This isn't recording, is it?

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Welcome to the Point Taken podcast. Are we starting? No, I just wanted to do that. Okay, Johnny's like...
Everyone gets quiet. In a world where podcasts love to chat it up, but don't care so much about Biblical truth, one podcast will go above and beyond to answer your toughest questions with Biblical insight.
Point Taken. Oh, my goodness. Is this the new season?
Yes. That's how we start a new season, what I just did right there? That's terrible. I don't say as much as I could say, and I'm not as mean as I can be, and I think other people should be grateful for that.
This isn't recording, is it? No. Does she ever forget when someone says something she doesn't like saying? Hey. Sorry, it's just really hard to take you seriously.
This is why I'm gonna take this off. Stalin's in the camera. I can't see. Hi, Dustin. No! Oh, no!
No! No, it's Mr. Normal! We have a game to play, which is another way of saying I have a game to win.
We had instances of our pastoral staff cheating. What's the score? We all have three.
You cheated. That's my favorite laugh of his. That laugh is like,
HSI is right, but I'm not gonna let him have his moments, I'm just gonna laugh. Wow, if you're still here, thank you.
And I've got some very strong opinions. This isn't recording, right? I've got some very strong opinions about...
I just wanted to do a quick plug for our point -taking merch. Here are our models, our Vanna Whites.
Here they are. Come on. Oh, my goodness. Proverbs 21 -9.
It is better to live in the corner of a housetop than in the household of a wholesome wife. Anyways, talk about something that'll slap ya.
I went to church and I knew the Lord from a very young age. But like I've always said, there's a difference between knowing
Him and walking with Him. I knew Him, but I wasn't obedient. The difference between walking in sin and struggling with sin, the argument is not that those who are in the kingdom of God, those who are regenerated, those who are sanctified, those who have been washed, do not struggle against sin.
In fact, the Bible commands us to do that, even to the point of blood. A lot of people like me grew up in church and they all experienced the same things.
People are gonna act like people. You're gonna find fault with them. So naturally, you call them a hypocrite or whatever and you decide to use that as your crutch to leave.
I don't wanna go to church with all those hypocrites. Who's heard that before? I can't say that the
Word of God is our standard if I'm not myself being obedient and submitting to it.
And then I can't expect my children to be obedient to the things that we're saying, much less to this. We are right now being separated sheep from goats.
How long are you gonna limp between these two opinions? If God is God, serve Him. If God is God, serve Him. And if He's not, serve these other gods.
But you need to pick one. God does not like lukewarm people. I really struggle with littles and older people and mothers.
Like, that's the people we're supposed to be taking care of and we don't. It was the church's job, but I think that we as a people thought that the government would do it.
Pure and undefiled religion before our God is this. Take care of widows and orphans and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
That was a command for the church. I find that a lot of church doesn't do either of those. The only reason
I'm even here is because of the Lord. Like I said, I've loved Him and knew
Him, but never truly surrendered to Him, my will, and never truly let Him be Lord of my life.