FBC Sunday Evening Service


Evening Fellowship Service


All right, there we go. That's better. Good. Let's begin tonight with number 29 in your supplement book number 29
I'm gonna sing another Christmas song doing this beginning this series on Mark the life of Jesus, of course the gospel according to Mark So Holy Child is the song
Let's stand shall we as we sing that you've gotten comfortable seated It's you uncomfortable
Holy Child who chose the hearts of men to be his favored home
Leaving heaven's gates for Bethlehem God came to call his own
Now to us the highest king is born behold the royal son
Glory kneels to bind up all that's torn the promised one has come
Joy and pain as man he knew on earth no place to lay his head as a servant he
Embraced this world and on a cross he bled
Having borne the deepest grief of man. He rose to heaven's throne
Now I'm sheltered in the father's hand until he calls me home
May the gift of God amaze us still the triumph of all time
As a child I need to heaven's will and make his purpose mine
Though this road be scarred with trial and pain. It's paved with lavish grace
Knowing him will be my greatest gain His throne my resting place
We're thankful father that You sent your son into this world because you loved us in this way
You gave your only begotten son Whosoever would believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life
And those who receive him who become your children have this
Promise that dwelling within us is The Spirit of God given by the
Son of God to the glory of God So we thank you for the coming of this.
Holy child the Lord Jesus Became a man and walked among us and carried out the work that you sent him to do.
I Pray that you'd bless our time together this evening and the study of your word And I pray that we would learn and grow from it and we ask it in Jesus name.
Amen All right, you may be seated So I want to read a psalm and then sing a psalm one for Psalm 147
Psalm 147 in your
Bibles 147th Psalm Read together and then we'll we'll sing this
Psalm 147 It says praise the Lord for it is good to sing praises to our
God for it is pleasant and praise is beautiful The Lord builds up Jerusalem.
He gathers together the outcasts of Israel. He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds
He counts the number of the stars. He calls them all by name Great is our
Lord and mighty in power. His understanding is infinite The Lord lifts up the humble he cast cast the wicked down to the ground
Sing to the Lord with thanksgiving sing praises on the harp to our God who covers the heavens with clouds
Who prepares rain for the earth who makes grass to grow on the mountains? He gives to the beast its food and to the young ravens that cry
He does not delight in the strength of the horse. He takes no pleasure in the legs of a man The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear him and those who hope in his mercy
Praise the Lord Oh Jerusalem Praise your God Oh Zion for he has strengthened the bars of your gates.
He has blessed your children within you He makes peace in your borders and fills you with the finest wheat
He sends out his command to the earth. His word runs very swiftly. He gives snow like wool
He scatters the frost like ashes. He casts out his hail like morsels who can stand before his cold?
He sends out his word and melts them. He causes his wind to blow and the waters flow
He declares his word to Jacob his statutes and his judgments to Israel He has not dealt thus with any nation and as for his judgments, they have not known them praise the
Lord May the Lord add his blessing to the reading of this is word So in that one particular verse
The Lord counts the numbers of the stars and he calls them all by name one of the one of the things that I I kind of wanted to do when
Chris and I went out out to the southwest last month Was one night just to go out somewhere in the wilderness like you know out in that area could be just about anywhere you go about any direction and And just wait for the stars to you know, the eyes to adjust in the stars we never got to do that and I Regret that next time we go out somewhere like that.
We'll do it You know Joshua tree is a great place to National Park. It's a great place to do that.
There's no lights no light pollution nothing and you can look up and see the the myriad of stars and to see that and then
Read this verse that he counts the number of them even the ones that we can't see and he knows them all by name
Amazing is our God. So in your Psalter number 331 is
The corresponding song for this Psalm 331 It is music to the
Lord is right not I Don't think this is a familiar tune to us, but it's
I think an easy one. So Let's let's try it together. We'll sing just the first four stanzas.
There's 12 of them That's if we won't do all of them just to get familiar with this particular
Psalm, you know what?
Why don't you play the tune that played play through it for us once just so we can get the idea of it. Okay? Yeah, I almost forgot the all.
Alleluia. All right, let's try it together music to the Lord is right Music to the
Lord is right Praising him is our delight
Rebuilds Jerusalem Gathering Israel all of them
Banished broken hearts he cures
Bindees and sores Counting every star
Is great in my
Blasting truth saves the humble from past the wicked down to sing to God the
Lord with praise For thanks and all your days
Melody on harp and Making music to inspire
Good easy enough tune to learn.
All right, we want to share some testimonies tonight and while you're thinking or planning on that Just an update on on Jody Bob texted me this afternoon and said that he talked to a neurologist doctor today and The doctor said that what she is dealing with right now is not withdrawal
That it's something going on with the brain. He went on to explain What that looks like?
And he has another appointment the two doctor that doctor and another we're going to converse tomorrow and a neurologist
I guess and Talk about her situation. So just pray for some clarity there and some understanding of what's what's going on With with Jody, so pray for her
I Think my wife should probably be there by now But Chris left this afternoon to go spend a couple days with her mom
She did not get to communicate with her at all on Mother's Day, and I have a conference to go to tomorrow so she took advantage of that time and So pray for her and her mom to have a good time together
Some testimonies tonight. Yes, sir.
Amen. Amen. Thank the Lord for his delivering power Amen great and Remind us of your name again
Paul. Thank you. Paul. Appreciate that. Good to have Paul visiting with us tonight Someone else buddy.
All right. Well, yeah, go ahead men good
Somebody else Yes, Stan men, amen
Yes Anybody else yes, Vicki.
Yes Yes, right
Contented yeah. Yeah Amen. All right.
I want to share this Article with you that I came across the other day and When you hear some of the stuff
I'm gonna read it will like Pastor will look what mentioned this morning, you know, he watches the news
He even even channels that he can trust and he doesn't want to watch it because it makes him angry You can respond in that way to this article
But I want you to think about I want you to think about the person the the human being that is
Communicating that it's talking about herself here This is a Demi Lovato.
I guess is how you pronounce her name I didn't really know who she is that tells you how out of touch I am with modern pop culture, but she is a
She's a pop icon, I guess and The article says this is from CBS News.
It says singer Demi Lovato has announced that art now listen carefully singer
Demi Lovato first person singular singular, right has announced that they are non -binary and Changing their pronouns to they slash them
They said that quote revelation followed a quote a lot of healing and self -reflective work and quote in a
Twitter video early Wednesday Introducing her new pod their new podcast the pop singer says they don't identify as male or female
She says quote. I want to take this moment to share something very personal with you over the past year and a half
I've been doing some healing and Self -reflective work and through this work.
I've had the revelation that I identify as non -binary Lovato said they are officially changing their pronouns to they slash them adding that the label non -binary quote best represents the fluidity
I feel in my gender expression and Allows me to feel most authentic and true to the person.
I know The true to the person I both know I am and still am discovering and the article goes on and When I read this and I read there's there's more in this and I won't bother you with it
But but when I read this my my immediate response was What in the world happens to the mind?
What happens to the mind that you can come to this kind of a conclusion that says
For a woman and she's fully and completely a woman to say I Sometimes feel like I'm a man.
Sometimes I feel like a woman. So I'm not really a male or a female I just kind of go with the flow.
I'm very fluid in my gender the the mind
You know Romans 1 the Lord talks about Rome Paul talks about the Lord giving people over to the to the corruption of their mind and this is just a another example of that and the sad thing is
That she is applauded she is applauded by the mainstream culture for being true to herself and true to her authentic being to her authentic person and Yeah, so Again, that can make us angry when we think about where our culture has come to to that to such a level
But at the same time, I think it should cause us as believers to respond with a sense of pity and and and grief and sadness because What is really the matter with this person?
what's really wrong deep down in the heart and soul of someone who would
Who would try to deal with life in such a way? It's it's incredibly sad and yet this is the world
Which we live so All right. Well, I want to move from that to a positive a song encouraging song number 21 in your supplement 21 the song
God moves in a mysterious way His wonders to perform Psalm 21 by William Cooper Friend of John Newton who suffered tremendously with depression serious bouts of depression through the years
So, let's let's sing this together God moves in a
Mysterious way his wonders to perform
He plants his footsteps in the sea
And rides up on the storm Deep in unfathomable
Minds of never -failing Skill Measures up works his sovereign will
Judge not the Lord by feeble sense
But trust him for his grace Behind a frowning
Providence he hides a smiling face
His purposes will Ripen fast
Unfolding every The bud may have a bitter taste
But sweet will be the flower Blind unbelief
Is sure to err and scan his work in vain his
Own Interpreter and he will
Very good.
So I chose that him because of what we read in Mark chapter 1 as we
Think about and see how the Lord has been prepared for and now in this particular passage that we're going to read tonight
How he is prepared I want to just read verses 9 through 13
Mark chapter 1 So find your place and then follow along Mark 1 verse 9 says it came to pass in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the
Jordan and Immediately coming up from the water. He saw the heavens parting and the
Spirit descending upon him like a dove Then a voice came from heaven. You are my beloved
Son in whom I am well -pleased Immediately the Spirit drove him into the wilderness and he was there in the wilderness 40 days tempted by Satan and Was with the wild beasts and the angels ministered to him
Our father I pray that you would encourage us and speak to us through this passage of preparation.
We pray in Jesus name. Amen So one of the challenges of going through Some of life's experiences is actually discerning their value
What is the value of this experience that I'm going through for example? in the early summer before my senior year of high school,
I attended a I attended a Bob Jones University banquet.
They call them these summer banquets They'd go around the country and they'd hold to host these banquets and and they invite
Prospective students and you could use prospective students could go for free Anybody could but there was always an offering or whatever.
But anyhow, so I attended this banquet I had no real interest in Bob Jones The banquet came along my parents said you want to go and I said, well, okay, you know,
I'll go I had my plans figured out I I was interested in computers and I was planning to go to Florida Institute of Technology near Melbourne my grandparents lived in Melbourne, so I was gonna
I was gonna dorm with my grandparents and go to FIT and get a degree in computer science so I go to this banquet and They do this little thing to show a film and in the film they they talked about this new minor that The university was offering in the next year and computer science a minor in computer science.
So this was back in 1975 so computers were in their infancy and that whole thing was in its infancy
So anyhow, that kind of piqued my interest and I finally decided you know what? I think
I'll go there I think I'll go there and I'll major in business and minor in computer science. And you know, and and it's cheaper and It looks like it'd be a good education.
So yeah, I think I'll go there and I applied and I was accepted I had no real spiritual interest in going there.
It wasn't like oh, this is a Christian College I'll help me grow in my faith in Christ. It wasn't at that moment.
It wasn't on my radar screen. I had no idea That the Lord was using that experience to prepare me for the ministry
I mean it was several months later that he the Lord really got a hold of my heart and and I by that time
I had been accepted at BJU to be a business major and a computer science minor and Eventually that got changed to to pastoral pastoral studies.
But but again at that moment I Had no idea what the Lord was doing in preparing me for something radically different than what
I thought But we can be equally oblivious when it comes to some of those experiences of life that are significant hardships
That we don't really appreciate at in the least bit things that we go through that are are painful and and they they hurt
They hurt us they hurt our Families sometimes and we just don't we don't we don't see why we don't see the value in it.
We don't see what's going on but fortunately many times with the passing of time we gain perspective we're able to look back on those experiences those hardships and We can see what the
Lord was doing it. So again, for example, I Very very very long months in Colchester, Illinois, and it was
That experience was challenging on many many levels I I just experienced things that I never thought
I would experience never never expected to experience in the ministry and again,
I lasted there 11 months, you know, we left with nowhere to go and Ended up living with my parents for several months and you know
It was just it was just a miserable difficult challenging time
But with the passing of time I was able to look back on that and realize that the Lord used those 11 very very difficult months to prepare me to be a teachable assistant pastor for four years and then to teach me prepare me to be more resolute in my
You know pastoral leadership When we went to Oak Ridge, Tennessee and had to pastor a church there that had some real challenges
It was a challenging ministry. So the Lord used that in many ways and he had used that in preparation for Years to come.
I mean I've been in the ministry now for 40 years. So And and I've learned a bunch from that one initial experience the
Lord used it to prepare to prepare me so in both of those cases both of those cases
The experience that I went through was preparing me for the kind of ministry that the
Lord had for me in the years to come All right, so we come to Mark chapter 1 and in verses 1 through 8
John the Baptist ministry was that of preparing for Jesus preparing for Jesus But these verses we just read
They deal more with the preparing of Jesus himself not in a sense of there was
There were character flaws that needed to be corrected or anything like that whatsoever
But preparing him for the unique ministry that he was to fulfill
And what I want us to notice first of all in verses 9 to 11 is that sometimes? Preparation is public and voluntary public and voluntary
So in verse 9 notice how Jesus publicly on his own initiative publicly identified with us
Verse 9 says it came to pass in those days Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized by John in the
Jordan he on his initiative Voluntarily left his hometown of Nazareth after he'd lived there
Presumably for the last 30 years apprenticed apparently as a carpenter's son and learned to trade
But he left all of that behind he left the familiarity of Nazareth he left the
Comfort and security of the town that he grew up in and the people that he knew and so on and he left that voluntarily and those of you who have
Have lived in a place for so long that that that is your home
That is your home and then and then if you've been uprooted from that for one reason or another
You you always look back at that and it's a difficult thing to leave that place And you look back at that place is your hometown.
Well, this was I mean Jesus remember remember remember Jesus was fully
Man He was fully man He said well, he was
God too. Yes, but he was fully man He was he was completely human saving a sin nature
So he left this hometown and he left voluntarily, but he left purposefully
This wasn't arbitrary. It wasn't a I think I want to venture out into the world and see what
I can find No, he left deliberately notice it says it came Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized and Matthew tells us in his record of the baptism of Jesus That that was very intentional in Matthew 3 13
He says then Jesus came from Galilee to John at the Jordan to be baptized by him
So the departure from Nazareth Nazareth was purposeful I'm going to the
Jordan to be baptized by John and What Jesus did in this very public?
voluntary act was except he accepted the baptism of repentance
Even though he had nothing to repent of and in fact he insisted on it
So again look with me at John at Matthew's account of this Matthew 3 Because when
Jesus came to be baptized at the Jordan River be baptized by John John protested verse 14 of Matthew 3
It said John tried to prevent him No, no, no, he says
I need to be baptized by you and you're coming to me No, this is something's wrong here is what
John is saying, but Jesus answered and said to him Permit it to be so now for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness
Then he allowed him Jesus insisted on this being baptized and accepting this baptism of repentance
But he didn't accept it because he had anything to repent of he did this
Accepted this baptism for several reasons. One of them was to identify with the sins of his people even though he was sinless
He's going to be the sin bearer. And so in this act of baptism
Allowing John to baptize him. He is he is saying I am I am identifying with the people that I have come to save But there's more to it than that this accepting of baptism also
Intended to picture the death burial and resurrection that was going to come
So and and we understand baptism to this day with that idea in mind and this was what
Jesus did He went into the Jordan River and he was baptized. He was immersed
That's what the word baptized means. He was immersed into the Jordan River and Went under the water this symbolizes death death to the old and And the burial and then it comes up new life resurrection
So Jesus being baptized is picturing his own coming death burial and resurrection though it is yet Three years out and he is also in this act
Prefiguring the significance of Christian baptism of the baptism that if you've been baptized you you went through you also were baptized to signify death burial and Resurrection and your identity with Christ your oneness your unity with Christ And then there's another thing to think about remember
Before Jesus ascends into heaven. He tells his disciples Go into all as you are going into all the world make disciples of all nations
Baptizing them in the name of the Father Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus commands us to be baptized and He takes the lead by being baptized himself
So in this the the the nugget that I want you to get here from verse 9 is that in this voluntary?
Public act Jesus is identifying with us but in this voluntary public experience
Jesus also was publicly anointed for service He's being prepared for the ministry that he is the unique ministry that he is to fulfill and in verse 10
He's publicly anointed for service Immediately as he came up out of the water
He saw the heavens parting and the Spirit Descending upon him like a dove and so the
Holy Spirit comes upon him in this scene in this experience and Empowers him for the humble service that he is going to perform for the next three years
The humble service and the eventual sacrifice he is empowered by the
Spirit for this and This descending of the dove upon him the coming of the
Spirit upon him is really kind of reminiscent of Of the Old Testament expression where the
Spirit of the Lord came upon Different individuals remember the Spirit of the Lord came upon Gideon the
Spirit of the Lord came upon Jephthah the Spirit of the Lord came upon Samson even after Samson had cut off his hair had his eyes plucked out
He'd taken captive by the Philistines, but his hair began to grow and the Spirit of the
Lord came upon him when he was between those two pillars in the in the in the
Theater the public spectacle place and he's there and he this with the Spirit of the Lord coming upon him
He has the power to cause the collapse of this of this particular place it's also reminiscent of the
Spirit of the Lord coming upon David The Spirit of the Lord coming upon the prophets you had this expression over and over again in the
Old Testament but now the Spirit of the Lord comes upon the Lord Jesus and Empowers him for the service and the sacrifice that he is to perform now
I want you to turn back to Isaiah chapter 11 and Notice that Isaiah in a couple of different places
Prophesies that this is going to take place in Isaiah 11 verses 1 and 2
The prophecy says there shall come forth a rod from the stem of Jesse and A branch shall grow out of his roots my copy of the of the
Bible The word rod is capitalized as is the word branch
Signifying that that is to point to Jesus and it does So a branch shall grow out of the roots of Jesse and then verse 2 the
Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him the Spirit of wisdom and understanding the Spirit of counsel and might the
Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the Lord and In Isaiah 61 verse 1.
This is the verse that Jesus read and applied to himself
Which says The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor
Notice the focus on the ministry that he is to perform to preach good tidings to the poor he has sent me to heal the brokenhearted to proclaim liberty to the captives and The opening of the prison to those who are bound to proclaim the acceptable year of the
Lord. So this Coming of the Spirit of the Lord upon Jesus as he comes up out of the water
Is to empower him preparing him for the service that he is about to perform but The Spirit comes in a way and I want you to notice this
Comes in a way that it would express the character of his service he comes in the form of a dove and not in the form of fire
The Spirit could come in the form of fire. He has and he will But not now He comes upon Jesus preparing him for his unique ministry by coming in the form of a dove and that that form communicates
Symbol it presents a symbol of Peace and of harmlessness for example
Matthew 10. Remember Jesus said in this world be wise as serpents, but harmless as a dove and Again Isaiah prophesies the significance of that when in Isaiah 42
He prophesies the character prophesies the character of the ministry that Messiah will have
Isaiah 42 verse 1 says behold my servant whom I uphold My elect one in whom my soul delights.
I have put my spirit upon him and What what will his ministry be like?
He will bring forth justice to the Gentiles He will not cry out nor raise his voice nor cause his voice to be heard in the street a bruised reed
He will not break and a smoking flax. He will not quench He will bring forth justice for truth
He will not fail in it. So this ministry of the Lord Jesus is going to be the ministry of the
The anointing of the Spirit in the form of a dove one of the commentators
I looked at said this about this symbol He said in this symbol has been held out to us an eminent token of the sweetest
Consolation that we may not fear to approach to Christ who meets us
Not in the formidable power of the Spirit but clothed with gentle and lovely grace as Jesus Is John tells us
Jesus came full of grace and truth so Jesus publicly identified with us and he publicly was anointed for service as he
Prepares for this unique ministry to come ahead and then in verse 11 He is publicly
Authorized for this service to come as the voice comes from heaven and says you are my beloved son in whom
I am well -pleased and this He's he's authorized for this service by this affirmation of the divine
Relationship you are my son my beloved one Notice the
The nature of this relationship it is an ongoing one. You are my beloved son not you have been or you will be
But you are in an ongoing relationship my son
It is unique You are my son my beloved one
And and this is said only of Jesus and spoken only to him and it is a loving relationship
You are my son the beloved one literally is how that can be translated so this authorization
Divine authorization for the coming ministry of Jesus is affirmed
Affirms the divine relationship, but it also affirms the divine mission here at the at the outset this inauguration of the public ministry of Jesus The voice from heaven comes and says with you
I am well pleased With you I am well pleased Now there are a couple other places where the voice from heaven speaks
Affirming the pleasure of the Father in the ministry of the
Son Roughly mid -range midway through a little more than midway through the public ministry of Jesus remember
Jesus takes a couple of disciples up on the Mount of Transfiguration and he's transfigured before them and You know
Peter says this thing Let's build some booths one for you Moses and Elijah and and then the voice from heaven that says
This is my beloved son With whom I am well pleased hear him
So it's like okay at the very beginning of this public ministry the father Affirms the divine mission.
I am pleased with what you are doing. I am pleased with what you are about to do He could have said he could have said if he wasn't pleased well, you know,
I really appreciate your spirit But this isn't what we would do what we discussed in eternity past No You are right on mission.
I am well pleased a Little more than halfway through in the Mount of Transfiguration I'm well pleased with what you're doing and then in John chapter 12
You know just before the crucifixion so at the end of his public ministry in John 12 verses 27 and 28
Jesus says to his disciples now my soul is troubled and what shall I say father save me from this hour?
But for this purpose came I to this hour and then Jesus prays. He says father glorify your name
Then a voice came from heaven saying I have both glorified it and will glorify it again
How has he glorified it? Through the Son and the work of the
Son. So the the father Affirms this coming public ministry of Jesus this unique ministry of Jesus Some preparation is public and voluntary
But the next couple of verses show us that some preparation is private personal and compulsory
Private personal and compulsory Immediately after he comes up out of the water immediately after this experience with the
Spirit coming upon him What the Spirit does who comes upon him is drives him out into the wilderness.
This is not what we would expect Right. I mean Jesus has just been inaugurated into this new unique Ministry that he is to fulfill we would expect him to get at it to get at it
We would not expect him to go off privately out into a wilderness somewhere and we certainly would not expect him to be driven out into that wilderness by the
Holy Spirit and We certainly would not have expected him to go out there in private for 40 days to be tempted by the devil and yet this is
This is what? This is what the Spirit drove him to in order now
Listen, here's the point in order to prepare him for his role of high priest of our high priest
Notice how this experience was compulsory the Spirit drove him and that word that word that's
Translated here drove is in the Greek. It's a it's a compound word
It is ek Balo The word Balo means to throw to cast forth the little
Preposition before it ek means out To to throw out
The Holy Spirit threw him out into the wilderness. This is this is nothing but compulsory he's going into the wilderness under the compulsion of the
Holy Spirit and This experience this compulsory experience demanded of Jesus incredible endurance
Where he was Facing the threat in that wilderness of social isolation for 40 days 40 days in the wilderness
Jesus was a Jesus was the consummate people person Don't you think
I mean he loved people he loved being around people he loved being with people. Oh, yes
He did get away privately to be with the father But that just prepared him to go back to be with people he was the consummate people person and and you know the difference between an extrovert and an introvert a people person and a not people person an introvert an introvert can be with people and enjoys being with people but it drains him and he has to go and get a he has to go get a loan to get recharged and refueled an
Extrovert if he's alone man, it just drains him. He loved he gets energy
He's energized by being with people it it charges him up Jesus is a people person and yet he he's thrown out into this wilderness for 40 days to be by himself alone
Facing the threat of social isolation, but also facing the threat of physical harm.
He was with the wild beasts. I Wild beasts might he encountered and I I think
I wasn't gonna take a whole lot of time with this But I wanted to just see if I could find out some and and I didn't get anywhere with that And I mean
I could have if I went further, but I just don't want taking more time with it But the point is clear, you know
Whatever snakes or creatures or critters that were out there that could threaten him physically
He was with them and he also faced the threat of spiritual assault tempted tempted by Satan so the experience the experience
Involved in demanded great endurance, but it also involved this satanic confrontation where he was literally being tempted
You know the other Two we call them synoptic Gospels Matthew Mark and Luke are synoptic
They look at the optics are similar as They look at the life and ministry of Jesus John's is completely different Matthew and Luke both talk about the temptation of Jesus and they give us much more detail
They tell us about details. They tell us about these three kinds of temptation Jesus faced
And and we read of that and we think oh, well he faced three temptations
I Think it's better to suggest better to say that those three temptations that Matthew and Luke tell us about our representative and not exhaustive he was out there being tempted in an ongoing incessant way and this temptation this
Confrontation that he had with Satan was a targeted confrontation where Satan targeted the same three areas of Temptation or the four or the or the potential sin that he targeted with Eve The lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life
Turn this stone to bread, you know, put yourself a bow down and worship me and I'll give you all of this
You know cast yourself down off the temple and the the angels will keep you from dashing your foot
He's zeroing in on the lust of the flesh the lust of the eyes the pride of life So it's targeted
But it's overcome. It's overcome now mark doesn't go into those details. So I'm not going to either you can go to To to Matthew chapter 4
Luke chapter 4 to rehearse that but it involved this experience of preparation involved satanic confrontation then the last part of verse 13
Notice how this experience involved angelic ministration angels ministered to him
Now this is a mystery This is a mystery to us if you stop and think about it, right how so all right who is
Jesus He is the perfect sinless
Son of God He's fully man But he's also fully
God and What just happened to Jesus in The baptism what just happened the
Spirit of God descended upon him like a dove he he's anointed with the
Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit is with him through all of this and yet he needed and accepted divine ministry ministry of These angelic ministers now,
I thought about that and I thought you know Are we any less needful? Oh my goodness if Jesus needed the ministry of this of the of an angelic
Angelic ministry, how much more do we need it? And then I got to wondering are we served in Ways that we had we're not we're not even aware of we don't even know
I think we are I think we are we can entertain angels and not even know it and I think this is an indication of that the angels ministered to him
Well, the other thing this this experience shows is it reveals? Jesus priestly perfection
His priestly perfection. He's enduring this temptation by Satan. He does so successfully
He overcomes all of the temptation that Satan can throw at him and It reveals his priestly perfection
He is a perfect priest in his character in his character and this is important because of what
Hebrews tells us about Jesus priesthood in Hebrews chapter 7 verses 25 and 26
Hebrews 7 25 and 6 Says Jesus is able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through him since he ever since he always lives to make intercession for them for Such a high priest was fitting for us suitable to us
Who is holy? harmless undefiled Separate from sinners has become higher than the higher than the heavens.
He's a perfect high priest in his character. I came across this
This note this this parallel I thought was interesting and helpful writer said the first Adam in the garden succumbed to the temptation in an environment that was beautiful and Friendly, it was void of any deprivation whatsoever
Everything we could possibly need was there before him beautiful friendly the last
Adam Jesus Maintained his purity in an environment desolate and hostile deprived of everything except his character and the spirits anointing
He's perfect priest in his character and he is perfect priest in his work
This experience of Jesus being tempted by this by this by Satan in the in the wilderness
Prepared him to be the perfect sympathizing high priest remember
Hebrews chapter 4 Hebrews 4 verses 14 through 16
You have that handy? Hebrews 4 verse 14
Says seeing then that we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens Jesus the
Son of God Let us hold fast to our confession. Why? For we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses
But was in all points tempted like as we are yet without sin
Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace That we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time need where was it that Jesus Was in all points tempted like as we are
Yet without sin where he was tempted by the the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes in the pride of life
Those points of temptation that you and I face in many different facets in the wilderness
This experience Jesus prepared him to be the perfect Sympathizing priest and to be the perfect sacrifice in our behalf
We are born again now with corruptible seed now with silver and gold and things of that nature
But with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot without blemish without spot
He has endured this preparatory experience in the wilderness and so Jesus Messiah our saving priest is thus prepared to enter fully into this public ministry of Securing the salvation of his people
That he could save you and me Thank you our father for this
Preparation of Jesus to be the perfectly suited priest for us to be prepared for this public ministry that we so desperately need and needed
Thank you for his faithful work Through this time through this experience of preparation
We pray you would bless these thoughts to our hearts in Jesus name. Amen Let's take our hymnals and turn to 177 177 this hymn our great
Savior. Let's stand. We'll sing stanzas one and two Jesus what a friend for sinners
Jesus what a friend for sinners Jesus lover of my soul
Friends may fail me foes assail me he my savior
Makes me whole Save your
Hallelujah Saving hell is with me to Jesus what a strength in weakness
Let me hide myself in him
Tempted tried and Sometimes failing my strength my victory wins
Saying he is with me too Let us the
Lord will give you a good week and hope it's gotten off to a good start First day of the week the Lord's Day a great morning this morning with the
Williquettes and I hope you have a good Blessed week this week Father in heaven Again, we thank you for all that you have done for us.
We thank you even for this day Thank you for the blessings of it and the joy in it
Now use us this week as we go from this place Endeavoring to serve you and to live with live for you and to walk with you and we pray in Jesus name.