The Chosen doubles down on defense of Mormons in Allen Parr interview / Parr doesn't push back


Dallas Jenkins creator and director of The Chosen sat down with Allen Parr of "The Beat" where he doubled down on his defense of Mormons and the pride flag being on set. Not only did Parr not push back Parr said he "loved" Jenkins response to the LGBT flag controversy. Watch as I explain why this is dangerous!


Hello in this video we're going to be covering a breaking story Dallas Jenkins of the
Chosen he has now doubled down and actually tripled down on his defense of Mormonism that the
Mormons that he works with on the show. They are true Christians They love the same
Jesus that he does Here's the headline from the dissenter in new interview.
And by the way, this was with Alan Parr Alan Parr is a very well -known
Christian youtuber with well over a million subscribers So he has a lot of influence and I watched the video from Alan Parr's channel and Alan Parr He's talking to Dallas Jenkins.
Like he's a brother in Christ. He supports him Alan Parr did not push back on this at all.
So that's maybe the the new story the most troubling thing of all that Dallas Jenkins and in some ways he seemed to Defend and support
Dallas Jenkins because it's been well established that Dallas Jenkins has heretical beliefs
I mean if you believe that Mormons are saved Mormonism is a completely different religion.
They're polytheistic They believe that Jesus is the brother of Satan. They believe that God was once a sinful man living on a
Far away planet named Kolob. I'll play at the end of this video. I'll play
Basically a Mormon cartoon that highlights what the church believes and I do have to say this
Nobody is claiming that Dallas Jenkins says that all Mormons are true
Christians. Nobody has said that I Mean you wouldn't say that about anybody any group all
Baptists are true Christians Nobody's saying that so but he did say that the Mormons that he knows on Set that work with work for actors
Whatever they do on the chosen TV show. He says these
Mormons that I know they love the same Jesus So this is the headline in new interview This is with Alan Parr the chosen director
Dallas Jenkins insists that he loves the same Jesus as his
Mormon brothers that they are brothers in Christ. It says the chosen director
Dallas Jenkins again Articulated in a new interview with Alan Parr that he loves the same
Jesus that his Mormon friends do Demonstrating again and again why he has a false understanding of Jesus and the gospel so let's watch the clip and I kept the whole thing because Jenkins is saying that he's been taken out of context.
That's not true. He was not taken out of context He says well, I was taken out of context
To the people are saying that the whole the entire LDS Church believes the same thing as evangelicals
Nobody said that Nobody's saying that Find one video or somebody said
I'd never heard anyone say that What we're saying is if you say that you love the same
Jesus as Mormons or that Mormons love the same Jesus as Evangelical Christian that's the issue and he again doubled down on it.
So listen to what he said. I kept the whole clip so nobody can complain about context and I kept it on until Alan Parr Responds and you see that there's no pushback at all from Alan Parr watch
The LDS issue is just something that It got some controversy because several years ago on a
YouTube interview I made the comment that I was referring to a few of my LDS friends and I said
I'm not speaking for the LDS Church. I'm not talking about their formal doctrine or anything like that I'm talking about some of these
LDS friends that I have Do love the same Jesus that I do now We may have some disagreements about some aspects of it
But some of these brothers that I that I that I know that I have had deep intense
Dozens of hours of conversations with might not actually sign on to or might have a different viewpoint than what the official church doctrine is or The official church doctrine much like evangelical world has different sects and different denominations within it
And so I'm not speak. I think it's dangerous to speak for any one particular group I know you don't love it when when you see some video about Oh evangelicals believe this you're like well
Not all evangelicals believe that so there are some things about so anyway I made that comment and it's been taken out of context to present the the position that I You know think the entire
LDS Church believes the same thing that I as an evangelical do or loves the same Jesus I do and I don't I don't hold to that belief
But I do know that there's nuance within all people groups and with all within all denominations That I don't think are
I don't think it's healthy to try to summarize it all in a headline or in a soundbite So it's things like that that have that have concerned people
But we just we like to focus on the positive and to say listen Right or wrong in your prison in your mind
My this show isn't even the theology. They show is is conservative evangelical. I'm a
I went to Northwestern College in St. Paul, Minnesota, which is about as Conservative theologically as you can get
I believe in the inerrancy of Scripture. I'm not LDS. I haven't read the Book of Mormon I remember last year people were accusing me of taking a line out of the
Book of Mormon and I'm like I'm the most Yeah, I'm like a it's not a perfect quote from Book of Mormon anyway
But be if they had that in the Book of Mormon good for them. It's a good quote I like I think it's a I think it's accurate but we just like to say look we work with anybody who can get this show out to the world and I think that I always ask people let the show speak for itself
Like even if you disagree with me something theologically even if let's just say let's just say for the sake of argument That I have a strong difference of opinion.
I'm just gonna use you as an example. Let's say we disagree about LDS theology Just say let's just assume that I doubt we do but let's just say we do sure disagree
My belief about someone else's doctrine has nothing to do with the show Right, like when you're watching the show unless you're seeing some sort of uniquely
LDS doctrine that makes its way into the show That's not biblical or not evangelical my belief about someone else's theology really is is
I'm not sure. I understand the concern. I understand the concern if you're thinking well, I think you're wrong And it's a brother in Christ.
I want to confront you on that. We're gonna talk about that. Well, that's fair But as to whether or not you're gonna watch the show Because of some belief we have not even a disagreement.
We have theology theologically, but about someone else's theology I can't go. What are we you're talking about here this you don't even you
YouTube commenter sometimes don't even know me You haven't read any of the Bible studies and devotional books that we've put out where the show is a supplement to You're making assessments based on a soundbite that you heard from five years ago
And so we're building an entire construction of something about the show that Is based on what seems to be a tangential?
Conversation that took place and so that's the kind of stuff that I'm like, let's just talk about that Let's just major on the majors
Let's talk about the things that are actually relevant to this discussion And then if we ever meet in person and you want to confront me about hey
You said something that I disagree with and I think it's important for you Great that's what this is about. I love that kind of stuff
But yeah, let's not try to relegate these very important important and nuanced issues to YouTube headlines and thumbnails all right, so Dallas I want to kind of transition a little bit and talk about what we as chosen fans can
Expect in the seasons to come obviously season four as at the time of the recording this video.
Okay, so there it is Dallas Jenkins doubles down triples down Quadruples down whatever it is by now and Alan Parr.
He's sitting there, you know Yeah, he doesn't seem to have a problem with it and he did not push back at all
Before those comments they talked about the the pride flag Controversy remember about a year ago in one of their promotional videos
Mind you because Dallas Jenkins says well the pride flag was just on some guy's camera equipment.
Yeah That made it into your promotional video Okay, so you can't tell me they didn't notice that but anyways, the pride flag was not only on set
It ended up in their promo video and Alan Parr talked to Jenkins about it and Jenkins defended that and He said you know what nobody should be upset with the gay cameraman
You should be you should be thanking the gay cameraman So and of course if you remember that controversy and I covered that on my channel the actors who played the
Apostles Then went on Twitter and criticized the fans and some of the people
Critiquing the chosen because of the pride flag the actors who played the Apostles went on Twitter and were wishing everybody a happy pride month so you have to wonder between wishing people happy pride month pride flags on set defending that saying that Mormons love the same
Jesus as evangelicals Are there any Christians on the set of the chosen?
I'm not saying there aren't and by the way I'll say this if you watch the show as a pastor
I would recommend that you not watch the show and I'll explain why at the end But if you watch the show if you like the show,
I'm not against you Okay, people can make their own decisions, but this is dangerous
This is Dan and this is heresy. I don't use that term lightly when somebody says that Mormons Believe in the same
Jesus love the same Jesus as a Protestant evangelical Protestant. That's heretical
Okay, this is very serious So Jenkins he doubles down he defends the pride flag incident and then
Alan Parr After they after Jenkins talked about the pride flag Alan Parr said, oh, yeah,
I love that love that response. So Alan Parr Loves how Jenkins responded in defending the pride flag on set.
Okay, so I think the real story here is not Jenkins Continuing to double down on heresy.
He's already done that To me the real story is Alan Parr seems to be okay with all this
I Watched the video there really wasn't any pushback so and Yeah, this is this is bad.
So, okay Let me let me end by saying this and then like I said I'll show the the Mormon cartoon at the end that really highlights how heretical the
Mormon Church is or the Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter -day Saints, but I don't use that term because they're not
Saints They're false converts. It's a cult. Okay Mormons are nice people.
I'll say that the Mormons I've met are nice people, but nobody goes to heaven by being nice You go to heaven by trusting in Jesus Christ in the gospel, but Mormonism it has a different Jesus and you'll see this in the
The cartoon but this is just well known well established Mormons believe in a different Jesus and they have a different gospel
Joseph Smith Says that he was visited by an angel who gave him this gospel
Well, remember what the Apostle Paul said in Galatians 1 That even if an angel from heaven preaches another gospel
Don't don't believe it You know let them be anathema anyone who preaches any other gospel to you than the one which you received
So the true gospel is in the Bible The false gospel was given to Joseph Smith by this angel and who knows whether or not that really happened
That's probably just made up some people speculate Smith could have been visited by a demon.
I don't know but I know it's not the same Jesus It's not the same gospel. And here's the thing about Dallas Jenkins.
He says well the chosen My goal is to present the authentic Jesus wrong the
Bible Presents the authentic Jesus not Dallas Jenkins in the chosen.
So here's the danger And I'll close with this people who watch the show as a pastor
I would say don't watch it and here's why if you get attached to the show and this is what people are doing
They're watching and they typically end up listening to the podcast and listening to the interviews and they listen to what
Dallas Jenkins says And they just become attached not just to the show, but it's like a whole movement
People who end up loving the show They get so emotionally attached to it they end up defending
Dallas Jenkins and His stuff with the Mormons and the gay pride flag and and here's the thing
Christians who normally would never defend Mormonism Christians who would normally never
Defend a gay pride flag. They end up doing it They end up defending that heresy because they're so emotionally attached to the show
So that's why as a pastor, I would recommend it. It's your choice. Okay? it's your life you need to make your decisions, but we need to submit to God first and Based on the
Bible's teachings. I don't think the chosen is in line with this. So as a pastor, I would say you shouldn't watch it for that reason, but We'll end with the band this is called the band
Mormon cartoon and yeah, watch this and Dallas Jenkins would say yeah, but the
Mormons I know they don't believe in all the stuff in this cartoon Well, that might be true. There might be parts of this cartoon that well, they don't believe this part.
They don't believe this part They don't believe that part Okay, fine If you believe any of this,
I mean it this cartoon highlights How false the Mormon Church is so if you're a
Mormon if you're defending Mormonism as true Christianity This is heresy and people need to repent
Dallas Jenkins needs to repent the chosen should be avoided and Here's the band
Mormon cartoon. This is what Joseph Smith in the Mormon Church This is what they really believe watch
Regardless of its Christian veneer the basic tenets of Mormonism are in direct conflict with biblical
Christianity The following piece of animation based directly on actual Mormon publications highlights these major doctrinal differences
Mormonism teaches the trillions of planets scattered throughout the cosmos are ruled by countless gods who once were human like us
They Say that long ago on one of these planets to an unidentified God and one of his goddess wives a
Spirit child named Elohim was conceived This spirit child was later born to human parents who gave him a physical body
Through obedience to Mormon teaching and death and resurrection He proved himself worthy and was elevated to godhood as his father before him
Mormons believe that Elohim is their heavenly father and that he lives with his many goddess wives on a planet near a mysterious star called
Kola Here the god of Mormonism and his wives through endless celestial sex produced billions of spirit children
To decide their destiny the head of the Mormon gods called a great heavenly council meeting
Both of Elohim's eldest sons were there Lucifer and his brother
Jesus a Plan was presented to build planet earth where the spirit children would be sent to take on mortal bodies and learn good from evil
Lucifer stood and made his bid for becoming savior of this new world Warning the glory for himself.
He planned to force everyone to become gods Opposing the idea the
Mormon Jesus suggested giving man his freedom of choice as on other planets
The vote that followed approved the proposal of the Mormon Jesus who would become savior of the planet earth enraged
Lucifer cunningly convinced one -third of the spirits destined for earth to fight with him and revolt
Thus Lucifer became the devil and his followers the demons Sent to this world they would forever be denied bodies of flesh and bone
Those who remain neutral in the battle were cursed to be born with black skin
This is the Mormon explanation for the Negro race The spirits that fought most valiantly against Lucifer would be born into Mormon families on planet earth
These would be the lighter skin people or white and delights them as the
Book of Mormon describes them Early Mormon prophets taught that Elohim and one of his goddess wives came to earth as Adam and Eve to start the human race thousands of years later
Elohim in human form once again journeyed to earth from the starbase colon
This time to have sex with the Virgin Mary in order to provide Jesus with a physical body
After Jesus Christ grew to manhood. He took at least three wives Mary Martha and Mary Magdalene Through these wives the
Mormon Jesus for whom Joseph Smith claimed direct descent Supposedly fathered a number of children before he was crucified
According to the Book of Mormon after his resurrection Jesus came to the Americas to preach to the
Indians who the Mormons believe are really Israelites thus the
Jesus of Mormonism Established his church in the Americas as he had in Palestine By the year 421
AD the dark -skinned Indian Israelites known as Lamanites had destroyed all of the white
Nephites in a number of great battles The Nephites records were supposedly written on golden plates and buried by Moroni the last living
Nephite and the hill Camorra 1 ,400 years later a young treasure seeker named
Joseph Smith who was known for his tall tales Claimed to have uncovered these same gold plates near his home in upstate,
New York He Is now honored by Mormons as a prophet because he claimed to have had visions from the spirit world in which he was commanded to organize the
Mormon Church Because all Christian creeds were an abomination It was
Joseph Smith who originated most of these peculiar doctrines which millions today believe to be true
By maintaining a rigid code of financial and moral requirements and through performing secret temple rituals
For themselves and the dead the Latter -day Saints hope to prove their worthiness and thus become gods
The Mormons teach that everyone must stand at the final judgment before Joseph Smith the
Mormon Jesus and Elohim Those Mormons who were sealed in the eternal marriage ceremony
Expect to become polygamous gods in the celestial kingdom Rule over other planets and spawn new families throughout eternity
The Mormons thank God for Joseph Smith who claimed that he had done more for us than any other man including
Jesus Christ The Mormons believe that he died as a martyr shed his blood for us