Questioning Latter Day Saints Article of Faith on the Spiritual Gifts and Apostleship

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This is the seventh video in our series, watch as Pastor Wade is Questioning Latter-Day Saints Article of Faith on the Spiritual Gifts and Apostleship. Does the LDS Organization have the authority to claim Apostleship? Are the gifts of the Spirit normative? Watch this video to find out!


LDS article of faith number 7 says, We believe in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions, healings, interpretation of tongues, and so forth.
But you see the Bible demonstrates that these spiritual gifts have ceased in a normative sense when the last apostle died.
Not only were these signs and wonders to expand the gospel like wildfire in a pagan
Roman empire, but in Acts chapter 2 on the day of Pentecost, there are quotes from Joel 2 showing that these signs will come before the destruction of Jerusalem in A .D.
70. The office of apostle has ceased, my friends. Paul called himself the last appointed apostle in 1
Corinthians 15. And James, the brother of John and the son of Zebedee, was never replaced after his death in the book of Acts.
You see, the Mormon Church needs the apostolic gifts to continue in an unbiblical way and to keep giving false revelation from a false prophet.
The truth is, miracles like these are rare but still possible today, but you certainly don't see them coming from an organization that preaches the gospel contrary to that of Jesus Christ.