Rick Warren on TBN / John MacArthur Responds to Driscoll Sword Swallower / Man Centered Pragmatism

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John MacArthur responds to the Woke Movement, Evangelical Pragmatism and even the Mark Driscoll / James Lindell Stonger Men's Conference debacle. Why do churches buy into this man centered pragmatism? Because it sells! In this video we also cover Rick Warren's recent appearance on TBN (Trinity Broadcast Network) where Warren in trying to sell his new book makes the claim that your # 1 purpose in life is not to love & obey God, its not to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ - NO! Your number one purpose according to Warren is to let God love you! Is this Biblical or is this just more of


Hello in this video we're going to be looking at statements made by Rick Warren on Trinity Broadcast Network TBN is spreading the prosperity gospel all around the world
It's a man -centered message where basically if you just have faith and send in your money to the guys on TV God will bless you with health and wealth prosperity.
And of course, this is what people want to hear This is a generation that loves self so we can't preach the gospel and magnify
Christ No, we have to kind of blend that together with this promise of money and you know success and good health
This is what everybody wants. So that's why it sells, you know, it's it's all about it's all about you
It's not about God. It's about you know, if it's about God, it's what God can do for you You know your best life now your purpose -driven life.
It's all the same Kind of thing. So let's listen to what Rick Warren has to say and we'll ask, you know, is this biblical watch?
So the book's all about all five purposes the most important one though, and I want to say it here is the first one
That your number one purpose in life is to let
God love you. Oh my goodness Not for you to love God, but to let
God love you now Let me explain this from cover to cover in this book from Genesis Revelation The Bible says the whole reason the universe exists is
God wanted a family God wanted a family All right so the first statement that it's not about you loving
God the most important thing is Allowing God to love you Well, if it's number one if it's really the most important thing there should be at least
I don't know one or two Bible verses that say that of course Rick Warren doesn't quote a Bible verse
Because the Bible doesn't say that anywhere He's literally just making it up and Matt crouches there and he's like wow.
Whoa. He's He pretends like that's the most profound thing he's ever heard So that is not true the the most important thing for a person to do is
Basically repent believe on the Lord Jesus Christ. That's the most important thing and then from there we worship
God We love God we serve God But Rick Warren has twisted it around to make it a man -centered message and he did that with the next thing
Where he said that the reason why God created it's not because God wanted to glorify himself.
It's not because God Wanted to create man in his own image who he knew would fall and then
Christ would redeem This people and God could give the church as a love gift from father to son.
It's not about you know God and Jesus no, it's you know, God wanted a family see it's about you now
Where does the Bible say that it doesn't? So It's more of the same where these guys and I've talked about this before how the local church is being replaced by the megachurches
And what are they doing? Well, they realize that we're living in a generation that Does not know
God men, you know Paul prophesied about this in the latter days You know perilous times would come men would be lovers of self and people don't want to go
To this church building where they worship God and hear sermons about Jesus and no they don't want that They don't want to sing hymns glorifying to the
Lord. So the hymns are out the window and in comes the rock band The verse by verse preaching through the
Bible now, we don't want that They bring in a self -help motivational message So that's how the local churches are being replaced with these megachurches
Which they really are a corporation and it's not God centered It's man centered and that's how they appeal to so many people just like the prosperity gospel appeals to people because everybody wants
Health and wealth and by the way, the video that Rick Warren is on here that I got straight from the
TBN YouTube channel, it's a fundraising video. It's about making money.
Rick Warren is selling his new book it's about making money and they don't make money by you know, and listen, there's nothing wrong with making money and There's nothing wrong with someone being compensated for the work of ministry
But when people twist the Bible when they lie about God when they distort the teachings of the
Bible That's where we have a problem and that's what the prosperity gospel does and that's what
Rick Warren is doing He's turning it into you know A God thing Christianity is about Christ and he's he's flipping that around to make it all about you
And sometimes these guys these megachurches are a little more blatant about it. For example, watch this clip from Joel and Victoria Osteen It gives him the greatest joy this morning, so I want you to know this morning just do good for your own self
Do good because God wants you to be happy when you come to church when you worship him
You're not doing it for God really you're doing it for yourself because that's what makes
God happy. Amen Okay, so I think you're getting the point Rick Warren saying that the most important thing is not it's not loving
God It's allowing God to love you We need to say yeah said no verse ever the
Bible doesn't say that so in Conclusion if you want to learn more about the Lord if you want to learn
More about the Bible get into a good local Bible believing church stay away from these megachurches
Are there a couple megachurches out there that are handling the Word of God properly probably?
Yeah I think there are a few But Saddleback Church is not one of them Rick Warren is not a guy you want to listen to Not if you want the truth, and now here are the statements from John MacArthur This is from the for the valley
Bible conference the Q &A panel posted by the Grace Church of the Valley YouTube channel, so here are the comments and then we'll close the program
It's just kind of continued. We begin to see more and more rifts within Evangelicalism at large so just to kind of start us off What I would like to hear from you is is how do we sort through those things?
How do we sort through those different issues in terms of what things? Are things that we you know break fellowship over what kinds of things are things where we can put our arms around someone and say
Hey, this is a brother. We just disagree on This doctrinal point or this issue, so how do you sort through those different issues, and how do you navigate?
Relationships within the family of faith where we maybe don't fully align on issues
I would say first of all that it's
It's important to understand that this culture encroaches on everybody in a massive way
So that people are making decisions not based upon Scripture But it based upon how they think they can successfully engage the culture
So they're not willing to offend the culture That they want to give in to the culture as if and this is kind of what
I'm addressing in the last two session if if if you're if you think that your ability to Accept the culture and have the culture accept you has anything to do with the advance of the kingdom of God.
You're mistaken But that's what drives it there. They don't want to offend the culture
Needlessly and that needlessly can extend far beyond what it ought to so at that point
There is necessarily going to be a shift in the intensity of relationships
It doesn't change how I feel about people whether I Consider them friends have affection for them, but Obviously when everything is publicly discussed on the internet
It's easy for people to appear to be pitted against each other But I don't want you know, any anything that Is not a cardinal issue,
I don't want to be the guy that broke fellowship with a fellow believer a brother in Christ, but at the same time
I Can't give in to the culture. The culture has no influence on Me in terms of what
I understand my ministry to be But it does have an it. I mean, this is the legacy of pragmatism been around for 20 years or more
Being pragmatic you're trying to reach the unconverted by some form of technique or style
It's gotten so severe now You saw probably some of the stuff on the internet about Easter Sunday services
There were just the more so one of them was recently was a sword swallower a mail stripper or something like that Yeah, I mean
Where's the end to that as if that had anything to do with the kingdom at all?
So I think The first breach comes when people feel like they have to give in to the culture.
That was huge with CRT and the the racial hustlers and the race baiters they they wreaked havoc in evangelical leadership