Signs of a Cult and Pastor Apollo Quiboloy


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Ryan Turner of discusses the signs of a cult as they pertain to Pastor Apollo Quiboloy. For More Information Please View: and


Apollo Quiboloy is a typical example of many errors that cults demonstrate.
First, the first warning sign in Apollo Quiboloy is his radical exclusivism.
When you ever encounter a minister or ministry where only they have access to the real truth and it is something that God has only given to them, then you should beware.
This is what Quiboloy said, In analysis, this sort of exclusivism immediately sets off warning alarms.
When a Christian group starts asserting that you can only be blessed, successful, and hear
God's word preached like this with them, we must be immediately on our guard. Quiboloy's TV shows, sermons, and website are full of scripture, but unfortunately he gives only his impersonal interpretation.
Sadly, his interpretation gives his audience no context, historical background, or the view that Christians have held the text to mean for thousands of years.
This has meant he can make the most outrageous claims about himself while using scripture where Jesus is clearly talking about himself.
Quiboloy states, In analysis, he has the audacity to use this piece of scripture that comes straight out of Jesus' mouth in John 14 to describe himself and his followers.
Jesus' warning in Matthew 24 about false prophets could not be more applicable to anyone else other than Quiboloy.
A second warning sign we see in Quiboloy is his undermining of Jesus' work on the cross.
As Christians, we all know that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was enough, nothing else is needed.
On the cross, Jesus said it is finished in John 19 .30. We are saved by grace alone, as Ephesians 2 .8
.9 says, through faith alone, as Romans 4 .5 says, but it is also in Christ alone, as John 14 .6
says. So we are saved by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone. However, cults undermine the cross by saying that there is something extra that you need to do, which only they can provide.
Pastor Quiboloy in the following quote clearly undermines the cross. Quiboloy states,
In analysis, Jesus would disagree, as John records in his Gospel in John 19 .30,
Jesus said it is finished. When Jesus had received the sour wine, he said, it is finished, or tetelestai in Greek.
And he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. You see, that is the difference. These self -proclaimed prophets like Quiboloy are always proclaiming that there is something new that we have missed, just like the
Gnostics claimed in the 2nd century, hundreds of years ago. However, Jesus makes it clear to us that what he did on the cross was enough.
It is finished. Nothing else is needed. The door to salvation is open to all, and we have no need for Pastor Quiboloy to come and offer us a new way when the old way has been working quite well.
This is what Quiboloy said, I was able to finish his work. I have completed the spiritual component of salvation which was not completed during the
Jewish age and the church age. I am the Father's finished product of what he has done on the cross.
This audacious claim is pretty outrageous since from our research so far, all he has done is gotten kicked out of the
United Pentecostal Church and replaced it with his own version of church. Except where Jesus was once in the center, now he has been replaced by Pastor Quiboloy in the center.
Pastor Quiboloy even defends this method on his website by stating, Because I am the appointed
Son of God, and that is my role, even in the Jewish setting, our Lord Jesus Christ's role was being the begotten
Son of God. That's why he always used himself as an example. Quiboloy makes himself more than clear.
Jesus simply wasn't enough. In his view, God actually needed someone else to finish the job and a new messenger to pass on a new message and a new gospel which is something
Christians are clearly warned about in the New Testament. If one thing is clear, it's that what
Quiboloy is teaching is contrary to the gospel Jesus brought to us and must be considered to be another gospel and a false one at that.
Just as Paul describes in Galatians 1, verses 8 -9, But even if we, or an angel from heaven, should preach to you a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be accursed.
As we have said before, so now I say again, if anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you received, let him be accursed.
A third warning sign we see in Pastor Quiboloy is that he has a huge financial motivation.
Many times in cults and various religious movements, there is a financial motivation, that is to say the self -proclaimed prophet usually becomes very, very wealthy and encourages their followers that they can be wealthy like them if they closely obey what they are taught.
This is usually done by implementing a rigorous, guilt -ridden tithing system that they support by proof texting from certain parts of the
Old Testament. Pastor Quiboloy is just like the rest who use certain biblical texts such as Malachi 3 .10
and Deuteronomy 28 to scare his followers into giving him lots of their well -earned cash and possessions.
But at least he leads by example. Quiboloy states, The son,
Pastor Quiboloy, has been blessed thus far because he is the number one giver. Do you know that the son,
Pastor Quiboloy, would give 90 % of his tithe and offering and leave the 10 % for himself?
That is why we should not be surprised why the Almighty Father has blessed the son, referring to Pastor Quiboloy, with everything.
Quiboloy says again, The Father has seen that the more he has blessed the son, in reference to Pastor Quiboloy, the more committed, trustworthy, honest, loyal, and generous he has become.
The more has the Father been able to use him for his purposes. In analysis, you see it must be that God is blessing him and certainly not the fact that he has millions of people financially supporting his ministry.
If it must be God, how else would he end up with all the mansions, land, and private jets?
Tithing is not what we are discussing here in this video, but this simply gives us an example of how people can twist scripture and use it in a way that will get them what they want.
There are several things that Pastor Quiboloy fails to tell his fathers about tithing, such as one, only those under the 613
Mosaic Laws are obligated to tithe while New Testament Christians are not. There is no specific command in the
New Testament for Christians to tithe. Second, nowhere in the New Testament is tithing taught or encouraged, only mentioned by Jesus in reference to the
Pharisees who are under the Mosaic Law in Matthew 23 -23 and Luke 11 -42.
Third, the New Testament teaching is that we can give and should do that but only of our own free will, not grudgingly or under pressure, as 2
Corinthians 8 -5 -12 says and 9 -5 -13. Giving is under grace, not under law.
Fourth, Old Testament tithing was never giving 10 % of your cash every week.
Old Testament tithing involved crops, animals, etc. and these proceeds were used to support the poor, widows, and orphans, not to take from them.
Quiboloy's claims that his followers should be tithing to support him are not biblical, and like many prosperity preachers today, he is reinforcing and teaching things that are clearly false.
We should always be wary of any ministry that focuses far too much time on tithing and being successful and rich.
It was never Jesus' way, and it shouldn't be our way either. Pastor Quiboloy makes the mistakes many do today.
If you are rich and successful, God must be blessing you. Well, a short study of early Christianity proves such a premise to be false.
Just take a look at some of Jesus' closest disciples and we'll see how successful they were by Quiboloy's standards.
First, look at James. He was beheaded. Second, look at Thomas. He was murdered in India.
Third, look at Simon the brother of Jude and James the younger. He was crucified in Egypt. Look at Simon Peter the apostle.
He was crucified supposedly upside down. Look at Mark. He was burned alive. Look at Bartholomew.
He was beaten, crucified, and beheaded in Armenia. Look at Andrew, Peter's brother.
He was crucified in Archaea. Look at Matthew. He was speared to death. Also, you could look at Philip who was stoned and crucified.
It would appear quite clearly that judging how honest, committed, loyal, and trustworthy someone is by their material possessions is to be honest, is not just untrue, but a disgrace to those around the world who give their lives on a daily basis in the face of vicious persecution.