Speed Wobble---Thanks to the Silver Car Driver!

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I would imagine that at some point in my riding career (93-98, 05-16) I have heard of "speed wobble," but I had never experienced it until now. I would say I was doing about 33 mph on a sweeping right hand descent coming down from the top of Juniper Pass toward Echo Lake. Been down this road dozens of times over the past few years. But it was very windy, with gusts at times exceeding 40 mph. As far as I and others who know cycling well and have seen this can ascertain, a spinning gust hit me and started "speed wobble." The front end of my bike starting, well, wobbling is the best term. It isn't vibration, as you can see. Anyway, I now know what I should have done---get off the front brake, get your weight back toward the back tire, get your knees into the top tube to dampen the vibration, and hold on for dear life. Somehow the second vehicle saw me coming and moved right, giving me just enough room to avoid a head-on collision. I still figured I was going down, but somehow managed to get her stopped.