“Why God Became Man” – FBC Morning Light (10/16/2023)


A brief word of encouragement for the journey from God’s Word. Today’s Scripture reading: Jeremiah 33-34 / Hebrews 2 / Ecclesiastes 4


Well, a good Monday morning to you. I hope you had a good day yesterday gathering with God's people and Worshipping at church with God's people yesterday learned something from his word
We're encouraged and challenged through his word yesterday as well Well today in our
Bible reading we're reading in Jeremiah chapters 33 and 34 Hebrews chapter 2 and then
Ecclesiastes chapter 4 I want to zero in on Hebrews chapter 2 and begin with this question
Why did God become man? Why did Jesus come into this world and?
and specifically in that way Jesus God the Son came into this world as A human being as a baby boy who grew up into a man
Why did God become man now that That God man they call it the hypostatic union of God and man is a mystery in the sense that we we cannot comprehend how that all works how that Jesus is both fully
God and fully man and when God Jesus became man when God became man
He did not lose any of his godness and Being fully
God doesn't diminish the fact that he is fully man So this is a great mystery.
But why why why did this take place? Why is there that? Hypostatic union. Why did
God become man? Well, you say well he came he became man so he could save us from our sins yes he did but how was he to do that and Why was he going to do that?
Let's look at Hebrews chapter 2 and we are given two explanations for why? God took on human flesh.
We read it in verse 14 and It says in as much as the children have partaken of flesh and blood that is the children of men human beings are partakers of flesh and blood
Okay in as much as the children have partaken of flesh and blood he himself that is Jesus He himself likewise shared in the same
God Became man God took on human flesh and blood
Why did he do that? Here's the explanation that through death
He might destroy him who had the power of death. That is the devil. All right God became fully man so that he might die and Of course, we know about the crucifixion.
He might die a cruel death of crucifixion on the cross Why did he die?
Goes on to say that he might destroy him that had the power of death Okay, so one reason that God became man is so that he might destroy the devil
He might destroy him and had the power of death. That is the devil the way that the devil is destroyed and what the devil wants to do in Bringing people to death killing people and eternally destroying their souls
God became flesh in order to destroy the devil's control over death
So he can't he became flesh to die That through death he might destroy the one who has the power of death.
That is the devil And by the way, how did he destroy death? How did he destroy the one who had the power of death by the resurrection by his rising again from the dead?
So one reason that God became man is so that he might Destroy death
But it goes on he says that he might destroy him who had the power of death and Release those who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage
Jesus is the God man God who became flesh So that he might die and in so doing
Destroy death and the and the one who has a power of death the devil and so that He might release us we might release you and me who have come to faith in Christ release us from the fear of death the lifelong fear of death and that is a
Fear that has people in bondage whether they acknowledge it or not You know how you know that people fear death
You look at how they avoid thinking about it They they do everything they can not even to consider it so and we're gonna see this again in a couple of days in one of our other devotionals, but so so that you know today when
People have funerals. They don't they don't call them funerals The the trend these days is to trend away from having the traditional
Funeral at a church or at a funeral home where you know, there's the deceased one who's lying in state and You come and show respect to the deceased and to his family and it's a time of mourning that is going by the wayside the trend is is away from that and it is instead to a
Celebration of life kind of thing and oftentimes there's no real funeral service at all it's just a gathering and people have almost like a little party and it just puts off the whole
Confrontation of death and yet Why do we do that?
Because we're afraid of death. We don't want to think about death. We want to put off the thought of death
We want to put it out of our minds and put off the reality of it as as much as we possibly can We don't like to think about it.
We're afraid of death Jesus came the God became flesh to destroy death and the one who has the power of death that is the devil and to release us from that ongoing lifelong fear the fear that we're in bondage to the fear of death and as you do that by saving us
From death from eternal death ourselves and the passage goes on to say in verse 17
That he Jesus in all things had to be made like his brethren He had to become man that he might be a merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God To make propitiation for the sins of the people.
That's how he delivers us from the fear of death by making Propitiation for our sins by Satisfying the demand that sin makes and what is that demand death?
The wages of sin is death Jesus Satisfies that completely in his death on the cross
He destroyed the devil and his power over death and he releases those who will put their faith and trust in Christ From the lifelong bondage to the fear of death and he does so by making satisfaction
For our sins Paying the price the penalty of our sins.
What a wonderful Faithful high priest we have Let's give thanks for him today.
And so our Father in our God We are grateful today for our faithful high priest and we thankful for we're thankful for all that Jesus has done to save us from our sins to release us from bondage to the fear of death and To destroy death may he be praised today.
We pray it in Jesus name. Amen All right. Well, listen, have a good rest of your