The Dividing Line Tech Review


Yesterday we did some system tests to make sure that we had fixed our streaming errors. During the tests we talked about some of the tech that we use to broadcast this show. Well, after completing the tests we deleted the files thinking that they weren't necessary. Afterwards some folks were asking what happened to the files because they wanted to share them with friends. So today we will do our final test before getting back to our regular schedule tomorrow. During today's test we will cover the same information from yesterday. Stay Tuned... Rich Visit the store at

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And welcome to a special I Don't know if it's that special but a tech review
Dividing line, which isn't actually a dividing line. It's more of a Just a big fat test
Just trying to make sure that a day after getting things fixed that things are actually working the way they're supposed to be working so the idea for today's show as I play with the
Music bed just a little bit here and keep it rolling The idea for today's show isn't really a show
It's more of a tech review while I make sure that everything is behaving the way it's supposed to be behaving
What is interesting to me right now? I? Can't really see the monitor on the studio side from here.
I can see that it's there, but I can't see what's How it's interacting right now. I'm seeing about a half -second delay in In My monitors on the screen here.
It's not too terrible, but it might be just enough to throw off James tomorrow
I don't know. We'll see but in the meantime. I did two tests yesterday that were
I think quite successful and I Had some interaction with folks in the live chat about some of the tech that we use here at the dividing line and I Thought okay, we're done, and I went and deleted those programs because well.
Hey, you know what's the point in hanging on to them It's just testing right well some folks on Twitter Said hey what happened to those shows because I've got some friends
I'd like to share that information with and well, I deleted them because I didn't think that they needed to To do that or to be there so today and my final test
I Thought okay, let's just recover that same ground Explain what we do here how we go about doing it and what failed last week on Thursday when everything just started doing the max headroom thing and Thank you,
Daniel for letting me know we're five by five on the audio so far And that's good my meters on this side still don't really
Uh Tell me I want to try a little bit of an adjustment to that But they don't really tell me all of what
I like to see normally With the the levels, but they are there and from if you all are hearing them
Clearly then that's really the best we could hope for that's what we're looking for Anyway, give you a little bit of history
I'm Trying to remember the dates some of the dates that were looked up in the chat room yesterday.
We're around September of 2013 we started Tinkering with the idea of doing a
YouTube live show or doing Dividing lines on YouTube prior to that everything for the most part was just still
The the audio side of things and we were
We had a little bookstore we were selling mp3s through there the whole nine yards, but as we started examining things we discovered that let me uh instead of Look as we started examining things.
We discovered that a lot of folks that we wanted listening to the dividing line Weren't they weren't getting access to it for whatever reason
A lot of the feedback that I was getting over the phones was that because they were pay for us we weren't people weren't
Taking that first step to hear the program get to know the program and find out what the program is all about that coupled with a
An interaction that I had with a fellow who took one of our DVDs Or a number of our
DVDs and put them up on YouTube without permission Going down the path of asking him to take them down I Really had to make a decision as to what exactly am
I here for what are we here to do and? What I'm not here to do is chase people around over Copyrights yeah, we put our branding on our programs the whole nine yards, but ultimately the
Question of whether or not we want to get lawyers involved whether or not we want to go chase any of that down really began to convict me of How are we doing this and why and I came to the conclusion that We needed to shut the entire process that we were using down and And completely change if you will the paradigm, that's the word they like to use in business, right?
so I decided that the thing to do was to Get in contact with sermon audio and begin the process of putting all of our audios up there for folks to listen to and We began going down that road
Well, we discovered and still today. I still have a gentleman that is doing an excellent job
He keeps sending me emails where he's updating the descriptions in a lot of those older shows that still haven't been gotten to yet And I really appreciate that David.
I appreciate it very much, and you're very good at what you do. It isn't just somebody You know throwing random thoughts down you're very thoughtful, and how you describe the shows and that's greatly valuable, so thank you for that but as far as the video side of things goes
I Saw a Well, it was when James went to Lindale, Texas, and he spoke live stream
They used in Lindale. I believe they used Google Hangouts to live stream that and it wasn't very good quality
But it got the point across I'm observing this and I'm thinking you know
This is a pretty cool way of doing things and so I started looking into Google Hangouts, and that's when
I discovered YouTube live and When I discovered
YouTube live and started You know investigating how that's done
I Started investigating okay, how how how do we get a machine that can do this
I? Tripped over a YouTube channel called geek gamer weekly
I want to credit these guys because they were doing it right as far as I was concerned. I was seeing all kinds of different Methods of how to do this, but these guys really seem to have their act together, and it's unfortunate that for me,
I'm 59 years old and the idea of sitting around and talking about I Look at something here remember folks.
This is a troubleshooting show and okay. Yeah, that's what that's for. That's that's doing That's working right.
I like it when things work right, but anyway These guys were doing it right and I you know for me
Talking about the newest video games, and how fun they are isn't exactly in my wheelhouse
But these guys were doing it, and they actually made it look interesting shortly after I got
Interested in their program they actually stopped doing it, but that's where I learned it
I contacted the fellow that sponsored sponsors the Channel, and I started asking him.
How do you Yes sermon audio is free to use well, okay, if you're
Posting content on sermon audio you get to upload Two sermons a week free of charge included in a $35 a month monthly fee
Beyond that I think it's a dollar fifty or something like that for each additional program that you upload so Clark Kent that is how that works, so it's not exactly free to use but Free to listen to yeah, it's it's free so and that's what we were going for we wanted to change the way we approach the whole thing and Make our content fully accessible to the public so that everybody that We would listen to it could listen to it and free of charge so that's one of the reasons why we then went down the road of pursuing
YouTube live and In talking to this gentleman.
He explained to me that One thing about the computers that we use most folks have computers
We don't really think about certain things of what's going on so you have a a video card on your computer
Well right now this computer that we're streaming through Has four output monitors one is in the studio, and then three are right here in front of me
I took a picture of this last night So that everybody can see it. It's up on on our
Twitter channel, and you can see the whole The desk from my side of things, and then there's an additional monitor that Feeds a video feed to James so he can see what's going on as well but What you don't think about in your computer is well.
What if you want to bring video in to your computer? to process or to Send out well, then you start getting into all kinds of Copyright protections that are built into the softwares and to the gadgets that are commonly used out there
So if you want to import video in it Becomes a more challenging and difficult thing to do and I'm getting texts here
That Has nothing to do with the show so okay but One thing that we realized was the computer itself doesn't actually have to have a whole lot of power
It needs to have enough power obviously be able to because you know video graphics all that stuff
It has got to be able to stream and process without You know the hiccups we saw last week
And that's something you don't want to invest a lot of money in and then find out you didn't quite give it enough juice to to do this so this computer has just some 16 gig of RAM on it and It's got a i7 processor
It's got a asus z87 motherboard Now that's an old motherboard.
It's But it's still chugging along the big thing is and I'm gonna hold this up right here the big thing is this card right here, this is a
Black Magic Intensity Pro video card Now this card as I hold this up has an input port for video coming in from your
HDMI cameras, and then it also has a video port to go out so this isolates and relays the signal
Going in and out of the PC. It uses. This is the older card uses a
PCIe Express Connection and is compatible with PCIe 2 .0
and above When We were doing this we have two of these cards and one is bringing in the collective feed from the
The video mixer board we used to just simply have two cameras in which both
Were feeding individually, and then we would mix on our video software here together and Then it had a program built into our software which
I'll get into in a minute called Wirecast called desktop presenter and Desktop presenter is supposed to use your network in such a way that allows
James on his laptop to transmit a video to this PC that I can intercept and and project
Here on the PC out to the program Through the network so it was coming at us not through a video connection, but through a network connection
It's clunky, it's not very user -friendly and James was virtually begging me to find another way to do this enter into the picture a a nice little device that was donated to the ministry by a
Generous donation from a fellow over in the UK and this is a
Sony Multi -camera live producer MCX500 video mixer
MCX Mary Charlie x -ray 500 and I'm sure they have even better ones and This I've used a lot of different mixing boards in the past and eventually got away from them because they do tend to Well, they do really nice jobs of mixing things like for instance if I want to do this or if I want to do that And I want to come back, and I want to get instead of this shot
I want to get that shot, and I want to switch over to there And I want to switch back, and I know this is probably driving you crazy and come back to my own shot
It it's a really nice tool to be able to do that however many of the shots that are
Embedded into this software like for instance this one Can tend to be a little bit ancient
Doing the wipes and manual trans Formations we get into effects
There's that little thing there, and then we can actually get into doing manual stuff
Where I do a manual wipe And I can actually make it look really kind of strange but ultimately
Let's go back to our mix and come back here ultimately a lot of these features are still very antiquated and in my
Experience with Wirecast when I compare Wirecast abilities together with this device It's still a bit of a stick in a rock when it comes to titling when it comes to graphic like the
You know the the alpha to make a logo there, so if I want to Go down.
I want to click that I can say Turn off the the deal and there goes
The graphic away, and then I can come back and turn it back on the
The mixer doesn't do a very good job of any of that so the software side of this really does pick up the
The ball and run with it where the mixing board Doesn't really achieve the stated goal for audio if you're listening to the
The audio side of this when we were back before the video side of all of this and what we used to have the
What we called the way back machine we acquired a audio program called
Sam Broadcaster and Sam Broadcaster is actually that it was the thing to do for if you wanted to set up an internet radio station
That's what it was meant to do and so that's what I'm using over here You can only see a portion of that and so if I want to start up the intro
I'm starting it. You can actually maybe if you see close enough up here you can see
There we go you can see this deck playing and you can hear the
There's the intro behind it, and if I want to introduce a second Want to do that I want to do this and everybody goes crazy
Constantly hear people that are Calvinist harp on it Same time Sam was not meant to be operated
Just standalone and The But it actually works really well as simply a computer based desktop based client
For audio mixing so it has great value in that regard, so that's what we're doing there
So that's where that you you have the storage of all these different tunes You can actually line this up, and this actually has the capacity of running as an automated radio station 24 -7 we used to do that and We we got rid of it.
We were You know running through our website. We found out that the bandwidth was
Literally tripling our bandwidth costs just to have that thing keep running and so we figured there's
There's other ways of doing this so Here we are back full circle again, so on the before I lose track of this on these cards.
We had these video Capture cards which do not care about copyright stuff, so if I hook
That James's laptop HDMI port directly up to this
Sony mixer board It automatically blocks the signal the mixer board has built -in blocking software that presumes
That you're going to be breaking the law you're gonna be violating somebody's copyright No matter what it doesn't care if it's original content, and it won't let you do that Enter into the picture this video card, and it doesn't care it simply imports what you are sending it and processes it in Real time okay, so we had two of these running and last
Thursday I'm not sure which one one of them failed on me and just started
Hiccuping and that's where James got into the max headroom thing and it just became impossible to to To do the show
Simply because it was it was just illegible so that's
Where that enters in one thing about these cards? and what what eventually happened was
I had to Buy the newest version of this this card right here is years old
And I had to buy the newer version and of course the newer version doesn't use PCIe one
Slot it uses the four slot and so that slot is much bigger
It comes out to here and won't plug into the smaller ports of our motherboard so I had to play some games to get that to work, but eventually
I'm moving some things around on our original, but motherboard and I got things to to work and here we are we're doing this show and That that's that the
The neat thing about this particular card is it also works with all of your
Your video processing software like Premiere Pro from Adobe or A number of the others we use
Adobe products here in in processing So if James goes and does a debate and I need to put together and put our logos and stuff like that on it
I I can actually use one of these ports these days we don't really have to do that anymore because we can just usually these debates are recorded on devices that automatically digitize
But you go back to say for instance The presentation
James did on Mormonism back in 1995 it may be 93 actually now.
I think about it That was recorded on a VHS camera So how do you get
VHS? Footage into a PC. How did you digitize it again?
We're coming back with all of those different copyright protections on all the devices that you're used to using and Enter in the black magic card on this port right here
There is a pigtail you connect up to it, and it has a bundle of about I don't know
Maybe 15 different kinds of connections whether that's The old
The old analog connections that are out there some of the nicer ones that were along the way, but you still had in importing it a degrading of quality and that's really where The the manufacturers get upset because when it comes to digitizing video
If you're using one of these on the digital scale you don't lose there's no quality loss
In the transfer so you could actually import a video into one of these cards onto your hard drive and have true genuine master quality video but all of the
The debates that we did through the 90s through the mid 2000s. It was either hi -8 cameras it was a
VHS originally or the Not The high def but the digital video the
DV Videos that we did using the DV cards all of that had to be imported onto a computer because they're all on tape
There's in the other room Adjacent to my office. There's a whole stack of all these master tapes that we imported into a
PC that we built that we call the beast it has eight hard drives in it and all of those videos are stored in there
Processed and then uploaded to YouTube and that's how we got them in and up on the website, so that's that's how that worked
And I can see that the chat Typically is not paying attention to the show they're over here talking about post -millennial ism anyway, but for those who do want the tech that's how we do things we import into these cards and And feed them back through now
I'm gonna bring over what I've got you can see a portion of this Cover this over here
This is you can just see a portion of this on the shot here, but this is called wire cast pro and wire cast is
The original program that we we began to work with we've really liked it. We have had hiccups with it periodically, but ultimately it is
It's a good solid program that gets us what we need you can actually see
You know this is what I'm seeing in the pre feed so I can actually set up and stage shots over here
But and you can't see it's off your screen here I can't move that camera because I have it locked down tight so it doesn't move but over here
I see the live feed so on this panel. I'm seeing what's going out. This is what I have staged
So for instance if I want to have the logo up on deck. This is what's called the on deck side
So if I want to make that live I just simply roll that over into live, and that's what you're now looking at in the live feed and back to me again
So you can see how easy it is to work and then down here in this timeline These are all the different possible shots that I may have so for instance if I want to have a radio free
Geneva with both the Alpha and Omega bug in it as well as the radio free Geneva bug I set that up here, and then it tell it to go live over there
And then the neat thing is the shot that I had beforehand goes back over into this
Goes on deck and then I simply put it back live again, so that's how we do the show
That's pretty much. Yes. This is Wirecast so it is put out by telestream software
They have all kinds of different Products that they put out they kind of started out in this arena and branched out and now they're they're quite the
Broadcasting company they've gone way beyond the the tech of YouTube live from what
I can tell and You know a good quality company that does good solid work is important So that's what's going on there.
I Yeah, I think we'll just leave that there so live chat
Are there any questions at this point in time as to how we do things that I haven't covered
I? Did you know cover a lot of things yesterday? but Caleb we don't have a super high internet speed here a lot of that just comes down to the neighborhood that we are in so it doesn't have a
Our Bandwidth isn't really super capable here, so we are on What our cable our provider calls level 2 so level 1 is super slow
Level 2 is slow And then you get into ultimate speeds that you know bottom line is we tried to work with that for a while where we were streaming 1080p and It just flat -out didn't work.
It. Just could not consistently hold the connection so we We feed at a 720p low frame rate and It comes out pretty good.
I think it comes out pretty good So and it's consistent show to show to show so as long as the tech holds up on this end
And we don't have a failure on the internet connection It'll all works well the other neat thing about this is is that we do have a situation here where?
The we can if our internet connection goes down We can
We can simply record here in studio, and what's neat is Unlike the previous version of Wirecast I haven't actually gotten into this yet But the previous version of Wirecast couldn't do this this version.
I'm told can live stream From a recording so I can actually record the show and Say 10 a .m..
In the morning and then at 2 p .m.. The afternoon I can actually live stream it The recording out and that's kind of cool, and then the neat thing about that is for whatever reason
Uploading and processing YouTube is much slower and much less efficient, so that's what's going on there
Um Jesse I I haven't looked into any further or newer motherboards yet or processors
Simply because this one does seem to work well on the one hand and number two
I have to have a certain number of PCIe ports on the motherboard that the
Black magic cards can work with and now the black magic cards have the additional pins
That's getting harder and harder to do because even though they've expanded their
The motherboards haven't really adapted a lot of the motherboards still have the smaller ports When they should have the larger ports because this will plug into a 16 pin slot and work
But you can't take a 4 pin slot and plug it into a 2 pin slot It just doesn't work, so I don't know what to do with that so Okay Yeah, um
Robert. I haven't really looked into a whole lot of the The different shots in YouTube live that they've come up with they've done that since we began live streaming here, so ultimately
The fact is you need to be able to have a software package where you can see up on your screen
What you're staging what's on deck and what's about to go up live and be able to control that So like for instance if James is sending me a video from his
Mac Which has now gone dark again on me because there's no human being over there operating it
But if you wanted to see what's on James's Mac right now. I could actually put that into play
Or I can do this here, and of course. It's just a black screen. It doesn't do you much good but That's how all that works, so I'm getting a live feed from his
His laptop and then here on the soundboard which you can't see in the picture again refer to the picture
I uploaded to to Twitter last night. You can see that we have a
Behringer Xenix 24 X 24 42 Soundboard that works really well
Easy to use and I can bring in all kinds of different audio
And we do use a direct connection from James's laptop through the soundboard
To either play sounds or to play the sound of a video that we may be Putting up on the screen so for instance if we're doing from James's laptop, and let's say he's playing a
YouTube video You're seeing this the video here Directly through the
Blackmagic card, but the audio is not coming with that the audio is coming off of the soundboard
Anything else let's see here.
I don't know what themes James uses with accordance What cameras do we use we have a
Sony NX 5 dash you video cameras, they're
About the same vintage as this software, so I'm gonna say we've had them maybe five years
Doing a Upgrade on those when they still work fantastic.
We're only able to stream 720 to begin with So the idea of going to 4k cameras
Just really doesn't work There's no point in it I Did a video tour a long long long long time ago.
I haven't done that Maybe I am due to do something like that where I just grab my phone and kind of do a
Walkthrough video and then uploading it That's a good idea, I'll do that I'll put that on my list let's see here
How does James study it would bend your brain, I know it does mine
A Z a do it no our studio is not open to the public we actually don't have a public facility here and There are various reasons for that and part and parcel
Really core to it is a matter of security So we we while you know
Somebody who has skills could find out where we are located. It's not something we actually advertise
Jesse we Don't really have cloud storage. We have a server here on site where we
We maintain our data here. I mean we do use Things like Dropbox and OneDrive personally individually but That's about it on the cloud storage
Okay, so Chad Daniels the older videos that you're looking at on James's YouTube channel really is
From his desk in his office so that office is Through this door right here
It's really weird looking at yourself on a reverse monitor, but through this door right here is
James's office and That's where those videos were shot So I believe there still is a
HD camera sitting in his Office there, but that's one of those little tiny ones.
You know it's Goes back to before a lot of laptop Laptops built video cameras into them any other questions here
We have them on a it's an onboard hard drive and Then we back them up to our server but but the
The storage of programs and data that we've we collected over the years are always kept in a safe place
Okay, what call -in software hardware do we use? we
For calling we've done a variety of things over the years, but ultimately always keeps coming back to Doing it audio so let me see if I can bring that up here some of that's antiquated and We're finding out that browsers are liking flash less and less and Flash is necessary for us to use our interface for callers
Please work And if that doesn't work, then let's try this
Okay, so yeah Firefox and Chrome are liking flash less and less but Let's see here even
All right, so okay, so I can use this saw this here, so you can see over here
This is the comrex stack interface so we have a
Little sound you can't see it, but it's a comrex stack This particular device allows for six
Phone lines we have four here and You can control this device online or on a
A device here that has a phone and a bunch of buttons on it, but basically this is what your traditional
Call -in radio studio would be using it's something we got our hands on back in the early 2000s and We've upgraded it once and it works really well
So but from over here you can actually bring callers on the line you can put them on hold
You can set the Software to do an auto answer so that when callers call in if you can't get to them right away it does an auto answer and the caller automatically starts listening to the show and Then you can actually put them on the air
James has the same Access to the software on his side and so he can see I've screened the call
I put the name up there the general idea of what they want to talk about and then he can simply
Answer the call and talk to them over the air this device is connected to the soundboard
You actually have the ability to do what's called hybrid calling and hybrid calling allows me to have callers both on I Can control the volume of each caller separately two at a time?
so if a caller calls in or let's say you've got a guest on the line and You want to take calls from callers that the guests can hear that all happens through the
Comrex stack and You can control the volume of your guest as well as the volume of the caller
Independently and so that makes it nice. I hope I answered that question Okay, what else?
Well Benjamin. I'm glad to hear that it's kind of cool to to hear some feedback. I guess I will keep that Handy Alexander we had a hardware failure last week, and I've finally solved it and got things back up and running and Some folks had asked me to do this after I did some tests yesterday and did a similar program on both accounts and afterwards
I Deleted them and some folks were like hey I wanted to share those that video with other people so can you do another one, so that's what we're doing here
Shire took yeah, you can mute the callers and In both ways so James has the ability to mute callers from his side although He doesn't really do that.
I have the ability to not only mute them with the software I have the ability to mute them with the soundboard as well.
Yes, so I can control all that The Jacob this question came up yesterday our best guess looking back.
I didn't get a chance to actually go look it up is October of 2013
Is when we started recording video and doing the live stream? Video of the dividing line.
I'm still amazed at how many people are here This is one of the major reasons why the live chat doesn't normally
Appear is because the live chat doesn't stick to the topic that we're talking about Yeah, we closed down the
IRC chat channel back at the end of August So it's it's no longer
Available Jesse I'm not sure what you're asking me.
Can I play a few sound boards? Richard I'm not sure what
OBS is we use Wirecast Pro and Made by telestream
Yes, guys. It's this is an all -tech Dividing line today this there's no no theology happening here whatsoever unless somebody wants to Label YouTube the
Antichrist or something like that That's that so Let's see
I do dad Shire took
I tend to keep an eye on the feed the Twitter feed during the show James Rarely anymore pays attention to it.
It can be very distracting, but I'm rather distracting myself So there's all time a lot of times where I'll see something and I'll make a funny face and then he has to go look so so Twitter Plays a role but not nearly as much as the chat or Twitter used to Let's see here
Zia DeWitt, yeah, I'm not gonna oh It's an auto answer. So you're hearing me on the on the the comrades
Well, I guess we could take a call. Let's see you here. Let's see how that happens I gotta get that software back up because from this side, that's the only way
I can actually bring up the Bring up the
The software or being up a caller. So let's see here. I actually have to go in here
I'm gonna turn that off so that doesn't happen again, and I have to switch my role So in the the comrex stack software scenario
The The user There's a setting for which side of the glass you're on So if I'm a screener,
I can't put calls on the air I can answer screen and put them on hold and the studio side can't screen the calls
They can only put them on hold or put them on the air and that's that's kind of important So, let's see here caller and let's see how this works
Yep, there we go. See you. Hello. This is rich who my hey rich. Can you hear me?
Yes, I can very well Hey, good morning. How you doing? Good morning So this this is a little
I'm sorry, go ahead How's the weather out in Phoenix? It's nice. I it might get up to I don't know 65 68 70 some time
I wanted to Sun outside call in to test your sound system because it looks like you need a little help with the tech support
I appreciate that every little bit helps and this is sounding really good. So I appreciate that but yeah, it's this is a little bit off the beaten path for the dividing line, but You know,
I'm doing it anyway, and some people asked for it yesterday. So here we are Well, great, hey if you ever get the the ability to Make sure that you update the computer so you can get on with us on the reformed gaming network and play fortnight
It'd be a great boon and blast I'm a little old for that. Oh No, you're never too old to play play a fun game.
I In my day we played a game called dissent and dissent too and that was the the big thing and then
I Can't remember the name there was another game that came out after that Something about Frankenstein or something like that Frankenstein the
Chess version probably I don't know you're you're walking through all these Nazi places. Anyway, um the oh
You're talking about Wolfenstein Wolfenstein. There it is. Yes, that's the we did Wolfenstein. That was the game and I Discovered something about myself.
That was not good When I was 12, I was the little little something about me that nobody will care about whatsoever
When I was 12, I was the bat boy on a fast -pitched softball team and During a playoff game.
I was hit in the head by a foul ball and that knocked me off of the ledge in the dugout and I went headfirst down to the concrete and So I had a pretty severe concussion and that had some effects on me that I'm still discovering to this day
One of which is Wolfenstein the walls and the illusions on the walls
Made me severely sick sick to my stomach That's not good. Not good.
So I could not continue in that So a lot of these games have that effect on me and really that's the the bottom line reason of why
I can't do that Because I well, I have a recommendation for you stay far away from virtual reality because you'll be blowing chunks
Well, that's information that we didn't need to Be talking about today. But anyway, hey,
I appreciate you calling in and giving me a little help here Hey, no problem. God bless blessings to you as well.
Bye. Bye And that's how uh, that's how it works. So it's it's it's pretty And I just muted myself and not the caller.
Okay, there's the caller you gotta hit the right buttons folks, you know so anyway, so um
Reform gaming network now things have totally gone. Uh, yeah. Yeah guys are talking rocket league now and uh gaming networks but um
So we've now tested the uh, the uh phone software and that's all working real. Well, um
We've been going almost well 50 minutes now uh anything else that um
Yeah, the audio cut out now i'm back i'm back Uh, yes, I did. I muted myself.
Oops um, but um Any other questions about how we do the dividing line?
Um The um, these are uh sure
What is it? Uh, these are the sm7b microphones They are a dynamic microphone for the longest time.
I was absolutely hung up on um What have I done here? There sorry about that I was absolutely hung up on condenser microphones and Kept really fighting with ambient noise around the room
Getting picked up from the air conditioner or the pc next to you. These still have a tiny bit of hiss but um the thing that Really upset me was that the um
Do I know of a cheaper mic than that one that I can find or I like? Trust me these things are uh are look quality costs money
And the bottom line is always going to come down to the fact that you get what you pay for here When it comes to tech
Uh issues so now the um What is the name of that um, i'm going to look at something real quick here and i'll uh
I'll have you walk with me here. Let's see here. Let's go to that one And okay
Back in here. There is a device called The cloud lifter so if you look up the word cloud lifter one word
Uh, you're going to see the single version of this and then there's a bigger version that goes into a full uh base slot in a rack
And the cloud lifter is in the studio and that boosts the sound coming from these microphones
Because one of the things I really liked about the condenser mics that dynamic mics don't really do is um
They don't um They don't take advantage of um
There's an electronic boost that happens on the soundboard and i'm trying to remember what that is called but uh, the cloud lifter incorporates that technology uh with the um with these microphones
Uh and a dynamic mic by itself can't take advantage of that But uh using the cloud lifter in uh in line
With your uh microphones allows you to take advantage of that And it really boosts and and and enlarges the sound and so that's part of what's uh, what's happening there as well
So before we wrap up here in the next five minutes if you've got other questions here um on the tech stuff
Because this is a tech show That we're doing. I'll be more than happy to try to answer them um jay, how yeah, those mics are not cheap, but um, the bottom line is we spent a lot of money over the years on cheap mics
Only to phantom power. Thank you. That is the phrase i'm looking for takes advantage of phantom power
And phantom power really does boost your sound quite nicely. So uh wirecast
Wirecast pro again. That is the software we use to do live streaming and uh, it's um
It's a great Pardon me.
It's a great program. It really does do well But if the tech fails if the hardware fails the software can't really do much with it
And that's kind of what happened thursday. It wasn't something we want to blame on Telestream it was simply a failed black magic
Intensity pro card that needed to be upgraded. Yeah, it's a preamp
Yeah anything else
Yeah, except your apology for being off topic that's fine. Um, yeah, um
Wirecast, uh go to uh, I believe it's telestream .com. Let me double check that Yeah, telestream .com
They offer a number of different products, but you want to go into streaming solutions And then in there you want to go into the wirecast section
There are all kinds of things that they have expanded their product line on um
We only have this one application. So this is primarily what we're interested in it I do find it interesting
That the wirecast youtube live streaming aspect of this Um seems to have become a minor part of their business where they've branched out into others and good for them
Good for them, but that is uh, that's how you find a wirecast pro and um, let's see here
Uh, i'm i'm reading the messages here in uh live chat I haven't even looked at tweet deck during this time um
Not actually seeing a lot here over well a couple of uh questions about um
What we're doing over here, but pretty much. Uh It's the live chat where all this is going on.
So, okay last chance guys and we're going to wrap up the show What else? Uh, can
I? Get into here on the tech the room is a little too dark sometimes during radio free geneva
It's the same lighting we always have so i'm not sure what's up with that uh
Uh Yeah, I mean there's as far as what we use to stream.
It's all very typical. Uh, nothing really Fancy going on here compared to what everybody else is doing and i'll go back to credit
The guys over at geek gamer weekly, uh for introducing me to this method the process even how to build the pc
We built this pc going down to the part store and uh assembling uh parts that would go together and have the
Uh plugins that we need to be able to have all the different, uh, pcie ports necessary to do what we need to do uh again samuel we use uh, we use sony
Uh nx5 -use Nothing fancy about it. We have um Uh sdi
Uh video connectors coming into the sony sound or video board here. It's an mcx500 And that's where we are able to do all the different shots from Uh, so I can switch from one to another to another
Uh back to me again Um all of that How about placing the camera at my 12 o 'clock above here?
We did that and it just looked weird um So we we put it over off to the side here.
Um it just um You know the way my posture is uh at this desk
All you got is the top of my head and that's not yeah, it's not helpful evil either helpful
All right, folks. Well, listen, I hope this was helpful to do. Uh, it was certainly helpful for me to keep um, uh
Streaming and doing this final test, uh Testing stuff out. Thank you for the gentleman who called in and uh tested our uh phone system for the calls and um
I hope that for The techies out there the folks that are thinking about getting into this or just simply wondering how we go about doing this um
Yeah, jay how black matches the same the same like telestream black magic has Branched way out if you want to spend some really serious money
Uh, there are things that you can do in there. You can go um uh
You can go over there and you can spend tens of thousands of dollars and set up everything from you know buy a hundred and fifty dollar card or spend
Money on building an entire fake studio with a green screen um, so All that here's an interesting question from tom.
Uh, are we broadcasting in stereo? No, this is one microphone and Ultimately, there's no point it doesn't have two elements to it and so It's just mono.
So what i'm doing is i'm broadcasting on two stereo channels With a monaural microphone if I had two microphones
One over here one over there. It would make sense. But then that wouldn't make sense either. So you know, that's uh
That's uh the situation so all right guys i'm gonna go ahead and wrap up the show here. Um So, you know i've got to load
I'm gonna eject that one And then come down here and I just like I do with the program before I will load up the intro about halfway through and um
I'll start playing it low as james is talking and hope that i've have uh,
Guests that he has actually wrapping up because sometimes in the middle of this he will get an idea
Next thing, you know, we're going to talk for another few minutes and i've got this running. So, um
Uh Go from there All right, folks really appreciate.
Uh, you taking the time to help me out This does help me being able to see what you're seeing and hearing as you feed back and answer some questions for you