Book of Genesis - Ch. 37, Vs. 1 (07/03/2016)


Bro. Bill Nichols


No, we usually we usually have people coming in to about 10 after what about Ron is he coming?
Ron Romaine the
Hubers are here So we're beginning we're beginning to Yes, they should get here
They should get here on on time then shouldn't they? Good morning
You ready to roll? All right That's Quite a challenge
No, I'm saying I've got a challenge That's all You you're easy easily taught
Well, I guess we'll go ahead and get started and we'll let people catch up as they as they come along We are scheduled 37 of Genesis Most gracious Heavenly Father.
Thank you for this day and thank you for all of our many blessings Thank you for giving us this place to come together and study your word
Thank you for protecting us Thank you for all of the things that you have provided for us bless us and keep us go with us through this lesson and through a brother
David's sermon teach us the things that you want us to know in Jesus name. We pray.
Amen And there's always things that you're taught that you didn't expect to be taught If we begin with chapter 37 of Genesis and I'll tell you this
I had I had my English teaching buddy look at my paper today, and he said
I needed a better transition and I told him that I'm a physicist and we believe in quantum junks
We just go from where we are to where we need to be and we don't worry about transition
But I did try to clean it up a little bit so that it fits in You understand why we were doing what we're doing
Jacob dwelt in the land where in his father was a stranger in the land of Canaan That's verse 1
Jacob's father Isaac as Well as his sons though in the land had not yet entered into possession of it
Into possession of their inheritance That's a perfect model of today's
Christian Just like them were in the land But not in possession of it
They were still alien residents of the land of Canaan more precisely of the city of Hebron We are alien residents of the u .s.
More precisely I think for all of us now, Texas They Took possession of their inheritance when after the death of Moses Joshua led them across the
Jordan River and they entered the promised land. That's when they actually took possession Of the first of their land and they haven't taken they have not taken total possession of it even yet And they will there'll be time when they take total possession of all the land that they're promised as for us
We have only one leader that the the Israelites had to that we just bet we dealt with then
Moses who led them to the river and Joshua who led them across We only have one leader
Jesus After the death and resurrection of Jesus we will take
We will take possession of our inheritance when he returns to take us to the new heavens and the new earth
So we'll we'll take our possession when we are taught taken into the new heavens and the new earth until then
We're just resident aliens in the place where we're living. I Went to 2nd
Peter now and said 2nd Peter chapter 3 verse 10 We're concerned with the inheritance
And what it is we're inheriting before we inherit this new heaven and new earth We had I had it and that's what 2nd
Peter talks about But in the day but in the day of the Lord, but the day of the
Lord will come as a thief in the night In which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise and the elements shall melt with fervent heat
The earth also in the works that are therein shall be burned up seeing then all these things shall be
Dissolved what manner of persons all ye be in all holy? Conversation and godliness now that conversation is not what we think of as conversation
That's holy life. Not that's the whole living not just the talking And that's a good question if all the things that you see and all the things you know are going to be disappear
What should you be working toward? Looking for in hastening to the coming of the day of God We're in the heavens being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat
Nevertheless, we according to his promise look for new heavens and a new earth.
We're in dwelleth righteousness So that's what's out there
John tells us in John 14 Let starting at verse 1 let not your heart be troubled
You believe in God? Believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not
So I would have told you I go to prepare a place for you And if I go and prepare a place for you
I will come again and receive you unto myself that where I am there you may be also
Okay, I thought when I started this lesson that I was going to go from here to Verse 2 that comes after verse 1 and I just did verse 1
But I Was curious that's an odd wording I would have told you Can you remember any other time that God said or Jesus said to us?
I would have told you something Jesus Told them about the
Jesus told them about his second coming But he understood he understood that they would not be able to Totally relate to what he was telling them.
He didn't he didn't talk about that Well as I was curious, I just decided, you know, we've got all kinds of technology now
I would do a phrase search on blue letter Bible and I did and I got this hit the one
I copied pasted in and I got one near match The near match was in John chapter 9 you can go ahead and go go there.
We'll be there in just a second Chapter 9 was such a timely and compelling passage that I decided to explore it more thoroughly
And as a result, we will not get to verse 2 That's just so you know up front.
We'll not come back to Genesis today We'll do it maybe next
Sunday But I thought after all the Holy Spirit never takes you someplace by accident
If he took me to this verse, he took me here for a purpose I'm not certain what the purpose is, but I know he is certain of what the purpose is either
I or Some of you need to know what is here? I think in any case
John chapter 9 presents what might be the most revealing account of a man receiving his inheritance
I think it is even more revealing than the passage. I've always Referred to of Paul on the road to Damascus walking toward Damascus every step going to kill
Christians and then bang out of the sky a bright light and a message and He responds by saying who are you?
And that was always a compelling story about the way God comes to man
But this is even more revealing or it was more revealing to me and we'll kind of see as we go along I Have read this account of the blind man many times
But my focus has always been on the minor miracle This time
I would like to focus on the major miracle So we want to strike off but as before we go or as we go
I'd like you to consider these things about this story What is the minor miracle
What is the major miracle in this story? Who's blind and then the five players?
the blind man the disciple the disciples the
Pharisees the parents and Jesus those are the five players in this scene to what purpose are they here?
Now I'm gonna do a little bit differently, I'm just gonna go through and read This passage first and then as we go back through it
Hit the wrong button. We will As we go back through it we will
Do our comments So I want to back up about Three verses into chapter eight so you get a feel for what we are for where we are
Chapter 8 back up chapter 8 verse you can start at verse 57 for my purposes
Jesus has been discussing with the Pharisees certain things and so then the
Jews say unto him thou art not 50 years old and Hast thou seen
Abraham and Jesus said unto them verily verily I say unto you before Abraham was
I am Then took they stones to cast at him
But Jesus hit himself and went out of the temple going through the midst of them and so passed by Now there's no chapters in this original scripture.
So let's just keep reading and as Jesus passed by so Keep in mind where Jesus is what he has just been doing who he's been dealing with and now we read
They took up stones to cast at him but Jesus hit himself went out of the temple going through the midst of them and so passed by and as Jesus passed by he saw a man which was blind from birth and He's his disciples asked him saying
Master who did sin this man or his parents that he was born blind and Jesus answered
Neither has this man sinned nor his parents, but that the works of God should be made manifest in him.
I Must work the works of him that sent me While it is day the night cometh when no man can work as long as I am in the world
I am the light of the world when he had thus spoken he spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle and He anointed the eyes of the blind man with clay and he said unto him go
Wash in the pool of song which is by interpretation Sent he went on his way therefore and washed and came seeing
The neighbors therefore and they that which before had seen him that he was blind said is this not he that sat and begged
Some said this is he other says He is like him, but he said
I am he Therefore said they unto him how were their eyes opened and he answered a man that is called
Jesus made clay and anointing my eyes and said to me go to the pool of song and wash and I went and washed and I received sight
Then said they unto him. Where is he? And he said I know not and They brought him to the
Pharisees They brought to the Pharisees him that aforetime was blind and It was the
Sabbath day when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes Then again, the Pharisees also asked him how he received his sight
And he said unto them he put clay on mine eyes and I washed and do see Therefore said some of the disciples
Pharisees. This man is not of God because he keepeth not the Sabbath day
Others said how can a man that is a sinner do such miracles and there was a division among them
They said unto the blind man again. What saith thou of him? that opened thine eyes and He said he's a prophet but the
Jews did not believe him concerning that he had been blind and received his sight until they called the parents of him that had received sight and They asked them saying is this your son whom you say was born blind?
How then does he now see? The parents answered them and said we know that this is our son and that he was born blind
By what means he now seeth? We know not or who hath opened his eyes.
We know not he is of age Ask him These words spake the parents
Because they feared the Jews For the Jews had agreed already that if any man did confess that he was
Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue Therefore said his parents. He is of age ask him
Then again, they called the man that was blind and said unto him give God the praise. We know that this man is a sinner
He answered and said whether he be a sinner or no, I know not one thing.
I know That whereas whereas I was blind now I see Then said they to him again
What did he do to thee how open he van eyes and he answered them.
I have told you already and You did not hear wherefore would you hear it again?
Do you want to be as disciples? Then they reviled him and said that are his disciple we are
Moses's disciple We know that God spake unto Moses as for this fellow.
We know not from whence he is The man answered and said unto him Why herein is a marvelous thing that you know not from whence he is and yet he opened mine eyes
Now we know that God hearth not sinners, but if any man be a worshiper of God and doeth his will
Him he heareth since the world began Was it not heard that any man
Opened the eyes of one that is born blind If this man were not of God he could do nothing
Then they answered and said unto him that was altogether born in sin. Dost thou teach us and they cast him out and Jesus heard that they had cast him out and when he had found him
He said unto him thus now believe on the Son of God And he answered and said who is he
Lord that I might believe on him and Jesus said to him thou hast both seen him and it is he that talketh with thee and he said
Lord I believe and worshiped him and Jesus said for judgment
I came into the world that they which see not might see and they which see might be made blind and Some of the
Pharisees which were with him heard these words and said unto him are we blind also and Jesus said unto them if you are blind you should have no sin, but now you
See therefore your sin remaineth and that's the end of verse of chapter 9 now anybody care to Tell me what is the minor miracle in this story?
The blind man gaining his sight. What's the major miracle?
Seeing Comprehending that Jesus was Lord. That's one way to answer it Salvation that's another way to answer it
How I answered it was the major Miracle was the dead man being made alive
That's part of the story this is a wondrous example of Salvation Let's just look at verse 1 as Jesus passed by now remember where is
Jesus passing by from he's passing by from chapter 8 where the
Pharisees are trying to stone him and As he's passing by he passes by he sees a blind man, which was blind
From his birth John. What was the blind man doing? Probably sitting on the floor begging,
I mean that's what we've seen in the movies, but I mean you know it probably really was like that He was sitting by the wayside begging.
That's what he's doing He was not looking for Jesus He was not in the church.
He was not allowed in the synagogue he was not allowed in the synagogue because the
Jews thought that he had sinned and Had had a major gross sin because he had a major gross malady
So they wouldn't associate with him. They would not allow him in the synagogue later on We're going to see that the
Pharisees response is to kick him out of the synagogue. That's interesting. He's never been in the synagogue
Anyhow Jesus Only Jesus could do that only
Jesus could hide himself just by going right through the middle of them You know, it's a mob trying to it's a mob trying to kill you.
What would you do? I'd cover my head and run wouldn't you or do something? Maybe I try to stone him back or something, but It is amazing that he just wandered out through the midst of them
Heading toward the place where he was designed to be and where was he designed to be at the blind man?
No They couldn't
Yeah Yeah That's interesting
Paul Paul thought that this Christian sect Following Jesus was trying to take glory away from God when they failed to realize that the man
That they were worshiping was God and the man that Paul was worshiping
He didn't know who's worshipping Oh Right I'm going to I'm going to skip ahead to the very end and tell you what
I intended to tell you at the very end Go ahead
Yeah They were with him the whole time Yeah But but well,
I'll wait and hope we get there. I Think you're right. Mr. Dan Okay, let's go back
The man was just sitting there by the wayside Begging he was not looking for Jesus.
He was unable to look he was blind and Yet he was there for a purpose a purpose a reason plan
From before time began this was not a secret to God Jesus went through the mob to this man
Lit on this man for a purpose and what was that purpose? Yeah, but but the real purpose is
I think John was one that said it to glorify God It's going to tell us that it's going to tell us that in two verses and the sample asked him saying master who did sin
This man or his parents that he was born blind now
Not to be too critical of the disciples in the Jewish mindset if a man had a malady
It was because of a sin. Well, we know that why does why do we have all the bad things that we have?
Who's in? And I'm saying and we all come into the world with Adam sin
They thought that a serious malady such as blindness demanded a serious sin It's like that we all we just do little sins this guy's do it done a big sin
So we guys who have only done little sins We're not going to associate with got that guy that's done a big sin.
So they wouldn't associate with him He was an outcast he was not allowed in the synagogue.
Yes Yeah, some of them did that and someone blamed the man yes the
You're right so There's a dilemma here, isn't there? Since he was blind from birth who could have sinned was it the parents?
Therefore they should be kicked out of the synagogue or is it him? He was only kicked out of the synagogue. So the so the predominance of the
Pharisees Thought it was the man This is to teach his disciples.
I asked you a question what? Keep in mind these things. What were these players here for?
What were the disciples here for? They're here to learn a lesson, too For Them that was a reasonable question, but not an important one
The man and the disciples were not there to have that question answered although in Passing Jesus did answer it
So as we go by Jesus answered the question and then it's done with next verse
Jesus answered neither hath this man sinned nor his parents Now he did he say that neither this man nor this
The parents had ever done a sin He didn't say that did he he just said
This blindness is not here because of the sin that the parents did or the sin that he did
It's not for either one of them. What is it here for? That the works of God should be manifest in him
Then he goes on Yeah at that precise time the works of God will be
Opened up so that we can see that what manifest means and manifest means it's opened up So we can see it at this time in him.
We can get a lesson from this blind man They can't see it why
Because they're blind As that's a that's a hint to my answer to summary
I must Mm -hmm. I Must work the works of him that sent me while it is day the night cometh when no man can work as Long as I am in the world.
I am the light of the world This is like a mild rebuke of the disciples You've got to understand the disciples like the blind man and everyone else in this story are there for a predetermined purpose a purpose established before the beginning of time a
Purpose that a purpose that only Jesus saw When Jesus looked he saw a man with a problem
Jesus saw work to be done and he did it the disciples saw a theological question to debate they saw a theological question to debate and they wanted to debate it and Jesus said to them basically do the work you're here to do focus on the big things
Don't worry about the little things focus on the big things When he had thus spoken he sped on the ground and made clay of the spittle and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with clay
All right, that's the story so far Who has done anything? Has the blind man done anything
Not yet, he's done nothing sir
No, he doesn't even know I don't even know it that I Don't even know at this point that he knows
Jesus is there Maybe he does because he hears the conversation. I Guess he does
But he hasn't done anything. He hasn't been asked to do anything. He hasn't asked anyone to do anything.
He's just sitting there What about the disciples have they done anything? They just tried to engage
Jesus in a theological discussion Yeah, it reminds me it reminded me of the prayer right where the where the fair where the where the
Pharisee is in the temple praying and he looks over at the at the Publican praying and he says thank you
Lord that I'm not like him Yeah, it was a it was a question asked to puff them about I like that The only one that's done anything so far as Jesus That's always the case and I shouldn't even say thus far.
Should I? part of his He answered that's one thing he did part of his answer
The blind man was chosen for a purpose What was the blind man chosen for? to glorify
God That the works of God should be made manifest in him. Jesus made the clay
Jesus anointed the eyes of the blind man Only then
Was the blind man asked to do anything He was asked to go to the pool of Salome Which by interpretation means sent he went his way therefore and was washed and came seeing
So the blind man was obedient he went he washed and he came away seeing but not understanding as We shall see later the understanding
Comes later But another has happened that the neighbors know that there's a difference
The neighbors therefore and they which were which before had seen him that was blind said is this not he that sat and begged
And some said this is he and others said he is like him, but he said
I am he Clearly he's a different man. There's something about him.
That's different. It's different in ways that are discernible by the neighbors They know that he is different than he was before.
That's all they know. Oh You wish I thought you wanted to say something
Therefore they said unto him. How were thine eyes opened? That's a reasonable question the now seeing man
Received the ants had an answer. He summarized the events leading to his receiving sight to the extent that he understood them
Here's what he says a man that is called Jesus made clay and anointed mine eyes and said unto me
Go to the pool of Salaam and wash and I went and I washed and I received sight
To this point that's all he knows So they ask him another question
Then they said unto him. Where is he and he said I know not
Okay, we're ready to shift people, but you got a question Okay comment no good
You know He got he got some he got he got some relief from his blindness said he hadn't accepted him yet He doesn't even know who to accept yet And they have the
Word of God Looking at all this time they've been with Jesus and they're still questioning.
It's like just look at the Word of God. That's the answer Instead of looking back at how you don't mess up and so many people are still doing it
They're looking at like brother David says what their mother taught and what their grandmother taught them and they're so stuck on traditions and Rituals and what they've been taught and how they've been raised that they won't even read this and look at what it says
That's right Isn't that isn't that enlightening
Up until now we've been dealing with a man who knew he was blind There was no question the man sitting by the wayside begging knew he was blind and Who subsequently received his sight?
We're now going to encounter some men who think they can see But in reality are even more blind than the blind beggar now my
Little automatic correcting thing says underline that in green. You can't have more blind. I Know that you're the blind or you can see
But they but but They're blinder In any case the blind beggar receives sight, but these don't
They Brought to the Pharisees him that a for time was blind And it was the
Sabbath day when Jesus made the clay and opened the eyes John. Do you see a problem coming?
Then again the Pharisees also asked him how He had received his sight and he said unto him
He put clay on my eyes and I washed and I see that's a quick summary of what he just told the
Pharisees just before Well, what will he well he
By now he is doing he is responding to God doing what God told him to do.
Oh I see what you're saying Yes And See he did to he he made the clay
He made the clay and put it on his eyes. So they don't they're not really concerned about about the blind man
They're concerned about Jesus Therefore said some of the
Pharisees this man is not a god Because he keepeth not the Sabbath day
And that's wonderful, how did they respond Wonderful a blind man can now see
Is that what they did? No, you get two different responses Some said he cannot be of God because he did not what?
Okay, there is a there is a broader answer than that that is exactly the precise thing he did but he didn't follow our
Rules, we got rules, baby, and he didn't follow our rules So he's out
Others said how can a man that is a sinner do such miracles and there was a division amongst them
Is that a good thing or a bad thing? It's always a good thing that there was a division amongst the
Pharisees tells us that Some believers can be even found amongst the Pharisees and we need to keep that in mind too when we look at and we're too critical of Churches that we see have lots and lots of problems in those churches with lots and lots of problems
There are some believers maybe
There it can be it can be to the extent that there's not But some believers can be found even amongst the
Pharisees And they say unto the blind man again, what Sayest thou of him that opened thine eyes and he said he is a prophet
Well, he they the blind man knew that Jesus was special He knew because he had to be special.
He he gave him sight something that no one had ever done before No one in the history of the world had ever
At that point ever taken a person that was blind from birth and made him to see he's got to be a prophet
I don't want to hear that did they So a
Good man He was a good man But the
Jews did not believe concerning him that had been blind and received his sight Until they call the parents of him that had received his sight.
So they said wait, I think this can't be right This can't be that this prophet has Given sight to a blind man.
He must not have been blind. So the refused to believe until they called his parents You got to love his parents
They'd rather they'd rather kick out their son then be kicked out of the church
Yeah, it doesn't matter he's busy, you know, he's just a he's just a burden for us to bear Yeah, yeah clearly if he's blind because he sinned as a
From birth, but it to be blind at birth. He had to have sinned before birth No They didn't and they asked him.
Is this your son whom who you say was born blind? How then doth he now see?
his parents answered them and said we know that this is our son and That he was born blind.
So they answer one question. Is this your born blind son? And they say he's our son and he was born blind
They dodged the next one But by what means he now seeth we know not or who hath opened his eyes
We know not he is of age ask him He shall speak for himself
These words spake the parents because they feared the Jews For the
Jews had agreed already that if any man did confess that he was Christ, he should be put out of the synagogue
Therefore said his parents he is of age ask him So as Diane said the parents were being
Fear or fearful of being put out of the church out of the synagogue This was not the real concern of the now seeing man
It had been assumed that his blindness Was the result of this of his sin thus he was not in the synagogue
Therefore unlike his parents who were under pressure to conform. He was free to be just as frank as he wanted to be
And you are going to be I Was startled at how frank he was but before 24
Then again, they call the man that was blind and said unto him give
God the praise We know that this man is a sinner What man are they talking about?
And how did they know he's the sinner? He didn't follow the rules.
There was nothing in the scripture that forbade healing on the Sabbath day The problem was not in the scripture
The problem was in their paraphrases of the scripture The blind eyes in the blind eyes of the
Pharisees Jesus was a sinner because he didn't follow their rules To the
Word of God They were blind They could only see their rules and he answered and said whether he be a sinner or no
You know, it's interesting, isn't it? that the Pharisees that the theologians are asking the blind man if Jesus is a sinner sir
The blind man who they didn't allow in the church there now they have now gone to for spiritual
Enlightenment they don't accept it. I Guess I guess on second thought you're right if they if they if it's been searching for spiritual enlightenment
They probably would have found it by now And he answered and said whether he be a sinner or no,
I know not one thing I know that whereas I was blind now
I see The former blind man Could see what the
Pharisees could not He says I don't know what I don't know But this
I do know I was blind and now I see He didn't see everything, but he saw more than the
Pharisees did and then they said to him again
What did he to thee how opened he thine eyes and then we come to verse 27
Which is the hit that I got on the blue letter Bible. I got here in the first place He answered them.
I have told you already and You did not hear wherefore would you hear it again?
Will you be his disciples? I? Told you and you didn't believe why do you want to hear it again a?
Bit of sarcasm, right So what did they do? Then they reviled him and said
Thou art his disciple But we are Moses's disciple We know that God spake to Moses as for this fellow.
We not know not from whence he is Thou art his disciple
I Commented and you can you can address my comment if you wish
I don't think he's Jesus's disciple yet But he soon will be
He is right now a man who has been who has had his eyes open and is able to see and is
Able to hear and is able to understand but right now He doesn't understand and he won't understand until God gives him further enlightenment
So he's not really his disciple yet, but he soon will be When they said when they said we know that thou art his
His disciple, but we are Moses's disciple Well, he did kind of look at the next verse verse 30 the man answers and said unto him
Herein is a marvelous thing You got to be kidding me
You don't understand where this man came from you see I think he got a little bit of extra enlightenment from them
You don't know where he came from The man answered and said unto them why herein is a marvelous thing that you know not from whence he is and yet He hath opened mine eyes if we now if We now know that God heareth not sinners, but if any man be a worshiper of God and doeth his will
Him he hereth since the world began Was it not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind
I had trouble reading that and I'm gonna read it with the with the verbs and the pronoun switched
Since the world began It was not heard that any man opened the eyes of one that is blind
That's what the question is Since the world began no one has ever heard of anyone
Opening the eyes of men that's born blind. That's the the what he's trying to convey if this man were not of God He could do nothing
So amazing you don't know Who ever heard of sight being restored to one born blind if this man was not of God he could do nothing
That's my paraphrase, but remember paraphrase is what got the Pharisees in trouble
Well, how did they take that? They answered and said unto him thou was born altogether in sins.
How did they know that? Because he was blind He was born blind.
You were born in altogether sins. You had like great sins at the beginning. You couldn't see and Dost thou teach us and They cast him out
There is none so blind as those that will not see What they're telling the blind man is or the formerly about blind man.
What makes you Obviously a great sinner presumed to try to teach us.
What did they forget? Well, they brought him there, but they also forgot something else
They didn't bring a blind man there. He's no longer blind
They're the ones that are blind I think the answer to that question is you are no longer accountable for your sin
Who's accountable for your sin? Oh, I see what you're saying.
I misunderstood. I misunderstood the gist of your question They've got a problem, don't they?
I mean they got they got a guy who used to be used to be sinful and now you can see therefore he's not
That is a that is a great problem for them Hold on to that question
The question is now turned 180 degrees What began as the question who sinned that this man be born blind?
morphed into this question how did this man gain his sight and Finally crystallized into the question.
Who is it? That is truly blind the blind man
Finally understood That he had not been a blind man among seeing men
When he was on the when he was on these wayside begging John He thought that he was a blind man in a world of seeing people
He finally understood that he was not a blind man among seeing people but was truly a blind man a among blind men and The real question was how does that any man gain sight?
What do you do when the only answer is a totally sovereign God who does what he wants to do?
The Pharisees had the solution reject that Consult your set of rules and Cast the seeing man out of the synagogue
That was not much of a penalty As he had never been in the synagogue in the first place and would have been the only seeing man there 35
Jesus heard that they had cast him out and When he had found him who is looking for whom?
Christ is looking for the now seeing former blind man Even this slate the now seeing but not fully understanding man is not seeking the
Lord. The Lord is seeking him I'm sorry.
Well, he could have He didn't know he was I was that is that what you were
He he was blind when Jesus created him He still can't recognize him
And we get to that just in like two it really it really is it is just an amazing amazing thing
All there's lots different about Yeah, even this late it's the
Lord that's seeking the man and when he had found him he said unto him
Dost thou believe on Jesus Now there's your critical question
The answer to this same question put to us Determines our eternal destiny as well
Another way to phrase and I've heard people say this. What did you do with my son? What did you do with Jesus?
That's the question you'll be asked. Yes, ma 'am 36
Yeah Let me finish let me finish 30, let me finish 35 and I'll go straight to 36.
I may have already done that together and when they had found him he said unto him dost thou believe on the
Son of God and He answered and said who is he
Lord that I might believe on him and Jesus said unto him thou hast both seen him and It is he that talketh with thee
Until then he didn't know he didn't know until now who this man was and when he knew what did he do?
He did what everybody that is called of him does He said
I believe and he worshipped him And and he now has a belief that's a different kind of belief it said
I believe but this is a special belief I gonna go back a So the question what did you do with Jesus if you can say
I believed you are eternally secure in the hands of the Father mark 923 if you want to go there, we're gonna
I'm gonna finish this and then we'll we'll clean up Mark 923
Jesus said unto him if thou canest believe he's talking to the man that brought his child to be healed
He says if thou canest believe all things are possible to him that believeth and straightaway the father of the child cried out and said with tears
I believe Help thou mine unbelief
So this belief that you have to have this belief that the formerly blind man believed is more than Just a belief of a human being and what
I am going to do is I'm going to pick this up next week No We can't answer the question until the question is asked
When Jesus said Do you believe in the Son of God? He says who is he that I might believe and Jesus says it's me and he said
I believe That is right
I I'm assuming they were I don't know that I don't know that it says they were but I'm assuming they were
They had this had to be a lesson for them, too Where did the disciples keep the lesson
I don't think they were at the level they needed to be and would not be at that level until after the death and resurrection and until the
Filling of them with the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. I think that's when they became That's that's that's when
Peter really would lay down his life for his master Most gracious Heavenly Father.
Thank you for this day. Thank you for all the many gifts that you have given us. Thank you for The lessons that you have to teach us