Closing Statement, Mass Debate, 1999


It had been a pretty nasty debate, but I tried to refocus the attention of the audience on what matters at the end.


The Church teaches that transubstantiation is a dogma that defines the very gospel of Christ.
We have seen no evidence from Scripture to support this concept, nor have we seen any scriptural evidence of the
Mass as a perpetuatory sacrifice. It seems this evening the thought was if we attack the perfection of the work of Christ on behalf of his people and assert that you can lose your salvation, somehow this automatically proves that what
Rome teaches is infallibly true and you should bow to it. I don't think that proves anything of the kind.
In fact, my opponent just said, well, if someone will just show me where Rome has changed the dogma, then
I'll become a Protestant again. And yet you may recall that I asked him specifically, who has the authority to interpret
Scripture? Well, the Church of Rome. Who has the authority to interpret what the early church fathers have said? Well, the
Church of Rome. You see, there is something I call sola ecclesia, the ultimate authority of the
Church. And it's impossible to show someone who believes that, that a dogma has changed because all they say is, well, the
Church says it hasn't changed, therefore it hasn't. Nothing can be accomplished there. This evening you have seen that there are indeed two views in the world, those who view
God as able and powerful to save and those who do not. I want you to remember the statement
I made. I pointed this out to you. I said, write it down. Yes, we remember our sins when we go to Mass.
That's what Mr. Syngenis said. In Hebrews chapter 10, we have there a reference to this repetitious sacrifice that is a reminder of sin year after year.
The word reminder there is the Greek term anamnesis. Anamnesis, a repetitive sacrifice is an anamnesis, a reminder of sin.
But you know where else the word is used in the New Testament? If you have your Bible, please turn with me to 1
Corinthians chapter 11. Paul says, for I received from the Lord that which
I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which he was betrayed took bread. And when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, this is my body, which is for you.
Do this as an anamnesis of me. Do this in remembrance of me in the same way he took the cup also after supper saying, this cup is a new covenant in my blood.
Do this as often as you drink it in remembrance of me. My friends, if you have an anamnesis of sin, you're without hope.
The new covenant doesn't give us an anamnesis of sin. It gives us an anamnesis of a savior.
We remember him, not our sins.
There's the difference. An anamnesis of sin, a reminder of your imperfection or a reminder of a perfect savior.
He who became sin in my place so that I might become the righteousness of God in him.
I'm sorry that anything has intruded into this debate other than the subject.
How biblical and how ancient is the mass as Rome defines it, as Rome infallibly proclaims it, she claims.
I don't claim infallibility. I'm a very fallible man, a very weak man.
I don't claim infallibility. I never would. But I do believe in infallible word from God.
I do believe that he has been faithful to the promise to his church. I believe the gospel has been preserved down through the ages, even when it was in a very small minority.
And that infallible word says without question that there is one offering for sins and it perfects those for whom it's made.
My Jesus doesn't just want to and try but fail. He actually accomplishes what the father sends him to do.
Amen. That is the Jesus Christ that I offer to you. Not one who tries but is limited by what the little creature does.
Mr. St. John says, oh Mr. White, he says God will do it against your will.
My friends, he knows what I actually believe. If he's a graduate of Westminster Theological Seminary, he should know.
That what I believe is that outside of the grace of Christ, my will is twisted as an enemy of God.
And unless God by his spirit melts my rebellious heart and gives me a new heart so that my desire is to serve him,
I will be lost for eternity. That's what we believe. There's no reason to misrepresent it.
Two views. A God who saves or a God who tries.
I pray that the God who saves will be merciful to us all this evening. God bless you and thank you.