Woke Pastor Struggles to Resist the Urge - David Platt's Colleague

AD Robles iconAD Robles



All right. Well, I hope you had a great weekend. I definitely did. I actually spent the weekend with some old friends from New York City, four families total, including my own.
And we all kind of met around the same time. We went to, well, some of us went to the same local church in New York City, and others were just friends and all that kind of thing.
But it was actually a really good time. And actually, the kids at the event, the weekend, outnumbered the adults by a pretty large margin, which
I think is the way it's supposed to be. But it was so great. I mean, all the families are believers, and we're raising our kids in the fear and admonition of the
Lord. And they're just kids playing together, but they're Christian kids, which I think is a beautiful, beautiful thing to witness.
It was a lot of fun. And what I couldn't help but notice is that everyone in the group is extremely dominion -minded.
And what I mean by that is not some kind of weird theology or anything like that. I don't think that people are necessarily drawing this from certain theological formulations or things like that, but it's really just kind of a mentality, an attitude.
All of the fathers in this family were considering the future, not only how to raise their children—that's the most important thing, of course—but also how to set their children up for the future, and making different investments in time and also financial resources.
And it was just amazing to see, because this is the kind of thing that a lot of our critics will say doesn't actually happen.
They'll say, AD, I see you complaining a lot on your YouTube channel. Okay, so what do we do about it?
And they usually use that as a zing, because they think that all I do is complain, or all anyone does from our perspective is complain.
And really, it's just so preposterous. I don't even tend to address that kind of stuff, because it's just so preposterous on the face of it.
But it's just not the reality. I mean, Christians operate as Christians, typically.
And so Christians will do the things necessary to set their kids up. The Christians that I know, all of them believe the
Proverbs, right? And they know that what a righteous man does is leaves an inheritance to his children's children.
Now, a lot of people will say, well, that's just talking about a spiritual inheritance. No, no, that's not all it's talking about.
It's just a simple no. It is talking about a spiritual inheritance, but it's also talking about an actual inheritance, like, you know, money, property, things of that nature.
These are not dirty things. And I think that we all need to have the mindset of, I've got to do both, right?
I need to raise Christian children in the fear and admonition of the Lord so that they raise their own
Christian children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. I've got to encourage my sons to find a wife and to treat her according to the scriptures and all of that kind of stuff.
And I got to do that, you know, hopefully by example, but also through teaching. And also I've got to set my children up so that they have a leg up from where I am.
You know what I mean? And this is how it's gone in my family since the beginning. I've always mentioned this. You know, my father was in a better situation than my grandfather when he was starting out.
I was in a better situation than my father when he was starting out. And God willing, I'm going to put my own children in a better situation than I had growing up.
And by the way, it's no excuse to say, oh, well, we're at the verge of an economic collapse.
Yeah, I think we are actually. I think if you look at the conditions that we're in right now, this is the end of the empire, right?
Like all empires come to an end except the Lord's, right? Now all empires come to an end and things happen at the end that are crazy.
Like the propaganda that you read in the newspaper doesn't match the reality. We all understand that, right?
Intuitively, we understand that. And the gap between those two things is just widening every single day.
I was listening to a George Gammon podcast today with a guy who escaped the former Soviet Union.
And he was talking about a similar thing happening in the Soviet Union where the newspaper would say one thing, but reality was like more and more of the opposite.
Does that sound familiar to anybody? That's the situation that we're in right now. You know, the more that time that passes, the more that the exact opposite of what the newspaper tells you is actually what's the case.
So anyway, my whole point of this is that everyone that was at this little weekend getaway where we're all hanging out and enjoying each other's company and all that kind of stuff, they're all making plans right now to set their kids up.
And there's some risk taking going on. There's some conversations. I had a chance to talk to one of my brothers about cryptocurrency.
He's pro -cryptocurrency. As you know, I'm not all that enthused about cryptocurrency.
I was talking to him about gold, and we were both talking about property and real estate and stuff like that. I had another conversation with a brother about doing a hybrid homeschool and private school kind of situation as a way to potentially save money, but at the same time still have a
Christian classical education and all of that. I mean, these are conversations that people from our camp, and I say our camp,
I mean Christians, that we're having. It's no excuse that the pagans are doing pagan stuff, and they're going to try to ruin our economy.
It's no excuse. If we know that, then we're going to act and set ourselves up in such a way to take advantage of the eventual collapse.
That sounds dirty, but it's not. That sounds dirty, but it's not. I was talking to a brother about snatching up properties when the eventual asset bubble pops and snatching them up from people that are in distressed situations.
The reality is that that's not wrong. You know what I mean? It sounds wrong, but it's not wrong, especially for a
Christian. We need to be shrewd, guys. What do you think it means in the scriptures when it says that we should be shrewd?
Shrewd, but innocent. Not doing anything wrong, not stealing from people, not extorting people, nothing like that, but shrewd.
That's a weird one. I think a lot of people struggle with that passage in the scripture where it says we need to be shrewd, but innocent.
And the reality is that this is the time to make the plans. We've been given a reprieve.
Look, the country, in my opinion, deserves to be judged, deserves to be destroyed, and will be.
We're going to get what we deserve. The scripture guarantees it. The United States of America is going to get what it deserves.
And the reality is that God has his remnant, and he's going to take care of his remnant, but we're not automatically insulated from everything that happens on the outside.
But he has given us a word on how to handle our situation. He has given us people within our midst.
Matt Williams is one of these people. Matt Williams understands the financial markets a lot better than I do.
So we've got resources. He's given the church people that we can go to, and he's obviously not going to tell you what to do with your money, but he is going to give you some principles and things of that nature.
Look, this is the time to prepare. This is the time to prepare, and you don't need to have a million dollars to prepare.
If you're in a bad financial situation and you're getting some Biden bucks or this stimulus, monthly, you get a certain amount of money for every kid you have or whatever, take advantage of that.
Use that to get ahead. And it could be something as simple. People always think, well, what do you mean prepare? What, do
I got to buy stocks? What, do I got to buy Bitcoin? It's like, it doesn't have to even be that complicated. It could even be just having a strategic food reserve for yourself for the inevitable shortages that are coming.
If you don't think food shortages are coming, I don't think you actually understand the Bible. Actually, famine and shortages of that nature are one of the primary ways that God judges nations.
So you should be prepared for that. And maybe it starts small. Maybe it's instead of buying one bag of rice, you buy two.
Instead of buying 10 cans of soup, you buy 20. It could be simple like that. But everyone has to understand their own financial situation.
So if you don't know where you're at financially, like for example, if you don't know your net worth, or if you don't know how much money you have in the bank or something like that, that's where you start.
You got to have an honest appraisal of your current situation before you know how to go forward. But anyway, this is a bit of a tangent.
I just wanted to say that it was just such a blessing to be with other brothers and their families, and just to see how everyone is, how their year has gone, and what plans are they making for the future, where they're at.
One of the brothers that I spent time with, he's a bit of a conspiracy theorist, and maybe even a little bit more than me.
And I don't mean that as a pejorative. I actually like that about him. But there's no despair with him.
That's the other thing. People always think, well, you're a conspirator. It's just despair, all despair. It's fear porn. And there is a lot of that in the conspiracy theory community.
There's a lot of that. However, I draw a big distinction between those that are conspiracy pagans, and those who are
Christians. Because Christians, you see, if you don't believe that there are conspiracies out there, you know, big, massive, again,
I don't think you understand the Bible. There are conspiracies in the Bible. So you have to believe at least some conspiracy.
But we understand that the world and its princes, they're aligning themselves and conspiring with each other.
Look, if you don't believe in conspiracy theories, I think you ought to read Psalm 10 or sing it. Because people are conspiring against the
Lord and against the Lord's anointed, and by proxy, his people, because they can't touch the
Lord, right? This is the thing about the pagans. They might hate God, they might hate
Christ, and they might want to conspire against him, but they can't touch him. He's untouchable, right?
But they try to get the next best thing. Well, let's get his body, right? Let's get his people. That's what they think.
And so, anyway, side issue, I just, what a blessing it is to be with this guy and these guys and their families, and to see all the children sort of getting along and all that kind of stuff.
It was just a great, fun weekend, and just very refreshing as well, just to see how everyone's doing.
In any case, I wanted to address this. Somebody sent me this video from a leader at McLean Bible Church, and man, it's interesting.
It's interesting. We're not going to watch this whole video. It's 12 minutes long, but he's basically talking about, there's some turmoil at McLean Bible Church.
And if you don't know, McLean Bible Church is where David Platt preaches, and also where Joe Carter is the,
I think, an executive pastor there. So, you know, QAnon is satanic.
You know, everyone, every Christian who doesn't believe the mainstream media is a conspiracy theorist, that guy,
Joe Carter, he's also a pastor here. And there's very woke, it's a very woke church in the leadership.
But from what I understand, the people that attend this church, you know, the people that pay tithes and the people that sit under the teaching, there's a very big faction that is totally unwoke, which creates an interesting dynamic.
And so I wanted to just play this, and I wanted to give you my take on this. We'll listen to a little bit. We're not going to listen to the whole thing, but let's just click play.
I've been a part of McLean Bible Church on and off for almost 40 years, and was recently appointed to the leadership of McLean Bible Church's apologetics, evidence, and reasons for the
Christian faith ministry. However, what I'm going to say are only my words.
It doesn't represent necessarily the views of the apologetics ministry or anyone else at McLean. It is my words.
I voted no on the June 30th congregational meeting. I voted no against the current leadership.
I plan to vote no at the July 18th meeting. Though I think most of what is taught at McLean is right, there are some things that the leaders say that are disconcerting, such as this statement by lead pastor of culture and preaching.
Let's stop there for a second. I guess there was some kind of a congregational vote. I don't really know what happened there.
McLean Bible Church, I've seen some weird videos where David Platt claims that they're not associated with the
Southern Baptist Convention, and it's just very bizarre because they are.
So why would somebody be tempted to dissociate like that, but not actually dissociate?
There's some weird stuff going on at McLean. If anyone can fill me in on all that, I'd be very interested.
Why is that happening, that weirdness? But anyway, this is not about David Platt. This is about somebody else, so let's continue.
Kelsey, let me bring it up here. Totally honest.
So being angry about the situation, but it's difficult for me sometimes not to just torch all white people because, and particularly white evangelicals and Christians.
Let me play it again. Yeah, play that again. Totally honest. So being angry about the situation, but it's difficult for me sometimes not to just torch all white people because, and particularly white evangelicals and Christians.
Yeah, I mean, who doesn't want to just torch white evangelicals and Christians? I mean, after all, they're no better than witches, right?
I mean, obviously, they're all just white devils, right? So if they're white devils, what do you do with the white devils?
Well, you torch them, obviously. That's biblical, right? Yes, torching of white people.
Such intemperate feelings and words are not becoming of a lead pastor. My Kelsey is my brother in Christ.
But until he simmers down and has a little more bridling of his tongue to prevent making such intemperate remarks,
I'm voting that he gets benched and put on the practice squad until he learns how to bridle his tongue a little better.
This is not good for the church to have such loose words coming out of a lead pastor for culture and preachings mouth.
All right, so that's what I wanted to talk about. So most people, when they hear this, they're going to be like, well, the tone, that's even what this guy said, you know, it's intemperate words.
And that's true. They're definitely intemperate words. To me, it's not so much the tone of them, it's the actual content of them, which we'll get to in a minute.
But this is the thing that I want to, lead pastor of culture, and what was the other thing? Let's just, let's revisit that.
Lead pastor for culture and preachings. Lead pastor for culture and preaching. What in the world is that supposed to mean?
Lead pastor for culture and preaching. First of all, that's not in the Bible. You guys made that up.
Lead pastor for culture and preaching. This is the last person that you'd want anywhere near any pulpit, especially one about culture and preaching.
But let's continue. Mouth. I'm just joking, mostly. This is a picture of looting and torching of cities like Baltimore.
In 2016, a black man died at the hands of black police officers. And ironically, the whites were blamed for the actions of black police officers.
The Black Lives Movement fomented a lot of misplaced rage against whites and caused riots and looting and torching of cities like Baltimore.
Yet we have pictures of Mike encouraging little kids to hold up signs that may associate them with the
Black Lives Movement. Is this the sort of, is
Mike the sort, is Mike's behavior here the sort of behavior appropriate for a
Sunday school teacher for your kids? In May of - I wouldn't let Mike anywhere near my children.
There's just no question about it. And didn't anyone watch American History X? I just don't understand this.
I thought that was a pretty good movie, right? American History X. In the movie, Ed Norton, he's a white supremacist, and he became a white supremacist because his father went into a fire.
He was a firefighter. And he went into a fire to save the people in the building. But it was also like a crack house or something.
And a guy who was in the building, I guess he didn't, wasn't aware that there was a fire going on because he was cracked out of his mind.
And he killed the guy coming in because he thought it was a cop, right? The guy was coming in to save him.
Instead, he thought it was a cop and he shot him and all of that. So Ed Norton becomes a white supremacist.
And the reason he becomes a white supremacist is because he says, well, the guy was black, therefore I hold blacks accountable for what happened to my father, essentially, is how it happened.
And the thing is, you would think that someone who is supposedly a
Christian, so they understand the gospel, they understand Christ, what he did for his people, and all that kind of stuff, you would think that they'd be able to think in more clear terms, right?
Opposite of Ed Norton in American History X, where it's like, okay, so some white people do some bad things, but that's not all white people's fault.
I'm not going to hate all white people for that. But he doesn't, he doesn't, no, that's not how it works.
And it actually is even stupider than that. Like, this man is stupid. Not the man who's presenting this, the
Kelsey, Pastor Kelsey. He's a stupid man. So it's not even just holding all white people accountable for what some white people did.
That's stupid enough. But he goes a step further. So apparently, what this guy's saying is, this was all in response to a black officer shooting a black man and killing him.
And whites are even responsible for that. So it's not just when white people or a white person does something bad to a black person, even if another black person does something bad to another black person, that's still the white devil's fault.
And it's very difficult for this pastor who apparently, he's claiming to be indwelt by the
Holy Spirit. He's claiming to be conforming to the image of his savior and all that kind of stuff.
It's very difficult for that man to see a black person shoot another black person and not have the urge to burn and torch all white people.
Not, and it's even stupider than that, guys. It's actually even more evil than that. It's not even just white people.
He said, in particular, white Christians. He wants to torch white
Christians. And it doesn't matter if the white Christians were involved in the white guy killing the other black guy.
It doesn't even matter if it was a black guy killing anything bad that happens to black people.
Mr. Kelsey over here, I refuse to call him pastor. Mr. Kelsey says it's very difficult for me to not want to torch white
Christians in particular. I don't know about you, but I have no urge whatsoever to call someone who has to fight the urge to torch
Christians if they have the wrong skin color. I have no desire, no urge, no inclination to call him a
Christian, a fellow brother. This guy must know him a lot better than I do. His name is not here, unfortunately.
He must know him a lot better than I do because he wants to call him a brother. And he just wants him to sit down for a time, you know, and not preach until he can, you know, figure out how to control his bloodlust.
That's what it is, guys. It's not just an unbridled tongue. It is that. It's definitely an unbridled tongue.
But what does the scripture say? It says, out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.
And so there's no other thing you can say about Pastor Kelsey besides he has bloodlust.
He is after blood. He wants to torch white people.
He has hatred in his heart for white people. He hates his. He's a murderer in the heart.
I have not wished physical harm or any harm on any of the subjects of my critiques here.
I've said many are unqualified to be pastors because that's a fact. I've said many are unqualified to be to be preaching or teaching or whatever.
I've said some are unbelievers because that's my opinion. But the reality is that I've never not once felt the urge to torch a white person, a black person, an
Asian person. Never. Never. I just don't have that. I don't have hatred in my heart for even
Pastor Kelsey here. You know what I mean? Like he like like this man is a hateful, wicked, deceitful man.
And you know, I know he's just because he's claiming to be a pastor here and he's got to fight the urge to torch white people when a black guy kills another black guy.
I find that to be amazing. I've met many, many, many white conservatives over my lifetime.
Many. I have not once spoken to a person who professed the name of Christ, not once, who something bad happens to a white person and they have the urge to torch all black people and especially black
Christians. I've never, ever come across it. Now, do those people exist? I am sure they do.
I am absolutely sure that they do. But I'll tell you one thing. If a video existed of a person like that and it came online,
I'll tell you right now that the Big Eva simps and all that wouldn't be protecting him.
And rightfully so. I wouldn't protect him either. I'd say, go ahead. Whatever needs to happen is he probably needs to be excommunicated, but at the very least confronted with his sin and then taken through the steps of church discipline and seeing if he repents and he stops and all that kind of stuff.
And if he can be discipled and all that, then he's in. Like that's what needs to happen. But no, no, this guy will be this.
They will circle the wagons are always just, you know, just, just passionate about his culture, man. Just totally passionate.
Okay. So do you really think that lowly about black people, that part of their culture is the desire to torch whites?
Because I don't think so. I don't think so. I have a higher view of black people. I think that black people that are, that, that, that, that are, that are believers, that are, that are
Christians and they named the name of Christ. They ought to be held to a high standard where that desire to torch white people probably should be mortified before you become a pastor.
Right. Because I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure Paul would have counted, you know, the, the maniacal desire to torch all people of a certain skin color, even if they named the name of Christ, even if they're your brothers, that's probably disqualifying, probably a little disqualifying.
I'm not going to, I don't think I'm going out too much on a limb there, but anyway, so yeah, what a way to start the week, huh?
I hope you found this video helpful. God bless. Occurred to me that I forgot to, uh, to mention something about this whole thing.
Now it could be that, uh, that, uh, that pastor was using just inflammatory rhetoric.
So he wasn't really talking about torching all white Christians, but he meant rhetorically, like rhetorically torching them.
Like, oh man, that speech was fire, bro. Like something like that. Now, um, that's fine.
I can accept that, but it doesn't actually excuse any of this because, you know,
I, I just don't know any sane person or, or, or righteous person that like the first reaction when something bad happens, you know, they've got to resist the urge to rhetorically torch all
Christians of a certain color that, that I don't think that that's any better.
I mean, I guess it's a little better in the sense that like, okay, maybe he doesn't want to physically harm, you know, all white
Christians. That's good. I think we could agree that that would be worse, but, uh, the, the impulse to sort of lay at the feet of the, of the church, everything that ills your people.
And you can notice that, that he, he considers those according to the flesh, his people, the white
Christians that he wants to torch. That's, that's not his people. He, he's treating them as almost like the enemy.
And, um, I don't think that does, that doesn't, that doesn't put you in a more positive light,
I don't think. Sure, it's a little better that you don't want to actually physically harm them, but that impulse, which is all over the woke church to try to put at the feet of Christ, everything that ills your real community, which is your brothers, according to the flesh, according to skin color.
Um, I don't think Christ is smiling upon that. Anyway, I just wanted to add that caveat.