Is Jesus Appearing to Muslims In Dreams and Visions?

Justin Peters iconJustin Peters


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Muslims are getting saved by the millions because Jesus is appearing in their dreams and in visions.
Or is he? Welcome to the program, ladies and gentlemen.
My name is Justin Peters. I hope that this finds you and your family doing well today. I want to thank you so much for joining me.
Undoubtedly you have heard this. Jesus is showing up in the dreams of Muslims and appearing in visions, and they are getting saved by the millions.
You've heard this undoubtedly for many years. This has been going on for 20 years or so.
People have been talking about this. But is that what is actually happening? Well, I want to talk about that because it's one of the more common questions
I'm asked as I'm out and about traveling and preaching different churches around the world. And I'm going to employ the help of my friend
Jim Osman, who has written a book on this subject. Not specifically the
Muslim part, but more broadly speaking how God does and does not speak to us today. The title of that book is
God Doesn't Whisper, and I have a link down there below in the description to that book and to the other books that Jim has written as well.
And I commend all of them to you. So we're going to talk about this. He and I have both done a lot of thinking, and he has done a lot of writing on it.
So we're going to tackle this head -on, and I encourage you, please do watch the entirety of this video.
Listen to the arguments that we make. I know it's very easy for us to kind of, we hear this this claim, and we want to believe it because we want to see
Muslims saved, of course. But we've got to bring our beliefs, our theology, everything in line with the
Word of God. Scripture is authoritative, not experiences, and not how we hope things might be.
So we're going to talk about this. I think we're going to do a pretty good dive on this, and it will help you to think about this question biblically, because it is really out there in the in the
Christian ether, as it were. So without any further delay, here's my interview with Jim Osman.
Well, Jim, how are you, brother? I'm doing well. How are you doing? Good, good, doing well. Thanks for joining me again.
Good to have you here. Yeah, it's always good to be back. Yeah, well, Jim, this is a subject matter that I've wanted to tackle on my
YouTube channel for years now, actually, and I just keep having other rabbits jump up, and I start chasing them.
So we're going to chase this one today. It is almost universally believed amongst evangelicals, charismatic and non -charismatics alike, that Jesus is appearing in dreams and visions to Muslims, and they are getting saved in droves by the millions, even, that Muslims are coming to Christ.
I want to play this video here. This is from CBN, and I just downloaded this off of their
YouTube channel, but a short clip here, but it illustrates the issue. Of course, when
I went to Mecca, I was going there in order to pay homage to the Kaaba and to fulfill the requirements in Islam.
But that night, I saw Jesus in a dream. First, Jesus touched my forehead with his finger, and after touching me, he said,
You belong to me. And then he touched me above my heart. You have been saved. Follow me.
You belong to me, he said. So I decided, Okay, I am not going to finish the pilgrimage.
Whatever it takes, I am going to follow that voice. In the church, if you ask how many people, how people came to Christ, 80 % will say they saw him in a dream.
So I decided to ask him, and so I did. And then the next day,
I guess, I saw a dream, and I saw in my dream, I saw Jesus was a bridge.
I decided to come to him. So, Jim, what are your initial thoughts?
Well, the first thing I noticed when watching through that video is that this man allegedly got saved just by Jesus touching him on his heart and saying,
You're saved. You're redeemed. And there was no explanation of the gospel, no explanation of substitutionary atonement, no explanation of his violation of the law of God and his need for a savior, the role that Jesus has in that salvation.
There's no indication that this man understood that Jesus is not just a prophet, but also that he is
God in human flesh, and that as the divine Son of God, the eternal divine Son of God, that he came here and lived a perfect life in our place and died to death on the cross in our place and rose again from the dead victorious and that he's coming again.
No explanation of any of that or the justice of God that sinners deserve in hell that threatens him, and that's what we're being saved from.
So, I mean, I guess it's possible that somehow this man understood those things before he had this alleged vision, or somebody communicated it to him afterwards, and he got saved.
But if Jesus is showing up in dreams and visions to evangelize Muslims, he's doing a horrible job of it because he didn't even communicate the gospel to that man.
Right. It's like this hasn't even had evangelism 101. You could learn a lot from Ray Comfort, apparently.
Right. I know. Exactly. Yeah. This Jesus needs to go through a way of the master a time or two.
That's right. Yeah. So, yeah, that doesn't make any sense. Touched his forehead and touched his heart.
And then another example in this video was a Muslim woman, and she was apparently challenged by a friend of hers to ask
God to speak to her personally. And he did, and through a dream and vision, and then she got saved.
Yeah. The same thing. There's no content there about what the gospel actually is.
And so the telling of the tale is accepted in evangelical circles without almost any skepticism or curiosity at all as to what's really going on.
And it makes me wonder what's really happening with these. Do I doubt that they're actually having experiences or dreams or that they're thinking that they're seeing these things?
I don't doubt that. I think many of them probably are. I think that the legitimacy of the visions themselves take on almost an aura of self -authentication in the minds of many people, that if this is happening, then it must be
Jesus. And if Muslims are saying that they're coming to Christ, then this must actually be going on.
And I think in some circles, the telling of the tale grow over time. And I don't doubt at all that Muslims have these kinds of experiences.
I just doubt the legitimacy of them and the outcome of them. Right. And people have heard me say before,
I don't doubt that charismatics are having experiences. The question is, is what is the source of those experiences?
Where are they coming from? Because lots of people have experiences, not just professing
Christians. Hindus have experiences. Mormons have experiences. They appeal to the burning in the bosom.
Jehovah's Witnesses have experiences. So, you know, any number of pagan religions have experiences.
So the question is, is what is the source? And I'm glad you said that about that.
You don't doubt that Muslims are having dreams about Jesus, because quite honestly,
I would be surprised if they're not having dreams about Jesus, at least some of them, because Jesus is part of their religious fabric.
Correct? Yeah. Yeah. I mean, he's in Islam. Jesus is a prophet, not as good of a prophet as Muhammad, but a prophet nonetheless.
And so they think about Jesus. They are taught to accept the words of Jesus as a legitimate prophet.
And they have a whole Christology inside of Islam that is different than Christian Christology, but it's a
Christology nonetheless. And so they have a theology of Jesus. And, you know, in our Christianity, Islam is nothing.
We have no room within Christianity for Muhammad or any other prophet from Islam, nor Allah, nor the theology of Allah.
But inside of Islam, there is a whole category of ideas about Christ.
I shouldn't say Christian ideas, but ideas and thinking about Christ. So that they would think about him or have a dream about him once in a while wouldn't surprise me at all.
But the question is, what is the identity of this Jesus showing up in their dreams? And is he proclaiming himself to be the divine son of God, demanding worship, or is he just in keeping with Muslim theology regarding Jesus that he's a prophet of Islam?
Right, right. Yeah, you're exactly right. And I think Muslims even believe that Jesus is going to return one day.
So they do believe in Jesus. They just don't believe in the Jesus of the Bible. They have a different Jesus than the
Jesus of the Bible. Yeah, I mean, Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11, that there are false
Christs and false prophets, and Satan appears as an angel of light. Right, right.
I think that that is a paradigm of theology that we have to keep in mind as we hear these accounts of Jesus showing up in light and in white.
I think it's a demonic deception. Yeah. Yeah, I do too. I do too.
I have had a dream about Muhammad before, but I don't think that was
Muhammad trying to show up to me and convert me to Islam. It was just a dream. I know a little bit about Muhammad, know a little bit about Islam, and all of us dream dreams just about every night, if not every night.
We go to sleep and our brains do weird, strange things with the things with which we are familiar and have seen, and it kind of jumbles them up into this kind of a weird gumbo of different...
Yeah, well, in Islam, there's not only room for Jesus in Islamic theology, but they also are bent toward seeing their dreams as channels through which
God reveals himself and reveals truth. So when you have a dream about Muhammad, you are not at all inclined to think that Muhammad is appearing to you, but when a
Muslim has a dream about Jesus or Muhammad to them, that should be taken as the spiritual realm
God speaking to them through visions of these various prophets. So they're already inclined to believe the dream and to follow after whatever they see revealed to them in the dream.
And so whether or not they would approach their dreams with any kind of critical thinking or skepticism at all is already out the door in terms of Islamic theology.
They just wouldn't do that. Right, right. And Muhammad himself claimed that there was an entity, a being that appeared to him, and that was the birth of Islam.
So it really began with a purported vision from Muhammad himself. Yeah, and whether or not the
Muslims are getting saved as a result of this, that is something that would tell with the test of time, really, what is the genuineness of this salvation or this conversion?
Are they getting genuinely converted? Scripture says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. And yet, in many of these
Muslim conversion stories, what you do not hear is any kind of a presentation of the saving gospel and any kind of a presentation of the
Word of God. And Paul says in the book of Romans, how will they hear unless there is a preacher, and how will there be a preacher unless someone sends them?
There must be the sending of a preacher and the proclamation of the Word of God for salvation to take place.
And yet, we're supposed to believe that millions are getting saved apart from the God -ordained means of saving sinners, which is gospel proclamation through faithful preachers.
And if that's the means that God has ordained to save sinners, then we should approach with skepticism any claims to the contrary, that there are people being saved apart from the preaching of the
Word of God and the preaching of the gospel. Right, exactly. Yeah, Jim, I'm glad you mentioned that from Romans 10.
I want to read that. I want to put this on the screen so everybody can see it. For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek for the same
Lord is Lord of all, abounding in riches for all who call on Him. For whoever calls on the name of the
Lord will be saved. How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed?
How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?
Paul doesn't say, how will they hear without a dream or a vision? How will they hear without a preacher?
God has ordained the means to His ordained end, correct?
And the ordained means to the ordained end, the salvation of His people, includes preaching, right?
Yeah, it is preaching. It is the preaching of the gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation. And therefore, that's what
God has called us to do, is to go out into all the world and preach this gospel, preach this good news that Christ died for sinners and rose again so that they can have eternal life.
And we're not carved out an exception clause in scripture except for some massive false religion that springs on the scene 700 years after the resurrection.
That's not given to us as an exception. And so that's why I think we are justified in being, at the very least, extremely skeptical regarding claims that people are being saved apart from this preaching of the gospel.
Yeah, absolutely, absolutely. And I've heard some say that, well,
Jesus just appears in their dreams and He identifies Himself as Jesus, but then
He'll send them to a church somewhere, and then that's where they'll hear the gospel, and that's where they get saved.
But in my looking at this, at least in a lot of these cases, Jesus, quote -unquote, will send them to a
Roman Catholic church or a Word of Faith church, some hyper charismatic church. I don't believe that Jesus is sending people to bad churches or even false churches.
Yeah, no, not at all. You would think that Jesus would just evangelize them in the dream, explain the gospel to them.
Right. So you've got massive theological headwinds with these accounts from Romans chapter 10, but also from Hebrews chapter 1, right, the opening two verses of Hebrews.
Yeah, those opening verses of Hebrews demonstrate that dreams and visions are unnecessary. We have the final and full revelation in Jesus Christ, and we are not to rely upon dreams and visions as a revelation of Christ, but we have in Scripture revealed to us everything we need to know about the
Son of God. It's sufficient. And so though God would have spoken through various means in various ways in times past,
He has now finally spoken to us in His Son. That is the superior revelation. So what we are to believe from these
Muslim conversion accounts is that God is now using an inferior means of revelation that was part of the old covenant in an inferior covenant era, and He's now using that.
He's going back to that in order to communicate to Muslims salvation, bring them to salvation, as if God has a telephone and now
He's going back to Morse code or something like that. Why wouldn't God just bring them? If God can move heaven and earth to bring the missionaries, why wouldn't
He just raise up a missionary to send them to that person and providentially orchestrate their steps to come across a good, solid gospel presentation?
And Jim, related to that is 2 Peter chapter 1, when
Peter says, we have the prophetic word made more sure, made more certain.
Now for context, Peter was talking about the transfiguration when he, James and John were with Jesus on the
Mount of Transfiguration, Matthew 17. And all of a sudden Jesus was transfigured before them with Moses on one side,
Elijah on the other, and that pre -incarnate glory that He had with the
Father was revealed to them. So in this, you want to talk about an experience.
That's an experience. Yeah. Unlike anything we've ever had. A hundred percent.
Yeah. Anything that you and I think we may have experienced, it doesn't hold a candle to what they experienced.
And Peter said, in describing that, he said, but we have the prophetic word made more certain, more sure.
And that prophetic word is the scriptures, right? Yeah. Yeah.
And in fact, if you were to ask most evangelicals, would you rather have an ecstatic vision like that, a technicolor vision like that, along with a voice from heaven or read the gospel of John, most evangelicals would say,
I take the vision and the voice from heaven. But Peter says the gospel of John is more sure than even an experience like that with all of its, with all the glory of it and the excitement of it, the written word is better by far.
Yes. Yeah. That is an astounding statement. And that's something that I wish more
Christians, at least professing Christians, understood. You know, we think,
Oh, I hear people say a lot, you know, Oh, it would have been so much easier to believe if I'd just been with Jesus, if I could have seen him, you know, walk with him like the disciples did.
But Jesus said, it is to your advantage that I go away. Yeah.
You mean like Judas? Exactly. Like Judas. Yeah. He walked with him and yeah, exactly.
So it's, we are at no disadvantage. We have the prophetic word more certain and the
Bible is more sure than any dream, any vision.
So that's a great point. You know, why would God resort to something, some inferior method of evangelism as compared to the scriptures and preaching those scriptures?
That's right. Yeah. Jim, there's another aspect of this that a lot of people are not aware of, and you wrote about this in your book,
God doesn't whisper. Now this is an article that you cite from the gospel coalition,
TGC, full disclosure, neither one of us are fans of TGC because of the direction they've gone in the last number of years.
So this is... We're well on record about that. Yeah. Yeah. We're on record about that, but nonetheless, some articles that they have are good.
I think this is a quite an older one, correct? Yeah, I think it is. I'm not sure what year I published the book in 2020.
So the article was out for a while before I published the book. So it's at least four or five years old by this point.
So the article does talk about this whole issue of Muslims getting dreams and visions from Jesus and being converted.
And it actually urges a lot of caution with that. So what does that article have to say? Well, one of the things that they point out as a reason for caution is the financial motivation for the telling of the stories.
And that's on two fronts. Number one, the missionaries who come back to the
United States and tell these stories about Muslims being converted, that plays well to evangelical ears.
And it gives us reason to think, oh, my money's being well invested. If I can send this missionary over there to disciple all of these
Muslims who are coming to Christ, those stories end up being told over here. And sometimes the stories grow with the telling and they can be used.
And I'm not necessarily saying that they're always used. I'm not trying to impugn the motives of every last person who's recounted this stuff.
But obviously those stories can be used to generate financial support for missions and ministries that are aimed at targeting
Muslims overseas and continuing missionary support. It plays well to the rich audience back in America that funds the missionary endeavors.
The second financial motivation is on behalf of the people who are in Muslim countries who allegedly have these visions and get converted.
It's not uncommon in Islamic lands to have resources made available through some of these ministries and missions that are over there in refugees camps, etc.
And when a Muslim shows up to get food or supplies or bread or shelter or anything from one of these humanitarian organizations, it plays very well to the people handing out the humanitarian aid if they can tell a story about how they heard
Jesus and saw Jesus in a vision and got converted. So I think it's just that type of motive exists on both sides of that equation.
And it's one that we should be aware of and keep in mind when we hear some of these stories that you can't get away from the fact that there is financial motive involved with people who would tell the stories and then replay the stories back home because people can use it to leverage for finances.
Not necessarily that that's always what happens, but it certainly does happen. Another issue that they bring up is that these
Muslims can, if they can convert to Christianity, they can ask for churches to support them and give money to them and become welfare recipients, for lack of a better term, welfare recipients or benevolence recipients from churches that are over there if they are part of the family, part of the in -group.
And so there is a financial motivation there to say, yeah, I received this vision and I got saved and now
I'm one of yours. And so will you help support me? I'm a widow, et cetera. Yeah, yeah, indeed.
Now, Jim, I can imagine in the comment section, there's going to be a ton of people saying, well, I know such and such
Muslim and Jesus appeared to him. I've heard these stories. I know they're real. Why would people lie?
We might even have some Muslims in the comment section say, hey, I'm one of those Muslims, former Muslims that got a dream and vision from Jesus and now
I'm a Christian. So two -pronged question here. A, are we saying that Jesus cannot appear in dreams and visions to people?
And B, what do we say to those folks who say, well, I know this happened.
It even happened to me. What would be your response? Well, first of all, I'm not making a claim as to what
God can or cannot do. I'm making a claim as to what scripture teaches that God does do.
So God can do anything that he wants and we're not restricting God or putting him in a box. We're simply saying that God has revealed that the gospel comes through the proclamation of the gospel or the salvation comes through the proclamation of the gospel by faithful people who preach
Christ. That is God's ordained means. That is what he has said we are to do. And God can do whatever he wants to do.
But to the Muslim or to the person who would say, look, I know that this happened. And then I would just simply say your experience doesn't tell me anything about what scripture says.
Your experience is just an experience. If somebody had a vision and got saved as a result of somehow as a result of a dream that they had or something like that.
And then my question would be, what saved you? Did that save you?
Was it in the vision itself or was it in something outside of the vision? So take, for instance, Nabeel Qureshi, who in his book,
Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus, talks about having a series of three different dreams about Jesus and Christianity that he says led him to saving faith in Christ.
Well, I promise you it was nothing communicated in the dreams themselves because they were muddled dreams with all kinds of symbolism and images that he had to interpret after he had the dreams that led him, quote unquote, led him to faith in Christ.
Really, what led him to faith in Christ was the faithful gospel witness of his roommate in college.
And then later on, Gary Habermas and I think it was J .P. Moreland and some others who were involved in sharing the gospel with him and all of the
Bible studies that he went through and the books that he was reading and the apologists that he was talking to and the arguments that they were giving and the gospel he was hearing.
That's what led him to faith in Christ. And then he had these dreams and he says, as a result of these dreams,
I came to saving faith. Well, no, the dreams are ancillary to all of that. The power of the gospel was in all of the stuff that he heard from faithful believers.
And so that's what I would say led you to faith in Christ. It is the word of God, faithfully proclaimed and taught, that brought somebody to salvation.
So was a dream part of the drawing process? Was a dream something that sparked their mind and made them think about these things?
It's possible God could use that, but it is not the dream ultimately or the revelation in the dream that resulted in their salvation.
That comes by the word of God. Yeah. Amen. Amen. You know, and we're just not at liberty to try to carve out exceptions to what scripture plainly tells us.
You know, how will they hear without a preacher? We're not at liberty to carve out exceptions for that. Nor am
I responsible to exegete somebody's experience. That's right. Just because somebody said, I had this experience and this happened.
Okay. I don't know what that should tell me. It doesn't tell me anything. It's not authoritative. It's not inerrant and inspired.
I'm sure you had this experience. People have all kinds of experiences and I don't need to be able to explain every experience to tell you what scripture says is going to happen.
And what scripture says is true. So ultimately our authority is the word of God and what it says about gospel proclamation.
And I put no faith and no confidence in dreams and visions at all. And I think the places in the
New Testament that speak of visions in that sense warn us against trusting in them. The book of Colossians, for instance, warns us about trusting in these visions.
And so I take great issue with people who say these visions are happening and we should believe them.
I'm not least but inclined to believe them. And there's nothing in the New Testament that tells me that we should expect
God to be showing up in the dreams of Muslims and leading them to faith in Christ or anybody and leading them to faith in Christ.
There's just no expectation in scripture that anybody would ever see Jesus after the death of the apostles and after the
New Testament era. Peter in his book written late in the first century says you love Christ having not seen him yet you still love him.
They had not seen him and they do not see him now. And yet Peter says your faith and your love for Christ is growing and it is vibrant and it is real in spite of the fact that you have not seen
Jesus. And Peter nor Paul seem to leave any possibility for the fact that Jesus would be showing up in the dreams of people to communicate to them and that they would be hearing from Jesus and seeing
Jesus in dreams and visions. There's just no sense anywhere in the New Testament that this would be happening under any kind of regular basis.
And yet if you are to believe the claims of the people promoting this Muslim conversion accounts this is happening by the millions by the millions and yet the
New Testament is silent about the possibility that this could be happening or what we are to make of it or how should we how we should approach it or how much legitimacy to give to it.
The New Testament is silent about all of that. Yeah that's right it certainly is and if people were if Muslims are coming to Jesus and the numbers that they report you would think that you would think that the
Middle East and Indonesia and countries like that would look far differently than what they actually do.
Yeah that's right which is another indication to me that the numbers are overblown and that the accounts themselves are more than the actual events.
I mean it's like people who say that you know 30 percent of America is Christian. I don't believe that for a moment. I think less than one percent of America is
Christian maybe less than three percent are actually born again. We do not have I mean if millions are coming to Christ in in the
Middle East millions of Muslims are coming to Christ in the Middle East then where's the evidence of that where's the fruit of that.
Yeah that's right that's right exactly and I've said this before and I'll say it again for posterity's sake here.
I think this this notion that Jesus is appearing to Muslim for one thing what makes
Muslims so special why isn't Jesus appearing to Hare Krishnas and dreams and visions or you know
Jehovah's Witnesses or Mormons for that matter you know pick your favorite false religion what why the
Muslims and not other false religions that are equally anti -gospel but uh and equally lost these people need the gospel too why is
Jesus neglecting all the other false religions of the world yeah that's right that's right a
Mormon is just as lost as a Muslim is that's right the Roman Catholic is just as lost as a Muslim is yep so um but I also think that it is actually a it's a very dangerous
I believe a satanic deception I think this whole thing is a satanic deception for this reason if I were
Satan and I wanted to come up with some scheme to throw cold water on the evangelism of Muslims I could think of nothing better than to get it in the heads of professing
Christians evangelicals to get get it in their heads that Jesus is showing up in dreams and visions to Muslims because if he's doing that oh hey you know
I don't need to risk my personal comfort or even safety in evangelizing
Muslims I don't need to do that I don't need to I don't need to go to Iran I don't need to go to Syria I don't need to even share the gospel with my
Muslim neighbor uh Jesus has it covered you know and Muslims have been known to be a little hot -headed and you know fly airplanes into buildings and cut people's heads off and stuff like that and so you know why do
I need to um why do I need to risk my comfort and safety Jesus has it covered it's all good so um
I I think it's a satanic deception yeah I agree I I it's just it's stories and accounts is all it is we're asked about this you and I are asked about this almost any time we do any kind of an event together this is something that comes up and and um
I just it's I think it's a deception uh I think it I think it is intended by the devil to distract people away from the word of God and away from the truth of scripture and the gospel
I mean if you're to believe that video account we are to we are to think that these this
Muslim got saved without ever hearing the gospel that Jesus just showed up and directly did it and I would want to know what is that man's understanding what is his
Christology now I'm going to sit down with him and interview him and say what is your Christology now what did you understand about Jesus differently after that vision than you did before that alleged division yeah that's right that's right we have a great commission and that is to go out into the all the world preaching the gospel that is our commission yeah we're not supposed to just sit back and trust a whole
Jesus is gonna he's got it taken care of showing up in dreams and visions we have a great commission we have marching orders and um you remember a couple years ago you and I were in Israel and that day that um y 'all went somewhere that I couldn't physically go and so I yeah yeah long story short
I spent the day uh ended up riding around in a in a vehicle with a Muslim guy who was uh selling some jewelry but nice guy and um yeah he took you texted me when you took off you texted me and said you can see my location right and I can because we track each other so I could
I could see where you're at right I'll at least know where they bury your body right exactly yeah yeah if you see me in orange jumpsuit on some video you might know can trace my phone so I didn't really know this guy
I mean I thought he was safe he was selling jewelry to us but um but yeah but he uh I wanted to be careful so but I spent the day with him and riding around in his car and nice guy
Muslim committed Muslim and I shared the gospel with him and I don't say that as a pat on my back
I just like okay I have this opportunity I'm with this guy and I shared the gospel with him and he listened he actually knew
Benny Hinn too which is a another story in and of itself but uh and knew he was a false prophet a
Muslim knew that Benny Hinn was a false prophet go figure but that's an opportunity that God gave me and his providence to share the gospel with him
I didn't just sit back you know I'm by myself with this guy and I don't know him you know and I'm can't fend for myself it's okay
I don't need to share the gospel with him Jesus has it covered he's going to show up yeah I'll just pray that Jesus show up in a vision yeah yeah
Lord just just show up to him in a dream and vision please no we have marching orders so I think it's a deception and I think it's a very dangerous thing that so many evangelicals believe this when um it goes against scripture
I mean it flat out goes against scripture yeah it does so all right well
Jim um thank you very much brother and for those who may not have yet read Jim's book
God Doesn't Whisper I highly commend it to you I'll put a link down below in the description uh he deals of course with the dreams and visions of Muslims that kind of thing but but far far far more how does
God speak to us how does he not speak to us a still small voice and all these kind of things he leaves no rock unturned it's a very very helpful book and he's written four other books correct you've written five that's it five totally up five total yeah so a link down below in the description to those books
I highly commend them to you they will um edify you all right well thanks brother thank you
Jim God bless you man fun chatting with you yeah saint always okay dear ones uh thank you very much for watching until our next time together may the grace of our