The Kindred and the Self-Seeking

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Philippians 2:19-24 Pastor Rob Kimsey April 23, 2023


Please open your Bibles to Philippians chapter 2. We'll be continuing today in Philippians chapter 2
We're gonna look at verses 19 through 24 for this morning's sermon. I Have titled the sermon the kindred and the self -seeking
The kindred and the self -seeking Philippians chapter 2 verses 19 through 24
But I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you shortly So that I also may be in good spirits when
I learn of your circumstances For I have no one else of kindred spirit who will
Genuinely be concerned about your circumstances For they all seek after their own interests not those of Christ Jesus But you know of his proven worth that he served with me in the furtherance of the gospel like a child serving his father
Therefore I hope to send him immediately as soon as I evaluate my own Circumstances and I am confident in the
Lord that I myself also will be coming shortly the kindred and the self -seeking two kinds of people in the world believers and unbelievers those in the kingdom of light and Those in the kingdom of darkness the kindred and the self -seeking
Let's start with a contemporary example of a kindred spirit in Christ William Booth William Booth was a 20th century
English Methodist preacher When his father who had been relatively wealthy lost his fortune and entered into extreme poverty
He could no longer afford to send William to school So he entered the young 13 year old
William into an apprenticeship as a pawnbroker Two years into the apprenticeship. He was converted and Began lay preaching and eventually started open -air preaching in London When he was 22 years old, he joined the
Reformers or the Methodist Church Reform Although he became a prominent
Methodist evangelist He grew weary of the denominational and political duties of the pastorate
Booth eventually resigned to work as an evangelist and was barred from Candidating or campaigning in Methodist congregations
He preached that eternal punishment was the fate of those who do not believe in the gospel of Jesus Christ He preached the necessity of repentance from sin and the promise of holiness
He taught that this belief would manifest itself in a life of love for God and other people
Not very popular with the religious authorities of the day Eventually in his mid -30s
Booth and his wife Catherine set up a tent in an old Quaker burial ground called
White Chapel or in White Chapel. The goal was simple to deliver the good news to everyone
Around this time Booth and his wife Catherine had opened the Christian Revival Society in the east end of London It was there that they held regular evening meetings to share the repentance that Booth believed
Christian salvation could bring both the poor and the marginalized of society
The Christian Revival Society was later renamed the Christian mission at the age of 50
William Booth was dictating a letter to his secretary George Railton and Booth said we are a volunteer army
Booth's son heard his father and said Volunteer I'm no volunteer.
I'm a regular Railton was instructed to cross out the word volunteer and substitute the word salvation the printers proof copy of the missions report for 1878 declared the
Christian mission is a voluntary army But the corrected proof read the
Christian mission is a salvation army There's a famous story about William Booth William Booth could not sleep one evening.
So he went for a walk in the night He walked down to the poor side of London and there in the cover of darkness saw the impoverished and beaten half lives that existed in that setting
The rain was beating down on some of London's derelicts who were sleeping near the curbsides
When Booth returned to home, he told his wife I've been to hell Out of that nightmarish experience came the dream of the salvation army
Had William Booth not left the security of his own home He might never have become aware of the needs of the homeless masses
William had a kindred spirit with Christ two kinds of people in the world the kindred and the self -seeking and Paul gives us some examples in his letters
One of them is in our letter today We see the self -seeking in Philippians in chapter 1 look at verses 15 and 17
Some to be sure are preaching Christ even from envy and strife But some also from goodwill
Verse 17 the former proclaimed Christ out of selfish ambition rather than from pure motives
Thinking to cause me affliction in my chains There is likely a connection to the self -seeking mindset in the
Judaizers mentioned in Philippians chapter 3 verse 2 Look at chapter 3 verse 2
Beware of the dogs beware of the evil workers beware of the mutilation the
Judaizers were Jewish Christians who wrongly believed it was essential for Gentiles to follow all the
Old Testament Jewish laws Especially submission to the rite of circumcision in order to receive salvation
They were religious like the Pharisees Many Judaizers were motivated by spiritual pride.
They were self -seeking like the Pharisees but not
Timothy No, Timothy is a Biblical example of being kindred in spirit with Christ Timothy was from Lystra a
Roman province in the city of Galatia He was raised by his mother Eunice and grandmother Lois who were both devout
Jews they were Believers and they had become believers in the
Lord Jesus Christ and then they wanted that for Timothy Timothy was taught the Old Testament scriptures by his mother and grandmother from the time of his childhood
His father was Greek but had most likely died before Timothy met
Paul Timothy more than likely became a believer during Paul's first missionary trip to Lystra The Apostle led
Timothy to the Lord During Paul's second ministry trip to Lystra. He chose Timothy to accompany him in his ministry
Timothy was Paul's disciple friend and ministry partner for the rest of the
Apostles life Timothy's main name means one who honors God in today's passage
Paul contrasts the characteristics of those who are kindred in spirit with Christ versus those who are self -seeking so that you can understand the difference between worldly confidence and godly confidence and Be genuinely concerned with others welfare and share the gospel with the lost
This is the outline this morning characteristics of the kindred and the self -seeking those who are kindred with Christ will look at verses 19 20 and 22 and Some aspects of being kindred in Christ is that you have hope in Christ There's two ideas here hoping in Jesus and trusting in Jesus.
We'll see in verses 23 and 24 Characteristics of the kindred and the self -seeking we'll see those who are self -seeking in verse 21 so the characteristics of the kindred and the
Self -seeking number one those who are kindred with Christ verse 19
Remember how Paul started his letter that went too far
Let's go back even a chapter 1 verse 1. How did Paul start this letter? He says
Paul and Timothy slaves of Christ Jesus to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi with the overseers and deacons
Timothy was not the co -author This letter was written from prison It is very likely that Paul would have dictated the letter to Timothy as Paul includes him in the salutation
Paul also informs the Philippians that this correspondence comes from himself and Timothy Timothy was a slave of Christ along with Paul Timothy was a willing slave who was joyfully and loyally
Connected to his master the Lord Jesus two things to observe from verse 19 first the source of Paul's hope and planning
Second the motive for sending Timothy notice that Paul's hope is in the
Lord Paul's source is the Lord Jesus Paul planned his life around the
Lord. His hope was in Jesus We often get so busy in our day -to -day lives that we forget there is more
It is very easy to lose hope when we're not in the word and we forget the promises of the gospel
Sometimes daily adversity pushes us to self -reliance and a false confidence
Sometimes it pushes us to a disconcerting indifference daily adversity
Despite trusting God in the gospel can tempt us into a joyless resignation at the events in our lives
The world and the enemy Tried to rob us of our hope and we can see throughout this letter that Paul's hope was beyond this world
His hope was beyond himself Paul planned his life around the
Lord. His hope was in Jesus What are you hoping in today?
What are you hoping in today? This verse demonstrates right out of the gate that Paul planned his life around the
Lord Is that what you're doing with your life? Notice also that Paul's motive in sending
Timothy is a twofold encouragement He is sending Timothy to be an encouragement to the
Philippians He is also sending Timothy because he is eager to hear a good report of them.
He is their spiritual father Good news about his spiritual children will be an encouragement to Paul and what an example
Do you love to hear good news about others growing in their faith with Christ? We should we should enjoy that as we will see
Paul is about to define what a model Spiritual servant is as it is embodied in Timothy those who are kindred with Christ care for others
Today, how are you encouraging other believers to grow in their faith?
Verse 20 So what does it mean to be kindred? Well kindred as a noun means one's family and relations relationship by blood
As an adjective it means similar in kind or related So what an amazing description here then in the
Greek? It literally means one sold and remember how Paul started his exhortation
Chapter 2 verse 2 Fulfill my joy that you think the same way by maintaining the same love being united in spirit
Thinking on one purpose. It is the idea of being like minded one mind one love one spirit and one purpose
One mind to be united in our thinking about Scripture One love to be united in our love for one another
Timothy was one in mind heart and spirit with Paul in the Apostles love for God's people in Philippi Timothy was the protege of Paul which put him in a rare position
Timothy was unique Paul makes it clear that he has no one else like Timothy in terms of his ministry partners at the time of this writing
Here Paul gives his first clarification of what it means to be a kindred spirit with him and by extension with Jesus To be a kindred spirit with Jesus you must be genuinely concerned for the welfare of other believers you cannot be a kindred spirit with Jesus if you do not care for other believers and Of course, we must care for the lost
You are not a kindred spirit with Jesus if you do not care for the lost
And we'll skip verse 21 as he gives us some characteristics of the self -seeking, but let's stay with the kindred Those who are kindred with Christ verse 22
And the point here is this was not Timothy's first barbecue. This wasn't his first rodeo
This young man was tried and tested Timothy was faithful Not only locally amongst the
Philippians but in all the bodies of believers that he was acquainted Churches that knew him knew that Timothy was proven
This was a man who was as reliable as he seemed to be and it was known
Not only was he Paul's assistant in many different settings But Paul and Timothy's ministry was filled with great respect and admiration for one another
Paul uses the allegory of father and child Timothy and Paul had a relationship of tenderness and kindness of a dutiful son to a loving father
This is an exemplary example of older and younger saints working together in ministry
For the common goal of uplifting Christ and proclaiming the gospel
Timothy serves as a desirable model Representing the best qualities of a person who is kindred in spirit with Christ a person that Genuinely cares for the welfare of others
If believers were asked about you What kind of person would they say you are?
Or how about this? If an unbelieving lost person was asked about you.
What kind of person would they say you are a Person kindred and spirit genuinely desires to proclaim the gospel to the lost
Let's look at what Paul said about Timothy What did Paul say about Timothy?
We see a letter here first Corinthians When Timothy comes see that you put him at ease among you for he is doing the work of the
Lord as I am So let no one despise him help him on his way in peace that he may return to me for I am
Expecting him with the brothers 1st Corinthians 16, although Timothy was young Paul encouraged the
Corinthian church to welcome him because he was doing the Lord's work God's work is not limited by age
That's what Paul said about Timothy. What did Paul say to Timothy? Well, he says this
Paul to Timothy you however have followed my teaching my conduct my aim in life my faith my patience my love my steadfastness my persecutions and sufferings that happened to me at Antioch at Iconium and at Lystra which
Persecutions I endured yet from them all the Lord rescued me Indeed all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted while evil people and imposters will go on from bad to worse
Deceiving and being deceived but as for you Continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed
Knowing from whom you learned it and how from childhood you have been equated with the sacred writings
Which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus 2nd
Timothy 3 Paul summarized his Lifetime of suffering for the sake of the good news
Paul mentioned his suffering here to contrast his experience with that of the pleasure -seeking false teachers
Paul commended Timothy as doing the work of the Lord in his letter to the church in Corinth Paul told
Timothy himself that he recognized Timothy followed Paul's aim in life
Paul told the Philippians Timothy served with him in a proven way to Further the gospel to make the gospel go further
We must not read this letter in a way that it's it's it's out there in some esoteric realm that we can't grasp
Their life was about evangelism About sharing the gospel in the local communities that God had them in through many different churches
And we'll take a little walk through the Acts of the Apostles to see Timothy's record This wasn't just it in in Philippi.
It was all over Paul's life was about evangelism about sharing the gospel the necessity of Evangelism as we think about Timothy and Paul and Paul's commending of Timothy we must not forget what these men were all about they were about sharing the gospel in the
Place that God would have them and in this particular example, they're there here, but they're all over the place more than one geographical spot the necessity of evangelism
This is what we are to do with our lives. This is what Paul is commending Timothy for He said he did the work of the
Lord the necessity of evangelism Even thinking about this
Maybe I'll share an illustration here Let's think about the necessity of evangelism
This is an illustration a young boy about seven years old went to Disneyland with his family
But in the excitement of going on all the rides he was separated from them The kid was having such a wonderful time that it was quite a while before he realized that he was lost
When he discovered the predicament he was in He at first figured that he could find his way back to his family
But after trying to find them it finally hit him that he didn't know where he was going or how to get there
The kid was lost really lost he was in trouble and The same is true for unbelievers
They may not know it yet because they may still be having a wonderful time living their lives
But they are lost all the same Sooner or later it's going to hit them that they don't know where they're going or how to get there and Two things were necessary for the boy to be reunited with his family
First he had to recognize his condition Second someone had to show him where he could find his family and so too in evangelism
The Holy Spirit will first convict individuals of their lostness
But we Christians are commissioned to show them the way of salvation
Characteristics of the kindred and the self -seeking those who are kindred with Christ care for others and hope in him and part of that hope is
Hoping and a trusting in Jesus This is worldly confidence versus godly confidence
Think about if Paul had trusted in his circumstance rather than the Lord We wouldn't have this letter
But because Paul's hope and trust for his future were in the Lord He continued to work for the good of others in the present.
I Mean think about it like this There's a story about this town in New England and Some years ago there was a hydroelectric dam that was built across a valley in this area and the people in a small town
It was in the valley. They were to be relocated Because the town itself would be submerged when the dam was finished
So during the time between the decision to build the dam and its completion the buildings in the town which were previously kept up very nicely fell into disrepair and Instead of being a pretty little town it became an eyesore
So why did this happen? Well, the answer is simple and this goes back to evangelism as One resident said where there is no faith in the future.
There is no work in the present statements like hope is
Wishing for something, you know isn't going to happen are sometimes too eagerly on our lips
And if not our lips our minds that's worldly confidence a resigned acceptance to the adversities of life
Paul was not resigning in a joyless acceptance to his circumstances
Paul was demonstrating a joyful Expectation in his confidence in the
Lord. So instead of wallowing away in the prison What did he actually do? He was evangelizing even the very guards that were looking at him
We can get caught up by the circumstance and we stop working for the future because of our present circumstance regardless of the circumstances worldly confidence focuses on the circumstances and self godly confidence focuses on the
Lord and others in Verses 23 and 24 Paul proclaims his hope and trust is in the
Lord So that we can imitate him and put our confidence in the Lord no matter the circumstances
The therefore goes back to Philippians 9 to 219. I Hope in the
Lord Jesus and we know from the context of the letter to Timothy from Paul in 1st
Timothy That he was a young guy in 1st Timothy 412 Paul encouraged his ministry partner
Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech in conduct in love in faith in purity
Sometimes we forget that the letters of Paul have their own context They were written to different churches at different times
Although Timothy was young in terms of Paul's age. He was not an inexperienced young adult at this point
We know from Paul's letter to the Thessalonians that Timothy had been sent to Macedonia to the church in Thessalonica about ten years earlier and This is
God's sovereignty over Paul and Timothy's relationship We must trust in Jesus and that's
God's sovereignty First Thessalonians 3 therefore when we could bear it no longer
We were willing to be left behind at Athens alone and we sent Timothy our brother and God's co -worker in the gospel of Christ To establish and exhort you in your faith that no one be moved by these afflictions for you yourselves
Know that we are destined for this Remember Paul is writing to the Philippian Church toward the end of his first imprisonment in the year about 62
But the first letter to the Thessalonians was written approximately ten years earlier around 51
We see the account of Timothy joining Paul on his second ministry journey when Paul revisited
Lystra Again God's sovereignty over Paul and Timothy's relationship in Acts chapter 16 we see this
Paul came also to Derby and to Lystra a Disciple was there named Timothy the son of a
Jewish woman who was a believer, but his father was a Greek He was well spoken of by the brothers at Lystra and Iconium.
Paul wanted Timothy to accompany him and he took him and Circumcised him because of the
Jews who were in those places for they all knew that his father was a Greek and From there.
We see Timothy pop up a few more times in the historical account of the Acts of the Apostles God's sovereignty over Paul and Timothy's relationship
Acts 17 But when the Jews from Thessalonica learned that the Word of God was proclaimed by Paul at Berea also they came there too
Agitating and stirring up the crowds Then the brothers immediately sent Paul off on his way to the sea, but Silas and Timothy remained there
God's sovereignty over Paul and Timothy's relationship Acts 18
After Paul left Athens and went to Corinth we read this when Silas and Timothy arrived from Macedonia Paul was occupied with the word testifying to the
Jews that the Christ was Jesus and Finally in Acts 19 after Paul had arrived in Ephesus But before the riot at Ephesus we read this and having sent into Macedonia two of his helpers
Timothy and Erastus He himself stayed in Asia for a while God's sovereignty over Paul and Timothy's relationship 1st
Corinthians 4 we know Paul also sent Timothy to the church at Corinth For though you have been you have countless guides in Christ You do not have many fathers for I became your father in Christ Jesus through the gospel
I urge you then be imitators of me that is why I sent you
Timothy my beloved and faithful child in the Lord to remind you of my ways in Christ as I teach them everywhere in every church and we also see
Timothy pop up again when Paul gives the church at Corinth instructions regarding Timothy as we saw earlier in 1st
Corinthians 16 When Timothy comes see that you put him at ease among you for he is doing the work of the
Lord as am I? So let no one despise him help him on his way in peace that he may return to me for I am
Expecting him with the brothers Timothy is quite the
The helper to Paul the point is Timothy's mission to Philippi was not his first Timothy already had a good deal of experience as Paul says he is a proven worker
Now what some would refer to as an old hand in Paul's ministry team? Timothy would have been well known to the
Philippians and the thing to notice is that the hope in the Lord in verse 19 is
Therefore a springboard to verse 23 Paul's hope is not in Timothy Paul's hope is not in his earthly circumstances
Paul's hope is in the Lord Jesus Christ There are two nuances to the kind of hope
Paul is referring to here The first kind of hope is the idea of looking forward to something
The implication of confidence about something coming to pass to hope for something
But let's think about this for a minute The implication of confidence is with an indication of what is hoped for What Paul is talking about here is with an indication of the person or thing on whom or which?
Hope is based to put one's confidence in someone or something
But the second kind of hope exists in expectation To look forward to something in view of the measures one takes to ensure
Fulfillment to expect a result Paul can say he hopes or has confidence with expectation
Just as soon as he sees how it will go with him because his confidence isn't in the outcome of his earthly circumstances
Paul's expectant hope and confidence is in the Lord working out his earthly circumstances
His hope is confident because it's based on the expectation that the Lord is with him
Right there in that prison that the Lord is working in the situation Now we know
Paul was eventually released from prison in his time in Rome because it's described in Acts 28
Verses 30 and 31. It says he lived there two whole years at his own expense and welcomed all who came to him
Proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and hindrance
So what was the effect that Paul's prison term had on him? He's preaching the gospel with all boldness and without hindrance so we know the
Circumstances Paul is referring to must have been his hopeful release from his time of imprisonment
But I think we need to point out that Paul was human Of course he would have desired
Liberty But he didn't seek escape from the trial Paul sought
God's will in the trial not how to get out of it But how he could proclaim
Christ in it How he could glorify God How he could magnify the name of Jesus Yes, Paul undoubtedly desired to be set free
But not that he could take pleasure But that he might do good
We know that Paul was in prison We know that Paul was either awaiting his trial or its verdict.
We know he was on trial for preaching about Christ So what did he do with his free time?
What did he say in his letter to the Philippians his beloved brothers and sisters in Christ? He said
I haven't forgotten about you and I'm sending you help until I arrive myself
Lord willing and that Lord willing is important Paul lived his life
Acknowledging both God's sovereignty and his Providence and that's the point of verses 23 and 24
He's connecting it back to this idea to be kindred in spirit with Christ If sovereignty is
God's complete rule over his creation Then Providence is his divine protection over his creation for his glory in the good of his people a divine preservation and protection of his people of the creation the
Providence of God is traditionally defined as his guardianship and care for his creatures and creation
Think about this aspect of trusting God like planning for the future but not planning without thinking about God's plan and This is a
Lord willing aspect. We can see even a supporting scripture here from James The Lord willing aspect of Paul's thinking can be illustrated with this letter from James James 4 come now you who say today or tomorrow
We will go into such -and -such a town and spend a year there and trade and make a profit
Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes instead you ought to say if the
Lord wills we will live and do this or that as It is you boast in your arrogance all such boasting is evil
Considering this passage from James one commentator made this observation about God's Providence He said how apt worldly and contriving men are to leave
God out of their plans How vain it is to look for anything good without God's blessing and guidance the frailty
Shortness and uncertainty of life ought to check the vanity and presumptuous competence of all projects for the future
We can fix the hour and minute of the sun's rising and setting tomorrow But we cannot fix the certain time of a vapor being scattered
So short unreal and fading is human life and all the prosperity or enjoyment that attends it
Though bliss or woe forever must be according to our conduct during this fleeting moment
We are always to depend on the will of God Our times are not in our own hands but at the disposal of God our heads may be filled with cares and Contrivances for ourselves or our families or our friends, but Providence often throws out plans into confusion
All we design and all we do should be with submissive dependence on God It is foolish and it is hurtful to boast of worldly things and aspiring projects
It will bring great disappointment and will prove destruction in the end Paul understood this
Paul understood this The heart of man plans his way, but the
Lord establishes his steps Proverbs 16 Many are the plans in the met in the mind of a man
But it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand Proverbs 19
Paul lived in God's Providence The Apostle was telling the
Philippian church that when he learned of the courts decision He was competent in God's goodness and his trust in the
Lord. Jesus was unshakable Paul reassured them that he would send Timothy to them with the news of the outcome of his current circumstance.
Why? because Paul wanted them to know he was ready to accept whatever may come and He wanted them to know that he was ready to accept whatever may come because his hope and confidence
Rested solely and completely on the sovereignty of the Lord Jesus Christ over the situation trusting in Jesus Transcends earthly circumstances
What Paul is talking about here with trust goes back again to verse 19.
I Hope in the Lord Jesus the source of his trust He is literally saying to trust in or to depend on but the trust is directly related to the hope
It's directly related to the confidence Paul is talking about being so convinced that one puts confidence in Something in this case the something is the outcome of the circumstances
Ultimately, he's talking about being so convinced that he puts confidence in the some one controlling the some thing
Paul trusts in the Lord Think of what he said in chapter 1 verse 25
Convinced of this I know that I will remain and continue with you all for your progress and joy in the faith
Why? Well the next verse chapter 1 verse 26 So that in me you may have ample cause to glory in Christ Jesus because of my coming to you again
His focus was on the good of others Do you know why
Paul can have inner contentment? Peace and joy in the middle of an extremely difficult circumstance filled with two years of uncertainty
Because his focus was not on himself It was on the benefit of others
His focus was not on himself it was on God Do you know how you can have inner contentment?
If you stop focusing on yourself and you start focusing on others
Do you know how you can have peace in the middle of difficult circumstances? If you stop focusing on yourself and you start focusing on God Do you know how you can have joy in the middle of difficult circumstances?
If you stop focusing on your circumstances and you start focusing on God Try to think about trusting in the
Lord as it relates to prayer. Jesus told us our faith can move mountains. Paul was expectant in prayer.
Trusting in God's sovereignty doesn't produce double -mindedness.
It produces expectation. One example may be King David, David's example of praying with expectation.
David wrote about this in Psalm 5, verses 1 through 3. And Paul talked about this kind of expectation in prayer and hope in God.
Philippians chapter 1, 19 through 20. For I know that this will turn out for my salvation through your prayers and the provision of the spirit of Jesus Christ.
According to my earnest expectation and hope, that I will not be put to shame in anything, but that with all boldness,
Christ will even now as always be magnified in my body, whether by life or by death.
The outcome didn't matter. The outcome didn't matter because the hope, the source was unchanging.
It was the Lord. It's Christ in the middle of this really intense trial. Trusting in God's sovereignty does not produce double -mindedness.
And let's think about this idea of sovereignty for a minute. I found this definition of sovereignty to be helpful.
This is a definition. The sovereignty of God is the biblical teaching that all things are under God's rule and control, and that nothing happens without his direction or permission.
God works not just some things, but all things according to the counsel of his own will.
His purposes are all inclusive and never thwarted. Nothing takes him by surprise.
The sovereignty of God is not merely that God has the power and right to govern all things, but that he does so, always and without exception.
In other words, God is not merely sovereign in principle, but sovereign in practice,
God's sovereignty. Listen to this quote from R .C.
Sproul. R .C. Sproul said this about sovereignty. He says, in my classes in the seminary,
I raise questions like, is God in control of every single molecule in the universe?
And when I raise that question, I say, the answer to that question will not determine whether you were a
Christian or a Muslim, a Calvinist or an Arminian. It will actually determine whether you're a theist or an atheist.
And sometimes the students can't see the connection. And I say to them, don't you realize that if there is one molecule in this universe running around loose outside the scope or the sphere of God's divine control and authority and power, then that single maverick molecule may be the grain of sand that changes the entire course of human history, that blocks
God from keeping the promises he has made to his people. It may be that one maverick molecule will prevent
Christ from the consummation of his kingdom, for if there is one maverick molecule, it would mean that God is not sovereign.
If there is any element of the universe that is outside of his authority, he no longer is
God over all. In other words, sovereignty belongs to deity.
Sovereignty is a natural attribute of the creator. God owns what he makes, and he rules what he owns.
Characteristics of the kindred and the self -seeking. Those who are kindred with Christ care for others and hope in him.
Aspects of that hope is hoping in Jesus is based on God's sovereignty. Trusting in Jesus transcends earthly circumstances.
And number two, characteristics, those who are self -seeking.
So let's circle back to verse 21. Paul contrasts what it means to be self -seeking.
By default, the self -seeking are the opposite of the kindred. If those who are kindred in spirit care for others, then the natural implication is that the self -seeking do not care about others.
If a person doesn't care about another believer's well -being, then how can that same person claim to care for those who are lost?
If a person does not care about other believers, but claims to be a Christian, then there is a discrepancy.
Something doesn't add up. If a person does not care about the lost, but claims to be a
Christian, then there is a discrepancy. According to this passage, that person is a self -seeking person.
And self -seeking as a noun means concern for oneself before others. As an adjective or a description, it means having concern for one's own welfare and interest before those of others.
Self -serving, self -serving. This kind of mindset is what Paul earlier called out.
In the first section of this chapter, Paul exhorted the Philippians to turn away from selfishness.
He says for them to put on the mind of Christ. And Paul's reasoning here continues to be an exhortation to have the mind of Christ, and he gives an earthly example in Timothy.
Remember chapter two, verse five. Have this way of thinking in yourselves, which was also in Christ Jesus.
He continues his encouragement in verses 19 through 24 by defining and contrasting the characteristics of the kindred and the self -seeking.
The self -seeking only care about themselves. This is the opposite of the mind of Christ. During his earthly ministry,
Jesus demonstrated his mindset by caring for the welfare of those he encountered and preaching and proclaiming the gospel to the creation.
Not just the nice part of town, to all the creation.
The self -seeking attitude is not from Christ. The Bible says that if something is not of Christ, then what is it of?
It's of the devil. Remember that the Bible says the spirit of the antichrist is already in the world.
Those who only seek after their own self -interests are not of Christ.
And it is my hope and prayer today that this is not many of you. The word of God and experience tells me that for some of you, this is you.
This teaching today demands that it changes today. This word from God requires that the self -seeking attitudes must be destroyed from within the body of Christ.
God has given us an intensely strong rebuke this morning. Those who are self -seeking only care for themselves and have no connection to Christ.
Do not be self -seeking. Be a kindred spirit with Christ.
Some scripture support from 1 Corinthians 10. Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.
In this context, Paul is discussing the old dietary restrictions and how some believers were offended or considered it wrong to eat meat.
Paul is speaking about doing all things to the glory of God in what we call our Christian liberties.
Being kindred with Christ in the greater context, as Paul starts in verse 23, all things are lawful, but not all things are helpful.
All things are lawful, but not all things build up. Let no one seek his own good, but the good of his neighbor.
And we can look to the gospel connection here. Two kinds of people in the world, those in the kingdom of light and those in the kingdom of darkness.
In Matthew chapter 12, when Jesus is speaking to the Pharisee, he says, you brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good?
For out of the overflow of the heart, the mouth speaks. So what does Jesus mean by referring to them as a brood of vipers?
The implication is staggering. He is likely referring to them as the seed of the serpent.
Jesus appears to be implying that the self -righteous, self -seeking
Pharisees are Satan's offspring, namely the children of the devil.
In John chapter 8, when some Pharisees and believing Jews did not understand the language that Jesus was using, we read these words of Jesus.
Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say.
You belong to your father, the devil, and you wanna carry out your father's desire.
The strong implication from reading these scriptures from Matthew and John is that it would appear that the father of the
Pharisees is the serpent. Two kinds of people in this world, believers and unbelievers.
Those in the kingdom of light, those in the kingdom of darkness. The kindred and the self -seeking.
Jesus cares for others. Jesus genuinely cares for the welfare of people.
Jesus proclaims the gospel to the lost. Jesus is the supreme example.
He is our ultimate disciple maker. He makes us to be new. He makes us to do the works which he prepared for us.
We are the workmanship of Jesus, created in Christ to do good works that were prepared by God before the creation and the beginning of time as we know it.
Jesus desires salvation and relationship. Jesus is the savior.
He will save. Today, God has shown us that a kindred spirit with Jesus cares for others and proclaims the gospel.
In a stark contrast, the self -seeking only care about themselves and they do not proclaim the gospel.
And if they do proclaim the gospel, they do it for selfish ambition, seeking to promote themselves.
And this section of scripture is difficult. It forces the question, are you a kindred spirit with Jesus?
Or are you a self -seeking person? And if the immediate response is yes to the first question, then you have missed the point of the sermon this morning.
Let me save any confusion. The answer is no. That is why we need the gospel.
Without the gospel, we're all self -seeking. It is only through the power of the redeeming gospel that anyone can be kindred with Christ.
Without the gospel, we are self -seeking. Without Jesus, we are self -seeking. Because of the power of the gospel, we can be kindred with Jesus.
Because of the power of Jesus, we can be kindred in spirit with him. In today's passage, the word of God contrasts the characteristics of those who are kindred in spirit with Christ versus those who are self -seeking.
So that you can be genuinely concerned for others' welfare and share the gospel with the lost.
Those who are kindred with Christ care for others, and those who are self -seeking only care for themselves.
The ultimate example of God's sovereignty and providence is the gospel. The ultimate example of God's rule and control over all things and his divine care and protection over the creation is the gospel.
And don't ever forget God's promises for you as a believer. This is the hope that we wanna remember and claim and share with those that don't know our savior.
I heard an illustration here that may be helpful, the idea of not forgetting God's promises for you.
It goes like this. When Crowfoot, the great chief of the Blackfoot Confederacy in southern
Alberta, gave the Canadian Pacific Railroad permission to cross the Blackfoot land from Medicine Hat to Calgary, he was given in return a lifetime railroad pass.
Crowfoot put it in a leather case and carried it around his neck for the rest of his life. There is no record, however, that he ever availed himself to the right to travel anywhere on the
Canadian Pacific Railroad trains. The promises of God are often treated in this way by Christians.
They hang them on their walls in beautiful plaques. They treasure them in little promise boxes that play invitingly, standing on the promises of God.
But they do not claim the promises for themselves in times of need. Of what use are they on plaques and in boxes if they are not in our hearts?
Do you remember God's promises for you when you're in a time of need? Jesus has said that he will not turn anyone away that comes to him.
God has said he will give eternal life to all that believe in the only true son of God, Jesus Christ, for their salvation.
Jesus has said that not one person that his father gives to him he will lose, but he will raise them all.
God has said that he will glorify you as he glorified the son. That you will have a shared inheritance with Jesus as a co -heir in the family of God.
Eternal salvation in a glorified, resurrected body free from sin forever.
The promises of God reflect his sovereignty and his providence over every circumstance of life.
Paul proclaims his hope and trust is in the Lord so that we can imitate him and put our confidence in the
Lord no matter the circumstances. And Paul gives two profound proclamations about his confidence in the
Lord. Hoping in the Lord is based on God's sovereignty. And trusting in the Lord transcends earthly circumstances.
The word of God shows us we can put our confidence in the Lord. The gospel of grace in Jesus Christ allows you to put your confidence in him.
God has overlooked the times of ignorance and is declaring today that all people everywhere turn away from sin and return to him.
And believe in the good news of grace in Jesus Christ, let's pray.
God, we are so grateful for your word and your encouragement in our lives. As we struggle,
God, sometimes we struggle in our sin and we forget the promises of the gospel. God, we need your help.
We wanna give you thanks. We wanna express our gratitude for today. You gave us another day of life.
You woke us up. You got us here safely. We acknowledge you are the creator. Thank you,
God, for the provision you have given us this day. Thank you for your mercy and grace.
Your mercies are new for us every day. Thank you for your grace in making us aware of our sin and our need for a savior.
We praise you, Father, for the glorious gospel of grace in your son. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for glorifying yourself by redeeming us.
Thank you for the salvation that you have freely given to us. We don't deserve your favor, but you bestow your grace on us for your name's sake.
And Father, we ask you to pierce our hearts with the truth of your word this morning, help us by the power of your
Holy Spirit to confront our own lives, force us to reflect on whether we are kindred with the
Lord Jesus or if we are self -seeking. Help us, Lord Jesus, to be like you and put others' welfare first.
Help us to share and proclaim the gospel to the lost. Help us to be genuinely concerned for others and minister the gospel to those whom you have placed in our lives.
Thank you for showing us this morning that we need Jesus every day anew. God, please accomplish your will on earth as it is in heaven.
Help us to be a kingdom of priests that we would minister to the needs of those around us. Physical needs, but more importantly, the spiritual needs of our fellow believers and those who are blinded to the truth of the gospel.
We ask that you give us pure hearts. Please conform us into the image of your son and give us wisdom.
Help us to display Christ to others with our words and our actions for your name's sake, amen.