“Prophet” Rebukes Woman for Not Falling on Queue

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“Prophet” Brian Carn rebukes woman for not falling on queue. The Holy Nope Breakdown


Prophet Brian Karn reveals a little too much about the nature of his ministry in this clip which made it to the
Holy Nope episode 210. This video says a lot.
So all these prophets love to use sound effects these days which I don't know if it's a new thing but I'm definitely seeing more of it and it's a helpful cue so that people know when to fall.
Except when they don't. Now we gotta take a step back here and really consider just how absurd this is.
I mean they're literally making sound effects with their mouths. They're LARPing. I mean what is this supposed to mimic?
Pentecost? The sound of a mighty rushing wind? What a low view of the Holy Spirit you must have to settle for this cheap mockery.
So he's blowing into his mic and people are falling down. Now Brian Karn has been featured on the Holy Note before in episode 74 and it was this episode on which someone left one of the greatest comments that I have ever received.
Here's the clip. And here's the comment.
You can't just say in the name of Jesus and then start motorboating some lady in church. And so I couldn't resist and I had to make this.
Alright so anyways Karn lays his hand on this gal and gets super mad at her.
Why? Because she didn't fall. Who knew that the
Holy Spirit could create the entire universe but can't overcome a pair of locked knees. Now what this reveals is that people fall under his ministry voluntarily and not under some overwhelming power.
It reveals the ego of this so -called prophet who chastises the woman for not falling. It reveals the powerlessness of his ministry.
It reveals that such falling is equated with receiving something from God and it's put on that people are coming for prayer and that he's praying for people but really he's not.
He's just touching and blowing on people. He is giving them the experience that they're seeking. Now we don't know if this woman knew what she was doing or not but it could be that she didn't know what was going on and she's going through something and she came to a place at which she heard the man of God was and she's seeking some answer to prayer and what she needs is sound biblical teaching from the word of God applicable to her life and simply doesn't know that she's supposed to fall when the prophet touches her and so she is publicly scolded.
That could be the case and it would be horrid spiritual abuse and others are falling and following this man because God in judgment upon them has given them the false teacher they wanted to tickle their ears and blow in their face.
Is everybody in the world blind? Please Lord give me a sign, a sign.