The Dispensations (12/12/1999)


Pastor David Mitchell


Hebrews chapter 1. I want to talk to you this morning about the dispensations.
Dispensations. Let's look at Hebrews chapter 1 and let's start with verse 1 and go through verse 3.
God who at sundry times and in diverse manner spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets hath in these last days spoke unto us by his
Son. If that verse right there verse 1 in the first part of verse 2 could be understand and understood properly in this country it would stop a lot of heretical teaching just these little words.
Every word in this sentence is important just like all the Bible is but it says
God who once upon a time and in different ways spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets hath in past in these last days spoken unto us by his
Son. He tells us two things there he tells us how he speaks today and he tells us how he doesn't speak today.
He tells us how he speaks today and he tells us how he used to speak in the Old Testament times and it's all right there and it's so very clear.
He says he hath spoken in these last days unto us by his
Son whom he hath appointed heir of all things by whom also he made the worlds who being the brightness of his image and the express image of his person
I'm sorry the brightness of his glory and the express image of his person and upholding all things by the word of his power focus in on that phrase this morning the word of his power when he had by himself purged our sins sat down at the right hand of the majesty on high.
Well that passage of scripture I wanted to point out the phrase the word of his power but I had to read the first two verses because they do come into play in the message later on this morning and the first two verses tell us very clearly that the
Bible has a front cover on it and a back cover on it you've heard me say that before I guess I guess
I've heard Dr. Freeman say that before and that may be where I borrowed the phrase but it's very clear that God spoke to us in times past by the prophets they would have visions they would have dreams and so forth and the book of Joel tells us that in the last days during the tribulation period that those things will occur again but the
Bible is also very clear that during this church age this dispensation which we call the time of the church
God does not speak that way because he has spoken unto us by his son and the revelation has been given and when this book was completed with the book of Revelation around AD 90 then the canon was closed and those scriptures are clear now let's turn to Hebrews chapter 11
I want us to analyze verse 3 for a moment and I think we will see that verse 3 will dispel two great heresies in the world today one of those heresies has to do with the scientific world and the other heresy has to do religious world we might as well read from verse 1 so that it's clear to us it says now faith is the substance of things hoped for the evidence of things not seen for by it the elders obtained a good report now verse 3 is really our text verse today through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the
Word of God so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear now before we get into what the verse is actually saying there is one word we need to study because it's fascinating to me and it's the word worlds do you see that in the middle first part of the second sentence the worlds were framed by the
Word of God if you just read that in the English language you would picture maybe
Genesis 1 1 & 2 you may picture even the creation story the first day six days of creation you picture the father creating the world the earth and perhaps you picture him creating the stars in the universe and all of his glorious creation and the interesting thing about it is if you pictured all that you missed what this verse is talking about and so did
I until I looked in the Greek and I saw that the word for world was different than the word
I thought it was now who can tell me one of the two key words in the
Greek language that can be both translated into the word world can anybody give me one of them it's pretty common cosmos and that's what
I would thought this word was wouldn't you because what is cosmos mean his order it primarily means the order that God is a
God of order and it connotates the order that's in the creation of the universe and of this world and so forth and that's the word
I would have expected to find there but that's not the word can anyone tell me what the other one is it's not quite as common or maybe you could tell me what
English word it's commonly translated into it makes more sense than the word world age and the
Greek word is a on which our English word eon comes from eons and eons of time we say that all the time and the word here is the word age it is not the word world so when we understand that look what
God is telling us here through faith and the only way you can ever understand this is by faith by the revealed truth of God in the
Bible but by faith we understand that the ages were framed think about that a minute the ages were framed now that begins to draw a picture in our minds a little different than the other picture doesn't it because ages has to do with segments of time we call them the dispensations of time and picture them being framed and God says that these ages were framed by the
Word of God that powerful Word of God that we read about over in the first chapter of Hebrews a moment ago so that the things which are seen were not made of the things which do appear now it is a fact that the physical creation and the order of God's universe even though that word is not used in the verse is obviously a part of this because each age as it is framed includes what's happening in time and in space and in matter so it's all here and it's all by the
Word of God now there are a couple of heresies that if this particular verse were understood properly that would vanish away the second part of the verse talks about so the things that are seen were not made of the things which do appear that totally would blow away the theory of evolution because the theory of evolution is based upon a word that they call uniformitarianism that's mouthful isn't it it's based on that premise and what uniformitarianism means to them is that everything that you observe today such as the erosion of the earth by water or wind everything that you see today such as cosmic dust falling into our atmosphere and filtering its way down to the earth that all of that has happened the same forever as it happens today that it's always been the same in the past as it is observed today and based on that premise they have concluded everything that they know about evolution and so when you knock down the theory of uniformitarianism you have destroyed their entire theory and the last phrase here it says that the things which are seen the things that we see today are not made by the things which appear today so you cannot observe scientifically what we see today and extrapolate that backwards and come up with the right answer it is impossible to do so this destroys the heresy of evolution now in the religious world when it says through faith we understand that the ages were framed by the
Word of God this destroys a lot of things in modern theology there are a lot of people today in the modern theology and this is the modern theology they call it non -dispensationalism now to understand what that is let's understand what a dispensationalist is does anybody know can you can you remember we've talked about it through the years what is it you are one so it'd be good to be able to tell what one is what is a dispensationalist well what is a dispensation it's one of these framed it's one of these framed things we're talking about an age and in another age and they are framed and they go like this and so they are a simple way to talk about it would be a division in time in which
God deals with man differently than he did in the other age not that God changes but sometimes things change in his world because he's ordained that they would and it changes the relationship or the way that he may deal with man what's the most obvious thing that would form a dispensation or two different dispensations what's the most obvious event in history the death of Christ well the birth would have to happen first so you both got it right the cross
God has dealt with us differently today than he was able to deal with the people before the cross because the cross changed some things when
Jesus took his blood and presented it in the heavenlies and sprinkled it on the throne which is the mercy seat it changed some things that's why the
Bible says we can come boldly before the throne of grace it never said that to any Old Testament character in fact if you remember when
Moses and the people approach the mount God said don't let them anywhere around the border of this mountain if they touch it they'll die remember that they were amazed when
Moses went up there and so we have different ages throughout time and the
Word of God framed these ages now I want us to talk about this a little bit and let's let's look at the words this is a teaching teaching message today so you might want to jot some of these things down but the word world as we said is not cosmos but aeon which means the ages and the
Bible says they were framed now let's look at this word frame for a moment the word framed comes from a
Greek word kotor Tito it's hard for a Texas boy to say that word in the
King James Version it is nearly always translated into the English word perfect now we know that the old
English word perfect carries the connotation of something that's finished and complete it doesn't mean sinless always it usually just means complete and mature and finished the definition of this
Greek word means to render complete or to complete something or to fit something out or to equip something or to put it in order to arrange to adjust to fit our frame for one's own purpose now it's made as so many
Greek words are by two little Greek words the first one is kata which means according to and the second one is artios which means complete perfect having reference apparently to special aptitude for given uses so when we put all this to get well it's kind of interesting
I'll get into this in a minute but when when you put this whole thing together what this word means when it says that the ages were framed the word framed means they were rendered complete they were fit or framed for God's purpose according to a special aptitude and for certain specific uses that God had them there for all for his own purpose and it carries the very strong connotation of completion finished and so it's kind of interesting to look at this word artios when
I say interesting you know I'm talking about to me it's interesting I don't know about you but I like to do word studies this word artios comes from an even smaller root
Greek word arti and this word mean is translated 24 times in the
King James Version into the simple word now it means just now that's what the word means just now it means this moment now at this time at this very time at this moment is what this word means now what's fascinating about this is you go back and you read the verse and you understand what the word in the verse means let's look at it together it says through faith we understand that the ages were made perfect are completed and we understand that the root word for this word framed means just now right now they are complete and perfect and finished by the
Word of God now the thing that makes this even more interesting is even though the word means right now the tense that the words are in the
Greek language where it says were framed I mean even in the English does that sound like present tense they were framed no that's past tense as a matter of fact it's past perfect passive infinitive tense
I wish I'd known that Sunday school I could have gotten an A this morning couldn't remember what a participle is still don't know what one is don't need to know it's not in my sermon but I know what perfect tense means the perfect tense describes an action which is viewed as having been completed in the past once and for all not needing to ever be repeated again that's all carried just in the grammar not in the word but in the grammar it's in the past perfect tense passive of course means it was acted upon by a greater force as we see these ages framed it was not the ages themselves framing themselves that's what evolution teaches but it's in the passive which means a greater outside force was framing these ages and the past perfect tense means it was done in a moment never to be done again now what's interesting about it though you look back at the word
RT again what did it mean it meant just now that's present tense
I mean it doesn't just mean now it means just right now in Texas we say right now how can it be that we have a situation here where it says the
Word of God framed all of the ages right now but it also says that it happened at one point in the past once and will never happen again how can both be true well we have our two viewpoints all of a sudden we have man's viewpoint and we have
God's viewpoint from God's viewpoint God is not bound by time like we are is he in fact he's not in time except when he chooses to come down here in the form of his son
Jesus Christ he was in time wasn't he and the Holy Spirit living in your body is walking in time in that sense but God the
Father the Spirit God is not in time nor is he bound by time and to him everything is in the eternal present tense it's not so much that it's all already been done as it is that it's all it all is it all exists now it is all in the present tense to him and that's why he chose this word
RT right now these have been framed now from our point of view on the planet
Earth we're in time we're linear aren't we we're we're headed this way if that's the future and as we live in time this took place in our past this took place before time began for us this took place in what we call eternity past which is a strange phrase if you think about it because past in first time there wasn't any of that stuff back there and so the point is that we understand by faith that by the
Word of God all of the ages of time that will ever be are already framed they are already complete and mature and finished why is it that you think the
Lord can look at you and me today and say we're already glorified in Romans chapter 8 says those who he called he justified those who justified are glorified that's past tense to God it's now it's already done to us it's off in the future and so time is a kind of a blinder for us it keeps us from understanding
God and it helps us to be more humanistic and makes us focus on self more and on people and on man's point of view and we need to escape the gravity and get on out there away from time and think about it the way it really is
God has already framed the ages it's a done thing that's why you cannot surprise
God that's why God is immutable he never changes if he could if anything could change it would destroy the whole system because it already is even your future already is young people do you realize that you cannot go out say two three years from now and do some kind of sin and surprise
God because the day that you got saved he already knew every sin you would do and every one of them were placed in Christ and they are paid for now a lot of people don't think that way but that's the way it is now if it's true that these ages were framed by the
Word of God and if it's true that the things which we see are not made by the things which appear today then we certainly have some problems solved with some major heresies first of all let's think about this this idea of uniformitarianism and the theory of evolution you do realize that it's based on the fact that we can look at things today and assume they've always been the same so therefore we can make some projections backwards it's all faith by the way don't ever let them fool you evolution is faith there's no fact in it they just want to believe it because it tries to leave
God out of the picture so they don't have to play by God's rules and yet the whole premise is based on a huge huge huge numbers of billions of years because they believe that everything that we see happened by chance that we can look at the stuff that's here now and go back and figure out a time when it was all just organic inorganic matter that means like a rock and somehow that rock grew some legs on it and it became organic matter now it didn't do that overnight it became a blob first that rock became a blob of jelly somewhat like an amoeba perhaps and that rock had a will when it turned into an amoeba and it decided it wanted to go to the land and somehow this organic blob that used to be a rock is now thinking that it wants to go to land so now it oozes up on the land and it says you know this is sure hurting my belly crawling over these rocks
I think I'll grow me some legs so he grows some legs now he did this by chance it was just luck that it happened
I mean aren't you glad that it's luck that your nose is pointed down instead of up because when it rained yesterday you to drown if you'd gone out of the house mother nature is wonderful isn't she if we want to give her the credit and they believe that luck created everything that is and then it crawled out you know it finds its legs it crawls out there it sees a tree it claws crawls up the tree starts swinging from the limbs it says
I like this I think I'll grow longer arms and some legs and a tail and I'll eat bananas then all of a sudden it grew some glasses and it fell down on the ground and it became a
PhD that believes in evolution and that's what happens now to make this happen though you've got to admit if it all happened by luck you got to have a lots of years because it's trial and error so they propose that the universe is between 15 and 20 billion years old and the earth itself
I don't know why they think it's so much younger but it's only 4 .5 they're very accurate 4 .5
to 5 billion years old now that's the belief that it takes in order to put together this monkey business but I want to show you some things when the
Bible says that God framed everything out of nothing by the power of his word and he says you cannot look around today mr.
scientist and examine what is here and figure out what was there in the Garden of Eden you can't figure it out things have changed they don't believe that they believe in uniformitarianism everything is uniform it's always stayed the same they used to believe in what they call the steady state theory and that was their answer for a while how can you explain everything when there's no
God they said oh it's just always been here steady states it's always been the same and that is the basic theory and you have these 4 .5
to 5 billion years now for us to be sitting here rather than squirming around like a blob or even being a rock we could have been rocks you know and isn't that fortunate and lucky well
I'll tell you what's interesting a lot of people don't understand this but the the part of science that studies the age of the earth is called geochronology and they don't put this in the newspapers they don't put it in the public school textbooks they don't put it on the news on Friday night but there are probably 80 different categories in this field of science there are probably 80 or more different ways that they have to age the earth and they won't tell you this but the huge majority of those methods prove a young earth rather than an old earth and when
I say young they're saying five billion years old we're talking more in terms of 10 ,000 years old more on that order huge difference they both can't be true they're far enough apart where they cannot both be true so I wanted this morning to point out a couple of kind of fascinating things how many of you let's find out how old we are this morning how many of you can remember watching
Neil Armstrong step onto the moon the first time raise your hand nobody hardly on the front row one person all right how many of you cannot remember seeing that raise your hand that's the other people okay didn't you see that Brian now come on okay now do you remember what he said when he first stepped on the moon what do you say
Greg you can paraphrase it and that's the first thing he said right wrong that's the first thing that was put on television do you know what the first thing he said was something to this effect for this reason scientists are able with our modern satellites to study the amount of cosmic dust yes okay which part about what he said okay right didn't go through this thing the first thing that Neil Armstrong really said when he stepped onto the surface of the moon was he looked a little astonished and a little happy and he said
I didn't sink now the reason that's significant with our modern satellites we can study the amount of cosmic dust that comes into our atmosphere and comes to the surface of the earth and under the and these are our same scientists who believe in the evolutionary theory that have come up with all this but according to them there should be 50 feet of cosmic dust on the earth and the age of the moon they think is approximately the same age of the earth duh that's pretty good they got that one right now the reason you don't step out of your house and sink in 50 feet of cosmic dust on the earth is because of erosion of wind erosion of water it just moves it all out makes it part of our dirt you can't tell the difference but on the surface of the moon which has been out there in cold outer space for a lot less than four million years
I'll tell you that but it's been out there in cold outer space there is no wind erosion and no water erosion of any kind and therefore there should be 50 feet of cosmic dust on the face of the moon that has not ever been disturbed by anything and that's why if you guys who raised your hand the first time you remember all this stuff do you remember what the feet of the lunar module looked like they were probably as big around as this stage they put the scientists at all this is a problem but we need to solve this we're going to put these huge big round pods on the feet why do you think they did that what were they expecting they were expecting that lunar dust to be so fine that that thing would sink totally under it and it would kill the astronauts they never be able to get back home so they put feet on that thing as big as this stage when that thing landed and when
Neil Armstrong set foot on the surface of the moon he proved that the moon was only 10 ,000 years old because there were only a few inches of cosmic dust on the moon and at the current rate if everything's been the same
I mean we turn it back on their head if everything is uniform and everything's always been the same and that same amount of cosmic dust that we know is falling now has been falling on the moon for 4 .5
billion years Armstrong would have been gone you never seen him again because he didn't have pods on his feet and they took care of the module but not the person now he should have had on snow boots
I mean snow what do you call those things snowshoes but the fact is it wasn't that way why because the moon is not old like they say it is let me give you another interesting one they can measure the magnetic field of the earth and the interesting thing about the magnetic field of the earth is that it is slightly decreasing all the time it has decreased 14 % over the last 130 years and they can measure that very easily and they know that that's a fact now if you extrapolate that backwards and say all things have always been the same then 10 ,000 years ago and you go back 30 ,000 years ago which is not anywhere near 4 billion years like they think the earth is if you just went back 30 ,000 years the magnetic field of the earth would have been so strong that it would have been 5 ,000 degrees centigrade all the time on the face of the earth that is hot enough to actually vaporize the elements there would be no earth if the evolutionists were true and the earth is as old as it is because the magnetic fields would have been so strong just a few thousand years ago that it would have destroyed everything now we're using their science to disprove their theories it's a fact also that the
Sun is shrinking did you know that the Sun is shrinking it shrinks about five feet per hour that's kind of frightening isn't it we
Lord's coming back for us right on time though so we don't worry about that but the Sun is shrinking why it's burning up five feet per hour it gets five feet smaller in diameter every hour that goes by now if you take that change and you take it backwards in history and we don't have to go back 4 .5
billion years let's just go back about 20 million years which is a small fraction of 5 billion if you went back just 20 million years the
Sun would have been so large it would touch the earth now that's impossible of course but the circumference of the
Sun based on the fact that it's shrinking five feet per hour if you go backwards in time and you add five feet if you just went back 20 million years the
Sun would have been so large it would have come all the way to the edge of the earth and burned everything up so we wouldn't be here wish he weren't here when you're through we'll continue that guy didn't go to church on Sunday does he now there are some others you can look how many have you ever seen a comet has anybody actually seen one who got to see
Haley's Comet when it came last time do you know we had an elderly lady that came to our home and saw it for the second time in her life and my dad helped her see that through his telescope and she was thrilled because she had seen it as a little bitty girl well this is an interesting fact every time a comet circles the
Sun the solar winds tear tear off part of it tear some of the debris away from the comet and so one question
I would ask our evolutionist friend is if it's true that the earth is five billion years old how come comments have tails on because they wouldn't they would have passed by the sun so many times that they would not even exist anymore and these are just simple little questions you can ask them when you kids get to college
I want you to get a list of these and ask your science teachers these questions they'll love you for it now what about erosion you realize that at the present rate and by the way all of these are ways of aging the earth there are 80 different ways
I'm just giving you a few but if you look at the current rate of erosion on the planet if you went back 14 million years ago which is not even anywhere near 5 billion years ago if you went back 14 million years ago then the fact is all of the earth would be at sea level and so the sea would cover everything that's an interesting thought isn't it you don't have to go back very far at the current rate of erosion where there wouldn't be any mountains no hills no anything if the earth were really as old as they say it is if our earth were only 14 million years old it would truly be flat and it would be wet because the seas would cover it everything would be gone by now and they're saying it's 5 billion years old well why are we still here and then
I'll give you one that I personally am aware of being in the oil industry everyone that studied all the petroleum engineers know this is a fact and it puzzles them in fact
I get a kick out of it when I go out the lease I'll ask them questions like this in fact I had one of them that that was just furious because his son got saved out there and he just couldn't believe it and just 10 minutes before his son got saved
I'd been talking to him about the age of the earth and he was mocking me he said you don't believe that really do you and I said sure
I do and but this is interesting the oil and natural gas deposits that are found in the earth are always found in porous rock and sand it won't be there if it's not if the porosity is not high when we drill and we do a log trying to find oil and gas we want high porosity we want to bring up samples of rocks that are very very porous because then we know we're getting close to where oil and gas will be now there's a second truth about oil and gas and that is that they are found under extremely high pressure and Richards experiencing that right now what's the situation today okay they had a pressure buildup on the offshore rig that Richard was on and they were all very concerned about sleeping at night because when you go down and you break into a formation for the first time you have no idea what's there in that right you don't know
I mean it literally could blow that entire platform off of the water even pipe and all when you first pierce it it has that much pressure now the question that we have to ask is if the earth were merely 100 ,000 years old how could there be any oil and gas pressure left because it all would have permeated and bubbled up through the soils and out into the air and so the earth could not possibly be more than a hundred thousand years old and many of these ways of dating the earth show up to be right around 10 ,000 years old now what about carbon dating have you ever had a problem with that when they say well we can date these things well let me just give you some quick things about carbon dating carbon dating is based upon the principle of unit uniformitarianism if you can destroy that principle there then it's totally inaccurate and we know from for a fact that the earth's magnetic field is changing which changes the amount of carbon atoms that can come into our atmosphere from outer space also we have volcanic activity that greatly changes the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere also we have solar flares that will change that number also they've proven that the nuclear test that the different countries have done on their nuclear weapons have changed and greatly increased the rate of radiocarbon formation and not only that but anytime you have there was an asteroid that hit the earth in Siberia back in 1908 and when it did they could examine trees years later when they cut trees down and they could find that the amount of carbon dioxide was far greater that year than normal just because the meteor hit the earth and so it is absolutely impossible for carbon dating to be accurate there are too many things changing all the time and yet if you read anything in science it's going to be presented as a fact oh this is accurate it's just as accurate as your clock is and so the earth is five billion years old there'd be an awful lot of things that wouldn't be working right right now if it really were that old so when you go into Hebrews chapter 11 and verse 3 at the bottom of the verse you might want to put the word uniformitarianism just died okay now
I don't have any time left I'm negative for right now but I do just want to mention this the first part of the verse where it says through faith we understand that the world's ages of time were framed by the
Word of God that destroys any religious system that's based on non -dispensationalism any group of people who base their beliefs on the fact that there are no dispensations are wrong the charismatic movement in this country is the fastest growing movement in the country the fastest growing movement in the world at least
Christian movement not nearly as fast as Islam is Mohammed ism is growing much faster but they believe that all of the gifts that you can read about in in the apostolic age and the time of Christ are still operative today and they base that belief on non -dispensationalism that there are no dispensations everything is the same as it's always been it is the religious form of uniformitarianism nothing ever changes they say and they they argue the point well
God never changes so how can things change well no God doesn't change but we know things are changing all around us the clock is ticking down you guys everything is moving towards a state of decay things are not getting better in the physical world the clock is winding down until the
Lord Jesus comes back and things change in the physical world but they've always changed in Bible times as well so when you take some of these passages of scripture like the one in Hebrews chapter 1 where it says in the former days in the times of old
God spoke that's past tense by the prophets and dreams and visions but in these last days he speaks to us by the
Son it clearly shows a change in dispensations there's a different way that God speaks to us today he does not speak to us with visions and dreams and if you ever have one don't put any faith in it because it may just as well have come from the devil or from onions you ate the night before God no longer speaks that way we're gonna get two trains today
I must be preaching the truth pretty good he speaks by the
Word Jesus the Word of God and he speaks to our heart by the Holy Spirit and the
Word of God would you agree with me on that that's what it says and that's the way it is in this dispensation we just completed a study on the sign gifts and so forth and we showed very clearly that not only
Jesus but Paul and Peter and John all pointed out that those miraculous gifts which we call the sign gifts including tongues ceased they were no longer on the scene even when some of the
Bible was still being written if you examine any book of the Bible written after the year AD 60 you will not find any of these gifts mentioned because they began to pass away as you go into the book of Hebrews there are a couple of verses that are just very very specific about this how shall we escape in Hebrews chapter 2 in verse 3 how shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation which at first began to be spoken of by the
Lord and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him was confirmed as past tense it means it's not happening anymore and what these miracles were will they confirm the authority of the
Lord Jesus Christ and his Apostles in Hebrews chapter 6 verse 4 it says for it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted the heavenly gift and were made partaker of the
Holy Spirit and have tasted the good word of God now mark this phrase and the powers of the world to come it's a very important phrase to understand the dispensations those who have tasted the powers of the world to come what does it mean well anytime you see an outbreak of miracles in this world on this planet it is nothing more than a taste of the future kingdom age it is a little bit of the kingdom bleeding through into the earth it's only happened a few times it happened around the time of Moses for about 70 years and then there were 500 years or more before another miracle happened in the whole
Bible then around the times of Elijah and Elisha it happened because God was vindicating and authenticating the office of the
Prophet about 70 years and then another 800 years went by before there was another miracle and then the times of Jesus and the
Apostles came on the scene and you had a huge outbreaking of miracles and signs and wonders authenticating that Jesus was none other than the
Son of God and that his Apostles were God's chosen men and so what happened was those people tasted the powers of the world to come they got a little taste of the kingdom age you go into Isaiah and you read about the future kingdom it talks about miracles happening every day and it's not even miraculous it's just an expected thing in the kingdom age and when
John the Baptist questioned whether Jesus was who he said he was or not what did Jesus say he sent back and he quoted a portion of Isaiah and he said
I'm the one that heals the people I make the the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak and he was pointing out these things that are going to happen in the kingdom age and he said
I did those things because I'm the king and where the king is you get a little bit of the kingdom and all of these things have to do with dispensations of time during the time of the
Apostles in the time of Jesus we had the beginning of the end of the
Old Testament time and we have what we call the apostolic age where God authenticated the New Testament and everything that Jesus said and then even
Jesus himself said blessed are you that have seen these things but blessed are they that believe and have not seen he's telling us right there we're gonna live by faith we're not gonna see these kinds of things till he comes back but you know what the book of Joel says when this dispensation comes to a close and we go into the tribulation period which is another dispensation your sons and your daughters shall prophesy why does it say that because let me tell you the first thing the
Antichrist is going to get rid of there won't be any of these around you won't have six of them on your coffee table if you're still here you won't care anyway because if you're saved you won't be here during that time but they won't have
Bibles so all the sudden they have a need then again for the gift of prophecy and speaking a word of wisdom so that the people who do get saved can hear truth because they won't have the word but when that which is perfect is come the perfect Word of God is the only perfect thing on the earth that's a thing when that which is perfect is come then tongues and prophecies and knowledge words of knowledge shall cease the
Bible says and it did in fact happen sometime around the date 80 70 when