Justin Giboney's And Campaign Politics Is "Get As Much Cash as You Can!"

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Alright, well, it is Friday. I hope you had a productive week. I had a, well, fishing -wise,
I had a productive week. I don't know about anything else, but it is the weekend, so God bless you. I hope you have a good one.
So, I wanted to talk about Justin Giboney. Now, it's pretty surprising. I don't think I've ever done a video about Justin Giboney.
Maybe I have, and I'm just forgetting it. I'm not really sure. I'm sure I've mentioned him at some point.
He's a rising star. He definitely is. This guy is a rising star in Big Eva.
He says he's an attorney. He says he's a political strategist. He's one of these guys that's got this scam running where he's like, well, you gotta have the third way.
It's the third way. You can't be a Democrat. You can't be a Republican. You gotta be a Christian in the politics.
But in practice, all the politics, except he tips his hat to anti -abortion, all the politics are progressive politics.
At the end of the day. And it's really kind of disgusting, too. A lot of people think that this guy is like a voice of reason in all of this.
And honestly, this guy has some of the most disgusting opinions I could imagine. I mean, for a third way kind of political strategist, he's actually pretty open about what he cares about.
And he cares about that money, that cash. He actually put out a video shortly after Biden was inaugurated.
And it was like, you know, Joe, Joe, we didn't put you in office when he meant we meant black people.
We didn't put you in office for the culture war stuff. We put you in the office for the economic benefits.
And it's like, you know, I used to say that, you know, that people would vote for like like like like social justice advocates would vote for Democrats because they wanted cash.
And they thought that that that was more important than the lives of innocent children and stuff. And I used to think that that people didn't want you to know that, but he's just open about that.
Give me that money. Give me that, you know, give me that cash and I'll look the other way. But, you know, I got to say it's abortion is bad, but, you know,
I could look the other way. Give me that cash. It's pretty disgusting. But in any case.
So Justin Gibney, you know, that's that's what this video is about. I was thinking about this proverb and, you know, and in context, you know, oftentimes social justice advocates like Justin.
I don't know if I've ever seen Justin do this, but a lot of these types will do this. They'll start a thread about a controversial topic and it'll start something like this.
You know, I wasn't going to comment about it, but, you know, I I'm just I'm just emotionally exhausted.
I'm tired. I'm dog tired. And it's like that's how it starts. They want you to. And I used to think that, you know, they were making that up just so you'd feel bad for them.
You wouldn't come too harshly on them. You know, Kyle Howard was the expert. I'm just I'm just tired. I'm just exhausted.
Auntie, auntie, I'm just so tired. And it's like I used to think, oh, grow up, man, like it's disgusting.
And it's like I thought they were just trying to garner sympathy for themselves. And but actually,
I've come to a different belief. And I think it I think they are tired. I think they actually are tired emotionally, mentally and all of that, because it must be exhausting to try to figure out, you know, what's the best politics, the policy?
What's the best thing to support as a Christian? You know, trying to balance everything out and stuff like that.
It must be so hard to try to figure that stuff out for yourself without regard of the law of God.
Right. Because for me, it's quite easy. It's quite easy to decide whether or not I support a certain government policy or not, because I'm basically just committed to being a servant of Christ, a slave of the
Lord Jesus Christ, because I'm the servant. He's the master. He tells me what to do.
He tells me what my opinion should be. And because I'm the servant, I'm the emissary, I'm the ambassador.
My job is to report the news. Right. I don't have to figure it out for myself. I have to report what
Christ says. Now, obviously, I don't do this perfectly. So there's a certain amount of work that goes into figuring it out.
But it's not exhausting work. It's not a heavy burden to try to weigh things out. And in the
Proverbs, Proverbs 3, this is a very popular proverb, and a lot of people love it and know it and cherish it.
But it bears repeating, So if you want to know how to engage in politics and what policies is important, stuff like that, acknowledge
Christ, understand what Christ wants you to say. Don't lean on your own understanding.
Don't try to figure it out for yourself. That's the bottom line. But Justin Gibney here, this is a thread from Justin Gibney.
He's talking about the student loan debt cancellation issue and all of that kind of thing.
And this is such a good example of just, you make a mess of yourself.
You turn yourself into a pretzel trying to figure out who the winners are, who the losers are. What's a worthy trade?
You're trying to do trade Zs and stuff like that. All right, you win this time. I'll win this time. And God's law is not like that.
God's law is very simple. You go to God's law, it says, you shall not show partiality, so don't show partiality.
It says in there, you shall not steal, then don't steal. You shall not murder, then don't murder.
Things like that. So it's very clear in the scripture what to do about everything. So Justin here, he's trying to work this student loan debt thing out and all of that.
And here's what he says. He says, people who supported bailing out Wall Street are now disgusted by the concept of forgiving student loan debt.
This includes some who were able to discharge their debts when a business failed or multiple business failed.
Now people are being treated like shameless losers for needing help with student loans. They trusted the promises of a broken system and many got burned.
This is a story of short -sighted policy that incentivized skyrocketing tuition costs, notwithstanding the actual value of the degree.
Going to school for four years and paying student loans for 30 years isn't the American dream. I'm thankful for my education and will continue to encourage young people to pursue higher education.
But this was preventable and needs to be fixed. Debt cancellation is not a complete fix, and it doesn't impact some of the poorest
Americans. But I know too many hardworking people with degrees who are basically the working poor.
So he's just a mess. This is a disaster threat in my opinion. And the first thing
I want to point out is he seems to understand some of the issues here. But because his mind is so corrupted by worshipping and serving the wrong gods that he – and I say gods because he's serving and worshipping the government, which is multiple people.
There's only one god, of course. We know that. But his mind is so corrupted that he still has to give you the propaganda as he's identifying the problem with the propaganda.
When you're not a slave to a false god, you can work this out for yourself.
And I've done this myself. I took out student loans, and my wife had student loans, and we've paid them off.
So it didn't take us 30 years, but what it did take was me trying to increase my income as much as I could.
We were frugal. We paid off more than we needed to. We lived on less than we earned.
We cut back on certain things in order to pay this stuff off. We didn't live as high a life as we could have for a while.
We suffered through that for a while, but we paid them off. And I'm not complaining about that.
That's fine. That's what you do, right? When you owe someone money, you pay it back. But I've thought that through, right?
So I was told that this degree would earn me – what was the lie that they used to tell? This will earn you $100 million over the course of your life.
Whatever the lie was. I forget the number, right? I remember very clearly my counselor and my guidance counselor.
I'd hear the politicians say it. And it was just propaganda about how this was – it's almost like it's a fundamental human right, right?
It's like higher education is a fundamental human right. I mean, can you even really be truly human if you don't have a higher education?
They didn't say it like that, but that's the impression you get if you don't go to college. People look at you like you have 10 heads, and it's like that's the propaganda speaking.
And so it's, oh, higher education, you've got to do it. You've got to do it to be successful. And I did it, and it was a complete waste of time, and it was a complete waste of money.
And so I noticed that, and he notices that too. He says the tuition costs exceed the value of the product, of the degree, right?
That's what he's saying. And so think about any other product that you want to buy, right?
Any other product. If the value, what you get is not worth what you're paying, you don't typically buy it.
Think of an investment. Think of anything. Like if you're going to get a car that's worth $100 but it's going to cost you $100 ,000, you don't buy it, right?
Because you do the calculus. And so with my own children, I'm going to tell them, look, if you want to go to college and all of that, you've got to do the cost -benefit analysis just like everybody else.
I'm not going to tell you that going to college is the key to success because I know it's not, right? And so I'm going to encourage my children to figure out their own path in life, and I can help them do the cost -benefit analysis, and we'll make a wise decision together and all of that.
But you see, but Justin here is like, look, the value of the degree isn't what they said it was, and we're paying this off for 30 years.
And then he's like, I'm going to continue to encourage kids to go to college. And it's like, why?
Why is that? Well, because what he's saying is making no sense. He's a mess of contradiction.
He's trying to figure this out for himself. And so if you're going to encourage kids to go to college, then
I guess do that if you want, but let's not complain because, you see, part of the reason why college costs so much is because there's so much demand for it, and quite frankly, a lot of it is artificial demand.
So many people have worthless college degrees. Some of them are worse than worthless. Some of them make you dumber.
And in fact, probably some of the people that he's encouraging to go to college end up dumber after they leave college.
I mean, you want to get a gender's—see, here's the thing. People buy frivolous stuff all the time. I mean, I buy frivolous stuff.
I mean, I've got a good income, and I've got extra disposable income, and so I'll go out and I'll buy a new fishing lure that I don't need just because I want it, right?
And so that's frivolous, and I can do that. And if you want to go study gender studies because you're interested in that,
I guess if you want to waste money, go ahead and waste money. If you've got the money, that's fine.
But you see, here's the problem. Kids are being encouraged to borrow money for worthless degrees, and Justin here is saying,
I'm going to continue to encourage that. I believe in that. And you see, that's the problem, right? He has to—Justin is either not very bright, or he's evil, or he's just a slave to the wrong god.
It's just that simple. And I think he's a bit of a robot. I think he is worshiping and serving the progressive narrative, and he's doing whatever he can, whatever he has to do.
He says whatever he has to say to continue that moving forward. And so he believes in college because progressives believe in college.
See, I believe in college to a point, but as soon as it's no longer valuable, I no longer believe in it, right?
And so if my kid wants to become a plumber, I'm going to encourage that. If my other kid wants to become an engineer,
I'm going to encourage that. And there's different paths to doing that kind of stuff. And by the way, college is not necessary for any of it.
It might be helpful for some of it, but not necessary for any of it. And so that's part one here.
But let's go back to the beginning because he's saying people who supported bailing out Wall Street are now disgusted by the concept of forgiving student loan debt.
Now, there's a lot of people who are against both, right? Because both of them are inappropriate for a government to do.
The government should not pay your loans for you. The government should not bail out banks or Wall Street firms or investment firms or car companies or any of those things.
Like, that's not what the government should do. It's very clear what the government should do according to Scripture.
Execute justice on the wrongdoer. There you go. Execute justice, wrath, vengeance on the wrongdoer.
That's the government's role. The government should not be paying people's loans for them. The government should not be bailing out banks or bailing out businesses.
But the reality here is that here's the problem with this.
Like, I know that from the Scripture. It's easy to point you to the Scriptures that would show that.
But Justin over here is like, okay, so is it good to bail out Wall Street banks? Because he seems to be saying here, again, this is why he thinks he's tired.
I'm dog tired because he's trying to figure out the winners and losers here. He's like, look, Wall Street's were the winners this time.
Okay, so now that was bad. That was evil. That was wrong. But now, because we did that, now we've got to do wrong again to even out the wrong.
See, he's trying to sin his way out of sin. So it's bad to bail out big banks and Wall Street bankers and millionaires.
I agree, by the way. That is bad. A lot of us agree. In fact, a lot of us were against both.
So it's bad to do that. Okay, so Justin's admitting it's not good to bail out Wall Street, big bankers, rich people, all that.
But because we did it, now we've got to sin our way out of sin. Now we've got to bail out the poor people.
And it's like, that's not how this works, right? See, that's why he's so tired, because he's trying to figure out how to make the wrongs even,
Stephen. One wrong here. We've got to do a wrong here. We did a good thing here. We can do a good thing here. It's like, no, no, no.
That's not how God's law works. God's law says, you know, no partiality, right? So we shouldn't have bailed out
Wall Street. So let's stop bailing people out. In general, no more Wall Street bailouts, no more bank bailouts, no more rich people bailouts, no more poor people bailouts.
Just no more bailouts. That's not the appropriate use of government. But you see, maybe
Justin doesn't even think that Wall Street bailouts are wrong. See, this is why it's a mess of confusion here.
So he's kind of putting Wall Street bailouts as if it's bad, but maybe he likes both. I mean, in fact, a lot of progressives like both.
Obama loved bailing out Wall Street and all of that. And I'm sure he's for some of this student loan debt things and all that kind of stuff.
And it's like, but here's the real disgusting part of this, right?
Because Justin Gibney, he wants to get economic benefits for him and his buddies. But actually, this just screws the poor people the most.
The poor people who are the working poor that he's talking about. They went to college because someone told them, someone lied to them and said this is the key to success.
Really, what happened here is, and let's just face it, a lot of people were lied to.
They were told that the key to success was to get a degree. That's not true.
That was a marketing pitch. That was a marketing pitch. That's like when Sprite tells you that drinking a
Sprite will get girls to like you. You remember the commercials they used to have where everyone was at the beach, you know, the bikini girls and stuff, and everyone was drinking
Sprite. You'd be better at sports, all the sports guys are drinking Sprite. It's like that was a marketing pitch, right?
We knew when we drank Sprite that we weren't going to get all the girls, right? We weren't going to be awesome at sports if we drank
Sprite and stuff like that. But that's what the marketing pitch was. You see, they lied to us.
They did a number on our minds where they said the key to success is a college degree. And then they sold us a freaking loan.
They sold us a loan that many of us didn't understand. They lied to us. It was a marketing pitch.
They said, oh, yeah, college is a human right. And by the way, everyone deserves the right to go to college.
Here's a loan. And they're like, you know, you're 18 years old. You're like, you know, you have no concept of what you're actually signing.
It's like, yeah, sure, I guess I can pay it back because I'm going to make a million dollars after all, so I'll be able to pay this $30 ,000 loan.
I know the arithmetic there, but you actually don't. You don't know about APR. You don't know about any of these things.
And it's like, so they give you these loans. They make you a debt slave for 30 years, and they lied to you the entire time.
It was a marketing pitch for a consumer product. And so, Justin, but he's still going to promote that, of course.
He's still promoting the value of this degree. That's completely worthless. And so, anyway, so the point is, though, that if they cancel these debts, right, the banks are going to be made whole.
So we're going to pay for that. And so we're not going to pay for that through taxes. See, this is the trick. This is the lie that guys like Justin tell.
They say, well, we're just going to raise taxes on the rich and all of that. That ship has sailed. That ship has sailed.
We're so far—the United States is a debt up to its eyeballs, beyond its eyeballs. We're completely insolvent as a country.
The only reason we can pay for things right now is because the government can issue these treasury bonds and the
Federal Reserve prints money in order to give it to us, right? So we don't—we're not creditworthy in any way.
We're totally insolvent, but we're completely in debt up to our eyeballs and beyond. I mean, we've got a debt that is completely unpayable.
It will mathematically never be paid back. And the reason that we're able to still borrow money—you and I couldn't borrow money if we were in this much debt.
But the reason we're able to borrow money is because the Federal Reserve monetizes all of it. They just give you as much money—they print as much money as they need to print.
And this inflation, by the way, that the government—that the Federal Reserve creates, they create inflation, is now rearing its ugly head.
And so who's suffering right now the most from inflation? It's poor people. It's people that are the working poor.
It's people that didn't even go to college. People that didn't even borrow money to go to college. They didn't fall for this scam that Justin's still going to promote, even though it's a total evil, but I'm still going to promote it because I believe in the value of education.
They didn't even do that. And they're still going to be screwed because when they go to the store and buy a piece of chicken next week, it's going to cost more than it did this week.
And it's going to do that because of things like bank bailouts. It's going to do that because of things like student loan forgiveness.
It's going to do that because of things like $33 billion in aid to Ukraine. That's why things cost more than they used to cost.
That's why things in the future are going to cost way more than they cost today. And who suffers? It's the poor people who suffer.
Look, I pay more for my groceries as well, but I have enough income and I have enough money that I don't watch it that carefully.
I go to the store, I buy what I need to buy, and it stinks that it costs more than it used to cost, but I can pay it and it's not a big deal.
But when people who are living on the margins, who could barely afford food as it was, go to the store, it's stressful.
It's stressful because they can't just buy what they used to buy because they can't freaking afford it. And the reason they can't afford it is because Justin here thinks he can pick winners and losers when it comes to public policy.
He thinks he can play God and decide what the right thing to do is. Oh yeah, we've got to get you back because Wall Street got the bailout.
Now we need a bailout, so we've got to make it even. God's law never works that way. God's law never works that way.
And because he's busy trying to figure things out for himself and play politics like a...
I'm going to be nice. Poor people are the ones that get screwed the most. You know who's going to pay the price for debt cancellation?
You and me and poor people down the street. Not only that, but also our kids are going to be saddled with debt that they will never ever repay because of people like Justin who've never seen a government program that they didn't like.
They've never seen a government handout. Put it right there. Give me that cash.
Whatever about the abortion thing. Right there. They've never seen one of that. It's so evil.
It's so heartless. They don't consider the poor people that are just trying to make their way through life and they didn't borrow any money.
They didn't fall for the college scam. Look, I feel bad for people who did fall for the college scam because I was one of them.
I know what it's like to fall for the college scam. There are people out there that are struggling more than I did to pay it back.
And I feel bad for them because they were lied to. So the government should get out of the business of providing stuff for people because they're terrible at it.
They make you into slaves. But then you think of the poor person who didn't fall for that scam. They're barely getting by as it is and because of people who think they're so compassionate.
How compassionate? We've got to have compassion and conviction. They're not thinking this through.
They're trying to figure it out for themselves. They're not looking at it through the lens of Scripture and God's law. And because they ignore
God's law, they end up screwing over people left and right. You care about poor people, follow
God's law. You care about poor people, don't show partiality to them. You care about poor people, don't use the government as if it was their family or their church or their daddy.
If you care about poor people, let them be. Enough of this nonsense. No more deficit spending.
No more government programs. None of it if you care about poor people. But if you want to be like Justin and just look like you care about poor people, go for it.
More deficit spending, more inflation. Who cares if John down the street with his three kids and he can barely make ends meet has to pay double for food next week?
Who cares? In any case, I hope you found this video helpful. God bless.