F4F | Does Todd White Glow in the Dark?


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Welcome to another installment of Fighting for the Faith here on YouTube. Have you ever listened to Todd White and wondered, you know,
I know something's off with this guy but not sure what it is? Go ahead and hit the subscribe button and go ahead and ring that bell so that you can subscribe and be notified when we put updates here at Fighting for the
Faith so that you don't have to be deceived by guys like him. So let's talk about Todd White here for a second.
We're going to be listening to a pretty lengthy segment of a message titled,
How Hungry Are You? And we're going to note that, like the Katie Sousa segment that we recently did, that Todd White is engaging in teaching false doctrine via a false narrative.
The false narrative in this case is that he's somehow a fellow who's had an encounter with God that has brought him to a whole new level, a level of sinlessness and stuff, and he claims that he's hungry for miracles and things.
And we'll go back in time to show you the quality of miracles that Todd White has been performing and is actually quite famous for.
So here we go. The name of the message is titled, How Hungry Are You?
Here's Todd White. We'll pay close attention to the narrative and then the twisting of scripture that goes with this false narrative as we listen in.
Here we go. All right. I'm going to try to share my heart and stay focused.
Okay. Oh yeah, Jesus. I'm focused.
Can I have keys? Ho! Thank you.
Wow. Are you guys ready? Okay. So here's my heart.
A lot of people, there's people that always like they want, they're like,
I want you to pray for me. So tonight I really feel in my heart that I'm supposed to lay hands on everyone. Everyone that, everyone that, well, we'll see.
So notice when he said, I feel in my heart, that's code talk for I have received a direct revelation from God.
This is now part of the false narrative that he's spinning. And the false narrative is that me and God, we're so tight that, uh, that God talks to me directly.
And if you have had the encounters that I have had, then you'd be hearing God speaking to you the same way he speaks to me.
But see, that's kind of the point is that this is a narrative that's about Todd White and how special Todd White is and how you can be special.
Like Todd White is special too. That's the, that's where the false narrative really falls apart and where it's really heading.
And it begins with this, Oh, I, I've heard from the Lord and I'm supposed to lay my hands on everybody today.
Uh huh, right. No. And I'm, there's a thing called impartation where you pray and you impart,
I am not ordaining you into leadership. Are you with me?
So please don't put that notch on your belt and say, Todd White ordained me into leadership. I'm not,
I am praying for a transference of what God's placed upon my life to be upon yours.
All right. Did you catch that? So there, there, so he's not, this isn't an impartation, it's a transference, a transference of what
God has done in his life. It's going to be transferred to you too. So apparently this is kind of like, uh, you know, a disease that, uh, that you catch via casual contact if you would.
But notice the emphasis is on him. Let me back that up. I'm going to back it up 10 seconds and listen again as he says he's going to impart something and where the thing that God gave him, he's going to, he's going to transfer it to the people there.
That notch on your belt and say, Todd White ordained me into leadership. I'm not, I am praying for a transference of what
God's placed upon my life to be upon yours. Right. See, he has it and you,
God's going to transfer it to you too. Again, this is about how super -de -duper special Todd White is.
I'll ask the same question of him that I asked of Katie Sousa. Does Todd White glow in the dark?
Okay, so, but before, before we do that, I want to, now did you notice this? Cue sappy music.
So what's happening right now is that there's a guy on a Yamaha keyboard who's just begun playing subtly in the background.
That is a technique designed to manipulate people's emotions.
And in charismatic and Pentecostal churches, people are like Pavlov's dog, trained that when you hear the subtle strings in the background, that's supposed to be a signal that God, the
Holy Spirit is now descending and that important things are about to happen. It's in, this is all just emotional manipulation.
What my heart cry has been and what my pursuit has been. Because see, if you dare to do this, everything changes.
If you dare to do the thing that Todd White has dared to do, then everything will change in your life too.
Again, this is about, you know, some people are into the prosperity heresy.
His is like the personal holiness heresy. And I'm not saying that Christians can't be sanctified.
That's not it at all. Or that Christians cannot do good works or grow in their holiness and sanctification.
That's not what I'm saying at all. What I'm saying is, is that this guy is literally selling a product.
And the product is miraculous holiness, miraculous, like instantaneous.
What are you struggling with? Is it drugs? Is it alcohol? Is it a sexual addiction?
Is it, name the problem. He's going to transfer this thing to you that he has, that will just literally obliterate it in a second.
Uh -huh. I am praying for a baptism of the
Holy Spirit and fire upon your life. But I'm telling you that...
Yeah, Scripture's clear in Ephesians 4. There's one Lord, one faith, one baptism. One. One. What is this baptism he is referring to?
It's a different one altogether. It's not a biblical one. My pursuit in this has been the pursuit for the fear of the
Lord to be the priority in my life. That is the only thing that will keep you clean. That is the only thing...
So he has pursued the fear of the Lord in his life, and this is the thing that's keeping him clean, and it's the only thing that'll keep you clean.
Notice he's not preaching repentance and the forgiveness of sins. Uh -huh.
Now, let me read a text for you that will be very helpful here, and it's in 1 John 1.
1 John 1, and here's what it says, starting in verse 8. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. So the person comes along and says,
I do not sin anymore. I am experiencing sinless righteousness in my life.
That person, according to 1 John 1, 8, is deceiving themselves, and the truth is not in them.
They are straight up a liar. Straight up. So if we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, the truth is not in us.
If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
If we say we have not sinned, we make God out to be a liar, and his word is not in us.
And this is where Todd White now is going to cross the line, because he's saying it but not saying it, putting himself forward as a guy who, well, you know, he's so devoted, so focused, so having encounters with God that sin is a thing of the past.
And he can transfer this to you as well, apparently. And yet, when we compare the narrative to what
Scripture says, we see that the narrative falls woefully short. It will keep you from being hurt by people.
That is the only thing that will make you hate the things that God hates and love the things that God loves.
And part of what God really, really, I mean not part, but what God really loves is people.
People get messed up and they say mean things and they say ridiculous things. They slander, they do whatever, but they're...
Yeah, the commandment says you shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. That's not a ridiculous or stupid thing. That's called sin.
Sin. S -I -N. It's not your war, and if you get offended by that, you're still in the way.
I have had this happen since the beginning of my life in Christ. I've had family members that are very...
So he's the guy who's, he is the guy who's figured it out. He's got the inside track. He can, he can transfer this to you, you know.
Very upset and disagree. I've had my wife that we get married after nine years of hell on earth and we both become
Christians and then I believe that God wants to use me and she doesn't.
Not in the way that I was seeing it in the Bible. I was a heathen,
I was as twisted and as whacked as could be, and then in the blink of an eye, God changed my heart.
Blink of an eye. But just like that. God changed his heart. Boom. Like that. And see, you can have this boom change of heart thing as well, apparently, because he can transfer this to you.
And changed me into a different man. I pursued Jesus in my bedroom. I shut off TV.
I walked away from everything. Drugs. So this is like a monastery kind of thing.
Now I'm going to back this up so you can hear the context of what's coming after this. Jesus in my bedroom. I shut off TV. I walked away from everything.
Drugs. Pornography. Everything. God clipped that stuff off my life. And I saw in my
Bible. Alright, so drugs, pornography, everything, including television. That's just like that.
Just gone. Gone. Gone. Gone. And you can have this too. So what he's trafficking in is miraculous, supernatural, instantaneous sanctification and holiness.
If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. I was supposed to pursue
Jesus when no one was looking. By the way, the Lord's Prayer, which for some reason a lot of people challenge whether or not it's a prayer that we should actually pray.
Yeah, you should actually pray it. In the Lord's Prayer, which is a daily prayer, how do
I know? Well, it's real simple. Okay? It's based upon the frequency of how often we as human beings eat.
And in the Lord's Prayer, we do not pray for a week's worth of groceries. We do not pray for a month's supply of Costco food buckets or anything like that.
No, we pray for what? Daily bread. Give us this day our daily bread, which means you're going to need to pray this again tomorrow.
As part of what the Lord taught us as Christians to pray, we pray these words, forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.
It's part of a daily prayer. Todd White here is pulling a fast one.
He's putting himself forward as a fellow who, oh, just instantly, miraculously, at the blink of an eye, just there it was.
God just clipped off all of these terrible sins in his life, pornography and alcohol and drugs and all these other unholy things.
And just in an instant, they were all gone. And he can transfer this encounter to you as well by the laying on of hands.
So part of that pursuit and pursuit of Jesus when no one's looking is being in the secret place and pulling away.
And in the beginning, my wife didn't understand. I was the guy that used to watch TV all night.
I was the guy that used to stay up later than my little kid because I could go and get high and get drunk after she went to bed.
And every night it was the same routine that I needed to get high, I needed to get drunk, I needed to party until I passed out.
And that was a constant routine. And I was out on coke, all kinds of twisted stuff. But when I got saved, like I got saved from lust,
I got saved from the pornography thing, I got saved from the lust of the world, pursuing the things of the world because it never makes you happy.
Like I said, the world, God doesn't mind you having stuff, but he minds that stuff having you. That stuff can't be priority in your life.
Your kids can't even be that stuff that's priority in your life. Now, this next part proves that he's a straight up false teacher.
What he does with the text from Genesis. Listen in. Abraham had Isaac and Abraham, none of us understand that.
Like none of us, but I mean, we understand it in theory, but Abraham was a buck. He was a hundred years old, like he was a century old and had a son and his name was
Isaac. Now at a hundred years old, you're going to really be into the boy that you thought you'd never have.
You have an Ishmael and an Ishmael wasn't the promise. Sarah, you have an
Ishmael. I haven't had an Ishmael. I don't know what you're talking about. I had to force the hand of God by saying, go into Hagar and we'll have the baby that we need.
I mean, we have to fulfill the promise. Who knows that you can't help God fulfill your promise. So notice what he just said that you can't help
God fulfill your promise. That's part of the false narrative. That the biblical stories are just about different people who found their purpose or whatever.
And so you've got to learn how to find your purpose and your promise and in your promised land and all this kind of nonsense.
They tried and then God said, Sarah's going to have a baby and Sarah's, I'm old like God.
Come on. She laughs. Notice she's, he's not reading the biblical text. This is his own summary of it and an absolutely skewed version of it.
And God says, you laughed and she said, no, I didn't. And then she lied. She laughed at God and lied about it.
Yet God, when you look at the Hebrews book, when you look at her, she's a great woman of faith. Abraham lied to Abraham told the king that she's my, just say that you're my sister.
I mean, it's crazy. And then the king found out that it wasn't just a sister, that she was his wife.
And why did you lie to me? Like you've, you've condemned all of us. Get out of here.
Abraham lied, but he goes down as the father of faith and God's book is different than our book.
He's really amazing. Way more amazing than we think or than we know. But when Isaac is concerned,
Isaac took first place in Abraham's heart. And God said, you're going to sacrifice your son.
Now no biblical text anywhere in Genesis says that, that Isaac took first place in Abraham's heart.
Therefore, God commanded Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. He just made that up.
It's not in the text. It's not there at all. In fact, the only reason why we're given in scripture is that God tested
Abraham's faith. It doesn't say that God was somehow saying, you know what,
I'm sick and tired of Isaac taking a first place in your life over me.
So I'm going to have you go and sacrifice him. No text says that. So now he's twisted the story of Abraham.
In order to make it fit his narrative and Todd White's narrative is about Todd White and how holy he is and how he glows in the dark and how he never, never, never sins anymore.
Never has problems with any of the old vices that he had problems with. I call me skeptical, but I don't believe it for a second because I know what first John says.
If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. You see,
Todd White's deceiving himself. Why? Because Isaac had now taken the place that only
God should have. Again, no text says that. He just added it in. And nobody can take first place in your life that only
Jesus should have. So when I got rescued, when
I got saved, my, my wife that we got married, my kid that I had that I destroyed her life for seven and a half years, they took second place.
And that was really hard, especially for my wife, because I would hang out. Again, note the sappy music playing in the background.
The emotional manipulation continues because that keyboard is lending credibility to the sincerity of what
Todd White is saying. But he's not speaking the truth. He's actually speaking lies and twisting
God's word in the process. And it's all in the details of the narrative.
On the couch and watch TV, I get saved and I'm in my bedroom. I go to like, I go to work,
I come home, I, I, I take a shower because I stank. I'd go and I'd feed my family, then
I'd go in the bedroom and just be with Jesus. And she was not understanding why I had to pull away so much.
And to top it all off, I wanted to pray for everybody. Like, I believe that God wanted to use me.
I just believed it. I didn't know that I was an evangelist or a prophet or a pastor or a teacher, or I didn't know.
He didn't know he was a prophet. I mean, who knew? Who knew? Yeah, if you're a prophet and you hear
God's voice, why aren't you hearing God's voice rebuking you for twisting the written word of God and adding to it?
Hmm? I just knew that I was a Christian and I saw the disciples and I'm like, they're just Christians. They're, they're the beginning of the church and when
I read the Bible, that never changed. It's supposed to say the same, but what I noticed is a lot of people weren't walking like the disciples.
It's just, it's all supposed to say the same. I mean, there was miracles in the time of the apostles and the prophets.
So there has to be miracles today because nothing's ever changed. That's the narrative. Uh huh.
And yet sign gifts are very rare thing in scripture and they're usually given to support those who are the authors of scripture.
Very rare, very rare in the Bible. And I was like, well,
I'm going to regardless of who comes with me and no one would come with me, but I'm like,
I'm going after this with everything I am. It doesn't matter. I was lost, now I'm found. Like I mean, it's that simple.
I was completely lost and then I got completely found. I was completely dark.
You were too. People are like, well, you're lucky. You have an amazing testimony. I wish I was a drug addict.
What is wrong with you? No, you don't. People say, well, you don't get it.
I grew up in the church. I have a lot to unlearn. You cannot unlearn anything.
The more you try to unlearn. So apparently we're getting these weird straw man arguments against the things that he's supposedly teaching from churchy people, you know what
I mean? So how is it that this guy who hasn't grown up in the church at all, but was a pagan drug user and stuff, is he's just so radically saved that he doesn't sin anymore.
The more you realize you learned way more than you thought you learned when you learned it and now you have to unlearn it.
It's impossible. You cannot unlearn it. God didn't say be unlearned in the spirit of your mind.
God didn't say, don't be conformed to this world, but be unlearned.
So he takes the straw man argument and then brings it into the scriptures, which is part of the technique of this false narrative, which is nonsense.
Oh, he's really giving it to the people who are basically saying, no, this can't be true.
This can't be true. He's really given it to them. No, he hasn't. This is a straw man argument. He's created these fictitious critics and then defeated their fictitious arguments from these fictitious people to make his theology, oh, it's so true, man.
He's so sincere and authentic, man. You can't question this guy. He's holy. He practically walks on water and he operates in the miraculous like other people breathe and stuff.
Prove what the will of God is. No, he said, be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind so that you can approve
God's will. You can't go back and fix all that stuff. You can't even go back and relearn.
You need to pull away into the secret place and got God, get God to breathe on what's in you.
Ah, see, that's what I've been doing wrong. I forgot to go into the secret place and have God breathe on what's in me.
It's like, what on earth are you talking about? And see, here's the thing. This is the narrative.
The whole narrative itself is not even biblical. The whole narrative is nonsense.
And yet everyone there is believing it. Why? Because the whole environment is set up for manipulation.
He's manipulating them. He's not sinless. In fact, it wouldn't surprise me if Todd White got drunk last weekend, you know, because guys who talk like this, they are con men.
He's conning them. If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.
And no scripture says that you need to go into the secret place so that God can breathe on the stuff that's inside of you so that whammo blammo, you can be holy like Todd White.
Stop using your past as a crutch to remain bound to religion. Bound to religion?
This sounds like a completely different religion than Christianity. Need is an encounter with God. You need an encounter with the living
God. And of course, he is saying and claiming that he has already had this encounter. You want to be holy like him.
You want to just, you know, have sin cut off of you like he has. Well, you got to have the encounter that he's had.
No scripture says this. The God of the dead. He's the God of the living. He's the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
He's still the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. And God so loved the world that he gave us one and only son.
See, John the Baptist baptized people under repentance, baptized people under repentance.
And Jesus went down into that river. But when Jesus went down there, he didn't need to repent. He went down there to fulfill righteousness.
And we've been hitting this and pounding this. If you weren't at the school, it would be good to get it. Because there's a lot of stuff that's foundational that I'm kind of briefly touching a little bit and I don't have time to go over it all.
I actually do, but I'm not going to. Because it will be here until tomorrow. And this is a church that's going to hold service in the morning.
It is. Jesus came down to that river.
John's baptizing people. John was to prepare the way of the Lord. Jesus came down there.
And when he saw John, he says to John, I need you to baptize me. John says, I need your baptism.
See, whether you've been baptized in the Holy Spirit or not, there's more. Oh, the disciples were baptized in the
Holy Spirit on the day. More what? More what exactly? And they went into the house.
They were in there like, Lord, look upon their threats. And grant to your servants boldness. Grant to your service, your servants, that with all boldness, they might preach your word.
You confirming with miracles and signs following in the name of your holy servant, Jesus Christ.
And they had a one house earthquake. I promise you that that one house... Yeah, that's not an example.
Oh, there's so much more. Yeah. Yeah. More like in the sense where you can be like sinless and perform miracles daily in your life like Todd White does.
We'll talk about that in a minute. Again, I apologize for the length, but it's necessary as we listen to this narrative.
This narrative is about Todd White. This narrative isn't about Jesus Christ and what he has done for you.
People are not actually being called to repent of their sins and to believe and trust that Jesus Christ has bled and died for them and then bear fruit in keeping with repentance, which is what
Scripture teaches us. This is a totally different sanctification altogether. This is miraculous, spontaneous, via encounter,
God breathing on you in the holy place. And you can be sinless like Todd White sanctification, the super miraculous, instantaneous kind.
And he, you know, of course, he's the example of it. Earthquake is still available today. So whether you speak in tongues, whether you've been baptized in the
Holy Spirit or not, it's not a one time affair. The disciples were filled again and again and again and again and again.
And if you're not overflowing everywhere you go, then you're not full. Are you overflowing everywhere you go like Todd White does?
Again, notice he's been holding himself up as the example. I'm just going to demonstrate something for you.
I want to show you I need a bottle of water. There's another one.
Is that sin to mix regular water with Ascensia? I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding.
Ascensia is the best water on the planet, dude. We're like, what is it? It's just water.
Okay, now watch this bottle right here. That had a cap on it.
Normally sermon illustrations done right are designed to help illustrate and so people can understand what a biblical text means and says.
This sermon illustration is without a text. He's apparently just applying a principle here.
The principle, this is a narrative, if you would. An example.
This is a narrative illustration. An illustration designed to buttress the narrative that Todd White is putting forward.
It's full, but it's not full. See, even when I put this in here, it's still not full.
It's not full. This is full. Yeah, that's full. No, no, no.
We have to get this. Sorry. Why do I need to get this?
He just took two bottles of water and filled one all the way to the top. Sermon illustrations usually are to help us understand a text.
What is this helping us understand? His false narrative. Wow. This is full.
Do you know that when this is full, it's full.
Do you know that when the devil squeezes you, this is what should happen? And he squeezes the water bottle and out comes the water.
See, when the devil squeezes you, this is what should happen. Which biblical text are you helping us understand there,
Todd? You're not. You've put forward your own narrative. And this narrative is all about you.
It's not about Jesus. And then Jesus just goes like this again. Jesus will fill you back up, apparently.
And for that, he gets applause. Why? I don't know. See, when we squeeze an orange, orange juice comes out.
And we squeeze an apple, apple juice comes out. And if I squeezed an orange and apple juice came out, it would be completely weird.
It would be. It's an orange. It should be equally as strange that when a
Christian gets squeezed, everything but Jesus comes out. What does that even mean? It sounds so profound.
But what does it even mean? Oh man, when I get squeezed, Jesus comes out of me.
What am I, like a Jesus Twinkie? You know, and Jesus is the really cool, sweet center of my life.
I mean, this is nonsense. Which biblical text teaches this? Everyone's fawning over the pseudo profundity, but he's not actually saying anything.
And the whole narrative is completely different than the biblical narrative. What are you full of?
Because when you get squeezed and the devil gets Jesus all over him, he gets tired of squeezing.
Again, this is absurd. This is nonsense. The man is trafficking in weird vagaries and pseudo profundities.
We have to have an encounter with the living God. And there it is again.
We have to have this encounter. Have you had this encounter yet? You haven't had the encounter. Well, Todd White's had the encounter.
And see, he doesn't even sin anymore. So you've got to have the encounter too if you want to be sinless and radical and experience lifestyle
Christianity the way Todd White experiences. Have you had this encounter yet? You have to encounter him.
It's not about feelings. It's about complete electrocution to where you can't function anymore. Right.
Have you been totally electrocuted? Again, which text says that I need to do this?
Which text says that the apostles had this happen to them? Or the prophets? Which book of the
Bible is this actually laid out? Which says we got to have this encounter in this way. It's about you being touched with God in such a way that you can never be normal in this world again.
It's about you being a peculiar people. It's about you being holy and set apart.
It's about you being like Todd White. Holy, set apart and peculiar and just totally sold out and sinless.
Heavenly minded that you're absolutely earthly incredible. It's about the fire of heaven being upon your life in such a way to where you are burning up so that people don't have to burn for eternity.
It's about with it's about you. So it's all about you. It's about you. It's about you. He keeps saying it's about you.
That's the problem. The Bible is about Jesus and what he's done for you. The theology, the narrative that Todd White is putting forward is all about him and vicariously also about you because you can be like him.
Being satisfied when it comes to hunger, but it's about you being content. About you, about you, about you.
Who God has created you to be because godly contentment is great gain. That means that I know who
God created me to be. I know who my father is. I know, Abba, Father, Daddy God.
I know that that's my heart cry. That's kind of NAR talk. Great day. But I can only,
I can only hunger for something that's available. God wouldn't want me to hunger and thirst unless it was available to me.
Again, which biblical text says this? So God wouldn't allow me to hunger and thirst if it wasn't available.
What are you talking about? There is this unquenchable hunger inside of me.
Listen to me. It's inside of him. It's all about him. The narrative is about you being like Todd White.
I need to see every deaf person healed. I need to see every blind person see.
I need to see cancer healed every time. I need to see limbs grow back on people.
I need... Yeah, and let me give you an example of, I need to see limbs grow back on people.
Let me show you a video. This needs to go, man. And in this video, Todd White does a leg lengthening stick.
Yeah, let's just put it that way. He's telling Patricia King in this bit, you know, about how, this can't even be explained by science and stuff.
Todd White, Healing on the Streets is the name of the video. You can find it on YouTube. Check out the quality of the miracles done here by Todd White on the street.
Here we go. This is awesome because I knew she had a leg that was shorter. I said, now I'm going to pray for you and Jesus is going to grow your leg out.
And then I want you to scientifically explain what's going to happen next. Now I want you guys to come and watch because this would be so good.
You want to stand right up here. Okay, here's what you sit there. This is a parlor trick. By the way, there have been guys who've debunked this so easily.
It's ridiculous. But basically the way it's done is you just kind of slip the shoe, one shoe out a little farther than the other and, you know, off the heel.
And then you push it back and it creates the appearance that, ah, a leg is being lengthened. Here's what
I want you to do. I want you to give me your feet. Nope, you don't have to take off. Nope.
Okay. Okay, so here's what I know. I know what I hear in my heart, and I'm hearing that one of your legs is shorter than the other by a significant...
Oh, yeah. He heard this in his heart. Yeah, right. ...figure them out. And you already knew that, right?
Okay, so here I'm going to give you something to figure out scientifically because this will blow you away because you're into science and I think it's amazing that God's given you...
This is just scientifically. Just blow your mind here. Yeah. It's an amazing mind. It's good.
But right now God's going to grow your leg out because I'm going to command your bones to grow and your ligaments and your tendons and your back's going to be healed and your leg's going to grow out.
So that right there is amazing and He loves you, okay? Okay. Yeah, so the old leg lengthening trick.
Yeah, down below, or actually in the description of this episode of Fighting for the
Faith, we will put a link up to a program that was done by a magician where they show how all of these tricks are done.
This isn't a miracle. And this is the kind of stuff that Todd White traffics in.
If he... I have an unquenchable desire to see all the dead raised.
How many dead has he raised? How many people can legitimately say that they no longer have stage 4 cancer because of Todd White?
Or how many people can say that their legs have grown because of Todd White? And I have the medical proof for it.
The guy is a con man. He's trafficking in miraculous instantaneous sanctification and winding himself up into the overall charismatic narrative about modern day signs and wonders and stuff like that.
And so if cancer's gone and people are healed of this, then I can be healed of all of my previous vices and walk purely before God.
See dead people raised. I need to see poor people have the gospel preached to them.
And I'm not going to settle for anything less than what the gospel says is possible.
Yeah, he's so brave. He's not going to... So I think you get the idea.
You know, what we're dealing with here is a completely false narrative. And he twists the scriptures in order to force them to fit into his false narrative.
And he's not preaching Christ. He's preaching himself. And the product that he's selling is instantaneous, miraculous sanctification and holiness and release from whatever sins you are having a problem with.
And yet he's... Again, it just wouldn't surprise me if you scratch the surface of this fellow and find that this whole holiness facade that he's putting forward isn't even real.
And the reason for it is simple, because I can tell you right now based on what I've heard him say and what scripture says, two totally different things.
If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves. So this man is self -deceived and he is deceiving.
And this is a fellow that if you have a friend of yours who is saying, oh, you got to come with me and listen to Todd White, you need to sit him down and say, this guy's a con man.
This guy is in the same camp as the prosperity heretics. He's not, though, trafficking in prosperity.
He's holding himself up as the example of the guy who no longer sins, the guy who's miraculously been set free and is 100 % fully devoted to Jesus and stuff.
And yet, if he were, why does he twist God's word so badly? Why does he have to use manipulation techniques?
Why is it that when you look on YouTube and look for him out on the streets performing miracles that over and again, they're not real miraculous signs and wonders, but just magician's parlor tricks and stuff like that.
The guy is as phony as a $3 bill. He's selling sanctification snake oil.
And of course, he's the one who can prove by his testimony that the product he's selling, it works because he's the one who's proof that it works.
No, he's not telling the truth. Pay attention to Scripture. It points to Jesus, not
Todd White and not to you. So if you found this helpful, then please subscribe, ring that bell so you get notifications when we update our channel.
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And train yourself. Listen to these things. Listen with an open
Bible. Watch with an open Bible so that you can be protected by the many false teachers, false prophets, and false apostles that are literally exploiting people in the name of Jesus.
But rather than pointing them to Jesus, they're pointing them to themselves. And that's where the deception really lies.
So if you found this helpful, be sure to share it. And until next time, may God richly bless you in the grace and mercy won by Jesus Christ and His vicarious death on the cross for all of your sins.