FBC Daily Devotional – November 26, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God’s Word


Well, a good Friday to you of this Thanksgiving week. Perhaps you are fortunate enough to be off work today as a holiday day.
If so, I hope you have a wonderful time of rest, refreshment, and just getting a break from the routine of work.
We've been looking at some things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving week and focusing in Psalm 103 because the psalm begins with a self -exhortation to bless the
Lord. Bless the Lord, O my soul, the psalmist says, and all that is within me, bless his holy name.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all of his benefits. Very helpfully, since we do these devotionals five times in a week,
Monday through Friday, there are five who's following that forget not all his benefits.
And then, basically, the psalmist itemizes five things that the Lord does, five benefits that the
Lord gives to his people. He mentioned Monday that he forgives all of our iniquities.
On Tuesday, he heals us of all of our diseases. On Wednesday, he redeems our life from destruction.
Yesterday, he crowns our life, our head, with loving kindness and tender mercies.
And today, the fifth and the final who is that the
Lord not only does all those things, but he satisfies your mouth with good things so that your youth is renewed like the eagles.
He satisfies your mouth with good things. Now, just think back over the last 24 hours.
Did you have, you know, the traditional Thanksgiving dinner? We were told a few weeks back that this year,
Thanksgiving dinner was going to be more expensive than it's ever been because of the wonderful inflation and economic climate and so on and so forth.
Well, I don't know if that's true or not. I didn't particularly pay much attention to the, you know, to the grocery bill myself.
But if you did have that traditional Thanksgiving dinner, what did you have? You had some turkey, maybe some stuffing, some cranberry.
Not my favorite, but I know a lot of people love the cranberries. Sweet potato casserole, that's one of my favorites.
Sweet potato casserole. Did you get some pumpkin pie with some whipped cream on it?
You know, so how was your Thanksgiving dinner? One thing I can be pretty sure of, there was probably more than one thing that you enjoyed as you ate it.
The Lord gave that to you. The Lord is the one who gave you the ability for your mouth to be satisfied with those good things.
You put that bite of turkey or stuffing and gravy or mashed potatoes and gravy or sweet potato casserole, you take that bite and you put it in your mouth and you savor it.
You go, oh man, is that good. Give thanks to the Lord who has satisfied your mouth with those good things.
And he doesn't just do it on Thanksgiving Day, does he? You know, I have the benefit and the blessing of having a wife that's a wonderful cook.
And she's always providing good meals for us and I probably don't appreciate it enough.
Not only her and her good cooking, but you know, yeah, we sit down, every time we sit down for a meal, we give thanks to the
Lord for that food. But I probably don't think about often enough that this response of my palate to the taste, the flavor of that food is a gift of God.
That my whole being then responds in a positive way to just the pleasure, the delight of good tasting food.
That's a gift from God. This is what the psalmist is telling us here. He satisfies your mouth with good things.
And the result is your youth is renewed like the eagles. Now that's a very figurative, poetic way of saying that you delight in it, that you're energized to some extent by it.
And it doesn't matter how young or old we are. When we enjoy the food that's prepared and presented to us, we enjoy it.
Our response is one of energetic enthusiasm.
Maybe we didn't have before we took that bite. You know, the eyes light up and that in itself is an expression of what he's talking about.
It's an example of the expression he's using here. Your youth is renewed like the eagles.
Give thanks today for those delicious meals that you enjoy.
They may be very, very simple. It may be something as simple as a good piece of bread with a nice layer of butter on it, or even a good peanut butter and jelly sandwich on soft bread.
You know, it can be simple, but it delights the mouth, it delights the palate.
That is a gift from your heavenly father. Give thanks, give thanks to God who satisfies your mouth with these good things.
All right, so we'll wrap that up here and wrap up this Thanksgiving week.
I hope you've had a great week and have found much to be thankful for from these benefits of the
Lord. So, our Father and our God, we do thank you for the good things that you give to your people.
Thank you for the good food that we enjoy, whether it's simple or elaborate.
These are gifts from your hand, and the very fact that we can simply enjoy them is an expression of your kindness.
Thank you for that benefit. Now bless these thoughts to our hearts today, we pray and we ask it in Jesus' name, amen.
All right, well, I hope you have a wonderful weekend and that you can get out to God's house on Sunday.
We'll be gathering together, of course, in Sunday school at 9 .30, morning service, 10 .30, evening service.
Coming up soon here in our church calendar, I think a week from Sunday actually, we'll be beginning the winter schedule at our church, where we have the morning service and then meal lunchtime together, and then an afternoon service at one o 'clock.
So that's beginning the first Sunday of December. But this Sunday, a regular routine, and hope you can join us on the