with the preaching of John the Baptist, there are the Pharisees They're in control and their theology and their doctrine is not
Christian, it's not it's not biblical They've added to the scriptures and Jesus is constantly having this collision with them.
And what are they for real their heretics? That's literally what they are and he's constantly in collision with them but Jesus is crucified died buried raised again ascended into heaven and Christianity begins to spread
They continue offering sacrifices at the temple as if it's you know it's this unbroken chain and then
God sends the Romans and wipes the temple off the temple mount and the
Jews that survived the last people standing Were the
Pharisees the Pharisees of the last people standing and so it was the Pharisees who created
The Jewish religion that we see today that is known as Orthodox Judaism How do you remain a
Jew and worship Yahweh? Without a temple They came up with the solution for that.
Does that make sense? So what is you know, what is the religion in modern -day
Israel today? Is it biblical Judaism? No, it is not it is the
Pharisees religion Kind of morphed into a 21st century version of it
It has nothing whatsoever to do with the faith of Abraham Isaac and Jacob Has nothing to do with Old Covenant Judaism at all.
It's very detached from it now I say all of this so that you can kind of rightly kind of orient yourself in your thinking because like I've said
Then the story of the Exodus becomes for us the kiosk
That we can say here we are Because the story of the Exodus is actually the same story about us because it's written about us in type and shadow
So when the scene opens in the book of Exodus without even looking at it Where do we find?
Israel Where are they? They're in Egypt.
They're not in their land They're in Egypt who is in charge of Egypt?
Pharaoh is he a good guy or bad guy. What is their status in Egypt? slaves hard work turmoil
Constant, you know this just being ground into powder now Think about this for a second without even looking at you begin to see how this is starting to play out
Okay, let me show you a text Ephesians 2 oh
No, let me do this Romans 6 Romans 6 what should we say? Are we the continuing sins of the grace may abound?
No by no means How can we who died to sins to live in it? Do you not know that all of us who've been baptized into Christ were baptized into his death?
We were buried therefore by him by baptism into death in order that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of The Father we too might walk in newness of night for if you've been united with him in a death like his we shall certainly be
United with him in a resurrection like his and you thinking what's all this baptismal stuff have to do with anything stay with me
We know that our old self was crucified with him in order that the body of sin might be brought to nothing So that we would no longer be enslaved to sin
So when the story opens in Exodus the children of Israel are in slavery in slavery to whom
Pharaoh Pharaoh is what Pharaoh is a God King is
He a true God or a false God False God, let me give you another cross -reference.
And so here we've got this this theme in Scripture of enslavement But there's a little bit more
Colossians 1 He is the image of the invisible God verse 15 the firstborn of all creation by him all things were created in heaven on earth
Visible and invisible thrones and dominions and rulers and authorities all things were created through him and for him
He is before all things in him all things hold together. He is the head of the body He is the beginning of the firstborn from the dead that in everything he might be preeminent for in him the fullness of God was what pleased to dwell and To reconcile himself to all things on earth or in heaven making peace by the blood of the cross and you who were once alienated and hostile in mind doing evil deeds
He has now reconciled by his body of flesh in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach
If indeed you continue in the faith stable and steadfast not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you have heard
And so you get this idea of what Christ has done But there's also a mention of the fact that he has delivered us verse 13 going back.
He Christ has delivered us from the Dominion of Darkness transferred us into the kingdom of his beloved
Son in whom we have redemption and the forgiveness of sin So the word for dominion or domain is exosia.
So the power of darkness So Israel finds itself Enslaved to a false
God under the dominion of darkness if you would and the story of the Exodus is
God's great rescue of Israel from slavery into freedom as They spend an entire
Lifetime wandering in the wilderness because 40 years is a generation
They spend an entire adult lifetime in the wilderness and then they're finally taken into the promised land
So here's the idea the this is the map that says you are here Okay So, where are we we were all born under the dominion of darkness enslaved to sin death the devil the false
Trinity if you would a false God and Christ through a mighty act of judgment the death of the firstborn
Seeing the theme here our Passover lamb frees us from slavery
Washes us in the waters of the Red Sea and thus destroys the dominions of forces of darkness think baptism we now are wandering in the wilderness in the in -between from the in -between of slavery and the fulfillment of the promise which is the promised land eternal life and Where are we right now?
We're with Israel We've gone through the Exodus, but we're not yet there
You see it all of that is the big map and so what Israel goes through Physically in their lifetime is in type and shadow
Pointing us to the grand narrative that we are caught up in This is our story as well, and it's not narcissistic to think of it in these terms
So that's how we're going to approach the book of Exodus in the days of head ahead looking at the parallels between How Israel finds itself?
How we find ourselves as grafted into Israel Here now in our wilderness wanderings how
Christ feeds us through his heavenly manna which is what the body and blood of Christ right as He takes us to the real promised land the new earth, it's all there
It's all there for us to see and when you can draw the connections And you can only draw the connections if you see that the fulfillment is in Christ And once that key unlocks the
Old Testament now, you can see how it all comes together I did of course
I I'm going to basically say that those who are within the visible church who are opposed to Israel Now I have to name names here look at the policies of the
ELCA they are pro -palestinian Okay, I think that is a direct result of their wicked and evil doctrine
Okay, and the idea then is is that? Because of their wicked apostasy their refusal to believe that the
Bible is the inerrant and authoritative word of God It has caused them to think that evil is good and good is evil and that Then impacts how they view the world as far as what type of you know governmental policies and foreign policies should be in place
Yeah Right Here's the issue again the one who would side with Islam against Israel Does not know their
Bible. They don't they really don't get it and so There there are there are many problems there and the core problem
And this is a little bit too much to talk about in this class the core problem Goes to What I would call the operating system
That's running on their brain if you were to think of your brain is like a computer operating a computer, right?
But your computer your brain can run on Windows or it can run on the Mac now
Christianity is the Macintosh Okay I'm just saying just saying
I don't know why that's so funny, but Yeah, okay, but there's another operating system, which is really wicked now
Let's talk about this real quick and I'll just kind of crack it open the Operating system that their brain is running on actually goes back to the philosopher by the name of Immanuel Kant, and it's his
Epistemology, that's what that's called. That's the operating system that the brain is running on is is what is causing them to Twist scripture in this way, but that's a lot more to talk about than we can talk about in Sunday school
But it's probably a worthy topic to consider unpacking at some point But this is the reason why it's
Kant's operating system That is ground zero for the problems that are going on in the
ELCA today Okay, and that's what's forcing them to view the scriptures the way they are and they are in deep serious apostasy and error
Is the best way if they do not repent and be forgiven for their idolatry? And I'm not talking about their view of Israel at their view of the scriptures
They're calling you old -fashioned because you're you're standing with the church historically
It's the faith once delivered to the Saints as if somehow being old -fashioned is a bad thing
No, no being innovative is the bad thing That's idolatry, but you know, we'll save that for another time mark last question
Correct Exactly Yeah, right
Yeah Right, so we don't we do not say that everything
Israel does is right Nor do we side with the Palestinians and the Muslims who want them wiped off the face of the earth?
We do not we do we avoid both Poles and understand that we as Christians are grafted into true
Israel And so we had we approached them the way we would Great Britain France Belgium and the like.
All right, we see them in the same way as them Period Yeah Yeah, true
Israel cannot be pointed to on a map I'm looking at true Israel right now and Once we leave here you guys go blend back into the into the landscape
So I can't point to North Dakota or you know, Western, Minnesota and say well, there's Israel right here
That you can't point to it on a map right now Right Yeah, exactly those who have the same faith as Abraham.