David Platt Commits to Political Polytheism

AD Robles iconAD Robles




Okay, so someone alerted me to this sermon from yesterday from David Platt, and it's about the election, and it's exactly what you'd expect.
It's basically an amalgamation of every argument that you've been hearing from Big Eva over the last few months. So we need to maintain unity, even if we don't vote the same way, we need to have unity because of Romans 14 and Romans 15, and he also does the same thing that Piper does where he says that arrogance and vulgarity is the same as killing babies and abortion, that kind of thing.
The whole nine yards, every argument that you've heard is somehow in this sermon, and he does the typical
David Platt thing where he's super whiny and he's almost about to cry every time, that kind of thing.
Some people love that, I find it so obnoxious, but that's okay, it's a style, I mean it's just a stylistic thing, no worries at all.
But I did want to kind of address this idea about unity and that kind of thing.
And I wanted to just kind of approach it from a perspective of really what's being asked here, because in the theoretical, when you hear somebody say that we should have unity in Christ, no matter how we vote, no matter our political positions, we can have differences in political positions and still have unity in Christ, and that's an effective argument because it is true to a degree.
But tell me if you think I'm wrong about this, but when somebody says that, it's almost like in their head, they're imagining like, you know, we're kind of just nibbling around the edges here.
Yeah, we have some differences, but it's really like minor things. It's like, you know, we have differences in whether or not we're going to put in a community pool or something like that.
Like you don't want to put in a community pool. I do want to put in a community pool. We can still have unity in Christ.
And I'm like, okay, true, we can. You know what I mean? Like if we're debating whether or not to have a 5 % tax rate or a 4 .5
% tax rate, yeah, you know, we're really not saying much different there. Like it can be contentious, of course, don't get me wrong.
You know, I don't know about you, but, you know, community votes like that about whether or not to put in a pool or like to resurface a playground or something, they can get contentious.
No question about it. But like when you really kind of take a step back and you think about what we're actually arguing about, it's like that picture of the dress where it's like, is this dress white or is it brown or whatever it was?
You know, that kind of thing. It's like, it's really not that we're not really saying too far. We're not really too far apart.
Right. And when people make arguments like Platt makes in this sermon about unity, you can get the impression that the kinds of things that we're talking about are kind of like that.
They're kind of like very debatable and and that kind of thing. And let's just face it, though, like like one thing
I do want to make clear is the vote on whether or not to put in a community pool. There is a right answer there biblically.
There definitely is a right answer there biblically. But at least like that is something that's somewhat inconsequential.
I mean, there are definitely biblical principles to bring to bear on something like that. But at the end of the day, it's just a pool.
We get that. You know what I mean? We're not talking about breaking unity with someone over something like that at this point.
Like the church has like a hundred steps to get from here where we're at right now to where we need to be understanding the law of God.
You know what I mean? So I can I can definitely bear with brothers that don't understand that the
Bible really doesn't condone prison sentences. In fact, I was just talking to an elderly brother yesterday.
We were over at his house for lunch and he does a lot of prison ministry and I just wanted to get his take. Like, what do you think about the
Bible and prison sentences? Like what do you think about that? And we didn't agree. It was a very respectful conversation.
But I'm willing to I'm willing to disagree with someone like that and still come to the same table because I'm not saying that there's no right answer here.
But it's one of those things that is significantly complicated that I can understand that, you know, fine, we're not we're not there.
We're not there. I can understand that. But this is a huge but when we're talking about the
Democratic Party versus the Republican Party, we're not talking about those kinds of things where it's like,
OK, you believe in a 10 percent tax rate. I believe in a nine point seven five percent tax rate. Let's go to the mat and never love each other again.
Like we're not talking about that. We're talking about like things that are so polar opposite of each other, things that are so upside down from one another that that it's just it's hard.
It's hard to imagine pastors and evangelical leaders working so hard to pretend like it's not something that's a matter of life and death.
It's not something that's a matter of wrath of God or like delayed wrath kind of thing like like the reality is that like there's a political party that that one of their fundamental planks that is a non -negotiable for them is the fundamental human right that women have to murder their children.
And then, by the way, the ones that survive after that, the fundamental human right for a mother to push on transgenderism on them, take them away from their father, slap on a fake penis and inject them with hormones, fundamental human rights, basic to the
Democratic Party platform, basic to the Democratic Party Party platform. It's a fundamental human right to to to to take money from people, take tons and tons and tons of money from people and give it to other people who may or may not work.
Turning the law of God upside down as far as charity is concerned as well. Fundamental human right.
It's actually a fundamental human right to to say that that marriage is can be whatever we call it and all of that kind of thing.
And by the way, if you teach against it, you can be shut down. You can be canceled. You have to get you have to get the mark right.
You have to give us the pinch of incense. Otherwise, you can't engage in commerce in this country.
Fundamental human right. Non -negotiable. We can't have a platform without that kind of stuff. Unbelievable.
We're talking about basics, things that are foundational, like like did he make them male or female?
We've got an entire party of people that are saying no, he did not make them male and female.
He didn't do it. We've got an entire party of people, an entire worldview represented. No, he did not create the universe.
And so we can make our own realities like this is not nibbling around the edges. That's the thing.
It's not nibbling around the edges of politics. That's it's just so dishonest to make it seem that way.
I just don't know how a mind could work a Christian mind who's so clear in some areas can be working overtime to insist that the party that seeks to turn everything
God has said upside down is something that we need to bend over backwards to be unified with.
Essentially what is being said here is that the scripture is so unclear about the correct policies to promote the correct politics to have like God is
Christ is King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Yes. But his commandments are so unclear that essentially we have to commit to political polytheism in the church because it's a different God.
Like if one person is saying look Christ created all things he created the male and female they created them male and female and then somebody else is saying no no no not that we actually we don't know if you're male or female until you announce it and you can also there's you can take back their straight
Z's as well that all that kind of stuff like that's such a fundamental difference that it has to be coming from another
God and so if you look at a political party and all of their positions are so upside down so different from reality from Christ's reality that has to be coming from another
God and so to say that we need unity in the church with someone who's got upside down politics.
That's a saying we must commit to political polytheism in the church. I say no we do not.
We do not. We're not talking about the difference between a 10 percent tax rate and a nine and a half percent tax rate.
We're talking about the difference between saying up is down left is right north is south right is wrong.
That's what we're talking about. It's it's just so unbelievable. So I want to I want you to hear this because there's not
I don't disagree with everything in the sermon. I don't. But the point of the sermon is again it's this commitment to political confusion political polytheism.
Listen to this. And I don't have a verse that answers that question for you.
He's saying I don't have a verse that says who you should vote for and so therefore political polytheism.
No it's not how it works just because it doesn't you don't have a verse to say who you should vote for. You definitely have verses that say certain things are non starters non starters and the entire
Democratic Party platform is a non starter. We do not have to commit to political polytheism to have unity in the church.
In fact fearing God commands that we do not. We should not put up with things that are so ungodly.
We don't have to tolerate that stuff in our midst. Political polytheism is not a good thing is something that we should not tolerate not even for a moment.
Different genuine followers of Jesus will therefore come to different conclusions on the answer to that question and assuming you are applying
God's word as prayerfully and as wisely and as faithfully as you know how to your political decision then we will not break fellowship in Christ.
See that's ridiculous because if you're if you're if you're claiming you're applying biblical wisdom and somehow you come to the conclusion that the party of of childhood general mutilation the party of killing babies before they're born the party of stealing and covetousness and and all of that kind of stuff the party that says that there he did not make them male and female that kind of stuff if that's if you come to that conclusion after you've prayed a lot and thought about it a lot then you need to go back to the drawing board and be disciplined to actually learn how to read your
Bible better because nobody can come to the conclusion that I prayed to God I asked him what
I should do and he told me I should leave my wife and go marry my secretary. You would see it instantly there obviously you didn't do that maybe you did pray but you obviously weren't prayerfully considering this because God has spoken right we don't have to commit to political confusion in order to maintain unity over that decision.
Now as soon as I say that I realize that some people think we should break fellowship in Christ over the vote.
Some people it depends it depends on what kind of vote it is and this vote is James White said this as I borrowed this from him it's a worldview vote it's either a worldview that has some semblance of sanity to it or a worldview that is upside down and anti -Christ that's the choice so pick one or don't pick you don't have to vote
I'm not saying you have to vote or I'm not saying you have to vote for Donald Trump but there is definitely a worldview that you cannot vote for you cannot vote for the one that's upside down that's a non -starter any
Christian pastor worth their salt should be able to identify that. Think I cannot be in the same church with someone who votes for Biden.
Other people think I cannot be in the same church with someone who votes for Trump.
And if you think either of these things and I say this as thoughtfully and compassionately as I know how,
McLean Bible Church may not be the right church for you. This is an environment of welcoming and you should just get the hell out of here.
We're here looking like Matt Damon in Departed yeah so he's basically saying look this is a place of inclusion and unity so if you don't have the belief the commitment the fundamental conviction of political polytheism in this church we're so much about unity we're so much about coming together that you can just get out of here there it is get out unless you're committed to political polytheism get out this is an environment of welcoming and so you should just get
I'm sorry look you cannot again we're not talking about small issues here we're talking about fundamental fundamental just irreconcilable irreconcilable differences
I can't even speak right now we're talking about fundamental foundational things worldview issues there's no way to reconcile someone who says stealing is okay and it's in fact good and someone who says stealing is wrong there's no way to reconcile with someone who says that look
I'm pro -life but I think that women should have access to abortions and someone who says that no actually every life is made in the image of God we must protect the most vulnerable among us there's no way to reconcile those we're not talking about the small issues here it's stupid to think that you need to commit to political polytheism otherwise get out of the church that's ridiculous any pastor who will tell you that is not caring about your soul it's just that simple is not caring about your soul so no matter what
Matt Damon tells you I mean it's I'm sorry you might have wrote a good book that you liked back in the day
I probably wasn't as good as you think it was back in the day but whatever he might have written a few bestsellers and all that kind of stuff but when it comes to this issue he's confused what kind of a discipleship could lead to a place where we must commit to polytheism in the political realm otherwise get out of my church he said it in a nice way but that's what he's saying don't get he's saying get out of here unless you're gonna commit to joining the worship of God with the worship of whatever it is that the
Democrats are doing it's just that simple it's just that simple so anyway I hope you found this video helpful
God bless you know speaking of Matt Damon and the departed there was a there's a theory that I've read and it's when you when you watch the movie it's very convincing it's that Matt Damon in that movie is actually a closeted homosexual and the mob boss