FBC Daily Devotional – April 16, 2021


A brief bit of encouragement for your day from God's Word


Well, a good Friday to you. Here we are end of another work week and looking forward to the weekend
I hope you are as well If you get Saturday off, I hope you got good some good plans for Some rest refreshment, maybe getting some projects done and then of course we come to the
Lord's Day and it's coming Lord's Day My wife and I are not going to be in the services, but I have a guest speaker
Ron Burnett He has spoken for me before and he'll be speaking in the morning as well as the afternoon services this week
He will be we will be broadcasting those services online So it will be live streamed.
So if you can't make it in person you can watch at 1030 on Facebook YouTube church website like we normally do
Nevertheless, I hope you'll participate in the Lord's Day. However, you can do it this coming
Sunday Well, not too long ago my brother and sister were visiting and We got to talking about some people we knew a long time ago and I'm talking about when we were kids
And I mentioned that there were some I mean this one particular town we lived in we lived there for four year four and a half years
Almost five years as I mentioned, you know, I said I I can't really remember hardly any friends from that from that time period except for you know, one or two guys and So I got us to talking and there were a couple of different individuals that he mentioned that He said, you know, so -and -so was killed in a car accident just right after high school
Another one you mentioned was a I think a girl who was killed in a very
Awful awful car accident as well took her life and That was years and years ago, you know, they were
Teenagers 15 16 oldest one older of the two who died I think was probably 18 or 19 years old
So that's been Over 40 years ago since that's happened and Here, I've lived all those years since But here's the thing and and Psalm 39 brings this out.
It's It's vitally important that we don't take that for granted
That we don't assume that I'm not going to be one of those that got in a car accident or assume that I have
Many many years left ahead of me or that I don't even think about it I can't I can't afford to not even think about it what
Psalm 39 Exhorts us to do is to live in the awareness of the brevity of life
How many times do we go through the course of a day? make decisions Engage in some, you know kind of worthless stuff maybe
Sinful behavior flagrantly, so maybe maybe even self -harmful behavior and we engage in all that as if I have an endless supply of days yet ahead that The fact that I wasted that day that hour those hours.
It doesn't really matter. I've got more of them coming tomorrow Well, here's the deal.
I don't I don't have endless supply of days I don't have an endless supply of hours
That I can just frivol away fritter away frivolously the the time of my life and so what
Psalm 39 does is it encourages us to pray a particular prayer and That prayers come out comes out in verse 4.
Oh Lord the psalmist prays Make me know my end and what is the measure of my days?
Let me know how fleeting I am Let me know how fleeting I am ask the
Lord to give you that conscious sense that that life is short and You know whether you're 8 or 80
Life is short and you'll be gone before you know it
That's that's what this prayer is talking about make me to know my end and the measure of my days just how short that is and And then furthermore,
I need to remind myself that even though in this period of my life this
Parenthesis of time that is this period of my life. I may be strong and healthy
My life is a mere breath It's what verse 5 points out it says behold the psalmist is praying to the
Lord he says behold You have made my days a few handbreadths a few handbreadths just a few and My lifetime is as nothing before you.
I mean God is eternal. So If a thousand years or as a day in his sight, you know
What is it? What is your? Three score in ten. I mean they In my days, there is nothing before you he says my lifetime is as nothing before you and then he says this surely all mankind stands as a mere breath as a mere breath
How long did it take me to exhale and What? Was there when
I did? There wasn't much of anything there Now all of that can be quite depressing can't it
I mean you think that you know, my life could be over tomorrow I May not have my health tomorrow.
It could all be gone. My life is just a breath This is other place in the Bible talks about being a vapor, you know here today gone tomorrow
Yeah, they can all be pretty depressing and yet that's not how this song Moves it doesn't move to a place of depression.
What it does is it it moves us to a place of of Hope and expectation
That's not found in How long my life is how many hours that I actually have?
My hope and expectation are in the Lord. And so what I do is verses 7 and 8
Goes on says Oh Lord What do I wait for My hope is in you
Deliver me from Trent all my transgressions. Do not make me the scorn of a fool
Deliver me from these things. My hope is in you so Because life is so short my hope needs to be in the
Lord my expectation of life needs to be in the Lord my hope for a Victorian for victorious living for Meaningful living needs to be in the
Lord Turn to him Trust in him Count on him
Go to him. Ask the Lord to give you that sense of the
Urgency of life That it's not to be lived as you know, it's not a lark life isn't a lark.
It's not a party It's it's to be lived meaningfully purposefully
With its hope centered in the Lord Well, I I hope the
Lord encourages you to live that way and as we close in prayer today Let's ask the
Lord to give us that just that sense that awareness that this moment is momentous
Our Father and our God I pray that you would help us to know our end
What is the measure of our days that we may know how frail we are and that knowing that We might live this day in the strength that you give to your honor to your glory and For your purposes and this we pray in Jesus name.
Amen All right again. Have a good Friday and a wonderful weekend.
And I hope as you worship the Lord this weekend You'll have the joy of worshiping him with God's people.