F4F | Gloria Copeland Says Your Tithes Rebuke the Devourer


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. I am Chris Rosebrough, your servant in Jesus Christ.
Now if you've ever been told that you need to tithe, otherwise
God's going to send the devourer, and the devourer's going to destroy your dishwasher, and then the devourer's going to destroy your car, and then the destroyer is going to destroy the paint job on your house, and everything's going to break down because you're not tithing.
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You've been taught something that is so far wrong it's not even funny. Case in point, we're heading over to Kenneth Copeland's The Voice of Victory, and we're going to be listening to his wife,
Gloria, and their buddy, oh, I forget this fellow's name, but he's like the son -in -law of Kenneth Copeland, and they're talking about tithing, and they're going to pull out that well -worn passage from Malachi, the
Italian prophet. It's actually Malachi, and we're going to be in Malachi 3, and we're going to point out how this really doesn't apply to Christians who are in the
New Covenant. Now, a little bit of prep work here.
Years ago, Perry Noble, one of my favorite guys that we review here,
Perry Noble, before he fell into a moral failing regarding alcoholism, and by the way, he's restored himself to ministry, just to let you know that, but years ago he said, now there are people who say that tithing is nowhere found in the
New Testament, but he notes the fact that Jesus said to the
Pharisees that they tithe, and that that's a good thing. Yeah, until Christ inaugurated the
New Covenant, it's not that tithing isn't found in the New Testament in some kind of passing way, it is.
But we're talking about the difference between the Mosaic Covenant as opposed to the New Covenant.
Christians are not under the Mosaic Covenant, and the commands to tithe in the
Mosaic Covenant, well, it's akin to, well, the commands to obey the law, and what
I mean by that is pay your taxes. So you see, the tithe was a tax in the theocracy of Israel, and so it being a tax, you know, if you didn't pay your taxes, there were consequences, and in a theocracy where God's at the top, he's the commander -in -chief of your kingdom,
God can execute things quite justly for those who are engaging in tax evasion.
And so as Christians, we are told to pay our taxes. We must pay our taxes.
This is an absolute command, and it's found in the New Covenant. It's part of the fine print of the
New Covenant. You can find it like Romans chapter 13. That being the case, the command to tithe is not found as part of the
New Covenant set of commands. Now, God makes it very clear in 1 and 2
Corinthians that his desire is that those who preach the gospel make their living from the gospel.
So we are to give then not under compulsion, but we give as the
Lord leads us, as we are able to give, if you would. And if it's 2%, great.
If it's 5%, that's fantastic. If it's 10%, that's between you and God. If it's greater than that, again, that's between you and God.
The idea then is that you want to make sure that your pastor is making his living from preaching the gospel.
That's the idea. Don't make it so that your pastor is as poor as a church mouse and his children can't buy anything even at Walmart that they have to go to a second -hand, third -hand store in order to be clothed.
That's not a good thing. But all of that being said, the Copelands are, how shall we say this, prosperity preachers, and they are money -grubbers extraordinaire.
And Kenneth Copeland has his own two -runway private airport for his multiple airplanes that he owns.
They're a quite impressive fleet that he's got there. But anyway, let's check in with this, The Devourer is
Rebuked for Tithers teaching from The Voice of Victory out there on YouTube.
Here we go. I remember many years ago, I had the opportunity to be around Oral Roberts.
And I would actually, for 14 times, I met him at the airport to help him get from one gate to another.
Anyway, he said, pastors are afraid to repeat their messages. He said, people don't get it right away.
They have to have it spoken to them again and again. So that's what we're doing with the tithe.
And the foundation scripture for this is Malachi 3. And let me read to you what we talked about yesterday.
Now, before he does that, it's very important that when you read a passage of scripture, that you pay attention to who the you is, because sometimes
God is talking to a you. And sometimes it's a y 'all. In English, we don't really have a good second person plural.
But sometimes the y 'all, it's a y 'all in the Hebrew or in the Greek, it's a y 'all. It's not a you singular, it's a you plural.
And so oftentimes when you study a biblical text, let's take a look at Malachi.
We'll take a look starting at chapter one. Pay attention to who this is written to, because it's kind of important.
The oracle of the word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi.
Now in this particular case, that's going to be important. So Malachi is an old covenant,
Mosaic covenant prophet. This is an oracle given to him by Yahweh.
And it's specifically to Israel during the time that Israel is under the headship as a nation directly of God.
They are a theocracy and they are in covenant with God and the covenant is the Mosaic covenant.
Now the Mosaic covenant, I hate to say it, is kaput. It's no longer there.
And so actually I shouldn't hate to say that. It's actually a good thing because nobody was perfected by the
Mosaic covenant. The Mosaic covenant was a guardian, if you would, until Christ appeared. And then Christ establishes the new covenant on the night that he's betrayed.
And the new covenant, the blood of the new covenant is his own blood shed for us. And just by way of a little bit of a note here, then
Hebrews 10, I'll take a look at one through a few verses here so you can kind of see how the
New Testament talks about the old. For since the law, and in this particular case, ha -namas, you can say the
Torah, that's because this is a very specific thing being referred to. For since the Torah has but a shadow of the good things to come instead of the true form of these realities, it can never, by the same sacrifices that are continually offered every year, make perfect those who draw near.
Otherwise, would they not have ceased to be offered, since the worshipers, having once been cleansed, would no longer have any consciousness of sins.
But in these sacrifices, there is a reminder of sins every year, for it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins.
Consequently, when Christ came into the world, he said, "...sacrifices and offerings you have not desired, but a body you have prepared for me.
In burnt offerings and sin offerings you have taken no pleasure. Then I said, Behold, I have come to do your will,
O God, as it is written to me of the scroll in the book." Kind of jumbled a couple words there, but you get the point.
So when he said above, you have neither desired nor taken pleasure in sacrifices and offerings, in burnt offerings and sin offerings, these are offered according to the law or the
Torah. Then he added, Behold, I have come to do your will. And so he does away with the first in order to establish the second.
So here we have in Hebrews 10 verse 9, a clear text that says that the
Mosaic covenant has been done away with. Nobody is under the
Mosaic covenant. It's not a thing anymore. And so the Mosaic covenant, and it was only the nation of Israel at the time, you know, at the time, you know, that was under the
Mosaic covenant. This was not a covenant that God made with the earth. This was a covenant that he made specifically with the
Hebrews, with the people of Israel. And so that's an important piece of all of this as we look at Malachi chapter 3.
And then we'll note then, because Malachi chapter 1 verse 1 says, this is the word of Yahweh to Israel.
Many of the plurals, in fact, all of the plurals where God is speaking to Israel, they are second person plural, y 'all.
And so that's going to come into play here. But I just wanted to set the table because if you pay attention to your covenants and who things are written to in scripture, oftentimes you can then, you know, detect a false teaching just by having those little details in mind, because you'll see how certain commands then are misappropriated for new covenant
Christians when they don't apply to us because they're specific to the Mosaic covenant. All right, coming back then to the voice of victory, let's check back in and we continue.
Yesterday in verse 10, bringing all the tithes into the storehouse that there may be meat in my house and prove me now herewith sayeth the
Lord of hosts, if I'll not open you the windows of heaven, pour you out a blessing that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
Now, verses 11 and 12, I will, and it's there at the top of your page.
I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground.
Neither shall your vine caster fruit before the time in the field sayeth the Lord of hosts and all nations shall call you blessed for you shall.
Did you catch that? And all nations shall call you blessed. You see, that's like a dead giveaway that we're talking about Israel here.
We're not talking about you or me, singular.
This is a text about Israel under the Mosaic covenant. Shall be a delightsome land sayeth the
Lord of hosts. Gloria, this is big. Who said that? That's God. The Lord said that.
The Lord said that. I will rebuke the devourer for your sake.
No, he said that to Israel. Let's take a look at chapter three in particular.
By the way, great prophecy regarding, you know, John the Baptist in chapter three.
So in the middle of Malachi, you know, this oracle where God is letting
Israel have it for their unfaithfulness, for their disobedience to the commands of the
Mosaic covenant. Here you get this wonderful prophecy right in the middle of it regarding John the
Baptist. Malachi 3, 1. Behold, I send my messenger. He will prepare the way before me.
And the Lord whom you seek will suddenly come to his temple and the messenger of the covenant in whom you delight.
Behold, he is coming, says the Lord of hosts. But who can endure the day of his coming and who can stand when he appears?
For he is like a refiner's fire and like a fuller's soap. He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.
And he will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver. And they will bring offerings in righteousness to Yahweh.
Yeah, so you get this wonderful prophecy regarding John the Baptist right there. Let's take a look at Malachi 3, 6.
Again, we're just doing a little context work here before we get to 3, 11. For I, Yahweh, do not change.
Therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed. From the days of your fathers you have turned aside from my statutes and you have not kept them.
Yeah, so you'll note here in the immediate context before verse 11, you clearly see that the
Lord is speaking to the children of Jacob, who is Israel, and that they've turned away from God's statutes.
So he says, return to me and I will return to you, says the Lord of hosts. But you say, how shall we return?
Now, when you read the entire prophecy of Malachi, you'll see that this is a formula that's used several different times throughout the prophecy.
So one of the commands is that they have robbed God by not paying the tithe.
In other words, they are tax evaders because the tithe was a tax specific to the upkeep of the temple.
And, you know, the paying of the Levites and things like that. So it says, return to me and I'll return to you.
But you say, how shall we return? Will man rob God? Yet you are robbing me.
But you say, well, how have we robbed you? In tithes and contributions. You are cursed with a curse.
For you are robbing me, the whole nation of you, bring the full tithe into the storehouse that there may be food in my house, thereby put me to the test, says
Yahweh of hosts. If I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need,
I will rebuke the devourer for you so that it will not destroy the fruits of your soil and your vine in the field shall not fail to bear, says
Yahweh of hosts. Then all the nations will call you blessed and you will be a land of delight, says
Yahweh of hosts. And of course, we know then from history that Israel continues to disobey
God egregiously. They never were able to keep the Mosaic Covenant perfectly.
But here God is calling them to repentance and to pay the tithes, which was part of the commandments of the
Mosaic Covenant. Again, there is no tithe command in the new covenant that Christ established.
So all of that being said, you see what's going on here, but watch now by not paying attention to which covenant this is referring to, now misappropriating this and saying that God's promised you specifically that he will not send the devourer if you tithe.
Yeah, now this gets kind of weird because they're going to turn God into kind of like a mafia boss, you know.
And the tithe then becomes the protection money that you pay in order to keep bad things from happening to you, rather than, you know, this being a
Mosaic Covenant issue and people are not paying their taxes. And there's consequences for not paying taxes.
So watch what ends up happening when they turn this around now. Here we go. For your sake.
What a wonderful thing. Isn't that something? Glory to God. We have to really bear down on the revelation of that.
That's right. That's a weird way of putting it. You know, they're going to bear down. Usually when
I bear down, weird things happen. And really take that, really believe it. I'm a tither.
I am, I am a tither. I come before the Lord and I come before the devil in the name of Jesus and in the name of a tither.
That's right. I have tithers rights. That's right. And one of my tithers rights is that the devourer is rebuked.
Yes. Amen. So let's take a moment here and look at this. Gloria, if you look at point one there, take us through that.
You were reading some of these definitions a little while ago where it says rebuke. Rebuke in the
Hebrew. In the Hebrew. Garar is the Hebrew word. Cripple, paralyze and stop.
That pretty much says it right there. That does it. You don't take all the lexical forms, you know, definitions of a word and just pour them into the word.
That's not how it works. We didn't even do that with our words in the dictionary. Crippling, paralyzing and stopping.
And one of the ways that we do that is by the tithe. That's right. We cripple the devourer by the tithe.
Okay. Tithe. You know what? The tithe gives us position. Ah, okay.
Now, a little bit of a note. What she just did there is she made up a doctrine out of thin air.
There is no biblical text that says, and especially Malachi 3, that says when you tithe, that you, you know, establish some position before God, position yourself for things.
Yeah, this is, she just made this doctrine right up out of thin air. What does the tithe do?
Tithe blesses us, puts us in position to be victorious, to be, to prosper.
I had... Yeah, no text says that. Now, a little bit of a note. There is a new covenant, a warning, a
New Testament warning about folks like this. And here, I'll read it in context so you can see the contrast.
So the Apostle Paul in Titus chapter 1, this is the third of three pastoral epistles, and this is where, again, you hear reiterated the requirements to be a pastor.
And this is then done in contradistinction to false teachers like, you know, Gloria Copeland. But here's what
Paul says to Titus. He says, this is why I left you in Crete, so that you might put what remained in order and appoint elders in every town as I directed you.
If anyone is above reproach, the husband of one wife, his children are believers, not open to the charge of debauchery or insubordination.
For an overseer is God's steward, must be above reproach. He must not be arrogant or quick -tempered or drunkard or violent or greedy for gain, but hospitable, a lover of the good, self -controlled, upright, holy, and disciplined.
He must hold firm to the trustworthy word as taught, so that he may be able to give instruction in sound doctrine and to rebuke those who contradict it.
Yeah, so we're going to rebuke the false teacher. Tithing is, you know, when somebody makes it a new covenant command like this, well, they're twisting
God's word. Here's what Paul says to Titus. For there are many who are insubordinate, they are empty talkers, they are deceivers, especially those of the circumcision party, and they must be silenced.
God wills that false teachers be silenced, since they are upsetting whole families by teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach.
Yeah, so the reason why prosperity preachers like Kenneth and Gloria Copeland spend such an inordinate amount of time teaching about tithes and offerings and seed offerings and sowing into and all this kind of stuff is because they are teaching for shameful gain what they ought not to teach.
And the only way I can describe Kenneth and Gloria Copeland is obscenely wealthy.
Obscenely wealthy. And they have basically poured themselves into their greed and tried to make it look like this is what
God's word teaches when it doesn't. I hadn't ever thought about that before, but I think that's a good way to say it.
Now, I'm going to back this up because I want you to hear it. I said that she had made this doctrine out of thin air, and she just said,
I'd never thought about it like that before. Well, there's a dead giveaway. You just made up the doctrine.
Let me back this up just a few seconds. The tithe gives us position.
What does the tithe do? Tithe blesses us, puts us in position to be victorious, to prosper.
I hadn't ever thought about that before, but I think that's right. Yeah. If it were a biblical doctrine, you would have thought about it many times as you had read that in the
Bible. But since the Bible doesn't say that, that's the reason why you'd never thought of that before.
You know, just saying. Good way to say it. The tithe puts us in position for victory.
The tithe puts us in position for victory. Got it. As they write down this new doctrine that Gloria just thunk up in her head.
You said it right there. It puts us in a position. It puts us in a position of protection.
Your false teaching has put you in a position for damnation. Just saying. It puts us in a position of provision.
It puts us in a position of promotion. It's a setup. It is. It really is a great...
No, no, no. This whole false teaching is a setup. Designed to send the money into Kenneth Copeland's pocket.
Set up. Praise God. Well, it's really, it's the blessing. It's the open door to the blessing. It is the blessing. It is the blessing.
Okay, the tithe puts us in a position to... What else did you say?
The tithe puts us in position for victory. Victory. To be blessed, to prosper, to be well.
It really does. That's such a great way to put that, Gloria. It is. No, it's not.
If this were biblical, you'd be putting it in a way that the Bible actually says and teaches. But you're not.
Thank you. It puts us in position. It gives us a place to be able to operate in such a much higher level than we ever have.
So when it says rebuke, the devourer is rebuked, crippled, paralyzed, and stopped.
And then look at this definition of a devourer. A devourer means in the
Hebrew to eat or it's the seed eater, the crop destroyer, the consumer by fire, to burn up something, to waste something.
That's what the devourer... Here we go again. Every possible dictionary definition poured into the one word.
Devourer does. And he tries to come into our households and he tries to devour... Oh no, the devourer is trying to come into your household.
Run, run, bar the doors. Do something. Maybe you should put some lamb's blood over your door or something.
So the devourer will pass over. What are we going to do? I don't put money, put money over your lentils of your door.
So you just make sure it equals 10 % of the gross of your income or something.
Our things like for instance, a non -tither, and these are part of the tithers rights, but a non -tither they'll have their washing machine breakdown.
Well, they'll spend the money to get that done. And all of a sudden the car breaks down and then this breaks down and that breaks down.
Like I said, this is turning this whole thing into a mafia racket. You know,
God is like, you know, the ultimate mafia don. Yeah, you wouldn't want me to send this devourer now, would you?
You know, in fact, why don't I do this? I'm just going to hand it over to my editor to make the point.
What's the meaning of this? I demand an explanation. Charlie, Charlie, there's no need to yell.
Your Excellency, I meant no disrespect. Disrespect, yada, yada, yada.
Cut the chitchat. We both know why you're here. What are you talking about? Where's my tithe money,
Charlie? I don't even attend church no more. Luigi, how far behind is
Charlie on his tithing? That's a lot of money,
Charlie. I don't got it, boss. I just spent my paycheck on a new washing machine for the missus.
Is that so? Yeah. Well, if that's the case, I don't know if I can protect you no more.
You don't mean? Oh, yes, Charlie. The devourer's coming for you. No, please.
It's out of my hands. Yeah, boss. Release the devourer.
You got it, boss. You see what
I mean? Yeah, so God is now a mafia mafia don. Pay him tithe protection money to make sure your washing machine keeps working.
And this breaks down. What is that? That is the devourer in action. That's right.
That's what he's doing. He is tearing apart everything. And the tither has rights.
And one of those rights is protection from the devourer. Amen. And we can come in agreement together as tithers that the devourer is rebuked in my life.
Are you a tither? I am. Well, that means that the devourer is rebuked in your life.
I'm a tither. I'm a tither. Yeah, right. Yeah, I'm sure whatever you tithe to Kenneth Copeland Ministries ends up right back in your pocket.
Yeah, I think you get the point. So yeah, this is a false teaching regarding tithing.
And because it doesn't pay attention to which covenants and who's affected and who's under those covenants at what time, it misses the fact that the tithe was a tax that the nation of Israel required, you know, that God required the nation of Israel to pay during the time of the theocracy under the
Mosaic covenant. And so not paying your tithe is akin to not paying your taxes. They've now tried to pull this into the new covenant and now turn
God into the guy who's engaging in a divine protection racket that's going to keep your car and your washing machine and your dishwasher all working if you pay your tithe.
Otherwise, he's going to send the devourer in to destroy everything. Yeah, I think you get the point. That's not what
Scripture says at all. Hopefully you found this helpful. If you did, all the information on how you can share this video is down below.
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God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and his vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.