Why I Love Jesus But Reject Islam


In response to Kamal Saleh's video found here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YNGqrzkFp_4 James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries (www.aomin.org) teamed up with Ivey Conerly ( http://www.ivhisson.com/ ) to produce a Christian response. Our hope and prayer is that the message of the Gospel will be clearly presented to all who watch this video, but especially to Muslims who are led to listen and consider our words. A written response to Kamal's video can be found here: http://www.aomin.org/aoblog/index.php?itemid=4948 A 52 minute video response, point by point, can be found here: http://t.co/hrx8AKqe My sincere thanks to Ivey and Marcus for their great work. Soli Deo Gloria! Please note: comments are not active for the simple reason that atheists (and others) cannot control their tongues, or their keyboards, and we have no interest in providing a forum for such things. If you wish to discuss the claims made in this video, listen to The Dividing Line and call in when we have open phones, toll free. See: http://www.aomin.org/articles/webcast.html


Know you was taught. He was just a prophet and Yeah, some use his name to make a profit, but I gotta tell the world.
I can't stop it Christ wasn't just merely a man end of topic in the
Quran saw a 2136 it says we believed in Allah now check this you believe in what's been revealed from Abraham to Jesus But the
Bible you say you don't believe it You think it's corrupt with the best record of these men if that's the case you might want to read this again
So it's 634. There's a contradiction. It states. No one has the power to twist the words of Allah, but the
Bible is fiction Because you say these men spoke the words of Allah, so how could this be if the
Bible's a lie? You say we believe in faith and not reason, but you're the one that holds to Muhammad's inconsistent teaching
Sure, three and three reveals the Torah and the gospel. So this is where it's gonna get a little hostile the gospel the good news
What does this mean to us? Man is born wicked to pray, but God is just and since we broke all his laws
He must punish so when it comes to the wicked Try going up to a judge pleading to be set free
Have to be in charge with rape and murder in the first degree if he's a good judge He must sentence you so if God is a good guy.
What do you think? He's gonna do you should know Muhammad wasn't even a prophet at all So why is
Islam trying to be justified by laws? I hope you get it you see God required lambs without spot or blemish a perfect sacrifice is what it always represented to be slain for the sins of men, but these animals was innocent and All this was pointing to the
Messiah the Christ the perfect lamb who takes away the sins of the world the true light
Christ says I am the way the truth and the life and no one comes to the father
But by me and you said he's not God Well, he said you will die in your sins unless you believe that I am he things seen and unseen he possess it
Born of a virgin begotten as a man, but always existed That's Micah 5 2 3
John 1 verse 1 through 10. Yeah the God's Son He created heavens in the earth.
That's Colossians chapter 1 the 16th verse now flip a page Look at chapter 2 verse 9.
Now, how could you not see he is divine you say that he never claimed to be God That's odd.
Go back to John chapter 8 and 58. He surpassed timing He said before Abraham.
Hey, go I'm and long before Muhammad came to the scene The Apostle Paul say may it never be that I would boast except in the cross of our
Lord Jesus Christ Through which the world has been crucified to me and I to the world
See the cross is the hinge of history the focus of time itself The blessed meeting point where God's wrath and God's mercy can be met in the unique person of Jesus Christ himself
Outside of his cross his sacrifice without a mediator It's hopelessness and your sins are still level before you so good luck trying to be justified by your own self -righteousness
Jesus was totally in submission. So he did nothing of himself apart from the father, right?
He said he does whatever the father does or the father gives life So what kind of man gives life takes the wrath of his father in his humanity dies three days later rise with the body
That's glorified only the God man the hypostatic union why did he pray to his father because the son and the father had always been in perfect communion and One plus one plus one equals one triune
God What do I mean each person in the Trinity is fully God Elohim one
God three distinct persons the same in essence. The mystery of the Holy Trinity is truly a blessing
Matthew 28 9 Christ was worshiped and he didn't stop him because he's working
He told that rich young ruler only God is good then in John 10 11. He said
I'm the Good Shepherd understood Why obviously he didn't know he was talking to if he did
He probably would have sold all his precious jewels. And yeah, Christ cursed the fig tree because it didn't bear fruit in season
The tree represented national Israel. That's the real reason the purpose of this is to hope that the blind would see why
I love Jesus Because his righteousness was imputed to me And my sins was imputed to him.
So the father poured out his full wrath on God the Son on that tree Now all true believers is justified by the finished work alone of the