Brian Suave Exposes the Truth

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I don't know if I've ever talked about a Brian Saute, Brian Sauvé, Suave, Sauvy, Brian Suave.
Got the accent mark, but for a public school person like me, the accent mark doesn't really help me too much.
But in any case, I don't think I've ever talked about a Brian Sauvé tweets, but I got to say,
I enjoy following him. He regularly puts out really good stuff, not only tweets, but also music.
He's very funny and all of that kind of thing. I recommend it if you don't follow him on Twitter.
I noticed that recently a lot more people are calling Twitter X, which I guess is what it's called, but that's not how we do things here.
You know what I mean? I just still call it Twitter. But in any case, yeah, if you want to follow him on Twitter, I would highly recommend it.
This is a good tweet. Actually, I had a conversation at the Men's Intensive last week that was along these lines.
I've heard it a number of times now. I think it's worth addressing on the channel because I think that this is a legitimate question.
Not to say that we haven't been clear on a lot of this stuff. We have, but sometimes people are a little autistic about this and they think that you need to include it every single time you speak about something.
Sometimes we just do off the cuff talk about this stuff, so it's not all in one place. I just figured
I'd put this all in one place so that you could always go back to it or point it out in case somebody is interested in this topic.
But basically, it's like, what now? All right, you're a Christian nationalist. Okay, what is that? What do you want to do?
I get the big picture. I understand that side of it, but what does that mean for me today? What do
I have to do today? What are you doing today? That kind of thing. I got that question at the
Men's Intensive and it was a very solid dude who asked, but he did ask with a little bit of frustration because it's like, okay,
I get it. It's esoteric. Who cares? And here's Joel Berry. Joel Berry, I think he's the kind of guy that is committed to not getting it.
So I'm not so sure that this is a legitimate question from Joel, but it is a legitimate question in general.
Joel certainly strikes me as a little bit, what was that word that Matt Slick used to always use?
Obstreperous? Obstreperous? Like, his intention is to misunderstand.
You know what I mean? That's how he strikes me. He might not be that way. I don't really follow him that closely. So maybe
I'm just totally wrong about Joel. And if I am, I'm sorry, Joel. I didn't mean to say something about you that was wrong.
But this is just, you know, on the tweets that I do see from you, it certainly seems like you're intentionally trying to misunderstand lots of things.
But anyway, so Joel is responding to someone about Christian nationalism and he says,
I get all that, but I get impatient when the rhetoric isn't combined with some sort of, so here's what we need to do next statement.
What is being proposed exactly? A constitutional convention? New amendments? Secession? Revolution?
Emperor? When people go around saying, let me just complete this. When people go around saying it's over and offering no solutions, that irritates me a bit.
And on the Christian nationalist side, there really isn't a lot of it. It's over and there's no solutions.
That is basically the position of the Michael O 'Fallon crew. Their solution essentially is you've got to believe in the constitution and ask it into your heart.
That's the extent of it. But with Christian nationalists, we actually really don't have that problem.
We've offered many, many, many solutions. In fact, if you're interested in this in a book form,
I highly recommend Andrew Isker's book, The Boniface Option. It gives you very, very clear sort of what next kind of things.
But I do think that sometimes we kind of just talk about it off the cuff. And again, it's not all in one place.
So I wanted to put it all in one place. And I'm going to use Brian Sauve's tweet here because I think it's really good.
I think it's really good. And so what Brian does is he has this in two parts, right?
So one part is sort of like the national sort of like what we should do, what the nation should do.
But a lot of it is sort of very not really possible in a lot of local areas, right?
That's one of the things about Christian nationalism that I think is so frustrating for people. On a federal level, yeah, we know that the government should do certain things on the federal level.
But a lot of our efforts are more focused locally because on the federal level, it doesn't seem very winnable on the federal level.
But on the local level, it is. And so a lot of your time should be spent on things that are actually attainable as opposed to not.
But at the end, Brian Sauve talks about practical things that we should do.
And I think that these are pretty good. And there's probably more that could be said, but I wanted to point this out.
And so here's what Brian Sauve says. He says, what is being proposed? This would be a good start. Number one, regain the political will to act in our own national interests.
That is a big deal. The political will to act in our own national interest.
A lot of people do not have that. A lot of people do not have that. A lot of people are globalists at heart.
And that's a big problem. So that's number one. He says, number two, restore a national awareness of and cherishing of our
Protestant roots and adopt a clear statement of Christ's rule over the nation. Yeah, this is a good thing as well.
You know, I've often said that the Constitution could have been better. The Declaration of Independence could have been better.
It could have been overtly Christian. It could have been overtly naming the name of the Lord Jesus Christ instead of God, which was in their view, it was
Jesus Christ. But I think that it could have been a little bit more forward looking into the situation we have now where the word
God is used very generally, very ambiguously. And so, yeah,
I think a clear statement on Christ and his kingly rule over the nation would go a long way.
So that's good. Universally criminalize abortion, sodomy, lesbianism, pornography, transgenderism and other sexual perversions.
This is something that can't necessarily be done right away federally, at least it's not that reasonable in the immediate future.
But in the local sense, I think this could be done in certain states. And that would be a very good thing.
That's a very good goal. And so, you know, it's not the kind of thing that happens overnight, but it is something that could happen a lot quicker than you think.
Criminalizing abortion, sodomy, lesbianism, pornography, transgenderism and other sexual perversions.
That is a good goal. That is a worthy goal. And that is a goal that can be attained a lot quicker than you think and should be pursued.
So, you know, I know the Anirondians aren't going to like that so much, but I don't really care. Number four, forbid the construction of mosques and other places of Muslim worship.
Islam cannot peaceably coexist with Christians. Yeah, that's true. And I would argue other religions as well.
And again, this is not the kind of thing that's federally going to change overnight. But locally, this is something that can absolutely be done.
Absolutely. And it wouldn't take a lot of effort and it would probably go to the Supreme Court or whatever. But these are efforts that can be made.
Number five, repeal the Civil Rights Act. Absolutely. That's a that's a that's a long term goal that I think, you know, people need to change their view on that, their minds on that.
And I think that that's I think a lot of people are changing their minds and view on that. That's a big paradigm shift, though, a big paradigm shift.
And so while that is a good goal, I don't think it's necessarily a reasonable one right now, because there's there are a lot of boomers that that's like sacrosanct.
And I don't mean boomers in the derogatory sense. I just mean like that's their generation. That would be a sacrosanct thing.
That would be sacrilege to even consider. But I think that the younger generations are really starting to see that for what it is, not in huge numbers, but but but that's a good one.
And I think that's a very good goal. The same applies, I think, to this one, ending women's suffrage via repeal of the 19th
Amendment. Same kind of thing. Same comments as the last one. A worthy goal, probably a long term goal, probably something that is not going to happen very soon.
But I think it could happen a lot sooner than people think. I do agree with that. But this is something that you can kind of practice in your own home, you know, with your wife and your you know, your family.
If you have a wife that doesn't believe in the 19th Amendment, well, what what she can do is vote the same way you do.
You know what I mean? If she doesn't agree with women's voting, you know, it's it's it's it would be it would be a good thing for her to vote along with her husband.
That's a one tangible thing that she could do if she if she if she so chose rather deport illegal immigrants and close the border to most immigration.
Yeah, this is talk. This is about like acting in your own national interest. You've got to have the will to do that.
And it's not going to be it's not very nice. And people are going to call you all kinds of names. But you have to have you have to be you have to steal yourself a little bit here.
You know, you know, I understand that you want to live here, but unfortunately, you know, you're an illegal alien.
So you have to go back to your your nation. You have to go back to your country. You know, it's it's it's people always use the analogy of your own home.
If you had somebody that was there illegally, you'd kick them out. You know what I mean? It's not very nice, but you would do it. And that's that's a good, a good goal as well.
And policies of global policing via wars of aggression, regime change, etc. Another good goal. Again, that's a lot of interest there.
There's a lot of money there. War is a racket. I completely believe that in general war is a racket mostly.
And so that would be a good thing to end again, that kind of goes into like, you know, the boomer generation, you know, understands that a lot differently.
And so right now, is it reasonable? Probably not, you know, even though we can't afford it, we're probably not going to stop doing it for a long time.
Repeal no fault divorces. Again, this is a good one, right? Another good one that you know, could happen on the local level a lot easier in some localities than others, probably down the federal level, but that's okay, because it's not really that that kind of an issue anyway.
So local levels, these are things that can happen a lot sooner than you think. And that's a good list. That's a good list.
There's you could add more to that. But that's a really good start. But but here's the thing. So but not everyone, this is the conversation
I had last week, I said, what you do about this really just depends on your station, right?
Like you don't and not everybody has to be a politician. Not everybody has to be on the school board, although some people will and they'll have to act accordingly.
You know, that's what you should do. If you're on the school board, or if you're not, and you want to be get on it and start making moves, you know what
I mean? If you want to be a mayor, get on it and start making moves. But not everybody's going to be like that. A lot of people are not going to be like that.
And so there are things that you can do yourself that are, you know, in the grand scheme of things, they're not like major moves, but they will help move the needle.
And so what I was saying to this guy is like, well, I mean, what do you do? Well, it depends on what you are, right?
You know, you're a you're an accountant. Okay, well, you're going to have some things to do. You're a city clerk. Well, you're going to have a different set of things to do.
You've got five kids, well, you got some things to do. If you have no kids, well, you've got, you've got to get busy. You know what
I mean? Like, there's a variety of different stations in life. There's a variety of different seasons in life.
And we need everyone to be acting in their own areas and their own stations and all of that.
But here's what Brian says. He says, repent deeply and widely. Yeah, this is this is good.
And this is going to apply to your habits is going to provide apply to the things that you choose to consume versus the things that you don't choose to consume.
You know, if you're, if you're addicted to alcohol, you know, you know, or drugs or things like that, you're going to have to make some changes there, you're gonna have stuff to do if you're, you know, just a sloppy guy and not not healthy at all.
And you're reliant on all of this, this stuff, like, you know, you've got, you've got things to do, you've got plans to do.
And these are things that, you know, everyone should be doing. But as Christians and Christian nationalists, you know, you've got other reasons why you want to do some of these kinds of things.
So that's good. This is a big one. And I think this is important. Stop, stop falling and fainting on our couches.
Anytime someone questions presuppositions of the post World War Two America as, as if that is identical to denying the faith.
This is happening all over the place, right? You know, we understand that. And what we don't need right now, are people that that are going to going to fall for every scam that's run on us.
Oh, that guy's racist. Oh, that guy's a bigot. Oh, that guy's just like Hitler. Oh, that guy's an anti Semite.
Like, you really need to you really need to take a step back. And this has been a theme on my channel since woke
Wars one now we're in woke Wars two, it's a lot different, different lines of attack and different factions and stuff like that than woke war one.
But it's the same thing. You know, whenever you see an accusation of someone being XYZ racist, you know, bigot, you know, anti Semite, whatever, take take a deep breath, and think about it.
And maybe you don't have to respond at all. Maybe you do, but just wait and see if it's actually real or true or anything like that.
Yeah, I mean, it's just like, you just got to cool it a little bit. You know, and I thought I thought a lot of my friends knew this in woke
Wars one, but then they've turned around and they've joined woke the woke right on woke Wars two, you know what
I mean? And and and a lot of these guys are the ones that call Christian nationalists woke, right, because they're trying to project again, it's very similar to woke
Wars one. So yeah, I mean, this is a big thing, like you like in order to move the needle, we have to we have to allow for thoughtful conversation about, hey, man, like maybe the
Constitution doesn't mean what you know, people have said it's meant since 1940. Like maybe my maybe my civil government teacher in elementary school, my civics teacher, maybe she lied to me.
Maybe maybe that was just propaganda that I heard back in elementary school. And when I say maybe
I mean, definitely, it definitely was. So yeah, it's a good one. And then of course, he repeats embrace the will to political power as a means of obedience to God rather than considering all political power to be
Sauron's ring. Absolutely. Power is not anathema to Christianity. It just isn't.
Power used unto Christ is a absolutely valuable, good and righteous pursuit.
Power for its own for its own sake. I mean, you know, okay, sure, that's Sauron's ring, whatever.
But power under Christ, power for the Lord, power to do righteousness.
We have so many examples in the scripture of people, good people, righteous people using power for good.
And we can't spurn that anymore. We don't have we don't have the luxury of spurning that anymore.
We really never did, because that's why we're in this mess. But, you know, back in the world where Christianity was tolerated or revered, you could get away with it, right?
You could get away with it. But it's just not the case that that's a requirement for Christians. It isn't.
Jesus Christ is at the right hand of the Father now, ruling and reigning right now.
Jesus Christ is a man, has a body right now. And he's got work for us to do.
He's got good works that he prepared beforehand for us to do. And some of those good works require the use of power.
And so that's a that's a, you know, you got to get that mindset in your mind changed a little bit, because you probably haven't heard that for your entire life.
And but it's true. It's true. And so it's really, it's really not helpful when you get sideways glances from people and say,
Oh, you, you want to be a dictator? Oh, you're talking about dictator?
You want to ban sodomy? Dictator? No better than Hitler. No better than Hitler.
You know, that kind of thing is, is not helpful at all. I mean, it is funny. So it's helpful in the sense that you get to laugh and you know, have some little bit of joy and make fun of those guys.
But it is it is not helpful in many ways. But again,
I think I think as far as as far as you know, what you should do, you need to consider
I can't tell you what to do. You know what I mean? Because every person is different. Like I was telling some lady the other day on on Twitter.
You know, she she felt bad that that my kids or something would would never know the love of Christ or I don't know some some she was hysterical.
Who knows what she was saying? She was out of control. Acting very irrational. What you really need to do is calm down and maybe smile a little bit more.
But in any case, and I told her, I said, Yeah, you know, my kids aren't gonna worry about that. You know what
I mean? My kids aren't gonna worry about that. Because number one, they they're gonna know the love of Christ. But they're also going to be trained and indoctrinated into a
Christianity that does not spurn using your power, using your authority, using your station for Christ, no matter what your station is, whether you're a plumber or a soldier, whether you're a soldier or a king, whether you're a governor or a legislature or on the school board, or maybe just an accountant, they're going to use whatever authority, whatever influence they have unto
Christ without without shame, without any kind of qualms about doing it, and they're going to do it gladly for the
Lord. My kids are not going to worry about, you know, people like you who would say that if you, you know, seek to do right in the political realm, that you're not following Christ.
They're not even going to have one ounce of worry about that, because they will be thoroughly indoctrinated into all of Christ for all of life.
Thoroughly. So no, they're not going to worry about that. You don't have to feel bad for them, because they're going to have the time of their lives doing it.
Because it's fun to work for the Lord. It's fun to be on the Lord's side, and I'm training them every single day to enjoy being on the
Lord's side, because there are many advantages to being on the Lord's side, and they're going to know that, and they're living it right now, and they're, you know, they're under, all of them are under 10, but they're living it right now, and it's not going to be weird to them, and no matter how hysterical women of both genders get, they're going to learn to laugh about it.
They're going to learn to enjoy it. Whenever they get, you know, slandered as a racist bigot, whatever, they're going to laugh.
They're going to do a little dance. It's going to be fun for them, because they're going to see their father having a lot of fun.
They're going to see it, and they're going to say, man, I want me some of that. I want me some of that joy. I want to have that ability to sort of laugh off, you know, regardless of the ridiculous, hysterical, you know, irrational, emotional insults that people hurl at them, they're going to think it's really funny, and they're going to laugh, and laugh, and laugh, and they're going to be 10 times worse than I am.
That's the thing. Like, a lot of my work is focused on my family, right, obviously, because I'm not a politician. I'm not a pastor, and so I, you know,
I do my job, and I do my thing, and I, you know, do some influencing where I can, you know, people at my church, and people online, whatever, but most of my time, most of my thought is about my family, and about my children, and so they're going to be 10 times worse than I am.
So, you don't like 80 Robles, you're going to really, you're going to really hate the four that I bring up, and they're all boys, too.
That's got to be real concerning, real concerning, real concerning. Yeah, they're going to, you know, and God's blessed my family.
I mean, there's just no, there's no two ways about it. You know, my father did better than my grandfather did.
My grandfather did better than my great -grandfather did. My, and I, you know,
God willing, will do better than my father did in almost every single way. In almost every single way, and you look at the lineage, right, and at some point,
Christ came into our family, and the amount of believers that are in our family due to my grandfather having a come -to -Jesus moment, a really epic one, a come -to -Jesus moment, the results of that have sent shockwaves through the
Robles line. It's as simple as that, shockwaves, and because of that miracle, it was a miracle, because of that miracle, there are so many more believers, there are so many more followers of the
Lord Jesus Christ, there are so many more soldiers out there, and that's just going to continue.
It's as simple as that. That is going to continue. You know, I remember when I was a kid, I don't remember ever saying, you know,
I'm looking forward to having a family and kids of my own. I don't remember ever thinking that, but my kids are already thinking that, you know, well, at least the older ones, you know, they're already thinking that about how they want to have a lot of kids and how they want to have, you know, their kids have brothers and sisters and all this kind of stuff, and you know what?
Their kids are most likely going to be 10 times worse than them. When I say worse, of course, I mean in the positive way.
So, I mean, for a lot of people, that's what it looks like. It's a pretty simple thing, and so, you know, they're not being indoctrinated the way
I was in public school. They're not, but they are being indoctrinated all right. They are being indoctrinated, and for them, it's not going to be foreign, the idea of having a
Christian nation, so it's not foreign to me, and there's four sons right now.
God willing, you know, God's good to them and kind to them and keeps them healthy and safe, but that's going to be four families that it's not going to be weird or foreign to have a
Christian nation, and then it just kind of moves on from there. I mean, imagine that. Imagine if they all have four kids themselves.
Then that's going to be four times four. That's 16 families. 16 families that all of a sudden don't think that that's weird, and that's happening all over the country, right?
So, if you do the math, I mean, you don't need 51 % of people to embrace an idea and pursue it with everything they have in order for it to come to fruition.
So, anti -Christian nationalists, you get all red in the face when you hear us talk about, you know, a
Christian nation and a nation bowing the knee to Christ and all this kind of stuff. You get all hot and bothered and worried about that, but here's the reality, man.
There's nothing you can do. There's nothing you can do, man. It is only a matter of time, and I fully believe that this is possible.
This kind of thing is possible a lot sooner than you think. Right now, we don't have numbers, and I don't think we ever will have numbers in the sense of 51 % or anything like that, but all it takes is some shrewdness, and all it takes is some energy, and all it takes is, and there could be a cataclysmic event.
Who knows? I mean, who knows what could happen? Sometimes a lot of changes happens, you know, just like that, and God moves and does things, and we don't know what's going to happen, but we're in it for the long haul.
And by the way, before you turn around and say, yeah, well, I'm training my kids to fear Christian nationalism. Yeah, good luck with that.
Good luck with that. That is not going to work. I'm telling you that is not going to work, because as you fully well know, our message appeals to the younger man.
It absolutely does, and your nonsense and your panty waist little, you know, limp -wristed nonsense about, oh, we must burn power.
It's the ring of Sauron, like all that, that does not speak to younger people. This is the thing. I was watching a video the other day, and it was actually a video
I really hated. It was not a very good video, and the guy who was saying this thing is an awful kind of guy, just completely, almost everything he says
I disagree with. But he did say one thing that I really do agree with. He said he was talking to a guy, kind of a schlub, and, you know, this guy's like a motivational speaker, and this schlub was like, hey, man, how do
I reach this young guy? You know, I'm taking him under my wing. Like, how do I reach him? How do I help him? You know, how do
I reach him? And this motivational speaker said that he told him, you can't reach him.
You can't. And the reason why he said you can't reach him is because he doesn't respect you.
You're not giving him a positive vision. You're a schlub. You don't have your life together.
So why in the world would he ever listen to you about getting his life together if you don't have your life together?
You know, he doesn't admire you. And the truth is, anti -Christian nationalists, people don't admire people that faint on their fainting couch every time somebody says something that's not approved.
They don't admire that. You can get high fives on that on Twitter, but people, person to person, they don't admire that.
They don't want to be like that. They don't. They don't. I looked to my own father, and I did want to be like my own father, because my own father, he wasn't perfect, but he's a strong guy.
You know what I mean? He had fortitude. You know what I mean? He had, he's like the strong, silent type, although he's not really that silent.
But the strong, silent type of the Sopranos, you know, like I looked up to him. I did. I wanted to be like him.
And so, you know, like I respected him. And so the things that he said, you know, I didn't always do what he said, of course, because kids always have sometimes a little bit rebellious streak.
But at the end of the day, when I think about the kind of man I wanted to be like, my father was a good example.
So, you know, yeah, keep fainting if you want. I mean, it's not helpful. And I wish you didn't do it because I want what's best for you.
You know, like, it's not God's best for you to be fainting every time somebody says something about how
Jewish people, you know, own the pornography industry or whatever. Like you faint and get all crazy.
And, you know, you do your, oh, look at the Twitter circles. Look at this nefarious. Oh, did you know that they've got private signal groups?
Like, like, dude, you look like a woman when you do stuff like that. That's nonsense. That's like girl talk.
It doesn't make any sense. Who cares? Who cares? But keep doing it.
Keep doing it. Because the more you do it, the better the better our side looks in comparison.
I mean, it's just it's just as simple as that. They see someone fainting every single time, you know, someone says something and they see other people laughing about it and having a great time and enjoying it.
Yeah, sure. You freak out about White Boy Summer. I mean, personally, I agree with you. I agree with you. White Boy Summer looks a little weird to me.
But then again, you know, why wouldn't it, man? I'm not white. But yeah, keep going.
Oh, White Boy Summer. It's just they're woke. They're just totally woke. Like, sure, keep doing it. I mean, you know, yeah, it looks a little weird to me, but, you know, it's
OK for white people to have a little fun. White people are. Look, they can go to their barbecues and put mayo on everything if they want to.
Listen, it doesn't bother me. I like that. I like that. I like that they're having fun. White people are all right, man.
White people are all right. In any case, I think that about does it. You know,
I think I made my and yeah, I think that's it. Hope you found a good.