Tape 7 - The Lamb in the Midst of the Throne


Dr. Irwin "Rocky" Freeman


Take your Bibles, please as we open the scripture together to two passages of scripture one in the book of Hebrews Same book your pastor just read to us from and also the other one in the
Revelation. Let's look at the Hebrews passage first, please Hebrews chapter 9 and Then we will go over and spend some time in the book of the
Revelation in Hebrews chapter 9 verse 12 Neither by the blood of goats and calves
But by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place
Having obtained eternal redemption for us Jesus Christ entered into the very presence of God Because he shed his blood on Calvary's cross that a might obtain eternal redemption for us now in the book of the
Revelation Two verses one in chapter 4 and one in chapter 5 and then we will linger around in that particular area for a little while But we'll make several mentions as mentions of several scriptures in the book
Revelation 4 verse 1 After this I looked and behold a door was opened in heaven
And the first voice that I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me Which said come up here and I will show thee things which must be hereafter look at chapter 5 verse 6 and let's put that verse with that verse and I beheld and lo so John a doors open
He's caught up in the spirit and he's shown something and then in verse 6 of chapter 5 and I beheld and lo in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures and in the midst of the elders stood a lamb as Though it had been slain
Having seven horns and seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God sent forth into all the world
Generally speaking in the book of the Revelation you have a panoramic view or you have in a panoramic form
The coming or the appearing of the Lord Jesus Christ in the day when he shall be revealed from heaven with the angels of his power in judgment in Judgment not grace, but in solemn judgment for all of those who have obeyed not the gospel of the
Lord Jesus Christ now in chapter 1 of the Revelation, please chapter 1 verse 1
The revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave unto him to show unto his servants things
Which must shortly come to pass and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant
John So in the very opening words of the book of the Revelation We are told that the revelation was given by God to his son.
It is not the revelation of John It was given by God to his son Jesus Christ for the express purpose of revealing it to his servants
And it says what the things which must shortly come to pass and he sent and signified them unto his servant
John now we've talked about this week how the glorified Lord the Lord when he went back to heaven
He interpreted his cross to the Apostle Paul that he might proclaim it as God's message of love to a dying world
Here he appears to the Apostle John and charges him to write everything That he has shown and in the unveiling given to him
We have visibly brought before us the heavenly of Calvary or Calvary as Approached from the heavenly point of view and it is the eternal consequences of those who reject the
Lamb of God now Let me pause sir Wake up You do not sleep in my services.
This is the house of God and you do not sleep if you sleep I'm gonna come back and wake you up Wake up ma 'am.
If he sleeps beside you you better wake him up. We're here to worship God. We're not here to sleep. Excuse me
Now he appears to the Apostle John and it bears the consequences of those who reject the
Lamb of God and who died on the cross To bear away the sins of the world in chapter 1 verse 5 we read the following and From Jesus Christ who is the faithful witness and the first begotten of the dead and the prince of the kings of the earth
Unto him that loveth us and washed us from our sins in his own blood So the
Apostle speaks here of the Lord Jesus Christ as the first begotten of the dead or the firstborn of the dead and there
He takes us right back to Calvary at the very beginning of the message of the revelation
Now those to whom John are is writing. They are the loved ones of Jesus.
They are those who have been loosed From their sins in his own blood shed upon the cross in chapter 1 look at verse 4
John to the seven churches which are in Asia Grace be unto you and peace
From him who is and who was and who is to come and from the seven spirits who are before his throne and then we have
The verse we just read in verse 6 and hath made us a kingdom of priests unto God and his father
To him be glory and dominion forever and forever So this is who those are
They are the ones who have been loosed and set free from their sins in his own blood shed on the cross
He rose from the dead He's the firstborn of many brethren and he's entered into heaven as our forerunner
Behind the veil so to speak where we cannot see he is there as the representative of every redeemed child of God Jesus Christ is your representative there because through his death for us and our death with him
We are called out of the race of the first Adam and in verse 6 It plainly says he's made us as kings and priests unto
God We are heirs with God and joint heirs with Christ now in chapter 1 verse 17
You find the Apostle John describes his meeting with a glorified man of Calvary Jesus Christ who is in the heavenly realm and he's he falls at the feet of him whose eyes are as a flame of fire
He hears the voice of one he knew so well on earth verse 17 And when I saw him
I fell at his feet as dead and he laid his right hand upon me saying unto me
Fear not I am the first and the last I am he that liveth and was dead and behold
I am alive forevermore Amen, and have the keys of Hades and death and of death the word hell in the
King James It's translated from the Greek word, of course, which means Hades now this glorious Jesus this
Jesus in the heavenly realm is the same Jesus that John saw hanging on the cross in open shame it is the very same body that he saw in the upper room at Jerusalem when the risen
Lord came to them and Showed the disciples his hands and his feet and it's the same body that he now sees in glory
His disciples had seen him go in Acts 1 10 11 and 12 you men of Galilee Why stand you here gazing the same
Jesus you saw go shall in like manner come again They saw him go in that body and now
John sees him in that very same body and he is shown to be alive forevermore now the
Lord describes himself as the one who has suffered and died and Triumphed in suffering and he bids them to be faithful unto death and then we came to the verse in chapter 4 verse 1
Now in chapter 4 verse 1 John beholds the worship and The door is opened in heaven and he's taken up in the spirit and he sees the throne of the
Lord God Almighty and he sees and hears many things and look what he says in verse 3 and he that set was to look upon like a
Jasper and a Sardius stone. There was a rainbow around about the throne in sight like an emerald just beautiful glory and Round about the throne were four and twenty thrones and upon the thrones
I saw four and twenty elders sitting clothed in white raiment and they had on their heads crowns of gold and out of the throne proceeded lightnings and Thunderclaps and voices and there were seven lamps of fire burning before the throne which are the seven spirits of God So he sees all of this coming out of the throne and then we go to verse 8 and the four living creatures
Had each of them six wings about him and they were full of eyes within and they rest not day and night saying holy holy holy
Lord God Almighty Excuse me Who was and is and is to come and when those living creatures give glory and honor and thanks to him that is seated on the?
Throne who liveth forever and ever the four and twenty elders fall down before him that is seated on the throne and Worship him that liveth forever and ever and cast their crowns before the throne saying thou art worthy
Oh Lord to receive glory and honor and power for thou hast created all things and for thy pleasure
They are and they were created now John beholds this worship what goes on day and night and it surrounds the throne of him who is the creator and the
Lord of all things And he simply says that you created them and you created him for your own pleasure in chapter 5 verse 1 we see something else and we'll tie it together in the moment in the hand of the
Lord God the Creator has seen a book and I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a scroll written within and on the back
Sealed with seven seals the cup of sin The cup of iniquity on the earth has has reached its brim and is now full and The Creator has determined that the fullness of time has come when
God's dispensation of grace is over God is no longer going to overlook what man has done
Grace must now come to a close and an era of judgment is about to begin upon rebellious mankind and from chapter 5 to chapter 19
You will find that described that man has never conceived it has never been in the eyes of man it's never been written down and songs have never been written the awesomeness and the horribleness and the
Tremendous horrible Holocaust that is going to hit the planet earth when God unleashes his wrath upon rebellious mankind
But then you see in verse 2 of chapter 5 a proclamation is sounded throughout heaven
Look what it says, and I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice who is worthy to open the book
It's a book of judgment the scroll who is worthy to open the scroll and to loose its seals
I mean who's going to execute who is worthy to execute the eternal purpose of God Before whom the angels veil their faces and dare not look and cry out night and day.
Holy. Holy. Holy Lord God Almighty Lord of hosts There's not a person in heaven who is found worthy to open that book not even the highest angels of glory in verse 3 and no man in heaven nor in earth neither under the earth was able to open the scroll neither to look on It and I wept much
Because no man was found worthy to open and to read the scroll neither to look upon it then who would open that book
To whom would the Most High God Give his solemn trust of dealing with a rebellious world since no angel in heaven was worthy
But suddenly John sees something in verse 6 And I beheld and lo in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures and the midst of the elders
Stood a lamb. He sees a lamb standing as though it were slain
Now hold your place and turn with me to the gospel according to John chapter 5 in John chapter 5 we will read the following in verse 22
For the father judges no man But hath committed all judgment unto the
Son that all men should out of the Son Even as they honor the Father he that honors not the
Son honors not the Father who hath sent Him and so the father gives all judgment to the
Son He who laid down his life for sinners alone is worthy are fitted are able to execute the judgment
That is inevitable on every person who obeys not the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ the lamb is in the midst of the throne and it's a lamb
Standing as though it had been slain in verse 6 as though he stood a lamb as though it had been slain
So you see the sacrifice that Jesus Christ made on Calvary is Enshrined in heaven and it will never ever be forgotten
Even though he rules and reigns and it's ever fresh and it's ever new and it's vividly kept before the eyes of every
Personage that is in the heavenly realm It has pleased the father that in him should all fullness dwell in Jesus Christ dwells the fullness of the
Godhead Bodily so consequently in the lamb that you see in verse 6 that is enthroned in heaven you have the phrase seven horns the word horns in Scripture represents power and Authority and then it says seven eyes all seeing he knows everything and then the seven spirits
Which is simply a representation of the Holy Spirit of God Because that means the fullness of power the fullness of light and the fullness of vision and out of the slain lamb of God Because he died on Calvary the
Holy Spirit of God was sent into the world in all of his fullness Did not Jesus himself say if I don't go then he won't come but if I go
I will not leave you alone I'll not leave you comfortless. Ah, the father will send another comforter
He will send the Spirit who will come to you The Holy Spirit is always proceeding from the
Father through the Son unto you and to me into the world of men Seeking to turn hearts away from themselves away from the world in Satan and turning those hearts back to Calvary in self -despair and loathing of sin
Ready to apply to every person the death of the Son of the Living God and the
Holy Spirit is ready to possess Every person who would turn to Jesus Christ and accept that free salvation and know that they have been purchased unto
God Through the precious blood of the Lamb. So then you and I in verse 7 we could barely see chapter 5 revelation
The first thing you notice is that the Lamb of God comes in judgment in verse 7 and he came and took the scroll
The book out of the right hand of him that sat upon the throne He who died on the cross the same
Jesus he who died on behalf of sinful people He who gave his life that man might live now, he takes the book in his own precious pierced hand
Knowing what taking that book and opening those seals of judgment would mean to those that he had yearned to save and that he gave his life for he knew what it was going to mean and The redeemed in heaven they gazed upon him
They gazed at him look at verse 8 and when he had taken the scroll the four living creatures and the 420 elders
Fell down before the Lamb having every one of them harps and golden vials full of incense
Which are the prayers of Saints they gazed upon him coming forth What do they do and they sang a new song saying thou art worthy
To take the scroll and to open its seals for thou was slain and has redeemed us to God by thy blood
Out of every kindred and tongue and people and nation you are worthy to open judgment
Lord because you redeemed us By thy blood and then what happens angels 10 ,000 times 10 ,000 look at verse 11 and I beheld and I heard the voice of many angels round about the throne and the living creatures and the elders and the number of them was 10 ,000 times 10 ,000 and thousands and Thousands of the angels pick up the strain and they say of the refrain saying with a loud voice
Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing
Forever in the very opening of the heavens to the Apostle John you see
Calvary as God sees Calvary You see the Lamb slain on earth when you see the cross, but in heaven you see the
Lamb Enthroned forevermore. He is the Lamb in the midst of the throne and we see the crucified one is the glorified one he is glorified as the
Lamb of Calvary and as the Lamb of Calvary all worship in heaven centers around his being look at verse 13 and Every creature that is in heaven and on the earth and under the earth and such as are in the sea and all that are in Them heard
I saying Blessing and honor and glory and power be unto him that sitteth upon the throne and unto the
Lamb forever and ever And the four living creatures said amen and the four and twenty elders fell down and worshipped him that liveth forever and forever
All that is now unveiled in his work in heaven shows that everything that happens here now then and there is based upon his sacrifice upon the cross of Calvary he is in heaven as the conqueror from Calvary and as the
Lamb of God who Prevailed on the cross and it is given to him To open every seal that would precede the most awful judgment
This world will ever know and all of its history because people have rejected the grace of God The father commits the judgment into the hands of him who gave his life for the
Propitiation for the forgiveness of the sins of the world so if that is true and it is you can see something of the unspeakable heinousness of sin, and you can also understand the impossibility of God passing over sin and Excusing sin in the lives of people because he is righteous
Christ offered his life But the day of grace for a sin blighted earth has now come to an end and he must abolish all contrary rule all
Contrary power and all contrary authority It must now be put down and all things must be subdued to the
Lamb of God And as the judgments begin to fall in chapter 6 verse 15 the terror stricken people on earth
They don't have anyone to tell them They don't need anybody to tell them what they have done the essence of their sin has been the rejection of the crucified
Lamb of God Look what they do. They instinctively cry out to the rocks and mountains in verse 16 and Said to the mountains and rocks fall on us and hide us.
That's how much pain you talk about terror The terror is so great that they just asked for the mountain and rocks to fall on them
Hide us from the face of him that sits on the throne and from the wrath of the
Lamb For the great day of his wrath has come and who shall be able to stand if you think
God is just a God of Love you better read the book of the Revelation If you think God is just a God of mercy
You better read the book of the Revelation if you think God is some man big pambi granddaddy in the sky
That will let you do as you please sir You better read the book of Revelation and that'll snap you out of your lethargy and your apathy
When you come into the house of God and sit and sleep and snore all through and claim to worship God you better read the book of Revelation because you will stand before that God my brother and you will answer for the life of indifference and complacency as you sit in The house of God claiming to worship a holy righteous
God who gave his marvelous Gracious son to die on the cross of Calvary to give you freedom in your life, but not licensed to do as you will please
We need to understand that God deals with sin because he's a righteous God he has to deal with sin and He'll deal with it in all of its ways and all of its fashions and form who can render who can understand the depth of a wounded
Love who can understand the wrath of someone when it's despised and rejected by men when
God gave all that he could To turn man unto him Jesus Christ will come back to this earth as the judge he comes back in judgment
But I thank God he also comes back as a leader in chapter 7 of the Revelation chapter 7 verse 17
For the lamb who is in the midst of the throne shall feed them and shall lead them unto
Living fountains of waters and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes
It's the lamb in the midst of the throne who leads them and when you read the Revelation Strangely you're given glimpse after glimpse after glimpse of the lamb as the leader of the various companies of those
He has redeemed from among mankind the terrorists tricking on earth know that they've wounded the lamb
But the redeemed in heaven they know they are there because of the lamb The first group that you find pictured were in chapter 5 verse 9 that we've already read
They're the living creatures and the elders and they don't hesitate to say that they were purchased unto
God By the blood of the lamb, and then they watch him take the book and they watch him open the first six seals
But the second group another great company is in verses 9 through 17 of chapter 7
And we won't take time to read all of that But you'll notice in verse 9 after this I beheld and lo a great multitude
Which no man could number of all nations and kindreds and peoples and tongues Stood before the throne and before the lamb clothed with white robes and palms in their hand and cried with a loud voice saying
Salvation to our God who sit us upon the throne and unto the lamb. And so you have this group
They're taken out of every nation kindred tongues and tribes of people. They stand before the throne of God They serve him day and night in the midst of the throne shall feed them shall lead them.
Who is he leading? He's leading these people verse 16. They hunger no more verse 15 They serve him day and night in his temple
Who are they verse 13 who are arrayed in white robes and they come through that?
Tribulation and they've made them white in the blood of the lamb the last clause of verse 14 So this is another group and again we later on see the lamb standing with another company of people and this time
It's a very definite number in Revelation 14 Revelation 14 verses 1 through 4 a great group of them and There are a hundred and forty four thousand twelve thousand
Jewish men Verse 4 says these are they who are not defiled with women for they are male virgins.
They are virgins These are they who follow the lamb wherever he goes. These were redeemed from among me and the firstfruits unto
God unto the lamb 144 ,000 Jewish evangelist will hit the planet earth preaching the gospel of the kingdom not the gospel of grace
But the gospel of the kingdom fulfilling Matthew 24 14 when it says in the gospel of kingdom be preached to all the world and then
The end will come and that will never be done until these hundred and forty four thousand go out the whole earth
Proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and so we have this particular group of people
That come to play here and then the lamb is the leader He is the judge, but he also comes as the warrior turn to Revelation chapter 17
We're talking about the lamb in the midst of the throne most people believe Jesus is such a weakling. He couldn't dare deal with their sin
He's such a weakling while he would never do anything while he's so sweet -spirited Why he's so kind well, he'll overlook everything that we do
Revelation 17 verse 14 They shall make war with the lamb and the lamb shall overcome them for he is
Lord of lords and king of kings And they that are with him are called and chosen and faithful by this time in the
Revelation Judgment after judgment after judgment has fallen upon the earth as the seals have been opened one -third of all men are killed instantly you read the
Revelation blood will begin to flow as high as a horse as bright or deep 185 miles long one -third of all sea life is killed
The mountains came into the sea and the elements began to melt with a fervent heat as God unleashes its control over all the atoms of space as God pours his judgment out upon the earth the
Iniquity of man has waxed worse and worse and worse sin has gotten worse and worse and worse until even in heaven a strange voice occurs
Look at Revelation 9 verse 13. There's a strange thing that happens Verse 13 chapter 9
Sin has gotten so bad that even in heaven at voice comes out from the four horns of the golden altar and The sixth angel sounded and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God This voice from the golden altar begins to cry out for vengeance
Now what's it say saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet loose the four angels who abound in the great river of Euphrates?
and the four angels were loosed who were prepared for an hour and a day and a month and a year to slay the third part
Of men and the number of the army of the horsemen were two hundred thousand thousand and I heard the number of them and thus
I saw the horses in the vision and then that set on them having breastplates of fire and Adjacent and brimstone the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions and out of their mouths issued fire smoke and brimstone by these three
Was the third part of men killed by the fire and by the smoke and by the brimstone which issued out of their mouth
Who brought all that about it was a voice out of the golden altar? That cried for vengeance the horns of the golden altar in the
Old Testament received the blood of the sacrifice that had been made on the brazen altar and From the golden horns of that altar in the
Old Testament Tabernacle the voice of that blood that was sprinkled there cried out to God Passover Passover Passover Spare the people spare the people and God saw the blood and he spared the people
He saw the blood and he spared the people but now that same voice cries for the letting loose of the judgments of God and the
Implication is that on earth God's appointed way of forgiveness is now over God has set aside his forgiveness for those that upon the earth and the divine system of gracious atonement and forgiveness and salvation
Has been rejected by the earth and the people on the earth and so God has withdrawn it man in their guilt has blasphemed and pronounced against God's plan of Reconciliation the wickedness of the earth has risen so high at this particular point in its antagonism to the cross of Christ That the very altar itself which normally cries for mercy is forced to turn around and to cry out for the vengeance of God upon mankind picture after picture in the revelation of the terrible doings of rebellious people
Working as instruments of demon powers of Satan that we see the Lamb of God as the leader of a host of warriors
Who come to do battle against them and as the conqueror from Calvary we saw revelation 17 verse 14
He leads them in that last great warfare Those he specially chosen and who are faithful and then after that battle you look at revelation 19 verse 7
Let us be glad and rejoice Give honor to him for the marriage of the
Lamb has come and His wife has made herself ready and to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen clean and white
For the fine linen is the righteous acts or the righteousness says of saints
This is a picture of the bride of Christ a great multitude in heaven saying such a thing
Jesus Christ conquered on the cross And he waited while all of his people are being called out of the nations of the earth he's now finally triumphed
He's put down all authority under his feet and after these things and many other things The Apostle begins to gaze on out in heaven
He goes beyond the great white throne judgment in Revelation chapter 20 verse 11 And I saw a great white throne and him that sat on it from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away
There was found no place for them and I saw the dead small and great stand before God and The books were opened and another book was opened which is the book of life the dead were judged out of those things which were written the books according to their works and The sea gave up the dead that were in it and death and Hades delivered up the dead that were in them and They were judged every man according to their works and death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire
This is the second death and Whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire
Look at verse 8 chapter 21 but the fearful and unbelieving the abominable the murderers the fornicators sorcerers idolaters and all liars
Shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone Which is the second death in John chapter 21 verse 1 and I saw a new heaven and a new earth and in verse 2
He says I John saw the holy city new Jerusalem Coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband
He sees the beautiful bride city coming down from God He that sitteth upon the throne he makes everything new the scripture tells us
He makes everything look at verse 5 and he that sat upon the throne said behold
I make all things new and he said unto me right for these words are true and Faithful they are to come to pass just like God said they would come to pass
He is called the Lamb in the midst of the throne I believe all other names revealing the various aspects of Jesus Christ are not now needed
You don't need them in the fullness of the revelation of his glory here They are merged together in that one name that is above every name the
Lamb of God For sinners slain the name will always and ever be ever fresh and ever new and ever clear
Throughout all the eons of time throughout all eternity He'll be worshipped and adored as the
Lamb of God who stands in the midst of the throne. No one will be in this place
Except those whose names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life When that day comes we'll know who is just a
Baptist won't we We'll know who's just a Methodist the Presbyterian Episcopalian Roman Catholic.
We'll know then who's really been born again We'll know then who's just been religious.
We'll know then who's just been hanging around church because only those Who have been written in the
Lamb's Book of Life through salvation in Jesus Christ only those will be in that place
That is frightening to think about Because if you look at the lives of most people who claim to be
Christians You don't see much difference in the life that they claim They've got now and the life that they had before they supposedly met
Jesus Christ their lives and lifestyle Basically is the same it has changed with one part
They just come to church every now and then and they carry a Bible Occasionally and they talk about religious things every now and then their life has not changed dear people make sure
That you have been born again Make sure that you have been saved
Time is running out life is short and death is sure your life is like the breadth of your hand
It's like a wisp of vapor today It's here and tomorrow it is gone and the
Bible says that an unrighteous person will not live out half their days If you live them to the fullest you'll only live to 75 or 80 years of age at the most
Within a hundred years almost all of us will be gone if Jesus hasn't come But what is a hundred years compared to an eternity in the lake of fire?
to burn forever and forever and forever and Forever is a long long time.
I had a young friend. Tell me one time. He said well I won't be lonesome all my friends will be there Go to the hospital and go into the cancer ward and Tell a sweet man or woman who's eaten alive by cancer and say don't worry the people down the hall got cancer, too
Don't worry There's no comfort there There's no comfort there You cannot reject
Jesus Christ and not undergo the consequences of such a thing they gloried in the cross
Accepted the life of Christ through his death they were conformed to the image of God look at verse 22 in closing revelation 21 and I saw no temple in it for the
Lord God Almighty in the lamb or the temple of it and the city had no need of The Sun neither the moon to shine in it for the glory of God did light it and the lamb is the lamp of it
Look at revelation 22 verse 3 and there shall be no more curse But the throne of God and of the lamb shall be in it and his servants shall serve him
And they shall see his face and his name shall be in their foreheads. It'll be just written on their thinking all time
I close with one other verse of Scripture or one other passage. That's in 2nd Thessalonians This may be for your heart this morning
It may not be for your heart, but I want to read it to you this morning 2nd Thessalonians chapter 1 if You are a
Christian. Please listen to this verse Verse 7 and to you who are troubled rest with us
When the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels Just rest with us.
He's coming again one day to get Christians if you are not a Christian listen to the following verse in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not
God and That obey not you say I know God listen that know not
God and That obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the
Lord and from the glory of his power when he shall come to be glorified in his Saints and To be admired and all them that believe because our testimony among you was believed in that day
Don't be caught unprepared When Noah walked this earth
He proclaimed the same identical message basically that God will forgive you if you let him but if you don't judgment's gonna come he preached it for a hundred and twenty years, and they didn't believe it either and The whole generation was destroyed by God in Sodom and Gomorrah those two great cities the
Dallas Fort Worth of their day the Minneapolis st Paul of their day to the greatest metropolitan cities the world knew anything about And God so destroyed those two cities you go to any map you want to go to of the world today find any map you want to find look at it and look for Sodom and Gomorrah and you'll find the name
Sodom and Gomorrah and a question mark They don't even know where they were
God so utterly destroyed them Tell the Pharaoh of Egypt the greatest army ever amassed on earth the mightiest nation to be on the earth at that day and God destroyed him and Destroyed his army and that nation to this day has not been a world power since tell him
God's a God of love and he won't judge Tell the men women boys and girls in Sodom God won't judge
We cannot shake our fists at a holy God and not receive a challenge from God For those of you that love him.
I encourage you to continue on in the Lord Could you just be faithful a little while longer it won't be long
It won't be long and he'll come to get us and we'll get out of this troubled old world And we'll be to that place where he'll just bless and love and we'll serve him and worship him and adore him
For those of you that claim to know Christ and yet your life is no different I would be interested if you'd meet me after the service and give me one verse of Scripture that will let you live the life
That you live and still be saved Just give me one Therefore if any man be in Christ, he's a new creation
Old things passed away Behold all things become new and some people think that most
Baptists believe well You can get saved and do anything you want some try to do that But you can't if you're saved you don't even want to do those things
And if you want to do them and you keep on doing them, I seriously question your salvation You may slip and sin, but you won't stay there
You'll come out of it. You can put a pig in the mud and you'll stay You take him out and wash him and clean him up and put a bow in his ear and stick him in turn
He'll go right back to a slop again but if you put a sheep in there that sheep will cry and scream and scream and scream until you get it out and clean it up and You're a sheep
My sheep know my voice and you might get contaminated by things in this world and you may get some dirt of sin on you but your heart will cry out to God and it'll cry out to God and it'll cry out to God for God to purge you and Cleanse you and to get it off your life
If you're comfortable in your sin, and it doesn't bother you Then you better check your salvation and find out if you're really and truly saved
Let's stand together father. I Thank you for the men the women the older men and older ladies
Young couples young people junior boys and girls that are so faithful to you who are here this morning
Father, thank you for the faithful fathers who lead their homes spiritually Thank you father for the choir this week.
They've been so gracious. They've blessed our hearts with song They've lifted praises unto our
Lord Jesus from their hearts. We thank you and praise you for that This morning father, there are people who claim to be
Christians who are there this morning and yet we've been here all week long and They've not darkened the doors not because I'm here, but they've not cared enough
About the cross of Jesus Christ to interest themselves to grow in Christ to learn a little more about the word
To maybe refine and hone better their life In Jesus Christ yet.
They have found time to do everything they wanted to do They have found time to display themselves
They found time to glory in the flesh They found time to satisfy their egos
They found time to please their peers and the people with whom they associate But they haven't found time to come to you and they're here this morning
Thinking that they please you Thinking that they praise you and thinking that you'll excuse them for the indifference and the complacency that is in their life
Father even in the service. There are those who would dare with audacity and gall to come before a holy
God with such indifference and such complacency and use the excuse that they have something wrong with them and they can't stay awake for 15 minutes
No sooner were they seated and the reason they do it is because the enemy dupes them and deceives them and it's been the habit of their life and Father, you know, we've checked doctors and asked doctors across this world some of the leading surgeons in the world
Who tell us that any person can stay awake for one hour if they'll just rest before they need it
And so God it's the habit of their lives to come before a holy God and care
Not even enough to talk to you to listen to you to worship you. They just close their eyes and turn you out
They've learned all they'll ever learn they've served all they'll ever serve if they're even saved at all
God, I don't know their hearts, but I pray that they're saved I pray that you'll rebuke them and I pray that you'll challenge them and that they'll confess and be broken and not
Resistant and bitter because of it, but that you'll reclaim that life You'll bring them to the place of reconciliation where you can love them and bless them
Watch over them and care for them so that you can encircle them about within the inner man with the arms of the love of God and The Spirit of God in sweetness and quietness would persuade their thinking and persuade their lives to be a great influence for Jesus Christ Father all of us have responsibilities.
There are people who watch us. There are people that listen to us there are people that observe us we touch lives every moment of our life practically and Yet we have the lamb in the midst of the throne
I just prayed this morning that he'll mean something special to us again Father that we'll understand he's there because he died and we must die to ourselves if we ought to live for Christ So this morning father
I'm gonna ask this dear pastor in a moment to come before this place and people where you've put him as the spiritual under shepherd under the
Lord Jesus Christ and Father we're going to ask the choir to begin singing in a moment. They'll sing as they prepare
We'll keep our heads bowed and our eyes closed for a moment or two And I'm gonna ask me and women boys and girls who are
Christian people Whose lives maybe they've just kind of drifted a little bit perhaps doing good things necessary things but things that father that have taken the wrong priority in life and They want to come this morning say pastor.
I do love God with all of my heart I love Jesus with all that I am but you know I've just kind of gotten busy and and I've just got some things out of priority
But this morning by the grace of God I just got my life right back where it ought to be and I just want the people to know that I love him and I want to be able to know by the grace of God in their prayers and encouragement
My life is going to be what God wants it to be Lord there those here this morning who are visiting without a doubt and they'd be looking for a place to worship
I pray that they'll understand that I can without reservation without any hesitation I could recommend this pastor and these people to them here they can worship they can learn and grow and then they could go out and serve you in a community that desperately is dying without hope and Father this morning.
They could just come and say pastor We are members of churches of like faith and order We believe that God wants us to be a member of this church and the church will take care of everything
For them and Lord they could come this morning There are those who come to need to come and rededicate themselves resurrender themselves to Jesus Christ There are those who've been saved and they've never been baptized.
They need to do that this morning They need to come and present themselves and then father there those in his service without a doubt who are lost and without hope
Lord made this morning. They just come and say pastor. I'm not a Christian Oh pastor. I've never been born again
I never have would you take the Bible show me what the Bible says about having my sins forgiven?
Christ living in my heart the Spirit of God directing my paths and the glory of God shining through me that others might seek
Christ living through my life father whatever you have for us this morning in an open way
I pray that it'll be done quickly quietly as you lead the people to do as you will father
I pray for those who won't make those commitments where they are. I pray that you'll encourage them and strengthen them
May we all be open May we all be honest and may we respond to whatever it is that would make us pleasing to God And we'll praise you for that opportunity
With your heads bowed and your eyes closed no one leaving unless you're sick the choir if you'll just go ahead and sing and as the