The TRUE Danger Of Sarah Jakes’ Teaching!

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Hey guys, Colin here, and welcome back to Fight For Truth, the channel where we bring you Christian commentary about the things that matter.
In today's video, we're going to be talking yet again about Sarah Jakes Roberts, the daughter of Prosperity Gospel teacher
T .D. Jakes. This particular set of clips comes from a sermon we've already covered, entitled
Girl, Get Up. In our last video on it, we demonstrated how Sarah Jakes took
Luke chapter 8 completely out of context throughout the bulk of her sermon. If you'd like to watch that video, you can find the link in the description.
In any case, one of the other main errors that we'll be pointing out today is that Sarah Jakes preaches a vague form of the
Divine Feminine. In the video you're about to see, she's preaching at what seems to be a women's conference.
Instead of being called Girl, Get Up, this should probably be more accurately entitled You Go Girl, because that's basically the overarching message of the entire thing.
But with all of that being said, let's see the first clip in which she introduces us to her overarching message.
Watch this. I do not take it lightly that you have entrusted me with this incredible body of women.
I've been studying and I've been praying, I believe that God has a word for us. Did anybody come for a word?
This is not the kind of conference you come to if you want to be entertained. When you invest in a conference like this, it's because you know that you know that you need to hear from God, that your world is depending on a touch from God.
Is anybody crazy like that? So Sarah Jakes starts off by saying that this is not the kind of conference that you would come to if you just want some form of entertainment.
And this is something that needs to be recognized, because we need to be able to point out the obvious truth, albeit in a loving way.
And the truth is that this is exactly the kind of conference one would come to if they wanted to be entertained.
There's no way to get around that. The only event you could go to in order to be more entertained would be a secular motivational speech or a secular concert.
Just look at the setup here. We have big lights, expensive cameras, a dynamic stage background, a trendy female minister, a prosperity gospel message which makes virtually every passage about you, man -centered teaching, we have emotionalism, hype, excitement, and on top of all of this, we have a trendy worship band playing soft, slow music as Sarah Jakes is speaking.
Again, this is precisely the kind of conference one would go to in order to be entertained.
Now let's be clear. I am not suggesting that everyone in that room had bad motives, and that they specifically went to the conference only for entertainment purposes.
No, I'm not saying that. In fact, there's no way I could know that. What I am saying is that if there were a person, hypothetically, who wanted to go to a
Christian conference just for the entertainment value of it, this is precisely the kind of conference that they would choose.
So the idea that no one comes to this kind of conference to be entertained seems to be quite a stretch.
But I will gladly acknowledge that nothing I've said so far proves anything against Sarah Jakes' teaching.
That needs to be established. This is just a small observation. The actual content of her teaching is what really matters here.
And in order to analyze that biblically, we've got to see the next clip. Watch this. Take off a word, because I'm just that desperate to hear from my
Savior. I'm just that hungry. And that's why we're here.
Because we want to tap into the divine. I'm going to jump into the Word. I'm going to be reading out of Luke 8.
Now, pause here, because we need to make sure we just heard that correctly. It was just a passing remark, but still very important.
She said that the reason they are there is to, quote, tap into the divine.
What exactly does that mean? In what way do we tap into the divine? This isn't language that I'm personally familiar with in Scripture, and therefore it warrants a second look.
At first glance, this even sounds kind of like New Age spirituality, rather than expressly
Christian doctrine. But a passing remark will not suffice to understand her position. Let's move forward a bit, and let her elaborate.
Watch this. Tear down our walls, that it would see past our facade, and that it would touch the innermost core of our being.
God, we came because we must hear from you. We're trying to tap into our divinity.
When humanity tells us that we're less than, God, we are divine. We believe that we are fearfully and wonderfully made.
So God, I'm asking that you would allow for this Word to be a reflection of your daughters. So there you have it.
We don't just want to, quote, tap into the divine. Rather, we want to, quote, tap into our divinity.
This sentiment sounds really sweet and clever and kind. In reality, it is extremely dangerous.
For starters, we do not have divinity as Christians or otherwise. We are not divine in the proper sense of the word.
And from what I can see, there are only two ways that one could try and defend this statement using biblical principles.
First, one could quote something like Genesis 127, which says, quote, So God created man in His own image.
In the image of God, He created him, male and female, He created them. In fact,
Sarah seems to argue for a form of this idea herself when she quotes Psalm 139, verse 14, which says, quote,
We are fearfully and wonderfully made. You see, one might say, we're all made in God's image.
We're all a little bit divine, just like our divine Creator. But wait, we need to slow down here, folks, because that's not what the text said.
It said that we are made in the image of God, that we are a reflection of the Creator who made us.
That is absolutely true. Yes and amen to all of that. However, it does not follow logically, and certainly not biblically, that our image -bearing translates into possessing a divine nature.
Only God has a truly divine nature. We merely bear the image of Him. And the second way one might try to defend this statement using a biblical principle is found by quoting 1
Corinthians 6, 19, which says this, quote, Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the
Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? So there you have it, one might say.
Christians are divine because we have the divine Holy Spirit living within us. And again, I would respond to this by saying we are making yet another serious categorical error.
Yes, every Christian has the Spirit of God living within them. Again, yes and amen. But the
Spirit of God, being of course God Himself, is fully divine. We, however, are not divine as the
Spirit is. In the passage itself, human Christians, that is, the temple, and the
Holy Spirit, that is, the divine One who dwells in the temple, are distinct. They're not the same thing.
So upon examination, neither of these passages can be used to defend the idea that we have divinity.
The point here is that using biblical language matters. You may think this is just a small mistake, but it's not.
This kind of theology attempts to make human beings into little gods. That's what has become known as little gods theology, and its implications are not good.
The Bible tells us that there is only one God. Isaiah 44 verse 6 says, So you see, there is only one with a truly divine nature.
Anyone else who claims to have divinity is then an idol, a false god. That is the danger here.
But as you're about to see, when you put women up on a pedestal like this, assuring them of their divine nature at a women's conference, it begins to seep into the rest of your teaching as well.
Watch this. So never sleep on a woman who has a casket and a curse because she also has a seed attached to her name.
And the enemy's greatest threat is going to be the woman, a woman who figures out that the heel couldn't keep her from walking into the next dimension of her destiny.
So here she says that the enemy, the devil's greatest threat, is a woman who knows that a bruised heel won't stop her from going into the next dimension of her destiny.
Here we have even more New Agey language. There are new dimensions of your destiny to be accessed and reached.
This sounds more like the kind of thing someone's horoscope would say than sound Biblical teaching. But more important than that is the fact that she is referring to a particular text of Scripture here.
In Genesis chapter 3, after the fall of Adam and Eve and their subsequent punishments, the
Scriptures offer what has become known as the Proto -Evangelium. In other words, this is one of the most obvious summaries of the ultimate redemptive gospel message, and it comes very early in Scripture.
Let's go ahead and read it. In Genesis 3 .15, God says, I will put enmity between you, the devil, the enemy, the serpent, and the woman,
Eve, and between your offspring and her offspring. He shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.
Notice that last statement, he shall bruise your head. Who is he? Jesus. And you shall bruise his heel.
Who is this bruising the heel? The serpent. So what is all of this talking about? Well, as Christians, we know that Jesus is the offspring who crushes the head of the serpent through his death on the cross.
And the serpent is the enemy, the devil, the leader of the kingdom of darkness, who is ultimately destroyed by Christ.
But let's turn back and remember what Sarah Jakes did with this passage. She didn't say what we just heard.
No, she said that as a result of this verse, we should, quote, never sleep on a woman who's got a casket and a curse.
And the enemy's greatest threat is a woman who figures out that the heel couldn't keep her from walking into the next dimension of her destiny.
End quote. This, ladies and gentlemen, is no longer the gospel. It's not what the passage was talking about at all.
Who is the enemy's greatest threat? Jesus, not a woman accomplishing her destiny. And who deals the final blow to Satan, crushing his head and the forces of darkness with it?
Again, Jesus, not a woman who steps into the next dimension of who she is.
The woman bears the offspring, true enough, and that's a beautiful part to play. But the offspring, Jesus, crushes the serpent.
Notice the difference. You see, effectively, Sarah Jakes has read women into the gospel message as the ultimate
Savior figure, the hero. This is what happens when you tell everyone that they have divinity.
If women are divine, that effectively makes them God in their nature. And if they are God by nature, then who's to say they can't be the world's
Savior? Now, just to be clear, I do not think that Sarah Jakes consciously believes that women are better than Jesus.
What I am saying is that her confusing language has now manifested itself into dangerous teaching.
Whether or not she's perfectly aware of all of this is another thing entirely. The issue is that her teaching, intentionally or not, has effectively put women who take charge of their destiny on par with Jesus Christ Himself.
Again, very dangerous. This is what trendy You -Go -Girl teaching at modern women's conferences gets you in the end.
And it's not biblical. But unfortunately, it doesn't stop there. Watch this. The enemy's greatest threat is going to be the woman.
A woman who figures out that the heel couldn't keep her from walking into the next dimension of her destiny.
The enemy's greatest threat is going to be the fact that bruised heels still crush serpents' head, and that has been the foundation of me seeing women and Eve differently.
Did you hear that end part? The enemy's greatest threat is going to be that bruised heels still crush serpents' heads.
This is getting worse and worse as we watch. Was Jesus' sacrifice not ultimate?
Does the head of the serpent need to be crushed again? And if so, what does that say about our Savior? Again, this motivational speech, this form of teaching, is implying something, just not something good.
Effectively, this implies that Jesus' sacrifice on the cross was not ultimate. But Christian women who know their destiny can finish the job that I guess
Jesus didn't. They can use their bruised heels to crush the serpent in their life once and for all.
But again, when we read the passage, we can clearly see that the woman wasn't crushing anyone.
The woman's offspring, that is, Jesus ultimately, He is the seed, the ultimate conqueror.
This teaching from Sarah Jakes continuously gives the audience a God complex, and now a
Savior complex. It assures them unbiblically so that they are little divine beings who crush the devil's head.
You go girl, you can do it. But again, this is not rooted in any of the passages we've talked about, nor is it rooted in any that Sarah has quoted.
No, rather, this message seems to be almost completely rooted in the desire to motivate the audience and make them feel good about themselves.
And when preaching is designed almost exclusively to please man, we shouldn't be surprised when it doesn't please
God. Hebrews 13, 15 says, Through Him, then, let us offer continually up a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that acknowledge
His name. You see, our worship, our teaching, prayer, work, our family life, should exist first and foremost to love and worship
God. Jesus Himself says as much when He says that the first command is to love God, the second is to love others.
And trendy modern pastors get this wrong time and time again. But when you love man over the standard of God, you end up, in practice, being unloving to God and to man.
So with all that said, check out this next clip where we see a new level of this kind of error. Watch this.
That you have made all things new. God, I prophesy that you're changing minds.
God, I prophesy that you're clearing up vision. God, I prophesy that the enemy has been served notice.
You gotta get out of here. You don't have any space any longer. I'm getting up, and I can't be held back.
I'm getting up, and nothing is bringing me back down. Girl, get up. Girl, get up.
Girl, get up until the rocks cry out. Girl, get up until the noisy springs pour.
Girl, get up. Okay, first off, let's recognize again that Sarah Jakes said at the beginning, without hesitation, this is not the kind of conference you come to in order to be entertained.
Just juxtapose that with what you just saw. Just another observation here. But also, notice that she says, quote, girl, get up till the rocks cry out.
This is, once again, a misappropriation of a biblical text. Luke 19 .37 says that as Jesus entered
Jerusalem, quote, the whole multitude of His disciples began to rejoice and praise
God with a loud voice for all the mighty works they had seen, saying, Blessed is the
King who comes in the name of the Lord. Peace in heaven and glory in the highest, end quote.
In response, verse 39 records an interaction between Jesus and the Pharisees, quote, and some of the
Pharisees in the crowd said to Him, Jesus, Teacher, rebuke your disciples. He answered,
I tell you, if these were silent, the very stones or rocks would cry out, end quote.
So what is it that the rocks would cry out? Well, they would cry out what had just been said before. Glory and majesty and honor to the
King, Jesus. All hail Jesus, they would say, King over everything and everyone.
And what a beautiful passage, what a glorious truth that is. But let's turn back again and see what
Sarah Jake said, quote, girl, get up till the rocks cry out. In this statement, who did the rocks cry out in response to?
Answer, a girl who gets up. As we've already seen, it's a divine girl who isn't afraid of stepping into her ultimate destiny.
And with this slight adjustment, although it's not slight, a passage that actually emphasizes the glory of Christ is changed, altered, and it becomes all about the glory of the divine feminine woman.
And that has been the overarching atmosphere of this entire message, as we've seen. In fact, we've seen her call women divine.
We've seen her use a passage about the gospel and effectively replace Jesus with women.
And now, a passage about Jesus' royal authority becomes centered once again on the personal motivation and aspirations of women.
Again, just to be clear, I do not believe that Sarah Jake's fully comprehends all of the implications of what she said.
Most of the false doctrine here was probably done unintentionally as a result of poor teaching methods.
But regardless of that, this kind of message is the spirit of the age. This is what feminism has done to professing
Christians. And as you can see, it looks nothing like solid biblical doctrine. Make no mistake about it, this kind of you -go -girl preaching is the rotten fruit of modern feminism.
And if we don't turn away from it, if we don't repent and turn back to God's design for men and women, we're only going to see more and more of this false teaching.
The solution, then, is to obey God and to honor His Word, starting in our families and our churches.
And let's cry out what the rocks themselves would have said. All hail the glory of King Jesus.
I pray that this has been a blessing to you, and please know that this video is not meant as a sinful attack, but rather as a biblical critique.
And let's pray for Sarah Jake's, that she would stop this false teaching by God's grace and turn to the truth of God's Word.
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