"The Gospel of Luke (68): The Unjust Steward July 07, 2024


Greetings Brethren, We arrive today at Luke 16.  Before us our Lord taught His disciples that one very important aspect of their lives must be fully submitted and subordinated to Him.  This is in the arena of our finances.  Our Lord Jesus teaches us that His disciples, that is, true Christians, must live as responsible and accountable stewards of all that the Lord has given them.  Jesus declared forthrightly that this is a dividing line between true and false disciples.  At the end of the passage we will consider today, Jesus made this pronouncement:  “No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other.  You cannot serve God and mammon” (Luke 16:13). We are blessed with today’s technology to be able to air every Sunday on YouTube our Sunday sermon (July 7, 2024 - September 08, 2024) will be beginning at approximately 10:15 AM (EST-eastern standard time) . See https://www.youtube.com/results? earch_query=%E2%80%9CThe+Word+of+Truth%E2%80%9D+with+Dr.+Lars+Larson. We always appreciate hearing from you, receiving your feedback, including questions.  Our own church family is also encouraged to hear that our ministry is assisting others in knowing our Lord more fully and clearly.  May He bless you in your service to the people of His kingdom.  We would hope and pray that if you find these notes to be true to the Word of God, you will distribute them to others within your church and community.  We are grateful that many who receive our notes weekly are pastors in many parts of the world.  Please pray that our Lord will bless His Word that He has enabled us to make known and distribute to His people. Further material: https://thewordoftruth.net/ https://www.sermonaudio.com/source_detail.asp?sourceid=fbcleominsterma https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJeXlbuuK82KIb-7DsdGGvg


turn to the back cover of your hymnal so that we may recite together our covenant.
So let us begin. Having been led by the Spirit of God to receive the
Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior, and on the profession of our faith, having been baptized in the name of the
Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, we do now solemnly make this covenant with each other as one body in Christ.
We will walk together in brotherly love. We will exercise a
Christian care and watchfulness over each other. We'll faithfully admonish and help one another as the need may be.
We will slow to take offense, but always ready for reconciliation without delay.
If any stray from the path of truth, we will endeavor to restore them in the spirit of meekness.
We will not forsake the assembling of ourselves together or neglect to pray for ourselves and for others.
We will seek to educate our children in the scriptures. We will seek to win our kindred and acquaintances to Christ and to holiness.
As stewards of the Lord, we will aid in the support of a faithful evangelical ministry among us, and in efforts to preach the gospel to the whole human family.
We will live circumspectly in the world, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, and according to our ability and opportunities, will do good to all men.
We will endeavor as long as we live to glorify him who has called us out of darkness into his marvelous light.
The Lord's Supper is a remembrance of the work of Christ Jesus. It's a remembrance of his death and substitutionary atonement made on behalf of sinners.
The consequence of sin is death, both physical death and spiritual death, and death is separation.
Physical death is the separation of the soul from the body, and spiritual death is the separation of the soul from the
Lord God. This separation, both physical and spiritual death, is what every man deserves, for all men have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
But Christ Jesus, even though he was in the form of God, even though he did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, emptied himself and took the form of a servant.
He humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross, even though he had never sinned.
He was obedient to the point of death, death on a cross. Christ Jesus became our substitute by experiencing both physical death and spiritual death on our behalf.
Indeed, he was the spotless Lamb of God who took away our sin by taking our punishment and bearing the full wrath of God on our behalf.
Isaiah 53 verses 4 through 5. Surely he has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows, yet we esteemed him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities.
Upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with his wounds we are healed.
Christ Jesus poured out his soul to death. He bore our sin to reconcile us to the
Lord God and to secure for us eternal redemption. The bread and cup of the
Lord's Supper symbolized the body and blood of Christ Jesus, and we, by eating and drinking in faith, are united with his body and his blood and all their saving effects.
To those who partake of the bread and cup, the scriptures give a grave and serious warning.
First Corinthians 11 27. Whoever therefore eats the bread or drinks the cup of the
Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty concerning the body and blood of the Lord. Let a person examine himself then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup.
For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself.
That is why many of you are weak and ill, and some have died. But if we judged ourselves truly, we would not be judged.
But when we are judged by the Lord, we are disciplined so that we may not be condemned along with the world.
At the heart of the Lord's Supper is our communion with Christ Jesus. In coming to the table, we meet him and partake in fellowship with him at his invitation.
This is why we spend time for self -examination before we partake.
This is so very important, to pretend that we are in communion with Christ while we are cherishing sin and unrighteousness in our hearts is hypocrisy and folly.
To partake of the table of the Lord in an unworthy manner is to eat and drink judgment on yourself.
So let's take a few moments to prepare our hearts for the table of the Lord. Heavenly Father, we thank you for the
Lord Jesus Christ. We thank you for his work on the cross. Lord, this was something that we could never accomplish.
We could never keep your will. We could never keep the law. The law just reveals our need for a
Savior, and Jesus Christ is the Savior. We thank you for his life.
We thank you for his death. We thank you for his resurrection, for his ascension. We thank you that he is reigning now.
And Lord, we confess our sin. So often, Lord, we fall into sin.
We choose to sin. We believe the lies of the world and the lies of the adversary. We believe that sin is going to give us what we so desperately want.
But Lord, we know that contentment is only found in Christ Jesus. It's only found in obedience to the
Word of God. Lord, we confess our pride, our selfishness, our self -reliance.
We confess, Lord, that we often look at the things in the world and we're drawn away to them. We believe the lie rather than believing the truth.
Lord, forgive us of all of these things. We thank you, Lord, that Jesus Christ is the pattern, that he is who we are to follow.
We are to walk in his steps. And we pray, Lord, that we would do that. Lord, thank you for all of these things.
In Jesus' name, amen. There is regular bread and there is gluten -free bread, for those of you who have sensitivities.
Let's pray for the bread. Our Father, we thank you for the body of Christ.
We thank you that he lived and that he died, that he was the spotless
Lamb of God who took away all of our sin. Lord, we thank you for these things.
We thank you for his sacrificial life. We thank you for his sacrificial death. We thank you that he thought of us.
We're thankful, Lord, that you thought of us, that you elected us, that you predestined us to be your sons and your daughters, that you redeemed us, that you forgave us, that you reconciled us.
Lord, all of these things are because of Christ Jesus and what he accomplished. So we thank you for these things,
Lord. In Jesus' name, amen. First Corinthians 11 23 through 24, for I receive from the
Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, this is my body which is for you.
Do this in remembrance of me. Depending on your conviction, there's both wine and juice.
The wine is in the purple cup and the juice is in the clear. Let's pray for the wine.
Lord Jesus, we do thank you that your blood was shed, that you atoned for sin, that you reconciled us to God the
Father, that peace was achieved. And Lord, you brought both groups into one man and reconciled us both to the
Lord God, and we have peace through your work. We thank you,
Lord Jesus, for these things. In Jesus' name, amen. First Corinthians 11 25, in the same way, also he took the cup after supper, saying, this cup is the new covenant in my blood.
Do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me. Verse 26, for as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the
Lord's death until he comes. Let's pray for the preaching of the word.
Our Father, we again thank you for the cross of Christ, for his great sacrifice on behalf of sinners.
We thank you, Lord, that you've revealed yourself to us so clearly in the Word of God, and we pray that now as it is proclaimed, that you would help us hear what it has to say.
We pray, Lord, that your Spirit would teach us, that your Spirit would move us, and that he would guide us in all truth.
Be with Pastor Lars, give him clarity of mind and clarity of thought, and we pray, Lord, that each one of us would leave here with a greater understanding of your character, a greater understanding of the gospel, and a greater understanding of our responsibility to you.
We pray that we would leave here encouraged and edified. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus' name, amen.
Well, let's turn in our Bibles to Luke chapter 16. Before we read this portion, this first episode in this chapter, it would be good to rehearse the flow of the gospel account of Luke because it is a narrative, a story that unfolds.
And each part, of course, has a message, but there is a larger message as well of which the parts contribute.
You might recall in the early days of our study of this gospel, we set forth the unfolding emphases of Luke's narrative.
In the early chapters of this gospel, the unfolding emphasis of our
Lord's ministry was set upon the great authority of Jesus as the Son of Man that is the promised
Messiah. And so Luke relayed how Jesus had authority over demonic forces, over nature, over disease, and as the
Son of Man that is the Messiah, he even had the authority to forgive sins. And so as this authority was established, then
Luke began to give emphasis to a second matter. Secondly, Luke recorded episodes that gave emphasis on hearing
Jesus's teaching. And I put hearing in quotation marks because that it means hearing, believing, taking to heart what he taught.
Because Jesus has messianic authority, it follows that people have a responsibility to hear him.
That is to understand, believe, and embrace what he says. Of course, the voice of God the
Father on the Mount of Transfiguration gave this word of command. This is my beloved
Son, hear him. That's the emphasis of Luke throughout a portion of his story.
But having then established the responsibility of people to hear Jesus because of the authority that the
Father had given him, Luke then began to emphasize thirdly that his hearers are to obey him.
It's not enough to hear, but you have to obey. And so we read of Jesus commanding the wind and the waves, they obeyed him.
Even demons obeyed him. The response to the miracle of Jesus were these words, and they were afraid and marveled, saying to one another, who can this be?
For he commands even the winds and water, and they obey him. If the winds and water obey them, you ought to also.
If demons obey him, you ought also. And we emphasized it really accentuates and aggravates the unbelieving
Jewish leaders because they didn't obey him. Demons did. Demons were farther advanced than the
Jewish Pharisees because they did not believe him or obey him. And Jesus himself pronounced upon those that both hear and obey,
Luke recorded this incident, that his mother and brothers came to him, could not approach him because of the crowd, and it was told him by some who said, your mother and your brothers are standing outside, desired to see you.
But he answered and said to them, my mother and my brothers are those who hear the word of God and do it.
Hearing and obey. And then in Luke 11, we read of our Lord himself pronouncing blessedness upon both the one who hears and does and obeys him.
And it happened as he spoke these things, a certain woman from the crowd, the first Mary worshiper, raised her voice and said, blessed is the womb that bore you and the breast which nourished you.
But he said more than that. Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it.
Disciples who hear his word and obey it are more blessed of God than even
Mary, his earthly mother. That's what Jesus declared here. The Holy Spirit is set forth in Luke's Gospel that only true disciples have salvation.
They recognize that Jesus is the promised Son of David, the King of Israel, and they confess him as Lord of their lives.
They seek to order their lives according to his words, for they hear him and embrace his words as God's holy word to them.
And they purpose to order their lives in faith and obedience to Jesus Christ as his disciples.
Those who truly submit to him as their Lord and follow him through life. On a number of episodes in the previous chapters of Luke, we began to read about arenas of life that his disciples are to obey
Jesus Christ as Lord. So in Luke 9, Jesus spoke of the costs of discipleship, what following him would entail, and so his disciples must be willing to suffer rather than deny him as their
Savior and Lord. And so Luke recorded the words of our Lord. He said to them all, if anyone desires to come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily, that's
Luke's emphasis, and follow me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will save it.
We're talking about salvation here. For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and is himself destroyed or lost?
For whoever is ashamed of me and my words, of him the Son of Man will be ashamed when he comes in his own glory and in his father's and the holy angels.
Speaking about the last judgment. Jesus taught his disciples that they were to be loving and merciful to others in their dealings, even with strangers.
And Jesus taught his disciples in the parable of the Good Samaritan. His disciples were to be faithful and persistent in their prayer life, trusting
God in faith, relying on the presence and power of the Holy Spirit to meet every trial and every challenge.
And Jesus warned his followers against hypocrisy and covetousness. He informed his disciples of the great trial and difficulty that awaited the fallen world as they followed him.
And so he emphasized the need to persevere in faith and obedience even until his coming for them one day.
And so he taught his followers, whoever does not bear his cross and come after me cannot be my disciples.
And so likewise whoever of you does not forsake all that he has, he cannot be my disciple.
You cannot be a Christian. You cannot have salvation unless Jesus Christ is your
Lord and Savior. With no qualification, none of us, you know, are able to live to this standard, only
Christ himself could, but this is the standard which we aspire to and we look to and we are broken before God because we fail in so many ways.
But that is our desire and our effort. That's what true Christians do. However, to encourage his disciples,
Jesus assured them that God the Father loved them and rejoiced greatly when they turned to him in repentance and faith.
And so we recently saw that in the parables of the lost sheep, the lost coin, and the lost son, and just the chapter we just finished,
Luke 15, the Lord encouraged his people. But now we arrive at Luke 16 and before us our
Lord taught his disciples that one very important aspect of their lives must be fully submitted and subordinated to him.
And this is in the arena of our finances. Our Lord Jesus teaches us that his disciples, that is true
Christians, must live as responsible and accountable stewards of all that the
Lord has given them. Again, this is not an option, it's what Christians are called to do.
So Jesus declared forthrightly that this is a dividing line between true and false disciples. And so at the end of the passage, we'll consider today
Jesus made this pronouncement, no servant can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other.
You cannot serve God and mammon. And so the whole money issue has to be subordinated to the
Lord Jesus Christ. And so that's what we have in our passage before us.
You've been sitting a while. In honor of the Word of God, let's stand as we read this passage, shall we? You can stretch and we can honor the
Lord's Word. And Nehemiah, Ezra had the people do in their day.
Luke 16, 1 through 15. Hey, Jesus also said to his disciples there was a certain rich man who had a steward and an accusation was brought to him that this man was wasting his goods.
So he called him and said to him, what is this I hear about you? Give an account of your stewardship for you can no longer be steward.
And the steward said within himself, what shall I do for my master is taking the stewardship away from me.
I cannot dig, I'm ashamed to beg. I resolve what to do that when
I'm put out of the stewardship they may receive me into their houses. So he called every one of his master's debtors to him and said to the first, how much do you owe my master?
And he said, a hundred measures of oil. So he said to him, take your bill and sit down quickly and write 50.
And then he said to another, how much do you owe? So he said, a hundred measures of wheat. He said to him, take your bill and write 80.
And so the master commended the unjust steward because he had dealt shrewdly.
For the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light.
And I say to you, make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon that when you fail they may receive you into an everlasting home.
He who is faithful in what is least is faithful also in much. He who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much.
And therefore if you have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches?
And if you've not been faithful in what is another man's, who will give you what is your own? No servant can serve two masters for either he will hate the one and love the other or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other.
You cannot serve God and mammon. Now the Pharisees who were lovers of money also heard all these things and they derided him.
And he said to them, you are those who justify yourselves before men but God knows your hearts.
For what is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God.
Please be seated. So this parable we just read is commonly called the parable of the unjust steward.
It's been a troublesome parable for some, perhaps more than any other parable taught by the
Lord. And the reason is it contains a description of a dishonest man, this steward, who's given a word of approval by one of the characters, his master, in the story.
So the question posed, how is it that the Lord could or would use such a story as this, teaching his disciples?
And so some people are troubled by it. But this is a story in which the lesson lies in the contrast.
How unlike disciples are to this unjust steward. If a dishonest man who had no thought of God was shrewd enough to use money to his advantage, how diligent should
Christians be as stewards before God and use his money wisely for godly ends?
That's the lesson. And by the way, this is but one account in which the matter of money and stewardship is mentioned.
Money or wealth was a common theme in our Lord's teaching and it's a common subject discussed throughout
Scripture. We don't address it much except when it arises within a passage that we're addressing.
Now granted, many in this day under the guise of Christianity are profiteering from God's people, and from some ministry so -called, all we hear is an appeal for money, money, money.
But an inappropriate and ungodly response is to refuse to hear anything of the matter when the subject arises through the course of studying the
Scriptures. You cannot study the Scriptures without dealing with the issue of stewardship, and you cannot be a
Christian, a true Christian, that's what Jesus taught here, without having brought the issue of your finances under the lordship of Jesus Christ.
Again, our Lord concluded this parable with these words, you cannot serve both God and money. It's an impossibility.
So in the passage before us, we first read our Lord's parable itself in verses 1 through 8.
It's followed by our Lord's application of the parable in verses 9 through 13. And then lastly, the
Lord recorded the reaction to Jesus' teaching by the Jewish Pharisees, which is followed by our
Lord's response to them in verses 14 and 15. So let's work through these three divisions.
The parable of the unjust steward, we won't reread that, but that's found in verses 1 through 8.
In the ancient world, a rich man would commonly hire a steward who served as his money or his property manager.
And often the steward of a household was a slave of his master who had been entrusted with great responsibility.
You might think of Joseph in the house of Potiphar in Egypt. That was very common, typical of the day.
The master would entrust all his wealth, even his business dealings, to this man. The steward had what we would call today the power of attorney.
He would have the authority to conduct the business on behalf of his wealthy employer or master.
In this parable, the master hears the accusation that his steward has been unfaithful to him and that the steward had been wasting, squandering, even perhaps skimming, the master's wealth for himself.
He's an unjust steward. And so the master purposes to fire him.
He called his steward before him and essentially said, I want to see the books, get them in order, bring them here, we are going to inspect them.
So the steward panics at the prospect, for he knows that he's not dealt wisely with his master's wealth.
In fact, it's intimated that he had been embezzling funds for himself. The steward realized that he had to do something to prepare for the future and that's a key idea.
He had to use money available to him to prepare for the future. For he was certain of his master that he would soon fire him and then he'd be left with no source of income.
He reasoned with himself, I can't do manual labor, I'm too proud to beg. And so being a rather resourceful, ingenious man, he would settle accounts with his master debtors at a cut rate and thereby secure their favor or friendship for which he could then rely upon once he was out of work.
He thought to himself, I'm going to use what I have now to prepare for later when
I'm perhaps job hunting and need a helping hand. Perhaps he was like the politician who's been linked to a scandal and knows he's going to be turned out the next election and so he thinks to himself,
I can't beg, I don't want to work, I know what I'll do, I'll help pass some legislation with special interest group or a government contractor so I'll have some options after I lose the next election.
That seems to be the way in government, corrupt government. Well we then read of the action of the steward in verses 5 through 7, he called together the debtors of his master and offered to cut their debts if they settled immediately.
It's bargain time. It was all legal but certainly unethical.
He was an unjust, an unfaithful steward but he would make friends with these debtors with his master's money in turn for their favorable treatment when he was without a job at some point in the future and interestingly we read of the master commending his steward when he had learned what the steward had done.
Jesus said so the master commended the unjust steward because he had dealt shrewdly.
The master was not commending the steward for having done rightly but having acted shrewdly.
The master acknowledged the steward had acted wisely in his own interests rather than the interest of his master and so the steward got himself out of a tight spot.
Yes the steward was fired but his prospects were not grim for he saw to it that he used the money available to him to make provision for his future.
Again thought, key idea. He had foresight with respect to his future situation.
This is what he did which we are to do with our finances and this is the lesson of our
Lord's parable. We are to order our present lives in our stewardship with regard and view to our future accounting to God at the final judgment.
That's what Jesus is teaching his disciples and we see that in the application of the parable by Jesus in verses 9 through 13.
After our Lord gave the parable he gave its interpretation and application and I say to you make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon that when you fail they may receive you into an everlasting home.
He's talking about heaven, he's talking about eternity. He who is faithful what is least is faithful also in much.
He who is unjust in what is least is unjust also in much. Therefore if you've not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon it is in this life who will commit to your trust the true riches that are yet in the future.
If you have not been faithful in what is another man's who will give you what is your own that which will be yours at the coming of Christ when he rewards his faithful stewards.
Matthew Henry gave a good synopsis of this parable. The scope of Christ discourse in this chapter is to awaken and quicken us all so to use this world is not to abuse it so to manage all our possessions and enjoyments here as they may as they may make for us and may not make against us in the other world that is the world to come for they will do either one or the other according as we use them now if we do good with them and lay out what we have in works of piety and charity we shall reap the benefit of in the world to come.
He's talking about salvation and this he shows in the parable of the unjust steward who made so good a hand of his
Lord's goods that when he was turned out of his stewardship he had a comfortable subsistence to betake himself to if instead of doing good with our worldly enjoyments we make them the food and fuel of our lusts of our luxury and sensuality and deny relief to the poor we shall certainly perish eternally
Matthew Henry's talking about damnation and the things of this world which were thus abused will add but add to our misery and torment it will be a basis of our damnation in the final judgment and so Jesus rightly set forth the or Matthew Henry rightly set forth the importance of our
Lord's teaching if you desire to be saved at the final judgment you must be a good steward of what the
Lord has given you in this life you cannot be a true Christian a true disciple unless you are faithful steward in this life and there will be an accounting a final judgment one day when your life will be examined regarding your stewardship clearly that is the lesson that Jesus was setting forth to his disciples he was talking to his followers and so our
Lord spoke this parable intimating that everyone in this world is a steward before God not just his disciples but everyone is a steward before God for what
God has given them this is true of all people everywhere but it's certainly the case for true
Christians this is God's world he owns everything that it contains even that which has been or can be produced by man
Paul gave Timothy instruction to the rich of the world command those who are rich he's talking about Christian rich in this present age not to be haughty nor to trust in uncertain riches but in the living
God who gives us richly all things to enjoy God is the giver the provider of all things to enjoy let these rich men do good that they may be rich and good works ready to give and willing to share storing up for themselves a good foundation for what for the time to come that they may lay behold what on eternal life and so God has appointed you and me as his stewards everything we have is owned by him and we have a responsibility to manage what is his on his behalf for his ends and one day each of us will be held account for our stewardship
Paul wrote moreover it's required in stewards that they that one be found faithful there isn't accounting one day that we will render unto the
Lord and so the parable of applied and implies that all the children of men are stewards of what they have in this world whatever we have belongs to God it doesn't belong to you
God has given it to you for his purposes and his ends and as Christ's disciples we are to determine what those ends are and employ everything we have everything we are to accomplish those ends and so we might just stand back and attempt to explain this further regarding our stewardship before God let's consider first of all
God's purposes for giving us financial means everything is a gift from every good gift comes down from the father of lights
James wrote when we speak of our stewardship as Christians we should consider for what purposes
God gives us money he gives us money and resources for purposes that he is prescribed for us and we can mention several first God gives us money so that we may be enabled by him to live simply but comfortably in his world and that the money the
Lord gives us may be used for food and clothing housing and with these things we are to be content second the
Lord may give us money which we may use within reason and prudence for things that we may enjoy we read in first Timothy 6 he gives us all things richly to enjoy to make our lives more pleasant and enjoyable in a godly manner of course thirdly the
Lord may give us money that we are to save and invest with view to the need for future supply or emergency savings are promoted in scripture as well as wise investment fourth the
Lord gives his people money to support his work and to assist or relieve the suffering of the poor money spent is for matters such as Christian hospitality for buying gifts for others for the relief and assistance of people in need for financial gifts to build up the church and expand the gospel through missions and so God has entrusted us as stewards with the responsibility to use what he's given us according to the directives he's set forth in his word as an old commentator dr.
Lightfoot once wrote he was actually quoting a rabbi this world is a house heaven the roof the star is the light the earth with its fruit its table spread the master of the house is the holy and blessed
God man is the steward into whose hands the goods of this house are delivered if he behave himself well he shall find favor in the eyes of his
Lord if not he shall be turned out of his stewardship just like this unjust steward but the
Lord has not given us financial means to enable us of course to commit or to continue in sin that would be like the unjust steward squandering his master's wealth the
Lord does not give us money to gamble or to spend frivolously or to acquire and hoard goods that are of little use to you or anyone else a simple comfortable life is good and desirable it's the gift of God now regarding our stewardship before God let's also consider some principles of stewardship set forth in God's Word and I thought through these and I came up with eight or nine
I'm sure there must be others but these are the ones that came to my mind of course again stewardship is a subject that's discussed in much
Holy Scripture there are principles of biblical stewardship that we should understand and embrace first if we've already asserted we must affirm that God is the owner of all things nothing you have even the clothes on your back actually belong to you but to God who's given them to you for a purpose his purposes
Psalm 24 1 the earth is the Lord's and all its fullness everything in it the world and those who dwell therein for he's founded upon the seas and establish it upon the waters and so that the earth is the
Lord's and the fullness thereof is a reality which is unquestionable in the light of Holy Scriptures as owner of all things
God is free to do with those things as he pleases he may freely give us all things or he may withhold things they are his to give or withhold and as creatures his creatures we should recognize our stewardship of his creation although we're granted the permission to use things for our good thankfully we have a responsibility to manage what he what is his as good stewards and so we should continually acknowledge his ownership and continually feel gratefulness and express thankfulness for all that he's given to us we should always ask the question would the
Lord have me use his money in this way that's a good question to ask secondly similar to the first principle the second affirms that God is the provider all of all things
God desires that his people come to know him experientially as their own personal provider as a father provides for his children
God desires to provide for his children he can give his own what they need as the scriptures declare my
God shall supply all your need according to his riches and glory by Christ Jesus God is the provider
Deuteronomy 8 but thou shalt remember the Lord thy God for it's he that gives the power to get well
God wants us to trust him as our provider he wants us to express faith in him as our provider by giving to his work we do this by giving the first portion of our income to him for his work and he promises that he will show himself as provider to them that do in fact he challenges his people to trust him in this manner honor the
Lord with your possessions and with the firstfruits of all your increase for what end or what purpose so your barns may be filled with plenty your vats overflow with new wine the
Lord Jesus promised his disciples if they gave to his work and cause he would see to it that other people gave to them
Luke 638 the Lord's promise to his disciples give and it shall be given on to you good measure pressed down shaken together running over shall men give into your bosom the idea of opening up the garment and people just pouring in grain or wheat or whatever it is more than you can carry and then again we read of Paul's promise to the
Christians at Philippi but my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus and of course those are inexhaustible but let's read this promise in context is to the ones at Philippi who had been faithful in giving to God's work to Paul Paul said no one in Macedonia contributed to my ministry but you and then he said my
God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus God does not meet everyone's needs he does for them that trust him with their finances and who give faithfully to his work he provides for and blesses faithful stewardship a third principle of stewardship is that the
Lord desires that his people are set free from the tyranny of worrying about money and many experience a great deal of torment in life over money and with the inflation the way the world's going there's anxiety and there's fear the
Lord doesn't want that to characterize you or me as his disciples the love of money is a terrible task master that often controls the heart which results in many heartaches for the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil for which some have strayed from the faith those were professing
Christians and they strayed they apostatized from the faith they became hypocrites in their greediness and notice they pierce themselves through with many sorrows many sorrows comes to the person who loves money at the top of the list a life lived as a faithful steward on behalf of the
Lord will have confidence that the Lord will provide for him in all aspects of life Jesus desires to set his people free for the tyranny of worry and anxiety and he will do so when we trust him to be our good
Lord who provides for his people in their need and as we are faithful in our stewardship before him a fourth principle is that the miserly soul will not be blessed by God whether they're
Christian or not there are many verses that speak of God not blessing them who refuse to give to his work or for the relief of the truly needy
Proverbs 28 he who gives to the poor will not lack but he who hides his eyes will have many curses
I had about two more pages that I was going to address the whole idea of the
Protestant work ethic that John Calvin really devised and instituted in Geneva true biblical capitalism is that you you attempt to gain wealth to reinvest in your local community that you can raise the standard of living for everyone about you but capitalism has been corrupted to you know
I want to get as much as I can for myself alone and that is not godly but the true
Protestant work ethic was born out of that recognition of stewardship and capitalism was to build up your capital to be employed and used for the benefit of others about you that is gone it would seem well again the miserly soul will not be blessed of God Ecclesiastes 5 there is a sore evil which
I have seen under the Sun namely riches kept for the owners thereof to their hurt it hurts them to hoard and accumulate when others are in need and then of course
Haggai 1 verses 5 and following it particularly pointed in this context
God is telling the people they were not getting ahead because they had been concerned about bit they were not concerned about building the temple in Jerusalem in which they could worship
God but they were only concerned about themselves now therefore thus says the Lord to consider your ways you have so much you bring in little see
God didn't bless it you ate but you did not have enough you drank but you're not filled with drank you clothe yourselves but no one's warm you don't have enough and he who earns wages earns wages to put into a bag with holes inflation is the fault of big spending by big government but it's also the wrath of God upon a people thus says the
Lord of hosts can say to your ways go up to the mountains bring wood and build the temple that I may take pleasure in it be glorified you look for much but indeed it came to little when you brought it home
I blew it away why says the Lord of hosts because of my house is in ruins they weren't concerned about his work while every one of you runs to his own house therefore the heavens above you with withhold the dew the earth withholds its fruit for I call for a drought on the land in the mountains and on the grain and the new wine and the oil on whatever the ground brings forth on men and livestock and on all the labor of your hands think recession depression the judgment of God now this is not to say that the unfaithful person who does not give cannot gain wealth for the world that frequently happens but two points may be made here you will tend to find highly successful people to be generous people generally the case unless their success would build upon wrong principles and then secondly those who are wealthy and who are not generous are cursed by their wealth as we already have read a man may gain money apart from being generous but a curse will come with that wealth
God is able to give wealth without a curse a fifth principle of stewardship is that God can enable you to give to the work of his kingdom you may say
I just don't have enough to give the point is this that God can enable you to give to his work he's the provider perhaps not abundantly but enough to give faithfully to his cause the widow woman threw in her two mites and she gave more than all others who tossed in their money but we read in 2nd
Corinthians 9 6 to 11 the promise of God but this I say who he who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully so let each one of you each one give as he purposes in his heart not grudgingly or necessity that takes away the whole idea of faith pledges and all that stuff you don't know what's gonna gonna happen tomorrow or next month or next year okay for God loves a cheerful giver and God is able to make all grace abound toward you in other words he's able to put money in your pocket for to give to his work that you always having all sufficiency in all things may have an abundance for every good work see it's the
Lord who wants to give resources and money through his people to his to needy people poor people and to his ministries and work and so he's willing to use you as a channel and he just tries to find somebody trustworthy and faithful with whom and through whom he can channel this that should be our understanding and then he quotes scripture to substantiate his his argument it's written
God is dispersed abroad he's given to the poor and his righteousness endures forever and then verse 10 now may he who supplies the seed to the sower bread for food supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness he's talking about giving he was making a collection for the poor
Christians in Jerusalem and Judea while you're enriched in everything for all liberality which causes
Thanksgiving through us to God for the administration of this service not only supplies the needs of the
Saints but also in abounding through many Thanksgiving to God while through the proof of this ministry they glorify
God for the obedience of your confession to the gospel of Christ and for your liberal sharing with them and all men and by their prayer for you they'll pray for you
I get a note about once a week from Pastor Prim and the first thing he said I'm praying for Pastor Larson's health and for Mary and for Jane and for you know for Day Fire and for the church every week they're extremely grateful for this church and the assistance that we're able to give them thanks be to God for his indescribable gift and then a sixth principle of stewardship is set forth in our passage of Luke 16 1 and following we are to be wise in our stewardship with view to our accountability before God of the future
Jesus said I say to you make friends for yourselves by unrighteous mammon that when you fail you may they may receive you into an everlasting home the comment of verse 8 is a rebuke of people who profess to be religious but who do not order their lives with respect to a future judgment the future judgment the prospect of that should should direct our whole course of life
Jesus said for the sons of this world are more shrewd in their generation than the sons of light that is
Christians what does he mean by that well people of this world like this unjust steward who have no thought of God use their money shrewdly for they see proceed difficulties in the future and they prepare for it that's what the unjust steward did but those who profess to live godly do not behave in this fashion they just live for today they should be like this unjust steward ordering their they're using their finances with view to the future now he was looking to be out of a job but we're looking to stand before the
Lord and give an account of ourselves one day they live and handle their money as though there were no day of reckoning before God many do as one wrote commentator on the
Greek text the steward had seen the urgency of the situation and reacted sensibly toward it so to its implied should men react to the impending judgment of God that's the lesson
Jesus was pressing upon his disciples we're to use what God has given us in the service of others coming to their relief assisting them in their difficulties and this should be done so that you'll be received into heaven that's what
Jesus said your stewardship should be governed with respect to eternity and accounting that you'll have to render now this
I know may sound like salvation earned by works works righteousness but that would be a wrong conclusion it's not saying that you merit or purchase your way into heaven by bestowing your money to the poor rather relieving the poor is one evidence of genuine discipleship and therefore a legitimate basis for assessment on the day of judgment this is what people of faith do they see this is what
Jesus would have them do so they do it because they're people of faith they not only hear his words but obey his words a true
Christian learns to and grows in faithful stewardship of course people have to be taught these things and all of us fall short at different stages of life in different ways and we grow in our understanding of things and hopefully this is a manner in which the
Lord is sanctifying us I hope we're better stewards today than we have been in the past we ought to be if we're intense anticipating our the analysis that the
Lord Jesus is going to render to us one day this is what the Lord was saying consider what our
Lord said to Matthew 25 when the Son of Man comes in his glory and all the holy angels with him and he'll sit on the throne of his glory all the nations all the world will be gathered before him and he'll separate them one from another as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats he'll set the sheep on his right hand the goats on the left and the king will say to those on his right hand come you blessed of my father inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world and then he gives the reason why not because they merit it no but for I was when
I was hungry you gave me food I was thirsty you gave me drink I was a stranger you took me in I was naked you clothed me
I was sick you visit me I was in prison you came to me the judgment that will be rendered on the day of judgment how did you regard and treat your
Christian brothers and sisters in Christ did you live a selfish life hoarding everything you have without due consideration to people in need that you could have helped relieved assisted it's gonna come back those who are granted entrance into eternal life who inherit the kingdom or ones who use whose stewardship included providing for Christians in their need
I was naked you clothed me when did we ever see you naked
Lord when you've done it to the least of these brethren you've done it on to me how do we regard and treat the brethren and our whole financial stewardship is affected by this principle to fail or refuse to help those in need with when it's within your ability to do so does not portend well for your soul
James wrote what does it profit brethren if someone says he has faith but does not have work can that faith save him can that kind of faith save him no if a brother or sister is naked and destitute of daily food and one of you says to them depart in peace be warmed and filled but you did not give them the things which are needed for the body what does it profit and that's also faith by itself if it does not have works is dead and on the day of judgment a lot of people who profess faith are going to be declared by Jesus your faith is non -existent it is dead because it wasn't shown forth in loving and caring people when you had the ability and the means that God had given you to do so James declared of a
Christians in great need and you claim to be a Christian but you fail or refuse to assist him your faith is dead in other words if you if the
Lord has given you that means and you refuse or fail to do so and then the seventh principle of stewardship is that one day there will be a great accounting of each of us before God as we've been asserting and this is what our
Lord was intimating in this parable you and I should be stewards of all that God has given us with our eye on the day when we must give an account of ourselves and what we've done which belongs to him each of us as individuals will stand before the
Lord and God will judge each one of us as individuals talk clearly in the scriptures every word every thought every action will be scrutinized and there will be great separation of people to save from the lost this judgment is compared to a separation of sheep from the goats
Matthew 25 separation of wheat from tares separation of grain from chaff the contents of a fishing net the edible from the unedible inedible being separated the wise and foolish bride attendants ten virgins a separation of properly attired wedding guests from those who are not properly attired separation of those who served his people and those who failed to do so which we read in Matthew 25 and here in our parable a separation between the faithful steward and the unjust and unfaithful steward one by one the
Lord will declare the eternal destiny of all the human race you to my right you to my left and what will be the base of the accounting what you claim to believe won't be what your lips say you believe on the day of judgment but what your life testified that you believed where is the evidence the
Joshua live by faith and the emphasis in Hebrews when it's quoted three times
I think in the New Testament in Hebrews the emphasis on live the Joshua live by faith and anyone who claims to have faith but does not live by that faith will be discovered and perhaps even discover himself for the first time he was a hypocrite not a true disciple and one of the tests which will reveal that the true from the false is the manner in which they dealt with their money particularly how they deal with the poor needy of this world an eighth principle taught by our
Lord in this passage is that spiritual wealth is given to them who are faithful with respect to their physical wealth interesting comment he was faithful in what is least is faithful also in much he was unjust and what is least is unjust also in much therefore if you're not been faithful in the unrighteous man and who will commit to your trust to your trust true riches the difference of opinion is what these true riches are to be understood as first they are either spiritual insights or truths which
God bestows upon disciples in this life if you're faithful in a few things he'll give you true riches but if they are unfaithful with their money it shows they cannot be and will not be entrusted with spiritual truths there'll be a spiritual poverty to the miserly person and I wonder whether the thought might be that the
Pharisees who loved money were denied insight into true spiritual realities because they had been unfaithful stewards of what
God had already entrusted to them or second and I think this is more likely true riches are the rewards of the age to come which are bestowed upon them who have been faithful stewards in this life now both things are true spiritual truths and riches and the riches to come that are beyond our ability to fathom because they're going to be so much more than anything there's nothing that we merit or earn it's all bestowed upon grace but God bestows grace willed but so great grace for eternity for greater opportunities and degrees of service greater glory degrees of glory if you've been faithful and just what a little bit that God has given you in this life in this world may the
Lord help us to be faithful and then lastly ninth principle of stewardship disciples would be faithful in their stewardship so that they will one day possess that which will not be their own and that's what we just alluded to Jesus said in verse 12 if you've not been faithful in what is another man's who will give you what is your own and that suggests at the end of the age if we're faithful in this life with what he's entrusted to us that one day in glory will be given inheritance which is truly our own he will reward his people in ways beyond their comprehension if they serve him faithfully in this life and so our
Lord concludes his instruction to his disciples telling them that they're to flee covetousness no servant can serve two masters you'll either hate the one love the other or else be loyal to the one despite the other you cannot serve
God and mammon we're not talking about how much money you have we're talking about how much money has you does money possess your soul your heart for what you live for it has to do with how much money you'll want to have he orders your life you cannot have as your main concern in life the desire to amass wealth and think you can serve
God at the same time either money or God will reign in the heart everyone as one commentator wrote everyone who makes the accumulation and enjoyment of earthly goods the main object of his life is under the dominating power thereof and is every day performing performing servile labor for mammon and then we have to quickly we have to close and is running late
I know I'm sorry but still 45 minutes before noon so the reaction of the
Pharisees the response of Jesus we read in Luke 16 14 the Pharisees who were lovers of money heard all these things they derided him so the
Jewish Pharisees sneered at him they ridiculed him they were consumed by the love of money religious leaders in other words they didn't love
God you can't love God and love money they were lovers of money but further they might fool others as to their piety but God knew their hearts and they'll not get away with their deception but one day be exposed now can you imagine the horror of these men standing before God one day and this matter searing at the
Lord Jesus because of what he taught them and yet people do the same thing today they sneer at God's word when it's taught they dismiss it out of hand and sometimes it's particularly true when the issue of money is discussed they might accuse us who are legitimately attempting to teach faithfully what
God says about these matters of being covetous and money -grabbing that's all those churches want is my money in reality that reveals the very problem that plagues their own hearts like these
Pharisees they resist any notion that someone other than themselves whether it be the poor or God himself has a legitimate claim on what they view as theirs and theirs alone verse 15 we read how
Jesus responded to these covetous men he said to them you are those who justify yourselves before men but God knows your hearts what's highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God complete reversal 180 degrees out between the way of the world and how it esteems people
I've told you before about one professing Christian who once just lost at my office he just came so unglued was angry and the reason he gave is angry with God because God gave
Bill Gates all that wealth and gave me none and my word
I had never heard such a word of covetous out of a professing
Christians mouth thank God the Lord brought him repentance a couple years later and he came back and told me so these
Pharisees were self -righteous the Lord emphasized to give you the money to alleviate the suffering of the poor this is a good thing and it will be a basis of judgment however self -righteous people give money to the poor as well the
Pharisees did so faithfully but they did it chiefly to be seen by men and gain their approval and they would be condemned by God's assessment of their hearts and so here's a corrective it's emphasized that it is the heart attitude which is all important not the mere physical action of distributing to the poor where it's possible that one can give all he possesses to the poor and even give his life to the flames but it'll amount to nothing if his heart is not characterized by love according to first Corinthians 13 and God is a great dissenter and judge of motives and so this desire and effort to be good stewards before God it really is a product of the grace of God in the soul because that's not the way fallen people think and live naturally it's a supernatural way as disciples of Jesus Christ and it truly is more blessed to give than receive and of course you people know that because frankly you think people are so generous
I don't know how you do it but you do thank God help us our father to be faithful in these matters we pray help us our
God not to be characterized by the love of money help us to always acknowledge that you are the provider of all that you are the owner of all things and that we have a responsibility to seek your word and pray to you to direct us and guide us in the way that you would have us to order our lives thank you for your generosity to us our
God and the great benefits that we accrue from your kindness and generosity to us but help us our
God to have great compassion and concern for those in need and may you make all grace abound to us our
God that we can alleviate them of their difficulty through the name of Jesus Christ our