F4F | Time to Drain the Charismatic Swamp


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith. My name is Chris Rosebro. I am your servant in Jesus Christ.
This is the channel that compares what people are saying in the name of God to the Word of God. Alright, so have you paid attention to how many of the so -called prophets, prophetesses, and apostles within the
Charismatic Movement, Pentecostalism, and the New Apostolic Reformation? And yeah, that's a thing.
Have you noticed how many of them have given false prophecies regarding the re -election of Trump? If you've noticed that, go ahead and hit the like button.
Don't forget to subscribe down below, ring the bell, all those YouTube -y type things.
We're gonna be doing an extended episode today. It's gonna be a little bit long, a lot of Bible, and we need to address the seriousness of what is happening.
Because what is happening is that we have within our midst people who are bona fide false prophets, false teachers, false apostles, and the
Charismatic Movement, the NAR, Pentecostalism, rather than cast these people out and excommunicate them and do what
God's Word says to do regarding these people, is continuing to make excuses for them, allow them to double down, while continuing to send their money to them.
This needs to stop. This needs to stop. The best way I can put it is, it's time to drain the
Charismatic NAR swamp. Yeah, that's what it's time to do. It's time to do it.
2020, I think in part, has been God's visible judgment on the
Charismatic Movement, because over and over and over again, they have been shown to be the frauds that they are by events that are far outside of anybody's control and can only be in the control of God.
That's just the best way I can put it. None of the Charismatic prophets saw COVID coming.
None of them. None of them saw the lockdowns coming. None of them saw the riots coming, and a large, significant portion of them all prophesied that God was going to have
Donald Trump re -elected. We will document that. And I know that at the moment that this is being recorded, there are some of you who are legitimately holding out due to the fact that it's just the media who has declared
Biden the winner, and there hasn't been the official vote of the Electoral College.
And part of the reason why I've been holding off and putting out videos while all of this is going on is due to the fact that I wanted to see really where this was going.
Having done the research myself, I don't think there's a snowball's chance in Hades that Donald Trump is going to somehow win this election.
It's not really one state at this point that has put Biden over the top, and the remaining count is really heading in Biden's direction.
And you can sit there and say that there's been voter fraud. That may be the case.
That's just not my judgment to make. That's something that has to be decided by the right people.
But pretty much all the major political analysts, constitutional scholars are saying at this point that the chances that Trump is going to successfully win this election by demonstrating that there's been rampant voter fraud, it's just realistically not going to happen.
And so it's time for us to come to grips with what's been going on.
So over the past four years, I have watched in bewilderment as all of the wingnut wackerdoodles and quacks of the charismatic movement and TBN have been the people who have been the biggest not only supporters of Trump, but have also had notable access to him.
Donald Trump's spiritual advisor and pastor is
Paula White. And the best way I can describe Paula White and the things that she has been saying and doing as the advisor to the
President of the United States, it reminds me of Rasputin, you know, in the last days of czarist
Russia. It's really kind of out there in the strange, mystical, esoteric, and bizarre annals of human history.
That any president would take this woman seriously as a spiritual advisor or as a
Christian is beyond me. And the thing is, is that not just the left, but just rank pagans in general, whether they're of the left or the right, can see through the fraud that Paula White is.
So we're going to spend some time looking today. What's been said, what's been going on, what continues to go on.
Because at this point, the the charismatics are doubling down, is the best way I can put it.
They're flat -out doubling down. I mean, Chris Vallotton, who is the headmaster of Hogwarts, the
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, this guy is to the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry as Dumbledore is to a
Hogwarts. He got it wrong. And he even apologized for getting it wrong, but then took his video down, holding out hope that maybe, just maybe, you know,
Donald Trump's lawsuits will result in some kind of a Hail Mary pass that makes it so that he's able to win the
Electoral College. But he's made it clear on social media, if that doesn't turn out, that he's going to repost his apology videos.
We'll take a look at one of them. So buckle up. You know, I'm not exactly in a good mental space.
This is so serious that it's time to absolutely drain the charismatics one.
We need to make the Church Christian again by excommunicating these charlatans, the people who in 2020 have been shown by God Himself to be complete frauds who are not hearing the voice of God.
So let's pull this up. We're gonna go over to Stephen Kozar's Messed Up Church channel because he put a handy -dandy video together.
Wrong Trump Prophecies Oops is the name of the video. We'll take a look at that. But I want you to consider a couple of biblical texts before we get too far.
Number one, Scripture warns us that there are going to be false prophets that will arise, and they are already here.
2 Peter, you know, this is the final epistle that Peter writes before he's gonna be martyred.
And he was martyred by being crucified upside down. It took him three days to die.
And as he's getting ready to finish his course and to, you know, to leave his earthly body behind and be present with the
Lord, you know, waiting the resurrection from the dead, Peter points us to the written
Word of God and notes that we are to be paying attention to that. And if people would pay attention to it, then they would see these people for what they are.
Here, I'll back up into 2 Peter chapter 1. We did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ. We were eyewitnesses of his majesty, Peter writes, but when he received honor and glory from God the
Father and the voice was borne to him by the majestic glory, this is my beloved Son with whom I am well pleased.
We ourselves heard this very voice borne from heaven and were with him on the holy mountain.
And so you'll note that Peter here is making reference to the transfiguration event, where Christ was transfigured before their very eyes, and Moses and Elijah both showed up, and they were discussing with Jesus.
When you read Luke's account, it says they were discussing with Jesus regarding his exodus. Yeah, his exodus.
That's, you know, a fascinating thing in the Greek there, by the way. And you're gonna note here that Peter, he heard the voice of the
Father. He had that experience, and rather than pointing Christians and saying, you need to have your
Mount Transfiguration experience too and hear the voice of God, that's not what he does at all. And so here's what he says, and we have the prophetic word that's just more fully confirmed.
More fully. Okay, the prophetic word, what is that? It's the Bible, to which you would do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.
Knowing this, first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the
Holy Spirit. So I'm gonna point something out here. Notice what Peter calls the written
Word of God. It's the prophetic Word. And knowing this, that no prophecy of Scripture.
So anytime a pastor is rightly preaching God's Word, he is giving a prophetic
Word from God. Now granted, we all have that exact Word, and that's kind of the point.
And so you'll note then that when a pastor faithfully and rightly handles God's Word, that the
Scripture describes itself as the prophetic Word.
And no prophecy of Scripture comes from someone's own interpretation. No prophecy was ever produced by the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the
Holy Spirit. And so we know here for certain then that in the Scriptures, we are hearing the voice of God.
And God is warning us then, and has been warning us for millennia, that there are false prophets in the
Church, and they come dressed as sheep, that they are wolves in sheep's clothing.
They masquerade as messengers or angels of light, but they are actually doing the work of the dominion of darkness.
And so Peter goes on and says, but false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive heresies, even denying the
Master who bought them, and bringing upon themselves swift destruction. Many will follow their, listen to the words, sensuality, and because of them, the way of truth will be blasphemed.
We're seeing this happening in our day. Because of these people and their sensuality, their heresies, these false teachers, these false prophets, the way of truth is being blasphemed.
Have you seen the videos on YouTube mocking Christianity, basically showing
Kenneth Copeland to be the buffoon that he is, and the latest escapade by Paula White?
Folks, we've got to come to grips with this, that pagans are blaspheming
Christianity because of these false prophets and these false teachers, and their utter, utter contempt for the
Word of God. They are not speaking the Word of God, they are not hearing God's voice, and this is objectively and biblically demonstrable.
And in their greed, they will exploit you with false words. Ken Copeland, Benny Hinn, all of TBN, Paula White.
Yeah, you get the idea. Their condemnation from long ago is not idle, their destruction is not asleep.
And so you get the idea here. We're warned over and over again in Scripture, but I want you to consider something else in this regard, and I need to get to, let's see here,
John 14. For all the talk in the charismatic movement about the
Holy Spirit, and the claims that there's a second baptism of the
Holy Spirit, yet Scripture says in Ephesians 4, one Lord, one faith, one baptism.
One baptism. There's only one. If you are a baptized, penitent, believer in Jesus Christ, you have full assurance from the written
Word of God, you already have the Holy Spirit. And the fruit of the
Spirit is laid out in Scripture in Ephesians, is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self -control.
But the charismatic movement, they don't traffic in any of that. In fact, isn't it weird that the people squawking the most about Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit, in reality are the most greedy and unholy people out there.
But here's the thing, when Jesus promised that He would send the Holy Spirit, there were certain things that the
Holy Spirit would do. So, and I want you to consider what Jesus says regarding the
Holy Spirit. John 14 15, if you love me, you will keep, you will guard my commandments.
I will ask the Father, He will give you another helper to be with you forever, even the
Spirit of Truth. Jesus says that the
Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Truth. That means anybody speaking in the name of the
Holy Spirit who's speaking lies to you, twisting God's Word, saying, thus saith the Lord, when the
Lord hasn't thus saith, they are not operating in the Holy Spirit. They are false teachers, they are false prophets.
And see, the Spirit of Truth the world cannot receive because it neither sees Him nor knows
Him. You know Him for He dwells with you and He will be in you. The Spirit of Truth.
That's what the Holy Spirit is. So the Holy Spirit doesn't speak lies, and it is an absolute fallacious blasphemy to say that God somehow stutters, or that when
He speaks we can't properly hear Him. That's utter nonsense. And I would remind you of an important commandment, in a duplicate here.
And in Exodus chapter 20, we have the Ten Commandments listed out for us.
And here's what it says. God spoke all these words to the people of Israel, saying, I am
Yahweh your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. You shall have no other gods before me.
You shall not make for yourself a carved image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath, that is in the water underneath the earth, and you shall not bow down to them to serve them.
For I, Yahweh your God, am a jealous God, visiting in the iniquity of the fathers and the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.
You shall not take the name of the
Lord your God in vain. And this is the commandment that is being broken left, right, and center by all, and I mean that, all of the major leaders within the charismatic movement and the
NAR. They are blasphemers. They take
God's name in vain. They deceive by God's name. They give false prophecies in God's name, and they come to us in the name of Christ, and they perform, they speak their prophecies in Jesus's name.
But what they are are breakers of this commandment, and they do it day in and day out, and 2020 has given us a unique opportunity to see that for what it really is.
They are breakers of the commandment that says, you shall not take the name of the Lord your
God in vain. And though there's a severe warning here for those who would blaspheme
God's name, for Yahweh will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.
God takes this very seriously, and my question for the church at large is, why don't you?
Why do you have such a laissez -faire, such a meh attitude when it comes to those who are blaspheming?
That's the problem. So anyway, we're gonna continue on here. We'll come back to Scripture in just a minute, and what we're gonna do, hang on a second here,
I hit the wrong button, there we go, I need to go here. Let's take a listen to some of the prophecies that have been given by top luminaries within the charismatic movement in the
NAR. First of all,
I want to say without question, Trump is going to win the election. President Trump is going to win.
And he says he's going to be in office for two terms. All right, Steve Strang.
This guy is the founder of Charisma magazine. Steve Strang. I mean, one of the most prestigious charismatic publications on the planet, and they don't just publish the magazine, they publish all kinds of books and other things.
And he's on with Kenneth Copeland saying that Donald Trump's gonna serve out two terms.
Listen again. He's going to win. And he says he's going to be in office for two terms.
God didn't say that because the Holy Spirit's the spirit of truth. Birth of this nation.
I pray your prophecy comes true. That's what we need. It's coming to pass. Well, it hasn't.
Here's Jeremiah Johnson. This guy is strongly endorsed by Dr. Michael Brown.
Watch the re -election of Donald Trump. There's no doubt whatsoever. And Kat Kerr. I just want you to look at the absurdity of this for a second.
This old lady clearly has got screws loose. I'm not speaking in hyperbole here.
I really honestly think this lady's mental. And if she's not mental, she's for sure demonized.
She's got pink hair, and she claimed on the
Elijah List YouTube channel, and there were multiple interviews with this woman, that God told her that not only would
Donald Trump win re -election, but that she was told this information on one of her many visits to heaven.
And Steve Scholes, the founder of the Elijah List, just slurped this up.
Yeah, I mean, oh, tell us what the Lord is saying, Kat. This woman isn't hearing from God.
She's probably got multiple voices running around in her head, and she's utterly delusional.
And yet, she is put forward as somebody whom we need to be listening to because she takes trips to heaven, and God speaks to her conversationally.
Well, we can definitively say that ain't true. She's a flat -out liar.
The Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth. ...win, because that's
God's plan. Donald Trump will win a second term. What I intend to do through him, it will take two terms to do.
This is what he said. And I knew... Yeah, so God said that, apparently. No, he didn't. Trump was gonna be president. The army of God will...
Yeah, Mark Taylor. Yeah, I mean, this guy is like a celebrity now, Matt. But the thing is, is that he's a false prophet as well.
Victory after victory after victory. And I love what President Trump always says. He says, you're gonna get sick and tired of winning if there is such a thing.
And that's gonna be the same way for the army of God. It's gonna be victory after victory after victory. Will it be an eight -year presidency?
Absolutely. Absolutely. Absolutely, we will. You're sure about that? Yeah, I'm sure about that, because I think what's gonna happen is, is that when people see the good that the country's coming into right now, the prosperity, the jobs, the economy, whatever the case may be, there's gonna be no doubt he's gonna sail right in for the first, second term.
So all these people who claim to hear the voice of God, they clearly are not.
They haven't. They didn't see COVID coming, they didn't see the race riots coming, they didn't see the second wave of lockdowns coming, and they all affirmed that Donald Trump would be re -elected president.
Well, one of the people who prophesied that Donald Trump would be re -elected president is none other than Chris Vallotton, the headmaster of Hogwarts in Redding, California.
And he took to social media and ended up coming up with an apology.
And the folks over at Bethel Church and Christianity on Instagram were able to nab the video, and it's an important thing that they did, because he has taken it down and put it on social media that he's holding out to see what ends up happening regarding these lawsuits and things like this.
So they're doubling down, they're just holding out hope here that they actually did get it right. Well, let's listen to what he says, because we're going to demonstrate that not only is he a false prophet, he's a twister of Scripture.
Let's watch. Good morning, Chris Vallotton here. Well, first of all, I wanted to really congratulate
President Biden and tell him that I'll be praying for him as I did for President Trump and President Obama and also
President Bush. What is that smirk on his face? Is there anything funny about blaspheming and taking
God's name in vain and deceiving by his name? These years I've been praying for presidents, and I just want to say that I pray for your success,
I pray for the success of our country, and I believe that the lot is cast and the decision belongs to the
Lord. So you're not just the President of the United States, you're my president. I've said that many times with...
I seriously doubt Biden's going to watch this video. Trump and President Obama. But secondly,
I really want to apologize, sincerely apologize, for missing the prophecy about Donald Trump.
I prophesied that Donald Trump would be president four days after he took the nomination.
Again, notice the smirk. The first time, four days after he declared himself a candidate,
I should say, the first time, and that was obviously right.
And then later on, I prophesied that he would not be impeached, and in fact that he would win another term, and I was completely wrong.
I take full responsibility for being wrong. If you take full responsibility, step down.
You are the headmaster, the director, of the Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry.
There are people paying thousands and thousands, tens of thousands of dollars to learn how to prophesy from the
Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, and the headmaster of Hogwarts couldn't even get who the president was going to be, who the winner of the election was going to be, and there were only two names on the ticket.
You had a 50 -50 chance of getting this one right, and you didn't. You're not hearing the voice of God.
You're not a prophet. You are a false prophet. Now, I'm going to point something out here. There are two texts that govern the definition, if you would, of a false prophet, and the first one is found in Deuteronomy 18.
We'll do this one first, and this is a text that I come to on a regular basis, and so in this prophecy, there's a...
In Deuteronomy 18, there's a prophecy regarding the Messiah, and there's a very strict warning here that you need to listen to Him and that God will not hold somebody guiltless who doesn't listen to the
Messiah. So, they are right. I'll start at verse 17, right in what they've spoken.
I will raise up for them a prophet like you, like you, Moses, from among their brothers, and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak to them all that I command him.
And whoever will not listen to my words that he shall speak in my name, I will require it of him.
But the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name, that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same prophet shall die.
Now, false prophets in the New Testament era are not stoned.
They're not killed. They're not executed.
They should be excommunicated, all right? So, the idea here is that you speak in the name of God, and it doesn't come to pass.
You are shown definitively to be a blasphemer. So, you're going to note here, the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name shall die.
Okay. Presumptuous prophets are false prophets, and a presumptuous prophet is one who gets a prophecy wrong.
It can also be one who gets one right. I'll show you that from Deuteronomy 13. Whether or not somebody successfully prophesies something or performs a sign or wonder, that's not the proof that they're a true prophet or a false prophet.
It's always in the message. It's always in the God that they are proclaiming. But one of the tests, then, is presumption.
Is the prophet presumptuous, or is what he's saying coming to pass? So, if you say in your heart, well, how may we know the word that the
Lord has not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh, in the name of the
Lord, okay? When a prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh, if the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that Yahweh has not spoken.
The prophet has spoken it presumptuously. Presumptuous prophets, okay, according to verse 20, are to be put to death.
Why? Because they're false prophets. This isn't a slipsie.
This isn't an oopsie -doopsie. This isn't a, oh, I just wasn't careful enough.
Nope. This is a capital crime in the theocracy of ancient
Israel, to take God's name in vain. And so, you'll note, then, presumptuous prophet, the prophet who presumes to speak a word in my name that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that same shall die.
So, how do I know the word that the Lord has not spoken? When a prophet speaks in the name of Yahweh, in the name of the
Lord, and the word does not come to pass or come true, that is a word that the Lord has not spoken. The prophet has spoken it presumptuously.
You need not be afraid of him. In other words, arrest him, have the trial, bring your charges, substantiate them, and then kill him.
In ancient Israel, it was the state that did this. You get the idea. So, in the
New Testament, we do not put false prophets to death. We don't stone them. We excommunicate them.
We put them out of the church. No pulpit. No money. No subscribers on YouTube.
They are totally, yep, they are gone. And that's what needs to happen right now.
The presumptuous prophets, all, every one of them, need to shutter their windows, they need to step down from any leadership that they're in, they need to close their channels, and if they won't, then everybody who calls themselves a
Christian, who believes the Scriptures to be true, must, their loyalty must be to God and not them.
And they must say, that's it, we're done. And let their ministries tank, and they should.
So, you'll note, now, by the way, just because somebody gives a prophecy and it comes true, doesn't mean they're a true prophet.
So, here's where Deuteronomy 13 comes into play. Deuteronomy 13 .1, if a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or wonder that he tells you comes to pass, and if he says, let us go after other gods which you have not known and let us serve them, you shall not listen to the words of that prophet or that dreamer of dreams, for Yahweh your
God is testing you to know whether you love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul.
So, there you go. And by the way, the New Testament standard is a false
Jesus, different Jesus, different spirit, different gospel. So, when somebody comes along claiming to speak by the power of God the
Holy Spirit, if they get a prophecy wrong, they're a false prophet. If they get it right, and they're not rightly preaching the correct
Jesus, think along the lines of like Todd White, who says that Jesus emptied himself of his deity.
All right? That's a different Jesus altogether. That's a different God. That's idolatry.
That's a breaking of the first commandment. So, I think you get the idea, but let's go back then, and we'll continue with Chris Vallotton and his apology with a smirk on his face.
He's not taking this very seriously. There's no excuse for it. I think it doesn't make me a false prophet, but it does actually create...
Yeah, it does. This is the biblical standard for a false prophet. You fit.
You're gone. You're done. Nobody should be coming to you for nothing. You're not hearing the voice of God.
That has been objectively proven. You are a presumptuous prophet. A credibility gap, and a lot of people trust me, trust my ministry, and I want to say that I'm very sorry for everyone who put their trust in me, and then there was this major, major mistake.
It's not a mistake. It's a false prophecy. You're a false prophet. I say, I'm sorry, and I want to look into the reasons why there was a...
No, it's a smirk. I want to look into the reasons. The reason why you got this wrong is because you're not a prophet of God.
You're not hearing the voice of God. You are an agent of the Antichrist and the devil himself.
Disconnection there in what I heard, and I have always believed that when you make a public declaration that if you get it wrong, you have to make a public apology.
Oh, I'm glad you have. Now step down from ministry. Disappear. Go away. You are not somebody who can be trusted at all.
And I want to say that I've never had to do that before. I've prophesied. I've been 14 years working in the political realm.
Never had to make a public apology for a bad prophetic word that I've given.
This is my very first time. I seriously doubt that. I don't know. I'll learn from it.
What are you going to learn? You're not hearing the voice of God. Yet Bill Johnson, your apostle, he says he refuses to have a theology that makes any concession for illness.
Yet you guys closed down, and COVID ran amok among the students of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry.
Completely ran amok. Caused your county in California to have such a spike that they had to lock your county down, and none of your students could even cure
COVID. Strange. School of Supernatural Ministry, uh -huh.
And then we got this. This one, how did
Peter put it? That because of people like her, the way of truth is being blasphemed.
Yeah, just look this up. Look up Paula White and all the mockery of Christianity that's going on as a result of this.
This is her calling in angels from Africa and stuff. This is
Trump's spiritual advisor, man, and she's decreeing and declaring in things.
Strike and strike and strike and strike and strike and strike and strike and strike and strike and strike until you have victory.
For every enemy that is aligned against you, let there be that we would strike the ground for you.
Again, the Holy Spirit, according to Jesus, is the Spirit of truth. Yeah, I just want you to consider this.
I want you to consider this for a second here in this regard, because visually, this is an act of rebellion against the
Holy Spirit, what we're seeing here. I'll explain here in a second. All right, so let me remind you what it is that Jesus said.
Let's see here. It's probably over here. All right. All right.
I will ask the Father, he will give you another helper to be with you forever, even the
Spirit of truth, the Holy Spirit. All right. We read in 2 Peter that no prophecy of scripture is a result of anyone's private interpretation, but the scriptures were the result of men being carried along by the
Holy Spirit. Consider also in this regard then, let's see here, 2
Timothy chapter 3, and all scripture, listen to what it says.
All scripture is breathed out by God. It's profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be complete and equipped for every good work.
All scripture is breathed out by God, theanoustos, breathed out.
It's inspired by God. So who is the common author of every book in the
Bible? Let me go back to 2 Peter real quick here, and I'll go to chapter 2.
Let's see here. Knowing this, first of all, that no prophecy of scripture comes from someone's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever produced by the will of men, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by whom?
By the Holy Spirit. Spirit of truth, the
Holy Spirit, has caused all scripture to be God breathed. It comes out of the mouth of God.
It's inspired, and they were carried along by God, the Holy Spirit, every author of the
Bible. Well, that's going to include men like the Apostle Paul. And I would remind you here of 2
Corinthians 14, which is in that portion of scripture as it relates to what?
The spiritual gifts. All right? So, and here in this context of talking about the spiritual gifts, the
Apostle Paul, writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, this is a portion of scripture that is theanoustos.
He says this, As in all the churches of the saints, the women should keep silent in the churches, for they are not permitted to speak and should be in submission, as the
Torah also says. If there's anything they desire to learn, let them ask their husbands at home, for it is shameful for a woman to speak in church.
Or was it from you that the word of God came? Or are you the only ones it has reached?
If anyone thinks that he's a prophet or thinks he is he should acknowledge that the things I am writing are a command of the
Lord. If anyone does not recognize this, he is not recognized. So, if you believe that Paula White is a prophetess of God, she's a self -proclaimed pastor.
Pastrix. Yet, scripture is clear. What we are witnessing here is forbidden by the
Lord Himself. And Paul says, If anyone is spiritual, they need to acknowledge that this is a command of the
Lord. So, here we've got this buffoonery all going on in the name of the
Holy Spirit. But, if that's true, then God the Holy Spirit lied.
He lied when he had the Apostle Paul pen, 1 Corinthians 14, 2
Timothy 2. The Holy Spirit was lying to us. Yeah, in other words, the
Holy Spirit is the spirit of error, not the spirit of truth. Or maybe the spirit that she has isn't the
Holy Spirit. I think that's a more legitimate way of looking at it. Let's continue. Give us victory, God. I hear a sound of abundance of rain.
I hear a sound of victory. I hear a sound of shouting and singing. I hear a sound of victory.
I hear a sound of an abundance of rain. I hear a sound of victory. I hear a sound of an abundance of rain.
I hear a sound of victory. You didn't hear no sound of victory. The Lord says it is done.
The Lord says it is done. The Lord didn't bring victory to Trump.
The Lord says it is done. Then the Lord you're referring to is not the
God of the Bible. You're referring to the Lord of darkness. For I hear victory, victory, victory, victory in the quarters of heaven, in the quarters of heaven.
Victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory, victory. For angels are being released right now.
Angels are being dispatched right now. Amanda, Aka, Ata, Raka, Teda. Yeah, and what she's just doing right there, so -called speaking in tongues without an interpretation, that's forbidden by the
Word of God. Another, yeah, same text, 1 Corinthians 14. Let's see here, regarding tongues.
All right, so if anyone speaks in a tongue, let there be only two or at the most three.
Each in turn, let someone interpret. If there is no one to interpret, let each of them keep silent in the church and speak to himself and to God.
So not only is this an act of lawlessness, an absolute defiance against the
Holy Spirit by the mere presence of what she's doing, by just what we're witnessing, but now her speaking in tongues without an interpreter is an act of defiance and rebellion against the
Holy Spirit, because the Holy Spirit caused these words here in 1 Corinthians 14 to be written, and the
Holy Spirit is the spirit of truth. We continue. Aka, Sanda, Ata, Ambo, Osa, Kata, Rike, Eke, Banda, Ata, Rike, Tida, Asha, Ta.
The angels have even been dispatched from Africa right now, Africa right now, Africa right now, from Africa.
Angels are being dispatched from Africa. Apparently, they got lost. Right now, they're coming here. They're coming here in the name of Jesus from South America.
They're coming here. They're coming here. They're coming here. They're coming here. Maybe they're fallen angels.
I don't know. From Africa, from South America, angelic forces, angelic reinforcement, angelic reinforcement, angelic reinforcement.
This isn't the Holy Spirit. She's not operating by the Holy Spirit. She is in open, defiant rebellion against God the
Holy Spirit by refusing to obey what God the Holy Spirit had penned by the
Apostle Paul. I hear the sound of victory. I hear the sound of victory.
I hear the sound of victory. No, you don't. I hear the sound of victory. Yeah, I think you get the point.
Well, Sid Roth is now doubling down, and let's head over to the It's Supernatural program.
I don't know what to make of this. This aired November 9th, so this was yesterday, and a shocking prophetic timeline reveals what is next.
Let's let Sid Roth explain. Hello, Sid Roth here with Robin and Robin Bullock and their family.
Robin and Robin Bullock. Dude, MacGyver just called.
He wants his mullet back. Worship group, and when I originally found you about your ministry,
I saw that your ministry is prophetic and worship all in one package, and I happen to love it.
So, a lot of what we're going to do is nothing preplanned. The only thing
I know is I talked to Robin. Now, I want you to note here, this video aired yesterday.
I'm recording this on November 10th, and it aired yesterday, and it has 673 ,000 views.
Almost a million views, and this thing has gone nuts. But this is
Looney Tunes. Sid Roth is not hearing God, and neither is this
Robin Bullock fellow. Again, MacGyver called. He wants his mullet back. This is just utter buffoonery.
This is rebellion against God the Holy Spirit. This isn't the spirit of truth that they're operating under.
These are deceptive spirits, false prophecy, demonic spirits.
A couple of days ago, and I said, Robin, what is God showing you about the election?
And when he told me, I felt the world has got to know about this because there are so many people down in the dumps, and they think, oh,
God has let me down. And look, maybe… No, all the people who prophesied that Trump would win, they let you down because they weren't hearing the voice of God.
And it's been patently obvious that they haven't been hearing the voice of God since they showed up on the scene.
So what did God do? He had mercy on us by causing all of these false prophets to completely fall on their face multiple times throughout the year 2020.
Misunderstand God sometimes, but God never lets anyone down. Never. So, Robin, I have not pulled, despite everything going on in the news,
I'm reminded a great general said this. I think it was
Patton. Never give up. Never give up.
When it comes to the election, I did my part. I voted. It's not my fight to fight.
It's not your fight to fight. It's Trump's fight to fight if he wants to fight it, but that doesn't guarantee that he's going to win it.
So I have no role, none, zero, in any ongoing battle.
I'm just a bystander. Never give up. Never give up. You hear that, devil?
I'm never going to give up. Never giving up. Even after Biden's inaugurated?
So, Robin, what is God showing you that is going on? God isn't showing this man anything.
Because there is great confusion, and I need some - Yeah, and the confusion is caused by the people claiming that God is talking to them about the election.
Clarity. The world needs some clarity. Well, you know, brother, we started into a timeline in 2012, and when we started into this timeline, you know
God works in parallels. What? We started into a prophetic cycle in 2012.
We did. And this is what I believe happened. The Lord spoke this to me.
No, he didn't. You're not hearing from God. 2012, he said, the time of Moses has begun.
God's people have begun a process of coming out. Several things will happen now.
A process of coming out? Coming out of what? Coming out of truth into error?
Coming out of true Christianity into a false wackerdoodlism?
Is that what you're talking about? Things in the world and things in the church because it has begun.
Now, this was in 2012. What does that even mean? Right after I gave that word -
Excuse me, what is it? Sid Roth can't even figure out his prophecy.
Well, I think we're about to see what he's talking about. So you don't know what the it is?
Because right after he gave me that prophetic word, then this was the headline,
Sid, around the world. It said, the longest river in China turned blood red. The Beirut River -
Algae bloom. Ran blood red. A pillar of fire was caught on camera going across the
Australian desert. There was a swarm of locusts attacked a market -
Oh, proof that it's the time of Moses, man. We're all coming out. What are we coming out of? I don't know.
Yeah, let me jump in here, and let's take a look at -
We'll go a little farther along here and see where this ends up. Let's check out just a little bit more later in this.
This is not the voice of God. Hope, the help, and the victory - And the victory -
Of the Lord! Of the Lord! I got to back that up. I just want to see the context here.
They're doing declarations, man. A word to say, but repeat it after me.
I fear not - I fear not - I stand firm -
I stand firm - Still, confident, and undismayed -
Still, confident, and undismayed - And I see the salvation -
And I see the salvation - The deliverance - The deliverance -
The help - The help - And the victory - And the victory - Of the
Lord! Of the Lord! Hallelujah! You know what the sad part about all this is?
Is that at the end of January, when Biden's inaugurated, nobody in the charismatic movement is going to hold these people accountable.
They are clearly, and undeniably, false prophets. They are not hearing the voice of God, and this is nonsense.
Rather than basically admitting that they weren't hearing
God's voice, they're doubling down now. I want to start this out right. When I say right, it is -
I saw a video the other day of Kenneth Copeland, and Kenneth Copeland was prophesying, and he was speaking on behalf of God.
He said, Biden? The President? Copeland, did you notice what he just said?
Copeland speaking on behalf of God. No, he's not. That's definitively proven to be true, that he's not hearing, and he's not speaking from God.
And then he started laughing in the spirit. Now, most people don't understand this, but I've been praying in supernatural languages for many, many years.
It's referred to as tongues in the Bible. It's a supernatural language, not coming from here, but coming -
Yeah, so turn your brain off. You just have this - you have no idea what you're praying. But the Apostle Paul, if you would actually just read the warp and woof of what's going on in 1
Corinthians 12, 13, and 14, he makes it clear that he would rather speak one intelligible word, five intelligible words with his mind than 10 ,000 words in a tongue.
I thank God that I speak in tongues more than all of you, Paul says. Nevertheless, in the church, I would rather speak five words with my mind in order to instruct others than 10 ,000 words in a tongue.
Tongues are not assigned to believers, they're assigned to unbelievers, and their purpose for that sign has passed long ago.
We continue. Wow, this is terrible. Your spirit, deep within, and according to the
Bible, Paul said, I wish you all prayed in tongues. Paul said, I pray in tongues more than any -
No, Paul didn't say, I wish you all prayed in tongues. That's not what he said. And I'm going to point something out.
The Apostle Paul, in chapter 12, makes it clear that not all speak in tongues.
This is not a gift that is universally given. Never was, even when it was on the planet. The Apostle Paul says,
God has appointed in the church first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then miracles and gifts of healing, helping administrating various kinds of tongues.
Are all apostles. I always like to point this out, that in the Greek, it's impossible to answer any of these questions with an affirmative.
The reason being is that there's a particle in the Greek, and the particle is me.
Particle, when me shows up in a question, it means that the question being asked must be answered in the negative.
So here's the first question. Me pontes apostoloi? Are all apostles?
Because the me is there, the answer is no. Me pontes prophetai? Are all prophets?
No. Me pontes didaskaloi? Are all teachers? No. Me pontes dunamis?
Do all work miracles? No. Me pontes charismata exousen iamaton?
Do all have gifts of healing? Answer, no. All right, then the operative one, the most important one.
Me pontes glossais lalusen? Do all speak in tongues? Well, it's got the particle me there.
The answer is no. So every charismatic in Pentecostal who tells you that God wants you to have the gift of tongues so that you can have a prayer language is lying.
When this gift was still on the earth, not everybody in the Church had it.
And this idea that God gives differing gifts for the purpose of building up the body of Christ, that's absolutely true.
But the purpose of tongues is assigned to the unbelievers. It's a fulfillment from Isaiah chapter 25,
I believe. You can check your cross references on that. It's assigned to those who persisted in their unbelief.
So here, Sid Roth claiming to be a purveyor of the Holy Spirit, it's a different spirit because he's not in tune with the spirit of truth.
This is a spirit of error for sure, but not the spirit of truth that he's operating under.
Man, why? Because it's God praying through you perfect prayers.
No text says that. Perfect faith. No text says that either. What I have found is when
I have prayed enough in tongues about something, I start laughing in the spirit.
Mental breakdown? I don't know. I started thinking about that this morning.
It's a ring of victory. Yes. It's a giant victory. It's like you're at the
Red Sea. They're at the coronavirus. You're at - The coronavirus is not the
Red Sea. Conflict over president. You're at race. The 2020 presidential election is not a
Red Sea moment. Relations in America. There is no hope but God.
And I'm gonna tell you something. It says in the word of God, Psalm 2, 4 to 8, read it for yourself.
It says, God laughs. In other words, God will laugh through you. Who's he laughing at?
Now he's totally twisting God's word. You know what's so funny is that Sid Roth is twisting this text almost the same way that Rick Warren did years ago.
He wrote an article about how God has a sense of humor. We wrote something called the Blazing Saddle's Bible study just to show how duplicitous this is.
So Psalm 2, why did the nations rage and the people's plot in vain? The kings of the earth set themselves and the rulers take counsel together against Yahweh and against his anointed, against the
Messiah, saying, let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.
He who sits in the heavens laughs. He, the Lord, holds them in derision.
Then he will speak to them in his wrath and terrify them in his fury. So you'll note that what
Sid Roth just did here, he flat out twisted Psalm 2, 4 to make it say, this is,
God laughs, so therefore God wants you to laugh in the Spirit. This is a laugh of derision.
This is a laugh of judgment. God is basically going, oh, this is ridiculous. And then he acts out, then he lashes out at them in his wrath and his fury for their hatred and refusal to bend the knee.
That's the point. So yeah, listen again to what Sid Roth does with this text, because this proves that he's not operating under the
Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of truth. Sid Roth But Psalm 2, 4 to 8, read it for yourself.
It says, God laughs. In other words, God will laugh through you. Who's he laughing at?
He's laughing at the devil. What's that? It doesn't, no, that, no, no, no.
That the devil lost, God won. And God laughs.
He's sitting in heaven laughing at the devil. Regarding the
Trump reelection? In Proverbs 17, 22, it says, a merry heart does good like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bowl.
That's not talking about the so -called holy laughter thing. At all.
I want, I want medicine. Now, if you were born again, that just means that you have entered in.
You have said, Jesus, forgive me of my sins. And I make you my
Lord and savior because my sins are wiped away because of you.
Thank you. You're good. You're such a good God. Thank you, Lord. There was, it's that simple to enter that kingdom.
And when you enter, it said that Paul said, I wish all of you prayed in tongues.
Paul never said that. Never prayed in tongues before. I'm going to start in tongues and I will.
Okay. Hang on a second here. We're going to go back to 1 Corinthians 14. All right.
Let's see here. I, you know, I got to pick a, a place to do this with.
All right. All right. So 1 Corinthians 14, pursue love, earnestly desire the spiritual gifts, especially that you may prophesy.
For one who speaks in a tongue speaks not to men, but to God. No one understands him, but he utters mysteries in the spirit.
On the other hand, the one who prophesies, and you get a note here, a pastor preaching the prophetic word is prophesying.
That's, you just take what Peter says regarding the prophetic word and the scriptures, and you can see that it's, that, you know, a faithful pastor rightly handling
God's word, that's a form of prophesying. The one who speaks in a tongue builds up himself, but the one who prophesied builds up the church.
Now, I want you all to speak in tongues, but even more to prophesy. So you're going to note here, what he did is he took, he took what
Paul says. I want you all to speak in tongues, as if somehow that what Paul was really saying, I really want you all to speak in tongues, but Paul in 1
Corinthians 12 had made it clear, not all have the gift of tongues. So Paul is not saying,
I want you all to speak in tongues, as if somehow that's a command. No, it's in the context of, you know,
I would that you would, I would wish that you all would speak in tongues, but even more, I prefer that you prophesy, for the one who prophesies is greater than the one who speaks in tongues.
That's his point. So by basically taking this portion of the sentence out of context and making it sound like Paul's giving a universal command that he wants all to speak in tongues, a universal desire, that that is to do violence to this text, because the whole point of where Paul is going with this is to get people to focus on gifts that build up the church.
Tongues doesn't. And so the whole warp and woof of 1 Corinthians 14 is working against the manifestation of tongues.
It's a sign gift to unbelievers, and that that's the purpose of that sign is long since gone. ...believe
that I am going to laugh about all of these problems, and I want all the musicians,
Robin and Robin, and their family to enter in. I want everyone viewing us right now to enter in because we are at our...
Enter into what? ...sea, and I want all to enter in because we are at our
Red Sea... No, we're not. ...and but God. And Robin, after we finish...
This is blasphemy. It's not the Holy Spirit that's behind this. This is demonic.
This contradicts so much of Scripture. It's not even funny. ...you and your family to have us enter into worship.
I don't know... I want you to know
I'm not making that laughter up. Oh yeah, if you're not, then it's coming from hell.
It's, this is a demonic laughter for sure. Ho, ho, ho, ho, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ho, ho, ho, imagine if a million
Christians were laughing at the devil right now. Yeah, ha, ha, devil won't know which way to go on your ha, ha, ha, ha, ha...
Anybody following this is under the power and the control of the devil. One last text, a very sobering one.
From Jeremiah 23, concerning the prophets. My heart's broken within me. All my bones, they shake.
I'm like a drunken man, like a man overcome by wine because of Yahweh and because of his holy words.
The land is full of adulterers because of the curse and the land mourns. And the pastures of the wilderness are dried up.
Their course is evil and their might is not right. Both prophets and priests are ungodly.
Even in my house, I found their evil, declares Yahweh. Therefore, their ways shall be to them like slippery paths in the darkness into which they shall be driven and fall.
For I will bring disaster upon them in the year of their punishment, declares Yahweh. In the prophets of Samaria, I saw an unsavory thing.
They prophesied by Baal and led my people Israel astray. But in the prophets of Jerusalem, I've seen a horrible thing.
They commit adultery and they walk in lies. All of the prophets, the major prophetic leaders of the charismatic movement in the
NAR, they're all walking in lies, straight up. They twist and mangle
God's word. They, in their actions, openly disobey it and defy it.
They behave as workers of lawlessness, and that's what they are. And you'll note, they strengthen the hands of evildoers.
Christ says that when the Holy Spirit comes, the Holy Spirit would convict the world of sin and unbelief.
The Holy Spirit convicts people of their sins. When was the last time you've seen the purveyors of prophecy and signs and wonders rail, rightly so, justly so, against sin?
They don't. All right? They strengthen the hands of evildoers so that no one turns from his evil.
All of them have become like Sodom to me. Its inhabitants like Gomorrah. Therefore, thus says Yahweh, the
Lord of hosts, concerning the prophets, Behold, I will feed them with bitter food. I will give them poisoned water to drink.
For from the prophets of Jerusalem ungodliness has gone out into the land. Thus says the Lord of hosts, do not listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes.
Note, God wills for you to not listen to false prophets.
Do not listen to them. That's God's will, that you cut them off totally.
Done. You don't get to hear, your words don't even come to my ears. Don't listen to the words of the prophets who prophesy to you, filling you with vain hopes.
They speak visions of their own minds, not from the mouth of Yahweh. They say continually to those who despise the word of Yahweh, it shall be well with you.
And to everyone who stubbornly follows his own heart, they say, no disaster will come upon you. Who among them has stood in the council of Yahweh to see and to hear his word?
Or who has paid attention to his word and listened? Behold, the storm of Yahweh. Wrath has gone forth, a whirling tempest.
It will burst upon the head of the wicked. The anger of Yahweh will not turn back until it is executed and accomplished the intents of his heart.
In the latter days, you'll understand it clearly. I did not send the prophets, yet they ran.
I did not speak to them. Yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in my council, then they would have proclaimed my words to my people and would have turned them from their evil way and from the evil of their deeds.
Am I a God at hand, declares Yahweh, and not a God far away? Can a man hide himself in a secret place so that I cannot see him, declares
Yahweh? Do I not fill heaven and earth, declares the Lord? I have heard what the prophets have said who prophesy lies in my name, saying,
I have dreamed, I have dreamed. How long shall there be lies in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies, who prophesy the deceit of their own heart?
And brothers and sisters, that's every prophet in the charismatic movement, every prophet in the
NAR. They prophesy deceit, and they prophesy the deceit of their own heart.
They are speaking lies, and they are not sent by God. We're not hearing the voice of God from them at all.
They think to make my people forget my name by their dreams that they tell one another, even as their fathers forgot my name for all.
So let the prophet who has a dream tell the dream, but let him who has my word speak my word faithfully.
And they don't. I have yet to see anybody claiming to be a prophet of God today.
Claiming to traffic in signs and wonders, going on about speaking in tongues and the baptism of the
Holy Spirit. I have yet to hear them faithfully speak God's word, rightly handle a biblical text.
Yet the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit, and the Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin.
And when somebody mishandles God's word, that's a form of error, serious at that. But when you speak lies, and you prophesy in the name of the
Lord, and it doesn't come to pass, they turn around and say, well, that doesn't make me a false prophet. Yes, it does. The true prophets are the ones who speak
God's word faithfully, the written word of God. That is the prophetic word made more sure, it was even more certain than the voice of the father that Peter heard when he was there on the
Mount of Transfiguration. It's time for the church to wake up. It's time for the church to wake up.
What these people are doing is utter blasphemy, and nothing good will come of this.
There will be no revival, there will be no real repentance until the church excommunicates and gets rid of these blights, these blemishes, these people who exploit us with their false words, claiming that God told them things when he hasn't.
And they exploit us with their false words in utter and noticeable greed.
And they tell you what you want to hear, rather than turning you away from your sin. That's the problem.
So, hopefully you found this helpful. I understand I'm a little cranky, but this is super serious.
The time has come. The time has come to drain the charismatic and NAR swamps.
Get rid of the false prophets. It's time to make the church Christian again, and to only hear the voice of God, the voice of God found in Scripture.
None of these people are hearing God's voice, and that has been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt.
It's time to be done with them, and time to repudiate them. Stop singing their songs, stop sending them money, stop giving them views on YouTube, and just be done with them.
They are not people who are operating with the Spirit of Truth. That is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth.
They are deceivers, and they traffic in lies and blasphemies, all in the name of God, but God says
He's against them, and He does not want us to listen to them. So, who are you going to listen to, them or God?
That's what it comes down to. Hopefully you found this helpful. If so, all the information on how you can share the video is down below in the description, and until next time, may
God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.