Tape 5 - Christians Reflections from the Jewish Family


Dr. Irwin "Rocky" Freeman


Scriptures and they take that authority as parents and I have parents who are doing it with young people as well as I have no 12 year old 14 year old 18 and 19 and 20 year olds
Even after they go to sleep they slip into the room and they stand quietly and softly read a passage of Scripture About Colossians 1
Colossians 2 Ephesians 1 and 2 something about the blood of Christ something about the cross of Christ something about the victory that's in the
Lord Jesus Christ and And stealing that look and we have seen young people's personalities totally changed within a couple of weeks time
We've seen school children their personalities completely settled down We've seen them hyperactive taken off of Thorazine within two weeks time
Simply by reading God. Listen, there is something purifying and cleansing about God's word It just is thy word have
I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee David said But Jesus said in John 15 verse 2 now you are clean through the word which
I spoken of you and my dear people light and darkness cannot exist in the same location and with a light of the word of their darkness has to flee and There's no automatic protection for your children just simply because you're a
Christian There is protection to a degree but God wants us to be spiritual defenders of them
And so this is what they do and they believe that when that child goes up He will be unable to root out of his subconscious mind.
He will be able to get that out He can't get it out of his mind what he has learned about the law and the older he gets the more long he progresses and In a religious
Jewish home, of course You've heard me say this in times past with you and many of you know it well because you understand a lot about Jewish people
But you began memorizing the first five books of the Bible so that you move towards bar mitzvah By time, he's 12 to 13 years of age in there.
He is ready to quote great portions of the scripture He's ready to answer theological questions from the rabbi. He is ready to stand at the
Bema He's ready to stand before the whole Congregation and they will allow one or two men to stand and ask it more any question that comes to their mind and he's ready
To defend what he believes as a young Jewish boy. You can't find young people in most churches that can do that Now he doesn't go far enough and he's lost without the
Lord Jesus But they ingrained that within him the Word of God and he starts out before you can ever speak
Here little Israel Lord our God the Lord is one they're teaching him God's unique And he's unique and he has a unique relationship with God or she has a unique Relationship with God turn with me to first Samuel chapter 1.
You remember we talked about this at the very Beginning of our time together 1st
Samuel chapter 1 About Hannah and the whole story of Hannah And you can write out beside There if you want to write out there beside it
Hannah's prayer is the prayer of the people of God Her prayer is the prayer of the entire congregation of Israel because Hannah says for this youth
Have I prayed I prayed for this young man and the Lord has granted my prayer He's granted my petition which
I asked of him I required of us I inquired this of God and God answered me and we talked about that and then she's she said
I've lent Him to the Lord Now it's fascinating to me That the congregation of Israel the children of Israel consider that they have no greater prayer than they can pray than the prayer of Hannah When she went to God and asked
God for a son She Prayed and she rejoiced over it She was absorbed in the love of her son.
She was absorbed in the love of God She was absorbed in the love for the Word of God and the prayer of Hannah We've just gone through Rosh Hashanah, which is the day of judgment in Judaism And you know the
Rosh Hashanah Jewish people believe that Rosh Hashanah the Jewish New Year That is the day the judgment is passed by God God passes judgment on on Rosh Hashanah New Year's and you've got ten days.
I call the ten days of all you've got ten days until Yom Kippur to make it Right, whatever it is. God's got a charge against you got ten days to get it, right?
And anybody in your family owes you money you got to get just dismiss that debt Anybody that you've disagreed with if you've argued with them and you've hurt them you've been offended about all you got to make it right and Every year this is done
Well, it's interesting that this prayer of Hannah is the prophetic passage that is read on Rosh Hashanah the prayer that she prays and asked
God to give her a sign and It's prayed at this particular time and it's prayed by all
Israel and they will pray it again at the conclusion of the scripture reading for the time and Jewish people believe that Jewish people are the whole world has no better plea in the presence of the
Divine Judge than yearning that their children Longing that their children will be raised in the righteousness of God When was the last time you heard a parent praying
God send my son to Africa Lord send my daughter to India God take my children if you want to be missionaries
God, they're yours Now we try to keep them away from that now The cries for missionaries around the world and they're just not many people responding we sing the song, you know, the fields are white, but the labors are few my house is filled but my
Fields are empty but there was a time some of you older people know there was a time when one of the things that was prayed in the
Church at the time of not baptism or salvation, but when a child was just dedicated to the Lord Parents would have a pastor pray.
It was the desire of their heart. God if you just choose to use my son or daughter In the work of the Lord, it would be the full of our soul and I get a trained in that direction
But now we teach it a quite a bit of good education. So you make a lot of money exactly the opposite of what God says in the scripture and So when a child begins to speak according to Jewish law, the father should speak the sacred tongue
Hebrew to him The moment he begins to speak they begin to speak to him in Hebrew and begin to teach him the law of God And that should be the lesson of the child's first word is to learn how to speak the law in Hebrew And that's one of the first things
I learned to say if he learns to say olive He learns how to pronounce the first couple letters of the Hebrew alphabet instead of learning.
Well, God say dad I say mama say grandmama the granddad and that's all right.
I'm not critical of that But my dear people after a while, they're not gonna call you dad die anymore. They're not gonna call you dead day anymore
I mean they're gonna change so you've talked in something that is a value to them They'll learn what to call you
They'll learn And if we teach them the right thing, they'll call us the right thing The law of God is the inheritance for the whole congregation of Israel It's a personal possession in Jewish mind
The Jewish mind believes that it dwells within the soul and blood that if you keep pouring the Word of God in there
It will stay it will totally saturate every organ that a person has it is engraved the Jewish sages say in the inner most parts of all my limbs
It is engraved there. Well, let's take about five minutes Seven minutes eight minutes or something like that until our brother comes and tells us it's time to start and I want to share a thought with you about how to deal with Some things going on with the young people that we prevent some of the things that we face with them
Thank good Okay All right, we'll go ahead and begin so that you can make the last part of the
Astros We want to pick up and start sharing your thoughts with you about How to How to move along in the area that we've been talking about and one of those difficult problems that we confront on the parents
And for obviously as you well know better the most is consistency. It is being consistent in all things
Whatever parents teach their children Leaves an imprint upon them. We are told and we understand that Everything that you see with your eyes is recorded in your brain
Everything that you hear with your ears under normal conditions is recorded in your brain Your brain is a complex computer and it records all those things now
We can't recall all of them We can't bring them out But we make our decisions based upon what goes in our mind and if we put the proper things in our minds then at the
Mean time at the appropriate time then God's able to bring out of our mind or bring to our remembrance Bring to our recollection those things we have placed in our mind that are godly principles
But even the first upbringing of a child cares with it no assurance that a child is going to continue in the ways of the
Lord because when they first are born we can teach them all of These things and in addition to God's help humanly speaking
There is a factor that is probably the strongest Factor that is involved in bringing children and young people to that point where we want them to be so that they can carry forth
The things of God righteousness and justice and well -being serenity and peace in their home as they go out
Whenever they are married and develop their own way of life and that factor simply is harmony harmony between the
Verbalizing between the verbal teaching of what God says and the example that is given by the parent
Concerning that teaching not only saying it not only teaching it but before them letting him see the example a
Parent's deeds must be the one shining example that children young people will see
That will confirm to them what they have been verbally taught now You know that I could spend and you could spend all those together could spend hours and hours about the tragedy of Even Christian parents who are constantly telling their young people constantly instructing their children
But their lives seem to lack Consistency in applying the same principles and truths that they want their young people and children to follow in the things of God To speak of God's Word and to teach
God's Word according to the Jewish mind alone is not sufficient the teachings must be reflected and it's done this way when you sit in your home when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when
You rise up you reflect teachings of God to your children. Now, that is according to Jewish law
They don't all do it obviously, but that is according to Jewish instruction so the primary vision for the effectiveness and the consistency in Dealing with children is parental example parental example you as a parent are the greatest example your children will ever see son is gonna grow up be like dad most of the time and Doesn't grow up to be like mother most of the time now, they'll take characteristics of both
You know here and there but that's the way it's going to be now I remember the instant of an old country doctor.
You know that sometimes they're quite blunt quite Frank and And Get in some of the areas and they don't have the bedside manner the sophistication of the big city medical personalities and all of that and so he went to a home and there were some
People gathered there and a baby had been delivered and so there was kind of a little argument I'm a little discussion going on we might say about who that baby look like and There was as I believe he looks just like dad and so I said, oh no, he looks just like his mother now
You know what baby? I mean kind of world. Can you tell you know, I mean that thing doesn't have pictures hardly It's just it's just a little uncle skin lander, you know, it never looks like anybody
Yeah, how would you ever know? You know, if I were to believe in evolution, I'd look at a newborn baby I was a man, you know that you know, there's possibility here, you know,
I mean, you know We talk about you know, we talk about ugly. I'm it's a beauty. I have problems that personally and I'm criticized, right?
But it's all right. You see beauty. That's fine. Then all that, you know, they've said argument and then so I said well You know, he has features of uncle so -and -so and I know he has features a man so -and -so
And so here come the doctor through the door and they gonna let the good doctor, you know, he delivered They don't let him settle the issue and they just said look here doc
Who does this baby favor? And he said he looks just like his father said And it was silence he said if you don't train that child up in the earth and admission of God you'll follow his father
Satan and There's a hush now, I don't know that that was you know, that didn't do what they wanted
They weren't expecting that but there's a lot of truth. There's a lot of truth Now, how would they teach that child? Not only by verbally giving them information facts
But by an example, isn't it interesting that human beings are the only ones that really lack in that the animal kingdom doesn't the eagle
The wolf the lion they go out and train that cat that mother and she trains that baby cat how to stalk
That tiger trains how to stop the old train and the eagle she gets that a leader it's about it by pushing it out of the nest will go just pushes it out and she goes underneath it with those great wings and It's under and lifts it back up and gets it move again and then she falls away from it and let it free fall for a while and then she comes back under it again and she'll
Do that all through the sky and then eventually that little bird gets the idea and that illegal it does it a couple of times
And it makes no difference whether they're big or little. That little hummingbird you see does this and this and this That little magnet is up there. It just throws lines on the side.
There's nothing left to do with that thing God's little helicopter, you don't need his eyes anywhere Those little wings beat 70 times a second, but they can beat 200 times a second
Where'd you learn that? You watch them If you get out and you find them at nesting time if you could get down in where they go south
If you can get down and you'll see those mothers are always prodding and pushing The father he'd be around there and they'll teaching those words and they'll push them out of that nest
But what human beings do they'll send them off some school and say well, maybe somebody at school teach Maybe somebody at the church teach maybe somebody get done somewhere down the line.
We are the only creation of God that does that That we are not diligent in making sure that our young people know how to exist and how to live in life
We live to others. We leave it to others On and on and on you go, you don't talk about God's creation is it it's amazing when you think about it
Let me give you one off example. Can I just kind of step aside and be one? Do you know that there was a little bird in Europe?
They only weighs a half an ounce and Big gets ready to fly its mother pushes it out of the nest and she doesn't do anything.
She doesn't go on it She just pushes it and it's way up on a big crag up a hill and she just pushes off.
It is do or die And that little bird as it comes pointing down they say just comes up and just before we do the ground if you may
I have to do something that's wrong and this and Starts wagging those things all said realizes.
Hey this works and It begins to fly and the moment listen carefully the moment it begins to fly it sees its mother going off in the distance and That little bird by itself weighing a half an ounce will start a journey immediately
Immediately and it'll come across France. It'll come across Italy. It will cross the Mediterranean Sea It will cross the
Sahara Desert and that little bird way a half an ounce will go down into the middle of Africa and it will land every time right on the edge of the nest that a mother had down there the year before and Who comes fluttering up?
After he gets there But after it's there to sneak around the nest and turn around all that and here she comes here comes that mother
She's made the same journey watching that little bird fly half an ounce through wind and storm and rain
Making sure that made its way and that it did exactly what it was designed And would the
God that we have the same initiative and the same desire To be consistent with our children teach them these particular ways and these things
So the primary condition for being effective in teaching young people and children is to give them that perfect are good
Paranormal example perfect as perfect as you can be help them understand you make a mistake and what's why you got erasers on your pencil
Yeah, but through they They expect perfection and they expect you not to make a mistake
But as you teach them they begin to understand that but the way you overcome mistakes is to deal with the children with absolute truth
Watch my words absolute truth To deal with a young person in Sukkah 46
Jewish word says this a person or not to say to a child I will give you something and then fail to give it that child for the child will thereby acquire the habit of lying
How many dads do I know and you know son I'm gonna take you fishing one of these days Mean you're gonna go fishing and the boy never gets to go dad when we're going hunting you said we're gonna go hunting
Well, we're gonna go go. He'll find time to go to the 710 road in quantity go to all those things He go like it with the kid, you know
We're constantly promising that it is better never to promise Then the promise and not do and promise and not do that can go to three ways
You've heard the story perhaps of the young mother I went she was working in the house and she had a kid a kid and this was good about five years of age
And it was up north and it had snowed and the kid couldn't go out and play and so they can win Pulling the pens pens out of the pantry.
Just open the door. Put it on. She says now I've told you don't do that That's no you don't do that. And so she put them back in and closed the door
And a few minutes later, oh sure just clanging and everything She went back in there. He got him back out again, and she comes in She says I told you not to do that and she was just kind of infuriated, you know
It kind of got beside herself You know how you make a statement that you wish you hadn't made and she said you do that again I'm throwing you out the window and she put those things back in there and closed it
And it about five ten minutes You're like clanging again and she walked in and he's sitting there looking at her just like and she said she her testimony was that she
Got a look from that little five -year -old kid said yeah, you said she's gonna do it Let's just see if you will and she said that's the look I got from that kid
And so she walked in and says I told you and she picked him up and put him under her arm and she walked and she Lifted the window up like that I just threw him right out in it and about four or five feet of snow piled up out there
She just threw him right in. Now. I don't know if that's the right way to go at it But if you told him you're gonna do it
It's better not to tell him because he'll say she didn't mean it It's sort of like the grandmother one of the greatest examples of keeping your word that I know of And the human level is a grandmother that I know personally this family and it happened again to be a medical doctor friend of mine who lives in the
Fort Worth area and In his family, there was a little boy and I don't know if I've ever shared this with you or not but his name was
Lee and Lee was a biter Now Lee bit people Lee was about 19 years old
But he liked about you got me you disagree with Lee you better watch him because if you if we just thought you didn't like If you just had your arm hanging down our next thing, you know, there's a kid hanging on it, you know
I mean boy, he'd latch and you know, they come back with bruise marks And so they went down and and they're the grandparents they had a little farm and so they all went to the farm and They're out there and all these kids and that kids, you know from the other farms
And they all meet and they go out and play in the fields and they're out there playing in a few minutes There comes this little boy. He just cried.
He's got his arm like this. He just weeping and wailing, you know He said oh, oh and the grandmother says Oh what happened?
What's the matter? Did you cut yourself said no Lee bit me And she looks it's all teeth plants and blue, you know,
I mean, they're leaving clamped down on him, you know And she said where is the Lee and said he's out there and she said
Lane she stepped out that Holland Here comes Oli, you know, here he comes Oh, he just comes out of all the other kids and she says come on she grabs
Lee by the hand and she starts walking she takes Lee to the barn and She goes in the barn and she gets her a big rope off the side of the boat
And if I says what we're doing their money and everybody's happy. She said we're gonna hang Lee and said what say we're gonna hang
Lee Now she told him if he ever bit anybody on that farm, she's gonna hang him
So this dear grandmother went down and she fashioned that rope made a noose on it and put a noose around old Lee's neck
This little kid about nine ten years old and she's took it and she threw it up over that lamb And she just kind of snugly a little bit and kind of tied him straightened him up a little bit, you know
She said now each one of you kids and said there were eight or nine kids there said each one of you step up and kiss Lee goodbye
I didn't know kids step up and say Old Lee he liked that, you know, he liked all the attention so he just kind of standing there, you know
Then once while that little grandmother in her knowledge and wisdom, you know But then come out of the books she just kind of tighten that rope up a little bit and snug him and lift him up on his toes
He figured man, this old lady's gonna get red here in a minute, you know She's beside her and Lee's looking at her and they're all crying saying oh
Lee, goodbye Lee Have a good time up there Lee And all this stuff they're saying, you know
She didn't gotten Lee up his tiptoes by now and he said he is struggling, you know
Hang on his toes and his kid that thing is tight on him And then all of a sudden it finally broke in on him this old lady's gonna hang me
And he began that pleading that only children can do her whole grandma. I won't ever bite anybody I won't ever do that.
So she let him down and she said will you before God and Your grandmother promise that if grandmother doesn't hang you
That little boy standing rubbing that rope on his neck, you know That you won't ever bite him and to this day the testimony of his parents
You can't hardly get him to eat his supper. He will not bite anything I mean that you know that kid you gotta tell him it's alright to bite his food.
You know, it's okay, son I mean you can't hardly get him to smile Now I don't know if that's the way you go about it or not
But it is far better never to promise a child anything than to promise them not do it the unfilled expectations that a child will get and they'll grow up as a young person and many a young person
I've talked to and Many of them that you've talked to that one of the biggest problems in their life was a mom or dad
Specifically a dad who kept promising them and promising them and promising them and never fulfilled those promises that were fulfillable
That they weren't they could have been fulfilled So to deal with a child with absolute truth the best and only true education is that which is based upon truth a
Person can abundantly practice good deeds and they can be religious and they can be Christian and they can hang around church and all that But if truth is not the lamp unto their feet and they do not speak truth in their heart
They are building that home upon saying according to the Word of God and you and I believe that truth is the only
Foundation that a home can really stand upon question. What value is an entire inheritance?
worth thousands and thousands of dollars if it is built upon deceit of What true value you have money only for a while only for a while if one finds deceitfulness in their father
Let's just say a young person finds that their dad lies How can that young man or young lady?
How can I'm parent expect that child to trust anything that you say or anything that I would say?
They have no way of discerning when I'm telling the truth or when I'm lying to them once I've lied to them But We don't lie as Christians we tell fields
Are we tell stories? Are we work on the premise? Well, I just don't tell him all the facts But the
Bible says a false balance is an abomination to God. We can always speak the truth We never have to be afraid of the truth
And so this is what we're talking about not only in things insignificant But in things that are significant in the little things in the little things every lie is unfit
Especially is a lie unfit if it is used as a basis for conveying the truth The end never justifies the means
It does not do so and if a child has been taught the trait of truthfulness He has been given ever given everything according to Jewish thinking if not the question
They ask is what has he really been given if he's not been given a life of truth in Sabbath 11 it says this but my children a
Person ought never to discriminate between his children for the gift which Jacob gave Joseph made his brothers envious
Whether a child exhibits some superior talent I was watching this morning briefly on the television
I don't watch him too often But if I find out he's got somebody on I want to pick up on as the Donahue show and he had
Liberace and I've had the privilege of meeting mr. Liberace in Las Vegas and I'd hoped it maybe he'd invite me to his home or something, but I didn't get that far but I did have a chance to meet him and so to me is one of the most magnificent pianist in the world and and he had a young boy a
Young protege just a young kid who happened to be a Jewish kid And this kid was a protege and they were gonna play a duet together and they were touring around the world
Together with this young boy, and I thought about the superior talent that this kid had, you know,
I can't move pianos I don't play them. I mean, I know nothing about him. I got keys and the old stuff They tell me about these things.
I would know one from the other said hit see I wouldn't know where to look I'd think probably ABC. So I probably look somewhere in the middle of the keyboard
I I'd never pick it out none of that talent whatsoever But here's a kid that is superior and they're asking me they said well
What do you do when you were small did your parents boys the day forced me when I was three years old to practice the piano
When he's three, he said he forced me and then all of a sudden I realized that you know, I kind of liked it
So then I began to do it on my own They don't force me as much now but as I listen to what they were saying my mind began to race and I began to think of the young people that the
Pressure had been put upon them because of some exhibiting some superior talent and things that had you But if they have a superior talent or trait or on the other side if they are inferior
In some way to the other children in the family to a brother or sister in any respect They ought to receive equal treatment and equal treatment ought to be meted out to all of them
Regardless of whether they have an inferior trait or superior trait They should all be treated equally if I understand
Christian living Discrimination between children leads to the harshest kind of envy
If a parent sees that a child has a superior potential then it ought to be cultivated It ought to be nurtured and they ought to be encouraged in that Jacob behaved generally towards Joseph in such a manner
But when Jacob gave Joseph a material mark of his affection for his superior attitude and character
He caused in the amongst the other children when he gave him a mark of approval
That was physical though. Jacob had all sorts of justified reasons for doing so he was wrong in doing so Special attention given to a child whether favorable or not in the process of the child's upbringing is proper and necessary yes, we would agree, but the bestowal of specific marks of favor on one child to the discrimination of another child will cause a division at home and will call hostility and envy between those two children and a
Resentment towards the parent who gave it and it happens all the time It happens all the time
And so Proverbs 22 6 says bring up a child in accordance with his way
Even when he is old he will not depart from it Jews Understand that to give a child the kind of upbringing that develops his talent develops his spiritual gifts
Develops the abilities God has given him and he will continue in that way and even when he becomes old he will continue it does not mean and it does not read and you know this as well as I it doesn't mean that he'll have a
Period of rebellion and then when he gets older he'll come back to it That isn't the teaching at all It is if you train them and nurture them to understand these things going on in their life and encourage them in it
They will continue on through it and when they're old they'll continue on through it. That's the way of God That's the way
God wants it in other words give them this encouraged they need because you see we educate children through fear
We educate our children through fear they're afraid not to go to school I'm afraid not to bring those books on they're afraid not to do those things, but one day they won't fear you
One day that fear will subside and they won't have any fear of a parent and so what they will do at that point
They will reject what you have taught them because they don't have to obey then if we teach them through fear
One Jewish writer says woe to people who show excessive mercy towards their children when their children little they say
Let the children have their way. They're still small and it's cute when they grow up They will avoid evil and they'll choose good of themselves
But once they get that evil habit established in their life Once that envious come in once that resentment is there that child doesn't have the capability most of the time to get that out of Their life and the root of bitterness just grows and envelops the life
Envelops the life children must be taught discipline from the very earliest days. I have watched young couples
To the thrill of my soul. I have some young Timothy's that are young pastors I've mentioned them to your pastor this week and a couple of you and and they're dear to my heart
I've watched these young boys grow up from the time they were eight nine and ten years of age and I've watched him go on through school and through seminary and and the
Lord used me to help them get churches now I go home meetings with him and one of the thrills of my life is to be in the church where this young boy
Pastors and it's all the young men pastors and they had new children I went to their home when they had these little babies and I watched that young mother.
I Watched her in a godly way teaching that and this little boy. I'll never forget him little Jonathan He goes crawling across the floor there and she has some beautiful beautiful little whatnots, you know little shells and also the old
Jonathan He likes those things, you know, and so he goes over and I saw him and I thought oh my soul bullshit
I'll never catch him. Well, I didn't feel as my place to say, you know, Jonathan's gonna get him Jonathan's gonna get him, you know, and you know, then to kill it hate me
You know, so I was kind of sitting on watch and see what happened, you know, and I don't know she's in the kitchen I don't know how that mother knew
She just come down and said Jonathan and that kid and he was only that long and he was just barely crawling and he froze
Now I mean this kid is just like that You know just a little old Todd and she said Jonathan and that little boy turned and looked at her and she says no
And he just set up Just set up and he's sitting there, you know about to fall He's looking and looking at them and looking at her and she just done it.
Look She just turned around went back in the kitchen and then she's back Here John my boy.
He doesn't lean him on. She said Jonathan man that kid come unglued And a few minutes later he just crawled off and that kid cannot even he couldn't talk he couldn't speak and I'm confident
You know, he didn't understand half what was said to him, but he knew no And he knew mother meant what she said and she started teaching that boy very very early
I can name you a little boy eight years of age that can quote you Psalm 1 Psalm 2
Psalm 8 Psalm 22 23 24 and he's beginning to memorize
Psalm 119 eight years of age and he is not superior in intelligence. They began to teach him his
ABCs by using Scripture I know a little boy that is only that tall and he's just beginning to read fairly
Well, and he quotes your scripture for every letter in the alphabet Now he's a little terror
But that word is working on it because when he does something wrong, you know what he says, I'll just tell my teacher children
They're not even better than I'm not saying they're holier -than -you or anything like that He's just I knew he thrives
He has a brother and a sister that older than he and he just trying to strive for some attention But anytime he does something, you know
He'll scream at him or something like that and he catches himself immediately now He's only about this tall and he just said
Jordan keep thy tongue from evil He says it to himself
He rebukes himself and I just sit in their home with amazement and watch because that mother during the day
She teaches those kids Scripture she teaches those little children how to walk with God and how to please mother and please dad and when that dad comes home he takes time to sit with those kids together and individually and Confirms and reaffirms and shares his insight with those children and I've watched those kids grow and they amaze me because they're not super Intelligent children, they're just children that are loved by parents such as you love yours, but there's a consistency
I see in their lives that I don't see in a lot of lives. They are consistent day in and day out they don't let anything intrude in their teaching the things of God to those children and They won't make a date with you make a plan with you if it's going to interrupt what they're doing and so It says that we should train the children also in Jewish thought
It's this it is good that a person should carry a yoke even from his earliest youth Now this is what
Jewish people believe they believe that every child as soon as they're able or to start doing chores in the home As soon as are they
I mean as soon as they can do anything Now I wouldn't suggest because one can crawl that you put a bucket on their back and use the mop
You know and say I'm gonna let the let the kid carry around. No, you know the mop water I'm not saying that but as soon as they are capable and it's amazing how quick they can learn to help put a pillow in a
Pillowcase, I mean anything to help them participate in the chores and to give them responsibilities and not alleviate that responsibility
Well, okay, you don't have to do it tonight You don't have to do it. Okay, because they will find a million excuses not to do what you've laid out for them to do and I think it's fine to reward them for certain things that they do and have a reward system if you want to do that to Get them into a habit of doing this one thing that Jewish people do is try to teach that child
To show kindness to a human or an animal so that if they ever see a human or an animal in trouble
They respond to that Respond to that to show that child what righteousness will do and at the same time show that child
What evil will do my kid brother called me some time ago? and he's assistant superintendent in a school district in state of Tennessee and small community and Yet he was talking to me about a young man that he was talking to it was not in his school district
But he was a son of some people he knew and he was telling me about the success that he had with this little boy
Because this little boy was just really hard and he was about 14 years of age and I said, well, what was the brain?
He said well, I've been spending a lot of time with him and he hadn't a lot of other things But he said it all kind of came together when he took him to the state penitentiary and got him to see the electric chair
And he just went down and took him and they showed him the electric chair and I said man, I did he said well that really really wasn't it
He says when he got a good look at the electric chair and and the guy he knew was a guard told him how it You know without getting very gross with him or something abusive in his mind, but told him how it worked and everything
And he said we keep them sometimes right there And he said would you like to go in there and see what it is?
I said, yeah so the little boy he walks in there and the guard reaches over this foot and closes the door and he goes clang and They walked through another door and closed it clang steel door solid and just left that kid just for about a minute and a half behind those bars 14
Say well, I talked to young people say man don't bother me go down to the walls at TDC Well, when you go in that prison 17 18 years old you usually raped
Within two hours or four hours within the first day a young man is raped by the other inmates
Children either gonna walk with God are they gonna be tools of Satan? Tools of Satan and if we don't train them dear people
Prisons are filled now. I don't say this boastfully and I don't I mean Jewish people
I disagree with them on many many things as a Christian, but there are over 30 ,000 37 ,000 prisoners in the
Texas penal system Which is the second largest penal system in the United States of America, California being first and there are only eight
Jews out of the 37 ,000 Now there may be some more who ought to be in there
But there's a reason for it Education Train them and teach them and tell them that God sees what you do
God knows what you do and then by an example say follow me That is the that is the word of the
Israeli Army not both It's the word of the Israeli Army in the American Army the general sit back in some
Tent 50 miles in the front say send platoon five send a platoon send be platoon
But the Israeli colonel the Israeli general says follow me and he's the first one in the battle He is the first one that goes into battle.
Follow me. That's I think crowd apparent Follow me We're going with the
Lord We're walking with God follow me and they can look up and say my mom and my dad walk with God I don't like a lot of things
They tell me I gotta do but they walk with the Lord and when you walk with the Lord They'll have a hard time criticizing you they criticize parents because they see an inconsistency
Saying and yet not applying or doing that thing in their life. And so Forewarned the children
Jewish people say you have to forewarn the child in this manner when they're very small They are told not to shame other people.
They are not allowed to bring tails one child cannot tell on another child They're not allowed to be tail bearers
They are not allowed to slander another individual and Jewish law says this in tradition 32
If one's father should violate the Word of God One can never say to him father.
You have violated God's Word you yourself Don't keep it would be a modern thing Rather he can say to his father father.
Is it not written in the Word of God this and this and this thereby he can never admonish his father, but he can ask his father a question a
Person looks at his home in Jewish life as a sanctuary. We talked about a kingdom But as a sanctuary the father considers himself a priest and he considers his family spiritually speaking now as the people of God as the people of God and he is the mediator between the people of God his family and God he stands before the
Lord for his people He brings his offerings to the Lord what they give out of their home
He considers that an offering to God everything that they do in their home is a sacrifice to the Lord and his goal is to Bring his children under the teachings of the
Word of God and a saying is this if Torah If the law ceases from the mouths of schoolchildren
The world is subject to destruction and that's what we're saying today isn't about our modern educational system.
There is some contention We're saying that they're turning away from God and that you can't get the Bible in the schools and so forth
But this was said by a Jewish sage 4 ,000 years ago take the
Word of God out of the mouths of children and the world is on the way to destruction and We're seeing that in our day and they believe that a single home in which the
Word of God is taught and if it's observed by children young people and parents No matter what happens if God's commandments are inculcated within that family
That foundation can be such on which you could build the entire nation of Israel Though the whole nation be destroyed with exception of that one family and so in Deuteronomy 6 verse 7
It says and you shall teach them to your children and that is exactly what they attempt to do.
I and my household Joshua we quote this freely in the church As for me in my house, we shall serve the
Lord if we really start doing that It's gonna make a difference in our homes and our lives and our church in our community if we really start doing that So let me give you quickly and then we'll quit.
I want to to give you quickly some general principles some general principles about some of these things
According to the Jewish thought a father is Obligated to begin the instruction of his child in the
Word of God when the child begins to speak Now you say but wait a minute and then someone told me even before the service
Well, I think I had someone else said, you know, I didn't get saved until I was almost 40 years old I didn't have children to the way after that.
Well, let me share a verse of Scripture Joel 225 God promises you I will restore the years the locusts have eaten
You start a little late, that's all right. You just pick up and go with God and God Lonnie God Lana what you do
Everyone is obligated to study the Word of God. Everyone young world makes no difference Most Christians that I meet have already learned all they're gonna learn about Scripture Most Christians that I meet if you start talking to them, they are biblical authorities.
It's amazing Had a man call my office some months ago and His wife had called me on two occasions and we had spoken and she says my husband is not a
Christian he's a very well -known rancher in Texas and we began to pray for him and we had others praying for him and One day she called and said my husband and I are coming to Fort Worth and he would like to speak with you
And I says fine this big giant of a man came into my office and we sat down and we began to talk about God and talk about Jesus and I told him how he could be saved.
He didn't want you know Didn't want to trust the Lord I told him how he can be saved and what God was trying to do and what I saw God was trying to do in his
Life he went on That night knelt in his living room by himself in the middle of the night and asked
Jesus to come into his heart the first thing he did the next morning was got his wife and his little daughter and they held hands together and they committed their whole of their lives to Jesus in just about three months
He began to going to another group left the church he was there and he began attending a little group and About two weeks after he began attending that little group.
He began to call me on the telephone and he began to talk to me about certain things and I would share with him some of the things that we had talked about and some of the directions that he was discussing and the last thing he ever said to me is
You need to learn who the Holy Spirit is that's your problem and From that day to this no contact whatsoever in fair much time.
He became an authority on the Holy Spirit of God He became an authority on the Word of God. He became an authority on the way of God and dear people that is impossible
I'm not saying it because it was me What I am saying is that we all are personally obligated to study the
Word of God and no man ever gets to the point Where he knows everything about anything Me or no one does but sometimes we like to think that we know all there is to know
But the longer I live the less I find I know about the precious Word of God How long does the obligation to study last till the day of death to the day of death
The words of Torah will not abide with a person if he's negligent or weak -willed in the study of the
Word of God The Word of God will not stay in his mind not stay in his heart if he's weak will or negligent and doesn't do it inconsistently
What is meant according to Jewish thought by the fear of parents? It says fear your parents one can never stand or sit in his father or mother's place in the home a
Jewish child will never sit in the seat that belongs to the mother or the father. That's where Gentiles got it from That's where you get it from in your home.
You say that's dad's place Well, that's where he's always said but nobody goes or what because it's been it's been sort of a custom for years
Another one is a child or young person can never contradict the parents words in Proverbs 20 verse 20 says whosoever curses his father or mother his lamp shall be put out in obscure darkness a
Child that curses mother and father is to be put to death according to Old Testament law, of course Never contradict a parent and then also talk about fear of parents by young people one must never address father mother by their name
You know, I talked to a lady not too long ago and I were discussing with her and her husband some problems with the young People and she has a teenage born a teenage girl.
You know what they call her dummy Yeah dummy If I had a child
I'd do everything short of killing it If it ever called its mother dummy
And she says well, I don't really mind, you know, it's sort of a way with young people Yeah, it's sort of a way with young people
I'd use the Drano approach. I'd scald that mouth with Drano. I Could try to think back.
What would have happened if I'd call my mother if I didn't call my mother anything other than mother I'd have got probably an hour up in that room instead of four or five minutes.
I Can recall the time that I just was sitting at the table, of course Jewish kids in a religious Jewish home You don't speak until you're 12 at the table.
You don't you don't say anything and My mom had not sat down and when my dad sat down my mother sat down The dad would always serve his plate first and the mother to serve her plate
But she took the first bite before anybody else could eat and I wasn't gonna eat it I just reached out and got a biscuit before it was my time
Next thing I know I turned turned over that chair and laying out in the middle of floor And I was said I didn't know what happened and I saw my dad doing this and it dawned on me what
I'd done He'd look to me. I let's see physically. I mean it just happens a fast I didn't get a chance to get the hand on the biscuit good
Why mom and dad have our time? Now they come in saying what we gotta do tonight the old refrigerator and start gathering, you know
You say well that I was saving that coke for your dad's lunch tomorrow. I didn't get nothing. Can you pop? Down they go
One is to accompany their parents wherever it is necessary No complaint mom says we got to go down here.
Why'd I have to go? I need to study Yeah, what you mean? You're gonna get on the phone and call your friend as soon as mom leaves the door.
I know Not in Jewish life and it also it says That one is to serve a parent in all matters which are done in the service of one's master as a young person serve a mother and dad in all matters as one would serve a master and Then one is to stand before a parent as a servant stands in the presence of his master
Just grateful to be there Grateful to be there How far does the obligation go according to Jewish law watch this to honor one's parents
Even and here I'm quoting Even if one I'm quoting from the Jewish law hall the law if even if one took the most prized possession
Belonging to a son or daughter and cast it into the sea The child should never and ought not to shame that parent or to show anger against them
Well, how far does this obligation extend quote even if the son or daughter watch this was dressed lavishly and presiding over a public gathering and Father and mother came in and smacked them across the face and spit upon him or her.
They must not shame them They must remain silent in awe and fear before the
King of Kings who commanded fear and honor for parents Leviticus 19 3 you shall fear every man his mother and his father
Would be God we had that kind of respect for parents amongst young people I Wish to God I'd had that kind of respect for my mom and dad
If one's parents Bid that young person to transgress the Word of God.
That is the one time that that young person has some difficulty God gets a hundred percent allegiance and we obey the
Word of God at all times We do the will of God whatever it is if one's parents
Are Divorced and their step -parents. Here's what Jewish law says a person is
Obligated to honor a stepmother as long as the father is alive They are equally and similarly obligated to honor a stepfather as long as the mother is alive
And once they pass away, then that obligation ceases Tomorrow evening.
I want to share with you some thoughts in two areas if we get through to it, but it's specifically one our first time together and It will probably go a little bit so we'll get out earlier tomorrow night than we normally have been getting out
I'm sure but I want to share with you an area of family living and life that you and I face every day and see
What the scripture talks about and we'll go in and just we'll dissect a whole passage of Scripture That deals with this one particular thing that so quickly comes to forth
It just so quickly wells up in the life of the home. And so you be here tomorrow evening
You've been so faithful and we appreciate pastor Would you come and share with the people dismiss us in the way that you desire?