WATCH: Kenneth Copeland REJECTS God’s Authority!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to the channel where the Bible and critical thinking meet to give you real
Christian commentary about the things that matter. Thanks so much for watching, let's get into the video. So the grandfather of all false teachers,
Mr. Kenneth Copeland, is a charismatic teacher and pastor, I guess if you can call him that, who holds just about every heretical view under the sun.
He came out in a sermon recently and said something that can only be described as dreadfully unbiblical and a rejection of the authority of God.
Kenneth tells a story to his congregation about the Lord apparently promising him that he would give Kenneth an airplane, strange,
I know, but in response he immediately went out and bought, you guessed it, a plane. I guess he's genuinely convinced that the voices in his head really are
God, and he listens to what they say. He goes on saying that he interacted with two young men at the airplane hangar.
What he says next is astounding. The video and audio will be distorted for copyright reasons.
Watch this. And these two young men came up there, and they're both preachable, you know, came up and said,
Brother Copeland, is that the new airplane? I said, well, it's not new, but it's new to me.
They said, oh, think about that, the Lord's airplane. I said, no it isn't.
Huh? I said, no, this doesn't belong to the Lord. He gave it to me.
I dedicated it to him, but it's mine. Yes, you heard that right.
Two young men came up to Pastor Copeland and basically praised God for an airplane that they said belonged to the
Lord, an airplane that is made out of materials that God created, an airplane that was designed by men only when
God in his providence ordained it to be so. They rightly say that it is, quote, the
Lord's airplane. They're correct in saying that. And in response, Kenneth Copeland says, quote, no, it's not.
He explicitly goes on saying this doesn't belong to the Lord. I dedicated it to him, but it belongs to me.
And this statement seems reasonable at first until you actually look at the scriptures that apply to it.
In short, this situation involves a biblical concept you've probably heard of. It's called stewardship. Someone is a steward over something when the person who truly owns that thing has given it to them for safe keeping.
That is how Christians must view the creation that they live in. Everything you have, everything you see for that matter, has been graciously given by the
Lord, but only to you as a steward. You are not the true and final owner of that thing.
Of course, it may be your private property in the sense that no other human beings own it in a legal sense.
That's true. The command not to steal given in Exodus 20, 15 demonstrates that Christians can own private property.
After all, how could you steal something from someone that does not belong to them? It just wouldn't make any sense.
So how do we reconcile these things? Well, in comparison to other humans, we may rightly call ourselves owners of a certain material thing, but God is the true and final owner of all things and compared to Him, we are just stewards.
In fact, to suggest otherwise is blasphemous and just unbiblical. The Bible has a thing or two to say about this though.
1 Peter 2, 10 talks about spiritual gifts given to church members when it says, " each has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God's varied grace."
You see, the passage says that we are stewards of the things that God has given us graciously. Now I know what you're thinking,
Colin, that verse is about spiritual gifts, not about material things, so it doesn't apply. Okay, well let me offer you another verse.
Psalm 24, verse 1 says, "...the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein."
That statement, the fullness thereof, it literally means all that fills the earth, everything that is in it and everyone that lives on it.
So when Kenneth Copeland thinks that he's being clever by saying that the plane does not belong to God, he's just spewing out the same heresy he always does and it's actually dishonoring to God and it's just not true.
But that's not even the worst part of this situation, guys, because we know that Kenneth Copeland says untrue things.
You know what the worst part is? That if this story is true, then Kenneth Copeland actually actively deceived two young men who were trying to honor the
Lord in their speech and conduct. They believed that the world belongs to God and that's why they rightly called it the
Lord's plane. But because some deceptive charlatan like Kenneth Copeland here used his illogical and unbiblical point against their perspective, they might not believe that anymore.
And there's a very important bit of Scripture that talks about this. Luke 17 2 says, quote,
Now, I don't know how old these gentlemen were.
I don't know if they qualified as little ones, but the principle is still the same. I would say that Copeland is in a very dangerous position right about now.
You see, it would be better biblically if a millstone was hung around his neck and he was thrown into the ocean than what is probably going to happen to him if he doesn't repent.
So please pray that he would turn from this sin before it's too late. So what's the solution to this problem, though?
What's the solution to the teachings of people like Kenneth Copeland? How do we combat this? Well, the solution is an unwavering commitment to the truth and sufficiency of Scripture.
Kenneth got where he is now precisely because he left the testimony of Scripture a long time ago and he follows whatever voice pops into his head.
You heard it in that story. Now he speaks for fame and money, but the price for that is this.
He has to rip the Word of God in half every week to do it. So let this be a lesson to us all, that bad things happen when we stray from the
Word of God. Psalm 119, verse 105 says, quote, You see, without the
Word of God as a light to your path, there is nothing but constant stumbling in the darkness.
And that's what Kenneth Copeland's preaching sounds like. So again, pray for him that he would turn away from this falsehood and believe the true gospel of Jesus Christ.
Thank you so much for watching that video. If you want to see more, please like, comment, share, subscribe, and hit the notification bell so that you never miss another video.
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And until next time, fight for truth, never surrender, and keep your eyes open. Thank you, and God bless.