I Was Wrong About Rod Martin - 99.5 % Sure

AD Robles iconAD Robles


Must watch video on Rod Martin and what he knows #BigEva


So I recorded this video yesterday and I recorded it for a while and I was cracking up and you know how like when you're a kid and you see a part of the movie that you think is really funny, you keep rewinding it and you're just dying laughing, you almost hyperventilate you're laughing so much and then eventually it's not funny anymore because you've just overdone it.
Well that's what happened yesterday with this video. So I recorded it and it eventually got to be unfunny and then
I realized that my microphone was turned off. So the entire recording was worthless. I tried to record it again but I couldn't force it so I wanted to sit on it and see if I could do it today and see if this would be funny again.
But guys, I put out a video where I said that Rod Martin, the way he handled
Al Mohler's secret private phone call where he said opposite of what he said publicly and we're all supposed to be okay with that,
I said that that was naive and a couple hours after I posted that video some people reached out to me and said dude
Adam you're wrong on this. You're wrong on this. Rod is not naive, Rod is a genius and they explained to me that they thought what he was doing was he was revealing
Al Mohler's little scam that he runs on people where he gets the private phone call that says the opposite of what he said publicly and that pacifies most people.
Instead he wasn't being naive, instead he was exposing it in such a way that Al Mohler cannot deny, that Al Mohler cannot say well you're just trying to hurt me, you're just trying to, you're just against me, that he exposed it in a nice way so everyone could see how obviously ridiculous this was, and everyone did see by the way, so the message was received
Rod, but he did it in a way that makes him come off squeaky clean and it really cannot be denied by Al Mohler.
It's a trap essentially, 4D chess of the highest order. Now I didn't know what to believe because a lot of very smart people were saying look dude
Adam you got Rod all wrong on this, you don't know him, I do. This is what he's doing. Some people said no that's not what he's doing.
Either way though, I was like you know the more I thought about it, the more I looked at the tweet, the more I thought about Rod's behavior in the tweet exchange,
I was like you know what, Rod is playing 4D chess here. Hold on let me have some of this delicious coffee, it's got coconut milk in it.
Anyway, so somebody sent this to me, this is the Founders Ministries podcast, and there's a little, there's a segment in here where I, that I think pretty much proves beyond all doubt that Rod Martin knows exactly what's going on with Al Mohler and that I was wrong.
He is not naive and this is gold my friends, gold. Let's watch this, check this out.
For decades, my entire life we've been finding this stuff out in the non -church world.
So he's talking about critical theory, he's talking about intersectionality and how basically this is, this push has been going on in the pagan world, the secular world, the non -christian world for decades and now it's in the christian world, so it's, he wants to make sure to sound the alarm and do what he can to fight it in his circles because he cares deeply about the church.
But listen, listen, listen. And now it's come into the church world and I'm sure some of these guys don't realize the fire they're playing with and don't mean anything ugly by it, but still these ideas are un -christian.
Thank you Owen and Jason Allen for calling it un -christian the other day.
Midwestern Seminaries come out strong on this, I'm proud of them. Al Mohler came out strong on this in the briefing two days after Resolution 9 passed.
I appreciated that. In any case... Did you catch that?
Did you see that face? Let's rewind that. Let's see that one again.
The other day, Midwestern Seminaries come out strong on this. Okay, so he's setting the stage, he's saying, you know, he's glad that some people are pushing back and he cites
Midwestern Seminary for saying that critical theory is un -christian and stuff like that and we'll talk about that in a minute, but then he talks about Al Mohler and watch the face that he makes right after, but just watch, just watch.
I'm proud of them. Al Mohler came out strong on this in the briefing two days after Resolution 9 passed.
I appreciated that. In any case... Dude, you can't tell me that this man doesn't know exactly what has gone on.
Look at this face. Let's do it one more time. Days after Resolution 9 passed. I appreciated that.
In any... I appreciated that and then look at this grin. Al Mohler came out strong two days after it was already too late.
I appreciate that. That's gold, man. That is gold. Rod Martin, bravo.
I need to take some lessons on how this 4D chess thing happened. By the way, this whole podcast is worth listening to.
One of the things I'm not in the SBC and I know that I'm going to be joining an
OPC church in a couple of months, which I know is going to drive a lot of you people in NAPARC crazy that I'm going to be doing that, but one of the things that this podcast has made me realize, and we're going to play this again.
Let's cue it up. Look at that face. One of the things this has made me realize is
I've said this many times on my channel that I find the political side of this, like the maneuverings and the operational things and the procedural maneuverings that happen at these meetings.
I find that gross. I find it distasteful. I want no part of it. I just don't like it.
I find it icky. I'm just not interested in it. It's not fun for me. The procedural maneuverings and I'm going to do this and the
Robert's Rules of Order. I hate that stuff. I really do. I'd rather just talk to my
YouTube audience all day long and rant and rave like a psychopath, but I'm going to have to get over that.
I'm going to have to get over that, man. This podcast, one of the things that I took away from it, there's a lot in this podcast, but one of the things
I took away from it is that I need to get over that disgust with the procedures and the things like that, and I need to learn how to play the game a little bit.
That's not to say that I need to only play by their rules. I've already said many times we don't play by Big Eva's rules anymore, but if we're going to change the game, we got to change it sometimes from the inside, and I think that there's some value in that.
There's some value in playing this game a little bit, so long as it doesn't compromise yourself, as long as you do it in an uncompromised way, in a way that doesn't,
I mean, first, your first, you know, your first consideration is what will God have me do, of course, and I think that men like Rod Martin and Tom Askell are figuring out how do
I do that? How do I stay faithful to the Lord, but at the same time, work with these procedures and processes and organizations that maybe they're not ideal, in my opinion, but, you know, you got to do it kind of thing, so I pray for these guys,
I really do, but anyway, this is interesting because I'm pretty confident that Rod was attempting to play 4D chess there, and I think playing it pretty well, because everyone who pushed back on me about my video regarding Rod Martin and the tweet were like, dude, obviously,
Al Mohler was being critical, and so Rod did a big part, it did a big thing by exposing that, even people that didn't like the criticism of Al Mohler are recognizing that there's some duplicity here.
Here's what people are saying, like a few months ago, people were saying this to me about Al Mohler, how could you stand against, he's a conservative of the highest order, he's got a track record, that's what people were saying four months ago, now what they're saying is, look,
I know it looks bad, I know he's constantly punching right, I know,
I know, I know, it seems very duplicitous, but what you don't understand, AD, is that he's trying to play the game from his way, you might not like how he plays it, but he's still trying, so there's been some movement here, we're moving that Overton window here, because the conversation now, in many people who were very staunchly pro -Al
Mohler, it's impossible that he's doing what you're saying he's doing, now they're saying, no, he's definitely doing that, but he's doing it for, they think for a noble cause,
I'm not convinced of that, I don't think Al Mohler is acting for a noble cause with what he's doing,
I leave that option open, but I don't think so, I think that the evidence is in, I mean, we've seen this for years at this point, so that's what
I wanted to say, I'm going to play this one more time, and actually, I will play the video that I made hours after I dropped the video critical of Rod Martin, because I, as soon as I heard the alternative explanation for his tweet, it seemed to make sense to me, it really did,
I'm not saying it's definitely true, I don't know the man, but it certainly seems like it's true, ah, let's have some more coffee here, anyway, more to come on all this stuff, but I hope that you found this video helpful, stay tuned for that video, because I thought it was pretty funny, we'll play this one more time, but before we finish, no despair, baby, no despair, if you want a no despair t -shirt, if you want a way to support the 80
Robles YouTube channel without, with getting something in return, these shirts are awesome, I put it on display there for all to see, you can get them at confessionalwear .com,
and I appreciate it, they're a really cool conversation starter, and I think, quite stylish, no despair 2020, baby, anyway,
I hope you found this video helpful, God bless. Owen and Jason Allen for, for calling it unchristian the other day,
Midwestern Seminary's come out strong on this, I'm proud of them, Al Mohler came out strong on this in the briefing two days after Resolution 9 passed,
I appreciated that. Look at that face, man, and I like how he goes, you can tell the voice inflection,
Al Mohler came, because it's like surprising almost, it's like, he's like, this is, this is funny, because given his track record of being a conservative stalwart for decades, it shouldn't be surprising that he came out against this, but the way he says it, this is genius, my friend, this is genius,
Al Mohler came out strong, it's like shocking that he did, and he knows it is shocking to a lot of people these days, this is interesting, man,
I like this. One more side note, Midwestern, Midwestern, I don't know if Midwestern appreciates being put on the coming out strong against critical theory and the liberal downgrade in this
SPC convention, but Rod Martin put them squarely in that camp, Owen and Jason Allen, they're now in the supposedly strong against critical race theory camp, and I'm glad about that,
I'm not so sure they appreciate that though, they seem to be the kind that like to play ball a little bit, but look at this smile, look at this smile, anyway, enjoy the video,
God bless. If you don't know me, then one thing you should know about me is that I'm very open to being wrong, especially when it's matters that have a lot to do with my opinion, and on the last video regarding Al Mohler's, you know,
Jedi mind tricks is his scam, you know, the scam where you, you say you're conservative, and then you always, always, always punch right and soft hand the left, that's a scam that a lot of people know about, but there's something regarding Rod Martin that somebody put forward as an idea that there could be some merit to it,
I'm not gonna lie, and maybe you call me naive for accepting this, but I think if this is true, mind blown, seriously.
So somebody said to me, this is not naive, AD, this is Rod Martin saying, you know what,
I can reveal the duplicity of so much of Al Mohler's nonsense, this scam that he runs, where he says something publicly to get his progressive bona fides, but then he secretly, well,
I'm conservative just like you, he can reveal his duplicity in a way that can't be denied and can't be like, oh, he's just trying to hurt me, because listen, listen, listen, listen, he says, update,
Al reached out to me to say that he did not intend his comment to be critical, I'm grateful for that, and I wanted to share it with you,
I will leave this here for context, and in the span of a few sentences, he shows the obviously critical tweet from Al Mohler, and then he says, well, he called me and said he wasn't critical of it,
I'm grateful for that, you know what I mean, he's basically showing you how duplicitous this whole thing is in a way that makes him come off squeaky clean, now,
I don't know Rod Martin, I don't know if he's operating on this level, but if he is, hats off to you, sir, that is 4D chess of the highest order,
I really appreciate that, if that's what he's doing here, if that's what he's doing here, then I have to, he got me, he got me, and good on you, because that's the opposite of naive, that is strategic genius, that is grand admiral
Thrawn level genius, if you know what I mean, anyway, I just wanted to share that with you, hope this was helpful,